+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Generic
+Module56000Desc=Ticket system for issue or request management
+Permission56001=See tickets
+Permission56002=Modify tickets
+Permission56003=Delete tickets
+Permission56004=Manage tickets
+Permission56005=See tickets of all third parties (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+Permission56006=Export tickets
+TicketDictType=Ticket - Types
+TicketDictCategory=Ticket - Groupes
+TicketDictSeverity=Ticket - Severities
+TicketDictResolution=Ticket - Resolution
+TicketTypeShortCOM=Commercial question
+TicketTypeShortHELP=Request for functionnal help
+TicketTypeShortISSUE=Issue or bug
+TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Change or enhancement request
+TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=Critical, Blocking
+ErrorBadEmailAddress=Field '%s' incorrect
+MenuTicketMyAssign=My tickets
+MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=My open tickets
+MenuListNonClosed=Open tickets
+TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Assigned user
+TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Customer contact / incident tracking
+TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=External contributor
+OriginEmail=Reporter Email
+Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Send ticket message by email
+# Status
+NeedMoreInformation=Waiting for reporter feedback
+NeedMoreInformationShort=Waiting for feedback
+# Dict
+TicketGroupIsPublic=Group is public
+TicketGroupIsPublicDesc=If a ticket group is public, it will be visible in the form when creating a ticket from the public interface
+# Email templates
+MailToSendTicketMessage=To send email from ticket message
+# Admin page
+TicketSetup=Ticket module setup
+TicketPublicAccess=A public interface requiring no identification is available at the following url
+TicketSetupDictionaries=The type of ticket, severity and analytic codes are configurable from dictionaries
+TicketParamModule=Module variable setup
+TicketParamMail=Email setup
+TicketEmailNotificationFrom=Sender e-mail for notification on answers
+TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=Sender e-mail to use to send the notification email when an answer is provided inside the back office. For example noreply@example.com
+TicketEmailNotificationTo=Notify ticket creation to this e-mail address
+TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=If present, this e-mail address will be notified of a ticket creation
+TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Text message sent after creating a ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=The text specified here will be inserted into the email confirming the creation of a new ticket from the public interface. Information on the consultation of the ticket are automatically added.
+TicketParamPublicInterface=Public interface setup
+TicketsEmailMustExist=Require an existing email address to create a ticket
+TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=In the public interface, the email address should already be filled in the database to create a new ticket.
+TicketsShowProgression=Display the ticket progress in the public interface
+TicketsShowProgressionHelp=Enable this option to hide the progress of the ticket in the public interface pages
+TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExist=Ask name and company name for unknown emails.
+TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExistHelp=Check if a third party or a contact exists for the email entered. If not, ask a name and a company name to create a third party with contact.
+PublicInterface=Public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceLabelAdmin=Alternative URL for public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceHelpAdmin=It is possible to define an alias to the web server and thus make available the public interface with another URL (the server must act as a proxy on this new URL)
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Welcome text of the public interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=You can create a support ticket or view existing from its identifier tracking ticket.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=The text defined here will appear on the home page of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Interface title
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=This text will appear as the title of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Help text to the message entry
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=This text will appear above the message input area of the user.
+ExtraFieldsTicket=Extra attributes
+TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML editor is not activated. Please put FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL content to 1 to get it.
+TicketsDisableEmail=Do not send emails for ticket creation or message recording
+TicketsDisableEmailHelp=By default, emails are sent when new tickets or messages created. Enable this option to disable *all* email notifications
+TicketsLogEnableEmail=Enable log by email
+TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=At each change, an email will be sent **to each contact** associated with the ticket.
+TicketsShowModuleLogo=Display the logo of the module in the public interface
+TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo module in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Display the logo of the company in the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Enable this option to show the logo of the main company in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyFooter=Display the footer of the company in the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyFooterHelp=Enable this option to show the footer of the main company in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Also send a notification to the main email address
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=Enable this option to also send an email to the address defined into setup "%s" (see tab "%s")
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Restrict the display to tickets assigned to the current user (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Only tickets assigned to the current user will be visible. Does not apply to a user with tickets management rights.
+TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Activate public interface
+TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Public interface allow any visitors to create tickets.
+TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatically assign the user who created the ticket
+TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=When creating a ticket, the user can be automatically assigned to the ticket.
+TicketNumberingModules=Tickets numbering module
+TicketsModelModule=Document templates for tickets
+TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Notify third party at creation
+TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Always disable emails when a ticket is created from public interface
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Send email(s) when a new message/comment is added to a ticket
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Send email(s) when a new message is added from public interface (to assigned user or the notifications email to (update) and/or the notifications email to)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Notifications email to (update)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Send an email to this address for each new message notifications if the ticket doesn't have a user assigned to it or if the user doesn't have any known email.
+TicketsAutoReadTicket=Automatically mark the ticket as read (when created from back office)
+TicketsAutoReadTicketHelp=Automatically mark the ticket as read when created from back office. When ticket is create from the public interface, ticket remains with the status "Not Read".
+TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswer=A new ticket should receive a first answer before (hours):
+TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswerHelp=If a new ticket has not received an answer after this time period (in hours), an important warning icon will be displayed in the list view.
+TicketsDelayBetweenAnswers=An unresolved ticket should not be unactive during (hours):
+TicketsDelayBetweenAnswersHelp=If an unresolved ticket that has already received an answer has not had further interaction after this time period (in hours), a warning icon will be displayed in the list view.
+TicketsAutoNotifyClose=Automatically notify the third party when closing a ticket
+TicketsAutoNotifyCloseHelp=When closing a ticket, you will be proposed to send a message to one of third-party contacts. On mass closing, a message will be sent to one contact of the third party linked to the ticket.
+TicketWrongContact=Provided contact is not part of current ticket contacts. Email not sent.
+TicketChooseProductCategory=Product category for ticket support
+TicketChooseProductCategoryHelp=Select the product category of ticket support. This will be used to automatically link a contract to a ticket.
+TicketUseCaptchaCode=Use graphical code (CAPTCHA) when creating a ticket
+TicketUseCaptchaCodeHelp=Adds CAPTCHA verification when creating a new ticket.
+TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosed=Allow to modify classification of closed tickets
+TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosedHelp=Allow to modify classification (type, ticket group, severity) even if tickets are closed.
