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Tutorial kpoint convergence testing

Jane Herriman edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 35 revisions

Author: Jane E. Herriman

Goal of this tutorial

In this tutorial, we will see how to do kpoint convergence testing.

Creating the input file

Defining the system

We will be using a primitive cell of GaAs in this tutorial. The commands below provide information about this system, such as the geometry of a GaAs primitive cell, and should be included in your input file.

You will want to define the lattice vectors of your cell. Recall that units are in Bohr radii (a.u.).

 set cell 0.00000 3.30000 3.30000 3.30000 0.00000 3.30000 3.30000 3.30000 0.0000

Next, define the atomic species present in your cell -- create an association between an xml file containing all information that describes this particular species (including pseudopotential information) and an alias for the species. The xml files listed below can be found [here] ( and here.

 species Gallium Ga_HSCV_PBE-1.0.xml
 species Arsenic As_HSCV_PBE-1.0.xml

Define the atoms in the unit cell and their positions (in a.u.).

 atom Ga1 Gallium 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
 atom As1 Arsenic 1.6500 1.6500 1.6500


Kpoint meshes

Below are provided lists of coordinates that define equipartitioned meshes in reciprocal space for a primitive cell of zinc blende GaAs. Each coordinate comes with an associated weight.

Coordinates for a 1x1 mesh:

 kpoint 0.00000000000 0.00000000000 0.00000000000 1.0000000000000

Coordinates for a 2x2 mesh:

 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000  -0.250000  0.125000
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000   0.250000  0.375000
 kpoint -0.250000   0.250000   0.250000  0.375000
 kpoint  0.250000   0.250000   0.250000  0.125000

Coordinates for a 3x3 mesh:

 kpoint -0.333333  -0.333333  -0.333333  0.148148
 kpoint -0.333333  -0.333333   0.000000  0.222222
 kpoint -0.333333  -0.333333   0.333333  0.444444
 kpoint -0.333333   0.000000   0.000000  0.148148
 kpoint  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000  0.037037

Coordinates for a 4x4 mesh:

 kpoint -0.375000  -0.375000  -0.375000  0.015625
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.375000  -0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.375000   0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.375000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.125000  -0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.125000   0.125000  0.093750
 kpoint -0.375000  -0.125000   0.375000  0.093750
 kpoint -0.375000   0.125000   0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.375000   0.125000   0.375000  0.093750
 kpoint -0.375000   0.375000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.125000  -0.125000  -0.125000  0.015625
 kpoint -0.125000  -0.125000   0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.125000  -0.125000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.125000   0.125000   0.125000  0.046875
 kpoint -0.125000   0.125000   0.375000  0.093750
 kpoint -0.125000   0.375000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint  0.125000   0.125000   0.125000  0.015625
 kpoint  0.125000   0.125000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint  0.125000   0.375000   0.375000  0.046875
 kpoint  0.375000   0.375000   0.375000  0.015625

Coordinates for a 5x5 mesh:

 kpoint -0.400000  -0.400000  -0.400000  0.032000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.400000  -0.200000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.400000   0.000000  0.048000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.400000   0.200000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.400000   0.400000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.200000  -0.200000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.200000   0.000000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.400000  -0.200000   0.200000  0.192000
 kpoint -0.400000   0.000000   0.000000  0.032000
 kpoint -0.400000   0.000000   0.200000  0.096000
 kpoint -0.200000  -0.200000  -0.200000  0.032000
 kpoint -0.200000  -0.200000   0.000000  0.048000
 kpoint -0.200000   0.000000   0.000000  0.032000
 kpoint  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000  0.008000

Coordinates for a 6x6 mesh:

 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667  -0.416667  0.004630
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667  -0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667  -0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.250000  -0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.250000  -0.083333  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.250000   0.083333  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.250000   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.250000   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.083333  -0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.083333   0.083333  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.083333   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667  -0.083333   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667   0.083333   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667   0.083333   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667   0.083333   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667   0.250000   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.416667   0.250000   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.416667   0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000  -0.250000  0.004630
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000  -0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.250000   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.083333  -0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.083333   0.083333  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.083333   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000  -0.083333   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000   0.083333   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000   0.083333   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000   0.083333   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000   0.250000   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.250000   0.250000   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.250000   0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333  -0.083333  -0.083333  0.004630
 kpoint -0.083333  -0.083333   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333  -0.083333   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333  -0.083333   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333   0.083333   0.083333  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333   0.083333   0.250000  0.027778
 kpoint -0.083333   0.083333   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.083333   0.250000   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint -0.083333   0.250000   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint -0.083333   0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint  0.083333   0.083333   0.083333  0.004630
 kpoint  0.083333   0.083333   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint  0.083333   0.083333   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint  0.083333   0.250000   0.250000  0.013889
 kpoint  0.083333   0.250000   0.416667  0.027778
 kpoint  0.083333   0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint  0.250000   0.250000   0.250000  0.004630
 kpoint  0.250000   0.250000   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint  0.250000   0.416667   0.416667  0.013889
 kpoint  0.416667   0.416667   0.416667  0.004630

Coordinates for a 7x7 mesh:

 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571  -0.428571  0.011662
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571  -0.285714  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571  -0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571   0.000000  0.017493
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571   0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571   0.285714  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.428571   0.428571  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714  -0.285714  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714  -0.142857  0.069971
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714   0.000000  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714   0.142857  0.069971
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714   0.285714  0.069971
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.285714   0.428571  0.069971
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.142857  -0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.142857   0.000000  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571  -0.142857   0.142857  0.069971
 kpoint -0.428571   0.000000   0.000000  0.011662
 kpoint -0.428571   0.000000   0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571   0.000000   0.285714  0.034985
 kpoint -0.428571   0.285714   0.285714  0.034985
 kpoint -0.285714  -0.285714  -0.285714  0.011662
 kpoint -0.285714  -0.285714  -0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.285714  -0.285714   0.000000  0.017493
 kpoint -0.285714  -0.142857  -0.142857  0.034985
 kpoint -0.285714  -0.142857   0.000000  0.034985
 kpoint -0.285714   0.000000   0.000000  0.011662
 kpoint -0.142857  -0.142857  -0.142857  0.011662
 kpoint -0.142857  -0.142857   0.000000  0.017493
 kpoint -0.142857   0.000000   0.000000  0.011662
 kpoint  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000  0.002915

Some notes about kpoints

The densities of kpoints along each reciprocal space basis vector should be equivalent, or approximately equivalent. When working with a cubic lattice, this is relatively straight-forward: we can simply use an equipartitioned (N x N x N) mesh in reciprocal space.

How should our mesh of kpoints change for a lower symmetry lattice, i.e. one that is non-cubic? Let's call the basis vectors used to describe our lattice are a, b, and c. In reciprocal space, the lengths of the corresponding vectors are |1a|, |1b|, and |1c|. To ensure equal densities of kpoints along each reciprocal space basis vector, we want to choose a (U x V x W) mesh in reciprocal space such that |Ua| == |Vb| == |Wc|.

Here's a quick example: Let's say we're working with a unit cell of an orthorhombic lattice. In this particular orthorhombic lattice, b == c == 2a. Substituting into one of the equations above, |Ua| == |V2a| == |W2a|. This means that 2U == V == W. You'll therefore want to use reciprocal space meshes of the form (U x 2U x 2U) for this system.

This should by no means be taken as an introduction to reciprocal/fourier space. If you're unfamiliar with the above concepts, you may want to check out an introductory text in solid state physics such as Kittel.

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