- levitation
- When standing on ore blocks, the player is given the Levitation effect
- platefire
- Pressure plates have a slight chance of catching fire when you step on them
- slowslab
- Slabs and stairs slow you down
- zapwater
- Water electrocutes you, unless in a boat or under Dolphin’s Grace
- zombietrade
- If the player opens the trading UI, the relevant villager becomes a zombie after trading is complete
- forestfire
- Leaves and ice catch fire when you walk on them
- snowspeed
- Snow makes you go fast
- endspeed
- End stones make you go fast
- tallgrass
- Tall grass, ferns, and dead bushes give you poison and slowness on contact
- lavalaunch
- Touching lava causes you to launch a short distance into the air and gives Haste
- sandattack
- While standing on the following blocks, sand will constantly fall from above: sand, red sand, sandstone, red sandstone, gravel, end stone
- witherrose
- All flowers (and berry bushes) give the Wither effect on contact now, or when picked up
- classiclava
- Lava spreads further in the overworld and the Nether
- fall
- Taking fall damage causes you to suffer the Slowness and Confusion effects for a bit
- axolotl
- When an axolotl dies, the nearest player (within 32 blocks) also dies
- ghastlava
- Ghast fireballs erupt into lava on contact (the lava spawned by this is immune to **classiclava** effects, for reasons of sanity)
- temperature
- Biomes in extreme temperatures will damage the
player if they’re not well-dressed.
- Extremely cold biomes will damage the player. They can protect themselves by (1) wearing any chestplate + leggings, or (2) holding a warm object like a campfire in their hand.
- Extremely hot biomes will damage the player. They can protect themselves by (1) not wearing any heavy (i.e. non-leather) armor, (2) holding a cool object like an ice block, (3) wearing an umbrella hat, or (4) staying in the rain or snow.
- spillage
- When a bucket item is dropped for any reason, its contents will spill on the ground
- eggshells
- The block two cubes below the player is constantly being turned to lava (unless the player is standing on sand or gravel)
- redstoneworld
- Mobs drop redstone dust, picking up redstone dust deals a small amount of damage
- snowball
- Snowballs have reverse knockback
- boatbomb
- If a boat hits the ground hard enough, it explodes
- escalation
- If a player has four distinct potion effects, they begin to levitate in the air
- encumbrance
- Jumps may fail if you’re overencumbered; the
chance of a jump failing starts at 0% and is cumulative, based on the following penalties
- +0.03% for each nonempty inventory slot, excluding armor and shield slots
- +0.1% for each leather armor item being worn
- +0.25% for each armor item that is not leather currently being worn
- +10% if the player is Slowed
- +5% if the player is Confused
- +1% if the gods are currently angry
- sweetdreams
- After lying in a bed, the player cures all status
effects and is then given three out of five of the following:
- Slowness 2
- Confusion 1
- Blindness 1
- Mining Fatigue 5
- Regeneration 5
- rainwater
- Players deplete oxygen in the rain, unless wearing an umbrella hat
- cactuskick
- Looking at a cactus causes the player to be kicked
- fishhook
- When you pull a fish hook in, you’re launched in that direction
- birchglare
- If you’re near a birch tree and not staring at it, you take damage
- weepingangel
- Armor stands will chase you when you’re not looking at them, and armor stands will rarely spawn in place of some mobs; armor stands can be crafted into wooden slabs
- chickens
- Chickens explode when any damage (even fatal damage)
is dealt to them for any reason
- The following passive mobs are always replaced with chickens: cows, pigs, llamas, donkeys, horses, sheep, mules, and parrots
- ghasts
- Ghasts spawn in all dimensions
- ghastburn
- Ghasts instantly burn in daylight
- ravagers
- Half of hoglins turn into ravagers
- moss
- Moss generates in all overworld chunks and spreads rapidly
- cakes
- Cakes spawn in the wild and, when eaten, grant one of
several random effects; the more cakes you eat in a
short period of time, the worse the effect will be
- Eating the last bite of a cake causes it to explode
- dripstone
- Dripstone stalactites randomly generate in the wild, and dripstone will fall if the player walks below it; dripstone can be used in place of flint to craft arrows (the latter recipe is inverted)
- phantoms
