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Releases: KDSF-FFK/kdsf-ffk

Version 1.0.1 (as part of KDSF Version 2.0)

22 Jan 09:37
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Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1

Die Version 1.0.1 setzt folgenden Anpassungen um, die sich aus der Prozessvalidierung der FFK ergeben haben:

  • Streichen des Begriffs „Interdisziplinarität” aus dem Titel und der Beschreibung der Forschungsfeldklassifikation
  • Streichen des Forschungsfelds „Disziplinäre Forschung” aus der Forschungsfeldklassifikation
  • Anpassung der Definition des Forschungsfelds „Anderes Forschungsfeld”

Version 1.0.1 implements the following adjustments resulting from the process validation of the FFK:

  • Deletion of the term ‘Interdisciplinarity’ from the title and description of the research field classification
  • Deletion of the research field ‘Disciplinary research’ from the research field classification
  • Adaptation of the definition of the research field ‘Other research field’

Version 1.0.0 (as part of KDSF Version 1.3)

12 Dec 11:29
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In this release the relative URIs have been changed to random numeric identifiers.

For example, is replaced by <007>.

An Excel mapping the relative URIs of Version 0.0.0 and 0.1.0 to Version 1.0.0 has been included in the repository.

Spelling errors are corrected in the German scopeNote or example of <360>,
<209>, <508>, <147>, <092>, and <459>.


07 Nov 08:56
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This release introduces two new features:

  1. English translations of prefLabel, scopeNote, and example
  2. New top concept < KeinesDerGelistetenForschungsfelder > ("None of the listed research fields") and two new research fields: <001> ("Anderes Forschungsfeld" / "Other research field") and <002> ("Disziplinäre Forschung" / "Disciplinary research")


22 Sep 12:42
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v0.0.0 Pre-release

Diese Version wurde 2020 im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojekt der Entwicklung einer Klassifikation für interdisziplinäre Forschungsfelder erarbeitet.