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Releases: Kitura/BlueSocket

Compatible with 5/09, 05/31 and 6/06 Binaries

13 Apr 16:07
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  • Important: This release requires use of the 5/03, 5/31 or 6/06 DEVELOPMENT release of the toolchain.
  • Replaced make*() API's with create() (various forms depending on what you're creating). To create a socket using default parameters, use create().
  • Changed Error from class to struct.
  • Improved error handling when determining protocol family of newly connected or listening sockets.
  • Wrappered socket fd functions into FD class and changed names to look more familiar with their 'C' counterparts. i.e. FD_SET in C becomes FD.SET in Swift.
  • Check for interrupt during accept call and re-issue call if interrupted. This allows setting of breakpoints while listening for a connection.
  • Enums have been lowerCamelCased in accordance with Swift 3.0 API guidelines.
  • Added new wait() API to monitor an array of sockets, returning when data is available or timeout occurs.
  • Added hooks for using SSLService plugin (when available).
  • Added boolean value to the Signature to indicate whether the Socket instance is secure or not.

Major Changes to Conform to Swift 3.0 API Guidelines

24 Mar 19:52
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  • Important: This release requires use of the 3/16 DEVELOPMENT release of the toolchain.
  • While the project name, BlueSocket remains the same, the actual framework name is now just Socket. For importing in your programs, where you used to use:
import BlueSocket

you should now use:

 import Socket
  • In keeping with this, all references to BlueSocket have been changed to Socket including the reader and writer protocols.
  • Some of the public properties and a lot of the public functions within Socket and its structs/enums have been refactored and had their signatures changed. This was done in an effort to conform to Swift 3.0 API guidelines. The following table lists these changes:
Parent Old Property/Function Signature New Property/Function Signature
SocketReader readData(data: NSMutableData) throws -> Int read(into data: NSMutableData) throws -> Int
SocketWriter writeData(data: NSData) throws write(from data: NSData) throws
SocketWriter writeString(string: String) throws write(from string: String) throws
Socket.Address Not available var size: Int
Socket.Address func toAddr() -> sockaddr var addr: sockaddr
Socket.Signature public var addrSize: Int Removed now part of Socket.Address.
Socket.Error Conforms to ErrorType Conforms to ErrorProtocol
Socket var connected: Bool var isConnected: Bool
Socket var listening: Bool var isListening: Bool
Socket var remoteHostName: String? var remoteHostname: String
Socket var remotePort: Int var remotePort: Int32
Socket N/A var isServer: Bool
Socket N/A var listeningPort: Int32
Socket class func defaultConfigured() throws -> BlueSocket class func makeDefault() throws -> Socket
Socket class func customConfigured(family: ProtocolFamily, type: SocketType, proto: SocketProtocol) throws -> BlueSocket class func makeConfigured(family family: ProtocolFamily, type: SocketType, proto: SocketProtocol) throws -> Socket
Socket class func createConnected(Signature signature: Signature) throws -> BlueSocket class func makeConnected(using signature: Signature) throws -> Socket
Socket class func createUsing(NativeHandle socketfd: Int32, address: Address?) throws -> BlueSocket class func makeFrom(nativeHandle nativeHandle: Int32, address: Address?) throws -> Socket
Socket class func ipAddressStringAndPort(fromAddress: Address) -> (hostname: String, port: Int)? class func hostnameAndPort(from address: Address) -> (hostname: String, port: Int32)?
Socket class func checkStatus(sockets: [BlueSocket]) throws -> (readables: [BlueSocket], writables: [BlueSocket]) class func checkStatus(for sockets: [Socket]) throws -> (readables: [Socket], writables: [Socket])
Socket func acceptConnectionAndKeepListening() throws -> BlueSocket func acceptClientConnection() throws -> Socket
Socket func connectTo(host: String, port: Int32) throws func connect(to host: String, port: Int32) throws
Socket func connectUsing(Signature signature: Signature) throws func connect(using signature: Signature) throws
Socket func listenOn(port: Int) throws func listen(on port: Int) throws
Socket func listenOn(port: Int, maxPendingConnections: Int) throws func listen(on port: Int, maxPendingConnections: Int) throws
Socket func readData(buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer, bufSize: Int) throws -> Int func read(into buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer, bufSize: Int) throws -> Int
Socket func readData(data: NSMutableData) throws -> Int func read(into data: NSMutableData) throws -> Int
Socket func writeData(buffer: UnsafePointer, bufSize: Int) throws func write(from buffer: UnsafePointer, bufSize: Int) throws
Socket func writeData(data: NSData) throws func write(from data: NSData) throws
Socket func writeString(string: String) throws func write(from string: String) throws
Socket func setBlocking(shouldBlock: Bool) throws func setBlocking(mode shouldBlock: Bool) throws

Bug fixes

17 Mar 17:59
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a big bug on Linux. The use of sockaddr_storage for storage of both sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6 structs does not work on Linux. It appears to be the way the struct is defined on Linux versus the way it's defined on OS X. The result was that the address and port number were being corrupted. This solves the problem by storing the addresses in an enum with associated values.
  • Replaced the inefficient toXXX() utility functions associated with sockaddr_storage, sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6 with versions that do a simple cast rather than allocating new structures.
  • Fixed a problem with the port values. They were not be byte swapped when converting from network format.

Usability Enhancements

15 Mar 19:34
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Some major refactoring of the code internals that makes the API a bit more easier to use:

  • BlueSocket.BlueSocketSignature is now BlueSocket.Signature,
  • BlueSocketError has become BlueSocket.Error.
  • BlueSocket.BlueSocketProtocolFamily has become BlueSocket.ProtocolFamily.
  • BlueSocket.BlueSocketType has become BlueSocket.SocketType.
  • BlueSocket.BlueSocketProtocol has become BlueSocket.SocketProtocol.
  • Added domain property to BlueSocket.Error.

Additionally, added code to allow listening sockets to avoid dying from a SIGPIPE signal for an interrupted connection.

Protocol Independence

06 Mar 16:27
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What's changed in this release:

  • Updated to use the latest swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-01-a drop of the Swift toolchain. Use of this drop or higher is REQUIRED.
  • Changed library to be protocol independent. It now fully supports both IPV4 and IPV6 including listening on an IPV6 socket.
  • Removed use of gethostbyname() since it's obsolete and replaced it with the more modern getaddrinfo().
  • Added extensions for sockaddr, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6 and sockaddr_storage to facilitate conversions based on the protocol family.
  • Improved documentation adding missing where needed.
  • Replaced the BlueSocket.dottedIP(fromAddress:) class method with a new more robust BlueSocket.ipAddressStringAndPort(fromAddress:) that returns an optional tuple containing both the string representation of the hostname and the port based on the pass socket address info.
  • Added code to maintain signatures for all connected sockets. This can be accessed via the signature property.
  • Added new class function that allows creation of a connected socket using a BlueSocketSignature, BlueSocket.createConnected(Signature:). Accompanying that, added an instance function, connectUsing(Signature:), that allows connection to be achieved by providing a BlueSocketSignature object.
  • Added convenient method for creating a BlueSocketSignature to make it easier to use the new class function to create a connected socket all in one step.
  • Added new class function that allows creation of a BlueSocket instance using an existing raw socket fd and address.

UDP Beginnings

01 Mar 22:22
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Beginnings of support for UDP. Not yet available.

Minor enhancements

16 Feb 15:31
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Added new class function to check the readability/writability of an array of BlueSockets.

Initial public release

14 Feb 16:01
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Merge branch 'master' of