Below is a list of maintainers. Please contact the maintainer before pushing a commit to the master branch of this repository. For detailed documentation, please check out the API docs .
- M: Current maintainer and email address
- S: Status of this part, one of
- Todo
- In Progress
- Maintained
- Orphan
- Obsolete
- F: Files
- P: API path and method if present
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: In Progress
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: sample.env
F: src/consts.js
F: src/index.js
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/controls.js
F: src/img/*
F: src/index.html
F: src/main.js
F: src/styles.css
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/job-token.js
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/log.js
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
T: git git://
T: git git://
F: src/printer/*
F: src/status.js
F: src/print-configuration.js
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: .editorconfig
F: .gitignore
F: .npmrc
F: package.json
F: sample.env
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: scripts/*
See below.
P: POST /job
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/server.js
P: POST /get-configs
M: Andy Lee <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/server.js
P: POST /set-config
M: Andy Lee <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/server.js
P: POST /delete-job
M: Andy Lee <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/server.js
P: GET /status
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Maintained
F: src/server.js
M: Alan Liang <[email protected]>
S: Orphan
F: *
F: */