All notable changes to this Julia package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Increased ManifoldsBase.jl compatibility to include 1.0
- Basic usage example in docs.
- Switch from manual backend creation to ADTypes.jl + DifferentiationInterface.jl
- Julia compat lower bound bumped from 1.6 to 1.10 (the new LTS)
and its mutating variant,jacobian_exp_argument!
and its mutating variant,jacobian_exp_basepoint!
and its mutating variant,jacobian_log_argument!
and its mutating variant,jacobian_log_basepoint!
- an individual logo that still resembles the
family but also features a ∂.
- Support for
- Compatibility with
v3. - CI testing on Julia 1.10-RC.
- proximal map of the distance function,
, and its mutating variant,prox_distance!
- this changelog
- A GitHub Action to check that the Changelog is updated on every PR.