- Every player will always have a phantom pursuing them, and phantoms are immune to fire damage
- mimics
- Chests will spawn in the wild which, if opened, will kill you
- witherskele
- Wither skeletons spawn with full diamond armor
- endcrystal
- Ender Crystals spawn with Blaze spawners beneath them
- ak47
- Pillagers spawn with a crossbow called “AK47” which has Quick Charge V
- drowned
- Whenever a fish spawns, a Drowned spawns alongside it; Drowned zombies always spawn with leather helmets
- namedzombie
- Some zombies spawn with custom names
- trader
- Wandering traders can trade basically any item in the game
- The following are the only items blacklisted from consideration: Command blocks (all three types + minecart), “Thing” banner pattern, structure blocks/void, jigsaw blocks, light blocks, mob spawners, barriers
- zombiespeed
- Zombies move slightly faster
- llamahunter
- Llamas are always angry at the nearest player, and llama spit has drastically increased knockback
- witherbow
- Wither skeletons have a 50% chance of spawning with a bow rather than a sword
- catbat
- Cats turn into bats when killed by the player, and bats turn into cats when killed by the player
- witches
- Phantoms have a small chance of turning into witches; witches do not take fall damage
- zombiedrowning
- When a zombie drowns, it turns into a Giant, not a Drowned
- pigs
- Pigs and striders always spawn with saddles; when a pig is ridden, it gets Speed 100, and when a strider is ridden, it gets Slow 2
- parrots
- Parrots automatically tame themselves to belong to the nearest player, a parrot on a player’s shoulder launches that player into the air
- funhat
- Zombies and skeletons sometimes spawn with custom hats, which drop when they’re killed
- killerrabbit
- All rabbits spawn as The Killer Rabbit
- angrygolem
- Iron golems are always angry at the nearest player, have Speed 1 and Regeneration 1, and ride spiders (does not apply to player-crafted golems)
- slimesplit
- When slimes die, they split into larger slimes; if a sufficiently large slime dies, it does not split into anything
- expirationdate
- When a player eats bread, there’s a 10% chance that a small slime spawns near them
- wardensummon
- If you spend more than five seconds in total darkness, a Warden will appear near you
- allays
- Allays automatically bond to the nearest player and have an infinite supply of flowers
- johnny
- Breeding animals sometimes spawns a Vindicator named “Johnny”
- solidswap
- Lava running on water creates obsidian, while water running on lava created cobblestone
- piglins
- Piglins accept diamonds, not gold for bartering; piglins give enchanted armor as a result of bartering
- sheepcolor
- When shearing a sheep, the color of wool dropped is randomized
- fishsanctuary
- If a fish is drying out, it will create water to survive
- endermangod
- Endermen can only be damaged by a player’s bare fist
- bouncyprojectile
- Arrows duplicate and bounce off of blocks when they hit them
- blood
- Whenever a player takes damage, redstone wire is placed at their feet
- apache
- Bees have a chance of spawning named “Apache”
- feastupontheweak
- When a player dies, nearby entities get Regeneration
- eggs
- Almost any mob (or diamonds) can spawn from an egg
- eggarrow
- Skeletons will fire eggs in addition to arrows
- eggdrop
- Several mobs will drop eggs when killed
- pokeball
- Poké Balls of different types can be crafted and
thrown to capture mobs
- Poké Balls can be crafted with redstone in the center, a brick above it, and iron nuggets on the other three sides of it.
- Great Balls can be crafted like Poké Balls but with an iron block in place of the brick. They have 1.5 times the success rate.
- Ultra Balls can be crafted like Poké Balls but with a netherite ingot in place of the brick. They have 2 times the success rate.
- Master Balls can be crafted with redstone in the center and netherite ingots in all eight other positions. Master Balls never fail (note that boss mobs cannot be captured, even by Master Balls).
- Net Balls are crafted like Poké Balls but with string in the top two corners. Net Balls work better on aquatic and insect mobs.
- Dive Balls are crafted like Poké Balls but with kelp in the top two corners. Dive Balls work better when the targeted mob is physically under water.
- Dusk Balls are crafted like Poké Balls but with coal in the top two corners. Dusk Balls work better at night in the overworld.