+# Index & list page
+TicketsIndex=Tickets area
+TicketList=List of tickets
+TicketAssignedToMeInfos=This page display ticket list created by or assigned to current user
+NoTicketsFound=No ticket found
+NoUnreadTicketsFound=No unread ticket found
+TicketViewAllTickets=View all tickets
+TicketViewNonClosedOnly=View only open tickets
+TicketStatByStatus=Tickets by status
+OrderByDateAsc=Sort by ascending date
+OrderByDateDesc=Sort by descending date
+ShowAsConversation=Show as conversation list
+MessageListViewType=Show as table list
+ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmail=Automatically send emails when closing tickets
+ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmailQuestion=Do you want to notify thirdparties when closing these tickets ?
+# Ticket card
+TicketCard=Ticket card
+CreateTicket=Create ticket
+EditTicket=Edit ticket
+TicketsManagement=Tickets Management
+CreatedBy=Created by
+NewTicket=New Ticket
+SubjectAnswerToTicket=Ticket answer
+TicketTypeRequest=Request type
+TicketCategory=Ticket group
+SeeTicket=See ticket
+TicketMarkedAsRead=Ticket has been marked as read
+TicketReadOn=Read on
+TicketCloseOn=Closing date
+MarkAsRead=Mark ticket as read
+TicketHistory=Ticket history
+AssignUser=Assign to user
+TicketAssigned=Ticket is now assigned
+TicketChangeType=Change type
+TicketChangeCategory=Change analytic code
+TicketChangeSeverity=Change severity
+TicketAddMessage=Add or send a message
+TicketAddPrivateMessage=Add a private message
+MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Ticket added
+TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Message successfully added
+TicketMessagesList=Message list
+NoMsgForThisTicket=No message for this ticket
+LatestNewTickets=Latest %s newest tickets (not read)
+ShowTicket=See ticket
+RelatedTickets=Related tickets
+TicketAddIntervention=Create intervention
+CloseATicket=Close|Solve a ticket
+ConfirmCloseAticket=Confirm ticket closing
+ConfirmAbandonTicket=Do you confirm the closing of the ticket to status 'Abandonned'
+ConfirmDeleteTicket=Please confirm ticket deleting
+TicketDeletedSuccess=Ticket deleted with success
+TicketMarkedAsClosed=Ticket marked as closed
+TicketDurationAuto=Calculated duration
+TicketDurationAutoInfos=Duration calculated automatically from intervention related
+TicketUpdated=Ticket updated
+SendMessageByEmail=Send message by email
+TicketNewMessage=New message
+ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Recipient is empty. No email send
+TicketGoIntoContactTab=Please go into "Contacts" tab to select them
+TicketMessageMailIntro=Message header
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=This text is added only at the beginning of the email and will not be saved.
A new answer has been added to a ticket that you follow. Here is the message:
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted before the answer when replying to a ticket from Dolibarr
+TicketMessageMailFooter=Message footer
+TicketMessageMailFooterHelp=This text is added only at the end of the message sent by email and will not be saved.
+TicketMessageMailFooterText=Message sent by %s via Dolibarr
+TicketMessageMailFooterHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted after the response message.
+TicketMessageHelp=Only this text will be saved in the message list on ticket card.
+TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Substitutions variables are replaced by generic values.
+ForEmailMessageWillBeCompletedWith=For email messages sent to external users, the message will be completed with
+TimeElapsedSince=Time elapsed since
+TicketTimeToRead=Time elapsed before read
+TicketTimeElapsedBeforeSince=Time elapsed before / since
+TicketContacts=Contacts ticket
+TicketDocumentsLinked=Documents linked to ticket
+ConfirmReOpenTicket=Confirm reopen this ticket ?
+TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=A new message was posted on the ticket with the subject %s:
+TicketAssignedToYou=Ticket assigned
+TicketAssignedEmailBody=You have been assigned the ticket #%s by %s
+TicketAssignedCustomerEmail=Your ticket has been assigned for processing.
+TicketAssignedCustomerBody=This is an automatic email to confirm your ticket has been assigned for processing.
+MarkMessageAsPrivate=Mark message as private
+TicketMessageSendEmailHelp=An email will be sent to all assigned contact
+TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2a=(internal contacts, but also external contacts except if the option "%s" is checked)
+TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2b=(internal contacts, but also external contacts)
+TicketMessagePrivateHelp=This message will not be visible to external users
+TicketMessageRecipientsHelp=Recipient field completed with active contacts linked to the ticket
+TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Issuer at origin of the tickets
+InitialMessage=Initial Message
+LinkToAContract=Link to a contract
+TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Select a contract
+UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Can not create an intervention when no third party is defined
+TicketMailExchanges=Mail exchanges
+TicketInitialMessageModified=Initial message modified
+TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Message successfully updated
+TicketChangeStatus=Change status
+TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Confirm the status change: %s ?
+TicketLogStatusChanged=Status changed: %s to %s
+TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Not notify company at create
+NotifyThirdpartyOnTicketClosing=Contacts to notify while closing the ticket
+TicketNotifyAllTiersAtClose=All related contacts
+TicketNotNotifyTiersAtClose=No related contact
+TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Not available. Ticket was not created from public interface.
+ErrorTicketRefRequired=Ticket reference name is required
+TicketsDelayForFirstResponseTooLong=Too much time elapsed since ticket opening without any answer.
+TicketsDelayFromLastResponseTooLong=Too much time elapsed since last answer on this ticket.
+TicketNoContractFoundToLink=No contract was found to be automatically linked to this ticket. Please link a contract manually.
+TicketManyContractsLinked=Many contracts have been automatically linked to this ticket. Make sure to verify which should be chosen.
+TicketRefAlreadyUsed=The reference [%s] is already used, your new reference is [%s]
+# Logs
+TicketLogMesgReadBy=Ticket %s read by %s
+NoLogForThisTicket=No log for this ticket yet
+TicketLogAssignedTo=Ticket %s assigned to %s
+TicketLogPropertyChanged=Ticket %s modified: classification from %s to %s
+TicketLogClosedBy=Ticket %s closed by %s
+TicketLogReopen=Ticket %s re-open
+# Public pages
+TicketSystem=Ticket system
+ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket list from track ID
+ShowTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket from track ID
+TicketPublicDesc=You can create a support ticket or check from an existing ID.
+YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Ticket has been successfully saved!
+MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=A new ticket has been created with ID %s and Ref %s.
+PleaseRememberThisId=Please keep the tracking number that we might ask you later.
+TicketNewEmailSubject=Ticket creation confirmation - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=New support ticket
+TicketNewEmailBody=This is an automatic email to confirm you have registered a new ticket.
+TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=This is an automatic email to confirm a new ticket has just been created into your account.
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Information for monitoring the ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Ticket tracking number: %s
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=You can view the progress of the ticket by clicking the following link
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=You can view the progress of the ticket in the specific interface by clicking the following link
+TicketCloseEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=You can consult the history of this ticket by clicking the following link
+TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Please do not reply directly to this email! Use the link to reply into the interface.
+TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=This form allows you to record a support ticket in our management system.
+TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Please accurately describe your request. Provide the most information possible to allow us to correctly identify your request.
+TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Please enter ticket tracking ID
+TicketTrackId=Public Tracking ID
+OneOfTicketTrackId=One of your tracking ID
+ErrorTicketNotFound=Ticket with tracking ID %s not found!
+ViewTicket=View ticket
+ViewMyTicketList=View my ticket list
+ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Error: email address not found in our database
+TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=New ticket created - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=Ticket has just been created with ID #%s, see information:
+SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=See ticket in management interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=The public interface for the tickets was not enabled
+ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=Bad value for tracking ID or email
+OldUser=Old user
+NewUser=New user
+NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Number of tickets per month
+NbOfTickets=Number of tickets
+ExternalContributors=External contributors
+AddContributor=Add external contributor
+# notifications
+TicketCloseEmailSubjectCustomer=Ticket closed
+TicketCloseEmailBodyCustomer=This is an automatic message to notify you that ticket %s has just been closed.
+TicketCloseEmailSubjectAdmin=Ticket closed - Réf %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketCloseEmailBodyAdmin=A ticket with ID #%s has just been closed, see information:
+TicketNotificationEmailSubject=Ticket %s updated
+TicketNotificationEmailBody=This is an automatic message to notify you that ticket %s has just been updated
+TicketNotificationRecipient=Notification recipient
+TicketNotificationLogMessage=Log message
+TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=View ticket into interface
+TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Notification email sent: %s
+ActionsOnTicket=Events on ticket
+# Boxes
+BoxLastTicket=Latest created tickets
+BoxLastTicketDescription=Latest %s created tickets
+BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent unread tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicket=Latest modified tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Latest %s modified tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent modified tickets
+BoxTicketType=Distribution of open tickets by type
+BoxTicketSeverity=Number of open tickets by severity
+BoxNoTicketSeverity=No tickets opened
+BoxTicketLastXDays=Number of new tickets by days the last %s days
+BoxTicketLastXDayswidget = Number of new tickets by days the last X days
+BoxNoTicketLastXDays=No new tickets the last %s days
+BoxNumberOfTicketByDay=Number of new tickets by day
+BoxNewTicketVSClose=Number of tickets versus closed tickets (today)
+TicketCreatedToday=Ticket created today
+TicketClosedToday=Ticket closed today
+KMFoundForTicketGroup=We found topics and FAQs that may answers your question, thanks to check them before submitting the ticket
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/trips.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/trips.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b37233a526fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/trips.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - trips
+AUTHOR=Recorded by
+AddTrip=Create expense report
+AllExpenseReport=All type of expense report
+AllExpenseReports=All expense reports
+AnyOtherInThisListCanValidate=Person to be informed for validating the request.
+AttachTheNewLineToTheDocument=Attach the line to an uploaded document
+AucuneLigne=There is no expense report declared yet
+BrouillonnerTrip=Move back expense report to status "Draft"
+byEX_DAY=by day (limitation to %s)
+byEX_EXP=by line (limitation to %s)
+byEX_MON=by month (limitation to %s)
+byEX_YEA=by year (limitation to %s)
+CANCEL_USER=Deleted by
+CarCategory=Vehicle category
+ClassifyRefunded=Classify 'Refunded'
+CompanyVisited=Company/organization visited
+ConfirmBrouillonnerTrip=Are you sure you want to move this expense report to status "Draft"?
+ConfirmCancelTrip=Are you sure you want to cancel this expense report?
+ConfirmCloneExpenseReport=Are you sure you want to clone this expense report ?
+ConfirmDeleteTrip=Are you sure you want to delete this expense report?
+ConfirmPaidTrip=Are you sure you want to change status of this expense report to "Paid"?
+ConfirmRefuseTrip=Are you sure you want to deny this expense report?
+ConfirmSaveTrip=Are you sure you want to validate this expense report?
+ConfirmValideTrip=Are you sure you want to approve this expense report?
+DATE_CANCEL=Cancelation date
+DATE_PAIEMENT=Payment date
+DATE_REFUS=Deny date
+DATE_SAVE=Validation date
+DefaultCategoryCar=Default transportation mode
+DefaultRangeNumber=Default range number
+DeleteTrip=Delete expense report
+ErrorDoubleDeclaration=You have declared another expense report into a similar date range.
+Error_EXPENSEREPORT_ADDON_NotDefined=Error, the rule for expense report numbering ref was not defined into setup of module 'Expense Report'
+ExpenseRangeOffset=Offset amount: %s
+expenseReportCatDisabled=Category disabled - see the c_exp_tax_cat dictionary
+expenseReportCoefUndefined=(value not defined)
+expenseReportPrintExample=offset + (d x coef) = %s
+expenseReportRangeDisabled=Range disabled - see the c_exp_tax_range dictionay
+expenseReportRangeFromTo=from %d to %d
+expenseReportRangeMoreThan=more than %d
+expenseReportTotalForFive=Example with d = 5
+ExpenseReportApplyTo=Apply to
+ExpenseReportApproved=An expense report was approved
+ExpenseReportApprovedMessage=The expense report %s was approved.
- User: %s
- Approved by: %s
Click here to show the expense report: %s
+ExpenseReportCanceled=An expense report was canceled
+ExpenseReportCanceledMessage=The expense report %s was canceled.
- User: %s
- Canceled by: %s
- Motive for cancellation: %s
Click here to show the expense report: %s
+ExpenseReportConstraintViolationError=Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding forbidden)
+ExpenseReportConstraintViolationWarning=Max amount exceeded (rule %s): %s is higher than %s (Exceeding authorized)
+ExpenseReportDateEnd=Date end
+ExpenseReportDateStart=Date start
+ExpenseReportDomain=Domain to apply
+ExpenseReportIkDesc=You can modify the calculation of kilometers expense by category and range who they are previously defined. d is the distance in kilometers
+ExpenseReportLimitAmount=Max amount
+ExpenseReportLimitOn=Limit on
+ExpenseReportLine=Expense report line
+ExpenseReportPaid=An expense report was paid
+ExpenseReportPaidMessage=The expense report %s was paid.
