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1278 lines (728 loc) · 36.6 KB

Architect Functions changelog

Also see: Architect changelog

[8.1.7] 2025-01-25


  • Updated dependencies, resolve low-sev CVE for cookie
  • Added Node.js 22.x to CI

[8.1.2 - 8.1.6] 2024-05-14


  • Updated dependencies

[8.1.1] 2024-04-29


  • Updated dependencies
  • Updated package.json engines.node property to reflect changes from v8

[8.1.0] 2024-03-07



  • Fixed potential issue where parsing SQS errors may fail
  • Updated dependencies

[8.0.3] 2024-02-09


  • Fixed output of tables.put() to return the updated item, as in versions <=7; fixes #554

[8.0.0 - 8.0.2] 2024-02-03

Architect Functions just got a lot faster. Gone are the days of 500-1000ms cold starts due to instantiating the AWS SDK – Functions v8 is now between 2-5x faster, and uses 2-4x less memory, courtesy of aws-lite!


  • arc.tables() now includes a new DynamoDB client: _client, an instantiation of @aws-lite/dynamodb
    • _client is largely functionally similar to the AWS SDK's DocumentClient, but a bit less fiddly (we think)
    • arc.tables() methods should be functionally the same, including key error properties


  • Breaking change: AWS SDK v2 + v3 DynamoDB client + DocumentClient instantiation is now opt-in
    • Code depending on data._db or data._doc must now instantiate with the awsSdkClient boolean option, like so: await arc.tables({ awsSdkClient: true })
    • If you only rely on the DocumentClient (_doc), you may want to just try using the new @aws-lite/dynamodb-based _client
  • Breaking change: while we've taken efforts to ensure the maximum degree of compatibility with AWS SDK v2 and v3 errors, the errors returned in Arc Functions 8.0 (using aws-lite) may still vary slightly
    • This only really applies if your error handling relies on specific properties or values
    • If you just console.log() your errors, you will be totally fine, and the quality of the errors you get via aws-lite will most likely improve with this change
    • Note: if you're an AWS SDK v2 user considering migrating to v3, error incompatibility will apply even more so; v3 errors are incompatible with v2, whereas aws-lite errors attempt to be compatible with both SDK v2 + v3
  • Added Node.js 20.x to test matrix
  • Breaking change: removed support for Node.js 14.x (now EOL, and no longer available to created in AWS Lambda)

[7.0.0] 2023-07-10


  • Added support for arc.http to accept either async or callback functions
    • This is not a breaking change, and arc.http.async will remain as a legacy code path
    • Moving forward we suggest passing all middleware through arc.http, which will figure out whether to run in async or callback mode
    • Note: pass only callback or async middleware, but not both. Don't drink and drive, and don't mix async primitives.
  • Added service discovery for DynamoDB-backed sessions
    • Now you can set your ARC_SESSION_TABLE_NAME env var with the logical name of your sessions table found in your app.arc file
    • However, the physical DynamoDB table name will work as well
  • Added support for JWE session encryption customization
    • Configure by adding an env var named ARC_APP_SECRET_ALGO with a value of A256GCM (default if not specified), A192GCM, or A128GCM
  • Added tables.scanAll method for retrieving the entire contents of a table


  • Improved SNS (@events), SQS (@queues), and SSM (arc.discovery) performance by caching clients, thereby enabling more efficient usage, especially in large workloads; thanks @w5mix & @CameronSima!
  • Breaking change: default JWE session encryption algorithm is now A256GCM
    • This algorithm offers greater entropy with as good or greater performance in session token encryption / decryption
    • Backwards compatible JWE session encryption is available by adding a truthy env var named ARC_FORCE_LEGACY_JWE_SECRET
  • Invalid session secrets now error loudly
  • Updated deps


  • Fixed http session issue where custom JWE secrets were not properly encoded when encrypting the web token
    • This is not a CVE or security issue, just a simple compatibility bug
    • However, this bug fix effectively invalidates any outstanding Arc-issued JWE session cookies; if you want to postpone this token fix until a later time, add a truthy env var named ARC_FORCE_LEGACY_JWE_SECRET

