- gcc-8
- g++-8
- isl 0.22
git clone https://github.com/Meinersbur/isl.git
git reset --hard isl-0.22
cd isl
./configure --with-clang=system
make -j
make install
cp cmake/config.cmake <build_dir>/
Modify the config.cmake
, change the ISL_HOME
to the path isl installed.
To use the latest version of MLIR, the latest llvm-project should be compiled and installed.
The git commit is `f9dc2b7079350d0fed3bb3775f496b90483c9e42**
download llvm source code
git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
The git of the llvm-project is huge and git cloning in China is quite slow, use a http proxy if necessary.
**compile and install to local directory**
cd llvm-project
mkdir build
cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
ninja install -j8
**add binary executables to environment variables**
export PATH="$PWD/../install/llvmorg-9e42/bin:$PATH"
**check the llvm version**
llvm-config --version
# should get 12.0.0git