Oh No
Author: Cinderella
Category: Forensics
Oh no @@ ~ Where is the flag?
MD5: b3b1e9814f3688a1838e3bb468a03156 OhNO.pcap
- Open pcap file, will found the website exists an image. The image name is oh_no.jpg
- Extract the image
- Use exiftool to get the metadata of image. Found 1/2 flag
- Binwalk the image, found file no_flag_here, use file command to see the filetype. Determine that is an MP3 file.
- Use MP3stego to find the 2/2 flag (no passphrase for the MP3stego decode)
Flag: mocsctf{1/2_N0_fl@g_H3re_2\2Oh_n0_you_f0nd_1t}