From 0092719594f53cd379c701f5865d9c0f52d18c22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 05:02:00 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 01/64] updated transects and cross section pts runners with
 new hydrofabric3D features, added waterbody reference feature download and
 waterbody intersection removal to 02_cs_pts.R runner

 runners/cs_runner/.Rapp.history      |   0
 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R     |  83 ++++++-----
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        | 189 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 runners/cs_runner/config.R           | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |  14 +-
 runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R |  32 ++++
 6 files changed, 442 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/.Rapp.history

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/.Rapp.history b/runners/cs_runner/.Rapp.history
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 0880d33..456be21 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
-# # load libraries
+# # # load libraries
 # library(terrainSliceR)
-# library(dplyr)
-# library(sf)
-# name of S3 bucket
-s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/transects/")
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 model_attr_files <- list.files(model_attr_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-net_source <- "terrainSliceR"
+net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
@@ -33,40 +31,44 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-  # model attributes file and full path
-  model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  #  model attributes
-  model_attrs <- arrow::read_parquet(model_attr_path)
+  # #  model attributes
+  # model_attrs <- arrow::read_parquet(model_attr_path)
+  # # join flowlines with model atttributes
+  # flines <- dplyr::left_join(
+  #   flines,
+  #   dplyr::select(
+  #     model_attrs,
+  #     id, eTW
+  #   ),
+  #   by = "id"
+  # )
-  # join flowlines with model atttributes
-  flines <- dplyr::left_join(
-    flines,
-    dplyr::select(
-      model_attrs,
-      id, eTW
-    ),
-    by = "id"
-  )
   # calculate bankfull width
   flines <-
     flines %>%
-      bf_width = 11 * eTW
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::mutate( # if there are any NAs, use exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)) equation to calculate bf_width
-      bf_width = dplyr::case_when(
- ~ exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)),
-        TRUE            ~ bf_width
-      )
+      bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
     ) %>%
+    # dplyr::mutate(
+    #   bf_width = 11 * eTW
+    # ) %>%
+    # dplyr::mutate( # if there are any NAs, use exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)) equation to calculate bf_width
+    #   bf_width = dplyr::case_when(
+    # ~ exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)),
+    #     TRUE            ~ bf_width
+    #   )
+    # ) %>%
       hy_id = id,
@@ -74,16 +76,17 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       geometry = geom
   # flines$bf_width <- ifelse($bf_width),  exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(flines$tot_drainage_areasqkm)), flines$bf_width)
   time1 <- Sys.time()
  # system.time({
     # create transect lines
-    transects <- terrainSliceR::cut_cross_sections(
+    transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
       net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
       id                = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
-      cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width), # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+      cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+      # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
       num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
       smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
       densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
@@ -132,13 +135,9 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
-  if (!is.null(aws_profile)) {
-    copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
-                             ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-  } else {
-    copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file)
-  }
+  copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
+                   ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
+                   )
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index da6e3e8..9c7c237 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # # load libraries
-# library(terrainSliceR)
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# # library(terrainSliceR)
 # library(dplyr)
 # library(sf)
-# name of S3 bucket
-s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # cross section bucket prefix
-cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# transect bucket prefix
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets
 nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
@@ -19,20 +21,31 @@ nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 transect_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-cs_source <- "terrainSliceR"
+cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# reference features dataframe
+ref_df <- data.frame(
+  vpu      = sapply(strsplit(ref_features, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
+  ref_file = ref_features
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-                x    = nextgen_files,
-                y    = transect_files,
-                base = base_dir
-              )
+              x    = nextgen_files,
+              y    = transect_files,
+              base = base_dir
+            ) %>% 
+          dplyr::left_join(
+            ref_df,
+            by = "vpu"
+            )
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 15
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -40,8 +53,17 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # model attributes file and full path
   transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
   transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'")
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
+  ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], 
+          " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+          "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
+          "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'"
+          )
     # read in transects data
@@ -50,21 +72,45 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     # read in nextgen data
     flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-    transects <-
-      transects  %>%
-      dplyr::rename(lengthm = cs_lengthm)
+    # read in waterbodies reference features layer
+    waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
+    ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
+    # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
+    # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
+    ##### #####
+    # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+    feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+    # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
+    flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
+    transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
     # get start time for log messages
     time1 <- Sys.time()
     # get cross section point elevations
-    cs_pts <- terrainSliceR::cross_section_pts(
-              cs             = transects[lengths(sf::st_intersects(transects, flines)) == 1, ],
-              points_per_cs  = NULL,
-              min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-              dem            = DEM_URL
-              )
+    cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+      cs             = transects,
+      points_per_cs  = NULL,
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+      dem            = DEM_URL
+      )
+    # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
+    # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
+    cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+      net            = flines,
+      cs             = transects,
+      cs_pts         = cs_pts, 
+      points_per_cs  = NULL,
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+      dem            = DEM_URL,
+      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT,
+      threshold      = 0
+    )
     # get end time for log messages
     time2 <- Sys.time()
     time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)
@@ -78,12 +124,83 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+    # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
+    # cs_pts$is_extended %>% table()
+    # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+    extended_pts = 
+      cs_pts %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
+    # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+    update_transects = 
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+    # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
+    if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
+      message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
+      update_transects =
+        update_transects %>%
+        # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
+        # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
+        hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+          pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+          length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+        )
+    # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts", and replace with "update_transects"
+    out_transects = 
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::bind_rows(
+        update_transects
+        )  %>% 
+      # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
+      # dplyr::bind_rows(
+      #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
+      #   )  %>% 
+      dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
+    # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
+    #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
+    #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
+    ###################################### 
+    ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
+    message("Saving updated transects to:\n - filepath: '", transect_path, "'")
+    # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
+    sf::write_sf(
+      out_transects,
+      transect_path
+    )
+    # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
+    trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", transect_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
+                            ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+    message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
+            trans_to_s3, 
+            "'\n==========================")
+    system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+    ###################################### 
+    }
     # classify the cross section points
     cs_pts <-
       cs_pts %>%
-      dplyr::rename(cs_widths = lengthm) %>%
-      terrainSliceR::classify_points() %>%
+      dplyr::rename(cs_widths = cs_lengthm) %>%
+      hydrofabric3D::classify_points() %>%
         X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
         Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
@@ -95,7 +212,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
         X, Y, Z,
   # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
   cs_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(cs_pts)
@@ -106,9 +223,10 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       Z_source = cs_source
       ) %>%
     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, class)
-  ################### 
+  ###################################### 
+  ###################################### 
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
   out_path <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, out_file)
@@ -119,17 +237,12 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   arrow::write_parquet(cs_pts, out_path)
   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
-  if (!is.null(aws_profile)) {
-    copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                                    ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-  } else {
-    copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file)
-  }
+  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
+                          ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
           paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
+                ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index 855cd9b..c72d563 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
-  terrainSliceR
+  hydrofabric3D
+  # terrainSliceR
 # load root directory 
@@ -10,9 +11,24 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+### Cross section point 
+### S3 names
+# name of S3 bucket
+s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # name of bucket with nextgen data
 nextgen_bucket <- "lynker-spatial"
+# reference features S3 bucket prefix
+ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
+# S3 prefix/folder of version run
+version_prefix <- "v20.1"
+# version_prefix <- "v20"
 # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
 nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/pre-release/")
@@ -26,14 +42,45 @@ cs_pts_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/02_cs_pts/")
 # final output directory with geopackages per VPU
 final_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/cross_sections/")
+# directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+ref_features_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/00_reference_features/")
 # create directories 
 dir.create(transects_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(cs_pts_dir,    showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(ref_features_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/"),     showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(final_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
 # dir.create(model_attr_dir,  showWarnings = FALSE)
+## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
+# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
+list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+            S3_BUCKET="', ref_features_prefix , '"
+            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+            PATTERN="reference_features.gpkg"
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages ----
+# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+# ref features datasets
+ref_features_keys <- paste0(ref_features_prefix, ref_features)
+ref_features_files <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_features)
 # Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
 # make sure they are aligned and in the same order
 # x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
@@ -76,3 +123,161 @@ align_files_by_vpu <- function(
+# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
+# trans: transects linestring sf object
+# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
+# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
+### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
+wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  # if(type == 1) {
+    flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
+    wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
+    # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+    trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+    message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+    # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+    wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
+    # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+    to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+    to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+    # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+    trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+    # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+    # trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ] %>% nrow()
+    # 
+    # trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+    # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+    trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
+    message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
+    trans_wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(
+      trans_geos_check,  
+      wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)]
+    )
+    # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+    # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+    trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
+    # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
+    # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+    to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+    # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+    # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+    to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+    # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+    # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+    check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+    keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+    # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+    # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+    # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+    # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+    valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+    valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+                                                       !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+    # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+    return(
+      list(
+        "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+        "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+      )
+    )
+  # }
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  # if(type == 2) {
+  # 
+  #   # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+  #   trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+  #   
+  #   # trans$order <- 1:nrow(trans)
+  #   
+  #   message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+  #   
+  #   # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+  #   wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(flowlines, waterbodies)
+  #   
+  #   # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+  #   to_keep <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+  #   to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+  #   
+  #   # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+  #   trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+  #   
+  #   message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
+  #   
+  #   # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+  #   trans_wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(trans_check, 
+  #                                       waterbodies[unlist(wb_index), ]
+  #   )
+  #   # trans_wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(trans_check, wbs)
+  #   
+  #   # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  #   # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  #   trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index) == 0, ]
+  #   
+  #   # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  #   to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  #   
+  #   # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  #   # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  #   to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  #   
+  #   # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  #   # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  #   check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  #   keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  #   
+  #   # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  #   # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  #   # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  #   # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  #   valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  #   valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+  #                                                      !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  #   
+  #   # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  #   return(
+  #     list(
+  #       "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+  #       "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  #     )
+  #   )
+  #   
+  #   # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  #   # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  #   #     # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  #   # trans <-
+  #   #   trans %>%
+  #   #   dplyr::filter(
+  #   #     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids]
+  #   #     ) %>%
+  #   #   dplyr::select(-tmp_id)
+  #   # 
+  #   # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  #   # return(
+  #   #   list(
+  #   #     "flowlines" = to_keep,
+  #   #     "transects" = trans
+  #   #     )
+  #   # )
+  # }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 9738869..72d87b9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 ### EDIT base_dir, aws_profile, and DEM_URL ###
-base_dir    <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
+base_dir     <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
 # AWS profile to run CLI commands 
-aws_profile <- "angus-lynker"
+aws_profile  <- "angus-lynker"
+# name of S3 bucket
+s3_bucket    <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
-DEM_URL     <- "/vsicurl/"
+DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/"
+# scale argument for cross_section_pts() function. 
+# The percentage of the length of the transect line to try and extend a transect to see if viable Z values can be found by extending transect line
+# Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
 # # create the directory if it does NOT exist
 # if(!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
index a1aa30a..39ff31d 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # nextgen bucket name
 prerelease_prefix     <- "s3://lynker-spatial/pre-release/"
+# # reference features S3 bucket prefix
+# ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
 # nextgen model attributes folder in S3 bucket with parquet files
 model_attr_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/model_attributes/")
@@ -95,5 +98,34 @@ for (key in model_attr_keys) {
   message("Download '", paste0(model_attr_prefix, key), "' complete!")
+## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
+# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
+list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+            S3_BUCKET="', ref_features_prefix , '"
+            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+            PATTERN="reference_features.gpkg"
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages geopackages ----
+# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+## Download reference features geopackages and save them to a local directory
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
+for (key in ref_features) {
+  # paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/")
+  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ref_features_prefix, key, ' ', paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/"), key)
+  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(ref_features_prefix, key))
+  system(copy_cmd)
+  message("Download '", paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", key), "' complete!")
+  message("------------------")

From 16c6637728693928b8640f2d2252622dc71716d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 05:05:38 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 02/64] small cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 6 +-----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 456be21..1d6f70d 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   #   dplyr::select(
   #     model_attrs,
   #     id, eTW
-  #   ),
-  #   by = "id"
-  # )
+  #   ), by = "id")
   # calculate bankfull width
   flines <-
@@ -80,7 +78,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # flines$bf_width <- ifelse($bf_width),  exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(flines$tot_drainage_areasqkm)), flines$bf_width)
   time1 <- Sys.time()
- # system.time({
     # create transect lines
     transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
       net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
@@ -100,7 +97,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       # precision         = 1,
       add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
-  # })
   time2 <- Sys.time()
   time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)

From ddecfffc8bfee04214a743e0ef6d3d83112c97b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2023 06:58:42 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 03/64] Updating config and downlaod_nextgen runner scripts to
 be more flexible in which remote datasets theypoint too, updating transects
 runner to use powerlaw bankful width and updated cs_pts runner to remove
 waterbodies and try and extend transects with flat cross section Z values

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R     | 10 +++++-----
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        |  4 ++--
 runners/cs_runner/config.R           | 10 +++++++++-
 runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R | 15 ++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 1d6f70d..7cf33ae 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# # # load libraries
-# library(terrainSliceR)
+# # # # load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# # library(terrainSliceR)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
 # transect bucket prefix
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 9c7c237..02dad68 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 15
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -248,3 +247,4 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index c72d563..ffc88e5 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # name of bucket with nextgen data
 nextgen_bucket <- "lynker-spatial"
+# nextgen bucket folder name
+nextgen_bucket_folder <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
+# nextgen bucket name
+nextgen_prefix  <- paste0(s3_bucket, nextgen_bucket_folder)
 # reference features S3 bucket prefix
 ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
@@ -29,8 +35,10 @@ version_prefix <- "v20.1"
 # version_prefix <- "v20"
 # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
-nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/pre-release/")
+nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/", nextgen_bucket_folder)
+# nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/pre-release/")
 # model attributes directory
 model_attr_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/model_attributes/")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
index 39ff31d..c405fa9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
@@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
 # name of S3 bucket
 s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# nextgen bucket folder name
+nextgen_bucket_folder <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
 # nextgen bucket name
-prerelease_prefix     <- "s3://lynker-spatial/pre-release/"
+nextgen_prefix  <- paste0(s3_bucket, nextgen_bucket_folder)
+# prerelease_prefix     <- "s3://lynker-spatial/pre-release/"
 # # reference features S3 bucket prefix
 # ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
@@ -17,7 +22,7 @@ prerelease_prefix     <- "s3://lynker-spatial/pre-release/"
 model_attr_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/model_attributes/")
 # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
-nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/pre-release/")
+nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/", nextgen_bucket_folder)
 # create the directory if it does NOT exist
 if(!dir.exists(nextgen_dir)) {
@@ -38,7 +43,7 @@ if(!dir.exists(model_attr_dir)) {
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', prerelease_prefix, '"
+            S3_BUCKET="', nextgen_prefix, '"
             DESTINATION_DIR=', nextgen_dir, '
             # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
@@ -57,8 +62,8 @@ bucket_keys <- system(command, intern = TRUE)
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
 for (key in bucket_keys) {
-  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', prerelease_prefix, key, " ", nextgen_dir, key)
-  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(prerelease_prefix, key))
+  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', nextgen_prefix, key, " ", nextgen_dir, key)
+  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(nextgen_prefix, key))

From 2567b41cc6abf5f5ed111c8ec98293e63be43fe1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:14:24 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 04/64] small cleanups to cs_runner/config.R, removing old code

 runners/cs_runner/config.R | 88 +-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index ffc88e5..58cb4ed 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -141,8 +141,6 @@ align_files_by_vpu <- function(
 wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
   ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  # if(type == 1) {
     flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
     wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
@@ -163,10 +161,6 @@ wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
     trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
     # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
-    # trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ] %>% nrow()
-    # 
-    # trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
     # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
     trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
@@ -199,7 +193,7 @@ wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
     # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
     valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
     valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-                                                       !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
     # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
@@ -208,84 +202,4 @@ wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
         "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-  # }
-  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  # if(type == 2) {
-  # 
-  #   # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
-  #   trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
-  #   
-  #   # trans$order <- 1:nrow(trans)
-  #   
-  #   message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
-  #   
-  #   # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
-  #   wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(flowlines, waterbodies)
-  #   
-  #   # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
-  #   to_keep <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
-  #   to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
-  #   
-  #   # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
-  #   trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
-  #   
-  #   message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
-  #   
-  #   # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
-  #   trans_wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(trans_check, 
-  #                                       waterbodies[unlist(wb_index), ]
-  #   )
-  #   # trans_wb_index <- sf::st_intersects(trans_check, wbs)
-  #   
-  #   # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
-  #   # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
-  #   trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index) == 0, ]
-  #   
-  #   # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
-  #   to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
-  #   
-  #   # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
-  #   # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
-  #   to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
-  #   
-  #   # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
-  #   # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
-  #   check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
-  #   keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
-  #   
-  #   # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
-  #   # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-  #   # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-  #   # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-  #   valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
-  #   valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-  #                                                      !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-  #   
-  #   # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-  #   return(
-  #     list(
-  #       "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
-  #       "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-  #     )
-  #   )
-  #   
-  #   # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-  #   # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-  #   #     # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-  #   # trans <-
-  #   #   trans %>%
-  #   #   dplyr::filter(
-  #   #     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids]
-  #   #     ) %>%
-  #   #   dplyr::select(-tmp_id)
-  #   # 
-  #   # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-  #   # return(
-  #   #   list(
-  #   #     "flowlines" = to_keep,
-  #   #     "transects" = trans
-  #   #     )
-  #   # )
-  # }

From 67d33bb7bd6b6b026efaf8b42cfc524e04bc4f9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 07:59:53 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 05/64] updated transect and cross section runners to allow
 transects to be updated and save a new updated local version of transects
 after cross section rectification, added a COLLECT_META flag for if meta data
 CSVs for each cross section run should be collected and saved locally

 .gitignore                       |   3 +-
 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R |  71 ++++-
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R    | 487 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 runners/cs_runner/config.R       | 228 +++++++++++----
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R  |   4 +
 5 files changed, 625 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d70321e..3d01a85 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ dead
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 7cf33ae..6bc0025 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -78,6 +80,9 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # flines$bf_width <- ifelse($bf_width),  exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(flines$tot_drainage_areasqkm)), flines$bf_width)
   time1 <- Sys.time()
+  # system.time({
     # create transect lines
     transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
       net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
@@ -97,6 +102,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       # precision         = 1,
       add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  # })
   time2 <- Sys.time()
   time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)
@@ -109,35 +115,70 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("Saving transects to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
-  # add cs_source column and keep just the desired columns to save and upload to S3
-  transects <-
+  # add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
+  transects <- 
     transects %>%
       cs_source = net_source
     ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(
-      hy_id,
-      cs_source,
-      cs_id,
-      cs_measure,
-      cs_lengthm = cs_widths,
-      geometry
-    )
+    dplyr::rename("cs_lengthm" = cs_widths)
+  # # add cs_source column and keep just the desired columns to save and upload to S3
+  # transects <-
+  #   transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     cs_source = net_source
+  #   ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(
+  #     hy_id,
+  #     cs_source,
+  #     cs_id,
+  #     cs_measure,
+  #     cs_lengthm = cs_widths,
+  #     geometry
+  #   )
+  # tmp <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
-  # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
+  # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
-    transects,
+    # save dataset with only subset of columns to upload to S3
+    dplyr::select(transects, 
+                  hy_id,
+                  cs_source,
+                  cs_id,
+                  cs_measure,
+                  cs_lengthm,
+                  # sinuosity,
+                  geometry
+    ),
-  )
+    )
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
   copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
                    ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
   system(copy_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+  message("Overwritting local copy of transects to include 'is_extended' column...\n==========================")
+  # Overwrite transects with additional columns for development purposes (is_extended) to have a local copy of dataset with information about extensions
+  sf::write_sf(
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::mutate(transects, is_extended = FALSE),
+      hy_id,
+      cs_source,
+      cs_id,
+      cs_measure,
+      cs_lengthm,
+      # sinuosity,
+      is_extended,
+      geometry
+    ),
+    out_path
+  )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 02dad68..93c561b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
             by = "vpu"
+# Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
+meta_path <- "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  start <- Sys.time()
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -57,10 +62,14 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
   ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], 
+  # current VPU being processed
+  VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
+  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
           " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
           "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
-          "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'"
+          "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
+          "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
@@ -78,17 +87,35 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
     # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
     ##### #####
-    # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
-    feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+    # system.time({
+      # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+      feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+    # })
+    # Collect meta data on features and changes
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      fline_count       <- nrow(flines)
+      transect_count    <- nrow(transects)
+      wb_count          <- nrow(waterbodies)
+      fline_wb_count    <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_flowlines)
+      transect_wb_count <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_transects)
+    }
     # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
     flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
     transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
-    # get start time for log messages
-    time1 <- Sys.time()
+    rm(waterbodies)
+    gc()
+    start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+    message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts,")")    
+    system.time({
     # get cross section point elevations
     cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
       cs             = transects,
@@ -96,54 +123,166 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       min_pts_per_cs = 10,
       dem            = DEM_URL
-    # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
-    # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
-    cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-      net            = flines,
-      cs             = transects,
-      cs_pts         = cs_pts, 
-      points_per_cs  = NULL,
-      min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-      dem            = DEM_URL,
-      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT,
-      threshold      = 0
-    )
-    # get end time for log messages
-    time2 <- Sys.time()
-    time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)
-    message("\n\n ---> Cross section point elevations processed in ", time_diff)
+    })
+    end_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+    message("\n ---> Completed extraction of cross section points (", end_cs_pts,")")
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      start_cs_pts_count <- nrow(cs_pts)
+    }
+    # cs_pts_time <- round(as.numeric(end_cs_pts - start_cs_pts ), 2)
+    # message("\n\n ---> Cross section point elevations processed in ", cs_pts_time)
+    start_rectify <- Sys.time()
+    message("Rectifying cross section points (", start_rectify,")")
+    # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in cs_pts
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      cs_pts_ids       <- unique(cs_pts$hy_id)
+      start_cs_pts_ids <- length(cs_pts_ids)
+      start_order_count <- 
+        flines %>% 
+        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(id %in% cs_pts_ids) %>% 
+        dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+        dplyr::count() %>% 
+        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
+                         names_glue   = "start_order_{order}", 
+                         values_from  = n
+                         ) %>% 
+        dplyr::ungroup()
+    }
     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-    cs_pts <-
-      cs_pts %>%
+    cs_pts <- 
+      cs_pts %>% 
       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+    # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
+    # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
+    system.time({
+    # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+      fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+                  cs_pts         = cs_pts, 
+                  net            = flines,
+                  cs             = transects,
+                  points_per_cs  = NULL,
+                  min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+                  dem            = DEM_URL,
+                  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT,
+                  threshold      = 1,
+                  pct_threshold  = 0.99,
+                  fix_ids        = FALSE
+                  )
+    })
+    end_rectify <- Sys.time()
+    rectify_time <- round(as.numeric(end_rectify - start_rectify ), 2)
+    message("\n ---> Completed rectifying cross section points (", end_rectify,")")
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      rectify_cs_pts_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+      # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in the RECTIFIED cs_pts
+      rectify_cs_pts_ids      <- unique(fixed_pts$hy_id)
+      rectify_cs_pts_id_count <- length(rectify_cs_pts_ids)
+      rectify_order_count <- 
+        flines %>% 
+        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(id %in% rectify_cs_pts_ids) %>% 
+        dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+        dplyr::count() %>% 
+        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
+                           names_glue   = "rectify_order_{order}", 
+                           values_from  = n
+        ) %>% 
+        dplyr::ungroup()
+    }
+    rm(cs_pts)
+    gc()
+    message("\n\n ---> Cross section points rectified in ", rectify_time, " (seconds?) ")
+    # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
+    fixed_pts <- 
+      fixed_pts %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
+      # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+      # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+    # Number of cross section points after removing any cross sections that contain any NA Z values
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      cs_pts_na_removed_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+    }
+    # Stash meta data about the points 
+    pts_meta <- 
+      fixed_pts %>% 
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+    message("Classifying cross section points...")
+    # Classify points
+    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(fixed_pts)
+    # add meta data back to the points
+    fixed_pts <- 
+      fixed_pts %>% 
+      dplyr::left_join(
+        pts_meta,
+        by = c("hy_id", "cs_id", "pt_id")
+        # dplyr::select(pts_meta, hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+      )
+    message("Gathering count of point types per cross section...")
+    # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
+    point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
     # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
-    # cs_pts$is_extended %>% table()
+    # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
+    message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
     # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
-    extended_pts = 
-      cs_pts %>% 
+    extended_pts <-
+      fixed_pts %>% 
       dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+      # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
     # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
-    update_transects = 
+    update_transects <-
       transects %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) %>%
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+    # Number of cross section points generated from extending transects and number of tmpIDs
+    if(COLLECT_META) {
+      extended_pts_count <- nrow(extended_pts)
+      extended_pts_ids   <- length(unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+      extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
+      extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
+    }
     # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
     if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
       message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
-      update_transects =
+      update_transects <-
         update_transects %>%
         # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
         # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
@@ -151,81 +290,201 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
           pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
           length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-    # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts", and replace with "update_transects"
-    out_transects = 
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) %>%
-      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-      dplyr::bind_rows(
-        update_transects
-        )  %>% 
-      # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
-      # dplyr::bind_rows(
-      #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
-      #   )  %>% 
-      dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
+      # # Number of transects being updated
+      # if(COLLECT_META) {
+        # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
+        # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
+      # }
+      # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+      # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+      # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
+      out_transects <- 
+        transects %>% 
+        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+        # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+        # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% )
+        dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+        dplyr::bind_rows(
+          dplyr::mutate(
+            update_transects,
+            is_extended = TRUE
+            )
+          )  
+        # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
+        # dplyr::bind_rows(
+        #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
+        #   )  %>% 
+        # dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
+    } else {
+      out_transects <- 
+        transects %>% 
+        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+    }
+      # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
+      if(COLLECT_META) {
+        output_transects_count <- nrow(out_transects)
+        output_transects_ids   <- length(unique(out_transects$tmp_id))
+      }
+      # finalize new transects
+      out_transects <- 
+        out_transects %>% 
+        dplyr::left_join(
+          point_type_counts,
+          by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+        ) %>% 
+        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                      # sinuosity, 
+                      is_extended, 
+                      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+                      geom)
+      # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+      # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
+      # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
+      # so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
+      # The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
+      # the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
+      renumbered_ids <-
+        fixed_pts %>% 
+        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+        # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
+        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
+        dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+        dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+        dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
+        dplyr::mutate(
+          new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+        ) %>% 
+        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+        dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
+      # Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
+      out_transects <- dplyr::left_join(
+                          hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
+                          renumbered_ids,
+                          by = "tmp_id"
+                        ) %>% 
+                        dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+                        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
+                                      cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                                      # sinuosity,
+                                      is_extended, 
+                                      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+                                      geometry = geom
+                                      )
+      # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
+      # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
+      # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
+      # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
+      # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
+      #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
+      #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
+      #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
+      #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
+      # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
+      fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
+                            hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
+                            renumbered_ids,
+                            by = "tmp_id"
+                          ) %>% 
+                        dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+                        dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
     # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
     #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
     #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
-    ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
-    message("Saving updated transects to:\n - filepath: '", transect_path, "'")
-    # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
-    sf::write_sf(
-      out_transects,
-      transect_path
-    )
-    # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
-    trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", transect_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
-                            ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-    message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
-            trans_to_s3, 
-            "'\n==========================")
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------
+    # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------
-    system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
-    ###################################### 
-    }
     # classify the cross section points
-    cs_pts <-
-      cs_pts %>%
-      dplyr::rename(cs_widths = cs_lengthm) %>%
-      hydrofabric3D::classify_points() %>%
+    fixed_pts <- 
+      fixed_pts %>% 
         X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
         Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
       ) %>%
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
         hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
-        cs_lengthm = cs_widths,
+        cs_lengthm,
         X, Y, Z,
-        class
+        class, point_type
   # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
-  cs_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(cs_pts)
+  fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
   # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
-  cs_pts <-
-    cs_pts %>%
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>%
       Z_source = cs_source
       ) %>%
     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, class)
+  # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
+    output_cs_pts_count      <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+    output_cs_pts_ids        <- length(unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id))
+    dropped_transects_count  <- transect_count - output_transects_count
+    }
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Re upload the updated transects geopackage to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  updated_path <- gsub(transect_file, paste0("updated_", transect_file), transect_path)
+  ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
+  message("Saving updated transects to:\n - filepath: '", updated_path, "'")
+  # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
+  sf::write_sf(
+    out_transects,
+    # transect_path
+    updated_path
+  )
+  # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
+  trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
+                        ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+  message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
+          trans_to_s3, 
+          "'\n==========================")
+  system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+  ###################################### 
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
   out_path <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, out_file)
@@ -233,7 +492,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
-  arrow::write_parquet(cs_pts, out_path)
+  arrow::write_parquet(fixed_pts, out_path)
   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
   copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
@@ -245,6 +504,50 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+  end <- Sys.time()
+  message("Finished cross section point generation for VPU ", VPU)
+  message("- Completed at: ", end)
+  message("==========================")
+    meta_df <- data.frame(
+      vpu                 = VPU,
+      start               = as.character(start),
+      end                 = as.character(end),
+      start_cs_pts        = as.character(start_cs_pts),
+      end_cs_pts          = as.character(end_cs_pts),
+      start_rectify       = as.character(start_rectify),
+      end_rectify         = as.character(end_rectify),
+      fline_count         = fline_count,
+      transect_count      = transect_count,
+      wb_count            = wb_count,
+      fline_wb_count      = fline_wb_count,
+      transect_wb_count   = transect_wb_count,
+      start_cs_pts_count  = start_cs_pts_count,
+      start_cs_pts_ids    = start_cs_pts_ids,
+      rectify_cs_pts_count       = rectify_cs_pts_count,
+      rectify_cs_pts_ids         = rectify_cs_pts_id_count,
+      extended_transects_count   = extended_transects_count,
+      extended_transects_ids     = extended_transects_ids,
+      dropped_transects          = dropped_transects_count,
+      output_transects_count     = output_transects_count,
+      output_cs_pts_count        = output_cs_pts_count,
+      output_transects_ids       = output_transects_ids,
+      output_cs_pts_ids          = output_cs_pts_ids
+    )
+    order_df <- cbind(data.frame(vpu = VPU), start_order_count, rectify_order_count)
+    readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(meta_path, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
+    readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(meta_path, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
+  }
+  rm(fixed_pts)
+  gc()
+  gc()
+  }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index 58cb4ed..41f995d 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ pacman::p_load(
-  # terrainSliceR
+# # install.packages("devtools")
+# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
 # load root directory 
@@ -139,67 +141,173 @@ align_files_by_vpu <- function(
 # Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
 ### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
 wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
   ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-    flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
-    wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
-    # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
-    trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
-    message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
-    # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
-    wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
-    # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
-    to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
-    to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
-    # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
-    trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
-    # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
-    # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
-    trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
-    message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
-    trans_wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(
-      trans_geos_check,  
-      wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)]
+  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
+  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
+  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
+  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
+  message("Checking transects against waterbodies (v2) ...")
+  wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos)                    # (NEW METHOD)
+  # wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)])   # (OLD METHOD)
+  # sum(lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0)
+  # length(wb_trans_index)
+  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0, ]                       # (NEW METHOD)
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!wb_trans_index, ]                                  # (OLD METHOD)
+  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  return(
+    list(
+      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  )
+  # # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
+  # # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
+  # 
+  # # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  # to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # 
+  # # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  # to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 
+  # # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  # check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  # keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # 
+  # # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  # valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  # valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+  #                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # 
+  # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  # return(
+  #   list(
+  #     "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+  #     "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  #   )
+  # )
+# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
+# trans: transects linestring sf object
+# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
+# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
+### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
+wb_intersects_v1 <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
+  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
+  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
+  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
+  message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
+  trans_wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(
+    trans_geos_check,  
+    wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)]
+  )
+  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
+  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-    # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
-    # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
-    trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
-    # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
-    # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
-    to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
-    # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
-    # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
-    to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
-    # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
-    # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
-    check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
-    keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
-    # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
-    # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-    # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-    # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-    valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
-    valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-    # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-    return(
-      list(
-        "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
-        "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-      )
+  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  return(
+    list(
+      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 72d87b9..c282421 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/
 # Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
+# Whether to collect meta data from runs to generate an output CSV (currently only being created in 02_cs_pts.R)
 # # create the directory if it does NOT exist
 # if(!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
 #   message(glue::glue('Base directory does not exist...\nCreating directory: {base_dir}'))

From a5d6e05ea0ec6e6ecff35389809f29d773536139 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:01:03 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 06/64] added COLLECT_META flag before setting the meta_path
 variable in cs runner

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 93c561b..8b2afbf 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -40,8 +40,12 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
             by = "vpu"
-# Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
-meta_path <- "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
+# Where should meta data CSVs be saved to? 
+  # Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
+  meta_path <- "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.

