Batch jobs send metrics to an intermediary job which Prometheus can scrape. The Prometheus Pushgateway can accept collected data and keep it for Prometheus to scrape.
- Related info:
- serverIPnPort: String with Prometheus Pushgateway hostIP:Port,
- metricsJob: job name,
- labelName: metrics label name,
- labelValue: metrics label value
- Sending same metric with different number of dimensions will stop collecting data from Pushgateway with error. So we send defaults if labelName and/or labelValue is empty.
- Metrics names, labelName, labelValue must match the format described in the document:
- Names that can't be url-encoded will be set to default values.
- Valid characters for metrics and label names are: A-Z, a-z, digits and '_'.
- Metric name can also contain ':'.
- Metrics and label names cannot start with digit.
- All non-matching characters will be replaced with '_'.
- If some name starts with digit leading '_' will be added.
- Start the prometheus gateway. For testing, you can use:
docker run -d -p 9091:9091 prom/pushgateway
- Measure metrics at the Stage level (example in Scala):
bin/spark-shell --packages
val stageMetrics =
...execute one or more Spark jobs...
stageMetrics.sendReportPrometheus(s"localhost:9091", s"aaa_job", s"label_name", s"label_value")
- Short syntax can be used to set spark application name as label_name and application id as label_value :
stageMetrics.sendReportPrometheus(s"localhost:9091", s"aaa_job")
- Check the stored metrics
point the browser to
Additional info on PushGateway implementation:
case class PushGateway(serverIPnPort: String, metricsJob: String)
- Http Client: send metrics to prometheus pushgateway
- def validateLabel(name: String): String -> validates label name, replace not valid symbols
- def validateMetric(name: String): String -> validates metric name, replace not valid symbols
- def post(metrics: String, metricsType: String, labelName: String, labelValue: String): Unit -> post metrics to prometheus.
Additional info on Stage Metrics:
case class StageMetrics(sparkSession: SparkSession)
- Helper class to help in collecting and storing performance metrics.
Added method:
- def sendReportPrometheus(serverIPnPort: String, metricsJob: String, labelName: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.appName, labelValue: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.applicationId): Unit -> send metrics to prometheus pushgateway
Additional info on Task Metrics:
case class TaskMetrics(sparkSession: SparkSession)
- Collects metrics at the end of each Task
Added method:
- def sendReportPrometheus(serverIPnPort: String, metricsJob: String, labelName: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.appName, labelValue: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.applicationId): Unit -> send metrics to prometheus pushgateway