All the parameters accepted by the Head-Vector format parser can be queried using the Head-Vector --help
parameter. The output is the following:
usage: Head-Vector [-h] [--DiscardSentencesShorter length_in_words]
[--DiscardSentencesLonger length_in_words]
[--ChunkSyntacticDependencyTree {Anderson,Macutek}]
The parser of a head vector-formatted file. This command has special mandatory and optional parameters.
These are listed below.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--DiscardSentencesShorter length_in_words
Discard sentences whose length (in words) is less than or equal to (<=) a given
length. This is applied *after* removing punctuation marks and/or function
--DiscardSentencesLonger length_in_words
Discard sentences whose length (in words) is greater than or equal to (>=) a
given length. This is applied *after* removing punctuation marks and/or
function words.
--ChunkSyntacticDependencyTree {Anderson,Macutek}
Chunks a syntactic dependency tree using the specified algorithm. This is
applied only to those sentences that have not been discarded.