From ad88c273733f21936390ccfac3cfdd5e5eb2a72e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:53:06 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 07/64] updated cross secction points generation to better
 rectify flat cross section points, also added a COLLECT_META and META_PATH in
 config_vars.R that if selected will save out changes made during cs pt

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R |  3 ---
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R    | 29 +++++++++++------------------
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R  |  5 +++++
 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 6bc0025..8216658 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # # # # load libraries
 # library(hydrofabric3D)
-# # library(terrainSliceR)
 # library(dplyr)
 # library(sf)
@@ -27,8 +26,6 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 8b2afbf..2423cad 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -40,13 +40,6 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
             by = "vpu"
-# Where should meta data CSVs be saved to? 
-  # Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
-  meta_path <- "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
@@ -175,15 +168,15 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
       fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-                  cs_pts         = cs_pts, 
-                  net            = flines,
-                  cs             = transects,
-                  points_per_cs  = NULL,
-                  min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-                  dem            = DEM_URL,
-                  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT,
-                  threshold      = 1,
-                  pct_threshold  = 0.99,
+                  cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+                  net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+                  cs             = transects, # original transect lines
+                  points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+                  min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+                  dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+                  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+                  threshold      = 1,    # 1 meter from bottom
+                  pct_threshold  = 0.99, # rectify if 99% points are within 1 meter from the bottom
                   fix_ids        = FALSE
@@ -545,8 +538,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     order_df <- cbind(data.frame(vpu = VPU), start_order_count, rectify_order_count)
-    readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(meta_path, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
-    readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(meta_path, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
+    readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
+    readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index c282421..8745b7a 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ EXTENSION_PCT <- 0.5
 # Whether to collect meta data from runs to generate an output CSV (currently only being created in 02_cs_pts.R)
+# Where should meta data CSVs be saved to? 
+# Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
+META_PATH <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
+# META_PATH <-  "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
 # # create the directory if it does NOT exist
 # if(!dir.exists(base_dir)) {

From 7bf195e7d68f436e56ce264e2f162c956d47dfc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 15:38:06 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 08/64] added download script for FEMA 100 year flood fgb
 files, and related config var variables

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R     |    5 +-
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        | 1327 ++++++++++++++++++--------
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |   14 +
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R |   50 +
 4 files changed, 988 insertions(+), 408 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 8216658..912d95d 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # library(hydrofabric3D)
 # library(dplyr)
 # library(sf)
+# install.packages("devtools")
+# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
 # transect bucket prefix
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
   # #  model attributes
   # model_attrs <- arrow::read_parquet(model_attr_path)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 2423cad..dff9218 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+################################################.     REDO EVERYTHING   #######################################################
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
 # # load libraries
-# library(hydrofabric3D)
-# # library(terrainSliceR)
-# library(dplyr)
-# library(sf)
 # cross section bucket prefix
 cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
@@ -19,6 +23,7 @@ nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
 transect_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+transect_files <- transect_files[!grepl("updated_", transect_files)]
 # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
 cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
@@ -31,20 +36,20 @@ ref_df <- data.frame(
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-              x    = nextgen_files,
-              y    = transect_files,
-              base = base_dir
-            ) %>% 
-          dplyr::left_join(
-            ref_df,
-            by = "vpu"
-            )
+  x    = nextgen_files,
+  y    = transect_files,
+  base = base_dir
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    ref_df,
+    by = "vpu"
+  )
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   start <- Sys.time()
   # nextgen file and full path
@@ -67,386 +72,319 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
           "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
           "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
           "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
-          )
+  )
-    # read in transects data
-    transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  # read in transects data
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-    # read in nextgen data
-    flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-    # read in waterbodies reference features layer
-    waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
-    ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
-    # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
-    # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
-    ##### #####
-    # system.time({
-      # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
-      feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
-    # })
-    # Collect meta data on features and changes
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      fline_count       <- nrow(flines)
-      transect_count    <- nrow(transects)
-      wb_count          <- nrow(waterbodies)
-      fline_wb_count    <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_flowlines)
-      transect_wb_count <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_transects)
-    }
-    # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
-    flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
-    transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
-    rm(waterbodies)
-    gc()
-    start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
-    message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts,")")    
-    system.time({
+  # read in waterbodies reference features layer
+  waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
+  ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
+  # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
+  # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
+  ##### #####
+  # system.time({
+  # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+  feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+  # })
+  # tmp <- transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::slice(1:15000)
+  # tmp_flines <- flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(id %in% tmp$hy_id)
+  # mapview::mapview(tmp_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + mapview::mapview(tmp, color = "red") 
+  # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
+  flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
+  transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
+  rm(waterbodies)
+  gc()
+  #################################################################
+  ##### Temporary subsetting to speed local development up ########
+  #################################################################
+  # flines <- 
+  #   flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::ungroup()
+  # # flines <- 
+  # #   flines %>% 
+  # #   dplyr::slice(1:2500) 
+  # 
+  # transects <- 
+  #   transects %>% 
+  #   # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(tmp$id)) 
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(flines$id)) 
+  #################################################################
+  #################################################################
+  start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+  message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts, ")")
+  # message("Extracting cross section points (", Sys.time(),")")    
+  # STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM
+  # system.time({
     # get cross section point elevations
     cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
       cs             = transects,
       points_per_cs  = NULL,
       min_pts_per_cs = 10,
       dem            = DEM_URL
-      )
-    })
-    end_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
-    message("\n ---> Completed extraction of cross section points (", end_cs_pts,")")
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      start_cs_pts_count <- nrow(cs_pts)
-    }
-    # cs_pts_time <- round(as.numeric(end_cs_pts - start_cs_pts ), 2)
-    # message("\n\n ---> Cross section point elevations processed in ", cs_pts_time)
-    start_rectify <- Sys.time()
-    message("Rectifying cross section points (", start_rectify,")")
-    # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in cs_pts
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      cs_pts_ids       <- unique(cs_pts$hy_id)
-      start_cs_pts_ids <- length(cs_pts_ids)
-      start_order_count <- 
-        flines %>% 
-        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(id %in% cs_pts_ids) %>% 
-        dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-        dplyr::count() %>% 
-        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
-                         names_glue   = "start_order_{order}", 
-                         values_from  = n
-                         ) %>% 
-        dplyr::ungroup()
-    }
-    # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-    cs_pts <- 
-      cs_pts %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
-      dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-      dplyr::ungroup()
-    # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
-    # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
+    )
-    system.time({
+  # })
+  # system.time({
+  # STEP 2:
+  # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
+  cs_pts <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01)  
+  # })
+  # STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections
+  system.time({
     # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-      fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-                  cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-                  net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-                  cs             = transects, # original transect lines
-                  points_per_cs  = NULL, 
-                  min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-                  dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
-                  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
-                  threshold      = 1,    # 1 meter from bottom
-                  pct_threshold  = 0.99, # rectify if 99% points are within 1 meter from the bottom
-                  fix_ids        = FALSE
-                  )
-    })
-    end_rectify <- Sys.time()
-    rectify_time <- round(as.numeric(end_rectify - start_rectify ), 2)
-    message("\n ---> Completed rectifying cross section points (", end_rectify,")")
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      rectify_cs_pts_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-      # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in the RECTIFIED cs_pts
-      rectify_cs_pts_ids      <- unique(fixed_pts$hy_id)
-      rectify_cs_pts_id_count <- length(rectify_cs_pts_ids)
-      rectify_order_count <- 
-        flines %>% 
-        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(id %in% rectify_cs_pts_ids) %>% 
-        dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-        dplyr::count() %>% 
-        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
-                           names_glue   = "rectify_order_{order}", 
-                           values_from  = n
-        ) %>% 
-        dplyr::ungroup()
-    }
-    rm(cs_pts)
-    gc()
-    message("\n\n ---> Cross section points rectified in ", rectify_time, " (seconds?) ")
-    # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-    fixed_pts <- 
-      fixed_pts %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
-      # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-      # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-    # Number of cross section points after removing any cross sections that contain any NA Z values
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      cs_pts_na_removed_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-    }
-    # Stash meta data about the points 
-    pts_meta <- 
-      fixed_pts %>% 
-      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-      dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
-    message("Classifying cross section points...")
-    # Classify points
-    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(fixed_pts)
+    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
+      cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+      net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+      points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+      fix_ids = FALSE,
+      verbose = TRUE
+    )
+  })
+  # })
+  # get a summary dataframe and print out details message
+  rectify_summary <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_summary(cs_pts, fixed_pts, verbose = TRUE)
+  rectify_summary <- 
+    rectify_summary %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      vpu = VPU
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::relocate(vpu, metric, value)
+  readr::write_csv(rectify_summary, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
+  # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
+  point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
+  # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
+  # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
+  message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
+  # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+  extended_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+  # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
+  # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+  update_transects <-
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+  # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
+  if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
+    message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
-    # add meta data back to the points
-    fixed_pts <- 
-      fixed_pts %>% 
-      dplyr::left_join(
-        pts_meta,
-        by = c("hy_id", "cs_id", "pt_id")
-        # dplyr::select(pts_meta, hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+    update_transects <-
+      update_transects %>%
+      # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
+      # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
+      hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+        pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+        length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-    message("Gathering count of point types per cross section...")
-    # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
-    point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
-    # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
-    # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
-    message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
+    # # Number of transects being updated
+    # if(COLLECT_META) {
+    # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
+    # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
+    # }
-    # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
-    extended_pts <-
-      fixed_pts %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-      # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
-    # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
-    update_transects <-
+    # start_uids <- hydrofabric3D:::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts)
+    # end_uids <- hydrofabric3D:::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts)
+    # removed_tmp_ids <- start_uids[!start_uids %in% end_uids]
+    # transects %>% 
+    #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% removed_tmp_ids)
+    # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+    # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+    # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
+    out_transects <- 
       transects %>% 
       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-    # Number of cross section points generated from extending transects and number of tmpIDs
-    if(COLLECT_META) {
-      extended_pts_count <- nrow(extended_pts)
-      extended_pts_ids   <- length(unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-      extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
-      extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
-    }
-    # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
-    if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
-      message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
-      update_transects <-
-        update_transects %>%
-        # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
-        # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
-        hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
-          pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
-          length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+      # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+      dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transects
+        dplyr::mutate(
+          update_transects,
+          is_extended = TRUE
-      # # Number of transects being updated
-      # if(COLLECT_META) {
-        # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
-        # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
-      # }
-      # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
-      # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
-      # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
-      out_transects <- 
-        transects %>% 
-        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-        # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-        # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% )
-        dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-        dplyr::bind_rows(
-          dplyr::mutate(
-            update_transects,
-            is_extended = TRUE
-            )
-          )  
-        # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
-        # dplyr::bind_rows(
-        #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
-        #   )  %>% 
-        # dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
-    } else {
-      out_transects <- 
-        transects %>% 
-        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-    }
+      )  
-      # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
-      if(COLLECT_META) {
-        output_transects_count <- nrow(out_transects)
-        output_transects_ids   <- length(unique(out_transects$tmp_id))
-      }
+  } else {
-      # finalize new transects
-      out_transects <- 
-        out_transects %>% 
-        dplyr::left_join(
-          point_type_counts,
-          by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-        ) %>% 
-        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-                      # sinuosity, 
-                      is_extended, 
-                      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
-                      geom)
-      # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
-      # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
-      # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
-      # so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
-      # The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
-      # the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
-      renumbered_ids <-
-        fixed_pts %>% 
-        sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-        # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
-        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
-        dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-        dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
-        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-        hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-        dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
-        dplyr::mutate(
-          new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-        ) %>% 
-        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-        dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
-      # Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
-      out_transects <- dplyr::left_join(
-                          hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
-                          renumbered_ids,
-                          by = "tmp_id"
-                        ) %>% 
-                        dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-                        dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
-                                      cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-                                      # sinuosity,
-                                      is_extended, 
-                                      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
-                                      geometry = geom
-                                      )
-      # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
-      # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
-      # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
-      # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
-      # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
-      #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
-      #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
-      #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
-      #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
-      # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
-      fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
-                            hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
-                            renumbered_ids,
-                            by = "tmp_id"
-                          ) %>% 
-                        dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-                        dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
-    # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
-    #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
-    #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
-    ###################################### 
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------
-    # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------
-    # classify the cross section points
-    fixed_pts <- 
-      fixed_pts %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
-        Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
-      ) %>%
-      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-      dplyr::select(
-        hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
-        cs_lengthm,
-        relative_distance,
-        X, Y, Z,
-        class, point_type
-        )
-  # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
-  fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
+    out_transects <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+  }
+  # finalize new transects
+  out_transects <- 
+    out_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      point_type_counts,
+      by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      dplyr::ungroup(
+        dplyr::slice( 
+          dplyr::group_by(
+            dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts), 
+                          hy_id, cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief), 
+            hy_id, cs_id),
+          1)
+      ),
+      by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                  # sinuosity, 
+                  is_extended, 
+                  left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
+                  bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+                  geom
+                  )
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
+  # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
+  # so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
+  # The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
+  # the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
+  renumbered_ids <-
+    fixed_pts %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
+    dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
+  # Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
+  out_transects <- dplyr::left_join(
+                      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
+                      renumbered_ids,
+                      by = "tmp_id"
+                    ) %>% 
+                      dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+                      dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
+                                    cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                                    # sinuosity,
+                                    is_extended, 
+                                    left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
+                                    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+                                    geometry = geom
+                      )
+  # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
+  # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
+  # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
+  # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
+  # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
+  # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
+  fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
+                    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
+                    renumbered_ids,
+                    by = "tmp_id"
+                  ) %>% 
+                    dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+                    dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
+  # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
+  #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
+  #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
+  ###################################### 
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # classify the cross section points
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+      Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+    ) %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
+      cs_lengthm,
+      relative_distance,
+      X, Y, Z,
+      class, point_type,
+      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    )
+  # # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
+  # fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
   # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
   fixed_pts <-
     fixed_pts %>%
       Z_source = cs_source
-      ) %>%
-    dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, class)
-  # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
-    output_cs_pts_count      <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-    output_cs_pts_ids        <- length(unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id))
-    dropped_transects_count  <- transect_count - output_transects_count
-    }
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+                    class, point_type, 
+                    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
@@ -464,7 +402,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     # transect_path
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
   trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
                         ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
@@ -493,11 +431,11 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
   copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                          ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
           paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
+                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
@@ -508,43 +446,618 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("- Completed at: ", end)
-    meta_df <- data.frame(
-      vpu                 = VPU,
-      start               = as.character(start),
-      end                 = as.character(end),
-      start_cs_pts        = as.character(start_cs_pts),
-      end_cs_pts          = as.character(end_cs_pts),
-      start_rectify       = as.character(start_rectify),
-      end_rectify         = as.character(end_rectify),
-      fline_count         = fline_count,
-      transect_count      = transect_count,
-      wb_count            = wb_count,
-      fline_wb_count      = fline_wb_count,
-      transect_wb_count   = transect_wb_count,
-      start_cs_pts_count  = start_cs_pts_count,
-      start_cs_pts_ids    = start_cs_pts_ids,
-      rectify_cs_pts_count       = rectify_cs_pts_count,
-      rectify_cs_pts_ids         = rectify_cs_pts_id_count,
-      extended_transects_count   = extended_transects_count,
-      extended_transects_ids     = extended_transects_ids,
-      dropped_transects          = dropped_transects_count,
-      output_transects_count     = output_transects_count,
-      output_cs_pts_count        = output_cs_pts_count,
-      output_transects_ids       = output_transects_ids,
-      output_cs_pts_ids          = output_cs_pts_ids
-    )
-    order_df <- cbind(data.frame(vpu = VPU), start_order_count, rectify_order_count)
-    readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
-    readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
-  }
-  }
+# transects
+# flines
+# ###########################################################################################################################################
+# ###########################################################################################################################################
+# # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
+# # # load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# # cross section bucket prefix
+# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# # cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+# # paths to nextgen datasets
+# nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+# # paths to nextgen datasets
+# transect_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+# # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
+# cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# # reference features dataframe
+# ref_df <- data.frame(
+#   vpu      = sapply(strsplit(ref_features, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
+#   ref_file = ref_features
+# )
+# # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+# path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+#               x    = nextgen_files,
+#               y    = transect_files,
+#               base = base_dir
+#             ) %>% 
+#           dplyr::left_join(
+#             ref_df,
+#             by = "vpu"
+#             )
+# # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
+# # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
+# # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
+# for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+#   # i = 8
+#   start <- Sys.time()
+#   # nextgen file and full path
+#   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+#   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+#   # model attributes file and full path
+#   transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+#   transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+#   # model attributes file and full path
+#   ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
+#   ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+#   # current VPU being processed
+#   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
+#   message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
+#           " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+#           "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
+#           "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
+#           "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
+#           )
+#   ################### 
+#     # read in transects data
+#     transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+#     # read in nextgen data
+#     flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+#     # read in waterbodies reference features layer
+#     waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
+#     ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
+#     # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
+#     # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
+#     ##### #####
+#     # system.time({
+#       # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+#       feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+#     # })
+#     # Collect meta data on features and changes
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       fline_count       <- nrow(flines)
+#       transect_count    <- nrow(transects)
+#       wb_count          <- nrow(waterbodies)
+#       fline_wb_count    <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_flowlines)
+#       transect_wb_count <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_transects)
+#     }
+#     # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
+#     flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
+#     transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
+    # rm(waterbodies)
+    # gc()
+#     flines <- 
+#       flines %>% 
+#       dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+#       dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
+#       dplyr::ungroup()
+#     # flines <- 
+#     #   flines %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::slice(1:2500) 
+#     transects <- 
+#       transects %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(tmp$id)) 
+#       dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(flines$id)) 
+#     start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+#     message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts,")")    
+#     system.time({
+#     # get cross section point elevations
+#     cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+#       cs             = transects,
+#       points_per_cs  = NULL,
+#       min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+#       dem            = DEM_URL
+#       )
+#     })
+#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
+#     cs_pts2 <-
+#       cs_pts %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
+#       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+#       dplyr::ungroup() 
+#     # Stash meta data about the points 
+#     pts_meta <- 
+#       cs_pts2 %>% 
+#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+#     # classify the points
+#     cs_pts2 <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts2, pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01)
+#     system.time({
+#       # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+#       fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
+#         cs_pts         = cs_pts2,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+#         net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+#         transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+#         points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+#         min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+#         dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+#         scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+#         pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+#         fix_ids = FALSE,
+#         verbose = TRUE
+#       )
+#     })
+#     rectify_summary <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_summary(cs_pts2, fixed_pts)
+#     end_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+#     message("\n ---> Completed extraction of cross section points (", end_cs_pts,")")
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       start_cs_pts_count <- nrow(cs_pts)
+#     }
+#     # cs_pts_time <- round(as.numeric(end_cs_pts - start_cs_pts ), 2)
+#     # message("\n\n ---> Cross section point elevations processed in ", cs_pts_time)
+#     start_rectify <- Sys.time()
+#     message("Rectifying cross section points (", start_rectify,")")
+#     # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in cs_pts
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       cs_pts_ids       <- unique(cs_pts$hy_id)
+#       start_cs_pts_ids <- length(cs_pts_ids)
+#       start_order_count <- 
+#         flines %>% 
+#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#         dplyr::filter(id %in% cs_pts_ids) %>% 
+#         dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+#         dplyr::count() %>% 
+#         tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
+#                          names_glue   = "start_order_{order}", 
+#                          values_from  = n
+#                          ) %>% 
+#         dplyr::ungroup()
+#     }
+#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
+#     cs_pts <- 
+#       cs_pts %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
+#       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+#       dplyr::ungroup()
+#     # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
+#     # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
+#     system.time({
+#     # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+#       fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+#                   cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+#                   net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+#                   cs             = transects, # original transect lines
+#                   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+#                   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+#                   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+#                   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+#                   threshold      = 1,    # 1 meter from bottom
+#                   pct_threshold  = 0.99, # rectify if 99% points are within 1 meter from the bottom
+#                   fix_ids        = FALSE
+#                   )
+#     })
+#     end_rectify <- Sys.time()
+#     rectify_time <- round(as.numeric(end_rectify - start_rectify ), 2)
+#     message("\n ---> Completed rectifying cross section points (", end_rectify,")")
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       rectify_cs_pts_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+#       # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in the RECTIFIED cs_pts
+#       rectify_cs_pts_ids      <- unique(fixed_pts$hy_id)
+#       rectify_cs_pts_id_count <- length(rectify_cs_pts_ids)
+#       rectify_order_count <- 
+#         flines %>% 
+#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#         dplyr::filter(id %in% rectify_cs_pts_ids) %>% 
+#         dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+#         dplyr::count() %>% 
+#         tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
+#                            names_glue   = "rectify_order_{order}", 
+#                            values_from  = n
+#         ) %>% 
+#         dplyr::ungroup()
+#     }
+#     rm(cs_pts)
+#     gc()
+#     message("\n\n ---> Cross section points rectified in ", rectify_time, " (seconds?) ")
+#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
+#     fixed_pts <- 
+#       fixed_pts %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+#       # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+#     # Number of cross section points after removing any cross sections that contain any NA Z values
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       cs_pts_na_removed_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+#     }
+#     # Stash meta data about the points 
+#     pts_meta <- 
+#       fixed_pts %>% 
+#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+#     message("Classifying cross section points...")
+#     # # Classify points
+#     # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(fixed_pts)
+#     # add meta data back to the points
+#     fixed_pts <- 
+#       fixed_pts %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(-is_extended) %>% 
+#       dplyr::left_join(
+#         pts_meta,
+#         # dplyr::select(pts_meta, -is_extended),
+#         by = c("hy_id", "cs_id", "pt_id")
+#         # dplyr::select(pts_meta, hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
+#       )
+#     message("Gathering count of point types per cross section...")
+#     # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
+#     point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
+#     # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
+#     # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
+#     message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
+#     # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+#     extended_pts <-
+#       fixed_pts %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+#       # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
+#     # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+#     update_transects <-
+#       transects %>% 
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#     # Number of cross section points generated from extending transects and number of tmpIDs
+#     if(COLLECT_META) {
+#       extended_pts_count <- nrow(extended_pts)
+#       extended_pts_ids   <- length(unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#       extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
+#       extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
+#     }
+#     # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
+#     if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
+#       message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
+#       update_transects <-
+#         update_transects %>%
+#         # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
+#         # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
+#         hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+#           pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+#           length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+#         )
+#       # # Number of transects being updated
+#       # if(COLLECT_META) {
+#         # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
+#         # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
+#       # }
+#       # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+#       # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+#       # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
+#       out_transects <- 
+#         transects %>% 
+#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#         # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#         # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% )
+#         dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+#         dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#         dplyr::bind_rows(
+#           dplyr::mutate(
+#             update_transects,
+#             is_extended = TRUE
+#             )
+#           )  
+#         # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
+#         # dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
+#         #   )  %>% 
+#         # dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
+#     } else {
+#       out_transects <- 
+#         transects %>% 
+#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#         dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+#         dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#     }
+#       # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
+#       if(COLLECT_META) {
+#         output_transects_count <- nrow(out_transects)
+#         output_transects_ids   <- length(unique(out_transects$tmp_id))
+#       }
+#       # finalize new transects
+#       out_transects <- 
+#         out_transects %>% 
+#         dplyr::left_join(
+#           point_type_counts,
+#           by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+#         ) %>% 
+#         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+#                       # sinuosity, 
+#                       is_extended, 
+#                       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#                       geom)
+#       # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#       # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+#       # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+#       # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
+#       # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
+#       # so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
+#       # The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
+#       # the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
+#       renumbered_ids <-
+#         fixed_pts %>% 
+#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#         # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
+#         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
+#         dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+#         dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+#         dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#         dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
+#         dplyr::mutate(
+#           new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+#         ) %>% 
+#         dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#         dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
+#       # Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
+#       out_transects <- dplyr::left_join(
+#                           hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
+#                           renumbered_ids,
+#                           by = "tmp_id"
+#                         ) %>% 
+#                         dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+#                         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
+#                                       cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+#                                       # sinuosity,
+#                                       is_extended, 
+#                                       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#                                       geometry = geom
+#                                       )
+#       # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
+#       # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
+#       # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
+#       # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
+#       # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
+#       #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
+#       #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
+#       #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
+#       #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
+#       # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
+#       fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
+#                             hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
+#                             renumbered_ids,
+#                             by = "tmp_id"
+#                           ) %>% 
+#                         dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+#                         dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
+#     # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
+#     #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
+#     #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
+#     ###################################### 
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#     # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#     # classify the cross section points
+#     fixed_pts <- 
+#       fixed_pts %>% 
+#       dplyr::mutate(
+#         X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+#         Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+#       ) %>%
+#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(
+#         hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
+#         cs_lengthm,
+#         relative_distance,
+#         X, Y, Z,
+#         class, point_type
+#         )
+#   # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
+#   fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
+#   # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+#   fixed_pts <-
+#     fixed_pts %>%
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       Z_source = cs_source
+#       ) %>%
+#     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, class)
+#   # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
+#   if(COLLECT_META) {
+#     output_cs_pts_count      <- nrow(fixed_pts)
+#     output_cs_pts_ids        <- length(unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id))
+#     dropped_transects_count  <- transect_count - output_transects_count
+#     }
+#   ###################################### 
+#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#   # ---- Re upload the updated transects geopackage to S3 ----
+#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#   updated_path <- gsub(transect_file, paste0("updated_", transect_file), transect_path)
+#   ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
+#   message("Saving updated transects to:\n - filepath: '", updated_path, "'")
+#   # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
+#   sf::write_sf(
+#     out_transects,
+#     # transect_path
+#     updated_path
+#   )
+#   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
+#   trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
+#                         ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+#   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
+#           trans_to_s3, 
+#           "'\n==========================")
+#   system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+#   ###################################### 
+#   ###################################### 
+#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#   # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
+#   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
+#   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
+#   out_path <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, out_file)
+#   message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
+#   # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
+#   arrow::write_parquet(fixed_pts, out_path)
+#   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
+#   copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
+#                           ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+#   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
+#           paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
+#                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
+#           "'\n==========================")
+#   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+#   end <- Sys.time()
+#   message("Finished cross section point generation for VPU ", VPU)
+#   message("- Completed at: ", end)
+#   message("==========================")
+#   if(COLLECT_META) {
+#     meta_df <- data.frame(
+#       vpu                 = VPU,
+#       start               = as.character(start),
+#       end                 = as.character(end),
+#       start_cs_pts        = as.character(start_cs_pts),
+#       end_cs_pts          = as.character(end_cs_pts),
+#       start_rectify       = as.character(start_rectify),
+#       end_rectify         = as.character(end_rectify),
+#       fline_count         = fline_count,
+#       transect_count      = transect_count,
+#       wb_count            = wb_count,
+#       fline_wb_count      = fline_wb_count,
+#       transect_wb_count   = transect_wb_count,
+#       start_cs_pts_count  = start_cs_pts_count,
+#       start_cs_pts_ids    = start_cs_pts_ids,
+#       rectify_cs_pts_count       = rectify_cs_pts_count,
+#       rectify_cs_pts_ids         = rectify_cs_pts_id_count,
+#       extended_transects_count   = extended_transects_count,
+#       extended_transects_ids     = extended_transects_ids,
+#       dropped_transects          = dropped_transects_count,
+#       output_transects_count     = output_transects_count,
+#       output_cs_pts_count        = output_cs_pts_count,
+#       output_transects_ids       = output_transects_ids,
+#       output_cs_pts_ids          = output_cs_pts_ids
+#     )
+#     order_df <- cbind(data.frame(vpu = VPU), start_order_count, rectify_order_count)
+#     readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
+#     readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
+#   }
+  # rm(fixed_pts)
+  # gc()
+  # gc()
+#   }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 8745b7a..8e345d8 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ aws_profile  <- "angus-lynker"
 # name of S3 bucket
 s3_bucket    <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
+FEMA_S3_BUCKET <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+# FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
+FEMA_FGB_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100")
 DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/"
@@ -15,6 +23,11 @@ DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/
 # Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
+# percentage of the length each cross section that should be used as a threshold for classifying a cross section as having relief or not
+# 1% of the cross sections length is the default value we are using 
+# (i.e. a 100m long cross section needs a minimum of 1 meter (1%) of relief in its cross section points to be classified as "having relief")
 # Whether to collect meta data from runs to generate an output CSV (currently only being created in 02_cs_pts.R)
@@ -24,6 +37,7 @@ META_PATH <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
 # META_PATH <-  "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
 # # create the directory if it does NOT exist
 # if(!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
 #   message(glue::glue('Base directory does not exist...\nCreating directory: {base_dir}'))
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55e8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired FEMA100 flood fgb datasets from the lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket then saves them into a directory within "base_dir"
+# base_dir is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# NOTE: The lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket is private at the moment
+# load config variables
+# create FEMA100/ directory if it does NOT exist
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
+  message(glue::glue('FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory: {FEMA_FGB_PATH}'))
+  dir.create(FEMA_FGB_PATH)
+# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
+fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+            S3_BUCKET="', FEMA_S3_DIR, '" 
+            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+            PATTERN=".fgb$"
+            # AWS CLI command to list objects in the S3 bucket and use grep to filter them
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" --profile ', aws_profile, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# ---- Get nextgen geopackages ----
+# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
+  local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
+  if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
+    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path)
+    message("Copying S3 object:\n", local_save_path)
+    # system(copy_cmd)
+    message("Download '", key, "' complete!")
+    message("------------------")
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

From 28be701d17830d0090a069ba82afb78b39e80181 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:04:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 09/64] cleaned up 01_transects and 02_cs_pts runners to
 reflect newest methods in hydrofabric3D transect and cross section point

