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Staging Environment for the Microservice Demo

Setup cluster

Use the scripts in this directory to set up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS from a Bastion host.

  • Create a bastion host in AWS

  • Install terraform

  • Clone this repository

  • Copy terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars and enter the missing information. Look for a description of the variables in

  • Plan the terraform run: terraform plan -out staging.plan

  • If all looks well, apply the plan: terraform apply staging.plan.

    If it somehow fails, destroy the cluster with terraform destroy -force and try again.

  • Access the Sock Shop via the elb url displayed when you run terraform output. Weave Scope/Flux should be visible from Weave Cloud.


  • kubectl should work from the bastion to control the kubernetes cluster

Setup/Control Weave Flux

  • To gain control of flux download the binary from here, and export the Weave Cloud flux token.

    export FLUX_SERVICE_TOKEN=<sock shop weave cloud token>
  • To make changes to the flux config you can run get-config to download the current config.

    fluxctl get-config > flux.conf
  • Fill in missing values, and run fluxctl set-config --file=flux.conf

  • To set sock-shop services to update automatically you can set it with the command below

    for svc in front-end catalogue orders queue-master user cart catalogue user-db catalogue-db payment shipping; do
      fluxctl automate --service=sock-shop/$svc