[6.0.1] 2023-06-06


  • Updated deps


  • Fixed issue where arc.tables on Node.js 18+ (i.e. AWS SDK v3) would keep Sandbox Dynamo connections open for 5s

[6.0.0] 2023-04-05


  • Added anti-caching to { location } responses


  • AWS has deprecated Lambda nodejs12.x; @architect/functions 6.0 now assumes nodejs14.x or higher
  • The location property now sets an HTTP 2 compliant lowcase location header, instead of the previous Location header
  • Updated AWS SDK versions to sync up with the rest of Architect following v10.12

[5.4.0 - 5.4.1] 2023-02-26


  • Added compression response property for unencoded, non-binary responses; fixes #543
    • Default is (still) br, and it can be set to gzip or disabled with false
    • Compression is still best-effort; if the client does not support the default or specified compression, no compression is used


  • Updated dependencies

[5.3.4] 2023-02-13


  • Updated dependencies


  • Fixed broken predicates for using useAWS preference or ARC_LOCAL env var to connect to DynamoDB, SNS, and SQS; thanks @w5mix!

[5.3.3] 2022-12-14


  • Minor performance improvement to arc.http binary content type checks; thanks @gyx1000!

[5.3.2] 2022-12-12


  • Updated binaryTypes array, thanks @MichaelDeBoey!

[5.3.1] 2022-11-30


  • Fixed issue where users without the AWS-SDK installed locally or globally would error if @architect/functions is required or imported

[5.3.0] 2022-11-24


  • Added support for Lambda's new nodejs18.x runtime, and AWS SDK v3 (@aws-sdk/*)
    • If your Lambdas make use of @architect/functions (and you otherwise do not directly rely on AWS SDK calls), you are now likely fully forward-compatible with nodejs18.x (see caveats below)
    • However, if your Lambdas do NOT make use of @architect/functions, before opting into Lambda nodejs18.x + SDK v3 we strongly advise you read:
    • To opt in, simply upgrade @architect/architect to 10.8 and change your @aws runtime setting to nodejs18.x (learn more at
  • Added Node.js 18.x to test coverage


  • Due to changes in AWS SDK v2 → v3, arc.tables()._db + arc.tables()._doc methods are now slightly different; unfortunately, this is not something @architect/functions can paper over; see more here
  • In order to paper over breaking changes in AWS SDK v2 to v3, @architect/functions inspect the running Node.js version to follow different code paths to corresponding SDK versions; if your test / CI environment is not using the same Node.js version as your production environment, this may result in unexpected testing issues
    • For example: your CI environment runs Node.js 18.x, but your Lambda uses @architect/functions >= 5.3 and is configured to use 16.x; some methods deep within the SDK may differ, and your tests may break
    • Unless you are making use of arc.tables()._db + arc.tables()._doc, we think this scenario is pretty unlikely. That said, this is unfortunately not something Architect can control for or prevent, and ultimately falls to AWS to resolve for developers
    • We can only strongly advise your CI and production environments use the same version of Node.js
  • Updated dependencies

[5.2.3] 2022-10-14


  • Updated dependencies


  • Fixed double-encoding issue for arc.http[async] responses that are already base64-encoded

[5.2.2] 2022-09-07


  • Updated dependencies


  • ws._api no longer needs to be initialized by running a WebSocket function

[5.2.1] 2022-06-29


  • Return type from ArcTable.get is Promise<Item | undefined>

[5.2.0] 2022-06-29


  • Bundled typings for public API, thanks @camjackson
    • tested with dtslint in a new GitHub workflow

[5.1.0] 2022-04-08


  • Added automatic brotli (br) compression to HTTP API responses; compression will not be applied if any of the following cases are true:
    • You specify a content-encoding header
    • The requesting client does not request br encoding via the accept-encoding header
    • You return anything other than a buffer or string as the body of your response
    • You are using a legacy REST API

[5.0.5] 2022-04-05


  • Fixed body parsing issue that impacts performance of large request body payloads