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R |  73 ++-
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R    | 791 +++----------------------------
 2 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 780 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 912d95d..9c081e8 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  # #  model attributes
+  # # model attributes
   # model_attrs <- arrow::read_parquet(model_attr_path)
   # # join flowlines with model atttributes
@@ -60,15 +60,12 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
     ) %>%
-    # dplyr::mutate(
-    #   bf_width = 11 * eTW
-    # ) %>%
+    # dplyr::mutate( bf_width = 11 * eTW) %>%
     # dplyr::mutate( # if there are any NAs, use exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)) equation to calculate bf_width
     #   bf_width = dplyr::case_when(
     # ~ exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)),
     #     TRUE            ~ bf_width
-    #   )
-    # ) %>%
+    #   )) %>%
       hy_id = id,
@@ -80,29 +77,26 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # flines$bf_width <- ifelse($bf_width),  exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(flines$tot_drainage_areasqkm)), flines$bf_width)
   time1 <- Sys.time()
-  # system.time({
-    # create transect lines
-    transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
-      net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
-      id                = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
-      cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
-      # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
-      num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
-      smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
-      densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
-      rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
-      fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
-      #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE
-      # terminal_id       = NULL,
-      # braid_threshold   = NULL,
-      # version           = 2,
-      # braid_method      = "comid",
-      # precision         = 1,
-      add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
-    )
-  # })
+  # create transect lines
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+    net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
+    id                = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
+    cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+    densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+    rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+    fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+    #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE     # TODO: these methods need revision in hydrofabric3D to allow for more flexible processing for data that is NOT COMID based (i.e. hy_id)    
+    # terminal_id       = NULL,
+    # braid_threshold   = NULL,
+    # version           = 2,
+    # braid_method      = "comid",
+    # precision         = 1,
+    add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  )
   time2 <- Sys.time()
   time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)
@@ -120,24 +114,13 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     transects %>%
       cs_source = net_source
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::rename("cs_lengthm" = cs_widths)
+    )
+    # dplyr::rename("cs_lengthm" = cs_widths)
   # # add cs_source column and keep just the desired columns to save and upload to S3
-  # transects <-
-  #   transects %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     cs_source = net_source
-  #   ) %>%
-  #   dplyr::select(
-  #     hy_id,
-  #     cs_source,
-  #     cs_id,
-  #     cs_measure,
-  #     cs_lengthm = cs_widths,
-  #     geometry
-  #   )
-  # tmp <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
+  # transects <- transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(cs_source = net_source) %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm = cs_widths, geometry)
   # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index dff9218..1f6faa8 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-################################################.     REDO EVERYTHING   #######################################################
+################################################     REDO EVERYTHING   #######################################################
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
+for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   start <- Sys.time()
@@ -84,99 +84,58 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in waterbodies reference features layer
   waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
-  ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
-  # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
-  # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
-  ##### #####
-  # system.time({
   # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
   feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
-  # })
-  # tmp <- transects %>% 
-  #   dplyr::slice(1:15000)
-  # tmp_flines <- flines %>% 
-  #   dplyr::filter(id %in% tmp$hy_id)
-  # mapview::mapview(tmp_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + mapview::mapview(tmp, color = "red") 
   # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
   flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
   transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
-  rm(waterbodies)
-  gc()
-  #################################################################
-  ##### Temporary subsetting to speed local development up ########
-  #################################################################
-  # flines <- 
-  #   flines %>% 
-  #   dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::ungroup()
-  # # flines <- 
-  # #   flines %>% 
-  # #   dplyr::slice(1:2500) 
-  # 
-  # transects <- 
-  #   transects %>% 
-  #   # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(tmp$id)) 
-  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(flines$id)) 
-  #################################################################
-  #################################################################
   start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
   message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts, ")")
-  # message("Extracting cross section points (", Sys.time(),")")    
-  # STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM
-  # system.time({
-    # get cross section point elevations
-    cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
-      cs             = transects,
-      points_per_cs  = NULL,
-      min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-      dem            = DEM_URL
-    )
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # get cross section point elevations
+  cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+    cs             = transects,
+    points_per_cs  = NULL,
+    min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+    dem            = DEM_URL
+  )
-  # })
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # system.time({
-  # STEP 2:
-  # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
+  # STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
   cs_pts <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
-    # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
     dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
     dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01)  
-  # })
-  # STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections
-  system.time({
-    # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
-      cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-      net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-      transects      = transects, # original transect lines
-      points_per_cs  = NULL, 
-      min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
-      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
-      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
-      fix_ids = FALSE,
-      verbose = TRUE
-    )
-  })
-  # })
+    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF)  
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # TODO: This is taking A LOT time to process as inputs get larger, an improvement should be looked into more
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
+  # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+    cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+    net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+    transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+    points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+    min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+    dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+    scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+    pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+    fix_ids = FALSE,
+    verbose = TRUE
+  )
   # get a summary dataframe and print out details message
   rectify_summary <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_summary(cs_pts, fixed_pts, verbose = TRUE)
@@ -189,6 +148,10 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   readr::write_csv(rectify_summary, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
@@ -201,7 +164,6 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
     fixed_pts %>% 
     dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
-  # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
   # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
   update_transects <-
@@ -215,25 +177,11 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
     update_transects <-
       update_transects %>%
-      # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
       # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
         pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-    # # Number of transects being updated
-    # if(COLLECT_META) {
-    # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
-    # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
-    # }
-    # start_uids <- hydrofabric3D:::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts)
-    # end_uids <- hydrofabric3D:::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts)
-    # removed_tmp_ids <- start_uids[!start_uids %in% end_uids]
-    # transects %>% 
-    #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% removed_tmp_ids)
     # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
     # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
@@ -286,9 +234,9 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
-  # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
   # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
@@ -327,16 +275,6 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
                                     geometry = geom
-  # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
-  # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
-  # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
-  # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
-  # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
   # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
   fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -346,15 +284,11 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
                     dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
                     dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
-  # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
-  #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
-  #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # classify the cross section points
   fixed_pts <-
@@ -386,11 +320,11 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
                     class, point_type, 
                     bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
-  ###################################### 
+  ############################################################################## 
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Re upload the updated transects geopackage to S3 ----
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   updated_path <- gsub(transect_file, paste0("updated_", transect_file), transect_path)
   ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
@@ -413,12 +347,11 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
-  ###################################### 
-  ###################################### 
+  ############################################################################## 
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
@@ -446,618 +379,6 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("- Completed at: ", end)
-  rm(fixed_pts)
-  gc()
-  gc()
-# transects
-# flines
-# ###########################################################################################################################################
 # ###########################################################################################################################################
-# # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
-# # # load libraries
-# library(hydrofabric3D)
-# library(dplyr)
-# library(sf)
-# # cross section bucket prefix
-# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
-# # cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
-# # transect bucket prefix
-# transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
-# # paths to nextgen datasets
-# nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# # paths to nextgen datasets
-# transect_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-# cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
-# # reference features dataframe
-# ref_df <- data.frame(
-#   vpu      = sapply(strsplit(ref_features, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
-#   ref_file = ref_features
-# )
-# # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
-# path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-#               x    = nextgen_files,
-#               y    = transect_files,
-#               base = base_dir
-#             ) %>% 
-#           dplyr::left_join(
-#             ref_df,
-#             by = "vpu"
-#             )
-# # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
-# # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
-# # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-# for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-#   # i = 8
-#   start <- Sys.time()
-#   # nextgen file and full path
-#   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-#   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-#   # model attributes file and full path
-#   transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-#   transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-#   # model attributes file and full path
-#   ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
-#   ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
-#   # current VPU being processed
-#   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
-#   message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
-#           " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
-#           "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
-#           "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
-#           "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
-#           )
-#   ################### 
-#     # read in transects data
-#     transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-#     # read in nextgen data
-#     flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-#     # read in waterbodies reference features layer
-#     waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
-#     ##### subset flowlines and transects to first 5 features for testing #####
-#     # flines = dplyr::slice(flines, 1:5) 
-#     # transects = dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% unique(flines$id))
-#     ##### #####
-#     # system.time({
-#       # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
-#       feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
-#     # })
-#     # Collect meta data on features and changes
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       fline_count       <- nrow(flines)
-#       transect_count    <- nrow(transects)
-#       wb_count          <- nrow(waterbodies)
-#       fline_wb_count    <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_flowlines)
-#       transect_wb_count <- sum(feature_subsets$valid_transects)
-#     }
-#     # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
-#     flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
-#     transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
-    # rm(waterbodies)
-    # gc()
-#     flines <- 
-#       flines %>% 
-#       dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-#       dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
-#       dplyr::ungroup()
-#     # flines <- 
-#     #   flines %>% 
-#     #   dplyr::slice(1:2500) 
-#     transects <- 
-#       transects %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(tmp$id)) 
-#       dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(flines$id)) 
-#     start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
-#     message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts,")")    
-#     system.time({
-#     # get cross section point elevations
-#     cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
-#       cs             = transects,
-#       points_per_cs  = NULL,
-#       min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-#       dem            = DEM_URL
-#       )
-#     })
-#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-#     cs_pts2 <-
-#       cs_pts %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
-#       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-#       dplyr::ungroup() 
-#     # Stash meta data about the points 
-#     pts_meta <- 
-#       cs_pts2 %>% 
-#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#       dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
-#     # classify the points
-#     cs_pts2 <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts2, pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01)
-#     system.time({
-#       # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-#       fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
-#         cs_pts         = cs_pts2,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-#         net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-#         transects      = transects, # original transect lines
-#         points_per_cs  = NULL, 
-#         min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-#         dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
-#         scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
-#         pct_of_length_for_relief = 0.01, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
-#         fix_ids = FALSE,
-#         verbose = TRUE
-#       )
-#     })
-#     rectify_summary <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_summary(cs_pts2, fixed_pts)
-#     end_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
-#     message("\n ---> Completed extraction of cross section points (", end_cs_pts,")")
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       start_cs_pts_count <- nrow(cs_pts)
-#     }
-#     # cs_pts_time <- round(as.numeric(end_cs_pts - start_cs_pts ), 2)
-#     # message("\n\n ---> Cross section point elevations processed in ", cs_pts_time)
-#     start_rectify <- Sys.time()
-#     message("Rectifying cross section points (", start_rectify,")")
-#     # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in cs_pts
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       cs_pts_ids       <- unique(cs_pts$hy_id)
-#       start_cs_pts_ids <- length(cs_pts_ids)
-#       start_order_count <- 
-#         flines %>% 
-#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#         dplyr::filter(id %in% cs_pts_ids) %>% 
-#         dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-#         dplyr::count() %>% 
-#         tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
-#                          names_glue   = "start_order_{order}", 
-#                          values_from  = n
-#                          ) %>% 
-#         dplyr::ungroup()
-#     }
-#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-#     cs_pts <- 
-#       cs_pts %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
-#       dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-#       dplyr::ungroup()
-#     # try to extend any cross sections that returned cross section points with 
-#     # identical Z values within a certain threshold ("flat" cross sections)
-#     system.time({
-#     # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-#       fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
-#                   cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-#                   net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-#                   cs             = transects, # original transect lines
-#                   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
-#                   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-#                   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
-#                   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
-#                   threshold      = 1,    # 1 meter from bottom
-#                   pct_threshold  = 0.99, # rectify if 99% points are within 1 meter from the bottom
-#                   fix_ids        = FALSE
-#                   )
-#     })
-#     end_rectify <- Sys.time()
-#     rectify_time <- round(as.numeric(end_rectify - start_rectify ), 2)
-#     message("\n ---> Completed rectifying cross section points (", end_rectify,")")
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       rectify_cs_pts_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-#       # collect the hy_ids and number of stream orders in the RECTIFIED cs_pts
-#       rectify_cs_pts_ids      <- unique(fixed_pts$hy_id)
-#       rectify_cs_pts_id_count <- length(rectify_cs_pts_ids)
-#       rectify_order_count <- 
-#         flines %>% 
-#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#         dplyr::filter(id %in% rectify_cs_pts_ids) %>% 
-#         dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
-#         dplyr::count() %>% 
-#         tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = order,  
-#                            names_glue   = "rectify_order_{order}", 
-#                            values_from  = n
-#         ) %>% 
-#         dplyr::ungroup()
-#     }
-#     rm(cs_pts)
-#     gc()
-#     message("\n\n ---> Cross section points rectified in ", rectify_time, " (seconds?) ")
-#     # Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values. 
-#     fixed_pts <- 
-#       fixed_pts %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-849054", "wb-845736")) %>% 
-#       # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-#       # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-#     # Number of cross section points after removing any cross sections that contain any NA Z values
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       cs_pts_na_removed_count <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-#     }
-#     # Stash meta data about the points 
-#     pts_meta <- 
-#       fixed_pts %>% 
-#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#       dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
-#     message("Classifying cross section points...")
-#     # # Classify points
-#     # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(fixed_pts)
-#     # add meta data back to the points
-#     fixed_pts <- 
-#       fixed_pts %>% 
-#       dplyr::select(-is_extended) %>% 
-#       dplyr::left_join(
-#         pts_meta,
-#         # dplyr::select(pts_meta, -is_extended),
-#         by = c("hy_id", "cs_id", "pt_id")
-#         # dplyr::select(pts_meta, hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure, is_extended)
-#       )
-#     message("Gathering count of point types per cross section...")
-#     # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
-#     point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
-#     # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
-#     # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
-#     message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
-#     # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
-#     extended_pts <-
-#       fixed_pts %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
-#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-#       # dplyr::mutate(tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)) 
-#     # extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
-#     update_transects <-
-#       transects %>% 
-#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-#     # Number of cross section points generated from extending transects and number of tmpIDs
-#     if(COLLECT_META) {
-#       extended_pts_count <- nrow(extended_pts)
-#       extended_pts_ids   <- length(unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-#       extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
-#       extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
-#     }
-#     # if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
-#     if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
-#       message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
-#       update_transects <-
-#         update_transects %>%
-#         # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% unique(extended_pts$hy_id)) %>% 
-#         # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
-#         hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
-#           pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
-#           length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-#         )
-#       # # Number of transects being updated
-#       # if(COLLECT_META) {
-#         # extended_transects_count <- nrow(update_transects)
-#         # extended_transects_ids   <- length(unique(update_transects$tmp_id))
-#       # }
-#       # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
-#       # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
-#       # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
-#       out_transects <- 
-#         transects %>% 
-#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#         # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-#         # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% )
-#         dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
-#         dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-#         dplyr::bind_rows(
-#           dplyr::mutate(
-#             update_transects,
-#             is_extended = TRUE
-#             )
-#           )  
-#         # dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
-#         # dplyr::bind_rows(
-#         #   dplyr::mutate(update_transects, is_extended = TRUE)
-#         #   )  %>% 
-#         # dplyr::select(-tmp_id) 
-#     } else {
-#       out_transects <- 
-#         transects %>% 
-#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#         dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
-#         dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-#     }
-#       # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
-#       if(COLLECT_META) {
-#         output_transects_count <- nrow(out_transects)
-#         output_transects_ids   <- length(unique(out_transects$tmp_id))
-#       }
-#       # finalize new transects
-#       out_transects <- 
-#         out_transects %>% 
-#         dplyr::left_join(
-#           point_type_counts,
-#           by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-#         ) %>% 
-#         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-#                       # sinuosity, 
-#                       is_extended, 
-#                       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
-#                       geom)
-#       # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#       # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
-#       # -------------------------------------------------------------------
-#       # make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
-#       # the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
-#       # so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
-#       # The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
-#       # the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
-#       renumbered_ids <-
-#         fixed_pts %>% 
-#         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#         # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
-#         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
-#         dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-#         dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
-#         dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-#         hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#         dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
-#         dplyr::mutate(
-#           new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-#         ) %>% 
-#         dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-#         dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
-#       # Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
-#       out_transects <- dplyr::left_join(
-#                           hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
-#                           renumbered_ids,
-#                           by = "tmp_id"
-#                         ) %>% 
-#                         dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-#                         dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
-#                                       cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-#                                       # sinuosity,
-#                                       is_extended, 
-#                                       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
-#                                       geometry = geom
-#                                       )
-#       # # fline_lengths <-  sf::st_drop_geometry(flines) %>% 
-#       # #   dplyr::filter(id %in% out_transects$hy_id) %>% 
-#       # #   dplyr::mutate(lengthm = lengthkm * 1000) %>% 
-#       # #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, lengthm, lengthkm) 
-#       # tmp <- dplyr::left_join( out_transects, fline_lengths, by = "hy_id") %>% 
-#       #   dplyr::mutate(ds_distance = (cs_measure * lengthm) / 100) %>% 
-#       #   dplyr::select(-sinuosity) %>% 
-#       #   dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_measure, lengthm, ds_distance, lengthkm) %>% 
-#       #   dplyr::rename("geometry" = geom)
-#       # Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
-#       fixed_pts <- dplyr::left_join(
-#                             hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
-#                             renumbered_ids,
-#                             by = "tmp_id"
-#                           ) %>% 
-#                         dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-#                         dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
-#     # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") +
-#     #  mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(out_transects, is_extended), color = "green") +
-#     #  mapview::mapview(flines, color = "dodgerblue") 
-#     ###################################### 
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#     # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#     # classify the cross section points
-#     fixed_pts <- 
-#       fixed_pts %>% 
-#       dplyr::mutate(
-#         X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
-#         Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
-#       ) %>%
-#       sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#       dplyr::select(
-#         hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
-#         cs_lengthm,
-#         relative_distance,
-#         X, Y, Z,
-#         class, point_type
-#         )
-#   # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
-#   fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
-#   # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
-#   fixed_pts <-
-#     fixed_pts %>%
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       Z_source = cs_source
-#       ) %>%
-#     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, class)
-#   # Number of final output transects and the number of unique tmpIDs (hy_id/cs_id , i.e. cross sections)
-#   if(COLLECT_META) {
-#     output_cs_pts_count      <- nrow(fixed_pts)
-#     output_cs_pts_ids        <- length(unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id))
-#     dropped_transects_count  <- transect_count - output_transects_count
-#     }
-#   ###################################### 
-#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#   # ---- Re upload the updated transects geopackage to S3 ----
-#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#   updated_path <- gsub(transect_file, paste0("updated_", transect_file), transect_path)
-#   ## Save local and REUPLOAD TRANSECTS to S3 to update for any extended cross sections
-#   message("Saving updated transects to:\n - filepath: '", updated_path, "'")
-#   # save flowlines to out_path (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
-#   sf::write_sf(
-#     out_transects,
-#     # transect_path
-#     updated_path
-#   )
-#   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
-#   trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
-#                         ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-#   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
-#           trans_to_s3, 
-#           "'\n==========================")
-#   system(trans_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
-#   ###################################### 
-#   ###################################### 
-#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#   # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-#   # ----------------------------------------------------------
-#   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
-#   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
-#   out_path <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, out_file)
-#   message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
-#   # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
-#   arrow::write_parquet(fixed_pts, out_path)
-#   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
-#   copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-#                           ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-#   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
-#           paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-#                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
-#           "'\n==========================")
-#   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
-#   end <- Sys.time()
-#   message("Finished cross section point generation for VPU ", VPU)
-#   message("- Completed at: ", end)
-#   message("==========================")
-#   if(COLLECT_META) {
-#     meta_df <- data.frame(
-#       vpu                 = VPU,
-#       start               = as.character(start),
-#       end                 = as.character(end),
-#       start_cs_pts        = as.character(start_cs_pts),
-#       end_cs_pts          = as.character(end_cs_pts),
-#       start_rectify       = as.character(start_rectify),
-#       end_rectify         = as.character(end_rectify),
-#       fline_count         = fline_count,
-#       transect_count      = transect_count,
-#       wb_count            = wb_count,
-#       fline_wb_count      = fline_wb_count,
-#       transect_wb_count   = transect_wb_count,
-#       start_cs_pts_count  = start_cs_pts_count,
-#       start_cs_pts_ids    = start_cs_pts_ids,
-#       rectify_cs_pts_count       = rectify_cs_pts_count,
-#       rectify_cs_pts_ids         = rectify_cs_pts_id_count,
-#       extended_transects_count   = extended_transects_count,
-#       extended_transects_ids     = extended_transects_ids,
-#       dropped_transects          = dropped_transects_count,
-#       output_transects_count     = output_transects_count,
-#       output_cs_pts_count        = output_cs_pts_count,
-#       output_transects_ids       = output_transects_ids,
-#       output_cs_pts_ids          = output_cs_pts_ids
-#     )
-#     order_df <- cbind(data.frame(vpu = VPU), start_order_count, rectify_order_count)
-#     readr::write_csv(meta_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_metadata.csv"))
-#     readr::write_csv(order_df, paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", VPU, "_cross_sections_streamorder.csv"))
-#   }
-  # rm(fixed_pts)
-  # gc()
-  # gc()
-#   }

From adeee656277a49965109f3427314d079f8385926 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:09:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 10/64] cleaned up download_fema100.R script and replaced
 glue::glue() with paste0() in that script

 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index f55e8d7..acb90f9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -6,13 +6,15 @@
 # load config variables
-# create FEMA100/ directory if it does NOT exist
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create FEMA100/ directory (if it does NOT exist) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
-  message(glue::glue('FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory: {FEMA_FGB_PATH}'))
+  message(paste0("FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_PATH, "'"))
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
@@ -27,13 +29,22 @@ fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
-# ---- Get nextgen geopackages ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get the S3 buckets object keys for FEMA 100 FGB files ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
 FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
+# create bucket object URIs
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download FEMA 100 year FGB files from S3 ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
 for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
   local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)

From bfa3c9b530eef8b4d2ca550fc0947a7f7f931190 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 08:34:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 11/64] fixed aws s3 copy command to specify the aws_profile to

 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 17 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index acb90f9..fee84dd 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -44,18 +44,19 @@ FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[3:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
   local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
   if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
-    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path)
+    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", aws_profile)
-    message("Copying S3 object:\n", local_save_path)
+    message("S3 object:\n > '", FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, "'")
+    message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+    # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
-    # system(copy_cmd)
+    system(copy_cmd)
-    message("Download '", key, "' complete!")
-    message("------------------")
+    message(" > '", key, "' download complete!")
+    message("----------------------------------")
\ No newline at end of file

From 6b8bfe7a09d4608fa88bef61320dd10cb1882788 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 08:28:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 12/64] working on new runner for injecting ML outputs to dem
 cross sections

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        |  91 +++++++--
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R     | 263 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/config.R           |   4 +
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |  33 +++-
 runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R |  27 ++-
 5 files changed, 400 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 1f6faa8..7d5cc8e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+for (i in 13:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 1
   start <- Sys.time()
@@ -92,12 +94,16 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
   transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
+  rm(waterbodies)
+  gc()
   start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
   message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts, ")")
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
   # get cross section point elevations
   cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
     cs             = transects,
@@ -105,11 +111,13 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     min_pts_per_cs = 10,
     dem            = DEM_URL
+  # })
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
   # STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
   cs_pts <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
@@ -117,14 +125,17 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
     dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
     hydrofabric3D::classify_points(pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF)  
+  # })
+  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # TODO: This is taking A LOT time to process as inputs get larger, an improvement should be looked into more
-  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
-  # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+  # system.time({
+  # NOTE: new inplace method for improving (rectifying) any invalid cross sections where we dont have banks and relief
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::improve_invalid_cs(
     cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
     net            = flines,    # original flowline network
     transects      = transects, # original transect lines
@@ -136,6 +147,24 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     fix_ids = FALSE,
     verbose = TRUE
+  # })
+  ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  # # TODO: This is taking A LOT time to process as inputs get larger, an improvement should be looked into more
+  # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_cs(
+  # # cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_flat_cs(
+  #   cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+  #   net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+  #   transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+  #   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+  #   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+  #   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+  #   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+  #   pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+  #   fix_ids = FALSE,
+  #   verbose = TRUE
+  # )
   # get a summary dataframe and print out details message
   rectify_summary <- hydrofabric3D::rectify_summary(cs_pts, fixed_pts, verbose = TRUE)
@@ -153,7 +182,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
-  point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, add = FALSE)
+  point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts)
   # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
   # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
@@ -266,7 +295,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
                       by = "tmp_id"
                     ) %>% 
                       dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-                      dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id = new_cs_id, 
+                      dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, 
+                                    cs_id = new_cs_id, 
                                     cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
                                     # sinuosity,
@@ -320,6 +350,42 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
                     class, point_type, 
                     bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+  ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(fixed_pts)
+  ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+                  cs_pts                   = fixed_pts, 
+                  pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+                  )
+  ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  }
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts2)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts4)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -379,6 +445,9 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("- Completed at: ", end)
+  rm(fixed_pts)
+  gc()
+  gc()
 # ###########################################################################################################################################
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113adb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- data paths -----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# cross section bucket prefix
+CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- list.files(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+cs_files <- list.files(cs_pts_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
+cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = nextgen_files,
+  y    = cs_files,
+  base = base_dir
+# dplyr::left_join(
+#   ref_df,
+#   by = "vpu"
+# )
+# ML Outputs
+ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
+# cs_ml_data_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_pts_for_ml_tests/nextgen_06_cross_sections_for_ml.parquet"
+# ml_output_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/ml-outputs/channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
+# conus_network_path <- 's3://lynker-spatial/v20.1/conus_net.parquet'
+# loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
+# then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
+# Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
+for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 15
+  start <- Sys.time()
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  cs_file      <- path_df$y[i]
+  cs_pts_path  <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, cs_file)
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
+  # ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+  # current VPU being processed
+  VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
+  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
+          " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+          "'\n - cross section points: '", cs_file, "'", 
+          # "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
+          "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
+  )
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Read in data -----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # CONUS network parquet
+  net <- 
+    arrow::open_dataset() %>%
+    dplyr::filter(vpu == VPU) %>%
+    dplyr::collect()
+  # Cross section points parquet
+  cs_pts    <- arrow::read_parquet(cs_pts_path)
+  fline_net <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Extract the max hydroseq "hy_id" for each flowline in the CONUS network parquet -----
+  # Use this to join "hy_id" to "hf_id" in ML outputs data
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  net_subset <- 
+    net %>% 
+    dplyr::select(id, hf_id, hf_hydroseq) %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(id %in% unique(cs$hy_id)) %>%
+    dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(id, "^wb-") & ! %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice_max(hf_hydroseq, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(hy_id = id, 
+                  hf_id,
+                  hf_hydroseq
+    ) 
+  number_hyids_in_cs_pts    <- length(unique(cs_pts$hy_id ))
+  number_hyids_in_conus_net <- length(unique(net_subset$hy_id))
+  message("VPU ", VPU, ": ", 
+          "\n - Number of cross section points hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_cs_pts, "'", 
+          "'\n - Number of CONUS network hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_conus_net, "'"
+  )
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Find the stream orders for the flowlines in the network -----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # stream_order <- 
+  #   fline_net %>% 
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(hy_id = id, 
+  #                 order, 
+  #                 # hydroseq, 
+  #                 tot_drainage_areasqkm
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% net_subset$hy_id) 
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Subset ML data to specific VPU and add "hy_id" column to ML data -----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ML Outputs
+  # ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
+  # Join hy_id onto the ML outputs and then remove the rows WITHOUT matches in hy_id
+  #  this should give us a (nearly) one-to-one cross walk between "hy_id" in the cross section points 
+  # and "hf_id" in the ML outputs dataset
+  ml_subset <- 
+    ml_output %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      net_subset,
+      by = "hf_id"
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(! %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(hy_id, hf_id) 
+  # join the ML outputs data to the cross section points
+  cs_pts <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      dplyr::select(ml_subset, 
+                    hy_id, 
+                    hf_id, 
+                    owp_tw_inchan, 
+                    owp_y_inchan, 
+                    owp_tw_bf, 
+                    owp_y_bf, 
+                    owp_dingman_r),
+      by = "hy_id"
+    ) 
+  cs_bottom_lengths <- get_cs_bottom_length(cs_pts)
+  # TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
+  # TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
+  cs_pts <-
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      cs_bottom_lengths,
+      by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      owp_tw_inchan = dplyr::case_when(
+        owp_tw_inchan <= 0 ~ bottom_length,
+        TRUE               ~ owp_tw_inchan
+      ),
+      owp_tw_bf = dplyr::case_when(
+        owp_tw_bf <= 0     ~ bottom_length,
+        TRUE               ~ owp_tw_bf
+      )
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-bottom_length)
+  # dplyr::filter(owp_tw_inchan <= 0 | owp_tw_bf <= 0) 
+  # dplyr::left_join( stream_order, by = "hy_id") 
+  # Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
+  # - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
+  # - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
+  inchannel_cs <- dplyr::filter(cs_pts, 
+                                valid_banks & has_relief)
+  bankful_cs   <- dplyr::filter(cs_pts, 
+                                !valid_banks | !has_relief)
+  split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
+  if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
+    warning("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups, some points were not put in either group")
+  }
+    # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+    cs_bathy_inchannel <- add_cs_bathymetry(
+      cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
+      # cross_section_pts = dplyr::slice(inchannel_cs, 1:100000),
+      top_width         = "owp_tw_inchan",
+      depth             = "owp_y_inchan", 
+      dingman_r         = "owp_dingman_r"
+    )
+    # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
+    cs_bathy_bankful <- add_cs_bathymetry(
+      cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
+      top_width         = "owp_tw_bf",
+      depth             = "owp_y_bf", 
+      dingman_r         = "owp_dingman_r"
+    )
+  final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(cs_bathy_inchannel, cs_bathy_bankful)
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
+  out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
+  out_path <- paste0(final_dir, out_file)
+  message("Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
+  # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
+  arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, out_path)
+  # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
+  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
+                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+  message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
+          paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX, out_file,
+                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
+          "'\n==========================")
+  system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
+  end <- Sys.time()
+  message("Finished augmenting cross section points with ML for VPU ", VPU)
+  message("- Completed at: ", end)
+  message("==========================")
+  rm(fixed_pts)
+  gc()
+  gc()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index 41f995d..8d22554 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -55,12 +55,16 @@ final_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/cross_sections/")
 # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
 ref_features_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/00_reference_features/")
+# make a directory for the ML outputs data
+ML_OUTPUTS_DIR <- paste0(base_dir, "/ml-outputs/")
 # create directories 
 dir.create(transects_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(cs_pts_dir,    showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(ref_features_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/"),     showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(final_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR,     showWarnings = FALSE)
 # dir.create(model_attr_dir,  showWarnings = FALSE)
 ## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 8e345d8..3d0d910 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 ### EDIT base_dir, aws_profile, and DEM_URL ###
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- General paths and constants variables ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 base_dir     <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
 # AWS profile to run CLI commands 
@@ -7,6 +12,9 @@ aws_profile  <- "angus-lynker"
 # name of S3 bucket
 s3_bucket    <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# S3 prefix/folder of version run
+version_prefix <- "v20.1"
 # location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
 FEMA_S3_BUCKET <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
@@ -15,6 +23,10 @@ FEMA_S3_DIR <- paste0(FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX)
 # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
 FEMA_FGB_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/"
@@ -26,22 +38,31 @@ EXTENSION_PCT <- 0.5
 # percentage of the length each cross section that should be used as a threshold for classifying a cross section as having relief or not
 # 1% of the cross sections length is the default value we are using 
 # (i.e. a 100m long cross section needs a minimum of 1 meter (1%) of relief in its cross section points to be classified as "having relief")
 # Whether to collect meta data from runs to generate an output CSV (currently only being created in 02_cs_pts.R)
+# TODO: Probably delete this 
 # Where should meta data CSVs be saved to? 
 # Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
+# TODO: Probably delete this 
 META_PATH <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
 # META_PATH <-  "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Machine learning data path variables ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ML_OUTPUTS_FILE   = "channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
+ML_OUTPUTS_PREFIX = "v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/"
+# ML_OUTPUTS_URI    = "s3://lynker-spatial/v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
+ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_FILE)
-# # create the directory if it does NOT exist
-# if(!dir.exists(base_dir)) {
-#   message(glue::glue('Base directory does not exist...\nCreating directory: {base_dir}'))
-#   dir.create(base_dir)
-# }
+# path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
+CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME <- "conus_net.parquet"
+CONUS_NETWORK_URI <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/", CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME)
 ### EDIT ###
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
index c405fa9..dd0b807 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ if(!dir.exists(model_attr_dir)) {
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- List/Get the nextgen gpkgs from S3 bucket  ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
@@ -71,7 +75,10 @@ for (key in bucket_keys) {
-# ---- Get nextgen model attributes parquets ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- List/Get nextgen model attributes parquets from S3 bucket ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # aws s3 ls s3://lynker-spatial/v20/3D/model_attributes/
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
@@ -103,6 +110,11 @@ for (key in model_attr_keys) {
   message("Download '", paste0(model_attr_prefix, key), "' complete!")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- List/Get reference features from S3 bucket ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
@@ -134,3 +146,16 @@ for (key in ref_features) {
   message("Download '", paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", key), "' complete!")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get ML outputs data from S3 bucket ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ml_copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ML_OUTPUTS_URI, ' ', paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_URI)))
+message("Copying S3 object:\n", ML_OUTPUTS_URI)
+message("Download '", paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_URI)), "' complete!")

From ae7ae6d4812b830fcf10d46f329d42bdcb2a90e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 15:16:52 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 13/64] updating inject ml runner to use updated hydrofabric3D

 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index 113adb7..bbaa064 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -188,21 +188,45 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # dplyr::filter(owp_tw_inchan <= 0 | owp_tw_bf <= 0) 
   # dplyr::left_join( stream_order, by = "hy_id") 
+  missing_cs <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::filter( | | | | | %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
   # Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
   # - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
   # - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
-  inchannel_cs <- dplyr::filter(cs_pts, 
-                                valid_banks & has_relief)
+  inchannel_cs <-
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(valid_banks & has_relief) %>% 
+    dplyr::rename(
+      TW        = owp_tw_inchan, 
+      DEPTH     = owp_y_inchan,
+      DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+    )
-  bankful_cs   <- dplyr::filter(cs_pts, 
-                                !valid_banks | !has_relief)
+  bankful_cs   <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) %>% 
+    dplyr::rename(
+      TW        = owp_tw_bf, 
+      DEPTH     = owp_y_bf,
+      DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+    )
-  split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
+  split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs)
+  # split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
   if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
     warning("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups, some points were not put in either group")
     # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
     cs_bathy_inchannel <- add_cs_bathymetry(
       cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
@@ -223,6 +247,56 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(cs_bathy_inchannel, cs_bathy_bankful)
+  final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+                  dplyr::select(cs_bathy_inchannel, 
+                                -owp_tw_bf, -owp_y_bf, -hf_id),
+                  dplyr::select(cs_bathy_bankful, 
+                                -owp_tw_inchan, -owp_y_inchan, -hf_id)
+                ) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+    tidyr::fill(
+      c(cs_lengthm, Z_source, TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R)
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      -point_type, 
+      -class,
+      -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+      -has_relief, -valid_banks
+    )
+  final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(final_cs)
+  # final_classified %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) 
+  # system.time({
+  #   final_classified <- 
+  #     final_cs %>% 
+  #     hydrofabric3D::classify_points()
+  # })
+  final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+                dplyr::relocate(
+                  final_cs,
+                    hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, 
+                    Z, relative_distance, cs_lengthm, class, point_type, 
+                    X, Y, Z_source, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief, 
+                    TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R, is_dem_point
+                  ),
+                dplyr::relocate(  
+                  dplyr::mutate(
+                    dplyr::select(missing_cs, 
+                                  -tmp_id, -hf_id, -owp_tw_inchan, -owp_y_inchan, -owp_tw_bf, -owp_y_bf, -owp_dingman_r),
+                    TW           = NA,
+                    DEPTH        = NA, 
+                    DINGMAN_R    = NA,
+                    is_dem_point = TRUE
+                  ),
+                  hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, 
+                  Z, relative_distance, cs_lengthm, class, point_type, 
+                  X, Y, Z_source, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief, 
+                  TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R, is_dem_point
+                )
+              )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From 70eccc3c1dee8db84c1e70cc221c67b579229495 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:20:41 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 14/64] updated runners/cs_runner to include machine learning
 estimated widths/depths calculations

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R              |   6 -
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R              | 235 +++++++++++-------
 .../cs_runner/{03_driver.R => 04_driver.R}    |   3 +
 3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
 rename runners/cs_runner/{03_driver.R => 04_driver.R} (75%)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 9c081e8..5fe88c9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -115,13 +115,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       cs_source = net_source
-    # dplyr::rename("cs_lengthm" = cs_widths)
-  # # add cs_source column and keep just the desired columns to save and upload to S3
-  # transects <- transects %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(cs_source = net_source) %>%
-  #   dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm = cs_widths, geometry)
   # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
     # save dataset with only subset of columns to upload to S3
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index bbaa064..cc0ee52 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
 cs_files <- list.files(cs_pts_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
   x    = nextgen_files,
@@ -42,14 +39,19 @@ ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
 # ml_output_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/ml-outputs/channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
 # conus_network_path <- 's3://lynker-spatial/v20.1/conus_net.parquet'
+# for (i in 1:5000) {
+#   start <- Sys.time()
+#   message(i, " - time: '", start, "'")
+# }
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 15
+  # i = 8
-  start <- Sys.time()
+  start <- round(Sys.time())
   # nextgen file and full path
@@ -67,16 +69,21 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # current VPU being processed
   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
-  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
-          " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+  message("Augmenting DEM cross sections with ML estimated widths/depths: ", VPU, 
+          " cross section points:",
           "'\n - cross section points: '", cs_file, "'", 
+          "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_FILE, "'", 
+          # "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_URI, "'", 
+          "\n - CONUS network file: '", CONUS_NETWORK_URI, "'",
+          "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
           # "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
           "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
-  )
+          )
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Read in data -----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  message("Loading data...")
   # CONUS network parquet
   net <- 
@@ -88,7 +95,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # Cross section points parquet
   cs_pts    <- arrow::read_parquet(cs_pts_path)
-  fline_net <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # TODO: Not needed 
+  # fline_net <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Extract the max hydroseq "hy_id" for each flowline in the CONUS network parquet -----
@@ -112,8 +120,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   number_hyids_in_conus_net <- length(unique(net_subset$hy_id))
   message("VPU ", VPU, ": ", 
-          "\n - Number of cross section points hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_cs_pts, "'", 
-          "'\n - Number of CONUS network hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_conus_net, "'"
+          "\n - Number of CONUS network hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_conus_net, "'",
+          "\n - Number of cross section points hy_ids: '", number_hyids_in_cs_pts, "'"
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Find the stream orders for the flowlines in the network -----
@@ -149,6 +157,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     dplyr::filter(! %>%
     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, hf_id) 
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Joining ML width/depths estimates to cross section points...")
   # join the ML outputs data to the cross section points
   cs_pts <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
@@ -164,14 +174,16 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       by = "hy_id"
-  cs_bottom_lengths <- get_cs_bottom_length(cs_pts)
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Replacing any negative width/depth estimates with cross section bottom lengths...")
+  cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cs_pts)
   # TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
   # TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
   cs_pts <-
     cs_pts %>% 
-      cs_bottom_lengths,
+      cs_bottom_lengths, 
       by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
     ) %>% 
@@ -185,25 +197,40 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     ) %>% 
-  # dplyr::filter(owp_tw_inchan <= 0 | owp_tw_bf <= 0) 
+  # cs_pts %>% dplyr::filter(owp_tw_inchan <= 0 | owp_tw_bf <= 0)
   # dplyr::left_join( stream_order, by = "hy_id") 
+  # extract any cross sections that didn't get matched with a "hf_id" and (or?) no ML data
+  # TODO: look at this stuff with Arash (04/09/2024)
   missing_cs <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
-    dplyr::filter( | | | | | %>% 
+    dplyr::filter( | 
+         | | 
+         | |
+         %>% 
+  # TODO: Delete this, but time being keeping this to inspect mismatch in between "hy_id" and "hf_id" 
+  readr::write_csv(
+    dplyr::select(missing_cs, -tmp_id), 
+    paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections_missing_hf_ids.csv")
+    )
   # Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
   # - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
   # - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
   inchannel_cs <-
     cs_pts %>% 
     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>%  # NOTE: makes sure to remove any of the "missing" cross sections without data
     dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(valid_banks & has_relief) %>% 
-    dplyr::rename(
-      TW        = owp_tw_inchan, 
+    # NOTE: temporarily rename the top widths, depths, and dingman's R columns so they 
+    # work nicely with the "hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry()" function which takes a dataframe of cross section points 
+    # with "TW", "DEPTH", and "DINGMAN_R" columns for each cross section
+    dplyr::rename(        
+      TW        = owp_tw_inchan,    
       DEPTH     = owp_y_inchan,
       DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
@@ -220,114 +247,142 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  # sanity check that all rows are accounted for after splitting up data
   split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs)
   # split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
   if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
-    warning("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups, some points were not put in either group")
-  }
-    # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
-    cs_bathy_inchannel <- add_cs_bathymetry(
-      cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
-      # cross_section_pts = dplyr::slice(inchannel_cs, 1:100000),
-      top_width         = "owp_tw_inchan",
-      depth             = "owp_y_inchan", 
-      dingman_r         = "owp_dingman_r"
+    warning(paste0("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups,", 
+    "\nsome points were not put in either group.", 
+    "\nLikely due to 'valid_banks' and/or 'has_relief' columns have either missing ", 
+    "values or contain values other than TRUE/FALSE")
-    # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
-    cs_bathy_bankful <- add_cs_bathymetry(
-      cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
-      top_width         = "owp_tw_bf",
-      depth             = "owp_y_bf", 
-      dingman_r         = "owp_dingman_r"
+  }
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using inchannel widths/depths estimates...")
+  # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+  inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+      cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs
-  final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(cs_bathy_inchannel, cs_bathy_bankful)
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
+  # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
+  bankful_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+    cross_section_pts = bankful_cs
+  )
+  # combine the inchannel and bankful cross section points back together, fill out missing values and reclassify the points
   final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
-                  dplyr::select(cs_bathy_inchannel, 
-                                -owp_tw_bf, -owp_y_bf, -hf_id),
-                  dplyr::select(cs_bathy_bankful, 
-                                -owp_tw_inchan, -owp_y_inchan, -hf_id)
-                ) %>% 
-    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+                dplyr::select(
+                  inchannel_cs,
+                  -hf_id, -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), -is_dem_point
+                ),
+                dplyr::select(
+                  bankful_cs,
+                  -hf_id, -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), -is_dem_point
+                ),
+                dplyr::select(
+                  missing_cs,
+                  -hf_id, -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), -tmp_id
+                )
+              ) %>%
+    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
-      c(cs_lengthm, Z_source, TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R)
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+      c(cs_lengthm, Z_source)
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-      -point_type, 
+      -point_type,
       -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
       -has_relief, -valid_banks
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
+  # reclassify
   final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(final_cs)
-  # final_classified %>% 
-  #   dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) 
-  # system.time({
-  #   final_classified <- 
-  #     final_cs %>% 
-  #     hydrofabric3D::classify_points()
-  # })
-  final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
-                dplyr::relocate(
-                  final_cs,
-                    hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, 
-                    Z, relative_distance, cs_lengthm, class, point_type, 
-                    X, Y, Z_source, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief, 
-                    TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R, is_dem_point
-                  ),
-                dplyr::relocate(  
-                  dplyr::mutate(
-                    dplyr::select(missing_cs, 
-                                  -tmp_id, -hf_id, -owp_tw_inchan, -owp_y_inchan, -owp_tw_bf, -owp_y_bf, -owp_dingman_r),
-                    TW           = NA,
-                    DEPTH        = NA, 
-                    DINGMAN_R    = NA,
-                    is_dem_point = TRUE
-                  ),
-                  hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, 
-                  Z, relative_distance, cs_lengthm, class, point_type, 
-                  X, Y, Z_source, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief, 
-                  TW, DEPTH, DINGMAN_R, is_dem_point
-                )
-              )
+  # final_uids <- final_cs %>% hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids()
+  # random_uids <- sample(x=final_uids, size=12)
+  # cs_subset <-  dplyr::filter(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(final_cs), 
+                        # tmp_id %in% random_uids) 
+  # hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_subset) %>%  hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = "point_type")
+  starting_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts)
+  ending_uids   <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs)
+  has_same_number_of_uids          <- length(starting_uids) == length(ending_uids)
+  all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids <- all(starting_uids %in% ending_uids)
+  all_ending_uids_in_starting_uids <- all(ending_uids %in% starting_uids)
+  # throw some warnings if:
+  # - the number of uids in the input is different from the output
+  # - there are missing hy_id/cs_id
+  if (!has_same_number_of_uids) {
+    warning(paste0("The number of unique hy_id/cs_id is different in the ",
+                   "starting cross section points from the final cross section points:",
+                   "\n > Starting number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(starting_uids),
+                   "\n > Ending number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(ending_uids)
+                   ))
+  }
+  if (!all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids) {
+    number_uids_not_in_ending_uids <- length(starting_uids[!starting_uids %in% ending_uids])
+    # starting_uids %in% ending_uids
+    warning(
+      paste0("Missing hy_id/cs_id in output that are in the starting input cross section points: ",
+            "\n > Number of hy_id/cs_id missing: ", number_uids_not_in_ending_uids
+             )
+      )
+    # warning(paste0(number_uids_not_in_ending_uids, " hy_id/cs_id from the input cross section points ",
+    #          "is missing from the output cross section points"))
+  }
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
   out_path <- paste0(final_dir, out_file)
-  message("Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
+  message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
   arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, out_path)
-  # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
-  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
-  message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
-          paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX, out_file,
-                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
-          "'\n==========================")
+  s3_save_uri <- paste0(CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX, out_file)
+  # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
+  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", 
+                              out_path,
+                              " ", 
+                              s3_save_uri,
+                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
+                              )
+  message(
+    "Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " ML augmented cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'",
+    copy_cs_pts_to_s3, "'",
+    "'\n=========================="
+    )
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
-  end <- Sys.time()
+  end <- round(Sys.time())
   message("Finished augmenting cross section points with ML for VPU ", VPU)
   message("- Completed at: ", end)
-  rm(fixed_pts)
+  rm(net, net_subset, 
+     final_cs, cs_pts, 
+     inchannel_cs, bankful_cs)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_driver.R b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
similarity index 75%
rename from runners/cs_runner/03_driver.R
rename to runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
index cce576d..af8e1ca 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_driver.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R")
 # generate and upload cross sections points datasets 
+# Apply machine learning topwidths and depths estimates to DEM cross section points

