After analyse the pcap, we found the data is encoded.
We try to use scapy to analyze the TCP traffic. First we found out INTERESTING_PACKET_INDEX is 3.
Then we try rotating the data around.
Also, we try to print the ords of the interesting packet data and the expected flag format.
Finally, we try xor-ing the flag out of the data with key 'MOCSCTF'.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from pwn import *
from scapy.all import *
def xor(input):
key = ['M', 'O', 'C','S', 'C', 'T','F'] #Can be any chars, and any size array
output = []
for i in range(len(input)):
xor_num = ord(input[i]) ^ ord(key[i % len(key)])
return ''.join(output)
FLAG_START = 'mocsctf{'
# read in the pcap
packets = rdpcap('encoded_message.pcap')
# try rotating the data around
packet_data = packets[INTERESTING_PACKET_INDEX][Raw].load
for i in range(255):
ords = [(ord(x) + i) % 255 for x in packet_data]
#print(''.join([chr(x) for x in ords]))
# print the ords of the interesting packet data and the expected flag format
#print(' '.join([str(ord(x)) for x in packet_data]))
#print(' '.join([str(ord(x)) for x in FLAG_START]))
# try xor-ing the flag out of the data with key