Releases: JuliaDiff/ChainRules.jl
Releases · JuliaDiff/ChainRules.jl
v0.0.1 (2019-06-07)
Diff since bcc3cdd05e3590698b56cb47b7a9048cad7d338f
Closed issues:
- Statically determine whether rule exists (#43)
- Customizing in-place accumulation (#39)
- Link to docs in readme (#10)
Merged pull requests:
- Set version to 0.0.1 (#48) (ararslan)
- Port more array-related derivatives from Nabla (#45) (ararslan)
- Add an rrule for the Cholesky decomposition (#44) (ararslan)
- Make Rules store a second function for updating (#42) (ararslan)
- define DNERule (#33) (oxinabox)
- Add SVD factorization rrule (#31) (ararslan)
- Reformat rrule_test for more informative output on failure (#27) (ararslan)
- Extend Base.isapprox instead of defining cr_isapprox (#26) (ararslan)
- Implement sensitivities for
(#25) (ararslan) - Fix rrules for Symmetric and Diagonal constructors (#23) (ararslan)
- Add some basic exports (#22) (ararslan)
- A few rrules (#18) (willtebbutt)
- Tidy up tests a bit (#17) (willtebbutt)
- add docstrings for accumulate, accumulate! and store! (#16) (jrevels)
- Initial finite differencing testing (#14) (willtebbutt)
- Add some more tests (#11) (ararslan)
- Add tests for unary trigonometric functions (#9) (ararslan)
- Fix a bug and the existing tests (#7) (ararslan)
- Add basic documentation (#6) (ararslan)
- remove unused ForwardDiff dependency (#5) (jrevels)
- Add documentation setup (#4) (ararslan)
- refactor chaining code with special propagator algebra (#2) (jrevels)
- Fix docstring typos (#1) (jekbradbury)