- make constraing on review (one user can add one review) coding ??
- related field (using AI ,using products in the same brand) don't add to db as (calculated field)
- design db (model)
- using slug , tabular inline ,githun desktop
- using rest API in 3 cases :
- mobile App
- JS framework (react ,angular ,vue)
- microservice archetecture.
- Monolithic architecture -->simple or general of using building website (using one DB)
- Micrservice architecture----> complex (using on big website and very cost) (divide website to multible service every service using ther DB)
- SAAS & Multitennant
- api file instead of views file (for arrange code)
- serializer file is like form file (responsible for convert data to json)
- querysert ----> the model what you want to apply api on it .
- understand using of fake library to add data .
- add image manualy to media and added path using fake to db .
- in the up of file must add tow lines to django know that file belong to him as we using in it ORM .
- add logic from template make loading on browser and make website slow.
- add logic from view or model make your website faster .
- best practice add logic in model as you can use it in every place in your project until(API)
- when work with pagination in CBV in template don't make space in url.
- fat model thin view .
context {}:(return or workin with extra data )(relationship in table)
- option -->doing some thing clear don't need data from any place
- هعمل حاجه واضحه وصريحه مش محتاج داتا من اي مكان
- method (override change behaviour on it) --> when doing big logic
- option -->doing some thing clear don't need data from any place
queryset: product.object.all() (working with maing query) (fields on table )
- option
- method
queryset -->list & detail product (filter on list) return maing query and doing filter on it {post}
context --> review &images in detail (user from product list){comments}
- make two files api (view) serialzers (form)
- add api for product ,brand list and detail.
- any change on data doing from serializers.
- make method in serialzers and using object.(name_of_relation).all()
- find all reviews in product.
- add method in serialzers to calculate avg_rate and review count.
- the name of method must start with get_lsdj() , and using the name lsdj as acolumn in db .
- django queryset api .
- query that apply on db .
- interview ques :
- difference between select_related , prefetch_related (make join of 2 table in one for relation one to one and foreign key ----many to many)
- what is aggregation function (count min max avg sum)
- add simple class meta in model .
- annotate don't come with get it come with all or filter come with kteer .
- add meta class in model .
- add instance method in model .
- call this method in any where in your project.
- call method in seraializers to show it .
- delete method from serializers and using that in model .
- add property decorator to show the method as field in db .
- to show the instance method in serializers must using fields = [name of methods]
- any project must have settings app .
- must start with finish home page in your project .
- to return the data that show on all pages in your project must using [context_processor]
- when usin [context_processor] to return data it return in almost page in project and the data don't change for long time so we cand using caching to solve this probelm.
- the best server to using cacching is reddis.
- if u have problem to setup reddis in windows no problem when usin docker it will be fine as reddis built on linux.
- setup redis on your pc and redis for python on Virtual Envirmonent and add redis setting for django .
- using caching decorator to add function to cache.
- when using caching with context processor you using manually caching.
- explain about salary of build a project for client.
- using taggit restframework to show it in api.
- import in setting.view what we want to show in home (product ,reviews,brand)
- we can using another technology to generat api (ninja build on new tech in python pendatic(fast& like fast api) ,grpc)
- finish home page.
- how can we add review on product .
- when want form to send data using method post and add csrf token.
- the action in front end in form detect where you want to sent data from form.
- to recieve data from form fields all fields must have name.
- if i have an integer field in (model db) when recieve it from front-end the field must have a value .
- using in template user.is authenticated to show login or image of user.
- create app for order.
- create app account to build model address to using it in order.
- when i have multible fields repeated and other not repeated it best practice to build it in tow model like(product & prouct_images ,product & reviews ,orders & order_detail)
- when i build a function and i probably using it in more places it's best practic to create folder
(utils/name_function.py) - save price of product on order as the price maybe will change on the future.
- when i want tow add 7 day on datefield we must using timedelta .
