Client for getting up and running making calls to the Mojio API quickly. The client is highly-configurable and handles basic authentication.
compile ''
The primary way of interfacing with the REST SDK is through the MojioClient class. The request/response framework is built on Retrofit and each API call can be invoked blocking or asynchronously at the caller's choice.
To get started with the REST SDK you first need to create an app on our Developer Website.
MojioClient mojioClient = new MojioClient.Builder("yourAppId", "yourAppSecret").build();
See Advanced below for advanced client configuration.
Call<User> loginCall = mojioClient.login("username", "password");
call.enqueue(new Callback<User>() {
public void onResponse(Call<User> call, Response<User> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// Success! Log the user in!
} else {
// Handle the error - this means we got a response without a success code. The user probably
// entered the wrong username or password
public void onFailure(Call<User> call, Throwable t) {
// Handle the error - this is caused by a request failure such as loss of network connectivity
Note you can also make API calls synchronously:
try {
Response<User> response = loginCall.execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
// Success! Log the user in!
} else {
// Handle the error - this means we got a response without a success code. The user probably
// entered the wrong username or password
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle the error - this is caused by a request failure such as loss of network connectivity
} Callback<ListResponse<Vehicle>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<ListResponse<Vehicle>> call, Response<ListResponse<Vehicle>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
List<Vehicle> vehicles = response.body().getData();
// Show the user their vehicles!
} else {
// Handle the error - this means we got a response without a success code. Are you logged in?
public void onFailure(Call<ListResponse<Vehicle>> call, Throwable t) {
// Handle the error - this is caused by a request failure such as loss of network connectivity
The goal of the REST SDK is to be as open and configurable as possible. Have a specific need that isn't addressed below? Submit a feature request and we'll take a look!
MojioClient mojioClient = new MojioClient.Builder("yourAppId", "yourAppSecret")
// force the client to target Europe specifically
// set a custom Authenticator - this is how the SDK stores, retrieves, and refreshes access tokens. Use this,
// for instance, to implement caching of the access tokens on disk instead of in-memory
.authenticator(new MyCustomAuthenticator())
// set the Gson instance to be used by the client. If you're already using Gson this lets you save memory
// by using the same instance. Be careful, however, as certain Gson configurations may interfere the SDK's
// ability to parse responses - the models have been developed to be parsable with a default new Gson() instance.
// enable logging of requests and responses in the following format. This is disabled by default.
// Request [POST /v1/vehicles]: { "request": "body" }
// Response [POST /v1/vehicles] - 200 OK: { "Message": "Response" }
// specify the executor that should be used for delivering callbacks
// specify the executor that should be used for performing network requests
The SDK uses a lightweight Log interface to avoid tying your app to a specific logging framework. To enable logging you need to:
Enable logging on the client
MojioClient mojioClient = new MojioClient.Builder("yourAppId", "yourAppSecret")
Attach a logger Logger() {
public void log(Level level, String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
// feed this to whatever logging framework you are using
System.out.println(level.getName() + ": " + tag + " - " + msg);
If you use ProGuard, add the following lines to your configuration
-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes Exceptions