Future expansions are considered in this file. Their presence is not a promise that they'll exist, but rather this file serves as an early outline of features this project hopes to add, as well as changes in directions
The format is adapted from Keep a Changelog. It wont adhere perfectly, but it's a start.
Dates follow YYYY-MM-DD format
But something other tore from my throat, a word I did not know and could not remember.
Then all I could hear was the sound of the wind. It roared into the courtyard like a sudden storm. A nearby carriage slid sideways across the cobblestones, its horses rearing up in panic. Sheet music was torn from someone's hands to streak around us like strange lightning. I was pushed forward a step. Everyone was pushed by the wind. Everyone but Ambrose, who pinwheeled to the ground as if struck by the hand of God.
Then everything was still again. Papers fell, twisting like autumn leaves. People looked around, dazed, their hair tousled and clothes in disarray. Several people staggered as they braced against a storm that was no longer there.
-- Kote in "Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss
In Progress
Keith Murray
email: [email protected] | twitter: @keithTheEE | github: CrakeNotSnowman
Unless otherwise noted, all changes by @kmurrayis
This is just a simple library to house my go to visualization functions, so rather than having to copy paste it constantly, it'll all live under this roof (or within this vase as it were) and I can grab and go.
Make this break early, and often. And when it breaks, provide as informative an explaination about how to fix it as possible.