Generate addresses off your 12-word mnemonic seed. Same seed as EnterpriseWallet and factom-walletd.
There are faster ways to do this, but this gets the job done easily. It does a lot of computation more than once if you end up generating a lot of addresses.
const bip44 = require("factombip44")
const { seedToPrivateFctAddress, getPublicAddress } = require("factom")
// Mnemonic seed
const mnemonic =
"yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow"
// Create the wallet
const wallet = new bip44.FactomHDWallet({ mnemonic })
// Generating private keys. Typically you only need to increment the last parameter,
// unless you want to make multiple chains of addresses
const privKey1 = wallet.generateFactoidPrivateKey(0, 0, 0)
const privKey2 = wallet.generateFactoidPrivateKey(0, 0, 1)
// Get Fs... private human readable address
const humanPrivKey = seedToPrivateFctAddress(privKey1)
// Get Fa... public human readable address
const humanPubKey = getPublicAddress(humanPrivKey)
For random mnemonics
// Generate a new mnemonic
const mn = bip44.randomMnemonic()
// You can validate it if you want to verify
const valid = bip44.validMnemonic(mn)
// valid == true because we generated. If user is inputting, if might not be valid
If you are generating many addresses in a row, doing the first example is slow. You can speed it up like so:
const mnemonic =
"yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow"
const wallet = new bip44.FactomHDWallet({ mnemonic })
// We will store all the keys here
const privateKeys = []
// This chain object saves us some computation for each new address
const chain = wallet.getFactoidChain(0, 0, 0)
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// This is the next key, we will throw it onto our array
const next =
// Lost the chain? Do it again
const chain = wallet.getFactoidChain(0, 0, 0)
// for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ... }
Chains are the same as the generate, just quicker as the first set of computation is saved, so there is less work. They can only be generated sequentially though
// The 'next()' refer to the next index in the generate function, so:
const chain = wallet.getFactoidChain(0, 0, 0) == wallet.generateFactoidPrivateKey(0, 0, 0) == wallet.generateFactoidPrivateKey(0, 0, 1) == wallet.generateFactoidPrivateKey(0, 0, 2)
// etc
Use dist/factombip44.js
and use like so:
// There is a require function to act similar to node
const bip44 = require("factombip44")
// Use like normal
const mn = bip44.randomMnemonic()
// ...