From 4e40b009f87937371d680b63ebe8cdd4835c452b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 17:57:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 15/64] super minor cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 2 --
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R  | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 5fe88c9..b3727ba 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # library(sf)
 # install.packages("devtools")
-# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
 # transect bucket prefix
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 3d0d910..6d9e087 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_FILE)
 # path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
 CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME <- "conus_net.parquet"
-CONUS_NETWORK_URI <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/", CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME)
+CONUS_NETWORK_URI      <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/", CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME)
 ### EDIT ###

From e4c2558fa3436ddd96b490a3991435d1a15846f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 08:23:54 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 16/64] random cleanup

 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index fee84dd..8732b0e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[3:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[1:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
   local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
   if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
@@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[3:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
     message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
     # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
-    system(copy_cmd)
+    # system(copy_cmd)
     message(" > '", key, "' download complete!")
+  } else {
+    message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")

From 0b290ce2060d25c68a70b6d34cdf005a0e7b9cfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:13:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 17/64] basic layout for fema processing

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6348dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# # # # load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# install.packages("devtools")
+# transect bucket prefix
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
+nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
+# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
+net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = nextgen_files,
+  y    = transects_files,
+  base = base_dir
+us_states <- 
+  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
+  sf::st_transform(5070)
+# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
+for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  i = 8
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+  transect_path
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  flines_bb <- 
+    flines %>% 
+    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf()
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  # find the states intersecting with the given VPU flowlines
+  intersecting_states <- 
+    sf::st_intersection(us_states, flines_bb) %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    .$name %>% 
+    gsub(" ", "-", .)
+  # get the matching FEMA floodplain FGB file names
+  matching_fema_files <- unlist(lapply(intersecting_states, function(state_name) {
+    FEMA_files[grepl(state_name, FEMA_files)]
+    }))
+  # full paths
+  files_of_interest <-  paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", matching_fema_files)
+  # Iterate over each FEMA file and determine optimal widths for cross sections.....
+  # for (file in rev(files_of_interest)) {
+    fema_fgb <- 
+      file %>% 
+      sf::read_sf() %>% 
+      sf::st_transform(5070)
+    fema_bb <- 
+      fema_fgb %>% 
+      sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+      sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+      sf::st_as_sf()
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

From f7815262fd86fa8fc323c2c09d9b89a190e776dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:41:15 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 18/64] added code to simplfiy, dissolve, and explode fema
 geometries via mapshaper CLI, currently in the download_fema.R script but
 going to move it to its own script

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R          | 138 +++++++++++++++++-
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |  10 ++
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 202 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
index 6348dc9..c2dfee9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
@@ -1,5 +1,58 @@
+# transect bucket prefix
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
+nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+FEMA_FGB_files  <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
+# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
+net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = nextgen_files,
+  y    = transects_files,
+  base = base_dir
+# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
+for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+  transect_path
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  # FEMA_BB_files
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  FEMA_files
+  fema <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_dissolved/Tennessee-100yr-flood_valid_dissolved.geojson")
+  plot(fema$geometry)
+  }
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
@@ -15,8 +68,9 @@ transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
 # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
@@ -29,14 +83,35 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
   base = base_dir
-us_states <- 
-  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
-  sf::st_transform(5070)
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  i = 8
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  # transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+  # transect_path
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  FEMA_BB_files
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
+# for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   i = 8
@@ -52,6 +127,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # # model attributes file and full path
   # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
   # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  FEMA_BB_files
   message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
   # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
@@ -85,6 +161,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # Iterate over each FEMA file and determine optimal widths for cross sections.....
   # for (file in rev(files_of_interest)) {
+  file = "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100/Tennessee-100yr-flood_valid.fgb" 
     fema_fgb <- 
       file %>% 
       sf::read_sf() %>% 
@@ -95,6 +172,53 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       sf::st_bbox() %>% 
       sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+    # fline_subset <- 
+    # flines %>% 
+    # sf::st_intersection(fema_fgb)
+    fline_fema_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(flines, fema_fgb)
+    fema_fline_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema_fgb, flines)
+    fema_subset$FLD_AR_ID %>% unique() %>% length()
+    fema_subset <- 
+      fema_fgb[unlist(fema_fline_intersects), ]  %>% 
+      rmapshaper::ms_simplify()
+    fema_subset$FLD_AR_ID %>% unique() %>% length()
+    fema_subset <- fema_subset %>% 
+      rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "FLD_AR_ID")
+    fema_subset %>% mapview::npts()
+    unlist(flines_with_fema)[1]
+    fema_fgb 
+    flines_with_fema      <- flines[lengths(fline_fema_intersects) > 0,]
+    # flines %>% 
+    #   sf::st_filter(
+    #     fema_fgb, 
+    #     .predicate = st_touches
+    #   )
+    fema_subset %>% 
+      dplyr::filter()
+    fema_subset %>% mapview::npts()
+    transects_subset <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines_with_fema$id)
+    flines %>% sf::st_crs()
+    mapview::mapview(flines) + fema_bb
+    # mapview::mapview(fema_fgb, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    mapview::mapview(fema_subset, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+      mapview::mapview(transects_subset, color = "red") +
+      mapview::mapview(flines_with_fema, color = "green") 
+    message("file: ", file)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+  # }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 6d9e087..3019047 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ FEMA_S3_DIR <- paste0(FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX)
 # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
 FEMA_FGB_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100")
+FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_geojson")
+FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_clean")
+FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
+FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_bounding_box")
+# TODO: these can be deleted
+FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_simplified")
+FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH  <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_dissolved")
+FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH   <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_exploded")
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index 8732b0e..b7d745a 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -7,14 +7,61 @@
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Create FEMA100/ directory (if it does NOT exist) ----
+# ---- Create FEMA100/ directory and bounding box dir (if it does NOT exist) ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create FEMA FGB directory (if not exists) 
 if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
   message(paste0("FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_PATH, "'"))
+# create geojsons directory (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)
+# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)
+# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, "'"))
+# create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)
+# create exploded geojsons directory (if not exists)
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)
+# create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get list of FEMA FGB files in S3 bucket ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
@@ -62,3 +109,154 @@ for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[1:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
     message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Run ogr2ogr to get FGB files into geojson ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
+  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
+  geojson_filename     <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", key)
+  geojson_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
+  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
+  message("Converting \n > '", key, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
+  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
+  system(ogr2ogr_command)
+  message("Saved '", geojson_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Clean FEMA geometries (Simplify, Dissolve, Explode) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_geojson_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# FEMA_BB_paths   <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (fema_file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
+  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
+  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
+  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", basename(fema_file))
+  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
+  message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
+  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
+  # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, 
+                             ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
+                             ' -dissolve \\', 
+                             ' -explode \\', 
+                             ' -o ', output_path
+                             )
+  system(mapshaper_command)
+  message("Mapshaper command: ", mapshaper_command)
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geometries to geopackages ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_clean_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (fema_file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
+  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
+  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
+  output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
+  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+  message("Converting geojson files to gpkg...")
+  message("Converting \n > '", fema_file, "' to geojson '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
+  # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
+  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", fema_file)
+  # system(ogr2ogr_command)
+  message("Saved '", output_gpkg_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+  message()
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Apply hydrofab::clean_geometries() to cleaned FEMA geometries  ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+# FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# for (fema_file in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+#   message("Applying final cleaning process to:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
+#   fema <- sf::read_sf(fema_file)
+#   fema
+#   # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
+#   output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
+#   output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+#   message("Converting geojson files to gpkg...")
+#   message("Converting \n > '", fema_file, "' to geojson '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+#   # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
+#   # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
+#   ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", fema_file)
+#   system(ogr2ogr_command)
+#   message("Saved '", output_gpkg_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+#   message()
+# }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
+  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
+  gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".fgb", "_bb.gpkg", key)
+  bb_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "/", gpkg_filename)
+  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
+  message("Local FEMA file:\n > '", local_fema_path, "'")
+  message("Local output FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
+  # fema <- sf::read_sf(local_fema_path)
+  fema_bb <- 
+    local_fema_path %>% 
+    sf::read_sf() %>% 
+    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_fgb      = key,
+      fema_fgb_path = local_fema_path,
+      state         = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid.fgb", "", key)
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_fgb, fema_fgb_path, state, geometry = x) %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)
+  message("Saving FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
+  sf::write_sf(fema_bb, bb_save_path)
+  message()

From d49133e09c88028b5fa7a738fd6c31a44914e15c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:38:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 19/64] added code to apply clean_geometries from hydrofab

 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 63 +++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index b7d745a..c8a8dc2 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ for (fema_file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
 # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
 FEMA_clean_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# rmapshaper::ms_explode()
 for (fema_file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
   message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
@@ -181,8 +182,8 @@ for (fema_file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
   # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
   ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", fema_file)
-  # system(ogr2ogr_command)
+  system(ogr2ogr_command)
+  # message("ogr2ogr: ", ogr2ogr_command)
   message("Saved '", output_gpkg_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
@@ -191,33 +192,37 @@ for (fema_file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
 # # ---- Apply hydrofab::clean_geometries() to cleaned FEMA geometries  ----
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-# FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-# for (fema_file in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-#   message("Applying final cleaning process to:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
-#   fema <- sf::read_sf(fema_file)
-#   fema
-#   # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
-#   output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
-#   output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
-#   message("Converting geojson files to gpkg...")
-#   message("Converting \n > '", fema_file, "' to geojson '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
-#   # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
-#   # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
-#   ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", fema_file)
-#   system(ogr2ogr_command)
-#   message("Saved '", output_gpkg_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
-#   message()
-# }
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (fema_file in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+  message("Applying final cleaning process to:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
+  fema <- 
+    fema_file %>% 
+    sf::read_sf() %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)%>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::relocate(fema_id)
+  fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(catchments = sf::st_cast(fema, "POLYGON"), ID = "fema_id")
+  # mapview::mapview(fema, col.region = "red") + mapview::mapview(fema_clean, col.region = "green")
+  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
+  # output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
+  # output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+  message("Applying hydrofab::clean_geometry() \n > '", fema_file)
+  sf::write_sf(
+    fema_clean,
+    fema_file
+  )
+  message("Rewritting '", fema_file, "'")
+  message()
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----

From 633109ba9b78d5f16a25eb25fd8b0f7790d75a0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:14:49 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 20/64] created a preprocess_fema.R script in cs_runner/ that
 takes FEMA FGBs and simplifies, and cleans FGBs and outputs cleaned GPKGs for
 use with nextgen flowlines and transect generation

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R          |  86 +--------
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |   8 +-
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R | 156 +----------------
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R  | 249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
index c2dfee9..5835ff3 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
@@ -1,58 +1,5 @@
-# transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
-# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-FEMA_FGB_files  <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-# FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
-# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
-path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-  x    = nextgen_files,
-  y    = transects_files,
-  base = base_dir
-# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # nextgen file and full path
-  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  transect_path
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  # FEMA_BB_files
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
-  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
-  FEMA_files
-  fema <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_dissolved/Tennessee-100yr-flood_valid_dissolved.geojson")
-  plot(fema$geometry)
-  }
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
@@ -68,8 +15,7 @@ transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
@@ -83,32 +29,11 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
   base = base_dir
-# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  i = 8
-  # nextgen file and full path
-  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-  # transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  # transect_path
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  FEMA_BB_files
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
-  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
-  # read in nextgen data
-  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+us_states <- 
+  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
+  sf::st_transform(5070)
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 # for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
@@ -127,7 +52,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # # model attributes file and full path
   # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
   # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  FEMA_BB_files
   message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
   # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 3019047..71233c9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ FEMA_FGB_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100")
 FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_geojson")
 FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_clean")
 FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
-FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_bounding_box")
+FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_bounding_box") # TODO: Probably can be deleted too, not sure yet
 # TODO: these can be deleted
-FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_simplified")
-FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH  <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_dissolved")
-FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH   <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_exploded")
+# FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_simplified")
+# FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH  <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_dissolved")
+# FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH   <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_exploded")
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index c8a8dc2..0606142 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create FEMA100/ directory and bounding box dir (if it does NOT exist) ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# create FEMA FGB directory (if not exists) 
 if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
   message(paste0("FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_PATH, "'"))
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Get list of FEMA FGB files in S3 bucket ----
@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[1:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
   local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
   if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
@@ -109,157 +113,9 @@ for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS[1:length(FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS)]) {
     message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Run ogr2ogr to get FGB files into geojson ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
-  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
-  geojson_filename     <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", key)
-  geojson_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
-  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
-  message("Converting \n > '", key, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
-  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
-  system(ogr2ogr_command)
-  message("Saved '", geojson_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Clean FEMA geometries (Simplify, Dissolve, Explode) ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_geojson_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-# FEMA_BB_paths   <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (fema_file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
-  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
-  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
-  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", basename(fema_file))
-  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
-  message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
-  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
-  # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
-  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, 
-                             ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
-                             ' -dissolve \\', 
-                             ' -explode \\', 
-                             ' -o ', output_path
-                             )
-  system(mapshaper_command)
-  message("Mapshaper command: ", mapshaper_command)
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geometries to geopackages ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_clean_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-# rmapshaper::ms_explode()
-for (fema_file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
-  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
-  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
-  output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
-  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
-  message("Converting geojson files to gpkg...")
-  message("Converting \n > '", fema_file, "' to geojson '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
-  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', fema_file, ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam -o ', output_path)
-  # test_file_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100_simplified/Wyoming-100yr-flood_valid_clean.geojson"
-  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", fema_file)
-  system(ogr2ogr_command)
-  # message("ogr2ogr: ", ogr2ogr_command)
-  message("Saved '", output_gpkg_filename, "' saved to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
-  message()
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# # ---- Apply hydrofab::clean_geometries() to cleaned FEMA geometries  ----
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (fema_file in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-  message("Applying final cleaning process to:\n > '", basename(fema_file), "'")
-  fema <- 
-    fema_file %>% 
-    sf::read_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_transform(5070)%>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::relocate(fema_id)
-  fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(catchments = sf::st_cast(fema, "POLYGON"), ID = "fema_id")
-  # mapview::mapview(fema, col.region = "red") + mapview::mapview(fema_clean, col.region = "green")
-  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", fema_file, "'")
-  # output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(fema_file))
-  # output_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
-  message("Applying hydrofab::clean_geometry() \n > '", fema_file)
-  sf::write_sf(
-    fema_clean,
-    fema_file
-  )
-  message("Rewritting '", fema_file, "'")
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
-  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
-  gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".fgb", "_bb.gpkg", key)
-  bb_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "/", gpkg_filename)
-  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
-  message("Local FEMA file:\n > '", local_fema_path, "'")
-  message("Local output FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
-  # fema <- sf::read_sf(local_fema_path)
-  fema_bb <- 
-    local_fema_path %>% 
-    sf::read_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_fgb      = key,
-      fema_fgb_path = local_fema_path,
-      state         = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid.fgb", "", key)
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_fgb, fema_fgb_path, state, geometry = x) %>% 
-    sf::st_transform(5070)
-  message("Saving FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
-  sf::write_sf(fema_bb, bb_save_path)
-  message()
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5c9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Script should be run AFTER download_fema100.R as the FEMA 100 year flood plain data needs to first be downloaded from S3
+# This file will take a directory of FEMA 100 year FGB files (FEMA_FGB_PATH) the below processes to generate a cleaned, simple set of geopackages 
+# Processing steps:
+# - Convert FGBs to GEOJSON (via ogr2ogr)
+# - Simplifies
+# - Dissolves
+# - Explodes
+# - Convert cleaned GEOJSON to cleaned GPKGs (via ogr2ogr)
+# - Apply hydrofab::clean_geometry()
+# - Partition FEMA 100 geometries by VPU      # TODO still
+# - Get FEMA bounding box geometries (maybe)
+# load config variables
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
+# ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
+#          and overwrite existing previously processed files
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create geojsons directory (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)
+# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)
+# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get paths to downloaded FEMA 100 FGBs ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FEMA_FILENAMES  <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Run ogr2ogr to get FGB files into geojson ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
+  geojson_filename     <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
+  geojson_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
+  message("FEMA filename: '", file, "'")
+  message("Converting \n > '", file, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
+  geojson_exists <- file.exists(geojson_save_path)
+  message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  # ogr2ogr command converting FGBs to GEOJSON for mapshaper processing
+  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
+    system(ogr2ogr_command)
+    message("Writting '", geojson_filename, "' to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
+  }
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Clean FEMA geometries (Simplify, Dissolve, Explode) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_geojson_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
+  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", basename(file), "'")
+  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", file, "'")
+  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", basename(file))
+  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
+  clean_geojson_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
+  message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', file, 
+                             ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
+                             ' -dissolve \\', 
+                             ' -explode \\', 
+                             ' -o ', output_path
+  )
+    message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
+    system(mapshaper_command)
+    message("Writting '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+  }
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geometries to geopackages ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_clean_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
+  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(file), "'")
+  output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(file))
+  output_path          <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+  message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", basename(file), "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+  # system(ogr2ogr_command)
+  clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
+  message(" >>> '", output_gpkg_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_gpkg_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", file)
+  # ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", file)
+    system(ogr2ogr_command)
+    message("Writting '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+  }
+  message()
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Apply hydrofab::clean_geometries() to cleaned FEMA geometries  ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+  message("Applying hydrofab::clean_geometry() to:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
+  fema <-
+    file_path %>%
+    sf::read_sf() %>%
+    sf::st_transform(5070) %>%
+    sf::st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry = geom)
+  message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
+  message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
+  fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
+    catchments = fema,
+    ID         = "fema_id"
+    )
+  fema_clean <-
+    fema_clean %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      source = basename(file_path),
+      state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
+  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
+  # geom_diff <- sf::st_difference(fema[1, ], fema_clean[1, ])
+  # mapview::mapview(fema[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
+  # mapview::mapview(fema_clean[1, ], col.regions = "green") +
+  # mapview::mapview(geom_diff, col.regions = "white")
+    message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
+    sf::write_sf(
+      fema_clean,
+      file_path
+    )
+  }
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (key in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
+  gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".fgb", "_bb.gpkg", key)
+  bb_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, "/", gpkg_filename)
+  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
+  message("Local FEMA file:\n > '", local_fema_path, "'")
+  message("Local output FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
+  # fema <- sf::read_sf(local_fema_path)
+  fema_bb <- 
+    local_fema_path %>% 
+    sf::read_sf() %>% 
+    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_fgb      = key,
+      fema_fgb_path = local_fema_path,
+      state         = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid.fgb", "", key)
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_fgb, fema_fgb_path, state, geometry = x) %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)
+  message("Saving FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
+  sf::write_sf(fema_bb, bb_save_path)
+  message()

From 703fadfd334dab339a8a32c60e552836a2d18900 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 18:29:53 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 21/64] partioning fema floodplains by vpu code

 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R     |  12 +++
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R | 151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R           |  28 ++++++
 3 files changed, 191 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/utils.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 71233c9..7774d5b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -27,6 +27,18 @@ FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_clean")
 FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
 FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_bounding_box") # TODO: Probably can be deleted too, not sure yet
+FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA_BY_VPU")
+VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+#                         FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_",
+#                         unlist(
+#                           lapply(list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE), function(vpu_file_names) {
+#                             unlist(regmatches(vpu_file_names,  gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", vpu_file_names)))})
+#                           )
+#                         )
 # TODO: these can be deleted
 # FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_simplified")
 # FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH  <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_dissolved")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index aa5c9aa..00d31e6 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -13,9 +13,12 @@
 # load config variables
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
@@ -48,6 +51,24 @@ if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
+# create directory for FEMA geomteries partioned by VPU
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)
+  # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
+  if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
+    message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
+    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
+    dir.create(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
+  }
 # create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
 if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
   message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
@@ -211,6 +232,136 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to the a Nextgen VPU ---- 
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Clean FEMA GPKG files
+FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
+NEXTGEN_FILENAMES  <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
+  fema_file <- basename(file_path)
+  message("Partioning FEMA polygons by VPU: \n > FEMA gpkg: '", fema_file, "'")
+  # read in fema polygons
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+  for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
+    nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
+    vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
+    message("VPU: ", vpu)   
+    message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
+    message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
+    # nextgen_path <- NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS[13]
+    # read in nextgen flowlines 
+    flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+    # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
+    fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
+    fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
+    message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
+    if(fema_in_nextgen) {
+      # create filepaths
+      vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
+      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
+      # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
+      fema_intersect <-
+        fema_intersect %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+          vpu = vpu
+        ) %>%
+        dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state,
+                      areasqkm, geom)
+      # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
+      fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
+      fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
+        message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
+        sf::write_sf(
+          fema_intersect,
+          fema_vpu_path
+        )
+      }
+    }
+    message()
+  }
+  message(
+    "--------------------------------------------------------------\n", 
+    "Completed all VPU intersections for: \n > '", fema_file, "'",
+    "\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+    )
+#   text = "nextgen_03W.gpkg"
+#   VPU <- unlist(regmatches(text, 
+#                         gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", text)
+#                         ))
+#   fema <-
+#     file_path %>%
+#     sf::read_sf() %>%
+#     sf::st_transform(5070) %>%
+#     sf::st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry = geom)
+#   message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
+#   message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
+#   fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
+#     catchments = fema,
+#     ID         = "fema_id"
+#     )
+#   fema_clean <-
+#     fema_clean %>%
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       source = basename(file_path),
+#       state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
+#   message("End time: ", Sys.time())
+#   # geom_diff <- sf::st_difference(fema[1, ], fema_clean[1, ])
+#   # mapview::mapview(fema[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
+#   # mapview::mapview(fema_clean[1, ], col.regions = "green") +
+#   # mapview::mapview(geom_diff, col.regions = "white")
+#     message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
+#     sf::write_sf(
+#       fema_clean,
+#       file_path
+#     )
+#   }
+#   message()
+# }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae40b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#' Get the polygons that interesect with any of the linestring geometries
+#' This is just a wrapper around geos::geos_intersects_matrix. Takes in sf dataframes, uses geos, then outputs sf dataframes
+#' @param polygons polygon sf object. Default is NULL
+#' @param lines linestring sf object. Default is NULL.
+#' @return sf dataframe of polygons that intersect with the linestrings
+polygons_with_line_intersects <- function(polygons = NULL, lines = NULL) {
+  if (is.null(polygons)) {
+    stop("NULL 'polygons' argument, provide an sf dataframe of POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON geometries")
+  }
+  if (is.null(lines)) {
+    stop("NULL 'lines' argument, provide an sf dataframe of LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING geometries")
+  }
+  # Convert the SF geometries to geos geometries
+  polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)
+  lines_geos      <- geos::as_geos_geometry(lines)
+  # create an index between the polygons and linestrings
+  lines_index <-  geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, lines_geos)
+  # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
+  polygons_with_lines <- polygons[lengths(lines_index) != 0, ]
+  return(polygons_with_lines)

From 5d36e1ecd35967b5619d5fbdadda0f22f56af51c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 13:59:07 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 22/64] small minor cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R       | 15 +++------
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R    | 23 -------------
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R | 51 -----------------------------
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 7d5cc8e..4b18b93 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ library(sf)
 # cross section bucket prefix
 cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
-# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
 # transect bucket prefix
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
@@ -48,9 +47,8 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 13:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 1
+for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   start <- Sys.time()
@@ -102,8 +100,7 @@ for (i in 13:nrow(path_df)) {
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # system.time({
   # get cross section point elevations
   cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
     cs             = transects,
@@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ for (i in 13:nrow(path_df)) {
     min_pts_per_cs = 10,
     dem            = DEM_URL
-  # })
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -313,9 +310,7 @@ for (i in 13:nrow(path_df)) {
                   ) %>% 
                     dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
                     dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
-  ###################################### 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index cc0ee52..c607e9f 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -35,25 +35,13 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # ML Outputs
 ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
-# cs_ml_data_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_pts_for_ml_tests/nextgen_06_cross_sections_for_ml.parquet"
-# ml_output_path <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/ml-outputs/channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
-# conus_network_path <- 's3://lynker-spatial/v20.1/conus_net.parquet'
-# for (i in 1:5000) {
-#   start <- Sys.time()
-#   message(i, " - time: '", start, "'")
-# }
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
   start <- round(Sys.time())
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -62,10 +50,6 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   cs_file      <- path_df$y[i]
   cs_pts_path  <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, cs_file)
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
-  # ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
   # current VPU being processed
   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
@@ -141,10 +125,6 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # ---- Subset ML data to specific VPU and add "hy_id" column to ML data -----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # # ML Outputs
-  # ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
   # Join hy_id onto the ML outputs and then remove the rows WITHOUT matches in hy_id
   #  this should give us a (nearly) one-to-one cross walk between "hy_id" in the cross section points 
   # and "hf_id" in the ML outputs dataset
@@ -198,9 +178,6 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     ) %>% 
-  # cs_pts %>% dplyr::filter(owp_tw_inchan <= 0 | owp_tw_bf <= 0)
-  # dplyr::left_join( stream_order, by = "hy_id") 
   # extract any cross sections that didn't get matched with a "hf_id" and (or?) no ML data
   # TODO: look at this stuff with Arash (04/09/2024)
   missing_cs <- 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 00d31e6..9e38680 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -258,8 +258,6 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
     message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
     message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
-    # nextgen_path <- NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS[13]
     # read in nextgen flowlines 
     flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
@@ -313,55 +311,6 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
-#   text = "nextgen_03W.gpkg"
-#   VPU <- unlist(regmatches(text, 
-#                         gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", text)
-#                         ))
-#   fema <-
-#     file_path %>%
-#     sf::read_sf() %>%
-#     sf::st_transform(5070) %>%
-#     sf::st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-#     ) %>%
-#     dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry = geom)
-#   message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
-#   message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
-#   fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
-#     catchments = fema,
-#     ID         = "fema_id"
-#     )
-#   fema_clean <-
-#     fema_clean %>%
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       source = basename(file_path),
-#       state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
-#     ) %>%
-#     dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
-#   message("End time: ", Sys.time())
-#   # geom_diff <- sf::st_difference(fema[1, ], fema_clean[1, ])
-#   # mapview::mapview(fema[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
-#   # mapview::mapview(fema_clean[1, ], col.regions = "green") +
-#   # mapview::mapview(geom_diff, col.regions = "white")
-#     message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
-#     sf::write_sf(
-#       fema_clean,
-#       file_path
-#     )
-#   }
-#   message()
-# }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From 59a8d0af49628ccf9ecf6966fc197535e3506f9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 14:42:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 23/64] random cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R     | 6 ------
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R | 7 -------
 2 files changed, 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
index 5835ff3..304268f 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
@@ -3,12 +3,6 @@ library(dplyr)
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# # # # load libraries
-# library(hydrofabric3D)
-# library(dplyr)
-# library(sf)
-# install.packages("devtools")
 # transect bucket prefix
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 7774d5b..47483c9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- General paths and constants variables ----
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 base_dir     <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
 # AWS profile to run CLI commands 
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA_BY_VPU")
 VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
 #                         FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_",
 #                         unlist(
@@ -39,11 +37,6 @@ FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_", VPU_IDS)
 #                             unlist(regmatches(vpu_file_names,  gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", vpu_file_names)))})
 #                           )
 #                         )
-# TODO: these can be deleted
-# FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_simplified")
-# FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH  <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_dissolved")
-# FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH   <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_exploded")
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----

From d8742c152cf601b69177555a555e563b8d38cabf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 11:38:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 24/64] added ogr2ogr commands to merge together all femas
 within a VPU into single gpkgs

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R               |  1 +
 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R       | 44 ++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 115 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
index 304268f..11f55be 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ us_states <-
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
   flines_bb <- 
     flines %>% 
     sf::st_bbox() %>% 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5964c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# transect bucket prefix
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
+nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+# FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+# FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
+# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
+net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = nextgen_files,
+  y    = transects_files,
+  base = base_dir
+us_states <- 
+  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
+  sf::st_transform(5070)
+# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
+# for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  i = 8
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+  VPU <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  transect_path
+  # # model attributes file and full path
+  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
+  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  FEMA_vpu_dir <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", VPU), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
+  list.files(FEMA_vpu_dir)
+  VPU
+  fema <- sf::read_sf()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 9e38680..c1d9772 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -311,6 +311,50 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+  message("Merging files in VPU dir '", vpu_dir, "'")
+  fema_vpu_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  master_name <- paste0("fema_", tolower(basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_gpkg_name <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+  for(gpkg_file in fema_vpu_gpkgs) {
+    message("- Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
+            paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name), "'")
+    ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
+                                    paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name), 
+                                    " ", gpkg_file
+                                    )
+      system(ogr2ogr_merge_command)
+    }
+      message("Deleting individual gpkgs from\n > '", vpu_dir, "'")
+      files_to_delete <- fema_vpu_gpkgs[!grepl(master_gpkg_name, fema_vpu_gpkgs)]
+      remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", files_to_delete)
+      for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
+        message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
+        system(remove_cmd)
+      }
+    }
+    message()
+  }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From 4d4d0570217c44e8cb52c9def50aaca4688d3ba9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 16:10:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 25/64] work in progress on extending transects according to
 fema polygons

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 5964c1f..5cceadb 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -59,12 +59,87 @@ us_states <-
   FEMA_vpu_dir <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", VPU), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
-  list.files(FEMA_vpu_dir)
+  vpu_fema_file <- list.files(FEMA_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  FEMA_vpu_dir
-  fema <- sf::read_sf()
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  transects_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
+  fema_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema)     
+  fema_geos  
+  fema_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, fema_geos) 
+  transects_fema_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(fema_geos, transects_geos) 
+  fema_transects_matrix
+  # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
+  transects_with_fema <- transects[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0, ]
+  fema_with_transects <- fema[lengths(transects_fema_matrix) != 0, ]
+  lengths(transects_fema_matrix)
+  mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects
+  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
+  transects  %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
+    .$tmp_id %>% 
+    unique() %>% .[1:30]
+  trans_subset <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
+  fema_subset <- 
+    fema %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(fema_id == "1268")
+  extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(500, nrow(trans_subset)))
+  extended
+  clipped_trans <- rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema)
+  rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema_subset)
+  mapview::mapview(trans_subset, color = "red") + 
+    mapview::mapview(extended, color = "yellow") +
+    # mapview::mapview(  sf::st_difference(extended, fema_subset), color = "green") +
+    mapview::mapview(clipped_trans,  color = "green") +
+    fema 
+   rep(50, nrow(trans_subset))
+  extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset)))
+  hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(trans_subset, 50) %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% mapview::mapview()
\ No newline at end of file

From 89242b264cc2e1457818e346be42d103fe10ac8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 16:01:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 26/64] small changes to dir structure for final merged fema

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 17 +++++
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R       | 85 +++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 5cceadb..1a33558 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -80,6 +80,23 @@ us_states <-
   # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
+  fema_transects_matrix[[557]]
+  fema_tmp <- fema[fema_transects_matrix[[557]], ]
+  trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
+ fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
+ fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
+   # rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "state")
+ sf::st_union()
+  mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
+    mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
+    mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
+    mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
+  transects
+  fema_transects_matrix
   transects_with_fema <- transects[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0, ]
   fema_with_transects <- fema[lengths(transects_fema_matrix) != 0, ]
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index c1d9772..6b6c2f8 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -59,11 +59,32 @@ if (!dir.exists(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)) {
   # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
+  # message(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
+  state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
+  merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
   if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
     message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
-    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
+    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
+  if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
+      message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
+      message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
+      dir.create(state_dir)
+     }
+  if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
+    message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
+    message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
+    dir.create(merged_dir)
+    }
@@ -242,6 +263,7 @@ FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 NEXTGEN_FILENAMES  <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
   fema_file <- basename(file_path)
@@ -272,7 +294,7 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
       # create filepaths
       vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
-      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
+      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
       # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
       fema_intersect <-
@@ -316,43 +338,62 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
 # ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+  message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
+  # vpu_dir <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_06'
+  vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  states_dir <- vpu_subdirs[grepl(paste0(vpu_dir, "/states"), vpu_subdirs)]
+  merged_dir <- vpu_subdirs[grepl(paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged"), vpu_subdirs)]
-  message("Merging files in VPU dir '", vpu_dir, "'")
-  fema_vpu_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(states_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  master_name <- paste0("fema_", tolower(basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_name      <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
   master_gpkg_name <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  for(gpkg_file in fema_vpu_gpkgs) {
-    message("- Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
-            paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name), "'")
+  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
+  master_filepath  <- paste0(merged_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
+    # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
+    #         basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+    #         "'")
+    message(" > '", 
+            basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+            "'")
     ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
-                                    paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name), 
+                                    master_filepath, 
                                     " ", gpkg_file
+  }
+    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '/states' directory...")
+    # message("- Deleting individual gpkgs from 'states' directory:\n > '", states_dir, "'")
-      message("Deleting individual gpkgs from\n > '", vpu_dir, "'")
-      files_to_delete <- fema_vpu_gpkgs[!grepl(master_gpkg_name, fema_vpu_gpkgs)]
-      remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", files_to_delete)
-      for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
-        message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
-        system(remove_cmd)
-      }
+    remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
+    for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
+      message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
+      system(remove_cmd)
-    message()
+  # message()
+  message("Merge complete!")
+  message("Merged '", basename(vpu_dir), "' FEMA output geopackage:\n --> '", master_filepath, "'")
+  message()
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From c8a1ff174e28c692103dc9a5c86fa13df19e0e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 16:30:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 27/64] one more round of dissolving and exploding

