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The coercion app enables to program Coq coercions in Elpi.

This app is experimental.

The coercion predicate

The coercion predicate lives in the database coercion.db

% [coercion Ctx V Inferred Expected Res] is queried to cast V to Res
% - [Ctx] is the context
% - [V] is the value to be coerced
% - [Inferred] is the type of [V]
% - [Expected] is the type [V] should be coerced to
% - [Res] is the result (of type [Expected])
pred coercion i:goal-ctx, i:term, i:term, i:term, o:term.

By addings rules for this predicate one can recover from a type error, that is when Inferred and Expected are not unifiable.

Simple example of coercion

This example maps True : Prop to true : bool, which is a function you cannot express in type theory, hence in the standard Coercion system.

From elpi.apps Require Import coercion.
From Coq Require Import Bool.

Elpi Accumulate coercion.db lp:{{

coercion _ {{ True }} {{ Prop }} {{ bool }} {{ true }}.
coercion _ {{ False }} {{ Prop }} {{ bool }} {{ false }}.


Check True && False.

Example of coercion with proof automation

This coercion enriches x : T to a {x : T | P x} by using my_solver to prove P x.

From elpi.apps Require Import coercion.
From Coq Require Import Arith ssreflect.

Ltac my_solver := trivial with arith.

Elpi Accumulate coercion.db lp:{{

coercion _ X Ty {{ @sig lp:Ty lp:P }} Solution :-! [
  % we unfold letins since the solver is dumb and the `as` in the second
  % example introduces a letin
  (pi a b b1\ copy a b :- def a _ _ b, copy b b1) => copy X X1,
  % we build the solution
  Solution = {{ @exist lp:Ty lp:P lp:X1 _ }},
  % we call the solver
  coq.ltac.collect-goals Solution [G] [], ( "my_solver") G [],

Elpi Typecheck coercion.

Goal {x : nat | x > 0}.
apply: 3.

Definition ensure_pos n : {x : nat | x > 0} :=
  match n with
  | O => 1
  | S x as y => y