From 0fda742b71b869a50d2da843fe67fb0868516873 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mousum-github Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 02:36:24 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] functionalities in GLM --- src/glmfit.jl | 35 +++++++++++++++++ test/runtests.jl | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 134 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/glmfit.jl b/src/glmfit.jl index 3d0ca322..87d1689a 100644 --- a/src/glmfit.jl +++ b/src/glmfit.jl @@ -840,3 +840,38 @@ function checky(y, d::Binomial) end return nothing end + +const _RESIDUAL_TYPES = [:deviance, :pearson, :response, :working] + +""" + residuals(model::GeneralizedLinearModel; type=:deviance) + +Return the residuals of a GLM. + +Supported values for `type` are: +- `:deviance` (the default): the signed square root of the element-wise + contribution to the deviance +- `:response`: the difference between the observed and fitted values +- `:working`: working residuals (used during the IRLS process) +- `:pearson`: Pearson residuals, i.e., response residuals scaled + by the standard error of the response +""" +function residuals(model::GeneralizedLinearModel; type=:deviance) + type in _RESIDUAL_TYPES || + throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported type `$(type)``; supported types are" * + "$(_RESIDUAL_TYPES)")) + # TODO: add in optimized method for normal with identity link + if type === :response + return response(model) - fitted(model) + elseif type === :deviance + # XXX I think this might be the same as + # 2 * wrkresid, but I'm not 100% sure if that holds across families + return sign.(response(model) .- fitted(model)) .* sqrt.(model.rr.devresid) + elseif type === :pearson + return copysign.(model.rr.wrkresid, response(model) .- fitted(model)) .* sqrt.(model.rr.wrkwt) + elseif type === :working + return model.rr.wrkresid + else + error("An error has occurred. Please file an issue on GitHub.") + end +end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index cbb21f1b..bf7c68e6 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +# NB: trailing white space must be preserved in the tests for `show` +# If your editor is set to automatically strip it, this will cause problems + using CategoricalArrays, CSV, DataFrames, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, StableRNGs, Statistics, StatsBase, Test, RDatasets using GLM @@ -69,6 +72,13 @@ linreg(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVector) = qr!(simplemm(x)) \ y # Test last one once more to ensure that no state in pqr affects the result @test coef(fit!(LinearModel(r, pqr, nothing))) ≈ β̂ end + + gm1 = glm(@formula(OptDen ~ Carb), form, Normal(); method=dmethod) + + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm1)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :deviance) .≈ residuals(lm1)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :pearson) .≈ residuals(lm1)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :response) .≈ residuals(lm1)) end @testset "Cook's Distance in Linear Model with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -122,6 +132,10 @@ end @test isapprox(loglikelihood(glm_model), -4353.946729075838) @test isapprox(nullloglikelihood(lm_model), -4984.892139711452) @test isapprox(mean(residuals(lm_model)), -5.412966629787718) + + # this should be elementwise true (which is a stronger condition than + # vectors being approximately equal) the so we test elementwise + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm_model)) end @testset "Linear model with dropcollinearity and $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -374,6 +388,24 @@ dobson = DataFrame(Counts = [18.,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12], @test isapprox(bic(gm1), 57.74744128863877) @test isapprox(coef(gm1)[1:3], [3.044522437723423,-0.45425527227759555,-0.29298712468147375]) + + @test isapprox(residuals(gm1; type=:deviance), + [-0.6712492, 0.9627236, -0.1696466, -0.2199851, -0.9555235, + 1.049386, 0.8471537, -0.09167147, -0.9665637]; + atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm1; type=:pearson), + [-0.6546537, 1.004158, -0.1684304, -0.2182179, + -0.9128709, 1.094797, 0.8728716, -0.09128709, -0.9263671]; + atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm1; type=:response), + [-3, 3.666667, -0.6666667, -1, -3.333333, + 4.333333, 4, -0.3333333, -3.666667]; + atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm1; type=:working), + [-0.1428571, 0.275, -0.04255319, -0.04761905, + -0.25, 0.2765957, 0.1904762, -0.025, -0.2340426]; + atol=1e-6) + # Deprecated methods @test gm1.model === gm1 @test == formula(gm1) @@ -400,6 +432,34 @@ admit.rank = categorical(admit.rank) @test isapprox(coef(gm2), [-3.9899786606380756, 0.0022644256521549004, 0.804037453515578, -0.6754428594116578, -1.340203811748108, -1.5514636444657495]) + res = residuals(gm2; type=:deviance) + # values from R + @test isapprox(res[1:10], + [-0.6156283, 1.568695, 0.7787919, 1.856779, -0.5019254, + 1.410201, 1.318558, -0.6994666, 1.792076, -1.207922]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(res[390:400], + [-1.015303, 1.352001, 1.199244, 1.734904, 1.283653, 1.656921, + -1.158223, -0.6015442, -0.6320556, -1.116244, -0.8458358]; atol=1e-6) + res = residuals(gm2; type=:response) + # values from R + @test isapprox(res[1:10], + [-0.1726265, 0.707825, 0.2615918, 0.8216154, -0.1183539, + 0.6300301, 0.5807538, -0.2170033, 