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LangStream Version: 0.6.2

AWS Bedrock (bedrock-configuration)

Connect to AWS Bedrock API.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
access-keyAws access key.string
endpoint-overrideOverride default AWS endpoint. Useful for testing and debugging. If using AWS, please only set the region.string
regionAWS region for Bedrock endpoints.stringus-east-1
secret-keyAws secret key.string

Astra (datasource)

Connect to DataStax Astra Database service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
clientIdAstra Token clientId to use.string
databaseAstra Database name to connect to. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
database-idAstra Database ID name to connect to. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
environmentAstra environment.stringPROD
passwordDEPRECATED: use secret instead.string
secretAstra Token secret to use.string
secureBundleSecure bundle of the database. Must be encoded in base64.string
serviceService type. Set to 'astra'string
tokenAstra Token (AstraCS:xxx) for connecting to the database. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
usernameDEPRECATED: use clientId instead.string

Astra Vector DB (datasource)

Connect to DataStax Astra Vector DB service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
endpointAPI Endpoint.string
serviceService type. Set to 'astra-vector-db'string
tokenAstra Token (AstraCS:xxx) for connecting to the database.string

Cassandra (datasource)

Connect to Apache cassandra.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
contact-pointsContact points of the cassandra cluster.string
loadBalancing-localDcLoad balancing local datacenter.string
passwordUser password.string
portCassandra port.integer9042
serviceService type. Set to 'cassandra'string
usernameUser username.string

JDBC (datasource)

Connect to any JDBC compatible database. The driver must be provided as dependency. All the extra configuration properties are passed as is to the JDBC driver.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
driverClassJDBC entry-point driver class.string
serviceService type. Set to 'jdbc'string
urlJDBC connection url.string

OpenSearch (datasource)

Connect to OpenSearch service or AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
hostHost parameter for connecting to OpenSearch.
Valid both for OpenSearch and AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless.
httpsWhether to use https or not.booleantrue
index-nameName of the index to to connect to.string
passwordBasic authentication for connecting to OpenSearch.
In case of AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless, this is the secret key.
portPort parameter for connecting to OpenSearch service.integer9200
regionRegion parameter for connecting to AWS OpenSearch Service/Serveless.string
serviceService type. Set to 'opensearch'string
usernameBasic authentication for connecting to OpenSearch.
In case of AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless, this is the access key.

Hugging Face (hugging-face-configuration)

Connect to Hugging Face service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
access-keyThe access key to use for "api" provider.string
api-urlThe URL of the Hugging Face API. Relevant only if provider is "api".string
model-check-urlThe model url to use. Relevant only if provider is "api".string
providerThe provider to use. Either "local" or "api".stringapi

Ollama (ollama-configuration)

Connect to Ollama API.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
urlURL for the Ollama service.string

Open AI (open-ai-configuration)

Connect to OpenAI API or Azure OpenAI API.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
access-keyThe access key to use.string
providerThe provider to use. Either "openai" or "azure".stringopenai
urlUrl for Azure OpenAI API. Required only if provider is "azure".string

Astra (vector-database)

Connect to DataStax Astra Database service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
clientIdAstra Token clientId to use.string
databaseAstra Database name to connect to. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
database-idAstra Database ID name to connect to. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
environmentAstra environment.stringPROD
passwordDEPRECATED: use secret instead.string
secretAstra Token secret to use.string
secureBundleSecure bundle of the database. Must be encoded in base64.string
serviceService type. Set to 'astra'string
tokenAstra Token (AstraCS:xxx) for connecting to the database. If secureBundle is provided, this field is ignored.string
usernameDEPRECATED: use clientId instead.string

Astra Vector DB (vector-database)

Connect to DataStax Astra Vector DB service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
endpointAPI Endpoint.string
serviceService type. Set to 'astra-vector-db'string
tokenAstra Token (AstraCS:xxx) for connecting to the database.string

Cassandra (vector-database)

Connect to Apache cassandra.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
contact-pointsContact points of the cassandra cluster.string
loadBalancing-localDcLoad balancing local datacenter.string
passwordUser password.string
portCassandra port.integer9042
serviceService type. Set to 'cassandra'string
usernameUser username.string

Milvus (vector-database)

Connect to Milvus/Zillis service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
hostHost parameter for connecting to Milvus.string
passwordPassword parameter for connecting to Milvus.string
portPort parameter for connecting to Milvus.integer19530
serviceService type. Set to 'milvus'string
tokenToken parameter for connecting to Zillis service.string
urlUrl parameter for connecting to Zillis service.string
userUser parameter for connecting to Milvus.stringdefault

OpenSearch (vector-database)

Connect to OpenSearch service or AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
hostHost parameter for connecting to OpenSearch.
Valid both for OpenSearch and AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless.
httpsWhether to use https or not.booleantrue
index-nameName of the index to to connect to.string
passwordBasic authentication for connecting to OpenSearch.
In case of AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless, this is the secret key.
portPort parameter for connecting to OpenSearch service.integer9200
regionRegion parameter for connecting to AWS OpenSearch Service/Serveless.string
serviceService type. Set to 'opensearch'string
usernameBasic authentication for connecting to OpenSearch.
In case of AWS OpenSearch Service/Serverless, this is the access key.

Pinecone (vector-database)

Connect to Pinecone service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
api-keyApi key for connecting to the Pinecone service.string
endpointEndpoint of the Pinecone service.string
environmentEnvironment parameter for connecting to the Pinecone service.string
index-nameIndex name parameter for connecting to the Pinecone service.string
project-nameProject name parameter for connecting to the Pinecone service.string
server-side-timeout-secServer side timeout parameter for connecting to the Pinecone service.integer10
serviceService type. Set to 'pinecone'string

Solr (vector-database)

Connect to Solr or Solr Cloud service.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
collection-nameCollection to use in Solr.string
hostHost parameter for connecting to Solr.string
passwordPassword parameter for connecting to Solr.string
portPort parameter for connecting to Solr.integer8983
serviceService type. Set to 'solr'string
userUsername parameter for connecting to Solr.string

Vertex AI (vertex-configuration)

Connect to VertexAI API.

DescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
projectGCP project name for the Vertex API.string
regionGCP region for the Vertex API.string
serviceAccountJsonSpecify service account credentials. Refer to the GCP documentation on how to download itstring
tokenAccess key for the Vertex API.string
urlURL connection for the Vertex API.string