- freecookie
- Every player gets a free cookie at dawn and at dusk
- cookies
- Eating a cookie gives the player one of several effects at random
- parrotcookie
- Feeding cookies to parrots causes them to duplicate
- dirtstacks
- All blocks have a chance of dropping 64 dirt
instead of the intended drop
- The following blocks have a higher chance of dropping dirt: iron, coal, lapis, gold, diamond, emerald, copper, nether quartz, nether gold, ancient debris
- silverfish
- All stone/cobble/stone brick/deepslate blocks have a chance of spawning a silverfish and potentially several more nearby
- stronghold
- As silverfish, but stone bricks have a 100% chance of spawning several silverfish
- bees
- All wood blocks have a chance of spawning bees in all
nearby wood blocks
- Effect is negated if the player is using a wooden axe
- nodrops
- The following blocks will never drop anything: crafting table, furnace, blast furnace, smoker, bed
- endermites
- End stone will always spawn an endermite when broken and will not drop itself as a block
- netherrack
- If you destroy any common nether blocks or moss blocks, all nearby common nether blocks (or moss blocks) will be destroyed; these include: netherrack, nylium (both kinds), soul sand, and soul soil, nether bricks, moss blocks
- bedrock
- The following blocks transform into bedrock when mined: leaves, ice blocks, wart blocks, warped wart blocks, diorite, andesite, granite, basalt, blackstone
- doordrop
- Doors break after some number of uses, and doors don’t drop anything when broken
- buttondrop
- Buttons and levers break after some number of uses; buttons and levers don’t drop anything when broken
- glass
- Breaking glass gives you the Unluck effect for seven years
- shufflelog
- When logs or planks are broken, a random log/plank type is dropped
- amethyst
- When amethyst blocks are broken, they have a small chance of dropping golden apples
- melompkin
- Melons and pumpkins have several facets interchanged
- Carving a pumpkin gives melon seeds, not pumpkin seeds
- Crafting a melon slice gives pumpkin seeds, not melon seeds
- When a melon block is broken, it drops a pumpkin block
- When a pumpkin block is broken, it drops melon slices
- mossrevenge
- When a moss block is broken, small chance of small slime to spawn
- nylium
- Looking at nylium transforms it into primed TNT
- stonetools
- All recipes which produce stone tools are disabled
- dirtrecipe
- Nine sticks can be crafted into dirt
- chainmailrecipe
- Lava buckets can be crafted into chainmail armor
- blazeeye
- Flint and steel + an ender pearl crafts a Blaze Eye, which can be used in the Nether to find a fortress
- enddirt
- Dirt placed in the End turns into a Shulker
- overgrowth
- Several crops turn to a random log if not harvested
within ten minutes of maturing
- The following crops are affected: beetroots, carrots, cocoa, nether warts, potatoes, sweet berry bushes, and wheat
- bamboo
- When bamboo grows, it has a chance to spread in a random place in a 32x32x32 box of the original bamboo
- grassspread
- Grass spreads slower than normal
- pufferfish
- Pufferfish randomly rain from the sky on all
players, with 15 seconds of notice given
- Pufferfish are not damaged by drowning, dryout, or fall damage
- Pufferfish have one health and explode on death (blocks are not damaged)
- The explosion is larger if the pufferfish is underwater
- minecraftrivia
- Every few minutes, the game asks a trivia question
- Those who answer correctly are rewarded with an item related to the question
- Those who do not answer are struck by lightning
- Those who answer incorrectly suffer no penalty but gain no reward
- spatialrend
- Players will be teleported to each other’s positions at random intervals
- kamekschaos
- Kamek swaps the positions of items in your own inventory
- heavyrain
- Anvils rain down on everyone continuously for a bit
- sandstorm
- Sand rains down on everyone continuously for a bit
- sandblaster
- A giant blob of sand falls on everyone at random
- prisonersdilemma
- Two players are given the opportunity to SPLIT or STEAL a bounty
- cataclysm
- Blocks near players are replaced by magma and Nether blocks
- serverfire
- Blocks near players catch fire at random
- anvil
- If you stand still for more than ten seconds, an anvil will drop on your head; anvils can be smelted into iron nuggets
- witherarrow
- If the player is hit by a skeleton, stray, or wither skeleton arrow in the Nether, they get the Wither effect
- blazepower
- Blazes will spawn evokers
- torches
- The following blocks drop if you look at them: torches, redstone torches, soul torches, lanterns, and soul lanterns
- pumpkins
- Wearing a pumpking on your head protects you from **zapwater** and **torches** but gives you slowness and mining fatigue
- explosivearrow
- Explosive arrows can be crafted from arrows and gunpowder, and player-thrown tridents explode on contact
- dragonbomb
- The Ender Dragon drops TNT at regular intervals; the Ender Dragon is immune to explosion damage
- chargedcreeper
- Killing a charged creeper always drops a diamond
- gravestone
- Whenever a player dies, a gravestone appears at the site of death
- demand
- At dawn, a demand is made by the gods; if that demand
is not met, then players cannot sleep that night
- Sometimes the event will be replaced by a Bowser event. Bowser events are challenging, but they reward success and do not punish failure (you can always sleep the night after a Bowser event, even if you failed it).
- goddesshoe
- Netherite hoes can one-shot any enemy in the game except the Dragon and the Wither
- oldage
- A player who reaches level 100 dies of old age
- shieldsurf
- If you hold out your shield and point it down at the ground, you can absorb any amount of fall damage or lava damage, at the cost of shield durability instead
- butterfingers
- If you open an inventory (excluding your own inventory), the item you’re holding in your main hand will be dropped.