0.7992648, -0.5178682]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(res[390:400], + [-0.4027505, 0.5990641, 0.512806, 0.7779709, 0.5612748, + 0.7465767, -0.48867, -0.1655043, -0.1810622, -0.4636674, -0.3007306]; atol=1e-6) + res = residuals(gm2; type=:pearson) + @test isapprox(res[1:10], + [-0.4567757, 1.556473, 0.5952011, 2.146128, -0.3663905, + 1.304961, 1.176959, -0.5264452, 1.995417, -1.036398]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(res[390:399], + [-0.8211834, 1.22236, 1.025949, 1.871874, 1.131075, + 1.716382, -0.977591, -0.4453409, -0.4702063, -0.9297929]; atol=1e-6) + # less extensive test here because it's just grabbing the IRLS values, which are already + # extensively tested + @test isapprox(residuals(gm2; type=:working)[1:10], + [-1.208644, 3.422607, 1.354264, 5.605865, -1.134242, + 2.702922, 2.385234, -1.277145, 4.981688, -2.074122]; atol=1e-5) end end @@ -557,6 +617,19 @@ clotting = DataFrame(u = log.([5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100]), @test isapprox(coef(gm8), [-0.01655438172784895,0.01534311491072141]) @test isapprox(GLM.dispersion(gm8, true), 0.002446059333495581, atol=1e-6) @test isapprox(stderror(gm8), [0.00092754223, 0.000414957683], atol=1e-6) + + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8; type=:response), + [-4.859041, 4.736111, 1.992869, 0.9973619, -1.065779, + 0.02779383, -0.614323, -0.7318223, -0.4831699]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8; type=:working), + [0.0003219114, -0.001669384, -0.001245099, -0.0008626359, + 0.001353047, -4.456918e-05, 0.001314963, 0.001879625, 0.001414318]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8; type=:deviance), + [-0.04008349, 0.08641118, 0.04900896, 0.02904992, + -0.03846595, 0.001112578, -0.02869586, -0.03755713, -0.0263724]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8; type=:pearson), + [-0.03954973, 0.08891786, 0.04981284, 0.0293319, + -0.03797433, 0.001112991, -0.02842204, -0.03708843, -0.02614107]; atol=1e-5) end @testset "InverseGaussian with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -576,6 +649,19 @@ end @test isapprox(coef(gm8a), [-0.0011079770504295668,0.0007219138982289362]) @test isapprox(GLM.dispersion(gm8a, true), 0.0011008719709455776, atol=1e-6) @test isapprox(stderror(gm8a), [0.0001675339726910311,9.468485015919463e-5], atol=1e-6) + + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8a; type=:response), + [-18.21078, 15.52523, 7.639634, 4.20793, -0.2428536, + -0.3585344, -2.263445, -3.056904, -3.240284]; atol=1e-5) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8a; type=:working), + [1.441199e-05, -0.0004052051, -0.0003766424, -0.0002882584, 2.402242e-05, + 4.397323e-05, 0.0003595653, 0.0005697418, 0.0006762887]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8a; type=:deviance), + [-0.01230767, 0.04799467, 0.03430759, 0.02309913, -0.001715577, + -0.002827721, -0.02123177, -0.03179512, -0.0359572]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm8a; type=:pearson), + [-0.01145543, 0.05608432, 0.03793027, 0.02462693, -0.001707913, + -0.00280766, -0.02017246, -0.02950971, -0.03310111]; atol=1e-6) end @testset "Gamma LogLink with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -834,6 +920,19 @@ end @test aicc(gm23) ≈ aicc(gm24) @test bic(gm23) ≈ bic(gm24) @test predict(gm23) ≈ predict(gm24) + + @test isapprox(residuals(gm23; type=:deviance)[1:10], + [-1.691255, -0.706297, -0.519149, -0.961134, -0.961134, + -0.234178, 0.17945, 0.279821, -0.803948, -0.803948]; atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm23; type=:pearson)[1:10], + [-0.902477, -0.550709, -0.433453, -0.680948, -0.680948, + -0.216258, 0.190345, 0.306518, -0.604398, -0.604398]; atol=1e-5) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm23; type=:response)[1:10], + [-23.089885, -14.089885, -11.089885, -11.723055, -11.723055, + -3.723055, 3.276945, 5.276945, -9.919, -9.919]; atol=1e-5) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm23; type=:working)[1:10], + [0.03668, 0.022383, 0.017617, 0.041919, 0.041919, + 0.013313, -0.011718, -0.018869, 0.039141, 0.039141]; atol=1e-6) end @testset "GLM with no intercept with Cholesky" begin From 60a62c69ca1971f6b64a2f4da178ad5f0fde2714 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mousum-github Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 11:51:33 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Different types of residuals in LM, Some test cases for residuals --- src/linpred.jl | 18 ++++- test/runtests.jl | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 2 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/linpred.jl b/src/linpred.jl index 4b6471ad..80018018 100644 --- a/src/linpred.jl +++ b/src/linpred.jl @@ -360,7 +360,23 @@ response(obj::LinPredModel) = obj.rr.y fitted(m::LinPredModel) = predict(mm::LinPredModel) = fitted(mm) -residuals(obj::LinPredModel) = residuals(obj.rr) + +function residuals(model::LinPredModel; type=:response) + type in _RESIDUAL_TYPES || + throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported type `$(type)``; supported types are" * + "$(_RESIDUAL_TYPES)")) + # TODO: add in optimized method for normal with identity link + length(model.rr.wts) == 0 && return residuals(model.rr) + + if type === :response || type === :working + return response(model) - fitted(model) + elseif type === :deviance || type === :pearson + return (response(model) .- fitted(model)) .* sqrt.