This repository creates the tooling project for the Triplifier.
- Soest J van, Choudhury A, Gaikwad N, Sloep M, Dumontier M, Dekker A (2019) Annotation of Existing Databases using Semantic Web Technologies: Making Data more FAIR. CEUR-WS, Edinburgh, pp 94–101
This tool can be executed in two modes:
- Stand-alone java runnable jar
- Docker container (and service) mode
For the runnable jar, it needs a computer with Java 8 runtime installed. For the docker container, it needs Docker Community Edition (native on Ubuntu, "for Windows" or "for Mac").
The basic configuration can run with the following command:
java -jar triplifier.jar -p
The properties file mentioned here contains the JDBC connection information, several examples are displayed below, for different database systems.
jdbc.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/my_database
jdbc.user = postgres
jdbc.password = postgres
jdbc.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_database
jdbc.user = user
jdbc.password = pass
jdbc.driver = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
Microsoft SQL Server
jdbc.url = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=my_database
jdbc.user = my_username
jdbc.password = my_password
jdbc.driver =
H2 database file
jdbc.url = jdbc:h2:file:/db/database_file_name
jdbc.user = sa
jdbc.password = sa
jdbc.driver = org.h2.Driver
SQLite database file
jdbc.url = jdbc:sqlite:/my.db
jdbc.user = user
jdbc.password = pass
jdbc.driver = org.sqlite.JDBC
Folder with CSV files
jdbc.url = jdbc:relique:csv:C:\\Users\\johan\\test?fileExtension=.csv
jdbc.user = user
jdbc.password = pass
jdbc.driver = org.relique.jdbc.csv.CsvDriver
To upload data directly into an RDF endpoint (and hence save the memory footprint), please add the following variables in the properties file (default:
- repo.type: Indicating the type of RDF endpoint. The following values are allowed for this variable:
- "memory": this is the default, in-memory (and file-based) RDF/OWL output
- "sparql": upload the triples directly in a SPARQL endpoint using the SPARQL protocol
- "rdf4j": upload the triples directly in an RDF4j repository (e.g. a RDF4j or GraphDB database)
- repo.url: the URL of the RDF endpoint (not applicable or needed for
repo.type = memory
). In case of a SPARQL endpoint, include the URL of the actual SPARQL endpoint. In case of RDF4j, indicate the URL of the repository server - for
repo.type = rdf4j
indicate the repository ID - repo.user: optional, specify the username for password-protected rdf4j repositories
- repo.pass: optional, specify the password for password-protected rdf4j repositories
An example of the full specification is given below:
repo.type = rdf4j
repo.url = http://localhost:7200 = data
repo.user = userNameTest
repo.pass = test
By default, the tool will generate an ontology file (ontology.owl) and a turtle file containing the materialized triples (output.ttl) relative to the execution folder. To change this, the following additional arguments can be used:
- -o <output_path_for_materialized_triples_file>
- -t <output_path_for_ontology_file>
- -c
- -b
- --ontologyAndOrData [ontology|data]
To run the triplifier as Docker container, you can run the following command:
On Linux/Unix/macOS systems:
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/output.ttl:/output.ttl \
-v $(pwd)/ontology.owl:/ontology.owl \
-v $(pwd)/ \
On windows systems:
docker run --rm ^
-v %cd%/output.ttl:/output.ttl ^
-v %cd%/ontology.owl:/ontology.owl ^
-v %cd%/ ^
The example below shows how to run the container as a service, where the materialization process is called every interval time (defined by SLEEPTIME
in seconds).
docker run --rm \
--link graphdb:graphdb \
-v $(pwd)/ \
In this example, there is already a GraphDB docker container running, hence we can connect the docker containers. Therefore, the repo.url
in the properties file should containthe hostname "graphdb", as inserted by the --link
option. If the endpoint is running at a different location, you can specify the full URL of that location in the properties file, an omit the --link
An example of annotations (and insertions) can be found in the following repository: