Check the release of this iteration here
- This first iteration was a good moment to interact with Flutter and to learn new technologies. It also allowed us to get more familiar with the Uni codebase.
- We were able to finish most of what we planned. The remaining work was not completed due to technical difficulties and it is beyond us.
- Both git flow and the project board were well used, which allowed for a good management of the development.
- As our schedule clears, there should be more time spent on the project, which was a handicap on the first stint.
- There was a lack of communication present which made members unaware of each other's work. On the future we will strive to report difficulties more often so the project won't stall.
- Due to the overhead of getting to know new technologies, testing was ignored on this iteration, which shouldn't happen again.
- As iteration 2 starts, we will pay more attention to the way we distribute tasks among the team.
- One of the objectives of this iteration was to complete the occupation fetcher. This task revealed to be harder then expected as the library website is not suited for this kind of task.
- There are some aspects of the Dart language and Flutter that we are not familiar yet. The same goes for the Uni codebase.