- User: %s
- Paid by: %s
Click here to show the expense report: %s
+ExpenseReportPayment=Expense report payment
+ExpenseReportRef=Ref. expense report
+ExpenseReportRefused=An expense report was refused
+ExpenseReportRefusedMessage=The expense report %s was refused.
- User: %s
- Refused by: %s
- Motive for refusal: %s
Click here to show the expense report: %s
+ExpenseReportRestrictive=Exceeding forbidden
+ExpenseReportRuleErrorOnSave=Error: %s
+ExpenseReportRuleSave=Expense report rule saved
+ExpenseReportRulesDesc=You can define max amount rules for expense reports. These rules will be applied when a new expense is added to an expense report
+ExpenseReportWaitingForApproval=A new expense report has been submitted for approval
+ExpenseReportWaitingForApprovalMessage=A new expense report has been submitted and is waiting for approval.
- User: %s
- Period: %s
Click here to validate: %s
+ExpenseReportWaitingForReApproval=An expense report has been submitted for re-approval
+ExpenseReportWaitingForReApprovalMessage=An expense report has been submitted and is waiting for re-approval.
The %s, you refused to approve the expense report for this reason: %s.
A new version has been proposed and waiting for your approval.
- User: %s
- Period: %s
Click here to validate: %s
+ExpenseReportsIk=Configuration of mileage charges
+ExpenseReportsRules=Expense report rules
+ExpenseReportsToApprove=Expense reports to approve
+ExpenseReportsToPay=Expense reports to pay
+ExpensesArea=Expense reports area
+FeesKilometersOrAmout=Amount or kilometers
+LastExpenseReports=Latest %s expense reports
+ListOfFees=List of fees
+ListOfTrips=List of expense reports
+ListToApprove=Waiting for approval
+ListTripsAndExpenses=List of expense reports
+ModePaiement=Payment mode
+NewTrip=New expense report
+nolimitbyEX_DAY=by day (no limitation)
+nolimitbyEX_EXP=by line (no limitation)
+nolimitbyEX_MON=by month (no limitation)
+nolimitbyEX_YEA=by year (no limitation)
+NoTripsToExportCSV=No expense report to export for this period.
+NOT_AUTHOR=You are not the author of this expense report. Operation cancelled.
+OnExpense=Expense line
+PDFStandardExpenseReports=Standard template to generate a PDF document for expense report
+PaidTrip=Pay an expense report
+REFUSEUR=Denied by
+RangeIk=Mileage range
+RangeNum=Range %d
+SaveTrip=Validate expense report
+ShowExpenseReport=Show expense report
+ShowTrip=Show expense report
+TripCard=Expense report card
+TripId=Id expense report
+TripNDF=Informations expense report
+TripSociete=Information company
+Trips=Expense reports
+TripsAndExpenses=Expenses reports
+TripsAndExpensesStatistics=Expense reports statistics
+TypeFees=Types of fees
+UploadANewFileNow=Upload a new document now
+VALIDATOR=User responsible for approval
+VALIDOR=Approved by
+ValidateAndSubmit=Validate and submit for approval
+ValidatedWaitingApproval=Validated (waiting for approval)
+ValideTrip=Approve expense report
+## Dictionary
+EX_CAM=CV maintenance and repair
+EX_CAM_VP=PV maintenance and repair
+EX_CAR=Car rental
+EX_CUR=Customers receiving
+EX_EMM=Employees meal
+EX_GUM=Guests meal
+EX_IND=Indemnity transportation subscription
+EX_KME=Mileage costs
+EX_OTR=Other receiving
+EX_PAR=Parking CV
+EX_PAR_VP=Parking PV
+EX_SUM=Maintenance supply
+EX_SUO=Office supplies
+EX_TAX=Various Taxes
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/users.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/users.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..93bb0442de608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/users.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - users
+HRMArea=HRM area
+UserCard=User card
+GroupCard=Group card
+EditPassword=Edit password
+SendNewPassword=Regenerate and send password
+SendNewPasswordLink=Send link to reset password
+ReinitPassword=Regenerate password
+PasswordChangedTo=Password changed to: %s
+SubjectNewPassword=Your new password for %s
+GroupRights=Group permissions
+UserRights=User permissions
+UserGUISetup=User Display Setup
+DisableAUser=Disable a user
+DeleteAUser=Delete a user
+EnableAUser=Enable a user
+DeleteAGroup=Delete a group
+ConfirmDisableUser=Are you sure you want to disable user %s?
+ConfirmDeleteUser=Are you sure you want to delete user %s?
+ConfirmDeleteGroup=Are you sure you want to delete group %s?
+ConfirmEnableUser=Are you sure you want to enable user %s?
+ConfirmReinitPassword=Are you sure you want to generate a new password for user %s?
+ConfirmSendNewPassword=Are you sure you want to generate and send new password for user %s?
+NewUser=New user
+CreateUser=Create user
+LoginNotDefined=Login is not defined.
+NameNotDefined=Name is not defined.
+ListOfUsers=List of users
+SuperAdministrator=Multicompany Administrator
+SuperAdministratorDesc=Multicompany system administrator (can change setup and users)
+DefaultRights=Default Permissions
+DefaultRightsDesc=Define here the default permissions that are automatically granted to a new user (to modify permissions for existing users, go to the user card).
+DolibarrUsers=Dolibarr users
+LastName=Last name
+FirstName=First name
+ListOfGroups=List of groups
+NewGroup=New group
+CreateGroup=Create group
+RemoveFromGroup=Remove from group
+PasswordChangedAndSentTo=Password changed and sent to %s.
+PasswordChangeRequest=Request to change password for %s
+PasswordChangeRequestSent=Request to change password for %s sent to %s.
+IfLoginExistPasswordRequestSent=If this login is a valid account (with a valid email), an email to reset password has been sent.
