- Initial project setup
- Runing a development Server
- Running a production build
- Extending tailwindcss config
- Generating and using axios client with request methods and models based on apiDoc
- Docs
Make sure to install the dependencies and run project with node v18
# npm
nvm use 18
npm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
Theme configuration - Tailwind CSS
extend: {
Run a command, that generates an axios client and ts models based on the api schema
npm run api
Set API BASE URL for the generated client or uncomment similar lines in ./plugins/common.ts
import { OpenAPI } from '~/apiClient';
OpenAPI.BASE = 'https://interview-test.digital.cz';
Use generated axios api client (and optionally typescript models)
import { UserService, /* SalaryService, TokenService */ } from '~/apiClient';
const items = await UserService.getApiUsersList();
// import type { User } from '~/apiClient';
// const items: User[] = await UserService.getApiUsersList();