 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 6b6c2f8..ba74369 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -342,9 +342,13 @@ DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS <- FALSE
-for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+# for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+for (i in 1:4) {
+  vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
+# }
   # vpu_dir <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_06'
   vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
@@ -396,6 +400,76 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MERGED_DIRS <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, "/merged")
+for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+  vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+  VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
+  message("Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
+  merged_dir <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged")
+  fema_vpu_file <- list.files(merged_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  has_fema_vpu_file <- ifelse(length(fema_vpu_file) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
+  # message()
+  # fema_vpu_file
+# }
+  if(!has_fema_vpu_file) { 
+    message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
+    message()
+    next
+  }
+  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(fema_vpu_file), "'")
+  fema_vpu_file <- fema_vpu_file[!grepl("_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)]
+  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(fema_vpu_file)
+  # fema_ids <- c(695)
+  # fema_vpu <-
+  #   fema_vpu %>%
+  #   dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
+  #   dplyr::summarise()  %>%
+  #   dplyr::ungroup()
+  # 2633 = old number of polygons
+  fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_vpu,
+                                       field = "source",
+                                       sys = TRUE,
+                                       sys_mem = 16
+                                       )
+  fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema_vpu,     
+                                      sys = TRUE,
+                                      sys_mem = 16)
+  fema_vpu <-
+    fema_vpu %>%
+    dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
+      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+      fema_id  = paste0(state, "_", 1:dplyr::n())
+      ) %>%
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
+    union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
+    message("> Writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
+    sf::write_sf(
+      fema_vpu,
+      union_file_path
+      )
+  }
+  message()
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From b34d3b3a28f17a659a635c85866c7edaa13afbc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 11:02:10 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 28/64] added code for splitting up transects to check within
 FEMA relations and began checking for min extension distances, WIP, needs

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 557 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 510 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 1a33558..3ca2eb7 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
-# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<vpu>.gpkg for each vpu
 # transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3d/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-# FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+# fema_files      <- list.files(fema_fgb_path, full.names = FALSE)
+# fema_bb_files   <- list.files(fema_fgb_bb_path, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
-# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+net_source <- "hydrofabric3d"
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by vpu
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
   x    = nextgen_files,
   y    = transects_files,
@@ -27,11 +26,7 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-us_states <- 
-  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
-  sf::st_transform(5070)
-# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
+# loop over each vpu and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to s3 bucket
 # for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   i = 8
@@ -43,62 +38,530 @@ us_states <-
   transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
   transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  VPU <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  vpu <- path_df$vpu[i]
   # # model attributes file and full path
   # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
   # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
-  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  # message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  FEMA_vpu_dir <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", VPU), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
-  vpu_fema_file <- list.files(FEMA_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  FEMA_vpu_dir
-  VPU
+  fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
+  fema_vpu_dir
+  vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # vpu_fema_file1 <- vpu_fema_files[grepl("_union.gpkg", vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file
+  # fema1 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file1)
+  # fema2 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_filev2)  
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
+  # fema %>%  mapview::npts() 
+  # fema2 %>%  mapview::npts() 
+  fema <- 
+    fema %>%
+    rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.10)
+  fema %>%  mapview::npts()
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
   transects_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
-  fema_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema)     
+  fema_geos      <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema)     
+  length(fema_geos)
-  fema_geos  
-  fema_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, fema_geos) 
-  transects_fema_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(fema_geos, transects_geos) 
+  # fema_geos  
+  transects_fema_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, fema_geos) 
+  fema_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(fema_geos, transects_geos) 
-  fema_transects_matrix
+  # transects_fema_matrix
   # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
-  fema_transects_matrix[[557]]
-  fema_tmp <- fema[fema_transects_matrix[[557]], ]
-  trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
+  # transects_fema_matrix[[557]]
+  # fema_tmp <- fema[transects_fema_matrix[[557]], ]
+  # trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
- fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
- fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
+ # fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
+ # fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
    # rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "state")
- sf::st_union()
-  mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
-    mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
-    mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
-    mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
-  transects
+  # mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
+  fema_transects_matrix
+  trans_fema    <- transects[lengths(transects_fema_matrix) != 0, ]
+  # fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0, ]
+  fema_polygons <- fema_geos[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0]
-  fema_transects_matrix
-  transects_with_fema <- transects[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0, ]
-  fema_with_transects <- fema[lengths(transects_fema_matrix) != 0, ]
+  fema_lines <- 
+    fema_polygons %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+    sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
+    geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
+    geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
+  # length(fema_geos)
+  # nrow(fema)
+  # fema_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons)
+  tmp_trans <- trans_fema[1:5000, ]
+  # tmp_centroid <- sf::st_centroid(tmp_trans)
+  # sf::st_segmentize()
+  # split_trans <- lwgeom::st_split(tmp_trans, tmp_centroid)
+  # # tmp_trans
+  max_extension_distance <- 2500
+  # unlist(tmp_trans$geom)
+  # unlist(sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, 4)$geom)
+  min_segmentation <- min(tmp_trans$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
+  # which.min(tmp_trans$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
+  segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, min_segmentation)
+  # unlist(segmented_trans$geom)
+  unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+  length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+  lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
+  # left_trans   <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0, 0.50)
+  # right_trans  <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0.50, 1)
+  # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    # mapview::mapview(tmp_trans, color = "red") +
+    #   mapview::mapview(tmp_trans[42, ], color = "yellow") +
+    # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "dodgerblue") +
+    # mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "green")
+  left_trans <- 
+    segmented_trans %>% 
+    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0, 0.50) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      partition         = "left",
+      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+    ) %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
+  # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
+  right_trans <- 
+    segmented_trans %>% 
+    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      partition         = "right",
+      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+    ) %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>%
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
+  # convert the transect geometries to geos types
+  # get the fema polygon indices for the transect halves that are completely within a fema polygon
+  # add the fema polygons index as a column to the transect dataframes
+  left_trans_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+  right_trans_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
+  left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
+  right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
+  left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
+  right_within_vect   <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
+  # add the fema polygon indexes as columns
+  left_trans$left_fema_index    <- left_within_vect
+  right_trans$right_fema_index  <- right_within_vect
+  # add boolean columns whether the transect is fully within the FEMA polygons
+  left_trans <- 
+    left_trans %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
+        ! ~ TRUE,
+        TRUE                    ~ FALSE
+      )
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
+                  left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
+                  geom
+    )
+  right_trans <- 
+    right_trans %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      right_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
+        ! ~ TRUE,
+        TRUE               ~ FALSE
+      )
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
+                  right_fema_index, right_is_within_fema, 
+                  geom
+    ) 
+ # left_trans
+ #  
+ # sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons)
+ # geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons)
+ # geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+ # geos::geos_within(geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans), geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
+  left_trans_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+  left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
+  left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) {
+                          if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } }
+                          )
+  left_trans
+  left_trans <- 
+    left_trans %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
+        ! ~ TRUE,
+        TRUE               ~ FALSE
+      )
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
+                  left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
+                  geom
+                  )
+  left_trans
+  # left_trans$geom2 <- left_trans_geos 
+  # left_trans <- 
+  #   left_trans %>% 
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     geom = geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans_geos)
+  #     # geom2 = left_trans_geos
+  #   )
+  left_trans_geos
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
+  # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
+  left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
+  left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
+  # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
+  left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
+  # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
+  # 1:length(left_ids)
+  extension_count = 0
+  for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
+    # i = 1
+    tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
+    is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
+    fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
+    message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
+    # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+    #   break
+    # }
+    # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
+    # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
+    if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+      message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
+      message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
+      extension_count = extension_count + 1
+      message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
+      trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
+      index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
+      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(fema_lines[index_vect])
+      # fema_lines[index_vect]
+      dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+                          distances    = 1:5000,
+                          line         = trans_geom,
+                          geoms_to_cut = fema_lines[index_vect],
+                          direction    = "both"
+                        )
+      left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
+    }
+    message()
+  }
+  left_trans_geos
+  vctrs::vec_c(
+    vctrs::vec_c(
+      left_trans$hy_id
+  ),
+  vctrs::vec_cast(left_trans$cs_id)
+  )
+ #  
+ #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + fema_polygons[1888, ]
+ # left_trans <- 
+ #    left_trans %>%
+ #    dplyr::mutate(
+ #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
+ #    ) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+ #  
+  # left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+  sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
+  fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
+  fema_polygons %>% na.omit()
+  # NOTE: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
+  left_fema <- fema_polygons[sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))]
+  left_fema
+  left_fema %>% plot()
+  geos::geos_make_linestring(geom = left_fema)
+  left_trans$fema_index
+  sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
+  # left_fema <- fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
+  left_fema_lines <- 
+    left_fema %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+    sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
+    geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
+    geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
+  left_fema %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+    mapview::npts()
+  geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 50) %>% 
+    geos::geos_num_coordinates() %>%
+    sum()
+  geos::geos_num_coordinates(left_fema_lines) %>% sum()
+  geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 1) %>% 
+    .[3] %>% 
+    plot()
+  left_fema_lines[3] %>% plot()
+  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+      distances    = 1:2000,
+      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+      direction    = "head"
+    )
+  }) %>% 
+    unlist()
+  left_trans$left_head_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
+  # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
+  right_trans <- 
+    segmented_trans %>% 
+    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      partition         = "right",
+      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
+  right_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
+  right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
+  right_within_vect <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) {
+                      if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA_real_) } }
+                      )
+ right_trans$fema_index <- right_within_vect
+#  right_trans <- 
+#     right_trans %>%
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+  right_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(right_trans$fema_index),] 
+  right_fema_lines <- 
+    right_fema %>% 
+    sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
+  right_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(right_trans_geos), function(i) {
+    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+      distances    = 1:2000,
+      line         = right_trans_geos[i],
+      geoms_to_cut = right_fema_lines,
+      direction    = "tail"
+    )
+  }) %>% 
+    unlist()
+  right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists <- right_extension_dists
+  right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists
+  unlist(sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons))
+  left_trans <- 
+    left_trans %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
+    ) %>% 
+  dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+  left_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(left_trans$fema_index),]
+  left_fema_lines <- 
+    left_fema %>% 
+    sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
+  geos::as_geos_geometry(left_fema)
+  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+    mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
+  left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+  left_trans_geos %>% plot()
+  left_trans_geos[2]
+  length(left_trans_geos)
+  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+   hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+      distances    = 1:2000,
+      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+      direction    = "head"
+    )
+  }) %>% 
+    unlist()
+  left_extensions  <- geos::geos_empty()
+  for (i in 1:length(left_extension_dists)) {
+    dist = left_extension_dists[i]
+    geos_line <- left_trans_geos[i]
+    message(glue::glue("i: {i}\ndist: {dist}"))
+    extended <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(
+      geos_line,
+      dist,
+      "head"
+    )
+    left_extensions <- vctrs::vec_c(left_extensions, extended)
+  }
+  # index for only valid transects
+  # is_valid <- !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
+  left_extensions <- left_extensions[!geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)]
+  # !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
+  new_left_trans <- 
+    left_trans %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      geom = sf::st_as_sfc(left_extensions)
+    ) %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf()
+  # geos::sf
+  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+    mapview::mapview(new_left_trans, color = "green")
+  mapply(function(geom, dist) {
+      hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
+    },
+  left_trans_geos,
+  left_extension_dists
+  )
+  left_extensions <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+    extend_dist <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+        distances    = 1:2000,
+        line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+        geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+        direction    = "head"
+      )
+    hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
+    })
+  # unlist(left_extensions)
+  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+      distances    = 1:2000,
+      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+      direction    = "head"
+    )
+  }) 
+  distance_to_extend <- 
+    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+      distances    = 1:1500,
+      line         = left_trans_geos[1],
+      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+      direction    = "head"
+    )
+  extended <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf()
+  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+    mapview::mapview(extended, color = "green")
+    # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
+  left_trans$geom %>% sf::st_length()
+  plot(segmented_trans$geom, col = "red", lwd =5)
+  plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = TRUE)
+  plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = TRUE)
+  unlist(left_trans$geom)
+   unlist(right_trans$geom)
+  unlist(tmp_trans$geom )
+  unlist(split_trans$geom )
+  split_trans %>% 
+    sf::st_collection_extract("LINESTRING")
+  split_trans$geom
+  tmp_trans$geom
+  nngeo::st_segments(tmp_trans) %>% 
+    .$result %>% 
+    plot()
+  mapview::mapview(tmp_trans) + tmp_centroid
+  geos::geos_clip_by_rect()
+  transects_with_
   mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects

From 75e93bd03259449f3147a15f6350a029273b2740 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 15:50:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 29/64] continued work on generating extended transect lines
 from fema files

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 702 ++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 445 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 3ca2eb7..d328e89 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -60,255 +60,443 @@ path_df
   # fema1 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file1)
   # fema2 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_filev2)  
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
-  # fema %>%  mapview::npts() 
-  # fema2 %>%  mapview::npts() 
-  fema <- 
-    fema %>%
-    rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.10)
-  fema %>%  mapview::npts()
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-  transects_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
-  fema_geos      <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema)     
-  length(fema_geos)
-  # fema_geos  
-  transects_fema_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, fema_geos) 
-  fema_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(fema_geos, transects_geos) 
-  # transects_fema_matrix
-  # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
-  # transects_fema_matrix[[557]]
-  # fema_tmp <- fema[transects_fema_matrix[[557]], ]
-  # trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
- # fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
- # fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
-   # rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "state")
-  # mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
-  fema_transects_matrix
-  trans_fema    <- transects[lengths(transects_fema_matrix) != 0, ]
-  # fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0, ]
-  fema_polygons <- fema_geos[lengths(fema_transects_matrix) != 0]
-  fema_lines <- 
-    fema_polygons %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
-    geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-    geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
-  # length(fema_geos)
-  # nrow(fema)
-  # fema_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons)
-  tmp_trans <- trans_fema[1:5000, ]
-  # tmp_centroid <- sf::st_centroid(tmp_trans)
-  # sf::st_segmentize()
-  # split_trans <- lwgeom::st_split(tmp_trans, tmp_centroid)
-  # # tmp_trans
-  max_extension_distance <- 2500
-  # unlist(tmp_trans$geom)
-  # unlist(sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, 4)$geom)
-  min_segmentation <- min(tmp_trans$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
-  # which.min(tmp_trans$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
-  segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, min_segmentation)
-  # unlist(segmented_trans$geom)
-  unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-  length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-  lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
-  # left_trans   <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0, 0.50)
-  # right_trans  <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0.50, 1)
-  # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    # mapview::mapview(tmp_trans, color = "red") +
-    #   mapview::mapview(tmp_trans[42, ], color = "yellow") +
-    # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "dodgerblue") +
-    # mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "green")
-  left_trans <- 
-    segmented_trans %>% 
-    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0, 0.50) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      partition         = "left",
-      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-    ) %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-  # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
-  right_trans <- 
-    segmented_trans %>% 
-    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      partition         = "right",
-      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-    ) %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>%
-    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-  # convert the transect geometries to geos types
-  # get the fema polygon indices for the transect halves that are completely within a fema polygon
-  # add the fema polygons index as a column to the transect dataframes
-  left_trans_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-  right_trans_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
+  # fema %>%  mapview::npts() 
+  # fema2 %>%  mapview::npts() 
-  left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
-  right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
+  # Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons")
+  # internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons
+  # transect_lines, set of Sf linestrigns to extend (only if the transect lines are ENTIRELLY within a polygons)
+  # polygons, set of sf polygons that transect lines should be exteneded 
+  # max_extension_distance numeric, maximum distance (meters) to extend a transect line in either direction to try and intersect one of the "polygons"
+  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines, polygons, max_extension_distance) {
+    # transect_lines <- transects
+    # polygons <- fema
+    # max_extension_distance <- 2500
+    # keep 10% of the original points for speed
+    polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep = 0.10)
+    # fema %>%  mapview::npts()
+    # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+    transects_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
+    polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)     
-  left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
-  right_within_vect   <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
+    # length(polygons_geos)
+    # polygons_geos  
+    transects_polygons_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, polygons_geos) 
+    polygons_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, transects_geos) 
+    # transects_polygons_matrix
+    # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
+    # transects_polygons_matrix[[557]]
+    # fema_tmp <- fema[transects_polygons_matrix[[557]], ]
+    # trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
+   # fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
+   # fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
+     # rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "state")
-  # add the fema polygon indexes as columns
-  left_trans$left_fema_index    <- left_within_vect
-  right_trans$right_fema_index  <- right_within_vect
+    # mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
+    #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
+    #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
+    #   mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
-  # add boolean columns whether the transect is fully within the FEMA polygons
-  left_trans <- 
-    left_trans %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
-        ! ~ TRUE,
-        TRUE                    ~ FALSE
-      )
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
-                  left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
-                  geom
-    )
+    # polygons_transects_matrix
+    # subset the transects and polygons to only those with intersections
+    intersect_transects  <- transects[lengths(transects_polygons_matrix) != 0, ]
+    intersect_polygons   <- polygons_geos[lengths(polygons_transects_matrix) != 0]
+    # Convert our intersecting polygons to LINESTRINGS b/c we DON'T NEED polygons to calculate extension distances from our transect lines
+    # This can be done with just linestrings (not sure if this is actually more performent but I'm pretty sure it is....)
+    intersect_lines <- 
+      intersect_polygons %>% 
+      sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+      sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
+      geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
+      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
+    # length(polygons_geos)
+    # nrow(fema)
+    # polygons_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(intersect_polygons)
+    # tmp_trans <- intersect_transects[1:5000, ]
+    # tmp_centroid <- sf::st_centroid(tmp_trans)
+    # sf::st_segmentize()
+    # split_trans <- lwgeom::st_split(tmp_trans, tmp_centroid)
+    # # tmp_trans
+    # max_extension_distance <- 2500
+    # unlist(tmp_trans$geom)
+    # unlist(sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, 4)$geom)
+    # use half of the shortest transect line as the segmentation length for all transects (ensures all transects will have a midpoint...?)
+    # TODO: Double check this logic.
+    min_segmentation <- min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
+    # which.min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
+    # make each transect line have way more segments so we can take a left and right half of each transect line
+    segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(intersect_transects, min_segmentation)
+    # unlist(segmented_trans$geom)
+    unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+    length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+    lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
+    # left_trans   <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0, 0.50)
+    # right_trans  <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0.50, 1)
+    # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+      # mapview::mapview(intersect_transects, color = "red") +
+      #   mapview::mapview(intersect_transects[42, ], color = "yellow") +
+      # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "dodgerblue") +
+      # mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "green")
+    # Seperate the transect lines into LEFT and RIGHT halves
+    # We do this so we can check if a side of a transect is ENTIRELY WITHIN a polygon. 
+    # If the half is entirely within a polygon, 
+    left_trans <- 
+      segmented_trans %>% 
+      lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0, 0.50) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        partition         = "left",
+        partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+      ) %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
+    # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
+    right_trans <- 
+      segmented_trans %>% 
+      lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        partition         = "right",
+        partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+      ) %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>%
+      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-  right_trans <- 
-    right_trans %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      right_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
-        ! ~ TRUE,
-        TRUE               ~ FALSE
+    # convert the transect geometries to geos types
+    # get the fema polygon indices for the transect halves that are completely within a fema polygon
+    # add the fema polygons index as a column to the transect dataframes
+    left_trans_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+    right_trans_geos    <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
+    left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, intersect_polygons)
+    right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, intersect_polygons)
+    left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
+    right_within_vect   <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
+    # add the fema polygon indexes as columns
+    left_trans$left_fema_index    <- left_within_vect
+    right_trans$right_fema_index  <- right_within_vect
+    # add boolean columns whether the transect is fully within the FEMA polygons
+    left_trans <- 
+      left_trans %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
+          ! ~ TRUE,
+          TRUE                    ~ FALSE
+        )
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
+                    left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
+                    geom
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
-                  right_fema_index, right_is_within_fema, 
-                  geom
-    ) 
- # left_trans
- #  
- # sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons)
- # geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons)
- # geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
- # geos::geos_within(geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans), geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
-  left_trans_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-  left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, fema_polygons)
-  left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) {
-                          if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } }
+    right_trans <- 
+      right_trans %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        right_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
+          ! ~ TRUE,
+          TRUE               ~ FALSE
+        )
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
+                    right_fema_index, right_is_within_fema, 
+                    geom
+      ) 
+    left_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
+      geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos,
+      ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id,
+      lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines,
+      lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index,
+      direction              = "head",
+      max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
+    )
+    right_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
+      geos_geoms             = right_trans_geos,
+      ids                    = right_trans$tmp_id,
+      lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines,
+      lines_to_cut_indices   = right_trans$right_fema_index,
+      direction              = "tail",
+      max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
+    )  
+    left_trans$left_distance   <- left_distances
+    right_trans$right_distance <- right_distances
+    extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
+                          sf::st_drop_geometry(
+                            dplyr::select(left_trans, 
+                                          hy_id, cs_id, left_distance)
+                            ),
+                          sf::st_drop_geometry(
+                            dplyr::select(right_trans, 
+                                        hy_id, cs_id, 
+                                        right_distance)
+                            ),
+                          by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-  left_trans
-  left_trans <- 
-    left_trans %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
-        ! ~ TRUE,
-        TRUE               ~ FALSE
+    transects_with_distances <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::left_join(
+                extensions_by_id,
+                by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+            ) %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+    fline_id_array <- flines$id
+    # Convert the net object into a geos_geometry
+    flines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flines)
+    transect_hy_id_array <- transects_with_distances$hy_id
+    transect_cs_id_array <- transects_with_distances$cs_id
+    transect_geoms  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects_with_distances$geom)
+    left_distances  <- transects_with_distances$left_distance
+    right_distances <- transects_with_distances$right_distance
+    # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
+    new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_ids)))
+    # new_transects <- geos::geos_empty()
+    # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
+    for (i in seq_along(transect_ids)) {
+      message("i: ", i)
+      i = 1
+      current_trans <- transect_geoms[i]
+      current_hy_id <- transect_hy_id_array[i]
+      current_cs_id <- transect_cs_id_array[i]
+      current_fline <- flines_geos[fline_id_array == current_hy_id]
+      # current_fline <- 
+      left_distance_to_extend <- left_distances[i]
+      left_distance_to_extend
+      right_distance_to_extend <- right_distances[i]
+      right_distance_to_extend
+      no_extension_required <- (left_distance_to_extend == 0 && right_distance_to_extend == 0)
+      message("Transect tmp_id: ", curr_tmp_id, " - (", i, ")")
+      if(no_extension_required) {
+        message("Skipping -left/right extension are both 0")
+        next
+      }
+      trans
+      left_trans
+      curr_tmp_id
+      curr_fema_index <- 
+        left_trans %>% 
+        dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id, cs_id == current_cs_id) %>% 
+        .$left_fema_index %>% .[[1]]
+      left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, left_distance_to_extend, "head")
+      right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, right_distance_to_extend, "tail")
+      # neighbor_transects <- 
+      left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
+        left_extended_trans,
+        current_fline
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
-                  left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
-                  geom
-                  )
-  left_trans
-  # left_trans$geom2 <- left_trans_geos 
-  # left_trans <- 
-  #   left_trans %>% 
-  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     geom = geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans_geos)
-  #     # geom2 = left_trans_geos
-  #   )
-  left_trans_geos
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
-  # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
-  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
-  left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
-  left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
-  # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-  left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
-  # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
-  # 1:length(left_ids)
-  extension_count = 0
-  for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
-    # i = 1
-    tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
-    is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
-    fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
-    message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
-    # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-    #   break
-    # }
-    # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
-    # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
-    if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-      message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
-      message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
-      extension_count = extension_count + 1
-      message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
+      left_intersects_fline_once = geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
+      left_intersects_fline_once
+      fline_intersects
+      geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
+      geos::geos_intersects(current_trans, )
+      # if(
+      #   geos::geos_type(fline_intersects)
+      #   
+      #   
+      # )
+      mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(trans), color = "green") +
+       mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
+        mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
+        mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")   
+    }
+    left_trans$left_extension_distance
+    length(right_distances)
+    # Calculate the minimum distance a line would need to extend to reach the boundary of the polygon/line that the input geometries are entirely within 
+    calc_extension_distances <- function(geos_geoms, ids, lines_to_cut, lines_to_cut_indices, direction = "head", max_extension_distance = 2500) {
+      #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
+      # geos_geoms   <- left_trans_geos
+      # ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
+      # lines_to_cut <- intersect_lines
+      # lines_to_cut_indices <- left_trans$left_fema_index
+      # direction = "head"
+      # max_extension_distance = 2500
+      # geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos
+      # ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id
+      # lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines
+      # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
+      # direction              = "head"
+      # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-      trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
-      index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
-      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(fema_lines[index_vect])
-      # fema_lines[index_vect]
+      #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
-      dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
-                          distances    = 1:5000,
-                          line         = trans_geom,
-                          geoms_to_cut = fema_lines[index_vect],
-                          direction    = "both"
-                        )
+      if (!direction %in% c("head", "tail")) {
+          stop("Invalid 'direction' value, must be one of 'head' or 'tail'")
+      }
-      left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
+      # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
+      extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(ids)))
+      # extension_dists <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(trans_data))
+      for (i in seq_along(ids)) {
+        # i = 118
+        curr_id           <- ids[i]
+        is_within_polygon <- any(![[i]]))
+        polygon_index     <- lines_to_cut_indices[[i]]
+        # any(is_within_polygon)
+        message("Transect: '", curr_id, "' - (", i, ")")
+        if (is_within_polygon) {
+          message("- Side of transect intersects with FEMA")
+          message("\t > FEMA index: ", polygon_index)
+          curr_geom  <- geos_geoms[[i]]
+          index_vect <- sort(unlist(polygon_index))
+           distance_to_extend <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+            distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
+            line         = curr_geom,
+            geoms_to_cut = lines_to_cut[index_vect],
+            direction    = direction
+          )
+          extension_dists[i] <- distance_to_extend
+        }
+      }
+      return(extension_dists)
+    }
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
+    # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
+    left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
+    left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
+    # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
+    left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
+    # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
+    # 1:length(left_ids)
+    extension_count = 0
+    for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
+      # i = 1
+      tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
+      is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
+      fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
+      message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
+      # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+      #   break
+      # }
+      # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
+      # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
+      if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+        message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
+        message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
+        extension_count = extension_count + 1
+        message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
+        trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
+        index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
+        # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines[index_vect])
+        # intersect_lines[index_vect]
+        dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+                            distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
+                            line         = trans_geom,
+                            geoms_to_cut = intersect_lines[index_vect],
+                            direction    = "head"
+                          )
+        left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
+      }
+      message()
-    message()
+    left_trans$left_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
+  tmp <- left_trans[1:5, ]
+  tmp
+  tmp_extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(tmp, tmp$left_extension_dist)
+  tmp_extended
+  fema_idx <- unique(unlist(dplyr::select(tmp, left_fema_index)$left_fema_index))
+  mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp, -left_fema_index), color = "red") +  
+    mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp_extended, -left_fema_index), color = "green")  +
+    sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_idx])
+  length(left_extension_dists)
@@ -319,11 +507,11 @@ path_df
- #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + fema_polygons[1888, ]
+ #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + intersect_polygons[1888, ]
  # left_trans <- 
  #    left_trans %>%
  #    dplyr::mutate(
- #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
+ #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., intersect_polygons))
  #    ) %>% 
  #    dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
@@ -334,7 +522,7 @@ path_df
   fema_polygons %>% na.omit()
-  # NOTE: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
+  # note: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
   left_fema <- fema_polygons[sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))]
@@ -349,7 +537,7 @@ path_df
   left_fema_lines <- 
     left_fema %>% 
     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
+    sf::st_cast("multilinestring") %>% 
     geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
@@ -371,7 +559,7 @@ path_df
   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
       distances    = 1:2000,
       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
@@ -382,7 +570,7 @@ path_df
   left_trans$left_head_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
-  # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
+  # find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
   right_trans <- 
     segmented_trans %>% 
     lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
@@ -396,7 +584,7 @@ path_df
   right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
   right_within_vect <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) {
-                      if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA_real_) } }
+                      if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(na_real_) } }
  right_trans$fema_index <- right_within_vect
@@ -411,11 +599,11 @@ path_df
   right_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(right_trans$fema_index),] 
   right_fema_lines <- 
     right_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
+    sf::st_cast("linestring")
   right_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(right_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
       distances    = 1:2000,
       line         = right_trans_geos[i],
       geoms_to_cut = right_fema_lines,
@@ -438,7 +626,7 @@ path_df
   left_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(left_trans$fema_index),]
   left_fema_lines <- 
     left_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("LINESTRING")
+    sf::st_cast("linestring")
   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
@@ -454,7 +642,7 @@ path_df
   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-   hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+   hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
       distances    = 1:2000,
       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
@@ -470,7 +658,7 @@ path_df
     geos_line <- left_trans_geos[i]
     message(glue::glue("i: {i}\ndist: {dist}"))
-    extended <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(
+    extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(
@@ -496,7 +684,7 @@ path_df
     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
     mapview::mapview(new_left_trans, color = "green")
   mapply(function(geom, dist) {
-      hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
+      hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
@@ -504,20 +692,20 @@ path_df
   left_extensions <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    extend_dist <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+    extend_dist <- hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
         distances    = 1:2000,
         line         = left_trans_geos[i],
         geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
         direction    = "head"
-    hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
+    hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
   # unlist(left_extensions)
   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
       distances    = 1:2000,
       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
@@ -526,14 +714,14 @@ path_df
   distance_to_extend <- 
-    hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
       distances    = 1:1500,
       line         = left_trans_geos[1],
       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
       direction    = "head"
-  extended <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
+  extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
@@ -542,15 +730,15 @@ path_df
     # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
   left_trans$geom %>% sf::st_length()
   plot(segmented_trans$geom, col = "red", lwd =5)
-  plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = TRUE)
-  plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = TRUE)
+  plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = true)
+  plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = true)
-  unlist(tmp_trans$geom )
+  unlist(trans_fema$geom )
   unlist(split_trans$geom )
   split_trans %>% 
-    sf::st_collection_extract("LINESTRING")
+    sf::st_collection_extract("linestring")
@@ -563,17 +751,17 @@ path_df
-  lengths(transects_fema_matrix)
+  lengths(transects_polygons_matrix)
   mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects
-  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
+  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
   transects  %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
+    hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
     .$tmp_id %>% 
     unique() %>% .[1:30]
   trans_subset <- 
     transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
+    hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
   fema_subset <- 
     fema %>% 

From 6056c857d3276804af715b594543460e77caccc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 10:32:35 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 30/64] first cut of extensions across an entire vpu, added
 code to determine whether left, right, or both ends need to be extended from