+IfEmailExistPasswordRequestSent=If this email is a valid account, an email to reset password has been sent (remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive anything)
+ConfirmPasswordReset=Confirm password reset
+MenuUsersAndGroups=Users & Groups
+LastGroupsCreated=Latest %s groups created
+LastUsersCreated=Latest %s users created
+ShowGroup=Show group
+ShowUser=Show user
+NonAffectedUsers=Non assigned users
+UserModified=User modified successfully
+PhotoFile=Photo file
+ListOfUsersInGroup=List of users in this group
+ListOfGroupsForUser=List of groups for this user
+LinkToCompanyContact=Link to third party / contact
+LinkedToDolibarrMember=Link to member
+LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link to user
+LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link to third party
+CreateDolibarrLogin=Create a user
+CreateDolibarrThirdParty=Create a third party
+LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Account disabled in Dolibarr
+PASSWORDInDolibarr=Password modified in Dolibarr
+UsePersonalValue=Use personal value
+ExportDataset_user_1=Users and their properties
+DomainUser=Domain user %s
+CreateInternalUserDesc=This form allows you to create an internal user in your company/organization. To create an external user (customer, vendor etc. ..), use the button 'Create Dolibarr User' from that third-party's contact card.
+InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization, or is a partner user outside of your organization that may need to see more data than data related to his company (the permission system will define what he can or can't see or do).
An external user is a customer, vendor or other that must view ONLY data related to himself (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).
In both cases, you must grant permissions on the features that the user need.
+PermissionInheritedFromAGroup=Permission granted because inherited from one of a user's group.
+UserWillBe=Created user will be
+UserWillBeInternalUser=Created user will be an internal user (because not linked to a particular third party)
+UserWillBeExternalUser=Created user will be an external user (because linked to a particular third party)
+IdPhoneCaller=Id phone caller
+NewUserCreated=User %s created
+NewUserPassword=Password change for %s
+NewPasswordValidated=Your new password have been validated and must be used now to login.
+EventUserModified=User %s modified
+UserDisabled=User %s disabled
+UserEnabled=User %s activated
+UserDeleted=User %s removed
+NewGroupCreated=Group %s created
+GroupModified=Group %s modified
+GroupDeleted=Group %s removed
+ConfirmCreateContact=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this contact?
+ConfirmCreateLogin=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this member?
+ConfirmCreateThirdParty=Are you sure you want to create a third party for this member?
+LoginToCreate=Login to create
+NameToCreate=Name of third party to create
+YourRole=Your roles
+YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached=Your quota of active users is reached !
+NbOfUsers=Number of users
+NbOfPermissions=Number of permissions
+DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Only another admin can downgrade an admin
+HierarchicView=Hierarchical view
+UseTypeFieldToChange=Use field Type to change
+LoginUsingOpenID=Use OpenID to login
+WeeklyHours=Hours worked (per week)
+ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected hours worked per week
+ColorUser=Color of the user
+DisabledInMonoUserMode=Disabled in maintenance mode
+UserAccountancyCode=User accounting code
+UserLogoff=User logout
+UserLogged=User logged
+DateOfEmployment=Employment date
+DateEmploymentStart=Employment Start Date
+DateEmploymentEnd=Employment End Date
+RangeOfLoginValidity=Access validity date range
+CantDisableYourself=You can't disable your own user record
+ForceUserExpenseValidator=Force expense report validator
+ForceUserHolidayValidator=Force leave request validator
+ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault=By default, the validator is the supervisor of the user. Keep empty to keep this behaviour.
+UserPersonalEmail=Personal email
+UserPersonalMobile=Personal mobile phone
+WarningNotLangOfInterface=Warning, this is the main language the user speak, not the language of the interface he choosed to see. To change the interface language visible by this user, go on tab %s
+DateLastLogin=Date last login
+DatePreviousLogin=Date previous login
+IPLastLogin=IP last login
+IPPreviousLogin=IP previous login
+ShowAllPerms=Show all permission rows
+HideAllPerms=Hide all permission rows
+UserPublicPageDesc=You can enable a virtual card for this user. An url with the user profile and a barcode will be available to allow anybody with a smartphone to scan it and add your contact to its address book.
+EnablePublicVirtualCard=Enable the user's virtual business card
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/website.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/website.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1390fab322f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/website.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - website
+WebsiteName=Name of the website
+WebsiteSetupDesc=Create here the websites you wish to use. Then go into menu Websites to edit them.
+DeleteWebsite=Delete website
+ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Are you sure you want to delete this web site? All its pages and content will also be removed. The files uploaded (like into the medias directory, the ECM module, ...) will remain.
+WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Type of page/container
+WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Web page to use as example
+WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Page name/alias
+WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternative page names/aliases
+WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Use here list of other name/aliases so the page can also be accessed using this other names/aliases (for example the old name after renaming the alias to keep backlink on old link/name working). Syntax is:
alternativename1, alternativename2, ...
+WEBSITE_CSS_URL=URL of external CSS file
+WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Javascript file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Addition at bottom of HTML Header (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot file (robots.txt)
+WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Website .htaccess file
+WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Website manifest.json file
+WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Use a comma to separate values
+EnterHereReadmeInformation=Enter here a description of the website. If you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package.
+EnterHereLicenseInformation=Enter here the LICENSE of the code of the website. If you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package.
+HtmlHeaderPage=HTML header (specific to this page only)
+PageNameAliasHelp=Name or alias of the page.
This alias is also used to forge a SEO URL when website is ran from a Virtual host of a Web server (like Apacke, Nginx, ...). Use the button "%s" to edit this alias.
+EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Note: If you want to define a personalized header for all pages, edit the header on the site level instead of on the page/container.
+MediaFiles=Media library
+EditCss=Edit website properties
+EditMenu=Edit menu
+EditMedias=Edit medias
+EditPageMeta=Edit page/container properties
+EditInLine=Edit inline
+AddWebsite=Add website
+Webpage=Web page/container
+AddPage=Add page/container
+PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=The preview of your website %s is not yet available. You must first 'Import a full website template' or just 'Add a page/container'.
+RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Requested page with id %s has no content yet, or cache file .tpl.php was removed. Edit content of the page to solve this.
+SiteDeleted=Web site '%s' deleted
+PageDeleted=Page/Contenair '%s' of website %s deleted
+PageAdded=Page/Contenair '%s' added
+ViewSiteInNewTab=View site in new tab
+ViewPageInNewTab=View page in new tab
+SetAsHomePage=Set as Home page
+RealURL=Real URL
+ViewWebsiteInProduction=View web site using home URLs
+Virtualhost=Virtual host or domain name
+VirtualhostDesc=The name of the Virtual host or domain (For example: www.mywebsite.com, mybigcompany.net, ...)
+SetHereVirtualHost=Use with Apache/NGinx/...