- deathscoreboard
- A scoreboard on the right side of the screen shows the number of times each player has died
- silverfishburn
- Silverfish burn in daylight
- witchattack
- Witches will sometimes throw parrots and allays at you instead of splash potions
- unfinished
- If you start mining an ore and then stop, it gets mad and turns to cobweb
- parrotdeath
- Parrots get tiny gravestones when they die
- chestshuffle
- When you attempt to open a chest, a different nearby chest might accidentally be opened instead
- enderchest
- When a player opens an ender chest, they see the ender chest inventory of whoever died most recently
- learning
- When a player dies, all other players gain a level
- doctordances
- If a full Minecraft day goes by with no one dying, every player receives a small reward taken from a random pool
- grievingwidow
is off by default; if a player dies for any reason, it turns on for ten minutes- villagerdeath
- Villagers drop leather
- bucketroulette
- Any bucket without a custom name will randomly change its contents every eight seconds
- pillagerdeath
- Killing a pillager summons slimes
- carefulhands
- When you mine a block, there’s a small chance the game will treat it as though you had Silk Touch
- banishment
- Every time a player dies, there’s a small percentage chance that they respawn in a special superflat world instead of the regular one; dying returns them to the regular world
- sinkhole
- There are random 1x1 holes in every world
- obsidianwall
- 3-block high obsidian walls spawn in a grid shape in the overworld
- nice
- Y=69 never generates anything at world generation time
- Wolves?
- Fishing?
- Polar bears?
- Illusioner?
- Blindness
- More **bedtime** conditions
- Wither skeles drop skulls more often if you’ve killed the dragon
- Wither is a boss rush?
- Bone blocks?
- Killing one vector saves everyone
- Can we make the lava haste force you to move forward?
- Lore on items when things happen?
- Exploding bed always fatal to whoever placed it?
- Polar bears have Haste 3
- Every hostile mob has a very small chance of dropping a random item
- Shearing a sheep gives you 2x the wool
- Shearing a sheep creates an explosion that only damages the player and knocks them back
- Eating food has a slim chance to give the player another random food item
- Every in-game day, all players will use the same skin as a random player
- Vex will occasionally transform into strays
- Turtle shell and chainmail are the only craftable helmets
- When the player takes damage, they might drop redstone
- Excludes damage from fire, lava, poison, and wither
- Redstone torches drop redstone
- Creepers spawn with 2 minutes of a random status effect
- The world starts with an 80x80 world border. At noon, the world extends by 16 in all directions
- Bedrock change
- **bedrock** only applies to leaves and glass
- All blocks have a chance to transform into leaves when mined
- Blocks which **bedrock** formerly applied to have a higher chance of transforming into leaves
- Bedrock can now be mined… veeeeery slowly
- When bedrock is mined, the player is teleported 72 blocks down (Tempting the Void)
- Leaf blocks have a small chance to drop emeralds
- Zombies sometimes spawn with a stick with one of the following enchantments
- Wand of Flame: Fire Aspect I
- Wand of Force: Knockback II
- Wand of Slicing: Sharpness III
- Items destroyed by Curse of Vanishing instead become a random item
- Dimension Chain - Whenever a player dies, a random player in a different dimension has a 35% chance to die as well
- Stardew Slime Loot - Slimes have an increased loot pool. They may drop the following (see chat)
- Mundane potions can be crafted into gold nuggets
- Gold nuggets can be eaten for nutrition. They act like sweet berries
- When a player dies, their game is set to a random language
- When a phantom dies, there’s a small chance a random boat will spawn
- All gold tools and armor are significantly buffed and better than
- Whenever you take damage, all gold items you are carrying have
a small chance of breaking
- This effect can also destroy gold ingots, nuggets, blocks, and apples
- Whenever a gold item loses durability, that specific item has a small chance of breaking
- Whenever you take damage, all gold items you are carrying have
a small chance of breaking
- When a player harvests beetroot, small chance a rabbit will spawn
- When a player damages a zombie pigman, there’s a small chance of another zombie pigman spawning
- Pigs sometimes drop brown mushrooms
- When the gods are pleased and once per night, if all online players type a special phrase, then all non-boss mobs will be killed. (Purging ritual)
- Naming a rabbit causes them to stop being a killer rabbit.
- Named chickens and pufferfish won’t explode
- Named axolotls don’t take anyone with them
- Sometimes Bowser will issue a challenge to the players, rather than the gods. Bowser’s challenge is much harder than god challenges, and Bowser will not punish you for failing. But he will reward you for success. Purging ritual cannot be done on Bowser nights.
- If the gods are pleased multiple nights in a row, some effects are disabled.
- If a player is sprinting, there is a small chance an egg is thrown at the player’s crosshair
- If a player is wearing iron, gold, diamond, or netherite armor in every slot, they gain 1 slowness. This applies even if the player is mixing their gear.
- Players may be forced to ride nearby saddled pigs
- When a skeleton shoots an egg, there’s an increased chance that the mob spawned will be a saddled pig named dinnerbone
- All mobs named Dinnerbone gain levitation