[5.0.4] 2022-02-24


  • Deep require aws-sdk deps for a potentially large cold start perf boost
    • In small-scale testing, we found this can further reduce cold start performance by 2.5-5x, averaging ~150ms on Lambda


  • Fixed usage with custom stack names; fixes #1322, thanks @Lugana707, @pgte

[5.0.3] 2022-02-24


  • Enable Functions v5 to be used as a bare module in test suites without setting env vars (see ARC_ENV requirement below)
    • Functions now makes a best-effort attempt to find Sandbox ports via internal SSM


  • Relax requirement for ARC_ENV env var; backfill it to testing if not found

[5.0.0 - 5.0.2] 2022-01-18


  • @architect/functions is faster and leaner than ever, now down to about 425KB (from ~950KB). This means even faster cold starts and overall performance!
  • Added support for Sandbox dynamic port selection
  • Added rawBody property, handy for use with external libraries that may need access to the raw body contents for things like signing
    • Moving forward, Arc Functions consumers should consider the isBase64Encoded property to correspond only to rawBody, and to be unrelated to the body property
    • See also: the change below re. base64 decoding of text/plain + */xml bodies


  • Breaking change: Architect no longer automatically populates, relies on, or makes direct use of NODE_ENV or ARC_CLOUDFORMATION env vars. @architect/functions v5+ now requires Architect v10 / Sandbox v5 or later.
    • Added top-level check for correct minimum version, fixes #1313; thanks @monkbroc!
  • Breaking change: removed support for legacy Sandbox @ws internals, requiring Sandbox v5
  • Breaking change: removed method, which was badly out of date and broadly unused
    • Before this change, @architect/functions had 19 dependencies and weighed in at ~950KB; after it has 12 dependencies (down 7), and weighs about 475KB, for about a 50% reduction!
  • Breaking change: removed deprecated methods:
    • arc.http.middleware (deprecated August 2019) is now arc.http.async
    • arc.http.helpers.static (deprecated June 2019) is now arc.static
  • Breaking change: removed arc.tables.doc + arc.tables.db methods
    • These methods are still available after table instantiation like so: let { _doc, _db} = await arc.tables()
    • This change enables Architect Functions to only load aws-sdk when absolutely necessary, making it 20-30x faster to run in Lambda for usage that does not rely on DynamoDB
  • Stop publishing to the GitHub Package registry
  • Added checks to ensure there are no mysterious failures when required env vars are not present
  • Preference for ARC_* namespaced env vars:
    • All non-namespaced names will continue to be supported until at least Architect 11; we suggest changing them over to the namespaced equivalents as soon as is convenient

[4.1.2] 2022-02-07


  • Architect Functions now fails gracefully in Architect 10+ / Sandbox 5+
  • Base 64 decodes text/plain, text/xml and application/xml payloads based off Content-Type

[4.1.1] 2021-11-22

  • Fix crash on missing ARC_WSS_URL env var when @ws is defined in a project

[4.1.0] 2021-11-20

  • Added ws.close and to close a WebSocket and get connection info. Requires @architect/[email protected] or higher.
  • Added ws._api a preconfigured ApiGatewayManagementApi instance. Requires @architect/[email protected] or higher.
  • ws.send now leverages ws._api and falls back to the old version of send in older Sandbox environments