Create on your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) a dedicated Virtual Host with PHP enabled and a Root directory on
+ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Example to use in Apache virtual host setup:
+YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=Use with PHP embedded server
On develop environment, you may prefer to test the site with the PHP embedded web server (PHP 5.5 required) by running
php -S -t %s
+YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=Run your web site with another Dolibarr Hosting provider
If you don't have a web server like Apache or NGinx available on internet, you can export and import your web site onto another Dolibarr instance provided by another Dolibarr hosting provider that provide full integration with the Website module. You can find a list of some Dolibarr hosting providers on https://saas.dolibarr.org
+CheckVirtualHostPerms=Check also that the virtual host user (for example www-data) has %s permissions on files into
+TestDeployOnWeb=Test/deploy on web
+PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by an external web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS). You must install and setup this server before to point to directory:
URL served by external server:
+PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by Dolibarr server so it does not need any extra web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS) to be installed.
The inconvenient is that the URLs of pages are not user friendly and start with the path of your Dolibarr.
URL served by Dolibarr:
To use your own external web server to serve this web site, create a virtual host on your web server that points on directory
then enter the name of this virtual server in the properties of this website and click on the link "Test/Deploy on the web".
+VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=URL of the virtual host served by external web server not defined
+NoPageYet=No pages yet
+YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=You can create a new page or import a full website template
+SyntaxHelp=Help on specific syntax tips
+YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=You can edit HTML source code using the "Source" button in editor.
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.
You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>
You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>
To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>
To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
To include a image shared publicaly, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example with a shared key 123456789, syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
+YouCanEditHtmlSource2=For an image shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
More examples of HTML or dynamic code available on the wiki documentation
+ClonePage=Clone page/container
+CloneSite=Clone site
+SiteAdded=Website added
+ConfirmClonePage=Please enter code/alias of new page and if it is a translation of the cloned page.
+PageIsANewTranslation=The new page is a translation of the current page ?
+LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=You clone a page as a translation. The language of the new page must be different than language of source page.
+ParentPageId=Parent page ID
+WebsiteId=Website ID
+CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Create page/container by fetching page from external URL...
+OrEnterPageInfoManually=Or create page from scratch or from a page template...
+FetchAndCreate=Fetch and Create
+ExportSite=Export website
+ImportSite=Import website template
+IDOfPage=Id of page
+BlogPost=Blog post
+WebsiteAccount=Website account
+WebsiteAccounts=Website accounts
+AddWebsiteAccount=Create web site account
+BackToListForThirdParty=Back to list for the third parties
+DisableSiteFirst=Disable website first
+MyContainerTitle=My web site title
+AnotherContainer=This is how to include content of another page/container (you may have an error here if you enable dynamic code because the embedded subcontainer may not exists)
+SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Sorry, this website is currently off line. Please comme back later...
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Enable the web site account table
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Enable the table to store web site accounts (login/pass) for each website / third party
+YouMustDefineTheHomePage=You must first define the default Home page
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Warning: Creating a web page by importing an external web page is reserved for experienced users. Depending on the complexity of source page, the result of importation may differ from the original. Also if the source page uses common CSS styles or conflicting javascript, it may break the look or features of the Website editor when working on this page. This method is a quicker way to create a page but it is recommended to create your new page from scratch or from a suggested page template.
Note also that the inline editor may not works correclty when used on a grabbed external page.
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Only edition of HTML source is possible when content was grabbed from an external site
+GrabImagesInto=Grab also images found into css and page.
+ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Images should be saved into directory
+WebsiteRootOfImages=Root directory for website images
+SubdirOfPage=Sub-directory dedicated to page
+AliasPageAlreadyExists=Alias page %s already exists
+CorporateHomePage=Corporate Home page
+EmptyPage=Empty page
+ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=External URL must start with http:// or https://
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package
+ShowSubcontainers=Show dynamic content
+InternalURLOfPage=Internal URL of page
+ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of
+ThisPageHasTranslationPages=This page/container has translation
+NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=No website has been created yet. Create one first.
+GoTo=Go to
+DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=You add dynamic PHP code that contains the PHP instruction '%s' that is forbidden by default as dynamic content (see hidden options WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx to increase list of allowed commands).
+NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=You don't have permission to add or edit PHP dynamic content in websites. Ask permission or just keep code into php tags unmodified.
+ReplaceWebsiteContent=Search or Replace website content
+DeleteAlsoJs=Delete also all javascript files specific to this website?
+DeleteAlsoMedias=Delete also all medias files specific to this website?
+MyWebsitePages=My website pages
+SearchReplaceInto=Search | Replace into
+ReplaceString=New string
+CSSContentTooltipHelp=Enter here CSS content. To avoid any conflict with the CSS of the application, be sure to prepend all declaration with the .bodywebsite class. For example:
#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }
must be
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }
Note: If you have a large file without this prefix, you can use 'lessc' to convert it to append the .bodywebsite prefix everywhere.
+LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Warning: This content is output only when site is accessed from a server. It is not used in Edit mode so if you need to load javascript files also in edit mode, just add your tag 'script src=...' into the page.
+Dynamiccontent=Sample of a page with dynamic content
+ImportSite=Import website template
+EditInLineOnOff=Mode 'Edit inline' is %s
+ShowSubContainersOnOff=Mode to execute 'dynamic content' is %s
+GlobalCSSorJS=Global CSS/JS/Header file of web site
+BackToHomePage=Back to home page...
+TranslationLinks=Translation links
+YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=You try to access to a page that is not available.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s)
+UseTextBetween5And70Chars=For good SEO practices, use a text between 5 and 70 characters
+MainLanguage=Main language
+OtherLanguages=Other languages
+UseManifest=Provide a manifest.json file
+PublicAuthorAlias=Public author alias
+AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Available languages are defined into website properties
+ReplacementDoneInXPages=Replacement done in %s pages or containers
+RSSFeed=RSS Feed
+RSSFeedDesc=You can get a RSS feed of latest articles with type 'blogpost' using this URL
+PagesRegenerated=%s page(s)/container(s) regenerated
+RegenerateWebsiteContent=Regenerate web site cache files
+AllowedInFrames=Allowed in Frames
+DefineListOfAltLanguagesInWebsiteProperties=Define list of all available languages into web site properties.
+GenerateSitemaps=Generate website sitemap.xml file
+ConfirmGenerateSitemaps=If you confirm, you will erase the existing sitemap file...