- (autonow & autonow_add) apear only only on data base so when i using to date to apear for admin u must using default.
- lazy django ORM -> meanin if i have tow operatin like(filter & order_by) and i will apply them on the DB, Django ORM merge them on one query and apply them on DB.
- queyset cache -> the variable that contain the result of applying the query on DB & can apply on it another query ,then result come from the variable don't go to DB.
- example:
- data = products.objects.all()
- data2 =data.filter('name') --->here I am using queryset cach
- using data inside cart(model) to create order object when payment.
- the price in cart come from DataBase(product.price) as the price maybe change befor payment.
- the price in orders come from (orders.price) as i will payment immediately .
- create model delivery fee in setting app.
- build views for order app .
- get or create cart for user logged in .
- build simple view (get_cart_data) and using in context processor to check if user have a cart or create new one for hem.
- show cart_detain in base as I return data from context processor.
- add function on model to calculate total price and make it @property to using it any where as acolumn.
- build view add-to-cart to add object to cart .
- show produts detail from cart in checkout page.
- how can apply copoun?
- null---> apply on Data Base.
- blank--> apply on django form.
---------- API--------- I want to show in api what i showed in views(orders list,detail,applycoupon)
it is best to recieve user in url when using API.--> path('api/str:username/orders' ,OrderListAPI.as_view())
how can you override on query order.objects.all() and apply filter with username?
- using get_query_set() why??
- (working with maing query) as return maing query and doing filter on it.
- using get_query_set() why??
in order_detail_api --> no update no filter no delete no search as i bought the products and I was payment.
how can I get user??
- In django it's best to using request.user.
- In rest it's best to using url (from mobile app)
- ممكن المستخدم ما يكونشي ظاهر في الريكويست معنديش حد عامل login
I can send one varible or tow in url.
but in request.body I can send alot of data.
- add if condition in product_detail.html in form (add to cart) to check if the product.quantity>0 show it else (out of stock)
I am work on app Account(Address , Profile , ContactNumber)
create DB (profile for user)
create view for signup
when user signup It will create new user automatically from django user and I will use signal to create( new profile)
then i will send email to activate(using send_maile function to send email & add configuration in setting file) .
after activate i will redirect to login page.
in minute 48 talke aboute drage drop component of html online.
django by default login only by username .
so we will create file(backend.py) and create class to login by usernane or email this class inherite from (ModelBackend).
add in settin file configuration for send gmail.
add authentication for django for urls.(accounts)
add frond end for authentication(mozila developer)
add all authentication files in regestiration inside template.
add password_change_form.html .
connect django regisstration pages to temaplate i have 3 ways:
- using django bootstrap5 .
- render form manual for every field (lose django validation ).
- inside djngo form(but in my way i don't have django form) customize on forms.py and give it css classes.
in minute 43 talk abount permition of api and token.
how using token authentication in api?
- add it in installed app.
- add in setting of rest.
- add in my api class permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
from minute 54 test endpoint on post man and make docs.(not applied)
- we added out of stock in product detail now we will add it in product list.
- will add out of stock as obtion in adminpanel to filter products based on quntity in session of adminpanel.
- jwt token best than django token. ------------ name of library(django simple jwt).
- i can get only user from django token.
- but i can get alot of information from jwt token.
- jwt token is secure than django token & encryption is better.
- jwt token divide to 3 parts.
- (the last part in jwt token is to ensure that the token don't change)
- full authentication system (login-->get token).------------------------name of library(dj_rest_auth(for API))(django all auth(without API))
- what is access token and refresh token(minute 18).
- using docs to add signup to authentication (registration).
- make all end point secure (add in setting ).
- chartjs ( minute 27 ) make dashboard ----translation (notapplied)
- when using postgres with django u must install (psycopg2-binary)
- ممكن المستخدم ما يكونشي ظاهر في الريكويست معنديش موقع معنديش حد عامل login