(model.rr.wts) + else + error("An error has occurred. Please file an issue on GitHub.") + end +end +# residuals(obj::LinPredModel) = residuals(obj.rr) function formula(obj::LinPredModel) obj.formula === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("model was fitted without a formula")) diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index bf7c68e6..e8ecd904 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ linreg(x::AbstractVecOrMat, y::AbstractVector) = qr!(simplemm(x)) \ y gm1 = glm(@formula(OptDen ~ Carb), form, Normal(); method=dmethod) - @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm1)) - @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :deviance) .≈ residuals(lm1)) - @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :pearson) .≈ residuals(lm1)) - @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :response) .≈ residuals(lm1)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm1, type = :working)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :deviance) .≈ residuals(lm1, type = :deviance)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :pearson) .≈ residuals(lm1, type = :pearson)) + @test all(residuals(gm1, type = :response) .≈ residuals(lm1, type = :response)) end @testset "Cook's Distance in Linear Model with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -135,7 +135,10 @@ end # this should be elementwise true (which is a stronger condition than # vectors being approximately equal) the so we test elementwise - @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm_model)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :working)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :response) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :response)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :deviance) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :deviance)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :pearson) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :pearson)) end @testset "Linear model with dropcollinearity and $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ end data = DataFrame(x = 60:70, y = 130:140) - mdl = lm(@formula(y ~ 0 + x), data; method=:cholesky) + mdl = lm(@formula(y ~ 0 + x), data; method=dmethod) @test coef(mdl) ≈ [2.07438016528926] @test stderror(mdl) ≈ [0.165289256198347E-01] @test GLM.dispersion(mdl) ≈ 3.56753034006338 @@ -311,6 +314,10 @@ end 130.6859504132231, 132.7603305785124, 134.8347107438017, 136.9090909090909, 138.9834710743802, 141.0578512396694, 143.1322314049587, 145.2066115702479] + @test residuals(mdl) ≈ [5.537190082644673, 4.462809917355372, 3.388429752066127, + 2.3140495867768536, 1.2396694214876085, 0.16528925619836343, + -0.9090909090909383, -1.9834710743801833, -3.0578512396694286, + -4.132231404958674, -5.206611570247947] end @testset "Test with NoInt2 Dataset" begin # test case to test r2 for no intercept model @@ -318,7 +325,7 @@ end data = DataFrame(x = [4, 5, 6], y = [3, 4, 4]) - mdl = lm(@formula(y ~ 0 + x), data; method=:cholesky) + mdl = lm(@formula(y ~ 0 + x), data; method=dmethod) @test coef(mdl) ≈ [0.727272727272727] @test stderror(mdl) ≈ [0.420827318078432E-01] @test GLM.dispersion(mdl) ≈ 0.369274472937998 @@ -355,6 +362,7 @@ end @test loglikelihood(mdl1) ≈ loglikelihood(mdl2) @test nullloglikelihood(mdl1) ≈ nullloglikelihood(mdl2) @test predict(mdl1) ≈ predict(mdl2) + @test residuals(mdl1) ≈ residuals(mdl2) end end @@ -465,7 +473,7 @@ end @testset "Bernoulli ProbitLink with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) gm3 = fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(admit ~ 1 + gre + gpa + rank), admit, - Binomial(), ProbitLink(); method=dmethod) + Binomial(), ProbitLink(); method=dmethod, rtol=1.0E-12) test_show(gm3) @test !GLM.cancancel(gm3.rr) @test dof(gm3) == 6 @@ -477,8 +485,20 @@ end @test isapprox(aicc(gm3), 470.6269118413539) @test isapprox(bic(gm3), 494.36195866598655) @test isapprox(coef(gm3), - [-2.3867922998680777, 0.0013755394922972401, 0.47772908362646926, - -0.4154125854823675, -0.8121458010130354, -0.9359047862425297]) + [-2.3868363125, 0.0013755907, 0.4777300478, + -0.4153994078, -0.8121380759, -0.9358991794]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm3; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.1706386651232305, 0.7046476993989534, 0.2661311091390428, + 0.8207948863240537, -0.11358532380641799, 0.6268782862468341]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm3; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.6117178278295162, 1.5617851298134984, 0.7866700567935837, + 1.8543053916280143, -0.49106090467188984, 1.404172782983458]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm3; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.45359350811506904, 1.5445993229344097, 0.6021969934834845, + 2.1401396930011654, -0.35796671082807846, 1.2961830913117165]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm3; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.6727006051787597, 2.0411305338811343, 0.8107526257371388, + 3.136741385719769, -0.5903629229732555, 1.655814528293248]) end @testset "Bernoulli CauchitLink with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -494,6 +514,18 @@ end @test isapprox(aic(gm4), 471.3401112751142) @test isapprox(aicc(gm4), 471.5538517331295) @test isapprox(bic(gm4), 495.28889855776214) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm4; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.1867218959197306, 0.724122096096687, 0.24638540667338305, + 0.8195987716977836, -0.14494256449935666, 