+ConfirmSitemapsCreation=Confirm sitemap generation
+SitemapGenerated=Sitemap file %s generated
+ErrorFaviconType=Favicon must be png
+ErrorFaviconSize=Favicon must be sized 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64
+FaviconTooltip=Upload an image which needs to be a png (16x16, 32x32 or 64x64)
+NextContainer=Next page/container
+PreviousContainer=Previous page/container
+WebsiteMustBeDisabled=The website must have the status "%s"
+WebpageMustBeDisabled=The web page must have the status "%s"
+SetWebsiteOnlineBefore=When website is offline, all pages are offline. Change status of website first.
+PagesViewedPreviousMonth=Pages viewed (previous month)
+PagesViewedTotal=Pages viewed (total)
+AssignedContacts=Assigned contacts
+WebsiteTypeLabel=Type of Web site
+WebsiteTypeDolibarrWebsite=Web site (CMS Dolibarr)
+WebsiteTypeDolibarrPortal=Native Dolibarr portal
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/withdrawals.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/withdrawals.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fa16577d5a34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/withdrawals.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - withdrawals
+CustomersStandingOrdersArea=Payments by Direct debit orders
+SuppliersStandingOrdersArea=Payments by Credit transfer
+StandingOrdersPayment=Direct debit payment orders
+StandingOrderPayment=Direct debit payment order
+NewStandingOrder=New direct debit order
+NewPaymentByBankTransfer=New payment by credit transfer
+StandingOrderToProcess=To process
+PaymentByBankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders
+PaymentByBankTransferLines=Credit transfer order lines
+WithdrawalsReceipts=Direct debit orders
+WithdrawalReceipt=Direct debit order
+BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders
+BankTransferReceipt=Credit transfer order
+LatestBankTransferReceipts=Latest %s credit transfer orders
+LastWithdrawalReceipts=Latest %s direct debit files
+WithdrawalsLine=Direct debit order line
+CreditTransfer=Credit transfer
+CreditTransferLine=Credit transfer line
+WithdrawalsLines=Direct debit order lines
+CreditTransferLines=Credit transfer lines
+RequestStandingOrderToTreat=Requests for direct debit payment order to process
+RequestStandingOrderTreated=Requests for direct debit payment order processed
+RequestPaymentsByBankTransferToTreat=Requests for credit transfer to process
+RequestPaymentsByBankTransferTreated=Requests for credit transfer processed
+NotPossibleForThisStatusOfWithdrawReceiptORLine=Not yet possible. Withdraw status must be set to 'credited' before declaring reject on specific lines.
+NbOfInvoiceToWithdraw=No. of qualified customer invoices with waiting direct debit order
+NbOfInvoiceToWithdrawWithInfo=No. of customer invoice with direct debit payment orders having defined bank account information
+NbOfInvoiceToPayByBankTransfer=No. of qualified supplier invoices waiting for a payment by credit transfer
+SupplierInvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Vendor invoice waiting for payment by credit transfer
+InvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Invoice waiting for direct debit
+InvoiceWaitingPaymentByBankTransfer=Invoice waiting for credit transfer
+AmountToWithdraw=Amount to withdraw
+AmountToTransfer=Amount to transfer
+NoInvoiceToWithdraw=No invoice open for '%s' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request.
+NoSupplierInvoiceToWithdraw=No supplier invoice with open '%s' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request.
+ResponsibleUser=User Responsible
+WithdrawalsSetup=Direct debit payment setup
+CreditTransferSetup=Credit transfer setup
+WithdrawStatistics=Direct debit payment statistics
+CreditTransferStatistics=Credit transfer statistics
+LastWithdrawalReceipt=Latest %s direct debit receipts
+MakeWithdrawRequest=Make a direct debit payment request
+MakeWithdrawRequestStripe=Make a direct debit payment request via Stripe
+MakeBankTransferOrder=Make a credit transfer request
+WithdrawRequestsDone=%s direct debit payment requests recorded
+BankTransferRequestsDone=%s credit transfer requests recorded
+ThirdPartyBankCode=Third-party bank code
+NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice debited successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN and that IBAN has a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) with mode %s.
+WithdrawalCantBeCreditedTwice=This withdrawal receipt is already marked as credited; this can't be done twice, as this would potentially create duplicate payments and bank entries.
+ClassCredited=Classify credited
+ClassDebited=Classify debited
+ClassCreditedConfirm=Are you sure you want to classify this withdrawal receipt as credited on your bank account?
+TransData=Transmission date
+TransMetod=Transmission method
+StandingOrderReject=Record a rejection
+WithdrawsRefused=Direct debit refused
+WithdrawalRefused=Withdrawal refused
+CreditTransfersRefused=Credit transfers refused
+WithdrawalRefusedConfirm=Are you sure you want to enter a withdrawal rejection for society
+RefusedData=Date of rejection
+RefusedReason=Reason for rejection
+RefusedInvoicing=Billing the rejection
+NoInvoiceRefused=Do not charge the rejection
+InvoiceRefused=Invoice refused (Charge the rejection to customer)
+StatusDebitCredit=Status debit/credit
+StatusMotif1=Insufficient funds
+StatusMotif2=Request contested
+StatusMotif3=No direct debit payment order
+StatusMotif4=Sales Order
+StatusMotif5=RIB unusable
+StatusMotif6=Account without balance
+StatusMotif7=Judicial Decision
+StatusMotif8=Other reason
+CreateForSepaFRST=Create direct debit file (SEPA FRST)
+CreateForSepaRCUR=Create direct debit file (SEPA RCUR)
+CreateAll=Create direct debit file
+CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create file for credit transfer
+CreateSepaFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer file (SEPA)
+CreateGuichet=Only office
+CreateBanque=Only bank
+OrderWaiting=Waiting for treatment
+NotifyTransmision=Record file transmission of order
+NotifyCredit=Record credit of order
+NumeroNationalEmetter=National Transmitter Number
+WithBankUsingRIB=For bank accounts using RIB
+WithBankUsingBANBIC=For bank accounts using IBAN/BIC/SWIFT
+BankToReceiveWithdraw=Receiving Bank Account
+BankToPayCreditTransfer=Bank Account used as source of payments
+CreditDate=Credit on
+WithdrawalFileNotCapable=Unable to generate withdrawal receipt file for your country %s (Your country is not supported)
+ShowWithdraw=Show Direct Debit Order
+IfInvoiceNeedOnWithdrawPaymentWontBeClosed=However, if invoice has at least one direct debit payment order not yet processed, it won't be set as paid to allow prior withdrawal management.
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, you can go into menu "Bank->Payment by direct debit" to generate and manage a Direct debit order file.
