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200 lines (184 loc) · 19 KB

File metadata and controls

200 lines (184 loc) · 19 KB


A project for converting a jpeg image into a text file where the characters resemble the image.

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artify.c is the main program that converts the image. allows to extend the alphabet of available characters. However this program is not designed to utilize non-ascii characters. if the alphabet is in such way extended the code has to be adjusted.

The code is further documented in line.

Special thanks to nothings to provide the stb library.

To use this program the image has to be in the same directory as the executable and passed as the second parameter. Optionally a third parameter may be passed to set a threshold at what greyscale a pixel is either white or black (0-255).

This program works especially well with cartoons and simple large black and white images. The resolution can be adjusted in the code (and obviously recompiled) the line is commented.

Some examples follow:

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