[4.0.0] 2021-07-25


  • Enable tables.scan() to be used without passing any arguments


  • Breaking change: arc.http.proxy is now @architect/asap!
    • ASAP is now fully independent of @architect/functions as of version 4.0.0 of both packages
      • With some minor exceptions, ASAP is a drop-in replacement for arc.http.proxy calls and usage - no fuss, no muss!
      • ASAP is also a faster, leaner implementation (-70% smaller, with zero dependencies)
    • @architect/functions is now significantly (~25%) lighter:
      • @architect/functions 3.x (with deps): ~1.1MB
      • @architect/functions 4.x (with deps): ~760KB
    • All legacy @architect/functions proxy calls are now removed from this package; this includes: arc.http.proxy, arc.http.proxy.public,, arc.proxy.public
      • Again, just aim those same calls at @architect/asap and things should just work - and if they do not, please let us know!
  • Breaking change: removed support for Node.js 10.x (now EOL, and no longer available to created in AWS Lambda)
  • Breaking change: removed support for handling requests from Architect 5 (and lower) APIs
    • Responding to requests has not changed, however! Old response semantics from Architect 5 (and lower) will continue to be supported, so you'll always have a clear, clean upgrade path from older Architect projects to newer APIs
  • Normalized headers to lowercase for full HTTP 2 compatibility
  • Updated dependencies

[3.14.1] 2021-05-25


  • Fixed an issue in sandbox where table names containing other table names would get the table definitions confused; thanks @reconbot!

[3.14.0] 2021-05-24


  • New API for retrieving the service map object for a given app; this object contains metadata associated with all infrastructure or services leveraged by the app

[3.13.12] 2021-05-24


  • Removed unnecessary console logging for @events + @queues publishing

[3.13.11] 2021-04-15


  • Restored req.path convenience parameter missing from HTTP APIs; thanks @crtr0!

[3.13.10] 2021-04-07


  • Session cookie's SameSite value is configurable with ARC_SESSION_SAME_SITE environment variable; thanks @activescott!
  • Fixed issue with arc.tables() not generating a client for tables with the string production in their names in a Sandbox context

[3.13.9] 2021-01-13


  • Added new alias for arc.tables()._name to arc.tables().name


  • Fixed arc.tables()._name Sandbox mode returning an array instead of a string; thanks @exalted!

[3.13.8] 2020-11-12


  • Internal change for JWE token issuance, thanks @lpetre!
  • Ensure JWE session helper also uses the ordered last of multiple potential client sessions present in a cookie (if multiple are present)

[3.13.7] 2020-11-05


  • Sessions helper now uses the ordered last of multiple potential client sessions present in a cookie (if multiple are present)


  • Fixed subtle session bug where attempting to clear a session would retain old session data
  • Fixed broken legacy cookie response param behavior, restoring behavior of being an alias for setting a set-cookie header, and not for writing a session

[3.13.6] 2020-11-04


  • Fixed rate-limit crashes in legacy events.publish call; fixes #300

[3.13.5] 2020-11-03


  • Updated session test to no longer use legacy session table name
  • Updated dependencies


  • Handle body parsing HTTP APIs with v2.0 Lambda req payloads that include raw JSON; fixes @architect#997, thanks @mawdesley!

[3.13.4] 2020-10-24


  • Return errors on local @events + @queues publishing

[3.13.3] 2020-09-23


  • Fixes backward compat for legacy old school tidy Arc response params (e.g. { location: '/foo' }) when used in HTTP APIs

[3.13.2] 2020-09-21


  • Fixes backward compat for legacy super old school content-type based responses (e.g. { html: 'foo' }) when used in HTTP APIs

[3.13.1] 2020-09-16


  • Fixed bad call in http.proxy alias config

[3.13.0] 2020-09-10


  • Added full forwards compatibility for API Gateway HTTP APIs, including the new v2.0 payload
    • HTTP APIs in v2.0 have undocumented support for some funky response formats, so when in v2.0 mode, non-standard responses are passed through with minimal or no mutation
  • Added support for passing along multiValueHeaders in responses

[3.12.3] 2020-07-29


  • Enable proxy to use HTTP APIs running in Lambda v1.0 payload format mode

[3.12.2] 2020-07-20


  • Adds support for loading compressed files out of proxy

[3.12.1] 2020-06-16


  • Fixed proxy lookup to custom 404 page working locally
  • Fixed incorrect filename in proxy 404 error message

[3.12.0] 2020-06-15


  • Adds automatic fingerprint upgrading from non-fingerprinted requests; example:
    • If @static fingerprint true is enabled, <img src=this-is-fine.gif> will now automatically load /_static/this-is-fine-abc123.gif