0.6432975691530777]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm4; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.6429341435761157, 1.604865656872587, 0.7521624706003109, + 1.8507143823973446, -0.5596188636517547, 1.4358644586580938]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm4; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.47915727263917696, 1.6201209618309471, 0.5717851088172858, + 2.131478244829273, -0.4117184476108932, 1.3429285928760335]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm4; type=:working)[1:6], + [-1.914490809886423, 3.915888572112854, 1.5840578656244277, + 8.932633278726385, -2.3544016047145133, 2.492998411817492]) end @testset "Bernoulli CloglogLink with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -509,6 +541,18 @@ end @test isapprox(aic(gm5), 470.8943962961263) @test isapprox(aicc(gm5), 471.1081367541415) @test isapprox(bic(gm5), 494.8431835787742) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm5; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.18073101609618047, 0.7150801772235256, 0.2233663547102912, + 0.8219794712730587, -0.1262781919706601, 0.6377642662596248]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm5; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.6314155832338859, 1.5846434689757245, 0.7110366218258118, + 1.8578785780633782, -0.5196022545048363, 1.4251035617919587]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm5; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.46968110418493536, 1.5842219882067432, 0.5362913322532271, + 2.1487972640223143, -0.3801697783963641, 1.3268885484109265]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm5; type=:working)[1:6], + [-1.106638003413935, 2.9818648354214448, 0.6671372166546842, + 5.101003481510944, -1.0706391531482944, 2.2232767839788887]) # When data are almost separated, the calculations are prone to underflow which can cause # NaN in wrkwt and/or wrkres. The example here used to fail but works with the "clamping" @@ -545,6 +589,18 @@ anorexia =, "anorexia.csv"), DataFrame) @test isapprox(GLM.dispersion(gm6, true), 48.6950385282296) @test isapprox(stderror(gm6), [13.3909581, 0.1611824, 1.8934926, 2.1333359]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm6; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.5350583210366011, -4.41487032917648, 0.8424229099573637, + 8.475831386381444, -3.5054593300982617, -5.936963063779473]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm6; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.5350583210366011, -4.41487032917648, 0.8424229099573637, + 8.475831386381444, -3.5054593300982617, -5.936963063779473]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm6; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.5350583210366011, -4.41487032917648, 0.8424229099573637, + 8.475831386381444, -3.5054593300982617, -5.936963063779473]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm6; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.5350583210366011, -4.41487032917648, 0.8424229099573637, + 8.475831386381444, -3.5054593300982617, -5.936963063779473]) end @testset "Normal LogLink offset with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -562,6 +618,18 @@ end @test isapprox(stderror(gm7), [0.157167944, 0.001886286, 0.022584069, 0.023882826], atol=1e-6) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.38368369274773784, -4.468153807198334, 0.6984167561989949, + 8.656391276950714, -3.3297668686774387, -5.953687000877466], atol=1.0E-08) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.38368369274773784, -4.468153807198334, 0.6984167561989949, + 8.656391276950714, -3.3297668686774387, -5.953687000877466], atol=1.0E-08) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.38368369274773784, -4.468153807198334, 0.6984167561989949, + 8.656391276950714, -3.3297668686774387, -5.953687000877466], atol=1.0E-08) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.004761307440482124, -0.052834945615402695, 0.008149403193779539, + 0.11148878084515124, -0.04192089439444784, -0.07083195530512913], atol=1.0E-08) end @testset "Poisson LogLink offset with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -578,6 +646,18 @@ end [0.61587278, -0.00700535, -0.048518903, 0.05331228] @test stderror(gm7p) ≈ [0.2091138392, 0.0025136984, 0.0297381842, 0.0324618795] + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7p; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.863332308164118, -4.28433393254052, 0.8959369326953777, + 8.286976438093888, -3.6965161964682665, -5.89125059367457]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7p; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.0961784398978177, -0.4707097945605455, 0.0969489127056096, + 0.9240404323321973, -0.41733363499919984, -0.6509620279802588]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7p; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.09600684024394168, -0.4666700010340562, 0.09711857293299415, + 0.9400462058722089, -0.4140692166667004, -0.6432046304141337]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7p; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.010676437434881152, -0.05083191303344242, 0.010527545929115336, + 0.10663561985196073, -0.046382406319438046, -0.07022485124472293]) end @testset "Poisson LogLink offset with weights with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -595,6 +675,19 @@ end [0.6038154675, -0.0070083965, -0.038390455, 0.0893445315] @test stderror(gm7pw) ≈ [0.1318509718, 0.0015910084, 0.0190289059, 