diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df14513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+root = true
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+charset = utf-8
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b90c27f..1a0b343 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,74 +1,177 @@
+# ASL - Research [![Badge License]][License]
+*American Sign Language Recognition*
Michael Mongelli
Dr. Salgian
American Sign Language Recognition
Apr 1 2020
+## Overview
+This program is capable of plotting a **3D Hand Figure**
+based on coordinates provided by a **CSV** file.
+The CSV comes from the **Mendely Dataset** of
+recorded **American Sign Language** gestures.
+## Requirements
+To run the program, you require:
+- **[Python 3]**
+- Some modules:
+ - `pandas`
+ - `numpy`
+ - `matplotlib`
+ Install them with:
+ ```sh
+ pip install pandas numpy matplotlib
+ ```
+## Usage
+*The program is used in the command line.*
+### Mode
+#### Line
+*This is the default used if no mode is specified.*
+Plot the connections between the joints as lines.
+Plot.py line
+#### Scatter
+Plot the hand using a scatter plot,
+showing the joints as points.
+Plot.py scatter
+## Notes
+### update_plot()
+Notice that the title is set using a different
+technique for the scatter and line plots.
+Scatter and line plots behave differently in **MatPlotLib**.
+This is also why the `ax.cla()` (clear axes) function
+is present in the line plot but not in the scatter plot.
+Further research is needed to find if their is a way to
+implement the plotting of these graphs in as similar
+a manner as possible.
+### placement of plt.show()
+Unfortunately, this has to come last.
+While it is suboptimal for the user to have to wait
+for the animation to render for saving before they
+can view it in a popup window, doing so corrupts
+the animation-saving process.
+There may be a solution to this, but
+this can be solved in the future.
+## Future Work
+- Be able to pass multiple csv files to the program to
+ make creating multiple animations at once less tedious
+ * It would be good to add more detail
+ to the progress report in this case
+ * The process of creating and saving the animation
+ is currently very slow, so a status report indicates
+ if the animation is `10%` ... `20%` ... etc until completion
+ * If the program is made able to convert multiple files
+ to animations at once, it would be good to show the
+ user approximately when the animations will be done
+ rendering so they know how long they will need to
+ leave their terminal running
+- Make it possible to enable / disable the plot being shown
+ * If one simply wants to save several animations created
+ from their CSVs, they shouldn't have to see it all pop up
+ in multiple plot window
+- Improve speed
+ * Line mode is currently very slow, could be sped up by
+ saving all plot data so it doesn't have to be recalculated
+ with each loop of the animation
+ * There could be ways to speed up
+ the process of the first loop as well
+- Be able to plot points and lines at the same time
+ * Will greatly improve the viewer's ability to
+ interpret the signs being performed by hand
+[Python 3]: https://www.python.org/downloads/
+[Badge License]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Unkown-darkgray?style=for-the-badge
-hand_plotter.py Information
- This program is capable of plotting a hand figure in 3D based on
- coordinates provided from a CSV file in the Mendely dataset of
- recorded American Sign Language gestures.
-Command line args:
- $ handfile.csv plot_mode
- handfile.csv = the file containing the coordinates you would like to plot
- plot_mode = * (optional, set to 'line' by default)
- * 'scatter' - plot the hand using a scatter plot, showing the joints as points
- * 'line' - plot the connections between the joints as lines
- Examples: $ python3 hand_plotter.py Work_Right.csv scatter
- $ python3 hand_plotter.py Work_Right.csv line
- $ python3 hand_plotter.py Work_Right.csv
- In update_plot():
- Notice that the title is set using a different technique for the scatter and line plots.
- Scatter and line plots behave differently in MatPlotLib.
- This is also why the ax.cla() (clear axes) function is present in the line plot
- but not in the scatter plot.
- Further research is needed to find if their is a way to implement
- the plotting of these graphs in as similar a manner as possible.
- placement of plt.show():
- Unfortunately, this has to come last.
- While it is suboptimal for the user to have to wait
- for the animation to render for saving before they
- can view it in a popup window,
- doing so corrupts the animation-saving process.
- There may be a solution to this,
- but this can be solved in the future.
-Future Work:
- * Be able to pass multiple csv files to the program to make creating
- multiple animations at once less tedious
- * It would be good to add more detail to the progress report
- in this case
- * The process of creating and saving the animaiton is currently
- very slow, so a status report indicates if the animation is
- 10%...20%...etc until completion
- * If the program is made able to convert multiple files to
- animations at once, it would be good to show the user approximately
- when the animations will be done rendering so they know how long
- they will need to leave their terminal running
- * Make it possible to enable/disable the plot being shown
- * If one simply wants to save several animations created from
- their CSVs, they shouldn't have to see it all pop up in
- multiple plot windows
- * Improve speed:
- * Line mode is currently very slow, could be sped up by saving
- all plot data so it doesnt have to be recalculated with each loop
- of the animation
- * There could be ways to speed up the process of the first loop as well
- * Be able to plot points and lines at the same time
- * Will greatly improve the viewer's ability to interpret the signs
- being performed by the hand
+[License]: #
diff --git a/hand_plotter.py b/Source/Plot.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 99%
rename from hand_plotter.py
rename to Source/Plot.py
index 1977f1c..81b7e40
--- a/hand_plotter.py
+++ b/Source/Plot.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys
diff --git a/Test/Example.sh b/Test/Example.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89a312a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/Example.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Make this file work from any pwd
+folder=$(dirname "$0")
+alias plot="$folder/../Source/Plot.py"
+plot $csv line
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Work_Right.csv b/Test/Work_Right.csv
similarity index 100%
rename from Work_Right.csv
rename to Test/Work_Right.csv
diff --git a/Work_Right_line.mp4 b/Test/Work_Right_line.mp4
similarity index 100%
rename from Work_Right_line.mp4
rename to Test/Work_Right_line.mp4
diff --git a/Work_Right_scatter.mp4 b/Test/Work_Right_scatter.mp4
similarity index 100%
rename from Work_Right_scatter.mp4
rename to Test/Work_Right_scatter.mp4
diff --git a/example_output.jpeg b/Test/example_output.jpeg
similarity index 100%
rename from example_output.jpeg
rename to Test/example_output.jpeg