[3.11.0] 2020-06-07


  • Adds fingerprinting support for pretty URLs and custom 404s in proxy
  • Adds support for ARC_STATIC_PREFIX env var to provide symmetry with the new @static prefix setting
    • The ARC_STATIC_FOLDER env var is now considered deprecated, and will be removed in a future (breaking) release
  • Added support for leading slashes in build-free templating (e.g. ${arc.static('/this-is-fine.gif')})


  • Ensures the build-free templating engine always runs, not just when fingerprint is enabled

[3.10.0 - 3.10.1] 2020-05-17


  • Improved default caching behavior for static assets; fixes #273
    • Any assets that don't have cache-control explicitly set will now default to using ETag in order to improve the reliability of cache invalidation
    • HTML & JSON responses still default to anti-caching headers
  • Added path peeking (aka pretty URLs); fixes #269
    • URLs delivered via proxy no longer require a trailing slash!
    • Example: to load /foo/index.html, you used to have to request /foo/
    • Now, if /foo is requested, proxy will automatically try peeking into /foo to see if it contains /foo/index.html – if not, it'll 404 as expected
  • Added ETag support to Sandbox static asset serving
  • Added support for arbitrary static asset config mapping
    • Pass proxy config.assets a static.json-like static asset object


  • Internal refactoring: cleaned up old proxy code paths


  • We now ensure CDNs cannot cache 404 responses

[3.9.1 - 3.9.3] 2020-05-06 - 2020-05-07


  • POST request could fail if req.body was null

[3.9.0] 2020-04-27


  • POST request could fail if req.body was null


  • Adds S3 ContentEncoding for arc.http.proxy /
    • This means you can now publish and read larger files out of S3 in the compressed format of your choosing!


  • Updated dependencies

[3.8.3 - 3.8.4] 2020-04-16


  • Fixed arc.http.helpers.url to now respect ARC_LOCAL flag, thanks @filmaj!
  • Fixed arc.tables._name calls, thanks @filmaj!

[3.8.2] 2020-04-19


  • Support for Lambda payload version 2 in session (for API Gateway HTTP APIs)

[3.8.1] 2020-03-24


  • Mocks API Gateway's current behavior of not sending a body when response is headers / status code only; fixes #254, /ht @alexbepple
    • (Back in the day it used to default to sending \n because reasons.)
  • Fixed and improved events.subscribe fallback object (handy for local testing)
  • Fixed local predicate for arc.tables to ensure ARC_LOCAL can speak to live AWS infra

[3.7.7 - 3.8.0] 2020-03-12


  • Calling static() with the root path (e.g. static('/')) now returns /_static/; thanks Paul!
  • arc.http.proxy now supports API Gateway HTTP APIs request/response payload V2

[3.7.5 - 3.7.6] 2020-02-13


  • Functions now ensures NODE_ENV is one of testing, staging, or production (defaulting to testing)
  • Updated dependencies
  • Fix for arc.tables() returning undefined
  • Updates deps


  • Improves reliability of using Architect Functions in certain test harnesses that may automatically set NODE_ENV

[3.7.2 - 3.7.4] 2020-02-12


  • Refactor of internal DynamoDB client instantiation; resolves issues using Functions with some test harnesses (like Jest); fixes #238, thanks @konsumer!
  • Fixes issue that caused Sandbox to stall when called via the Architect CLI
  • Fixes issue that caused Architect Functions to cause issues in certain test harnesses that may automatically set NODE_ENV
  • Note: 3.7.1 was an erroneous re-publish of 3.7.0, please use 3.7.2

[3.7.0] 2020-02-10


  • Added support for porting express apps with

[3.6.0] 2020-02-03


  • Added support for running multiple Sandboxes at the same time
    • No more conflicting events and ports when running multiple simultaneous local Architect projects!
    • Also, you can now manually configure your @events port with ARC_EVENTS_PORT, and @tables port with ARC_TABLES_PORT

[3.5.1] 2020-02-02


  • Added fallback event object for direct invocation of event functions using


  • Updated tests for Sandbox soon to be setting ARC_CLOUDFORMATION env var
  • Updated dependencies

