Releases: KSP-RO/RealFuels
8.1 Pre-release for incorrect fuel names.
Interim release to handle the incorrect fuel names per NathanKell's last commit.
RealFuels v8.0
*SAVE-BRREAKING - however, regex made a tool to attempt to update saves. Post on the thread if you want to try it out.
*Redone resources by regex: some resources have changed name, a couple generic ones have been made into various specific ones, and many new (often scary) resources have been added. Note that all resources now have costs, normalized for 1 fund = $1000 in 1965 US Dollars.
*Redone tank masses to better match extant launch vehicles. LV performance will decrease, since mostly that means dry mass went up.
*Cryogenic tank type is now modeled on the Delta IV and Ariane 5 cores; the Shuttle ET is best modeled as a BalloonCryo tank with some ballast.
*RCS, RCSHighEfficiency, Jet, and Oxy tanks are deprecated. Fuselage is ServiceModule with slightly higher mass (used for planes) and Structural is Default with the same basemass as Fuselage (used for planes when the tank doesn't need to be highly pressurized, or have electricity, life support, etc.)
*Updated to MM 2.5.1 (and added FOR[] to the patches).
*Updated SPP patches for .25, redid volumes.
*Fixed for current Tweakscale; should now finally work right!
*taniwha: refueling pump now works, costs funds, and only works if at KSC.
*Disabled when incompatible KSP detected (.24 or any non-.25 version, .25Winx64), though unlocked versions are available on request by PM (on condition of no redistribution and no support)
RealFuels v7.4
v7.4 /
*B9 configs removed from RF; they are included in B9 itself.
*Fixed so tank-switching can be done after a database reload
*Added procedural cost, with taniwha
*Fixed refueling pumps again, with taniwha (they respect flow and flow type, and cost funds)
*Autoconfig buttons moved to the top of the list, and fixed (will now treat jets etc properly, and both multimode modes)
*Supports multiple ModuleEngineConfigs per part (i.e. Multi mode engines, engine+RCS, etc)
*Maeyanie: add support for SXT and KAX
*Removed some unneeded Firespitter entries
*Supports Tweakscale again, internally. NOTE if you do not have tweakscale, you will get a harmless exception in the log about failing to load Tweakscale_Realfuels.dll. Ignore it.
*Made all RCS tanks into ServiceModule tanks (finally); deprecated old RCS tank type.
*Aristurtle Support blackheart's AJKD and KSLO mods.
*Raptor831: Support for Kommit Nucleonics, KSPI improvement, Near Future
RealFuels v7.3
v7.3 /
*Change versioning to 0.x.y internally.
*Only apply SF patch to parts with SolidFuel (less log spam)
*Fixed KIDS interoperabilty
*Fixed so that throttle and massMult work for CONFIGs that don't use techlevels.
*thrustCurves now modify heat in proportion to thrust
*Launch clamp refuel pumps default to off (note: the value is persistent, so if you have a saved craft from before this change, and it has clamps, they will still be defaulting to on).
*aristurtle: fix bugs in HGR config, fix KW typos, add more KW tanks, add KSO tanks
*Increase B9 spaceplane parts fuel capacity by 1.5x to bring them more in line with their physical volume, switch them to using Fuselage tank type
*Fix right-click menu displays regarding rated thrust; now there is only one display, and it only shows up when there is a thrustCurve in use.
RealFuels v7.2
*Fix bug with auto-rescaling of solid fuel resources.
*aristurtle: add support for 5m KW tanks
*Add back ModuleRCSFX support (get ModuleRCSFX from Realism Overhaul)
*Fix the exposed Isp multipliers (for interoperability)
*Add more failsafe checks and ways to avoid issues in Win x64
*Add support for thrustCurve in CONFIG (x = ratio of currentFuel/maxFuel, y = multiplier to thrust)
*Allow local overriding of the visbility of the Volume Utilization slider
*Update to KSPAPIExtensions 1.7.0
RealFuels v7.1
Update to KSP 0.24.2
RealFuels v7.0
v7.0 /
Add tanks to more FS parts
*Disable TweakScale on any part with a ModuleEngineConfigs / ModuleHybridEngine
*TACLS now supports RF/MFT natively, so removed TACLS interaction cfg.
*Enable ElectricCharge in fuselages
*Update ElectricCharge utilization to be 500 rather than 100 (mass per EC unchanged). Now it quite closely matches Silver Zinc Oxide batteries in volume as well as mass.
*Spanier: add KSPX Short 2.5m RCS config.
*Revert to showing the full precision volume of tanks.
*Removed configs for B9 jets and rockets; use AJE.
*Removed last remaining engine configs (Starwaster's NTRs, TT Vector engine)--use an engine pack!
*By default bring back up the mass of solid fuel in a part to where it was pre-RF. Later configs will override.
*Temporarily disable the "dedicated" setting for tanks, it's just causing issues.
*Update to 0.24.1
RealFuels v6.4
v6.4 /
*Allow fuselages to hold life support resources
*Allow CONFIGs to have techRequired items (can limit available Engine Configs based on R&D nodes researched)
*Fix service modules to not start full when TACLS/ECLSS is installed
RealFuels v6.3
v6.3 /
*Add Roxette's Spaceplane Plus support
*Fix HGR so engines are not modified (done via engine config sets instead)
*Add RedAV8R's Kethane volume fixes
*Update ECLSS config; add TACLS config. Both should work correctly when their respective mods are present and not do anything when they're not.
*Made the refueling pump toggleable (in VAB/SPH and in flight)
RealFuels v6.2
v6.2 /
*Added new fuels from RedAV8R
*Updated HGR patch from Sandworm
*Tweaked some Firespitter part volumes, added support for more fuselage parts
+Fixed cloning
+Fixed default amounts not loading
+Fixed ProcParts interoperability issues
+Fixed compatibility with Engine Ignitor