A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from 'A'
, 'C'
, 'G'
, and 'T'
Suppose we need to investigate a mutation from a gene string start
to a gene string end
where one mutation is defined as one single character changed in the gene string.
- For example,
is one mutation.
There is also a gene bank bank
that records all the valid gene mutations. A gene must be in bank
to make it a valid gene string.
Given the two gene strings start
and end
and the gene bank bank
, return the minimum number of mutations needed to mutate from start
to end
. If there is no such a mutation, return -1
Note that the starting point is assumed to be valid, so it might not be included in the bank.
Example 1:
Input: start = "AACCGGTT", end = "AACCGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA"] Output: 1
Example 2:
Input: start = "AACCGGTT", end = "AAACGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA","AACCGCTA","AAACGGTA"] Output: 2
Example 3:
Input: start = "AAAAACCC", end = "AACCCCCC", bank = ["AAAACCCC","AAACCCCC","AACCCCCC"] Output: 3
start.length == 8
end.length == 8
0 <= bank.length <= 10
bank[i].length == 8
, andbank[i]
consist of only the characters['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
class Solution:
def minMutation(self, start: str, end: str, bank: List[str]) -> int:
s = set(bank)
q = deque([(start, 0)])
mp = {'A': 'TCG', 'T': 'ACG', 'C': 'ATG', 'G': 'ATC'}
while q:
t, step = q.popleft()
if t == end:
return step
for i, v in enumerate(t):
for j in mp[v]:
next = t[:i] + j + t[i + 1:]
if next in s:
q.append((next, step + 1))
return -1
class Solution:
def minMutation(self, start: str, end: str, bank: List[str]) -> int:
def dfs(start, t):
if start == end:
nonlocal ans
ans = min(ans, t)
for i, x in enumerate(start):
for y in 'ACGT':
if x != y:
nxt = start[:i] + y + start[i + 1:]
if nxt in s:
dfs(nxt, t + 1)
s = set(bank)
ans = float('inf')
dfs(start, 0)
return -1 if ans == float('inf') else ans
class Solution {
public int minMutation(String start, String end, String[] bank) {
Set<String> s = new HashSet<>();
for (String b : bank) {
Map<Character, String> mp = new HashMap<>(4);
mp.put('A', "TCG");
mp.put('T', "ACG");
mp.put('C', "ATG");
mp.put('G', "ATC");
Deque<Pair<String, Integer>> q = new LinkedList<>();
q.offer(new Pair<>(start, 0));
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Pair<String, Integer> p = q.poll();
String t = p.getKey();
int step = p.getValue();
if (end.equals(t)) {
return step;
for (int i = 0; i < t.length(); ++i) {
for (char c : mp.get(t.charAt(i)).toCharArray()) {
String next = t.substring(0, i) + c + t.substring(i + 1);
if (s.contains(next)) {
q.offer(new Pair<>(next, step + 1));
return -1;
class Solution {
private int ans;
private Set<String> s;
private static final char[] seq = {'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'};
public int minMutation(String start, String end, String[] bank) {
s = new HashSet<>();
for (String b : bank) {
ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
dfs(start, end, 0);
return ans == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : ans;
private void dfs(String start, String end, int t) {
if (start.equals(end)) {
ans = Math.min(ans, t);
for (int i = 0; i < start.length(); ++i) {
for (char c : seq) {
if (start.charAt(i) == c) {
String nxt = start.substring(0, i) + c + start.substring(i + 1);
if (s.contains(nxt)) {
dfs(nxt, end, t + 1);
class Solution {
int minMutation(string start, string end, vector<string>& bank) {
unordered_set<string> s;
for (auto& b : bank) s.insert(b);
unordered_map<char, string> mp;
mp['A'] = "TCG";
mp['T'] = "ACG";
mp['C'] = "ATG";
mp['G'] = "ATC";
queue<pair<string, int>> q;
q.push({start, 0});
while (!q.empty())
auto p = q.front();
string t = p.first;
int step = p.second;
if (t == end) return step;
for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
for (char c : mp[t[i]])
string next = t.substr(0, i) + c + t.substr(i + 1, t.size() - i - 1);
if (s.count(next))
q.push({next, step + 1});
return -1;
class Solution {
int ans;
string seq = "ACGT";
int minMutation(string start, string end, vector<string>& bank) {
unordered_set<string> s;
for (auto& b : bank) s.insert(b);
ans = INT_MAX;
dfs(start, end, s, 0);
return ans == INT_MAX ? -1 : ans;
void dfs(string& start, string& end, unordered_set<string>& s, int t) {
if (start == end)
ans = min(ans, t);
for (int i = 0; i < start.size(); ++i)
for (char& c : seq)
if (start[i] == c) continue;
string nxt = start.substr(0, i) + c + start.substr(i + 1, start.size() - i - 1);
if (s.count(nxt))
dfs(nxt, end, s, t + 1);
func minMutation(start string, end string, bank []string) int {
s := make(map[string]bool)
for _, b := range bank {
s[b] = true
mp := make(map[byte]string)
mp['A'] = "TCG"
mp['T'] = "ACG"
mp['C'] = "ATG"
mp['G'] = "ATC"
type pair struct {
first string
second int
q := []pair{{start, 0}}
for len(q) > 0 {
p := q[0]
q = q[1:]
t, step := p.first, p.second
if t == end {
return step
for i := 0; i < len(t); i++ {
for _, c := range mp[t[i]] {
next := t[:i] + string(c) + t[i+1:]
if s[next] {
q = append(q, pair{next, step + 1})
s[next] = false
return -1
func minMutation(start string, end string, bank []string) int {
s := make(map[string]bool)
for _, b := range bank {
s[b] = true
ans := math.MaxInt32
s[start] = false
seq := []rune{'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'}
var dfs func(start string, t int)
dfs = func(start string, t int) {
if start == end {
if ans > t {
ans = t
for i, x := range start {
for _, y := range seq {
if x == y {
nxt := start[:i] + string(y) + start[i+1:]
if s[nxt] {
s[nxt] = false
dfs(nxt, t+1)
dfs(start, 0)
if ans == math.MaxInt32 {
return -1
return ans
function minMutation(start: string, end: string, bank: string[]): number {
const queue = [start];
let res = 0;
while (queue.length !== 0) {
const n = queue.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const s1 = queue.shift();
if (s1 === end) {
return res;
for (let j = bank.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
const s2 = bank[j];
let count = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (s1[k] !== s2[k]) {
if (count <= 1) {
queue.push(...bank.splice(j, 1));
return -1;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
impl Solution {
pub fn min_mutation(start: String, end: String, mut bank: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut queue = vec![start].into_iter().collect::<VecDeque<String>>();
let mut res = 0;
while !queue.is_empty() {
let n = queue.len();
for _ in 0..n {
let s1 = queue.pop_front().unwrap();
if s1 == end {
return res;
for i in (0..bank.len()).rev() {
let s1 = s1.as_bytes();
let s2 = bank[i].as_bytes();
let mut count = 0;
for j in 0..8 {
if s1[j] != s2[j] {
count += 1;
if count <= 1 {
res += 1;