0.0202335849] + + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7pw; type=:response)[1:6], + [-0.6876873724758497, -4.0990312783897735, 1.0836620743129544, + 8.454197233078162, -3.524035019122394, -5.707092394116799]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7pw; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-0.0766665779792339, -0.6373639283400141, 0.20325398408196754, + 1.8867038664708615, -0.398150307405098, -0.8924830793621548]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7pw; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.07655744229902446, -0.6321217496084444, 0.20368491838440875, + 1.9200972388014923, -0.39517640996263625, -0.8821628669795716]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm7pw; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.008522829131306016, -0.04874052906532191, 0.012761526236109016, + 0.10902198354292372, -0.04431408715962416, -0.068179317079205]) end ## Gamma example from McCullagh & Nelder (1989, pp. 300-2) @@ -680,6 +773,22 @@ end @test coef(gm9) ≈ [5.50322528458221, -0.60191617825971] @test GLM.dispersion(gm9, true) ≈ 0.02435442293561081 @test stderror(gm9) ≈ [0.19030107482720, 0.05530784660144] + @test isapprox(residuals(gm9; type=:response), + [24.825081824546388, -3.390927600702888, -6.0963387619432226, -5.449147318571271, + -4.689631808780096, -1.6510636464262802, 0.12039065703982388, 1.4401936611465551, + 2.647184982270449]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm9; type=:deviance), + [0.24588283471712796, -0.05628604428569587, -0.13254268031711636, -0.14129049644352157, + -0.15598958254351863, -0.06327877150208151, 0.00575489903258662, 0.0798757699233701, + 0.1634044998400799]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm9; type=:pearson), + [0.2664352414863339, -0.0552349953523762, -0.1267526576631446, -0.13471599971328502, + -0.14798631416982136, -0.0619511351715854, 0.005765943943793906, 0.08201648886980786, + 0.17242342718344872]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm9; type=:working), + [0.2664352414863339, -0.0552349953523762, -0.1267526576631446, -0.13471599971328502, + -0.14798631416982136, -0.0619511351715854, 0.005765943943793906, 0.08201648886980786, + 0.17242342718344872]) end @testset "Gamma IdentityLink with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -935,61 +1044,6 @@ end 0.013313, -0.011718, -0.018869, 0.039141, 0.039141]; atol=1e-6) end -@testset "GLM with no intercept with Cholesky" begin - # Gamma with single numeric predictor - nointglm1 = fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(lot1 ~ 0 + u), clotting, Gamma()) - @test !hasintercept(nointglm1) - @test !GLM.cancancel(nointglm1.rr) - @test isa(GLM.Link(nointglm1), InverseLink) - test_show(nointglm1) - @test dof(nointglm1) == 2 - @test deviance(nointglm1) ≈ 0.6629903395245351 - @test isnan(nulldeviance(nointglm1)) - @test loglikelihood(nointglm1) ≈ -32.60688972888763 - @test_throws DomainError nullloglikelihood(nointglm1) - @test aic(nointglm1) ≈ 69.21377945777526 - @test aicc(nointglm1) ≈ 71.21377945777526 - @test bic(nointglm1) ≈ 69.6082286124477 - @test coef(nointglm1) ≈ [0.009200201253724151] - @test GLM.dispersion(nointglm1, true) ≈ 0.10198331431820506 - @test stderror(nointglm1) ≈ [0.000979309363228589] - - # Bernoulli with numeric predictors - nointglm2 = fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(admit ~ 0 + gre + gpa), admit, Bernoulli()) - @test !hasintercept(nointglm2) - @test GLM.cancancel(nointglm2.rr) - test_show(nointglm2) - @test dof(nointglm2) == 2 - @test deviance(nointglm2) ≈ 503.5584368354113 - @test nulldeviance(nointglm2) ≈ 554.5177444479574 - @test loglikelihood(nointglm2) ≈ -251.77921841770578 - @test nullloglikelihood(nointglm2) ≈ -277.2588722239787 - @test aic(nointglm2) ≈ 507.55843683541156 - @test aicc(nointglm2) ≈ 507.58866353566344 - @test bic(nointglm2) ≈ 515.5413659296275 - @test coef(nointglm2) ≈ [0.0015622695743609228, -0.4822556276412118] - @test stderror(nointglm2) ≈ [0.000987218133602179, 0.17522675354523715] - - # Poisson with categorical predictors, weights and offset - nointglm3 = fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(round(Postwt) ~ 0 + Prewt + Treat), anorexia, - Poisson(), LogLink(); offset=log.(anorexia.Prewt), - wts=repeat(1:4, outer=18), rtol=1e-8, dropcollinear=false) - @test !hasintercept(nointglm3) - @test GLM.cancancel(nointglm3.rr) - test_show(nointglm3) - @test deviance(nointglm3) ≈ 90.17048668870225 - @test nulldeviance(nointglm3) ≈ 159.32999067102548 - @test loglikelihood(nointglm3) ≈ -610.3058020030296 - @test nullloglikelihood(nointglm3) ≈ -644.885553994191 - @test aic(nointglm3) ≈ 1228.6116040060592 - @test aicc(nointglm3) ≈ 1228.8401754346307 - @test bic(nointglm3) ≈ 1241.38343140962 - @test coef(nointglm3) ≈ - [-0.007008396492196935, 0.6038154674863438, 0.5654250124481003, 0.6931599989992452] - @test stderror(nointglm3) ≈ - [0.0015910084415445974, 0.13185097176418983, 0.13016395889443858, 0.1336778089431681] -end - @testset "GLM with no intercept with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) # Gamma with single numeric predictor nointglm1 = glm(@formula(lot1 ~ 0 + u), clotting, Gamma(); method=dmethod) From 564a1f9f69c1c827357da89faa2923cc4d7eb949 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mousum-github Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 03:02:59 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] more test cases for residuals function --- src/glmfit.jl | 3 +- src/linpred.jl | 16 ++++------ src/lm.jl | 2 -- test/runtests.jl | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 4 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/glmfit.jl b/src/glmfit.jl index 87d1689a..b8ad334e 100644 --- a/src/glmfit.jl +++ b/src/glmfit.jl @@ -844,6 +844,7 @@ end const _RESIDUAL_TYPES = [:deviance, :pearson, :response, :working] """ + residuals(model::LinearModel; type=:deviance) residuals(model::GeneralizedLinearModel; type=:deviance) Return the residuals of a GLM. @@ -852,7 +853,7 @@ Supported values for `type` are: - `:deviance` (the default): the signed square root of the element-wise contribution to the deviance - `:response`: the difference between the observed and fitted values -- `:working`: working residuals (used during the IRLS process) +- `:working`: working residuals (used during the IRLS process). For a linear model, it is same as `:response`. - `:pearson`: Pearson residuals, i.e., response residuals scaled by the standard error of the response """ diff --git a/src/linpred.jl b/src/linpred.jl index 80018018..1ffe9dc5 100644 --- a/src/linpred.jl +++ b/src/linpred.jl @@ -361,22 +361,18 @@ response(obj::LinPredModel) = obj.rr.y fitted(m::LinPredModel) = predict(mm::LinPredModel) = fitted(mm) -function residuals(model::LinPredModel; type=:response) +function residuals(model::LinPredModel; type=:deviance) type in _RESIDUAL_TYPES || throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported type `$(type)``; supported types are" * "$(_RESIDUAL_TYPES)")) - # TODO: add in optimized method for normal with identity link - length(model.rr.wts) == 0 && return residuals(model.rr) - - if type === :response || type === :working - return response(model) - fitted(model) - elseif type === :deviance || type === :pearson - return (response(model) .- fitted(model)) .* sqrt.(model.rr.wts) + + resid = response(model) - fitted(model) + if length(model.rr.wts) > 0 && (type === :deviance || type === :pearson) + return resid .* sqrt.(model.rr.wts) else - error("An error has occurred. Please file an issue on GitHub.") + return resid end end -# residuals(obj::LinPredModel) = residuals(obj.rr) function formula(obj::LinPredModel) obj.formula === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("model was fitted without a formula")) diff --git a/src/lm.jl b/src/lm.jl index f337862c..07ac7bbd 100644 --- a/src/lm.jl +++ b/src/lm.jl @@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ function loglikelihood(r::LmResp) -n/2 * (log(2π * deviance(r)/n) + 1) end -residuals(r::LmResp) = r.y - - """ LinearModel diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index e8ecd904..320df7de 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ end @test isapprox(loglikelihood(lm_model), -4353.946729075838) @test isapprox(loglikelihood(glm_model), -4353.946729075838) @test isapprox(nullloglikelihood(lm_model), -4984.892139711452) - @test isapprox(mean(residuals(lm_model)), -5.412966629787718) + @test isapprox(mean(residuals(lm_model, type=:response)), -5.412966629787718) # this should be elementwise true (which is a stronger condition than # vectors being approximately equal) the so we test elementwise - @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :working) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :working)) - @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :response) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :response)) - @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :deviance) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :deviance)) - @test all(residuals(glm_model, type = :pearson) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type = :pearson)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type=:working) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type=:working)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type=:response) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type=:response)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type=:deviance) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type=:deviance)) + @test all(residuals(glm_model, type=:pearson) .≈ residuals(lm_model, type=:pearson)) end @testset "Linear model with dropcollinearity and $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -807,6 +807,22 @@ end @test isapprox(coef(gm10), [99.250446880986, -18.374324929002]) @test isapprox(GLM.dispersion(gm10, true), 0.10417373, atol=1e-6) @test isapprox(stderror(gm10), [17.864084, 4.297895], atol=1e-4) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm10; type=:response), + [48.321888275132096, 1.0579997943620256, -7.491852561885715, -9.205888686408052, + -9.755741042655785, -6.469777167178123, -3.0196295234258628, 0.2663343520517998, + 3.366446469710496]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm10; type=:deviance), + [0.5774137147911168, 0.01846646154959333, -0.15976839879676413, -0.22476506467791008, + -0.29338264689074767, -0.2216519910251632, -0.13140685132678168, 0.014150064045388622, + 0.21445348600221353]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm10; type=:pearson), + [0.6935016905443229, 0.01858030611044939, -0.15137547240766014, -0.208250279769595, + -0.2654208775530889, -0.20558700281887837, -0.1257150748507956, 0.014216884034170322, + 0.23004982779762967]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm10; type=:working), + [48.321888275132096, 1.0579997943620256, -7.491852561885715, -9.205888686408052, + -9.755741042655785, -6.469777167178123, -3.0196295234258628, 0.2663343520517998, + 3.366446469710496]) end # Logistic