- Added cancellation support #58
- Fixed a bug where an empty string could not be used as a field value
- Fixed a bug where the character used for escaping in a field value was not properly escaped itself when writing to influxdb
- Fixed a bug that could occur when parsing a an empty string in a field that should be interpreted as a null
- Support decimals (stored as float point) and DateTimeOffsets (stored as string) as fields.
- All common management operation now uses POST method even if it is operations that does not change anything, such as "SHOW STATS"
- Changed most methods on InfluxClient to extension methods
- StrongNaming for nuget package #43
- Added Shard Group Duration to RETENTION POLICY operations
- SourceLink-enabled
- Changed framework dependency from netstandard1.3 to netstandard2.0 #46
- Fixed #49
- Fixed #48
- Support parameter binding #37
- Fixed #36, Added interface (IInfluxClient) for all public methods on InfluxClient.
- Fixed #35, default "chunked" parameter to true when using ReadChunkedAsync method to query data.
- Support for replacing existings timestamp parsers in DefaultTimestampParserRegistry
- Added support for InfluxMeasurementAttribute. #30
- Fixed a bug where if different types of rows were specified in the Write method, the operation would fail.
- Fixed proper escaping of measurement names
- Added support for primitive types as tags #29
- Added overload of constructor to InfluxClient that takes HttpClient #27
- Added support for custom Timeout #26
- Added support for more primitive types #23
- Added support for (optional) gzip during write operation #24
- Added documentation for IHaveMeasurementNname
- Added NamedDynamicInfluxRow that implement IHaveMeasurementName
- Fixed bug that caused MeasurementName not to be written into classes implementing IHaveMeasurementName when querying
- Added support for custom timestamps and preserving timestamp offsets #20
- Fixed #19
- Added feature #15 to support better reading of chunked data
- Fixed bug where "n" was being used to represent nanoseconds instead of "ns"
- Changed behavior of InfluxSeries.GroupedTags to never be null, instead it will be an empty dictionary if no GROUP BY is specified
- Fixed #17
- Fixed #14
- Fixed issue #12
- Fixed internal tests so they no longer collide
- Fixed chunking support. #11
- Changed newtonsoft json dependency to actually existing version.
- Change InfluxException throwing behaviour such that they are only throw in case of non-200 status code or other internal exception
- Added support for RP in write operations. Issue #9.
- Fixed issue #7
- Added support for influxdb 1.0
- Added support for DELETE queries
- Support for influxdb v 0.13
- Improved performance for reading IInfluxRows from the database.
- Improved perfomance by following guidelines for ordering of tags/fields when sending to data to influxdb
- Changed Newtonsoft.Json requirement to 7.0.1
- Additional target frameworks
- Added new overloads of ShowMeasurements by splitting them into two different methods
- Nuget package metadata update
- AssemblyInfo fixes
- Fixes to DateTime handling. It could occur that strings formatted as DateTimes, when read from InfluxDB, would be treated as DateTimes
- Fixes a bug that could cause an unexpected exception when using IInfluxRow, if no fields/tags were present for a type of measurement
- Now allows use of internal classes/properties for POCO classes used for queries
- Fixes a lot of issues with the XML documentation
- Much improved error messages
- Fixed an issue that could cause a deadlock in certain situations
- Initial InfluxClient implementation.