creating visual design: taimoor
coming up with writing prompts :) : sadie
html: sadie chris
implementing design css: taimoor kevin
timer/keep writing reminder js: chris taimoor
daily prompt js: sadie kevin
night mode: chris kevin
error: sadie taimoor
add instructions
pull requests: each feature the ppl who weren't working on it approve it
work all-together in class work time
start/end a given work together session with status updates
aug 24 all hands on deck "midterm review"
aug 26 set aside for (if needed) "work together time"
case by case of whether a feature should be worked on together or independently
writing prompt
have an array of writing prompts, some pre-written, users can add to it
- somehow use date.now to select a new quote at random
- when it chooses a quote for the day, then delete that quote from the array so it doesn't come up twice
print to page
bottom of page: "add quote" button, onclick slide out textinput and submit button
on submit, send textinput to database and slide it back in
mini-stretch: clicking on add quote button again slides the textinput back into hidden in case they want to not do it in the end + button label to cancel or an arrow left or smth
dropdown to select how long they want to write for
print countdown to page somewhere
- display a fontawesome clock icon, on hover show time left
- every 5(?) minutes, show a visual indicator of time elapsing
- clock pulses red? something like that?
- at 2 minutes left, show timer directly
use set time interval to alert at the end
onChange on the writing textarea, set time interval 15s -- if 15s has elapsed since new change, it will yell at them.
- basic: pop an alert
- complex: dim screen, put a netflix "are you still watching" type message
night mode
- onclick of night mode button, change nightmode state
- conditionally add css class
- OR: look into css function/conditional capability to see if we can just change the values of color variables directly?
error handling
- you tell us boss