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Prop Dispenser

System for physically dispensing and attracting in-game props towards a target.

Prop Dispenser Demo


  • Customizable Prop Spawning: Spawn a specified number of props from a given origin with configurable settings.
  • Automatic Prop Removal: Optionally remove props automatically after a configurable duration.
  • Attraction Mechanism: Move props toward a target object within a defined attraction distance, with optional physics-based motion.
  • Physics-Based Dispensing: Simulate natural, physics-driven prop dispensing. The latter attraction works by per-frame positional changes using PivotTo.
  • Event Callbacks: Attach custom logic to prop spawn, removal, and group completion events for added flexibility.

Installation via Wally:

  1. Ensure you have the Wally package manager installed on your system.
  2. Add the following line to your wally.toml file under the [dependencies] section:
    dispense-prop = "khanpython/[email protected]"
  3. Run the Wally install command to download and integrate the package:
    wally install
  4. The package will be placed in your Packages folder. Use the following code snippet to require it in your project:
    local PropManager = require(path-to-package)


PropManager:Start(amount, originCFrame, propTemplate, targetInstance, settings)

Parameter Type Description
amount number The number of props to spawn. Must be an integer.
originCFrame CFrame The starting position for the props.
propTemplate Model or BasePart A template instance to clone for each prop.
targetInstance Model or BasePart The target instance towards which props may be attracted.
settings table A table of configuration options for the props. See details below.

settings Table

Key Type Default Description
RemoveMagnitude number? 5 The distance within which a prop is automatically removed.
AttractSpeed number? 10 The speed at which props move towards the target.
AttractMagnitude number? nil The range within which props start moving towards the target.
AttractDelay number? 1 Time delay before props become 'live' after spawning. Live implying that the prop can be attracted and claimed by the target Instance.
AutoRemoveTime number? nil Time in seconds before props are automatically removed.
CollisionGroup string? Default The collision group assigned to props.
OnSpawn function nil A function executed when a prop is spawned.
OnRemoved function? nil A function executed when a prop is removed.
OnAllRemoved function? nil A function executed when all props in a group are removed.

Example Usage:

local PropDispenser = require(path-to-package)

-- Define settings for the props
local settings = {
    RemoveMagnitude = 5,
    AttractSpeed = 15,
    AttractMagnitude = 20,
    AttractDelay = 3,
    AutoRemoveTime = 30,
    CollisionGroup = "CustomGroup",

    --! Imporant: Avoid yielding any of the callbacks. `OnSpawn` could be an exception, though it may lead to unexpected results.
    OnSpawn = function(prop)
        print("Spawned prop:", prop)

        -- You must manually parent the prop
        prop.Parent = workspace

        local randomX = math.random(-10, 10)
        local randomY = math.random(5, 10)
        local randomZ = math.random(-10, 10)

        -- Your `spill` logic
      , randomY, randomZ)
    OnRemoved = function(byAutoRemove)
        print("Prop removed.")

            * This hook is triggered whenever a single prop is removed. 
            * The `byAutoRemove` parameter indicates whether the removal was due to the automatic removal timer (`true`), or because the prop was cleared/claimed by the target (`false`).
            * For example, you could use this to send a message to the server to reward the player and update a pool of claimable rewards.
    OnAllRemoved = function()
        print("All props removed.")

            * This hook is triggered when all props in the current group have been removed, regardless of whether the removals occurred due to automatic removal or clearing/claiming by the target.
            * Use this to execute any logic that depends on the entire group being cleared, such as finalizing a reward process

-- Start spawning props
    10,                 -- Number of props, 10, 0), -- Origin position
    workspace.PropTemplate, -- Template prop instance
    workspace.Target,       -- Target instance
    settings                -- Settings table


  • Cross-client Compatibility: The system is not designed to function across multiple clients simultaneously. It focuses on single-client interactions and is not optimized for distributing prop across a networked environment.
  • Massive-Scale Prop Management: The design is optimized for small to moderate numbers of props. Handling thousands of active props simultaneously is not within the intended use case due to performance constraints.
  • Dynamic Configuration Changes: Settings like AttractMagnitude, RemoveMagnitude, and CollisionGroup are static once the system starts. Dynamically updating these configurations at runtime is not recommended.