regression using aggregated data and weights @@ -869,6 +885,22 @@ end @test isapprox(aicc(gm16), 93.55439450918095) @test isapprox(bic(gm16), 97.18028280909267) @test isapprox(coef(gm16), [-0.017217012615523237, 0.015649040411276433]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm16; type=:response), + [-7.483955294264575, 4.854403995157639, 2.2565430880113198, 1.2883350283647275, + -0.7712494846033557, 0.31498756813512685, -0.3421885106306952, -0.471353047569, + -0.23171283548232324]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm16; type=:deviance), + [-0.07454954387548747, 0.1254405883825797, 0.05845787715014768, 0.08005871893695757, + -0.043428290098321824, 0.023771500386805297, -0.038146721542114716, -0.056713615026982425, + -0.03303769239721972]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm16; type=:pearson), + [-0.07304468243465054, 0.12917653607803606, 0.059548981148542166, 0.0810690103004563, + -0.043023435526326086, 0.023872290225484042, -0.037942023296163564, -0.05625317881411061, + -0.03289728247720795]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm16; type=:working), + [0.0004752857319903198, -0.001718705058060829, -0.0014286056165354543, -0.0011336223823092044, + 0.0010000093165362322, -0.000516924020243504, 0.0007512552521184062, 0.0012432373752853285, + 0.0006971001093429506]) end # Weighted Poisson example (weights are totally made up) @@ -906,6 +938,18 @@ quine = dataset("MASS", "quine") @test isapprox(coef(gm18)[1:7], [2.886448718885344, -0.5675149923412003, 0.08707706381784373, -0.44507646428307207, 0.09279987988262384, 0.35948527963485755, 0.29676767190444386]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm18; type=:response)[1:6], + [-24.31906166004812, -15.31906166004812, -12.31906166004812, + -14.560765164933468, -14.560765164933468, -6.560765164933468]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm18; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-2.3128642617499, -1.024924490434873, -0.7717990037955583, + -1.4521131177135647, -1.4521131177135647, -0.511628745991213]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm18; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-1.2597581635744535, -0.7935467763647199, -0.638142980628142, + -1.002707333360594, -1.002707333360594, -0.45179818978047326]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm18; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.9240094488993137, -0.5820519689462255, -0.468066142295196, + -0.7443862774364529, -0.7443862774364529, -0.33540432133477754]) end @testset "NegativeBinomial NegativeBinomialLink Fixed θ" begin @@ -976,6 +1020,18 @@ end @test isapprox(coef(gm20)[1:7], [2.894527697811509, -0.5693411448715979, 0.08238813087070128, -0.4484636623590206, 0.08805060372902418, 0.3569553124412582, 0.2921383118842893]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm20; type=:response)[1:6], + [-24.28646428075078, -15.286464280750781, -12.286464280750781, + -14.627189585532879, -14.627189585532879, -6.627189585532879]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm20; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-1.9100430917674927, -0.8317534564407564, -0.6250608754083535, + -1.194270726550094, -1.194270726550094, -0.41980214838554414]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm20; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-1.0187902504182078, -0.6412502286279128, -0.5154035546978145, + -0.8154060447128477, -0.8154060447128477, -0.3694387370794904]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm20; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.9239152143613102, -0.581533678987206, -0.46740650052917126, + -0.7452513525581126, -0.7452513525581126, -0.33765351665109267]) end @testset "NegativeBinomial NegativeBinomialLink, θ to be estimated with $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) @@ -1012,6 +1068,18 @@ end @test stderror(gm22) ≈ [0.22754287093719366, 0.15274755092180423, 0.15928431669166637, 0.23853372776980591, 0.2354231414867577, 0.24750780320597515, 0.18553339017028742] + @test isapprox(residuals(gm22; type=:response)[1:6], + [-24.269729027346774, -15.269729027346774, -12.269729027346774, + -14.653520476275947, -14.653520476275947, -6.653520476275947]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm22; type=:deviance)[1:6], + [-1.7151995208115725, -0.7412221651325068, -0.5565365361615229, + -1.0702009791675913, -1.0702009791675913, -0.3757813366116728]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm22; type=:pearson)[1:6], + [-0.9067691155165339, -0.5705098177529208, -0.45842338516504966, + -0.7273186986041907, -0.7273186986041907, -0.33024349757971616]) + @test isapprox(residuals(gm22; type=:working)[1:6], + [-0.9238667441937448, -0.5812670930655963, -0.4670672093562135, + -0.7455926531821323, -0.7455926531821323, -0.3385408982735439]) end @testset "Geometric is a special case of NegativeBinomial with θ = 1 and $dmethod" for dmethod in (:cholesky, :qr) From 673e15d38c31c6804d1c27c5f58e11388b2e68d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "dependabot[bot]" <49699333+dependabot[bot]> Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 19:05:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#547) --- .github/workflows/CI-future.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/CI-stable.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/Documenter.yml | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI-future.yml b/.github/workflows/CI-future.yml index a23cd77c..f15074da 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/CI-future.