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 398 +++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 315 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index d328e89..32763a6 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -48,22 +48,43 @@ path_df
   message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
   # message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
-  # read in nextgen data
-  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
   fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
-  fema_vpu_dir
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
   # vpu_fema_file1 <- vpu_fema_files[grepl("_union.gpkg", vpu_fema_files)]
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  # fema1 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file1)
-  # fema2 <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_filev2)  
+  # fema polygons and transect lines
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-  # fema %>%  mapview::npts() 
-  # fema2 %>%  mapview::npts() 
+  # read in nextgen flowlines data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # Given 2 geos_geometry point geometries, create a line between the 2 points
+  # start: geos_geoemtry, point
+  # end: geos_geoemtry, point
+  # Returns geos_geometry linestring
+  make_line_from_start_and_end_pts <- function(start, end, line_crs) {
+        Y_start <- geos::geos_y(start)
+        X_start <- geos::geos_x(start)
+        Y_end   <- geos::geos_y(end)
+        X_end   <- geos::geos_x(end)
+        # make the new transect line from the start and points 
+        geos_ls <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
+                                                 y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
+                                                 crs = line_crs)
+        return(geos_ls)                                              
+      }
   # Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons")
   # internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons
@@ -72,43 +93,26 @@ path_df
   # max_extension_distance numeric, maximum distance (meters) to extend a transect line in either direction to try and intersect one of the "polygons"
   get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines, polygons, max_extension_distance) {
+    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
+    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # transect_lines <- transects
     # polygons <- fema
     # max_extension_distance <- 2500
+    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
+    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # keep 10% of the original points for speed
     polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep = 0.10)
-    # fema %>%  mapview::npts()
     # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
     transects_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
     polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)     
-    # length(polygons_geos)
     # polygons_geos  
     transects_polygons_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, polygons_geos) 
     polygons_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, transects_geos) 
-    # transects_polygons_matrix
-    # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
-    # transects_polygons_matrix[[557]]
-    # fema_tmp <- fema[transects_polygons_matrix[[557]], ]
-    # trans_tmp <- transects[557, ]
-   # fema_dissolve <-  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_tmp)
-   # fema_simple <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema_tmp, keep = 1) %>% 
-     # rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "state")
-    # mapview::mapview(trans_tmp, color = "green") + 
-    #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[1, ], col.region = "red") + 
-    #   mapview::mapview(fema_tmp[2, ],  col.region = "dodgerblue") + 
-    #   mapview::mapview(fema_simple,  col.region = "yellow")
-    # polygons_transects_matrix
     # subset the transects and polygons to only those with intersections
     intersect_transects  <- transects[lengths(transects_polygons_matrix) != 0, ]
     intersect_polygons   <- polygons_geos[lengths(polygons_transects_matrix) != 0]
@@ -121,22 +125,7 @@ path_df
       sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
       geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-    # length(polygons_geos)
-    # nrow(fema)
-    # polygons_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(intersect_polygons)
-    # tmp_trans <- intersect_transects[1:5000, ]
-    # tmp_centroid <- sf::st_centroid(tmp_trans)
-    # sf::st_segmentize()
-    # split_trans <- lwgeom::st_split(tmp_trans, tmp_centroid)
-    # # tmp_trans
-    # max_extension_distance <- 2500
-    # unlist(tmp_trans$geom)
-    # unlist(sf::st_segmentize(tmp_trans, 4)$geom)
     # use half of the shortest transect line as the segmentation length for all transects (ensures all transects will have a midpoint...?)
     # TODO: Double check this logic.
     min_segmentation <- min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
@@ -147,12 +136,9 @@ path_df
     segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(intersect_transects, min_segmentation)
     # unlist(segmented_trans$geom)
-    unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-    length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-    lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
-    # left_trans   <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0, 0.50)
-    # right_trans  <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(segmented_trans, 0.50, 1)
+    # unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+    # length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
+    # lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
     # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
       # mapview::mapview(intersect_transects, color = "red") +
@@ -249,9 +235,10 @@ path_df
       max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-    left_trans$left_distance   <- left_distances
-    right_trans$right_distance <- right_distances
+    left_trans$left_distance    <- left_distances
+    right_trans$right_distance  <- right_distances
+    # distance to extend LEFT and/or RIGHT for each hy_id/cs_id
     extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -264,80 +251,323 @@ path_df
                           by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
+    # TODO: This is temporary !!!!!!
+    fema_index_df <- dplyr::left_join(
+      sf::st_drop_geometry(
+        dplyr::select(left_trans, 
+                      hy_id, cs_id, left_distance, left_fema_index)
+      ),
+      sf::st_drop_geometry(
+        dplyr::select(right_trans, 
+                      hy_id, cs_id, 
+                      right_distance, right_fema_index)
+      ),
+      by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    )
+    ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
+    foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = fema_uids
+    )
+    polygons_to_merge <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = fema_uids
+    ) %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1563, 1566, 1567, 590))
+    merged_polygon <- 
+      polygons_to_merge %>% 
+      sf::st_union()
+    merged_polygon %>% 
+      rmapshaper::ms_explode()
+    mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+      mapview::mapview(polygons_to_merge, col.regions = "yellow") +
+      mapview::mapview(merged_polygon, col.regions = "green") +
+      mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
+      mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
+    # polygons %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(fema_id )
+    ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
+    # TODO: Add left/right extension distancces to transect data
+    # TODO: this can ultimately just be the "transects" variable, dont need to make new "transects_with_distances" variable
     transects_with_distances <- 
       transects %>% 
                 by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
             ) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        left_distance = dplyr::case_when(
+ ~ 0,
+          TRUE                 ~ left_distance
+        ),
+        right_distance = dplyr::case_when(
+ ~ 0,
+          TRUE                  ~ right_distance
+        )
+        # left_distance = dplyr::case_when(
+        #   left_distance == 0 ~ NA,
+        #   TRUE               ~ left_distance
+        # ),
+        # right_distance = dplyr::case_when(
+        #   right_distance == 0 ~ NA,
+        #   TRUE                ~ right_distance
+        # )
+      ) %>% 
-    fline_id_array <- flines$id
+    # transects
+    # flines %>% 
+    #   dplyr::arrange(-tot_drainage_areasqkm) 
+    # flines %>% 
+    #   dplyr::arrange(-hydroseq) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(hydroseq == min(hydroseq) | hydroseq == max(hydroseq)) %>%
+    #   # dplyr::filter(hydroseq == max(hydroseq)) %>% 
+    #   mapview::mapview()
+    # extensions_by_id
+    transects_with_distances %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extensions_by_id)$tmp_id)
+    ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
+    left_extended_flag[1:20]
+    right_extended_flag[1:20]
+    both_extended_flag[1:20]
+    range_vect <- 1:500
+    fema_uids <- unique(c(unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$left_fema_index),     unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$right_fema_index)))
+    fema_uids <- fema_uids[!]
+    foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = fema_uids
+    )
+    # ooi <- sf::st_as_sf()
+    # toi <- sf::st_as_sf(new_transects[1:20])
+     toi <- sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms[range_vect])
+    toi
+    og_trans <- transects_with_distances[range_vect, ]
+    mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+      mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
+      mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
+    ######## ######## ### ##### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
+    left_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))   
+    right_extended_flag  <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))
+    both_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))
+    fline_id_array       <- flines$id
     # Convert the net object into a geos_geometry
-    flines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flines)
+    flines_geos          <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flines)
     transect_hy_id_array <- transects_with_distances$hy_id
     transect_cs_id_array <- transects_with_distances$cs_id
-    transect_geoms  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects_with_distances$geom)
+    transect_geoms       <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects_with_distances$geom)
-    left_distances  <- transects_with_distances$left_distance
-    right_distances <- transects_with_distances$right_distance
+    left_distances       <- transects_with_distances$left_distance
+    right_distances      <- transects_with_distances$right_distance
     # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
     new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_ids)))
     # new_transects <- geos::geos_empty()
-    # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
+    # # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
+    # transects_with_distances[1:20, ]
+    # transects[1:20, ]
+    # number of geometries that will be iterated over, keeping this variable to reference in message block  
+    total <- length(transect_ids)
+    # output a message every ~10% intervals
+    message_interval <- total %/% 10
+    number_of_skips = 0
     for (i in seq_along(transect_ids)) {
-      message("i: ", i)
-      i = 1
+      # message("i: ", i)
+      # if(i > 2000) {
+      #   break
+      # }
+      # Check if the iteration is a multiple of 100
+      if (i %% message_interval == 0) {
+        # get the percent complete
+        percent_done <- round(i/total, 2) * 100
+        # Print the message every "message_interval"
+        # if(verbose) { 
+          message(i, " > ", percent_done, "% ") 
+          message("Number of skips: ", number_of_skips)
+          # }
+        # message("Iteration ", i, " / ", length(extended_trans), 
+        #         " - (", percent_done, "%) ")
+      }
+      # i = 29
+      # get the current transect, hy_id, cs_id, flowline, and extension distances
       current_trans <- transect_geoms[i]
       current_hy_id <- transect_hy_id_array[i]
       current_cs_id <- transect_cs_id_array[i]
       current_fline <- flines_geos[fline_id_array == current_hy_id]
-      # current_fline <- 
       left_distance_to_extend <- left_distances[i]
-      left_distance_to_extend
       right_distance_to_extend <- right_distances[i]
-      right_distance_to_extend
       no_extension_required <- (left_distance_to_extend == 0 && right_distance_to_extend == 0)
-      message("Transect tmp_id: ", curr_tmp_id, " - (", i, ")")
+      # no_extension_required <- &&
+      # message("Transect tmp_id: ", curr_tmp_id, " - (", i, ")")
       if(no_extension_required) {
-        message("Skipping -left/right extension are both 0")
+        # message("Skipping -left/right extension are both 0")
+        number_of_skips = number_of_skips + 1
-      trans
-      left_trans
-      curr_tmp_id
-      curr_fema_index <- 
-        left_trans %>% 
-        dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id, cs_id == current_cs_id) %>% 
-        .$left_fema_index %>% .[[1]]
+#      curr_fema_index <- 
+#        left_trans %>% 
+#        dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id, cs_id == current_cs_id) %>% 
+#        .$left_fema_index %>% .[[1]]
+      # message("Extending transect line left and right")
+      # extend the lines
       left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, left_distance_to_extend, "head")
       right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, right_distance_to_extend, "tail")
       # neighbor_transects <- 
+      # message("Checking left and right intersections with flowline...")
+      # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect the current flowline once
       left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-      left_intersects_fline_once = geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
-      left_intersects_fline_once
+      right_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
+        right_extended_trans,
+        current_fline
+      )
+      # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
+      # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
+      # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
+      # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
+      left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      # # TODO: Consider doing the opppsite of these conditions (i.e. "left_intersects_other_transects" = TRUE) 
+      # left_does_not_intersect_other_transects  <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
+      # right_does_not_intersect_other_transects <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
+      # 
+      # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && left_does_not_intersect_other_transects
+      # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && right_does_not_intersect_other_transects
+      # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
+      # TODO: This is the opposite phrasing of these conditions, i think this is clearer to read
+      left_intersects_other_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
+      right_intersects_other_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
+      # # make sure the extended transects don't hit any of the newly extended transects
+      # # NOTE: I think this could be just done with a single transect list that starts with the original transects and if an update happens then we replace that transect
+      # left_intersects_new_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, new_transects))
+      # right_intersects_new_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, new_transects))
+      # make TRUE/FALSE flags stating which transect should we use
+      # - BOTH extensions
+      # - LEFT ONLY extensions
+      # - RIGHT only extensions
+      use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && !left_intersects_other_transects
+      use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && !right_intersects_other_transects
+      use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
+      # merged_trans <- geos::geos_union(left_extended_trans, right_extended_trans)
+      # sf::st_union(sf::st_cast(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), "LINESTRING"))
+      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), color = "green") +
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_start), col.region = "red") +
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_end), col.region = "red") + 
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_start), col.region = "dodgerblue") +
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_end), col.region = "dodgerblue")
+      # if(use_both_extensions) {
+      # Get the start and end of both extended tranects
+      left_start  <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
+      left_end    <- geos::geos_point_end(left_extended_trans)
+      right_start <- geos::geos_point_start(right_extended_trans)
+      right_end   <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
+      # }
+      # Extend in BOTH directions
+      if(use_both_extensions) {
+        # message("Extend direction: BOTH")
+        start  <- left_start
+        end    <- right_end
+      # extend ONLY the left side
+      } else if(use_left_extension && !use_right_extension) {
+         # message("Extend direction: LEFT")       
+        start  <- left_start
+        end    <- left_end
+      # Extend ONLY the right side
+      } else if(!use_left_extension && use_right_extension) {
+         # message("Extend direction: RIGHT")       
+        start  <- right_start
+        end    <- right_end
+      # DO NOT extend either direction
+      } else {
+        # message("No extension")   
+        # TODO: Really dont need to do anything 
+        # TODO: in this scenario because we just use the original transect line
+        start  <- left_end
+        end    <- right_start
+      }
+      # trans_needs_extension <- use_left_extension || use_right_extension
+      # if(trans_needs_extension) {
+        line_crs      <- wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
+        updated_trans <- make_line_from_start_and_end_pts(start, end, line_crs)
+      # }
+        if(use_left_extension) {
+          left_extended_flag[i]  <- TRUE
+        }
+        if(use_right_extension) {
+          right_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
+        }
+        if(use_both_extensions) {
+          both_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
+        }
+        # new_transects[i] <- updated_trans
+        transect_geoms[i] <- updated_trans
+        # start %>% class()
+    }
+      # make the new transect line from the start and points 
+      final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
+                                               y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
+                                               crs = wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
+                                               )
+      geos::geos_make_collection(start, type_id = "LINESTRING")
+      left_start <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
+      right_end  <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
       geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
@@ -352,7 +582,9 @@ path_df
       mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(trans), color = "green") +
        mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
         mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
-        mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")   
+        mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")  +  
+      mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(final_line), color = "yellow")   

From 1e511232d32339cc1178d9addb4e2e4b14d65331 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 16:26:09 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 31/64] changed extensions to check that they only interest a
 flowline only a single time, makes sure flowlines outside the current
 flowline are NOT interesting as well

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 210 +++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 165 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 32763a6..7f81f51 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ path_df
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
   # vpu_fema_file1 <- vpu_fema_files[grepl("_union.gpkg", vpu_fema_files)]
-  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
   # fema polygons and transect lines
@@ -66,6 +66,28 @@ path_df
   # read in nextgen flowlines data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # fema$fema_id %>% unique() %>% length()
+  # # union then explode FEMA polygons 
+  # fema <- 
+  #   fema %>%
+  #   sf::st_union()
+  # 
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema)
+  # # fema %>% mapview::npts()
+  # 
+  # # reassign IDs and change geometry column name
+  # fema <- 
+  #   fema %>% 
+  #   sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x)
+  # sf::st_union() %>% 
+  #   rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
+  #   sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x)
   # Given 2 geos_geometry point geometries, create a line between the 2 points
   # start: geos_geoemtry, point
   # end: geos_geoemtry, point
@@ -91,24 +113,34 @@ path_df
   # transect_lines, set of Sf linestrigns to extend (only if the transect lines are ENTIRELLY within a polygons)
   # polygons, set of sf polygons that transect lines should be exteneded 
   # max_extension_distance numeric, maximum distance (meters) to extend a transect line in either direction to try and intersect one of the "polygons"
-  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines, polygons, max_extension_distance) {
+  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines, 
+                                                           polygons, 
+                                                           flines,
+                                                           max_extension_distance) {
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
-    # transect_lines <- transects
-    # polygons <- fema
-    # max_extension_distance <- 2500
-    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
+    transect_lines <- transects
+    polygons <- fema
+    # # flines <- flines
+    max_extension_distance <- 3000
+    # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # keep 10% of the original points for speed
-    polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep = 0.10)
+    polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.10)
+    mapview::npts(fema)
+     mapview::npts(polygons)
     # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+     # polygons
     transects_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
     polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)     
+    # geos::geos_union( polygons_geos, polygons_geos) %>% length()
+    # polygons_geos %>% length()
+    # polygons
     # polygons_geos  
     transects_polygons_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, polygons_geos) 
     polygons_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, transects_geos) 
@@ -121,11 +153,21 @@ path_df
     # This can be done with just linestrings (not sure if this is actually more performent but I'm pretty sure it is....)
     intersect_lines <- 
       intersect_polygons %>% 
+      # geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
       sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+      # sf::st_union() %>% 
+      # rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
+      # sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+      # dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+      # dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x) %>% 
       sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
       geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
+ #    intersect_polygons %>% 
+ #      geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
+ #      geos::geos_is_valid() %>% all()
+ # is.null(intersect_lines$geometry )
     # use half of the shortest transect line as the segmentation length for all transects (ensures all transects will have a midpoint...?)
     # TODO: Double check this logic.
     min_segmentation <- min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
@@ -217,6 +259,13 @@ path_df
+    max_extension_distance = 3000
+    which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    left_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
+    right_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
+    which(right_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     left_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
       geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos,
       ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id,
@@ -238,6 +287,8 @@ path_df
     left_trans$left_distance    <- left_distances
     right_trans$right_distance  <- right_distances
+    extensions_by_id %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     # distance to extend LEFT and/or RIGHT for each hy_id/cs_id
     extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -252,7 +303,7 @@ path_df
                           by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-    ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
+     ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
     # TODO: This is temporary !!!!!!
     fema_index_df <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -268,24 +319,24 @@ path_df
     ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
-    foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = fema_uids
-    )
-    polygons_to_merge <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = fema_uids
-    ) %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1563, 1566, 1567, 590))
-    merged_polygon <- 
-      polygons_to_merge %>% 
-      sf::st_union()
-    merged_polygon %>% 
-      rmapshaper::ms_explode()
-    mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-      mapview::mapview(polygons_to_merge, col.regions = "yellow") +
-      mapview::mapview(merged_polygon, col.regions = "green") +
-      mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
-      mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
+    # foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+    #   fema_id = fema_uids
+    # )
+    # 
+    # polygons_to_merge <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+    #   fema_id = fema_uids
+    # ) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1563, 1566, 1567, 590))
+    # merged_polygon <- 
+    #   polygons_to_merge %>% 
+    #   sf::st_union()
+    # merged_polygon %>% 
+    #   rmapshaper::ms_explode()
+    # mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+    #   mapview::mapview(polygons_to_merge, col.regions = "yellow") +
+    #   mapview::mapview(merged_polygon, col.regions = "green") +
+    #   mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
+    #   mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
     # polygons %>% 
       # dplyr::filter(fema_id )
     ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
@@ -318,6 +369,8 @@ path_df
       ) %>% 
+    transects_with_distances %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     # transects
     # flines %>% 
     #   dplyr::arrange(-tot_drainage_areasqkm) 
@@ -354,10 +407,6 @@ fema_uids
       mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
     ######## ######## ### ##### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
-    left_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))   
-    right_extended_flag  <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))
-    both_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_ids))
     fline_id_array       <- flines$id
     # Convert the net object into a geos_geometry
@@ -372,24 +421,30 @@ fema_uids
     right_distances      <- transects_with_distances$right_distance
     # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-    new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_ids)))
+    new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_hy_id_array)))
+    left_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
+    right_extended_flag  <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
+    both_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
     # new_transects <- geos::geos_empty()
     # # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
     # transects_with_distances[1:20, ]
     # transects[1:20, ]
     # number of geometries that will be iterated over, keeping this variable to reference in message block  
-    total <- length(transect_ids)
+    total <- length(transect_hy_id_array)
     # output a message every ~10% intervals
-    message_interval <- total %/% 10
+    message_interval <- total %/% 5
     number_of_skips = 0
-    for (i in seq_along(transect_ids)) {
+    for (i in seq_along(transect_hy_id_array)) {
       # message("i: ", i)
       # if(i > 2000) {
       #   break
       # }
+      # i = 1
       # Check if the iteration is a multiple of 100
       if (i %% message_interval == 0) {
@@ -405,7 +460,8 @@ fema_uids
         #         " - (", percent_done, "%) ")
-      # i = 29
+      # which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+      # i = 9587
       # get the current transect, hy_id, cs_id, flowline, and extension distances
       current_trans <- transect_geoms[i]
@@ -428,7 +484,9 @@ fema_uids
+      # transects_with_distances %>% 
+      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+      # transects
 #      curr_fema_index <- 
 #        left_trans %>% 
 #        dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id, cs_id == current_cs_id) %>% 
@@ -445,20 +503,54 @@ fema_uids
       # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect the current flowline once
       left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-        current_fline
+        # current_fline
+        flines_geos
       right_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-        current_fline
+        # current_fline
+        flines_geos
+      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")
+      # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point")
+      # which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")
+      # transects %>% 
+      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id) %>% 
+      #   sf::st_length()
+      # current_hy_id
+      # 
+      # sf::st_as_sf(current_trans) %>% 
+      #   sf::st_length()
+      # tmp <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+      # 
+      # tmp %>% 
+      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id) %>% 
+      #   sf::st_length()
+      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(flines_geos[which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")])) +
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
+      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
+      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green")
       # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
       # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
       # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
       # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
-      left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
-      right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      # left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      # right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      left_intersects_fline_once  <- sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
+      right_intersects_fline_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
+      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
+      # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
+      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
       # # TODO: Consider doing the opppsite of these conditions (i.e. "left_intersects_other_transects" = TRUE) 
       # left_does_not_intersect_other_transects  <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
@@ -558,6 +650,29 @@ fema_uids
+    # Update the "transects_to_extend" with new geos geometries ("geos_list")
+    sf::st_geometry(transects) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
+    transects$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
+    transects$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
+    transects %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
+    left_only_extended <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+    left_only_flines <- 
+      flines %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
+    # %>% 
+      mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+    mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red")
+    # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list
+    transects
+  length(transect_geoms)
       # make the new transect line from the start and points 
       final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
                                                y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
@@ -613,8 +728,13 @@ fema_uids
       # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
       # direction              = "head"
       # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
+      # geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos
+      # ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id
+      # lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines
+      # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
+      # direction              = "head"
+      # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
+      # 
       #####   #####   #####   #####   #####

From f9bf310a398a9a9201860103fc14fae1b68e9776 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 15:31:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 32/64] continuing improvement of transect extensions using

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 7f81f51..27f5163 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -651,22 +651,114 @@ fema_uids
+    transects2 <-
+      transects %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
     # Update the "transects_to_extend" with new geos geometries ("geos_list")
-    sf::st_geometry(transects) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
+    sf::st_geometry(transects2) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
+    transects2 <- 
+      transects2 %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
+    # transects2 %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(
+    #     new_cs_lengthm > cs_lengthm
+    #   )
+    # 
+    transects2$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
+    transects2$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
+    transects2 %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+    both_extended <- 
+      transects2 %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+    both_flines <- 
+      flines %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(id %in% both_extended$hy_id)
-    transects$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
-    transects$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
-    transects %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
     left_only_extended <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+      transects2 %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
     left_only_flines <- 
       flines %>% 
       dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
+    right_only_extended <- 
+      transects2 %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+    right_only_flines <- 
+      flines %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
+    # left_fema_polygons <- 
+      # left_trans %>% 
+    fema_indexes_in_aoi <-
+      dplyr::bind_rows(
+        sf::st_drop_geometry(
+          dplyr::rename(left_trans, fema_index = left_fema_index)
+        ),
+        sf::st_drop_geometry(     
+          dplyr::rename(right_trans, 
+                        fema_index = right_fema_index)
+        )
+      ) %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
+      # dplyr::filter(
+      #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id |
+      #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(right_only_extended)$tmp_id
+      #  
+      #   tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(dplyr::filter(transects2, left_is_extended, right_is_extended))$tmp_id)
+      #   
+      #   ) %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(left_is_within_fema | right_is_within_fema) %>% 
+      dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
+      .$fema_index %>% 
+      unlist() %>% 
+      na.omit() %>% 
+      unique() %>% 
+      sort()  
+      # length()
+    polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi, ]
+    extended_for_map <- 
+      both_extended %>% 
+      dplyr::slice(1:5000)
+    og_transects_for_map <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
+    # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id
+    # transects_with_distances
     # %>% 
-      mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-    mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red")
+    mapview::mapview(polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi, ], col.regions = "yellow") + 
+      mapview::mapview(both_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+      mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "red") + 
+      mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "green") 
+      # mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+      #     mapview::mapview(right_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+    # mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red") + 
+    #      mapview::mapview(right_only_extended, color = "green")
     # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list

From 3e5876798aa77b20103f61871c3cce06f2c8d677 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 13:59:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 33/64] starting to cleanup scripts and make it so transects
 will try to be extended halfway in directions that wouldnt normally be
 extended due to intersections with flowlines or other transects

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 114 ++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 27f5163..b649aef 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ path_df
     transect_lines <- transects
     polygons <- fema
     # # flines <- flines
-    max_extension_distance <- 3000
+    # max_extension_distance <- 3000
+    max_extension_distance = 3500
     # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ path_df
     polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.10)
-     mapview::npts(polygons)
+    mapview::npts(polygons)
     # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
      # polygons
@@ -162,7 +163,10 @@ path_df
       # dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x) %>% 
       sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
       geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
+      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(20)
+    # mapview::npts(sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines))
  #    intersect_polygons %>% 
  #      geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
@@ -259,12 +263,13 @@ path_df
-    max_extension_distance = 3000
-    which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    # max_extension_distance = 3000
+    # which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     left_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
     right_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
-    which(right_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    # which(right_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     left_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
       geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos,
@@ -289,6 +294,7 @@ path_df
     extensions_by_id %>% 
       dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     # distance to extend LEFT and/or RIGHT for each hy_id/cs_id
     extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -651,12 +657,11 @@ fema_uids
-    transects2 <-
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
+    transects2 <- transects 
+      # dplyr::mutate(
+      #   new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+      # ) %>% 
+      # dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
     # Update the "transects_to_extend" with new geos geometries ("geos_list")
@@ -681,33 +686,44 @@ fema_uids
     transects2 %>% 
       dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-    both_extended <- 
+    any_extended <- 
       transects2 %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
-    both_flines <- 
+    any_flines <- 
       flines %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(id %in% both_extended$hy_id)
+      dplyr::filter(id %in% any_extended$hy_id)
-    left_only_extended <- 
-      transects2 %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
-    left_only_flines <- 
-      flines %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
-    right_only_extended <- 
-      transects2 %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-    right_only_flines <- 
-      flines %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
+    # left_only_extended <- 
+    #   transects2 %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
+    # 
+    # left_only_flines <- 
+    #   flines %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
+    # 
+    # right_only_extended <- 
+    #   transects2 %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+    # 
+    # right_only_flines <- 
+    #   flines %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
     # left_fema_polygons <- 
       # left_trans %>% 
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ------- Subset data for mapping ----------- 
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    extended_for_map <- 
+      any_extended %>% 
+      dplyr::slice(1:5000)
+    og_transects_for_map <- 
+      transects %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
     fema_indexes_in_aoi <-
@@ -719,7 +735,7 @@ fema_uids
       ) %>% 
       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id) %>% 
       # dplyr::filter(
       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id |
       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(right_only_extended)$tmp_id
@@ -728,42 +744,32 @@ fema_uids
       #   ) %>% 
       # dplyr::filter(left_is_within_fema | right_is_within_fema) %>% 
-      dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
+      # dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
       .$fema_index %>% 
       unlist() %>% 
       na.omit() %>% 
       unique() %>% 
-      sort()  
+      sort()
       # length()
-    polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi, ]
-    extended_for_map <- 
-      both_extended %>% 
-      dplyr::slice(1:5000)
-    og_transects_for_map <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
+    sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi])
     # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id
     # transects_with_distances
     # %>% 
-    mapview::mapview(polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi, ], col.regions = "yellow") + 
-      mapview::mapview(both_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-      mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "red") + 
-      mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "green") 
+    mapview::mapview( sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi]),  col.regions = "lightblue") + 
+      mapview::mapview(any_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+      mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "green") + 
+      mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "red") 
       # mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
       #     mapview::mapview(right_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
     # mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red") + 
     #      mapview::mapview(right_only_extended, color = "green")
     # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list
-    transects
-  length(transect_geoms)
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
       # make the new transect line from the start and points 
       final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),

From 9e4405b62da4de1bfeb5abafa4125bc6ad521de2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 12:44:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 34/64] added a generic transect line checker that makes sure
 that a transect line doesn;'t intersect more than one flowline or another
 transect, working on added in something to try a shorter extension if one of
 the direction turns out to be unextendable

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 352 +++++++++++++++-------
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R       |  74 ++++-
 2 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index b649aef..61a599e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ path_df
   fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
+  # fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
   # vpu_fema_file1 <- vpu_fema_files[grepl("_union.gpkg", vpu_fema_files)]
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
   # fema polygons and transect lines
@@ -65,7 +67,36 @@ path_df
   # read in nextgen flowlines data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  # library(nngeo)
+  #   
+  # fema
+  # 
+  # fema %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(fema_id) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     n = dplyr::n()
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::arrange(-n) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::relocate(n)
+  # fema_sub <-   
+  #   fema %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726))
+  # 
+  # # fema %>% 
+  #   # dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726)) %>%
+  #   mapview::mapview(fema_sub[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
+  #       mapview::mapview(sf::st_buffer(fema_sub[2, ], 500), col.regions = "green")
+  # fema_no_holes <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema)
+  # fema_no_holes_union <- sf::st_union(fema_no_holes)
+  # 
+  # touching_list = sf::st_touches(fema_no_holes)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_no_holes)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_no_holes_union)
+  # fema_no_holes %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(new_fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(new_fema_id)
+  # fema_no_holes_union
   # fema$fema_id %>% unique() %>% length()
   # # union then explode FEMA polygons 
@@ -106,7 +137,49 @@ path_df
-      }
+  }
+  #' Check if an updated transect line is valid relative to the other transects and flowlines in the network
+  #' The 'transect_to_check' should be 'used' (i.e. function returns TRUE) if 
+  #' the 'transect_to_check' does NOT interesect any other transects ('transect_lines') AND it only intersects a single flowline ONCE.
+  #' If the 'transect_to_check' intersects ANY other transects OR intersects a flowline more
+  #' than once (OR more than one flowline in the network) then the function returns FALSE.
+  #' @param transect_to_check geos_geometry, linestring
+  #' @param transect_lines geos_geometry, linestring
+  #' @param flowlines geos_geometry, linestring
+  #'
+  #' @return TRUE if the extension should be used, FALSE if it shouldn't be used
+  #' @importFrom geos geos_intersection geos_type
+  is_valid_transect_line <- function(transect_to_check, transect_lines, flowlines) {
+    # ###   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##  
+    # extension_line <- left_extended_trans
+    # transect_lines <- transect_geoms
+    # flowlines <- flines_geos
+    # ###   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##  
+    # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
+    # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
+    # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
+    # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
+    # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect a single flowline in the network only ONCE
+    intersects_with_flowlines <- geos::geos_intersection(
+      transect_to_check,
+      flowlines
+    )
+    intersects_flowline_only_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(intersects_with_flowlines) == "point") == 1 && 
+      sum(geos::geos_type(intersects_with_flowlines) == "multipoint") == 0 
+    # check that the extended transect line does NOT intersect other transect lines (other than SELF)
+    intersects_other_transects <- sum(geos::geos_intersects(transect_to_check, transect_lines)) > 1
+    # TRUE == Only one flowline is intersected a single time AND no other transect lines are intersected
+    use_transect <- intersects_flowline_only_once  && !intersects_other_transects
+    return(use_transect)
+  }
   # Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons")
   # internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons
@@ -163,7 +236,7 @@ path_df
       # dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x) %>% 
       sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
       geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(20)
+      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
     # mapview::npts(sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines))
@@ -433,6 +506,10 @@ fema_uids
     right_extended_flag  <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
     both_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
+    updated_left_distances    <- rep(0, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
+    updated_right_distances   <- rep(0, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
     # new_transects <- geos::geos_empty()
     # # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
     # transects_with_distances[1:20, ]
@@ -442,12 +519,14 @@ fema_uids
     total <- length(transect_hy_id_array)
     # output a message every ~10% intervals
-    message_interval <- total %/% 5
+    message_interval <- total %/% 20
     number_of_skips = 0
     for (i in seq_along(transect_hy_id_array)) {
       # message("i: ", i)
+      # i = 13
       # if(i > 2000) {
+      #   message("-----> STOP BECAUSE at i", i)
       #   break
       # }
       # i = 1
@@ -490,108 +569,155 @@ fema_uids
-      # transects_with_distances %>% 
-      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-      # transects
-#      curr_fema_index <- 
-#        left_trans %>% 
-#        dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id, cs_id == current_cs_id) %>% 
-#        .$left_fema_index %>% .[[1]]
       # message("Extending transect line left and right")
       # extend the lines
-      left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, left_distance_to_extend, "head")
-      right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, right_distance_to_extend, "tail")
-      # neighbor_transects <- 
-      # message("Checking left and right intersections with flowline...")
+      left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
+                                                              left_distance_to_extend, "head")
+      right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
+                                                              right_distance_to_extend, "tail")
-      # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect the current flowline once
-      left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-        left_extended_trans,
-        # current_fline
-        flines_geos
-      )
-      right_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-        right_extended_trans,
-        # current_fline
-        flines_geos
-      )
+      # initial check to make sure the extended versions of the transects are valid
+      use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+      use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+      # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")
-      # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point")
+      used_half_of_left  <- FALSE
+      used_half_of_right <- FALSE
+      # TODO: Probably should precompute this division BEFORE the loop...
+      half_left_distance   <- ifelse(left_distance_to_extend > 0, left_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
+      half_right_distance  <- ifelse(right_distance_to_extend > 0, right_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
-      # which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")
+      # if we CAN'T use the original LEFT extension distance, 
+      # we try HALF the distance (or some distane less than we extended by in the first place)
+      if (!use_left_extension) {
+        # half_left_distance   <- ifelse(left_distance_to_extend > 0, left_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
+        left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
+                                                                half_left_distance, "head")
+        use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+        used_half_of_left <- ifelse(use_left_extension, TRUE,  FALSE)
+      }
-      # transects %>% 
-      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id) %>% 
-      #   sf::st_length()
-      # current_hy_id
+      # if we CAN'T use the original RIGHT extension distance, 
+      # we try HALF the distance (or some distance less than we extended by in the first place)
+      if (!use_right_extension) {
+        # half_right_distance  <- ifelse(right_distance_to_extend > 0, right_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
+        right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
+                                                                half_right_distance, "tail")
+        use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+        used_half_of_right  <- ifelse(use_right_extension, TRUE,  FALSE)
+        # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") + 
+        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
+        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green") +
+        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans2), color = "dodgerblue") + 
+        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans2), color = "dodgerblue") 
+      }
+      use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
+      # # message("Checking left and right intersections with flowline...")
+      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # # TODO: UNCOMMENT BELOW ---> this was my original method 
+      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect the current flowline once
+      # left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
+      #   left_extended_trans,
+      #   # current_fline
+      #   flines_geos
+      # )
-      # sf::st_as_sf(current_trans) %>% 
-      #   sf::st_length()
-      # tmp <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+      # right_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
+      #   right_extended_trans,
+      #   # current_fline
+      #   flines_geos
+      # )
-      # tmp %>% 
-      #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == current_hy_id) %>% 
-      #   sf::st_length()
-      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(flines_geos[which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")])) +
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
-      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
-      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green")
-      # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
-      # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
-      # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
-      # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
-      # left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
-      # right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
-      left_intersects_fline_once  <- sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      right_intersects_fline_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
-      # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
-      # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      # # TODO: Consider doing the opppsite of these conditions (i.e. "left_intersects_other_transects" = TRUE) 
-      # left_does_not_intersect_other_transects  <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
-      # right_does_not_intersect_other_transects <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
-      # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && left_does_not_intersect_other_transects
-      # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && right_does_not_intersect_other_transects
+      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(flines_geos[which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")])) +
+      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
+      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
+      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green")
+      # 
+      # # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
+      # 
+      # # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
+      # # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
+      # # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
+      # 
+      # # left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      # # right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
+      # left_intersects_fline_once  <- sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && 
+      #                                sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
+      # 
+      # right_intersects_fline_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 &&
+      #                                sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
+      # 
+      # # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
+      # # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
+      # # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
+      # 
+      # 
+      # 
+      # # # TODO: Consider doing the opppsite of these conditions (i.e. "left_intersects_other_transects" = TRUE) 
+      # # left_does_not_intersect_other_transects  <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
+      # # right_does_not_intersect_other_transects <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
+      # # 
+      # # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && left_does_not_intersect_other_transects
+      # # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && right_does_not_intersect_other_transects
+      # # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
+      # 
+      # 
+      # # TODO: This is the opposite phrasing of these conditions, i think this is clearer to read
+      # left_intersects_other_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
+      # right_intersects_other_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
+      # 
+      # # # make sure the extended transects don't hit any of the newly extended transects
+      # # # NOTE: I think this could be just done with a single transect list that starts with the original transects and if an update happens then we replace that transect
+      # # left_intersects_new_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, new_transects))
+      # # right_intersects_new_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, new_transects))
+      # 
+      # # make TRUE/FALSE flags stating which transect should we use
+      # # - BOTH extensions
+      # # - LEFT ONLY extensions
+      # # - RIGHT only extensions
+      # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && !left_intersects_other_transects
+      # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && !right_intersects_other_transects
       # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # TODO: This is the opposite phrasing of these conditions, i think this is clearer to read
-      left_intersects_other_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
-      right_intersects_other_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
-      # # make sure the extended transects don't hit any of the newly extended transects
-      # # NOTE: I think this could be just done with a single transect list that starts with the original transects and if an update happens then we replace that transect
-      # left_intersects_new_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, new_transects))
-      # right_intersects_new_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, new_transects))
-      # make TRUE/FALSE flags stating which transect should we use
-      # - BOTH extensions
-      # - LEFT ONLY extensions
-      # - RIGHT only extensions
-      use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && !left_intersects_other_transects
-      use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && !right_intersects_other_transects
-      use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # merged_trans <- geos::geos_union(left_extended_trans, right_extended_trans)
-      # sf::st_union(sf::st_cast(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), "LINESTRING"))
-      # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), color = "green") +
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_start), col.region = "red") +
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_end), col.region = "red") + 
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_start), col.region = "dodgerblue") +
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_end), col.region = "dodgerblue")
+      # 
+      # new_use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+      # new_use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
+      # new_use_both_extensions <- new_use_left_extension && new_use_right_extension
+      # 
+      # message("--------------------------------------------")
+      # message("Left intersects FLINE ONCE: ", left_intersects_fline_once)
+      # message("Right intersects FLINE ONCE: ", right_intersects_fline_once)
+      # message()
+      # message("Left intersects OTHER TRANSECTS: ", left_intersects_other_transects)
+      # message("Right intersects OTHER TRANSECTS: ", right_intersects_other_transects)
+      # message()
+      # message("Use LEFT extension intersects: ", use_left_extension)
+      # message("Use RIGHT extension intersects: ", use_right_extension)
+      # message("Use BOTH extension intersects: ", use_both_extensions)
+      # message()
+      # message("--------------------------------------------")
+      # message()
+      # # merged_trans <- geos::geos_union(left_extended_trans, right_extended_trans)
+      # # sf::st_union(sf::st_cast(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), "LINESTRING"))
+      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), color = "green") +
+      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_start), col.region = "red") +
+      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_end), col.region = "red") + 
+      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_start), col.region = "dodgerblue") +
+      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_end), col.region = "dodgerblue")
+      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # # TODO: UNCOMMENT ABOVE ---> this was my original method 
+      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # 
       # if(use_both_extensions) {
       # Get the start and end of both extended tranects
@@ -635,22 +761,46 @@ fema_uids
         line_crs      <- wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
         updated_trans <- make_line_from_start_and_end_pts(start, end, line_crs)
-      # }
+      #   touched_flines <- flines[geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) != "linestring", ]
+      #   mapview::mapview(touched_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
+      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") +
+      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green") +
+      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(updated_trans), color = "yellow")
+      # nrow(flines)
+      # touched_flines <- flines[geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) != "linestring", ]
+      # flines[lengths(right_intersects_fline) == 0, ]
+      # length(right_intersects_fline)
+        # }
+        # ---------------------------------------------------
+        # ---------------------------------------------------
         if(use_left_extension) {
           left_extended_flag[i]  <- TRUE
         if(use_right_extension) {
           right_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
         if(use_both_extensions) {
           both_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
+        if(used_half_of_left) {
+          updated_left_distances[i]  <- half_left_distance 
+        }
+        if(used_half_of_right) {
+          updated_right_distances[i] <- half_right_distance 
+        }
         # new_transects[i] <- updated_trans
         transect_geoms[i] <- updated_trans
+        # ---------------------------------------------------
+        # ---------------------------------------------------
         # start %>% class()
@@ -717,7 +867,7 @@ fema_uids
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
     extended_for_map <- 
       any_extended %>% 
-      dplyr::slice(1:5000)
+      dplyr::slice(1:1000)
     og_transects_for_map <- 
       transects %>% 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index ba74369..52653d3 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -342,8 +342,8 @@ DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS <- FALSE
-# for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
-for (i in 1:4) {
+for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+# for (i in 1:4) {
   vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
@@ -407,15 +407,19 @@ for (i in 1:4) {
 MERGED_DIRS <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, "/merged")
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+  # i = 8
+  # i
   vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
   message("Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
   merged_dir <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged")
   fema_vpu_file <- list.files(merged_dir, full.names = TRUE)
   has_fema_vpu_file <- ifelse(length(fema_vpu_file) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
+  # has_fema_vpu_file
   # message()
   # fema_vpu_file
 # }
@@ -430,34 +434,76 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   fema_vpu_file <- fema_vpu_file[!grepl("_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)]
   fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(fema_vpu_file)
+  # fema_vpu
   # fema_ids <- c(695)
   # fema_vpu <-
   #   fema_vpu %>%
   #   dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
   #   dplyr::summarise()  %>%
   #   dplyr::ungroup()
+  # fema_vpu
+  # fema_snapped <- sf::st_snap(fema_vpu, fema_vpu, tolerance = 10)
+  # sf::st_
+  # message("Removing holes before dissolve...")
+  fema_vpu <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu)
+  # 
+  # message("Making valid geometries...")
+  # fema_vpu <- sf::st_make_valid(fema_vpu) 
+  # fema_vpu <- 
+  #   fema_vpu %>% 
+  #   sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON")
+  message("Dissolving...")
   # 2633 = old number of polygons
-  fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_vpu,
-                                       field = "source",
-                                       sys = TRUE,
-                                       sys_mem = 16
-                                       )
-  fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema_vpu,     
-                                      sys = TRUE,
-                                      sys_mem = 16)
+  fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(
+                            input   = fema_vpu,
+                            field   = "source",
+                            sys     = TRUE,
+                            sys_mem = 16
+                            )
+  message("Exploding...")
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu_dissolve)
+  fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(
+                            input   = fema_vpu,     
+                            sys     = TRUE,
+                            sys_mem = 16
+                            )
+  # mapview::npts(fema_exp)
+  message("Removing holes after explosion...")
+  fema_vpu <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_exp_noholes)
+  # slice_subset = 1:50
+  # fema_exp_noholes[slice_subset, ]
+  # mapview::mapview(  fema_vpu[1:100, ], col.regions = "dodgerblue")+ 
+  # mapview::mapview(  fema_exp[slice_subset, ], col.regions = "red") +
+  #   mapview::mapview(  fema_exp_noholes[slice_subset, ], col.regions = "green")
+  # fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_vpu,
+  #                                    field = "source",
+  #                                    sys = TRUE,
+  #                                    sys_mem = 16
+  # # )
+  # fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema_vpu,     
+  #                                     sys = TRUE,
+  #                                     sys_mem = 16)
   fema_vpu <-
     fema_vpu %>%
-    dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
+    # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
       state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
       vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-      fema_id  = paste0(state, "_", 1:dplyr::n())
+      fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
       ) %>%
     dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-    dplyr::relocate(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
+    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, state, geom = geometry)
     union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)

