Like my other repositories, I try to make my projects welcoming to new comers. Whether you are new to open source or to programming in general, this is a nice starter project.
Check how to contribute page
This project is no exception; Check a walk-through presentation of the code.
Please prefer discussions page before opening a new issue unless it is an obvious bug or enhancement.
Please see open issues for a specific issue and do not hesitate to open any new issue (like better code, readability, modularity and best practice, performance, better UI or even functionality enhancements...).
Current priority:
Please know that I am not a keen NodeJS developer, but I successfully made this weather application. It is in its early stage and not proper for final service yet.
If you contribute, please consider that I can merge and publish a new release under one channel or another. It will be 100% free although I can add ads to generate some coffee expenses :)
If you want to maintain the project with me; You can alwayse ask.
Please keep it fair if you want to deploy anywhere; Ask for permission.
Sweet coding !