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Open Questions

Vijay Iyer edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 16 revisions


Manifest classes for item tables

  • There is a lot of commonality between the OphysManifest class and the EphysManifest class. It would make sense to gather this in a superclass, and the Manifest class is an obvious candidate. Would that be ok to do, or would that violate some principles of design?

    • VI: In Java-led OOP design references (i.e., most of them), the maxim is to "favor association over inheritance". That's what's done currently. However I believe that maxim largely derives from Java's lack of multiple inheritance & I agree with your instinct to favor inheritance where rational such as here. Seems a worthwhile refactor from my end. I think your next question gets at why it wasn't done yet on the first-pass OOP refactor.
  • The Ephys- and OphysManifest classes do not have the same internal logic for retrieving and caching manifests. In the OphysManifest, all the different tables are fetched and put into a struct and immediately added to the disk cache, whereas in the EphysManifest they are handled more individually and the final processed tables are initially cached in memory, and only added to the disk cache when the property get method for particular item types are invoked. Is there a particular reason for this (i.e performance considerations during retrieval)?

    • VI: Great that you're analyzing this. Perhaps DM has insights.
  • Would it be cleaner to use the OnDemandProperties mixin for memory caching of tables in the Manifest classes?

    • VI: So far OnDemandProperties has only been used for user-facing properties of item object properties. I guess adapting to private properties would be fairly trivial, but would have to analyze wrt to how intertwined/specialized it is for item objects today. Conceptually seems sound, but would tend to prioritize lower if it doesn't prove highly straightforward.
  • What is the purpose of the UpdateManifests method - Why is it called update? It seems more like a clear/reset method...

Caching / API

  • In the bot.internal.cache/CachedApiCall method, there are a lot of optional arguments, like: nPageSize, strFormat, strRMAPrefix, strHost, strScheme. However, none of the calls to this method makes use of them, and for some, like strScheme, strHost and strRMAPrefix, it seems like they are not really variable in the context of the Allen Brain Observatory Api. Was there any past scenario where these were useful, or is there any future scenario where they might be put to use?
  • Do you know if there exists documentation for the RMA API that is specific for the brain observatory? Or is the current API calls in matlab derived from the python toolbox?
  • Is there a reason why behavioral data and pupil data are not added as linked files? Are they not available as well_known_files from the API?


  • Are there H5 files in the Visual Coding 2P dataset at this point? The "SessH5" linked file appears defunct in various ophys sessions I've retrieved lately.
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