It's a Landing Page for NFT Marketplace , first it was a ui design then translated to frontend app
The UI design in Figma comunity : here
Try demo
- React js & next js
- Tailwind css for styling
- Learn how to use Git & Github
- learn how to use React Hooks , learn more about next js
- practice tailwind css
- learn how to convert a UI design to frontend code
everything in the design it was okey till the footer , because the footer system it was so complicated the web design version and the phone design version it was not the same , you will tell me yes of course it shouldn't be the same , well is not about that
some elements in phone design version was seperated and between them elements , and in the web design version it was good , and however if you use flex-row or flex-coloumn it will not be fixed
so , because it's react & next js everything it can be easy , so i decided to use states or (useState) if the width in this page more than 500px return this component here , if not return this component in another place