[3.5.0] 2020-01-24


  • arc.queues.publish can now accept groupID for fifo queues
  • erase session with return {session: {}, location: '/'} syntax

[3.4.14] 2019-12-13


  • Allow setting session TTL by passing a SESSION_TTL environment variable with the desired TTL in seconds
  • Removes @architect/parser dep

[3.4.13] 2019-12-10


  • Internal change for JWE token issuance


  • Local WebSockets ( calls no longer always send port 3333, and to now support custom ports

[3.4.12] 2019-12-01


  • Uses updated ARC_WSS_URL env var format (but retains backwards compatibility)

[3.4.11] 2019-11-28


  • Adds stagePath option to arc.static for anyone using this with a bare API Gateway configuration
    • Example: arc.static('foo.png', {stagePath: true})


  • arc.static now throws an error if the specified asset is not found
  • Updated dependencies

[3.4.9 - 3.4.10] 2019-11-28


  • Updated dependencies


  • Fixes issue where events.publish may sometimes fail with > 10 topics; thanks @dduran1967!

[3.5.8] 2019-11-04


  • Internal / testing changes only

[3.5.7] 2019-11-01


  • arc.http.proxy looks for default index.html when ARC_STATIC_SPA=false

[3.5.5 - 3.5.6] 2019-10-25


  • Fixes for apps packaged with @architect/package 1.0.50 or later. AWS changed the ApiGatewayMangementApi.postToConnection interface paramter endpoint to no longer be suffixed with @connections
  • Adds data.reflect to get table names
let arc = require('@architect/functions')

// elsewhere in your async function handler:
let data = await arc.tables()
let names = await data.reflect() // returns {arcfilename: 'generated-tablename'}
  • Adds anti-caching and body parsing application/vnd.api+json; resolves #141, thanks @jkarsrud!

[3.4.4] 2019-10-15


  • Fixes broken response when bucket is not configured as root proxy


  • Improves error states for missing static configs, 404s, etc.

[3.4.3] 2019-10-11


  • Updated dependencies

[3.4.0 - 3.4.2] 2019-10-10


  • Added support for @static fingerprint true in root spa / proxy requests
    • This enables Architect projects to deliver fully fingerprinted static assets while also ensuring that each file is appropriately cached by clients and network infra
    • Also includes support for build-free calls between your fingerprinted static assets
      • Example: in public/index.html, use the following syntax to automatically replace the local / human-friendly filename reference to the deployed fingerprinted filename:
      • ${arc.static('image.png')} will be automatically replaced by image-a1c3e5.png
      • Or ${STATIC('image.png')} (which is the same thing, but shoutier)
      • Note: although those look like JS template literal placeholders, they're intended to live inside non-executed, static files within public/ (or @static folder foo)


  • Updated dependencies
  • Changed static manifest loader to be more bundler friendly


  • Fixed issue that may prevent repl from working with more recent versions of Functions
  • Add anti-caching headers to sandbox 404 response

[3.3.15] 2019-09-26


  • Added more consistent and regular entry for proxy: http.proxy
    • This is non-breaking: http.proxy.public,, and even the older proxy.public methods are still available, although are deprecated. We suggest moving to them.
    • http.proxy does the same as what http.proxy.public used to do; since the vast majority of use was around http.proxy.public and not, it didn't make sense to have such a verbose method signature
  • http.proxy's SPA setting can now be disabled with an env var – ARC_STATIC_SPA = 'false' (where false is a string, not a bool)
    • You can still disable it via configuration as well ({spa:false})
  • Lots and lots of tests around http.proxy


  • Better 404 / file missing handling in sandbox when using http.proxy (or loading static assets without @http get / specified)

[3.3.14] 2019-09-25


  • Updated deps


  • Restored http.proxy.public settings that were erroneously removed in a previous update
    • bucket.staging, bucket.production, bucket.folder, and cacheControl are now restored
  • Fixes a proxy issue in Architect 5 / LTS projects where SPA requests for pages would not have loaded correctly

