Errors will start with the letter E
. Errors will result in a hard failure for the template being validated.
Warnings start with the letter W
. Warnings alert you when the template doesnt follow best practices but should still function. Example: If you use a parameter for a RDS master password you should have the parameter property NoEcho set to true.
Rule Numbers | Category |
(E|W)0XXX | Basic Template Errors. Examples: Not parseable, main sections (Outputs, Resources, etc.) |
(E|W)1XXX | Functions (Ref, GetAtt, etc.) |
(E|W)2XXX | Parameters |
(E|W)3XXX | Resources |
(E|W)4XXX | Metadata |
(E|W)6xxx | Outputs |
(E|W)7xxx | Mappings |
(E|W)8xxx | Conditions |
(E|W)9xxx | Reserved for users rules |
Rule E3012
is used to check the types for value of a resource property. A number is a number, string is a string, etc. There are occasions where this could be just a warning and other times it could be an error. cfn-lint doesn't have an exception process so all instances of this issue are considered errors. You can disable this rule using --ignore-checks
if it is not required for your internal best practices.
The following 71 rules are applied by this linter:
Rule ID | Title | Description | Tags |
E0000 | Parsing error found when parsing the template | Checks for Null values and Duplicate values in resources | base |
E0001 | Error found when transforming the template | Errors found when performing transformation on the template | base ,transform |
E0002 | Error processing rule on the template | Errors found when processing a rule on the template | base ,rule |
E1001 | Basic CloudFormation Template Configuration | Making sure the basic CloudFormation template componets are propery configured | base |
E1002 | Template size limit | Check the size of the template is less than the upper limit | base ,limits |
E1010 | GetAtt validation of parameters | Making sure the function GetAtt is of list | base ,functions ,getatt |
E1011 | FindInMap validation of configuration | Making sure the function is a list of appropriate config | base ,functions ,getatt |
E1012 | Check if Refs exist | Making sure the refs exist | base ,functions ,ref |
E1015 | GetAz validation of parameters | Making sure the function not is of list | base ,functions ,getaz |
E1016 | ImportValue validation of parameters | Making sure the function not is of list | base ,functions ,importvalue |
E1017 | Select validation of parameters | Making sure the function not is of list | base ,functions ,select |
E1018 | Split validation of parameters | Making sure the split function is properly configured | base ,functions ,split |
E1019 | Sub validation of parameters | Making sure the split function is properly configured | base ,functions ,sub |
E1020 | Ref validation of value | Making the Ref has a value of String (no other functions are supported) | base ,functions ,ref |
E1021 | Base64 validation of parameters | Making sure the function not is of list | base ,functions ,base64 |
E1022 | Join validation of parameters | Making sure the join function is properly configured | base ,functions ,join |
E1023 | Validation NOT function configuration | Making sure that NOT functions are list | base ,functions ,not |
E1024 | Cidr validation of parameters | Making sure the function CIDR is a list with valid values | base ,functions ,cidr |
E1025 | Check if Conditions exist | Making sure the Conditions used in Fn:If functions exist | base ,functions ,if |
E1026 | Cannot reference resources in the Conditions block of the template | Check that any Refs in the Conditions block uses no resources | base ,functions ,ref |
E2001 | Parameters have appropriate properties | Making sure the parameters are properly configured | base ,parameters |
E2002 | Parameters have appropriate type | Making sure the parameters have a correct type | base ,parameters |
E2003 | Parameters have appropriate names | Check if Parameters are properly named (A-Za-z0-9) | base ,parameters |
E2004 | CIDR Allowed Values should be a Cidr Range | Check if a parameter is being used as a CIDR. If it is make sure allowed values are proper CIDRs | base ,parameters ,cidr |
E2010 | Parameter limit not exceeded | Check the number of Parameters in the template is lessthan the upper limit | base ,parameters ,limits |
E2502 | Check if IamInstanceProfile are using the name and not ARN | See if there are any properties IamInstanceProfileare using name and not ARN | base ,properties |
E2503 | Resource ELB Properties | See if Elb Resource Properties are set correctly HTTPS has certificate HTTP has no certificate | base ,properties ,elb |
E2504 | Check Ec2 Ebs Properties | See if Ec2 Eb2 Properties are valid | base ,properties ,ec2 ,ebs |
E2505 | Resource EC2 VPC Properties | See if EC2 VPC Properties are set correctly | base ,properties ,vpc |
E2506 | Resource EC2 Security Group Ingress Properties | See if EC2 Security Group Ingress Properties are set correctly. Check that "SourceSecurityGroupId" or "SourceSecurityGroupName" are are exclusive and using the type of Ref or GetAtt | base ,resources ,securitygroup |
E2507 | Check if IAM Policies are properly configured | See if there elements inside an IAM policy are correct | base ,properties ,iam |
E2508 | Check IAM resource limits | See if IAM resources do not breach limits | base ,resources ,iam |
E2510 | Resource EC2 PropertiesEc2Subnet Properties | See if EC2 Subnet Properties are set correctly | base ,properties ,subnet |
E2520 | Check Properties that are mutually exclusive | Making sure CloudFormation properties that are exclusive are not defined | base ,resources |
E2521 | Check Properties that are required together | Make sure CloudFormation resource properties are included together when required | base ,resources |
E2522 | Check Properties that need at least one of a list of properties | Making sure CloudFormation properties that require at least one property from a list. More than one can be included. | base ,resources |
E2523 | Check Properties that need only one of a list of properties | Making sure CloudFormation properties that require only one property from a list. One has to be specified. | base ,resources |
E2530 | Check Lambda Memory Size Properties | See if Lambda Memory Size is valid | base ,resources ,lambda |
E2531 | Check Lambda Runtime Properties | See if Lambda Runtime is in valid | base ,resources ,lambda |
E2540 | CodePipeline Stages | See if CodePipeline stages are set correctly | base ,properties ,codepipeline |
E2541 | CodePipeline Stage Actions | See if CodePipeline stage actions are set correctly | base ,resources ,codepipeline |
E3001 | Basic CloudFormation Resource Check | Making sure the basic CloudFormation resources are propery configured | base ,resources |
E3002 | Resource properties are valid | Making sure that resources properties are propery configured | base ,resources |
E3003 | Required Resource Parameters are missing | Making sure that Resources properties that are required exist | base ,resources |
E3004 | Resource dependencies are not circular | Check that Resources are not circularly dependent by Ref, Sub, or GetAtt | base ,resources ,circularly |
E3005 | Check DependsOn values for Resources | Check that the DependsOn values are valid | base ,resources ,dependson |
E3006 | Resources have appropriate names | Check if Resources are properly named (A-Za-z0-9) | base ,resources |
E3010 | Resource limit not exceeded | Check the number of Resources in the template is lessthan the upper limit | base ,resources ,limits |
E3012 | Check resource properties values | Checks resource property values with Primitive Types for values that match those types. | base ,resources |
E3013 | CloudFront Aliases | CloudFront aliases should contain valid domain names | base ,properties ,cloudfront |
E3020 | Validate Route53 RecordSets | Check if all RecordSets are correctly configured | base ,resources ,route53 ,record_set |
E4001 | Metadata Interface have appropriate properties | Metadata Interface properties are properly configured | base ,metadata |
E6001 | Outputs have appropriate properties | Making sure the outputs are properly configured | base ,outputs |
E6002 | Outputs have required properties | Making sure the outputs have required properties | base ,outputs |
E6003 | Outputs have values of strings | Making sure the outputs have strings as values | base ,outputs |
E6004 | Outputs have appropriate names | Check if Outputs are properly named (A-Za-z0-9) | base ,outputs |
E6010 | Output limit not exceeded | Check the number of Outputs in the template is lessthan the upper limit | base ,outputs ,limits |
E7001 | Mappings are appropriately configured | Check if Mappings are properly configured | base ,mappings |
E7002 | Mappings have appropriate names | Check if Mappings are properly named (A-Za-z0-9) | base ,mapping |
E7010 | Mapping limit not exceeded | Check the number of Mappings in the template is lessthan the upper limit | base ,mappings ,limits |
E8001 | Conditions have appropriate properties | Check if Conditions are properly configured | base ,conditions |
W2001 | Check if Parameters are Used | Making sure the parameters defined are used | base ,parameters |
W2501 | Check if Password Properties are correctly configured | Password properties should be strings and if parameter using NoEcho | base ,parameters ,passwords |
W2505 | Check if VpcID Parameters have the correct type | See if there are any refs for VpcId to a parameter of innapropriate type. Appropriate Types are [AWS::EC2::VPC::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::ValueAWS::EC2::VPC::Id] | base ,parameters ,vpcid |
W2506 | Check if ImageId Parameters have the correct type | See if there are any refs for ImageId to a parameter of innapropriate type. Appropriate Types are [AWS::EC2::Image::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::ValueAWS::EC2::Image::Id] | base ,parameters ,imageid |
W2507 | Security Group Parameters are of correct type AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id | Check if a parameter is being used in a resource for Security Group. If it is make sure it is of type AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id | base ,parameters ,securitygroup |
W2508 | Availability Zone Parameters are of correct type AWS::EC2::AvailabilityZone::Name | Check if a parameter is being used in a resource for Security Group. If it is make sure it is of type AWS::EC2::AvailabilityZone::Name | base ,parameters ,availabilityzone |
W2509 | CIDR Parameters have allowed values | Check if a parameter is being used as a CIDR. If it is make sure it has allowed values regex comparisons | base ,parameters ,availabilityzone |
W2510 | Parameter Memory Size attributes should have max and min | Check if a parameter that is used for Lambda memory size should have a min and max size that matches Lambda constraints | base ,parameters ,lambda |
W2512 | Parameter Lambda Runtime has allowed values set | Check if a parameter that is used for Lambda runtime has allowed values constraint defined | base ,parameters ,lambda |
W3010 | Availability Zone Parameters should not be hardcoded | Check if an Availability Zone property is hardcoded. | base ,parameters ,availabilityzone |
W4001 | Metadata Interface parameters exist | Metadata Interface parameters actually exist | base ,metadata |
W7001 | Check if Mappings are Used | Making sure the mappings defined are used | base ,conditions |
W8001 | Check if Conditions are Used | Making sure the conditions defined are used | base ,conditions |