From 568925b85558ff349ff821283b4ac02da01d56d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 21:18:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 35/64] slowly putting all the code into individual functions
 for extending transects via fema floodplain polygons

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 1164 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 585 insertions(+), 579 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 61a599e..d23b67e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -67,10 +67,14 @@ path_df
   # read in nextgen flowlines data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  # library(nngeo)
-  #   
-  # fema
+  system.time({
+   extended_transects <- get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(transects,
+                                               fema,
+                                               flines,
+                                               3000)
+  })
+   # library(nngeo)
   # fema %>% 
   #   dplyr::group_by(fema_id) %>% 
   #   dplyr::mutate(
@@ -81,7 +85,6 @@ path_df
   # fema_sub <-   
   #   fema %>% 
   #   dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726))
-  # 
   # # fema %>% 
   #   # dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726)) %>%
   #   mapview::mapview(fema_sub[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ path_df
   # Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons")
   # internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons
   # transect_lines, set of Sf linestrigns to extend (only if the transect lines are ENTIRELLY within a polygons)
@@ -193,19 +196,19 @@ path_df
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
-    transect_lines <- transects
-    polygons <- fema
-    # # flines <- flines
-    # max_extension_distance <- 3000
-    max_extension_distance = 3500
+    # transect_lines <- transects
+    # polygons <- fema
+    # # # flines <- flines
+    # # max_extension_distance <- 3000
+    # max_extension_distance = 3500
     # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # keep 10% of the original points for speed
     polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.10)
-    mapview::npts(fema)
-    mapview::npts(polygons)
+    # mapview::npts(fema)
+    # mapview::npts(polygons)
     # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
      # polygons
@@ -338,10 +341,10 @@ path_df
     # max_extension_distance = 3000
     # which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    left_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
-    right_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
+    # 
+    # left_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
+    # right_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
+    # 
     # which(right_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
     left_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
@@ -365,9 +368,9 @@ path_df
     left_trans$left_distance    <- left_distances
     right_trans$right_distance  <- right_distances
-    extensions_by_id %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    # extensions_by_id %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    # 
     # distance to extend LEFT and/or RIGHT for each hy_id/cs_id
     extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
@@ -382,20 +385,20 @@ path_df
                           by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-     ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
-    # TODO: This is temporary !!!!!!
-    fema_index_df <- dplyr::left_join(
-      sf::st_drop_geometry(
-        dplyr::select(left_trans, 
-                      hy_id, cs_id, left_distance, left_fema_index)
-      ),
-      sf::st_drop_geometry(
-        dplyr::select(right_trans, 
-                      hy_id, cs_id, 
-                      right_distance, right_fema_index)
-      ),
-      by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-    )
+    #  ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
+    # # TODO: This is temporary !!!!!!
+    # fema_index_df <- dplyr::left_join(
+    #   sf::st_drop_geometry(
+    #     dplyr::select(left_trans, 
+    #                   hy_id, cs_id, left_distance, left_fema_index)
+    #   ),
+    #   sf::st_drop_geometry(
+    #     dplyr::select(right_trans, 
+    #                   hy_id, cs_id, 
+    #                   right_distance, right_fema_index)
+    #   ),
+    #   by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+    # )
     ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
     # foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
@@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ path_df
     # TODO: Add left/right extension distancces to transect data
     # TODO: this can ultimately just be the "transects" variable, dont need to make new "transects_with_distances" variable
-    transects_with_distances <- 
+    transects <- 
       transects %>% 
@@ -448,9 +451,9 @@ path_df
       ) %>% 
-    transects_with_distances %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    # transects
+    # transects_with_distances %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
+    # # transects
     # flines %>% 
     #   dplyr::arrange(-tot_drainage_areasqkm) 
     # flines %>% 
@@ -459,31 +462,31 @@ path_df
     #   # dplyr::filter(hydroseq == max(hydroseq)) %>% 
     #   mapview::mapview()
-    # extensions_by_id
-    transects_with_distances %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extensions_by_id)$tmp_id)
-    ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
-    left_extended_flag[1:20]
-    right_extended_flag[1:20]
-    both_extended_flag[1:20]
-    range_vect <- 1:500
-    fema_uids <- unique(c(unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$left_fema_index),     unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$right_fema_index)))
-    fema_uids <- fema_uids[!]
-    foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = fema_uids
-    )
-    # ooi <- sf::st_as_sf()
-    # toi <- sf::st_as_sf(new_transects[1:20])
-     toi <- sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms[range_vect])
-    toi
-    og_trans <- transects_with_distances[range_vect, ]
-    mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-      mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
-      mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
+    # # extensions_by_id
+    # transects_with_distances %>% 
+    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extensions_by_id)$tmp_id)
+#     ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
+#     left_extended_flag[1:20]
+#     right_extended_flag[1:20]
+#     both_extended_flag[1:20]
+#     range_vect <- 1:500
+#     fema_uids <- unique(c(unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$left_fema_index),     unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$right_fema_index)))
+#     fema_uids <- fema_uids[!]
+# fema_uids
+#     foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
+#       fema_id = fema_uids
+#     )
+#     # ooi <- sf::st_as_sf()
+#     # toi <- sf::st_as_sf(new_transects[1:20])
+#      toi <- sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms[range_vect])
+#     toi
+#     og_trans <- transects_with_distances[range_vect, ]
+#     mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+#       mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
+#       mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
     ######## ######## ### ##### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
     fline_id_array       <- flines$id
@@ -491,13 +494,13 @@ fema_uids
     # Convert the net object into a geos_geometry
     flines_geos          <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flines)
-    transect_hy_id_array <- transects_with_distances$hy_id
-    transect_cs_id_array <- transects_with_distances$cs_id
+    transect_hy_id_array <- transects$hy_id
+    transect_cs_id_array <- transects$cs_id
-    transect_geoms       <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects_with_distances$geom)
+    transect_geoms       <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects$geom)
-    left_distances       <- transects_with_distances$left_distance
-    right_distances      <- transects_with_distances$right_distance
+    left_distances       <- transects$left_distance
+    right_distances      <- transects$right_distance
     # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
     new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_hy_id_array)))
@@ -807,7 +810,7 @@ fema_uids
-    transects2 <- transects 
+    # transects2 <- transects 
       # dplyr::mutate(
       #   new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
       # ) %>% 
@@ -815,10 +818,10 @@ fema_uids
     # Update the "transects_to_extend" with new geos geometries ("geos_list")
-    sf::st_geometry(transects2) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
+    sf::st_geometry(transects) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
-    transects2 <- 
-      transects2 %>% 
+    transects <- 
+      transects %>% 
         new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
       ) %>% 
@@ -830,138 +833,141 @@ fema_uids
     #   )
-    transects2$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
-    transects2$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
-    transects2 %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-    any_extended <- 
-      transects2 %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
-    any_flines <- 
-      flines %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(id %in% any_extended$hy_id)
-    # left_only_extended <- 
-    #   transects2 %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
-    # 
-    # left_only_flines <- 
-    #   flines %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
-    # 
-    # right_only_extended <- 
-    #   transects2 %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-    # 
-    # right_only_flines <- 
-    #   flines %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
-    # left_fema_polygons <- 
-      # left_trans %>% 
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    # ------- Subset data for mapping ----------- 
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    extended_for_map <- 
-      any_extended %>% 
-      dplyr::slice(1:1000)
-    og_transects_for_map <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
-    fema_indexes_in_aoi <-
-      dplyr::bind_rows(
-        sf::st_drop_geometry(
-          dplyr::rename(left_trans, fema_index = left_fema_index)
-        ),
-        sf::st_drop_geometry(     
-          dplyr::rename(right_trans, 
-                        fema_index = right_fema_index)
-        )
-      ) %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id) %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(
-      #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id |
-      #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(right_only_extended)$tmp_id
-      #  
-      #   tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(dplyr::filter(transects2, left_is_extended, right_is_extended))$tmp_id)
-      #   
-      #   ) %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(left_is_within_fema | right_is_within_fema) %>% 
-      # dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
-      .$fema_index %>% 
-      unlist() %>% 
-      na.omit() %>% 
-      unique() %>% 
-      sort()
-      # length()
-    sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi])
-    # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id
-    # transects_with_distances
-    # %>% 
-    mapview::mapview( sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi]),  col.regions = "lightblue") + 
-      mapview::mapview(any_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-      mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "green") + 
-      mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "red") 
-      # mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-      #     mapview::mapview(right_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-    # mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red") + 
-    #      mapview::mapview(right_only_extended, color = "green")
-    # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
-      # make the new transect line from the start and points 
-      final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
-                                               y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
-                                               crs = wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
-                                               )
-      geos::geos_make_collection(start, type_id = "LINESTRING")
-      left_start <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
-      right_end  <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
-      fline_intersects
-      geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
-      geos::geos_intersects(current_trans, )
-      # if(
-      #   geos::geos_type(fline_intersects)
-      #   
-      #   
-      # )
-      mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(trans), color = "green") +
-       mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
-        mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
-        mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")  +  
-      mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(final_line), color = "yellow")   
-    }
-    left_trans$left_extension_distance
+    transects$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
+    transects$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
-    length(right_distances)
+    return(transects)
-    # Calculate the minimum distance a line would need to extend to reach the boundary of the polygon/line that the input geometries are entirely within 
+  }    
+    # transects2 %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+#     any_extended <- 
+#       transects2 %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
+#     any_flines <- 
+#       flines %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(id %in% any_extended$hy_id)
+#     # left_only_extended <- 
+#     #   transects2 %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
+#     # 
+#     # left_only_flines <- 
+#     #   flines %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
+#     # 
+#     # right_only_extended <- 
+#     #   transects2 %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+#     # 
+#     # right_only_flines <- 
+#     #   flines %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
+#     # left_fema_polygons <- 
+#       # left_trans %>% 
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#     # ------- Subset data for mapping ----------- 
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#     extended_for_map <- 
+#       any_extended %>% 
+#       dplyr::slice(1:1000)
+#     og_transects_for_map <- 
+#       transects %>% 
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
+#     fema_indexes_in_aoi <-
+#       dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         sf::st_drop_geometry(
+#           dplyr::rename(left_trans, fema_index = left_fema_index)
+#         ),
+#         sf::st_drop_geometry(     
+#           dplyr::rename(right_trans, 
+#                         fema_index = right_fema_index)
+#         )
+#       ) %>% 
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(
+#       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id |
+#       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(right_only_extended)$tmp_id
+#       #  
+#       #   tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(dplyr::filter(transects2, left_is_extended, right_is_extended))$tmp_id)
+#       #   
+#       #   ) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(left_is_within_fema | right_is_within_fema) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
+#       .$fema_index %>% 
+#       unlist() %>% 
+#       na.omit() %>% 
+#       unique() %>% 
+#       sort()
+#       # length()
+#     sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi])
+#     # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id
+#     # transects_with_distances
+#     # %>% 
+#     mapview::mapview( sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi]),  col.regions = "lightblue") + 
+#       mapview::mapview(any_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+#       mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "green") + 
+#       mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "red") 
+#       # mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+#       #     mapview::mapview(right_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+#     # mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red") + 
+#     #      mapview::mapview(right_only_extended, color = "green")
+#     # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+#       # make the new transect line from the start and points 
+#       final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
+#                                                y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
+#                                                crs = wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
+#                                                )
+#       geos::geos_make_collection(start, type_id = "LINESTRING")
+#       left_start <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
+#       right_end  <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
+#       fline_intersects
+#       geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
+#       geos::geos_intersects(current_trans, )
+#       # if(
+#       #   geos::geos_type(fline_intersects)
+#       #   
+#       #   
+#       # )
+#       mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(trans), color = "green") +
+#        mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
+#         mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
+#         mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")  +  
+#       mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(final_line), color = "yellow")   
+#     }
+#     left_trans$left_extension_distance
+#     length(right_distances)
+#     # Calculate the minimum distance a line would need to extend to reach the boundary of the polygon/line that the input geometries are entirely within 
     calc_extension_distances <- function(geos_geoms, ids, lines_to_cut, lines_to_cut_indices, direction = "head", max_extension_distance = 2500) {
       #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
       # geos_geoms   <- left_trans_geos
@@ -982,14 +988,14 @@ fema_uids
       # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
       # direction              = "head"
       # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-      # 
+      #
       #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
       if (!direction %in% c("head", "tail")) {
           stop("Invalid 'direction' value, must be one of 'head' or 'tail'")
       # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
       extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(ids)))
@@ -1001,400 +1007,400 @@ fema_uids
         polygon_index     <- lines_to_cut_indices[[i]]
         # any(is_within_polygon)
         message("Transect: '", curr_id, "' - (", i, ")")
         if (is_within_polygon) {
           message("- Side of transect intersects with FEMA")
           message("\t > FEMA index: ", polygon_index)
           curr_geom  <- geos_geoms[[i]]
           index_vect <- sort(unlist(polygon_index))
            distance_to_extend <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
             distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
             line         = curr_geom,
             geoms_to_cut = lines_to_cut[index_vect],
             direction    = direction
           extension_dists[i] <- distance_to_extend
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
-    # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
-    left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
-    left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
-    # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-    left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
-    # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
-    # 1:length(left_ids)
-    extension_count = 0
-    for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
-      # i = 1
-      tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
-      is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
-      fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
-      message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
-      # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-      #   break
-      # }
-      # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
-      # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
-      if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-        message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
-        message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
-        extension_count = extension_count + 1
-        message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
-        trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
-        index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
-        # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines[index_vect])
-        # intersect_lines[index_vect]
-        dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
-                            distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
-                            line         = trans_geom,
-                            geoms_to_cut = intersect_lines[index_vect],
-                            direction    = "head"
-                          )
-        left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
-      }
-      message()
-    }
-    left_trans$left_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
-  }
-  tmp <- left_trans[1:5, ]
-  tmp
-  tmp_extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(tmp, tmp$left_extension_dist)
-  tmp_extended
-  fema_idx <- unique(unlist(dplyr::select(tmp, left_fema_index)$left_fema_index))
-  mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp, -left_fema_index), color = "red") +  
-    mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp_extended, -left_fema_index), color = "green")  +
-    sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_idx])
-  length(left_extension_dists)
-  left_trans_geos
-  vctrs::vec_c(
-    vctrs::vec_c(
-      left_trans$hy_id
-  ),
-  vctrs::vec_cast(left_trans$cs_id)
-  )
- #  
- #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + intersect_polygons[1888, ]
- # left_trans <- 
- #    left_trans %>%
- #    dplyr::mutate(
- #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., intersect_polygons))
- #    ) %>% 
- #    dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
- #  
-  # left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-  sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
-  fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
-  fema_polygons %>% na.omit()
-  # note: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
-  left_fema <- fema_polygons[sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))]
-  left_fema
-  left_fema %>% plot()
-  geos::geos_make_linestring(geom = left_fema)
-  left_trans$fema_index
-  sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
-  # left_fema <- fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
-  left_fema_lines <- 
-    left_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("multilinestring") %>% 
-    geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-    geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
-  left_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    mapview::npts()
-  geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 50) %>% 
-    geos::geos_num_coordinates() %>%
-    sum()
-  geos::geos_num_coordinates(left_fema_lines) %>% sum()
-  geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 1) %>% 
-    .[3] %>% 
-    plot()
-  left_fema_lines[3] %>% plot()
-  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-      distances    = 1:2000,
-      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-      direction    = "head"
-    )
-  }) %>% 
-    unlist()
-  left_trans$left_head_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
-  # find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
-  right_trans <- 
-    segmented_trans %>% 
-    lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      partition         = "right",
-      partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                  cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-  right_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
-  right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
-  right_within_vect <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) {
-                      if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(na_real_) } }
-                      )
- right_trans$fema_index <- right_within_vect
-#  right_trans <- 
-#     right_trans %>%
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#     # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
+#     # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
+#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#     left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
+#     left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
+#     left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
+#     # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
+#     left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
+#     # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
+#     # 1:length(left_ids)
+#     extension_count = 0
+#     for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
+#       # i = 1
+#       tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
+#       is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
+#       fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
+#       message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
+#       # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+#       #   break
+#       # }
+#       # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
+#       # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
+#       if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
+#         message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
+#         message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
+#         extension_count = extension_count + 1
+#         message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
+#         trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
+#         index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
+#         # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines[index_vect])
+#         # intersect_lines[index_vect]
+#         dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
+#                             distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
+#                             line         = trans_geom,
+#                             geoms_to_cut = intersect_lines[index_vect],
+#                             direction    = "head"
+#                           )
+#         left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
+#       }
+#       message()
+#     }
+#     left_trans$left_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
+#   }
+#   tmp <- left_trans[1:5, ]
+#   tmp
+#   tmp_extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(tmp, tmp$left_extension_dist)
+#   tmp_extended
+#   fema_idx <- unique(unlist(dplyr::select(tmp, left_fema_index)$left_fema_index))
+#   mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp, -left_fema_index), color = "red") +  
+#     mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp_extended, -left_fema_index), color = "green")  +
+#     sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_idx])
+#   length(left_extension_dists)
+#   left_trans_geos
+#   vctrs::vec_c(
+#     vctrs::vec_c(
+#       left_trans$hy_id
+#   ),
+#   vctrs::vec_cast(left_trans$cs_id)
+#   )
+#  #  
+#  #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + intersect_polygons[1888, ]
+#  # left_trans <- 
+#  #    left_trans %>%
+#  #    dplyr::mutate(
+#  #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., intersect_polygons))
+#  #    ) %>% 
+#  #    dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+#  #  
+#   # left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+#   sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
+#   fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
+#   fema_polygons %>% na.omit()
+#   # note: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
+#   left_fema <- fema_polygons[sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))]
+#   left_fema
+#   left_fema %>% plot()
+#   geos::geos_make_linestring(geom = left_fema)
+#   left_trans$fema_index
+#   sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
+#   # left_fema <- fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
+#   left_fema_lines <- 
+#     left_fema %>% 
+#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+#     sf::st_cast("multilinestring") %>% 
+#     geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
+#     geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
+#   left_fema %>% 
+#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+#     mapview::npts()
+#   geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 50) %>% 
+#     geos::geos_num_coordinates() %>%
+#     sum()
+#   geos::geos_num_coordinates(left_fema_lines) %>% sum()
+#   geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 1) %>% 
+#     .[3] %>% 
+#     plot()
+#   left_fema_lines[3] %>% plot()
+#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#       distances    = 1:2000,
+#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+#       direction    = "head"
+#     )
+#   }) %>% 
+#     unlist()
+#   left_trans$left_head_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
+#   # find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
+#   right_trans <- 
+#     segmented_trans %>% 
+#     lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       partition         = "right",
+#       partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
+#                   cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
+#   right_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
+#   right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
+#   right_within_vect <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) {
+#                       if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(na_real_) } }
+#                       )
+#  right_trans$fema_index <- right_within_vect
+# # 
+# #  right_trans <- 
+# #     right_trans %>%
+# #     dplyr::mutate(
+# #       fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
+# #     ) %>% 
+# #     dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+# #   
+#   right_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(right_trans$fema_index),] 
+#   right_fema_lines <- 
+#     right_fema %>% 
+#     sf::st_cast("linestring")
+#   right_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(right_trans_geos), function(i) {
+#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#       distances    = 1:2000,
+#       line         = right_trans_geos[i],
+#       geoms_to_cut = right_fema_lines,
+#       direction    = "tail"
+#     )
+#   }) %>% 
+#     unlist()
+#   right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists <- right_extension_dists
+#   right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists
+#   unlist(sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons))
+#   left_trans <- 
+#     left_trans %>%
 #     dplyr::mutate(
 #       fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
 #     ) %>% 
-#     dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+#   dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
+#   left_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(left_trans$fema_index),]
+#   left_fema_lines <- 
+#     left_fema %>% 
+#     sf::st_cast("linestring")
+#   geos::as_geos_geometry(left_fema)
+#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+#     mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
+#   left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
+#   left_trans_geos %>% plot()
+#   left_trans_geos[2]
+#   length(left_trans_geos)
+#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+#    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#       distances    = 1:2000,
+#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+#       direction    = "head"
+#     )
+#   }) %>% 
+#     unlist()
+#   left_extensions  <- geos::geos_empty()
+#   for (i in 1:length(left_extension_dists)) {
+#     dist = left_extension_dists[i]
+#     geos_line <- left_trans_geos[i]
+#     message(glue::glue("i: {i}\ndist: {dist}"))
+#     extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(
+#       geos_line,
+#       dist,
+#       "head"
+#     )
+#     left_extensions <- vctrs::vec_c(left_extensions, extended)
+#   }
+#   # index for only valid transects
+#   # is_valid <- !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
+#   left_extensions <- left_extensions[!geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)]
+#   # !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
+#   new_left_trans <- 
+#     left_trans %>% 
+#     sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       geom = sf::st_as_sfc(left_extensions)
+#     ) %>% 
+#     sf::st_as_sf()
+#   # geos::sf
+#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+#     mapview::mapview(new_left_trans, color = "green")
+#   mapply(function(geom, dist) {
+#       hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
+#     },
+#   left_trans_geos,
+#   left_extension_dists
+#   )
+#   left_extensions <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+#     extend_dist <- hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#         distances    = 1:2000,
+#         line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+#         geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+#         direction    = "head"
+#       )
+#     hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
+#     })
+#   # unlist(left_extensions)
+#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
+#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#       distances    = 1:2000,
+#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
+#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+#       direction    = "head"
+#     )
+#   }) 
+#   distance_to_extend <- 
+#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
+#       distances    = 1:1500,
+#       line         = left_trans_geos[1],
+#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
+#       direction    = "head"
+#     )
+#   extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
+#     sf::st_as_sf()
+#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
+#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
+#     mapview::mapview(extended, color = "green")
+#     # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
+#   left_trans$geom %>% sf::st_length()
+#   plot(segmented_trans$geom, col = "red", lwd =5)
+#   plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = true)
+#   plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = true)
+#   unlist(left_trans$geom)
+#    unlist(right_trans$geom)
+#   unlist(trans_fema$geom )
+#   unlist(split_trans$geom )
+#   split_trans %>% 
+#     sf::st_collection_extract("linestring")
+#   split_trans$geom
+#   tmp_trans$geom
+#   nngeo::st_segments(tmp_trans) %>% 
+#     .$result %>% 
+#     plot()
+#   mapview::mapview(tmp_trans) + tmp_centroid
+#   geos::geos_clip_by_rect()
+#   transects_with_
+#   lengths(transects_polygons_matrix)
+#   mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects
+#   unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
+#   transects  %>% 
+#     hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
+#     .$tmp_id %>% 
+#     unique() %>% .[1:30]
+#   trans_subset <- 
+#     transects %>% 
+#     hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
+#   fema_subset <- 
+#     fema %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(fema_id == "1268")
+#   extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(500, nrow(trans_subset)))
+#   extended
+#   clipped_trans <- rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema)
+#   rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema_subset)
+#   mapview::mapview(trans_subset, color = "red") + 
+#     mapview::mapview(extended, color = "yellow") +
+#     # mapview::mapview(  sf::st_difference(extended, fema_subset), color = "green") +
+#     mapview::mapview(clipped_trans,  color = "green") +
+#     fema 
+#    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset))
+#   extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset)))
+#   hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(trans_subset, 50) %>% 
+#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% mapview::mapview()
-  right_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(right_trans$fema_index),] 
-  right_fema_lines <- 
-    right_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("linestring")
-  right_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(right_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-      distances    = 1:2000,
-      line         = right_trans_geos[i],
-      geoms_to_cut = right_fema_lines,
-      direction    = "tail"
-    )
-  }) %>% 
-    unlist()
-  right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists <- right_extension_dists
-  right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists
-  unlist(sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons))
-  left_trans <- 
-    left_trans %>%
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
-    ) %>% 
-  dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
-  left_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(left_trans$fema_index),]
-  left_fema_lines <- 
-    left_fema %>% 
-    sf::st_cast("linestring")
-  geos::as_geos_geometry(left_fema)
-  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-    mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
-  left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-  left_trans_geos %>% plot()
-  left_trans_geos[2]
-  length(left_trans_geos)
-  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-   hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-      distances    = 1:2000,
-      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-      direction    = "head"
-    )
-  }) %>% 
-    unlist()
-  left_extensions  <- geos::geos_empty()
-  for (i in 1:length(left_extension_dists)) {
-    dist = left_extension_dists[i]
-    geos_line <- left_trans_geos[i]
-    message(glue::glue("i: {i}\ndist: {dist}"))
-    extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(
-      geos_line,
-      dist,
-      "head"
-    )
-    left_extensions <- vctrs::vec_c(left_extensions, extended)
-  }
-  # index for only valid transects
-  # is_valid <- !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
-  left_extensions <- left_extensions[!geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)]
-  # !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
-  new_left_trans <- 
-    left_trans %>% 
-    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      geom = sf::st_as_sfc(left_extensions)
-    ) %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf()
-  # geos::sf
-  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-    mapview::mapview(new_left_trans, color = "green")
-  mapply(function(geom, dist) {
-      hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
-    },
-  left_trans_geos,
-  left_extension_dists
-  )
-  left_extensions <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    extend_dist <- hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-        distances    = 1:2000,
-        line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-        geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-        direction    = "head"
-      )
-    hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
-    })
-  # unlist(left_extensions)
-  left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-      distances    = 1:2000,
-      line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-      direction    = "head"
-    )
-  }) 
-  distance_to_extend <- 
-    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-      distances    = 1:1500,
-      line         = left_trans_geos[1],
-      geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-      direction    = "head"
-    )
-  extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf()
-  mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-    mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-    mapview::mapview(extended, color = "green")
-    # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
-  left_trans$geom %>% sf::st_length()
-  plot(segmented_trans$geom, col = "red", lwd =5)
-  plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = true)
-  plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = true)
-  unlist(left_trans$geom)
-   unlist(right_trans$geom)
-  unlist(trans_fema$geom )
-  unlist(split_trans$geom )
-  split_trans %>% 
-    sf::st_collection_extract("linestring")
-  split_trans$geom
-  tmp_trans$geom
-  nngeo::st_segments(tmp_trans) %>% 
-    .$result %>% 
-    plot()
-  mapview::mapview(tmp_trans) + tmp_centroid
-  geos::geos_clip_by_rect()
-  transects_with_
-  lengths(transects_polygons_matrix)
-  mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects
-  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
-  transects  %>% 
-    hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
-    .$tmp_id %>% 
-    unique() %>% .[1:30]
-  trans_subset <- 
-    transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
-  fema_subset <- 
-    fema %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(fema_id == "1268")
-  extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(500, nrow(trans_subset)))
-  extended
-  clipped_trans <- rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema)
-  rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema_subset)
-  mapview::mapview(trans_subset, color = "red") + 
-    mapview::mapview(extended, color = "yellow") +
-    # mapview::mapview(  sf::st_difference(extended, fema_subset), color = "green") +
-    mapview::mapview(clipped_trans,  color = "green") +
-    fema 
-   rep(50, nrow(trans_subset))
-  extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset)))
-  hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(trans_subset, 50) %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% mapview::mapview()

From 248d5401b5b38fb83fabb33eaaa622cf033dfa0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 13:35:52 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 36/64] small stuff

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index d23b67e..dbbe236 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ path_df
     # polygons <- fema
     # # # flines <- flines
     # # max_extension_distance <- 3000
-    # max_extension_distance = 3500
+  # max_extension_distance = 3500
     # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
@@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ path_df
     # mapview::npts(sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines))
  #    intersect_polygons %>% 
  #      geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
  #      geos::geos_is_valid() %>% all()

From f4f7832e50d6a8977de5b4278142211fb32e4c74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 13:36:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 37/64] random cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 18 +-----------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index dbbe236..a36b369 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3d/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# fema_files      <- list.files(fema_fgb_path, full.names = FALSE)
-# fema_bb_files   <- list.files(fema_fgb_bb_path, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ path_df
 # loop over each vpu and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to s3 bucket
 # for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  i = 8
+  # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
@@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ path_df
-  # 
    # library(nngeo)
   # fema %>% 
@@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ path_df
   #       mapview::mapview(sf::st_buffer(fema_sub[2, ], 500), col.regions = "green")
   # fema_no_holes <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema)
   # fema_no_holes_union <- sf::st_union(fema_no_holes)
-  # 
   # touching_list = sf::st_touches(fema_no_holes)
   # mapview::npts(fema)
   # mapview::npts(fema_no_holes)
@@ -101,15 +97,10 @@ path_df
   #   dplyr::group_by(new_fema_id)
   # fema_no_holes_union
   # fema$fema_id %>% unique() %>% length()
   # # union then explode FEMA polygons 
   # fema <- 
   #   fema %>%
   #   sf::st_union()
-  # 
-  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema)
-  # # fema %>% mapview::npts()
-  # 
   # # reassign IDs and change geometry column name
   # fema <- 
   #   fema %>% 
@@ -194,7 +185,6 @@ path_df
                                                            max_extension_distance) {
-    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # transect_lines <- transects
     # polygons <- fema
@@ -202,7 +192,6 @@ path_df
     # # max_extension_distance <- 3000
   # max_extension_distance = 3500
     # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
-    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # keep 10% of the original points for speed
     polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.10)
@@ -256,11 +245,6 @@ path_df
     # make each transect line have way more segments so we can take a left and right half of each transect line
     segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(intersect_transects, min_segmentation)
-    # unlist(segmented_trans$geom)
-    # unique(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-    # length(lengths(segmented_trans$geom))
-    # lengths(segmented_trans$geom)  
     # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
       # mapview::mapview(intersect_transects, color = "red") +
       #   mapview::mapview(intersect_transects[42, ], color = "yellow") +

From b81e4778a9bc34fc979e8c1ec5a6ecb67dd17897 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 15:35:29 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 38/64] small cleanups as im migrating fema functions to

