Procede no further and accept supplemental registry
Correct decision for resource-constrained clients (best of a bad lot)
- seeks the simplest and most likely conclusion from a set of observations
- yields a plausible conclusion but does not definitively verify it
- diagnostic "expert" systems frequently employ abduction
Competent evidence to challenge the USPTO conclusion
Legal problem solving in client's interest
- premise(s) ➡️ inferences ↪️ conclusion
- Logos appeals to reason, building up logical arguments = better aim
- Ethos appeals to the speaker's status or authority = bigger gun
- Pathos appeals to the emotions (angry or sympathetic) = go vegan
What is the spectrum of outcomes and identify paths for mini-max cost-benefits
- principles are derived from a body of observations
- truth of conclusion is probable, based upon the evidence
- humans don't handle uncertainty well, but new knowledge can be generated
I looked at the Yaga Labs case which suggest USPTO can change its practices.