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/CI-future.yml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ jobs: arch: ['x64'] steps: - run: git config --global core.autocrlf false - - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: version: ${{ matrix.version }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI-stable.yml b/.github/workflows/CI-stable.yml index d0e65dd3..14f033f0 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/CI-stable.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/CI-stable.yml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ jobs: arch: ['x64'] steps: - run: git config --global core.autocrlf false - - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1 with: version: ${{ matrix.version }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/Documenter.yml b/.github/workflows/Documenter.yml index e319f4f3..39582f93 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/Documenter.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/Documenter.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ jobs: name: Documentation runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@latest - uses: julia-actions/julia-docdeploy@latest env: From b1ba4c5fdd5030b98a8cf9fe9c46319e5f5eb20e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Phillip Alday Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 04:46:34 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] [G]VIF (#548) * [G]VIF * add reference value source * more tests * glm tests --- Project.toml | 2 +- src/GLM.jl | 3 ++- src/linpred.jl | 2 +- test/runtests.jl | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index cf5d12bf..7b4f561e 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SpecialFunctions = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 1, 2.0" StatsAPI = "1.4" StatsBase = "0.33.5, 0.34" StatsFuns = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0" -StatsModels = "0.6.23, 0.7" +StatsModels = "0.7.3" Tables = "1" julia = "1.6" diff --git a/src/GLM.jl b/src/GLM.jl index 24f48843..59c327db 100644 --- a/src/GLM.jl +++ b/src/GLM.jl @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module GLM import Base: (\), convert, show, size import LinearAlgebra: cholesky, cholesky! import Statistics: cor + using StatsAPI import StatsBase: coef, coeftable, coefnames, confint, deviance, nulldeviance, dof, dof_residual, loglikelihood, nullloglikelihood, nobs, stderror, vcov, residuals, predict, predict!, @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ module GLM export coef, coeftable, confint, deviance, nulldeviance, dof, dof_residual, loglikelihood, nullloglikelihood, nobs, stderror, vcov, residuals, predict, fitted, fit, fit!, model_response, response, modelmatrix, r2, r², adjr2, adjr², - cooksdistance, hasintercept, dispersion + cooksdistance, hasintercept, dispersion, vif, gvif, termnames export # types diff --git a/src/linpred.jl b/src/linpred.jl index 4b6471ad..4e64ae50 100644 --- a/src/linpred.jl +++ b/src/linpred.jl @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ fitted(m::LinPredModel) = predict(mm::LinPredModel) = fitted(mm) residuals(obj::LinPredModel) = residuals(obj.rr) -function formula(obj::LinPredModel) +function StatsModels.formula(obj::LinPredModel) obj.formula === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("model was fitted without a formula")) return obj.formula end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index cbb21f1b..61d1dec3 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -2011,3 +2011,46 @@ end @test_throws ArgumentError lm(@formula(OptDen ~ Carb), form; method=:pr) @test_throws ArgumentError glm(@formula(OptDen ~ Carb), form, Normal(); method=:pr) end + +@testset "[G]VIF" begin + # Reference values from car::vif in R: + # > library(car) + # > data(Duncan) + # > lm1 = lm(prestige ~ 1 + income + education, Duncan) + # > vif(lm1) + # income education + # 2.1049 2.1049 + # > lm2 = lm(prestige ~ 1 + income + education + type, Duncan) + # > vif(lm2) + # GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df)) + # income 2.209178 1 1.486330 + # education 5.297584 1 2.301648 + # type 5.098592 2 1.502666 + duncan = RDatasets.dataset("car", "Duncan") + lm1 = lm(@formula(Prestige ~ 1 + Income + Education), duncan) + @test termnames(lm1)[2] == coefnames(lm1) + @test vif(lm1) ≈ gvif(lm1) + + lm1_noform = lm(modelmatrix(lm1), response(lm1)) + @test vif(lm1) ≈ vif(lm1_noform) + @test_throws ArgumentError("model was fitted without a formula") gvif(lm1_noform) + + lm1log = lm(@formula(Prestige ~ 1 + exp(log(Income)) + exp(log(Education))), duncan) + @test termnames(lm1log)[2] == coefnames(lm1log) == ["(Intercept)", "exp(log(Income))", "exp(log(Education))"] + @test vif(lm1) ≈ vif(lm1log) + + gm1 = glm(modelmatrix(lm1), response(lm1), Normal()) + @test vif(lm1) ≈ vif(gm1) + + lm2 = lm(@formula(Prestige ~ 1 + Income + Education + Type), duncan) + @test termnames(lm2)[2] != coefnames(lm2) + @test gvif(lm2; scale=true) ≈ [1.486330, 2.301648, 1.502666] atol=1e-4 + + gm2 = glm(@formula(Prestige ~ 1 + Income + Education + Type), duncan, Normal()) + @test termnames(gm2)[2] != coefnames(gm2) + @test gvif(gm2; scale=true) ≈ [1.486330, 2.301648, 1.502666] atol=1e-4 + + # the VIF definition depends on modelmatrix, vcov and stderror returning valid + # values. It doesn't care about links, offsets, etc. as long as the model matrix, + # vcov matrix and stderrors are well defined. +end