- Fix: having unpushed commits on the main branch.
- Fix: escape commandline arguments for Git.
- Add: show more configuration when starting Apache.
- Fix: get latest, rebase when having working directory changes.
- Add: show project type.
- Add: configuration setting phpTempPath.
- Add: configuration setting phpLogPath.
- Add: create undelete entry before unpacking last commit.
- Add: unpack last commit when having working directory changes.
- Fix: working directory window height.
- Fix: abort rebase.
- Fix: only allow the safe option for toilet (delete all changes).
- Add: support for local only repositories, without a configured remote origin.
- Add: Laravel10 & Laravel11 projects.
- Fix: move unpushed commits on master branch to a new branch.
- Fix: unexisting mainbranch when deleting a branch.
- Add: create a new branch on a specific commit-id.
- Add: edit GitNoob project configuration file.
- Fix: automatic create temporary commit, if necessary, when changing branch.
- Fix: php.exe already present in Windows global path.
- Add: option to start DOS Prompt when a merge, rebase, cherry pick conflict arises.
- Add: Edit GitNoob root configuration file.
- Fix: cherry pick conflict.
- Fix: rebase conflict.
- Fix: tests
- Fix: reset abandoned lock.
- Add: cherry pick a commit.
- Fix: prevent Windows screensaver when merging.
- Add: show git reference log.
- Add: delete of undeletion tag.
- Add: toilet option to put current changes in a deleted branch, so they can also be undeleted.
- Add: start git gui and workspace upon rebase/merge conflicts.
- Fix: before rebase create a undelete tag.
- Fix: change branch in detached head mode.
- Add: touch-timestamp-of-commits-before-merge setting
- Fix: several hints and explanations.
- Add: dividers in choose project screen.
- Add: empty git recycle bin to git repair options.
- Add: stage all changes to git repair options.
- Fix: Laravel - composer dump-autoload issues with packages.php - see also laravel/framework#45209
- Fix: after get latest try to ensure main branch exists.
- Fix: cloning should checkout the specified main branch.
- Fix: show an errormessage if configuration file setting "loadRootConfigurationFrom" specifies an invalid file.
- Fix: show an errormessage if there isn't any project defined in the configuration files.
- Fix: starting history.
- Add: configuration setting commitname-settings-via-filename
- Add: configuration setting commitname-settings-clear-on-exit
- Project migrated to Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.
- Fix: show correct icon on Windows/11.
- Add: "Show history of one file" on current branch history button via right mouseclick.
- Add: "Show history of all branches / tags / remotes" on current branch history button via right mouseclick.
- Fix: set committer name & email.
- Fix: touch commit timestamps.
- Remove: git repair option "Show history of all branches / tags / remotes", it can be found via context menu on current branch history.
- Add: system menu option "Check for GitNoob updates".
- Add: GitNoobUpdater.exe for automated updating.
- Fix: start explorer multiple times.
- Fix: exiting the dosprompt, sometimes "exit" had to be entered twice.
- Add: "Run as administrator" on dosprompt button via right mouseclick.
- Fix: workspace-run-as-administrator works again.
- Fix: use LocalApplicationData path for intermediate files. As files in the temp path may be deleted by the Windows OS at unexpected moments, when GitNoob is still running.
- Fix: use Ngrok v3.
- Fix: undelete a deleted branch was wrongly determining the commitid.
- Fix: starting Ngrok when apache is configured to use SSL (https).
- Add: delete branch
- Add: repair option: undelete a deleted branch.
- Add: repair option: set/touch the author and commit timestamps of all unmerged commits on the current branch.
- Fix: open working directory failed when Fiddler was not installed.
- Add: configuration for apache SSL certificate (https connections).
- Add: copy exception details to Windows clipboard when opening working directory fails.
- Add: check executable blocked status upon startup.
- Add: hints on buttons.
- Add: show history of current branch.
- Add: git repair options button.
- Add: repair option: show history of all branches.
- Add: repair option: unpack last commit on current branch.
- Fix: check for GitNoob Temporary Commits before merging.
- renamed release distribution to GitNoob-x.x.zip
- for automatic installation scripts https://github.com/MircoBabin/GitNoob/releases/latest/download/release.download.zip.url-location is a textfile and will contain an url to the latest release zip file
- Fix: show, don't hide, Apache running window.
- Fix: configure php for start workspace.
- Fix: configure global composer path (%appdata%\Composer\vendor\bin) for start workspace & start dosprompt.
- Add: workspace-run-as-administrator setting.
- Add: rename current branch.
- Add: show Apache path & version when starting Apache.
- Fix: setting committer name & email.
- Add: [GIT_ROOT_DIR] & [GIT_ROOT_DIR_SLASH] to template files.
- Add: PhpLaravel8, PhpLaravel9 projecttypes.
- Add: title for dos prompt window.
- Fix: php.ini & apache.conf files refresh without exiting GitNoob.
- Fix: non existing directory exception.
- Fix: non existing directory asking to repair committername.
- Add: check committername after choosing a project.
- Add: check remote for main branch after choosing a project.
- Fix: get latest with current branch is main branch should automatically fast forward.
- Fix: refresh status more often.
- Fix: create new branch on never checked out main branch.
- Fix: display the correct browser icon.
- Add: (optionally) start smtp server.