[3.3.13] 2019-09-24


  • Improved detection of proxy and ws when running locally with NODE_ENV not set to testing, and ARC_LOCAL set

[3.3.12] 2019-09-13


  • http.proxy now correctly responds to requests if your environment includes an ARC_STATIC_FOLDER env var

[3.3.11] 2019-09-09


  • Internal change to normalize response shapes from http.proxy.public +


  • Fixes issue where binary assets delivered via sandbox / root may not be properly encoded
  • Fixes issue where http.proxy.public + may not have delivered correctly formatted responses in Architect 5
  • Fixed minor issue in ARC_HTTP env var check

[3.3.9 - 3.3.10] 2019-09-09


  • Adds ARC_HTTP env var check to Arc v5 response formatter

[3.3.8] 2019-09-03


  • Fixes arc.http / arc.http.async responses to /{proxy+} requests

[3.3.7] 2019-08-28


  • Makes passing config to arc.http.proxy entirely optional

[3.3.5 - 3.3.6] 2019-08-27


  • Added Architect 6 compatibility to arc.http.async, the new method name for async/await middleware
    • All async/await functions run through arc.http.async now automatically have client sessions attached and decoded, parsed bodes (if applicable)
    • Learn more about upgrading to Arc 6 + arc.http.async here
  • Added ability to set custom headers on any arc.http.proxy request


  • arc.http.middleware (formerly arc.middleware) is now arc.http.async
    • These methods are functionally the same
    • The old aliases will remain for a while to come, but we suggest moving any deprecated calls over to their new equivalents by mid-2020


  • Fixed minor issue where status code of 302 couldn't be overridden when using both location and statusCode (or status, or code) response params
  • Fixed bug preventing emitting binary assets via arc.http.proxy
  • Fixed munged headers and content-type in proxy plugins, fixes @architect/architect#432

[3.3.3 - 3.3.4] 2019-08-22


  • Fixed arc.static() (and deprecated arc.http.helpers.static()) calls in Arc 6, fixes #59 /ht @mikemaccana
  • Fixed sometimes-broken paths to API gateway

[3.3.1 - 3.3.2] 2019-08-20


  • Fixed arc.tables() calls in Arc 6

[3.3.0] 2019-08-12


  • Support for Architect 6
    • Includes complete compatibility for Architect 4 + 5 users:
      • If already using Functions, everything should just work!
      • If using Arc 5 dependency-free, you can now drop your existing responses into Architect Functions's res() and everything should be solid; no signature changes should be required
  • Takes over all responsibilities of now-deprecated @architect/data
    • Previous data calls can be accessed with arc.tables()
  • Responses now include the same content type aware Cache-Control defaults as found in Architect 5
    • As always, they're able to be overriden with cacheControl param (or headers['Cache-Control'])


[3.2.2] 2019-07-11


  • Including a headers object in your arc.http response will now set custom headers
  • SESSION_DOMAIN variable now supported in jwe sessions
  • context is now passed onto each middleware function

[3.2.1] 2019-06-26


  • Backwards-compatible refactoring of events publishing in preparation for Architect 6 service discovery

[3.2.0] 2019-06-14


  • For additional control of your user sessions, you may now define the cookie Domain attribute
    • Because this needs to be set consistently across your app's usage of session, set this via the SESSION_DOMAIN environment variable

[3.1.0] 2019-06-05


  • This release is all about improving static asset access!
    • Static asset fingerprinting is now built into the static asset helper!
      • Enable file fingerprinting in your project by adding fingerprint true to your Arc manifests's @static pramga
      • If enabled, requesting styles.css will return the proper fingerprinted URL (e.g.
    • The static asset helper is now a first-class method accessible at: arc.static('filename.ext')
      • File path are still relative to your public/ dir
      • Legacy method arc.http.helpers.static('filename.ext') will continue to be supported
    • Static helper tests

