The phys namelist (phys.nml) is sometimes really hard to work out what the flags refer to. Here is a list of the flags and what they mean.
group name | name list | What is it? | comment |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | do_rrtm_radiation | radiation flag | turn mima radiation on. Default false |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | two_stream_gray | radiation flag | do grey radiation. Default true |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | lwet_convection | convection flag | turn on Simple Betts-Miller (SBMS |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | do_bm | convection flag | turn on Betts-Miller BMS |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | turb | turb flag | turn on vert_turb_driver. Default false |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | do_damping | damping flag | turn on damping_driver. Default false |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | mixed_layer_bc | ml flag | turn on mixed_layer. Default false |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | do_virtual | use virtual temp in gcm_vert_diff. Default false | |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | do_simple | Default false. RH calculation choice? | |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | roughness_*** | Set roughness lengths, m. Default 0.05 | |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | land_option | land flag | Choose land input. Default 'none. 'input' read from file. 'zsurf' base on topography height. |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | land_roughness_prefactor | land flag | Scale factor for roughness lengths over land for 'input' option. |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | land_file_name | land flag | Land file name (also set in runscript?) |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | land_field_name | land flag | Land field name |
idealized_moist_phys_nml | mixed_layer_bc | ml flag | turn on mixed_layer. Default false |
qe_moist_convection_nml | tau_bm | convection flag for SBMS | default is 7200.0 |
qe_moist_convection_nml | rhbm | convection flag for SBMS | default is 0.7 |
spectral_dynamics_nml | surf_res | trop vs strat distribution of sigma levels | Larger surf_res gives more levels in strat vs trop when using uneven-sigma option. 0.2 new recommended value. |