- 理解系统设计需求,需要明确系统所用于何种商业目的,要求的功能&技术,来成功定义面试官内心的“标答” 【功能性需求】
- 明确所设计系统需求的资源, 例如分析QPS 【非功能性需求】
- latency sensitive的场景,要避免使用msg queue
- 画出关系清晰的架构图,搞清楚service怎么划分
- high level design
- 设计数据结构与存储、核心子服务、接口等,接上database
- 技术选型:SQL vs No-SQL,Sync VS Async,RPC VS MQ等技术选择
- 明确所设计系统的可扩展性、容错性、延迟要求等
- 扩展: 加缓存,数据库读写分离,数据库 sharding 等等
- 瓶颈: 一般都在数据库
- 解决缺陷并处理可能遇到的问题
- Functional requirement
- NonFunctional requirement
- Capacity planning
- Diagram + API 【接口和业务entity】
- DataSchema + Scale
- Monitoring/Metrics
- Write Heavy System, Read Heavy System, Scheduler System, Strong Consistency System
- AD Click Aggregator
- Web Crawler (e.g. Google)
- Ticketmaster
- LeetCode
- Leaderboard
- Design a URL shortener (e.g. Bitly)
- Design a video watching website (e.g. YouTube)
- Design a chatting service (e.g. Telegram, Slack, Discord)
- Design a file sharing service (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox)
- Design a ride sharing service (e.g. Uber, Lyft)
- Design a photo sharing service (e.g. Flickr, Pinterest)
- Design an e-commerce website (e.g. Amazon, eBay)
- Design a jobs portal (e.g. LinkedIn, Indeed)
- Design AI自动写作系统设计
- Design Auction system
- Design search autocomplete system
- Design large scale rate limiter
- Design Netflix
- Design Amazon inventory system
- Design Venmo
- Design large scale notification platform
- Design AirBNB platform
- Design Ticket master
- Design high velocity bank account platform
- Design top10 scorer sina large scale mobile game
- Design large scale real time chat platform
- Design electric bike rental platform
- Design grocery store order processing system
- Design website building platform
- Design gift card system
- Design large scale devices location tracker
- Top K
瓶颈,scale, tradeoff
client -> load balancer -> web service/API -> memory cache -> DB
web/mobile -> HAproxy/ELB -> API Gateway -> Nginx server/Kube deployment/REST -> Redis -> MySQL
client -> reverse proxy -> web service -> message queue -> application server -> cache -> DB
- Normalisation Form(NF),其中包括第一范式、第二范式、第三范式、第四范式以及第五范式(1NF、2NF、3NF、4NF、5NF)
- SQL provides ACID transaction
SQL 需要支持transaction和join的
- consistency
- structured data (fixed schema)
- transactions
- joins
NoSQL 需要high TPS和灵活schema的
- high performance
- unstructured data (flexible schema)
- availability
- easy scalability, 分布式架构在 NoSQL 数据库中非常普遍
Restful API
- HTTP是基于TCP/IP协议的应用层协议,定义的是传输数据的内容规范
- 解决分布式系统中,服务之间的调用问题;远程调用时,让调用者感知不到远程调用的逻辑
- RPC架构的核心组件: Client, Server, Client Stub, Server Stub, stub理解为存根
- Socket不属于协议,而是一个调用接口(API),属于网络协议的传输层,是对TCP/IP协议的封装
- socket长链接: 长连接多用于操作频繁,点对点的通讯,而且连接数不能太多情况;如推送,聊天,保持心跳长连接等
- 建立连接需要经过三次握手,断开连接需要经过四次分手
- load balancer
- Horizontal scaling
- caching
- redis
- database sharding(partition)
- horizontal scaling, sharded by userId, caching, etc
- consistent hashing
- paxos and raft
- How to do large scale batch processing
- How to do model serving readiness
- How to do model rollout
- 两个service要互相发消息,怎么解决
- 高并发系统
- 缓存
- 降级
- 限流
- 计数器、漏桶和令牌桶
- 负载均衡算法
- 轮询、加权轮询、随机算法、一致性Hash
- 消息队列
- 解耦,异步处理,削峰/限流
- 一致性
- 热点数据处理
- Jordan has no life
- grokking-the-system-design-interview
- system design primer
- DDIA-Designing Data-Intensive Application
- Web Application and Software Architecture 101
- https://blog.bytebytego.com/?sort=top
- Uber tech blog
- pinterests tech blog
- System design interview guide for Software Engineers
- https://github.com/madd86/awesome-system-design
- https://github.com/binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability
- https://github.com/codersguild/System-Design
- https://github.com/soulmachine/system-design
- http://icyfenix.cn/
- https://github.com/InterviewReady/system-design-resources
- https://rajat19.github.io/system-design/pages/guide.html
- https://time.geekbang.org/column/article/6458
- https://soulmachine.gitbooks.io/system-design/content/cn/
- System Design Introduction For Interview.
- crack-the-system-design-interview
- https://github.com/imkgarg/Awesome-Software-Engineering-Interview/blob/master/SystemDesign.md
- https://tianpan.co/notes/2016-02-13-crack-the-system-design-interview
- 滴滴专车业务与技术流程
- 从无到有:微信后台系统的演进之路
- 如何设计微信的聊天系统? - 土汪的文章 - 知乎
- https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2014/building-a-complete-tweet-index
- 在线广告系统----计算机王冠上的明珠
- RESTful Service API 设计
- 我是如何准备系统设计的
- 题目类型
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
- Design fb-live-comments
- Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store
- https://github.com/preslavmihaylov/booknotes/tree/master/system-design/system-design-interview
- https://engineeringblog.yelp.com/
- https://github.com/luxu1220/redis_practice
- L6和L5系统设计面试区别