Since version 19-4-2024, the Dumper displays basic info for firmware capsule .scap files.
What are .scap files?
In summary, .scap files are proprietary firmware capsules, used by Apple to securely package and distribute firmware updates for the low-level system components of Mac computers. Extracting and modifying them requires specialized knowledge and tools.
As some of these firmware files contain information in their header, the Dumper displays them, if possible.
You can also rename them with
test_nvram filename.scap -rename
, with the cli tool, based on IBIOSI or EFI version.
$ test_nvram /Users/user/temp/unnamed.scap -rename
test_nvram_shell_script 18-Apr-2024 by Macschrauber
scanning: /Users/user/temp/unnamed.scap
Apple Rom Version
Model: MBP91
EFI Version:
Built by: root@saumon
Date: Thu Jun 13 19:19:31 PDT 2019
Revision: 228 (B&I)
ROM Version: F000_B00
Build Type: Official Build, Release
Compiler: Apple clang version 3.0 (tags/Apple/clang-211.10.1) (based on LLVM 3.0svn)
rename /Users/user/temp/unnamed.scap to MBP91_228. (1 = yes) ?1
renamed to MBP91_228.