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This is just the brute-force solution. However, it seems that it passes the tests. This solution just chooses N positions randomly and returns the suffle array. To do this, when the suffle method is invoked, we select random numbers from [0..N-1] until all the positions in the array are selected. When a position is selected, it cannot be selected again. This works like a hat in which the elements are removed.
This was not my first approach. At the beginning, I tried something more fancy. I generated a look-up table with all the permutation of N position. This results with a table that has N! rows. During the suffle, I had just to select one of the rows randomly. The building of this look-up table took so much time that the solution did not pass the test. To generate the table, I used the Heap's Algorithm. The problem description helped me to cut the number of rows by only generating 9! due to the limited number of calls that the problem says.
O(N) with N the len of the array.