[3.0.8] 2019-05-20


  • calls without config.bucket specified work correctly again, fixes #38

[3.0.7] 2019-05-11


  • arc.http.helpers.static() now uses ARC_STATIC_BUCKET and ARC_STATIC_FOLDER (as introduced in 2.0.16 for, fixes #37


  • Also improves S3 URL handling in arc.http.helpers.static(), partially addressing @architect/architect#375 (S3's late-2020 URL format support change)


  • Updated dependencies

[3.0.6] 2019-05-09


  • Adds support for sending delaySeconds parameter on queue publish, closes #36 /ht @bardbachmann

[3.0.3 - 3.0.5] - 2019-04-19


  • will now accept an AsyncFunction


  • Removes trailing slash from arc.http.helpers.static() that breaks URLs when working locally


  • Updated dependencies

[3.0.2] - 2019-04-10


  • Fixes local sandbox publishing events/queues bug introduced in 2.0.8

[3.0.1] - 2019-04-04


  • Enables both text and binary file transit in newly provisioned Arc apps
  • This is NOT a breaking update if you aren't using proxy.public()
    • However, if you use proxy.public(), this is a breaking update!
    • In order to enable binary assets support, Arc Functions now encodes files being emitted via proxy.public() for use in Architect 5.6+ apps
    • If you'd like your existing app that uses proxy.public() to serve binary assets, you'll need to re-create your API (or hang tight until we release our forthcoming API migration tool)


  • get / encoding is now properly set when using config.bucket.folder

[2.0.17 - 2.0.19] - 2019-04-02


  • Added checks to ensure bucket exists in proxy.public()
  • Requests to unknown files via proxy.public() now return a proper 404 response, and not 200 / undefined
  • Fixes proxy path prefix check in testing environment
  • Found and removed some junk files in the NPM package

[2.0.16] - 2019-03-27


  • Adds ARC_STATIC_BUCKET + ARC_STATIC_FOLDER env vars for config-reduced proxy.public() reads


  • In proxy.public() config, the bucket folder prefix is now respected when working locally

[2.0.15] - 2019-03-13


  • Cache-control header support for proxy.public; if not specified, defaults to:
    • HTML + JSON: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0
    • Everything else: max-age=86400


  • Updated dependencies

[2.0.13-14] - 2019-03-08


  • Fixed local env check in queues.publish /ht @tobytailor

[2.0.1-2.0.11] - 2019-02-26


  • proxy allows for configurable s3 bucket and folder
  • proxied files now return etag
  • arc.proxy.public configuration:
    • spa - boolean, load index.html at any folder depth
    • ssr - path string of module to load or function for overriding /index.html
    • alias - alias paths path (eg. {'/css':'/styles/index.scss'})
    • plugins - per filetype transform plugin pipelines

The companion transform plugins aim to help developers make the transition to browser native esmodules:

  • @architect/proxy-plugin-jsx transpiles jsx to preact/react
  • @architect/proxy-plugin-tsx strips types and transpiles jsx to preact/react
  • @architect/proxy-plugin-mjs-urls adds /staging or /production to imports urls
  • @architect/proxy-plugin-bare-imports enable bare imports with browser esm

And for fun:

  • @architect/proxy-plugin-md markdown to html
  • @architect/proxy-plugin-sass sass/scss

If you think we're missing a plugin please don't hesitate to ask in the issue tracker!

Complete example project code here.

[2.0.0] - 2019-02-03


  • arc.js
  • arc.css
  • arc.html
  • arc.text
  • arc.xml
  • arc.json

[1.13.0] - 2019-01-31


  • New arc.proxy wip proxy get-index to /public when running locally and s3 when running on aws
// exmaple usage in a ws-connected lambda
let arc = require('@architect/functions')

exports.handler = arc.proxy.public()

[1.12.0] - 2019-01-16


  • New wip progress for sending web socket messages locally and in the cloud
// exmaple usage in a ws-connected lambda
let WebSocket = require('@architect/functions').ws

exports.handler = async function WebSocketConnected(event) {
  let ws = new WebSocket(event)
  await ws.send('pong')
  return {
    statusCode: 200

[1.11.1] - 2018-12-15
