= Geometric introduction into the branch curve of a smooth cubic surface =
(Under generic projection)
Consider a three-dimensional projective space
A cubic surface
where a and b are homogeneous forms in $`(x, y, w) $ of degrees 2 and 3, and the projection to the projective pane is is given by
In these coordinates the ramification curve R is given by the ideal
and the branch curve
In particular, one can easily see that the branch curve has six cusps at the
intersection of the plane conic defined by
(Besides the usual algebraic interpretation of the condition
We give two geometric illustrations (visualisations) where all the coefficients are defined over real numbers (and, moreover, real algebraic numbers).
(These topic is completely classical; this particular illustration was written for the paper "On ramified covers of the projective plane I: Segre's theory and classification in small degrees, with Appendix by Eugenii Shustin", by Michael Friedman, Maxim Leyenson and Eugenii Shustin, on Arxiv.