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MMOMinion edited this page Mar 21, 2014 · 3 revisions


  • The Navigationmanager holds all functions and information for navigation.
  • this is a work in progress..

Accessing the Navigationmanager functions

  • Example:
local pos = Player.pos
d("Our Player is standing on the Navmesh: ".. tostring(Navigationmanager:IsOnMesh(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z)))

Navigationmanager Functions

Takes in 6 numbers and tries to calculate a navigationpath from position x1,y1,z1 to position x2,y2,z2. Returns a lua table with multiple positions if a path was successfully found. (lua table)
Returns if the position x,y,z is on the navmesh (up to 3 ingame units away from the navmesh is still considered to be on the navmesh) (boolean).
Returns if the position x,y,z is on the navmesh (boolean).
Returns the currently loaded navmesh name (string).
Unloads the currently loaded navmesh (boolean).
Loads the navmesh (.obj) at the location passed as string. HINT: Use GetStartupPath() to get the directory path to where ffxivminion was launched. (boolean).
Saves the navmesh (.obj) at the location passed as string. HINT: Use GetStartupPath() to get the directory path to where ffxivminion was launched. (boolean).
Toggles the visibility of the Navmesh (boolean).
Toggles the visibility of the Navpath (boolean).
Tries to find a random point at position x,y,z inbetween the min- and maxradius. Returns a lua table which holds the random point or nil if none was found (lua table).
Returns how far the passed position x,y,z is away from the nearest navmesh-point (number).
Returns the nearest position on the navmesh from this point x,y,z. (lua table).
Adds one or more obstacles that the navigationsystem will not pass trough. "args" is a lua table where each entry has coordinates x,y,z and radius r. Example: [1] = { x=321,y=1234,z=444,r=12 }. (lua table).
Deletes all obstacles.
Adds one or more avoidance areas that the navigationsystem will treat as "very high costs to walk through them" and therefore most likely find another way around."args" is a lua table where each entry has coordinates x,y,z and radius r. Example: [1] = { x=321,y=1234,z=444,r=12 }. (lua table).
Clears all avoidance areas.
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