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments2=You can also send a request directly to a SEPA payment processor like Stripe, ...
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments3=When request is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu "Bank->Payment by credit transfer" to generate and manage a Credit transfer order file.
+DoCreditTransferBeforePayments3=When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+WithdrawalFile=Debit order file
+CreditTransferFile=Credit transfer file
+SetToStatusSent=Set to status "File Sent"
+ThisWillAlsoAddPaymentOnInvoice=This will also record payments on invoices and will classify them as "Paid" if remain to pay is null
+StatisticsByLineStatus=Statistics by status of lines
+DateRUM=Mandate signature date
+RUMLong=Unique Mandate Reference
+RUMWillBeGenerated=If empty, a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) will be generated once the bank account information is saved.
+WithdrawMode=Direct debit mode (FRST or RCUR)
+WithdrawRequestAmount=Amount of Direct debit request:
+BankTransferAmount=Amount of Credit Transfer request:
+WithdrawRequestErrorNilAmount=Unable to create direct debit request for empty amount.
+SepaMandate=SEPA Direct Debit Mandate
+SepaMandateShort=SEPA Mandate
+PleaseReturnMandate=Please return this mandate form by email to %s or by mail to
+SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s and its payment service provider to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. You agree to receive notifications about future charges up to 2 days before they occur.
+CreditorIdentifier=Creditor Identifier
+CreditorName=Creditor Name
+SEPAFillForm=(B) Please complete all the fields marked *
+SEPAFormYourName=Your name
+SEPAFormYourBAN=Your Bank Account Name (IBAN)
+SEPAFormYourBIC=Your Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
+SEPAFrstOrRecur=Type of payment
+ModeRECUR=Recurring payment
+ModeRCUR=Recurring payment
+ModeFRST=One-off payment
+PleaseCheckOne=Please check one only
+CreditTransferOrderCreated=Credit transfer order %s created
+DirectDebitOrderCreated=Direct debit order %s created
+AmountRequested=Amount requested
+ExecutionDate=Execution date
+CreateForSepa=Create direct debit file
+ICS=Creditor Identifier - ICS
+IDS=Debitor Identifier
+END_TO_END="EndToEndId" SEPA XML tag - Unique id assigned per transaction
+USTRD="Unstructured" SEPA XML tag
+ADDDAYS=Add days to Execution Date
+NoDefaultIBANFound=No default IBAN found for this third party
+### Notifications
+InfoCreditSubject=Payment of direct debit payment order %s by the bank
+InfoCreditMessage=The direct debit payment order %s has been paid by the bank
Data of payment: %s
+InfoTransSubject=Transmission of direct debit payment order %s to bank
+InfoTransMessage=The direct debit payment order %s has been sent to bank by %s %s.
+InfoTransData=Amount: %s
Method: %s
Date: %s
+InfoRejectSubject=Direct debit payment order refused
the direct debit payment order of invoice %s related to the company %s, with an amount of %s has been refused by the bank.
+ModeWarning=Option for real mode was not set, we stop after this simulation
+ErrorCompanyHasDuplicateDefaultBAN=Company with id %s has more than one default bank account. No way to know wich one to use.
+ErrorICSmissing=Missing ICS in Bank account %s
+TotalAmountOfdirectDebitOrderDiffersFromSumOfLines=Total amount of direct debit order differs from sum of lines
+WarningSomeDirectDebitOrdersAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Direct Debit orders (%s) requested for an amount of %s
+WarningSomeCreditTransferAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Credit Transfer (%s) requested for an amount of %s
+UsedFor=Used for %s
+Societe_ribSigned=SEPA mandat Signed
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/workflow.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/workflow.lang
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+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - workflow
+WorkflowSetup=Workflow module setup
+WorkflowDesc=This module provides some automatic actions. By default, the workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want) but here you can activate some automatic actions.
+ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=There is no workflow modifications available with the activated modules.
+# Autocreate
+descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a sales order after a commercial proposal is signed (the new order will have same amount as the proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed (the new invoice will have same amount as the proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_CONTRACT_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a contract is validated
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a sales order is closed (the new invoice will have same amount as the order)
+descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CREATE_INTERVENTION=On ticket creation, automatically create an intervention.
+# Autoclassify customer proposal or order
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposals as billed when a sales order is set to billed (and if the amount of the order is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposals as billed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales orders as billed when a customer invoice is set to paid (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Classify linked source sales orders as shipped when a shipment is validated (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING_CLOSED=Classify linked source sales order as shipped when a shipment is closed (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
+# Autoclassify purchase proposal
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked proposal)
+# Autoclassify purchase order
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_RECEIVED_RECEPTION=Classify linked source purchase order as received when a reception is validated (and if the quantity received by all receptions is the same as in the purchase order to update)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_RECEIVED_RECEPTION_CLOSED=Classify linked source purchase order as received when a reception is closed (and if the quantity received by all rceptions is the same as in the purchase order to update)
+# Autoclassify shipment
+descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as closed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked shipments)
+descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_BILLED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as billed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked shipments)
+# Autoclassify receptions
+descWORKFLOW_RECEPTION_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source receptions as billed when a purchase invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked receptions)
+descWORKFLOW_RECEPTION_CLASSIFY_BILLED_INVOICE=Classify linked source receptions as billed when a purchase invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked receptions)
+# Automatically link ticket to contract
+descWORKFLOW_TICKET_LINK_CONTRACT=When creating a ticket, link all available contracts of matching third parties
+descWORKFLOW_TICKET_USE_PARENT_COMPANY_CONTRACTS=When linking contracts, search among those of parents companies
+# Autoclose intervention
+descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Close all interventions linked to the ticket when a ticket is closed
+AutomaticCreation=Automatic creation
+AutomaticClassification=Automatic classification
+AutomaticClosing=Automatic closing
+AutomaticLinking=Automatic linking
diff --git a/htdocs/langs/en_DK/zapier.lang b/htdocs/langs/en_DK/zapier.lang
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+# Copyright (C) 2019 Frédéric FRANCE
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+ModuleZapierForDolibarrName = Zapier for Dolibarr
+ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc = Zapier for Dolibarr module
+ZapierForDolibarrSetup=Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr
+ZapierDescription=Interface with Zapier
+ZapierAbout=About the module Zapier
+ZapierSetupPage=There is no need for a setup on Dolibarr side to use Zapier. However, you must generate and publish a package on zapier to be able to use Zapier with Dolibarr. See documentation on this wiki page.
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