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 413 +---------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index a36b369..c96efb3 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -936,35 +936,18 @@ path_df
 #         mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
 #         mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")  +  
 #       mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(final_line), color = "yellow")   
 #     }
 #     left_trans$left_extension_distance
 #     length(right_distances)
 #     # Calculate the minimum distance a line would need to extend to reach the boundary of the polygon/line that the input geometries are entirely within 
     calc_extension_distances <- function(geos_geoms, ids, lines_to_cut, lines_to_cut_indices, direction = "head", max_extension_distance = 2500) {
       #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
       # geos_geoms   <- left_trans_geos
-      # ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
-      # lines_to_cut <- intersect_lines
-      # lines_to_cut_indices <- left_trans$left_fema_index
-      # direction = "head"
-      # max_extension_distance = 2500
-      # geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos
-      # ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id
-      # lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines
-      # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
-      # direction              = "head"
-      # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
       # geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos
       # ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id
       # lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines
@@ -1012,391 +995,3 @@ path_df
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#     # Loop over every left and right halfs of transects and 
-#     # if they are fully within FEMA polygons, get the minimum extension distance required for the transect to meet the FEMA polygon boundary
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#     left_ids          <- left_trans$tmp_id
-#     left_fema_indexes <- left_trans$left_fema_index
-#     left_fema_bool    <- left_trans$left_is_within_fema
-#     # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-#     left_extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(left_ids)))
-#     # all_equal_length_vects <- all(length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_indexes) && length(left_ids) == length(left_fema_bool))
-#     # 1:length(left_ids)
-#     extension_count = 0
-#     for(i in 1:length(left_ids)) {
-#       # i = 1
-#       tmp_id                 <- left_ids[i]
-#       is_within_fema_polygon <- left_fema_bool[i]
-#       fema_index             <- left_fema_indexes[i]
-#       message("Transect: '", tmp_id, "' - (", i, ")")
-#       # if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-#       #   break
-#       # }
-#       # fema_index <- left_trans$left_fema_index[i]
-#       # is_within_fema_polygon = ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)
-#       if(is_within_fema_polygon) {
-#         message("- Left side of transect intersects with FEMA")
-#         message("\t > FEMA index: ", fema_index)
-#         extension_count = extension_count + 1
-#         message("\t > extension_count: ", extension_count)
-#         trans_geom <- left_trans_geos[i]
-#         index_vect <- sort(unlist(fema_index))
-#         # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_trans_geos[i]), color = "red") + sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines[index_vect])
-#         # intersect_lines[index_vect]
-#         dist_to_fema <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
-#                             distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
-#                             line         = trans_geom,
-#                             geoms_to_cut = intersect_lines[index_vect],
-#                             direction    = "head"
-#                           )
-#         left_extension_dists[i] <- dist_to_fema
-#       }
-#       message()
-#     }
-#     left_trans$left_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
-#   }
-#   tmp <- left_trans[1:5, ]
-#   tmp
-#   tmp_extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(tmp, tmp$left_extension_dist)
-#   tmp_extended
-#   fema_idx <- unique(unlist(dplyr::select(tmp, left_fema_index)$left_fema_index))
-#   mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp, -left_fema_index), color = "red") +  
-#     mapview::mapview(dplyr::select(tmp_extended, -left_fema_index), color = "green")  +
-#     sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_idx])
-#   length(left_extension_dists)
-#   left_trans_geos
-#   vctrs::vec_c(
-#     vctrs::vec_c(
-#       left_trans$hy_id
-#   ),
-#   vctrs::vec_cast(left_trans$cs_id)
-#   )
-#  #  
-#  #  # mapview::mapview(left_trans[477, ]) + intersect_polygons[1888, ]
-#  # left_trans <- 
-#  #    left_trans %>%
-#  #    dplyr::mutate(
-#  #      fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., intersect_polygons))
-#  #    ) %>% 
-#  #    dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
-#  #  
-#   # left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-#   sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
-#   fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
-#   fema_polygons %>% na.omit()
-#   # note: sorting the fema polygon indices (not sure if necessary)
-#   left_fema <- fema_polygons[sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))]
-#   left_fema
-#   left_fema %>% plot()
-#   geos::geos_make_linestring(geom = left_fema)
-#   left_trans$fema_index
-#   sort(na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index))))
-#   # left_fema <- fema_polygons[na.omit(unlist(unique(left_trans$fema_index)))]
-#   left_fema_lines <- 
-#     left_fema %>% 
-#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-#     sf::st_cast("multilinestring") %>% 
-#     geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-#     geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
-#   left_fema %>% 
-#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-#     mapview::npts()
-#   geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 50) %>% 
-#     geos::geos_num_coordinates() %>%
-#     sum()
-#   geos::geos_num_coordinates(left_fema_lines) %>% sum()
-#   geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(left_fema_lines, 1) %>% 
-#     .[3] %>% 
-#     plot()
-#   left_fema_lines[3] %>% plot()
-#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#       distances    = 1:2000,
-#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-#       direction    = "head"
-#     )
-#   }) %>% 
-#     unlist()
-#   left_trans$left_head_extension_dist <- left_extension_dists
-#   # find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
-#   right_trans <- 
-#     segmented_trans %>% 
-#     lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       partition         = "right",
-#       partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-#     ) %>% 
-#     dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-#                   cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-#   right_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
-#   right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, geos::as_geos_geometry(fema_polygons))
-#   right_within_vect <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) {
-#                       if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(na_real_) } }
-#                       )
-#  right_trans$fema_index <- right_within_vect
-# # 
-# #  right_trans <- 
-# #     right_trans %>%
-# #     dplyr::mutate(
-# #       fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
-# #     ) %>% 
-# #     dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
-# #   
-#   right_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(right_trans$fema_index),] 
-#   right_fema_lines <- 
-#     right_fema %>% 
-#     sf::st_cast("linestring")
-#   right_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(right_trans_geos), function(i) {
-#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#       distances    = 1:2000,
-#       line         = right_trans_geos[i],
-#       geoms_to_cut = right_fema_lines,
-#       direction    = "tail"
-#     )
-#   }) %>% 
-#     unlist()
-#   right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists <- right_extension_dists
-#   right_trans$right_tail_extension_dists
-#   unlist(sf::st_within(left_trans, fema_polygons))
-#   left_trans <- 
-#     left_trans %>%
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       fema_index = unlist(sf::st_within(., fema_polygons))
-#     ) %>% 
-#   dplyr::relocate(fema_index)
-#   left_fema <- fema_polygons[unique(left_trans$fema_index),]
-#   left_fema_lines <- 
-#     left_fema %>% 
-#     sf::st_cast("linestring")
-#   geos::as_geos_geometry(left_fema)
-#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-#     mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
-#   left_trans_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-#   left_trans_geos %>% plot()
-#   left_trans_geos[2]
-#   length(left_trans_geos)
-#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-#    hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#       distances    = 1:2000,
-#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-#       direction    = "head"
-#     )
-#   }) %>% 
-#     unlist()
-#   left_extensions  <- geos::geos_empty()
-#   for (i in 1:length(left_extension_dists)) {
-#     dist = left_extension_dists[i]
-#     geos_line <- left_trans_geos[i]
-#     message(glue::glue("i: {i}\ndist: {dist}"))
-#     extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(
-#       geos_line,
-#       dist,
-#       "head"
-#     )
-#     left_extensions <- vctrs::vec_c(left_extensions, extended)
-#   }
-#   # index for only valid transects
-#   # is_valid <- !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
-#   left_extensions <- left_extensions[!geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)]
-#   # !geos::geos_is_empty(left_extensions)
-#   new_left_trans <- 
-#     left_trans %>% 
-#     sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#     dplyr::mutate(
-#       geom = sf::st_as_sfc(left_extensions)
-#     ) %>% 
-#     sf::st_as_sf()
-#   # geos::sf
-#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-#     mapview::mapview(new_left_trans, color = "green")
-#   mapply(function(geom, dist) {
-#       hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(geom, dist, "head") 
-#     },
-#   left_trans_geos,
-#   left_extension_dists
-#   )
-#   left_extensions <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-#     extend_dist <- hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#         distances    = 1:2000,
-#         line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-#         geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-#         direction    = "head"
-#       )
-#     hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[i], extend_dist, "head") 
-#     })
-#   # unlist(left_extensions)
-#   left_extension_dists <- lapply(seq_along(left_trans_geos), function(i) {
-#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#       distances    = 1:2000,
-#       line         = left_trans_geos[i],
-#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-#       direction    = "head"
-#     )
-#   }) 
-#   distance_to_extend <- 
-#     hydrofabric3d:::geos_bs_distance(
-#       distances    = 1:1500,
-#       line         = left_trans_geos[1],
-#       geoms_to_cut = left_fema_lines,
-#       direction    = "head"
-#     )
-#   extended <- hydrofabric3d::geos_extend_line(left_trans_geos[1], distance_to_extend, "head") %>% 
-#     sf::st_as_sf()
-#   mapview::mapview(left_fema, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_ls, color = "yellow") +
-#     mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "red") +
-#     mapview::mapview(extended, color = "green")
-#     # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "green")
-#   left_trans$geom %>% sf::st_length()
-#   plot(segmented_trans$geom, col = "red", lwd =5)
-#   plot(left_trans$geom, col = "green", lwd=3, add = true)
-#   plot(right_trans$geom, col = "blue", lwd=3, add = true)
-#   unlist(left_trans$geom)
-#    unlist(right_trans$geom)
-#   unlist(trans_fema$geom )
-#   unlist(split_trans$geom )
-#   split_trans %>% 
-#     sf::st_collection_extract("linestring")
-#   split_trans$geom
-#   tmp_trans$geom
-#   nngeo::st_segments(tmp_trans) %>% 
-#     .$result %>% 
-#     plot()
-#   mapview::mapview(tmp_trans) + tmp_centroid
-#   geos::geos_clip_by_rect()
-#   transects_with_
-#   lengths(transects_polygons_matrix)
-#   mapview::mapview(transects_with_fema, color = "green") + fema_with_transects
-#   unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30]
-#   transects  %>% 
-#     hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects) %>% 
-#     .$tmp_id %>% 
-#     unique() %>% .[1:30]
-#   trans_subset <- 
-#     transects %>% 
-#     hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3d::add_tmp_id(transects)$tmp_id)[1:30])
-#   fema_subset <- 
-#     fema %>% 
-#     dplyr::filter(fema_id == "1268")
-#   extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(500, nrow(trans_subset)))
-#   extended
-#   clipped_trans <- rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema)
-#   rmapshaper::ms_clip(extended, fema_subset)
-#   mapview::mapview(trans_subset, color = "red") + 
-#     mapview::mapview(extended, color = "yellow") +
-#     # mapview::mapview(  sf::st_difference(extended, fema_subset), color = "green") +
-#     mapview::mapview(clipped_trans,  color = "green") +
-#     fema 
-#    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset))
-#   extended <- hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_length(trans_subset,    rep(50, nrow(trans_subset)))
-#   hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(trans_subset, 50) %>% 
-#     sf::st_as_sf() %>% mapview::mapview()
\ No newline at end of file

From 7914a4526db5ece3d238487934fcfaee50674df6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:16:29 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 39/64] updating cs_runner/01_transects.R to use FEMA VPU
 polygons to extend transects out to the FEMA floodplain when possible

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R          |  34 ++-
 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 278 ++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index b3727ba..4d6c746 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+nextgen_files    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 model_attr_files <- list.files(model_attr_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 # string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
@@ -26,16 +26,32 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  vpu <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  # Get FEMA by VPU directory and files for current VPU 
+  fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
+  # fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
+  vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  # fema polygons and transect lines
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
   # # model attributes file and full path
   # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
   # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
+  message("Creating VPU ", vpu, " transects:", 
+          "\n - flowpaths: '",
+          nextgen_file, "'",
+           "\n - FEMA polygons: ", basename(vpu_fema_file)
+          )
   # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
   # read in nextgen data
@@ -114,6 +130,15 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       cs_source = net_source
+  # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+  # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(
+                                                  transect_lines         = transects, 
+                                                  polygons               = fema, 
+                                                  flines                 = flines, 
+                                                  max_extension_distance = 3000 
+                                                  )
   # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
     # save dataset with only subset of columns to upload to S3
@@ -129,6 +154,9 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
   copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
                    ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index c96efb3..1cae9ca 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ path_df
 # loop over each vpu and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to s3 bucket
 # for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
+  i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
@@ -65,13 +65,181 @@ path_df
   # read in nextgen flowlines data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  system.time({
-   extended_transects <- get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(transects,
-                                               fema,
-                                               flines,
-                                               3000)
-  })
-   # library(nngeo)
+  # 
+  # system.time({
+  #  extended_transects <- get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(transects, fema, flines, 3000)
+  # })
+  # 
+  # sf::write_sf(extended_transects, '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_fema_extended_trans.gpkg')
+  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
+  # ----- Generate plots of extensions ----
+  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
+  extended_transects <- sf::read_sf('/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_fema_extended_trans.gpkg') %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+  # ids_of_interest = c("wb-1002167", "wb-1002166", "wb-1002165", "wb-1002164")
+  # ids_of_interest = c( "wb-1002166", "wb-1002165")
+  # ids_of_interest = c("wb-1014540", "wb-1014541", "wb-1014542", "wb-1014570", "wb-1014574",
+  #   "wb-1014575", "wb-1014572" ,"wb-1014573" ,"wb-1014571", 
+  #   "wb-1014568", "wb-1014569", "wb-1014567", "wb-1014543")
+  # ids_of_interest = c( "wb-1014542")
+  any_extended <- 
+    extended_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(
+      (left_is_extended & right_is_extended) | (left_is_extended & !right_is_extended) | (!left_is_extended & right_is_extended)
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      extend_status = dplyr::case_when(
+        (left_is_extended & right_is_extended)  ~ "both",
+        (left_is_extended & !right_is_extended) ~ "left_only",
+        (!left_is_extended & right_is_extended) ~ "right_only",
+        TRUE ~ "no_extension"
+      )
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      extend_distance = left_distance + right_distance
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::relocate(extend_status, extend_distance) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1002550") 
+    # dplyr::slice(1:1500)
+  fema_subset_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema, any_extended)
+  fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_subset_intersects) > 0, ]
+  fema_polygons
+  og_trans <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% any_extended$tmp_id | hy_id %in% any_extended$hy_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      extend_status = "original"
+    ) 
+  Flowlines <-
+    flines %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(id %in% unique(any_extended$hy_id))
+  FEMA = fema_polygons
+  Extended = sf::st_buffer(any_extended, 10)
+  Original = sf::st_buffer(og_trans, 10)
+  mapview::mapview(FEMA, col.regions = "dodgerblue") + 
+    mapview::mapview(Flowlines, color = "darkblue") + 
+    mapview::mapview(Extended, col.regions = "green") +
+    mapview::mapview(Original, col.regions = "red") 
+    # mapview::mapview(Extended, color = "green") +
+    # mapview::mapview(Original, color = "red") 
+  extend_subset <- 
+    any_extended %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% ids_of_interest)
+    # dplyr::group_by(extend_status) %>%
+    # dplyr::arrange(-extend_distance, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+    # dplyr::slice(
+    #   which.min(extend_distance),
+    #   which.max(extend_distance)
+    # )
+    # dplyr::slice(1)
+  extend_subset <-
+    any_extended %>%
+    dplyr::group_by(extend_status) %>%
+    dplyr::arrange(-extend_distance, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
+    # dplyr::slice(
+    #   which.min(extend_distance),
+    #   which.max(extend_distance)
+    # )
+    dplyr::slice(2000:2020)
+  extend_subset
+  fline_subset <-
+    flines %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(id %in% unique(extend_subset$hy_id))
+  plot_data <- 
+    dplyr::bind_rows(
+    transects %>% 
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% extend_subset$tmp_id) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        extend_status = "original"
+      ),
+    dplyr::filter(extend_subset, 
+                  extend_status != "no_extension")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::relocate(extend_status, extend_distance) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      extend_status = dplyr::case_when(
+        extend_status != "original" ~ "extended",
+        TRUE ~ extend_status
+      )
+    ) 
+  fema_subset_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema, fline_subset)
+  fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_subset_intersects) > 0, ]
+  fema_polygons
+  flines[lengths(sf::st_intersects(flines, fema_polygons)) > 0, ] %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(id) %>% 
+    unique()
+  fema_polygons
+  sf::st_crop(fema_polygons, fline_subset)
+  ggplot2::ggplot() +
+    ggplot2::geom_sf(data =   sf::st_crop(fema_polygons, fline_subset), fill = "grey") +
+    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = fline_subset, color = "black", lwd = 1) +
+    # ggplot2::geom_sf(data = plot_data, ggplot2::aes(color = extend_status))
+   ggplot2::geom_sf(data = dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "extended"),
+                    color = "green") + 
+   ggplot2::geom_sf(data = dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "original"), 
+                    color = "red")
+  mapview::mapview(fema_polygons, col.regions = "dodgerblue") + 
+  mapview::mapview(fline_subset, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+    mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "extended"), color = "green") +
+    mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "original"), color = "red") 
+  transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% extend_subset$tmp_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      extend_status = "original"
+    )
+  extend_subset
+  ggplot2::ggplot() +
+    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = fline_subset, color = "black", lwd = 5) +
+    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = extend_subset, ggplot2::aes(color = extend_status))
+  mapview::mapview(fline_subset, color = "dodgerblue") + 
+   mapview::mapview(extend_subset, color = "green") 
+  both_extended <-
+    extended_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+  left_only_extended <- 
+    extended_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended) 
+  right_only_extended <- 
+    extended_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
+  unique(both_extended$hy_id)
+  extended_transects %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(
+      # tmp_id %in% unique(left_only_extended$tmp_id),
+      tmp_id %in% unique(right_only_extended$tmp_id) || 
+      tmp_id %in% unique(both_extended$tmp_id)
+      )
+  unique(extended_transects$hy_id)
+  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
+  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
+  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---  
+  # library(nngeo)
   # fema %>% 
   #   dplyr::group_by(fema_id) %>% 
   #   dplyr::mutate(
@@ -180,10 +348,7 @@ path_df
   # transect_lines, set of Sf linestrigns to extend (only if the transect lines are ENTIRELLY within a polygons)
   # polygons, set of sf polygons that transect lines should be exteneded 
   # max_extension_distance numeric, maximum distance (meters) to extend a transect line in either direction to try and intersect one of the "polygons"
-  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines, 
-                                                           polygons, 
-                                                           flines,
-                                                           max_extension_distance) {
+  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines,   polygons,  flines, max_extension_distance) {
     ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
     # transect_lines <- transects
@@ -789,9 +954,7 @@ path_df
         # ---------------------------------------------------
         # start %>% class()
-    }
+    }      
     # transects2 <- transects 
       # dplyr::mutate(
@@ -822,90 +985,7 @@ path_df
-    # transects2 %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-#     any_extended <- 
-#       transects2 %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended)
-#     any_flines <- 
-#       flines %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(id %in% any_extended$hy_id)
-#     # left_only_extended <- 
-#     #   transects2 %>% 
-#     #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended)
-#     # 
-#     # left_only_flines <- 
-#     #   flines %>% 
-#     #   dplyr::filter(id %in% left_only_extended$hy_id)
-#     # 
-#     # right_only_extended <- 
-#     #   transects2 %>% 
-#     #   dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-#     # 
-#     # right_only_flines <- 
-#     #   flines %>% 
-#     #   dplyr::filter(id %in% right_only_extended$hy_id)
-#     # left_fema_polygons <- 
-#       # left_trans %>% 
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#     # ------- Subset data for mapping ----------- 
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#     extended_for_map <- 
-#       any_extended %>% 
-#       dplyr::slice(1:1000)
-#     og_transects_for_map <- 
-#       transects %>% 
-#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id)
-#     fema_indexes_in_aoi <-
-#       dplyr::bind_rows(
-#         sf::st_drop_geometry(
-#           dplyr::rename(left_trans, fema_index = left_fema_index)
-#         ),
-#         sf::st_drop_geometry(     
-#           dplyr::rename(right_trans, 
-#                         fema_index = right_fema_index)
-#         )
-#       ) %>% 
-#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extended_for_map)$tmp_id) %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(
-#       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id |
-#       #   # tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(right_only_extended)$tmp_id
-#       #  
-#       #   tmp_id %in%  unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(dplyr::filter(transects2, left_is_extended, right_is_extended))$tmp_id)
-#       #   
-#       #   ) %>% 
-#       # dplyr::filter(left_is_within_fema | right_is_within_fema) %>% 
-#       # dplyr::slice(1:200) %>%
-#       .$fema_index %>% 
-#       unlist() %>% 
-#       na.omit() %>% 
-#       unique() %>% 
-#       sort()
-#       # length()
-#     sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi])
-#     # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(left_only_extended)$tmp_id
-#     # transects_with_distances
-#     # %>% 
-#     mapview::mapview( sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_indexes_in_aoi]),  col.regions = "lightblue") + 
-#       mapview::mapview(any_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-#       mapview::mapview(og_transects_for_map, color = "green") + 
-#       mapview::mapview(extended_for_map, color = "red") 
-#       # mapview::mapview(left_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-#       #     mapview::mapview(right_only_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-#     # mapview::mapview(left_only_extended, color = "red") + 
-#     #      mapview::mapview(right_only_extended, color = "green")
-#     # transects$cs_lengthm  <- length_list
 #     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
 #     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
 #     # ----------------------------------------------------------------  

From 1ba56d4a5f52bac07f33f00aa73c1935df3933ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 15:54:28 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 40/64] reworked final step in producing fema geometries to
 better resolve internal boundaries

 .gitignore                                |   3 +-
 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R          | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R |   3 +
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R       | 135 +++++++++++----
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R                 | 117 +++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3d01a85..182b0e0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ inst/doc
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 4d6c746..e8d0476 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
+   # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
   vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  # fema polygons and transect lines
-  fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
   # # model attributes file and full path
   # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
   # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
@@ -50,8 +48,10 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("Creating VPU ", vpu, " transects:", 
           "\n - flowpaths: '",
           nextgen_file, "'",
-           "\n - FEMA polygons: ", basename(vpu_fema_file)
+           "\n - FEMA polygons: '", 
+          basename(vpu_fema_file), "'"
   # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
   # read in nextgen data
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+      mainstem,
       geometry = geom
@@ -111,7 +112,9 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
     # precision         = 1,
     add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  gc()
   time2 <- Sys.time()
   time_diff <- round(as.numeric(time2 - time1 ), 2)
@@ -121,7 +124,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_transects.gpkg")
   out_path <- paste0(transects_dir, out_file)
-  message("Saving transects to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
   transects <- 
@@ -129,16 +131,177 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       cs_source = net_source
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # --- Extend transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplains
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  message("Reading in FEMA polygons...") 
+  # fema polygons and transect lines
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
+  # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
+  # keep 10% of the original points for speed
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.01)
+  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  # # TODO: the flines argument needs the "hy_id" column to be named "id" 
+  # # TODO: probably should fix this in hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons()
+  # flines <- 
+  #   flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::rename(id = hy_id)
+  message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
+  # # TODO: hacky, need to fix the extend-trancterts to polygons function to not need these columns
+  # transects <- 
+  #   transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::rename(geom = geometry) %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     is_extended = FALSE
+  #   )
+  transects <- 
+    transects  %>%
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(flines),
+                    hy_id,
+                    mainstem
+      ),
+      by = "hy_id" 
+    )
+  # system.time({
   # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
   # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
-  transects <- hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(
-                                                  transect_lines         = transects, 
-                                                  polygons               = fema, 
-                                                  flines                 = flines, 
-                                                  max_extension_distance = 3000 
-                                                  )
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+    transect_lines         = transects, 
+    polygons               = fema, 
+    flowlines              = flines, 
+    crosswalk_id           = "hy_id",
+    intersect_group_id     = "mainstem", 
+    max_extension_distance = 3000 
+  )
+  # })
+  message("FEMA extensions complete! - ( ", Sys.time(), " )")
+  transects  <- dplyr::select(transects, -tmp_id)
+  transects  <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)
+  # transects <- 
+    transects3 %>%  
+    # dplyr::select(-cs_lengthm) %>% 
+    # dplyr::mutate(is_fema_extended = left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      hy_id, 
+      cs_id, 
+      cs_lengthm,
+      # cs_lengthm = new_cs_lengthm, 
+      cs_source,
+      cs_measure,
+      geometry
+      # is_extended,
+      # is_fema_extended,
+      # geometry = geom
+    )
+  gc()
+  # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # 
+  # transects <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
+  # 
+  # # flines <-
+  # #   flines %>%
+  # #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% transects$hy_id)
+  # #   dplyr::slice(1:1000)
+  # 
+  # flines <-
+  #   flines %>%
+  #   dplyr::slice(seq(1, nrow(flines), 10))
+  # # 
+  # transects <-
+  #   transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines$hy_id)
+  # # 
+  # 
+  # # TODO: the flines argument needs the "hy_id" column to be named "id" 
+  # # TODO: probably should fix this in hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons()
+  # flines <- 
+  #   flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::rename(id = hy_id)
+  # 
+  # 
+  #  # fema_keep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01)
+  # 
+  # mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "red") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema_keep, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "green") 
+  #   # mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema_nokeep, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "dodgerblue")
+  # transects
+  # 
+  # # system.time({
+  # # profvis::profvis({
+  #   
+  # # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+  # # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+  # # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(
+  # #                                                 transect_lines         = transects, 
+  # #                                                 polygons               = fema, 
+  # #                                                 flines                 = flines, 
+  # #                                                 max_extension_distance = 3000 
+  # #                                                 )
+  # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+  #   transect_lines         = transects, 
+  #   polygons               = fema, 
+  #   flowlines              = flines, 
+  #   max_extension_distance = 3000 
+  # )
+  # # })
+  # # })
+  # 
+  # # mapview::mapview(transects2, color = "green") + 
+  # # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") + 
+  # #    mapview::mapview(fema_keep, col.regions = "dodgerblue")
+  # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # 
+  # transects2 <- dplyr::select(transects2, -tmp_id)
+  # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects2)
+  # 
+  # extended_ids <- 
+  #   transects2 %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::pull(hy_id) %>% 
+  #   unique()
+  # 
+  # start_trans <- dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% extended_ids[1:150])
+  #   end_trans <- dplyr::filter(transects2, hy_id %in% extended_ids[1:150])
+  # mapview::mapview(start_trans, color = "red")  + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(end_trans, color = "green")
+  # transects <- 
+  #   transects %>%  
+  #   dplyr::select(-cs_lengthm) %>% 
+  #   # dplyr::mutate(is_fema_extended = left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(
+  #     hy_id, 
+  #     cs_id, 
+  #     # cs_lengthm,
+  #     cs_lengthm = new_cs_lengthm, 
+  #     cs_source,
+  #     cs_measure,
+  #     # is_extended,
+  #     # is_fema_extended,
+  #     geometry = geom
+  #   )
+  message("Saving transects to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)
     # save dataset with only subset of columns to upload to S3
@@ -154,9 +317,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  transects <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
   copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
                    ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
@@ -169,6 +329,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   system(copy_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
   message("Overwritting local copy of transects to include 'is_extended' column...\n==========================")
   # Overwrite transects with additional columns for development purposes (is_extended) to have a local copy of dataset with information about extensions
@@ -184,4 +345,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  rm(fema, transects, flines)
+  gc()
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
index 1cae9ca..a5ac6f3 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+# # install.packages("devtools")
 # loop over each vpu and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to s3 bucket
 # for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 52653d3..160593e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/utils.R")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
@@ -108,7 +109,8 @@ FEMA_FILE_PATHS <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", FEMA_FILENAMES)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  # message(file)
   local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
   geojson_filename     <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
@@ -146,15 +148,25 @@ for (file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
   # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", file, "'")
   output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", basename(file))
   output_path <- paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
   clean_geojson_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  # start_fema <- sf::read_sf(file)
+  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', file, 
+  #                            ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
+  #                            ' -dissolve \\', 
+  #                            ' -explode \\', 
+  #                            ' -o ', output_path
+  # )
   mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', file, 
-                             ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
-                             ' -dissolve \\', 
-                             ' -explode \\', 
+                             ' -dissolve2 FLD_AR_ID \\', 
+                             ' -simplify 0.1 visvalingam \\', 
+                             # ' -explode \\',
+                             ' -snap \\',
                              ' -o ', output_path
@@ -163,12 +175,14 @@ for (file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
     message("Writting '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+  # end_fema <- sf::read_sf(output_path)
+  }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geometries to geopackages ----
+# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geojson geometries to geopackages ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
@@ -182,8 +196,6 @@ for (file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
   message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", basename(file), "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
-  # system(ogr2ogr_command)
   clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_gpkg_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_gpkg_exists)
@@ -199,41 +211,97 @@ for (file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# # ---- Apply hydrofab::clean_geometries() to cleaned FEMA geometries  ----
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boudnaries in FEMA geometries  ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
 FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
   message("Applying hydrofab::clean_geometry() to:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+  fema <-
+    fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)
+  #  TODO: Snap using geos::geos_snap()
+  # fema <-
+  #   geos::geos_snap(
+  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
+  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
+  #     tolerance = 1
+  #     ) %>%
+  #   geos::geos_make_valid()  %>%
+  #   sf::st_as_sf()
+  # TODO: we get this error when trying to use the geometry column after geos snapping
+  # TODO: Error = "Error: Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL]."
+  # fema %>%
+    # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
+  # TODO: Snap using sf::st_snap()
+  # fema <- sf::st_snap(
+  #             fema,
+  #             fema,
+  #             tolerance = 2
+  #             )
   fema <-
-    file_path %>%
-    sf::read_sf() %>%
-    sf::st_transform(5070) %>%
-    sf::st_cast("POLYGON") %>%
+    fema %>% 
+    # fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+    dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-      fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry = geom)
-  message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
-  message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
-  fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
-    catchments = fema,
-    ID         = "fema_id"
-    )
-  fema_clean <-
-    fema_clean %>%
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
+  # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
+  # mapview::mapview(start_fema$geom, color = "red", col.regions = "red") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(end_fema$geom, color = 'limegreen', col.regions = "limegreen") + 
+  #   mapview::mapview(snap_union_sf, color = 'gold', col.regions = "gold") + 
+  # mapview::mapview(final_fema, color = 'white', col.regions = "white") + 
+  # mapview::mapview(fin, color = 'white', col.regions = "white") 
+  # message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
+  # message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
+  # 
+  # fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
+  #   catchments = fema,
+  #   ID         = "fema_id"
+  #   )
+  # 
+  # fema_clean <-
+  #   fema_clean %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     source = basename(file_path),
+  #     state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+  #   ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
+  fema <- 
+    fema %>% 
       source = basename(file_path),
       state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
     ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
+                  # areasqkm, 
+                  geometry)
   message("End time: ", Sys.time())
@@ -245,7 +313,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
     message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
-      fema_clean,
+      # fema_clean,
+      fema,
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index ae40b70..8bfd145 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -26,3 +26,120 @@ polygons_with_line_intersects <- function(polygons = NULL, lines = NULL) {
+add_predicate_group_id <- function(polys, predicate) {
+  # ----------------------------------------- 
+  # predicate = sf::st_touches
+  # polys <- sf_df
+  # ----------------------------------------- 
+  relations <- predicate(polys)
+  relations <- lapply(seq_along(relations), function(i) { as.character(sort(unique(c(relations[i][[1]], i)))) })
+  group_ids_map <- fastmap::fastmap()
+  ids_to_groups <- fastmap::fastmap()
+  group_id <- 0
+  for (i in seq_along(relations)) {
+    predicate_ids <- relations[i][[1]]
+    # message("(", i, ") - ", predicate_ids)
+    # message("Start Group ID: ", group_id)
+    id_group_check <- ids_to_groups$has(predicate_ids)
+    if(any(id_group_check)) {
+      known_groups  <- ids_to_groups$mget(predicate_ids)
+      known_group   <- known_groups[unname(sapply(known_groups , function(kg) {
+        !is.null(kg)
+      }))][[1]]
+      # message("IDs part of past group ID > '", known_group, "'")
+      past_group_ids     <- group_ids_map$get(known_group)[[1]]
+      updated_group_ids  <- as.character(
+        sort(as.numeric(unique(c(past_group_ids, predicate_ids))))
+      )
+      group_ids_map$set(known_group, list(updated_group_ids))
+      new_ids <- predicate_ids[!predicate_ids %in% past_group_ids]
+      # message("Adding ", new_ids, " to seen set...")
+      # add any newly added IDs to the seen map
+      for (seen_id in new_ids) {
+        # message(seen_id)
+        ids_to_groups$set(as.character(seen_id), as.character(group_id))
+      }
+    } else {
+      # get a new group ID number
+      group_id <- group_id + 1    
+      # message("IDs form NEW group > '", group_id, "'")
+      # create a new key in the map with the predicate IDs list as the value
+      group_ids_map$set(as.character(group_id), list(predicate_ids))
+      # message("Adding ", predicate_ids, " to seen set...")
+      # add each predicate ID to the map storing the seen indexes and their respecitve group IDs 
+      for (seen_id in predicate_ids) {
+        # message(seen_id)
+        ids_to_groups$set(as.character(seen_id), as.character(group_id))
+      }
+    }
+    # message("End group ID: ", group_id, "\n") 
+  }
+  group_ids   <- group_ids_map$as_list() 
+  grouping_df <- lapply(seq_along(group_ids), function(i) {
+    # i = 2
+    grouping  <- group_ids[i] 
+    group_id  <- names(grouping)
+    indices   <- grouping[[1]][[1]]
+    data.frame(
+      index      = as.numeric(indices),
+      group_id   = rep(group_id, length(indices))   
+    )
+  }) %>% 
+    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(i) 
+  # count up the number of IDs for each group, well use this to determine which group 
+  # to put any indices that had MULTIPLE groups they were apart of (use the group with the most other members)
+  group_id_counts <- 
+    grouping_df %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::count() %>% 
+    # dplyr::arrange(-n) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup()
+  # select the IDs with the most other members
+  grouping_df <- 
+    grouping_df %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      group_id_counts, 
+      by = 'group_id'
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(index) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice_max(n, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-n) %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(-index) 
+  polys$group_id <- grouping_df$group_id
+  return(polys)

From fcedf0759b75ef61b8253935d405383b64c9fd5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 08:42:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 41/64] reworking processing of fema FGBs to improve transect

 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R | 21 ++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 160593e..1498151 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ library(dplyr)
+# TODO: Steps that converts FGB to geojson and then geojson to gpkg can be put into a single loop
+# TODO: Delete old files as needed
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
@@ -330,9 +334,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
 FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-NEXTGEN_FILENAMES  <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
   fema_file <- basename(file_path)
@@ -371,8 +374,7 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
           vpu = vpu
         ) %>%
-        dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state,
-                      areasqkm, geom)
+        dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
       # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
@@ -409,14 +411,11 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
 for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
-# for (i in 1:4) {
-  vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+ # for (i in 1:4) {
+  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
-# }
+ # }
   # vpu_dir <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_06'
   vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)

From e1c66212cf01f54efe3c750f5d4350fa546126a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:17:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 42/64] wip on removing wholes but not losing many polygons

 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 1498151..b45948b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -473,10 +473,9 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MERGED_DIRS <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, "/merged")
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # i = 8
-  # i
   vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
@@ -502,22 +501,50 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   fema_vpu_file <- fema_vpu_file[!grepl("_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)]
   fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(fema_vpu_file)
-  # fema_vpu
-  # fema_ids <- c(695)
   # fema_vpu <-
   #   fema_vpu %>%
   #   dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
   #   dplyr::summarise()  %>%
   #   dplyr::ungroup()
-  # fema_vpu
+   mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
+  fema_vpu2 <- 
+    fema_vpu %>% 
+    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 20) %>%
+    # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>%
+    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
+  fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
-  # fema_snapped <- sf::st_snap(fema_vpu, fema_vpu, tolerance = 10)
-  # sf::st_
+  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+    mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+      # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
   # message("Removing holes before dissolve...")
   fema_vpu <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu)
-  # 
+  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white') 
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
+  all(sf::st_is_valid(fema_vpu))
+  rmapshaper::ms_innerlines(fema_vpu)
   # message("Making valid geometries...")
   # fema_vpu <- sf::st_make_valid(fema_vpu) 
@@ -527,8 +554,8 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-  # 2633 = old number of polygons
-  fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(
+  # 1421 = old number of polygons
+  fema_vpu2 <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(
                             input   = fema_vpu,
                             field   = "source",
                             sys     = TRUE,
@@ -536,18 +563,38 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu_dissolve)
-  fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(
-                            input   = fema_vpu,     
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
+  fema_vpu2 <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(
+                            input   = fema_vpu2,     
                             sys     = TRUE,
                             sys_mem = 16
-  # mapview::npts(fema_exp)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
   message("Removing holes after explosion...")
-  fema_vpu <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_exp_noholes)
+  fema_vpu2 <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu2)
+  fema_vpu2 <- 
+    fema_vpu2 %>% 
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    )
+  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+    mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:00, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white') 
+  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
+  sf::st_is_valid(fema_vpu2) %>% all()
+  fema_vpu2 %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
+    unique()
+  sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu2) %>% unique()
   # slice_subset = 1:50
   # fema_exp_noholes[slice_subset, ]
   # mapview::mapview(  fema_vpu[1:100, ], col.regions = "dodgerblue")+ 

From 42ad438ca6a2a24dfebea732ae286b1f7c96ae2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:45:52 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 43/64] replaced preprocess fema with new version which better
 resolves internal boundaries and leaves fewer islands/holes

 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R  | 489 +++++++++-----------------
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R | 504 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 666 insertions(+), 327 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index b45948b..1e1cba5 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -32,24 +32,13 @@ library(nngeo)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# create geojsons directory (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)
-# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)
 # create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
 if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
   message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
@@ -66,171 +55,132 @@ for (VPU_SUBFOLDER in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
   # message(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
-  state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
-  merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
+  # state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
+  # merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
   if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
     message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
     message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
-  if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
-      message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
-      message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
-      dir.create(state_dir)
-     }
-  if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
-    message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
-    message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
-    dir.create(merged_dir)
-    }
-# create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)
+  # if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
+  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
+  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
+  #   dir.create(state_dir)
+  # }
+  # if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
+  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
+  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
+  #   dir.create(merged_dir)
+  # }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Get paths to downloaded FEMA 100 FGBs ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FEMA_FILENAMES  <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Run ogr2ogr to get FGB files into geojson ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FEMA_FILENAMES        <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
-  # message(file)
-  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
-  geojson_filename     <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
-  geojson_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
+  # Convert FGB to GeoJSON
+  local_fema_path   <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
+  geojson_filename  <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
+  geojson_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
   message("FEMA filename: '", file, "'")
   message("Converting \n > '", file, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
-  geojson_exists <- file.exists(geojson_save_path)
+  geojson_exists  <- file.exists(geojson_save_path)
   message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  # ogr2ogr command converting FGBs to GEOJSON for mapshaper processing
-  ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
+  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
-    message("Writting '", geojson_filename, "' to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
+    message("Writing '", geojson_filename, "' to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Clean FEMA geometries (Simplify, Dissolve, Explode) ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_geojson_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (file in FEMA_geojson_paths) {
+  # Clean GeoJSON
+  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", geojson_filename, "'")
+  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", geojson_filename)
+  output_clean_geojson_path     <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
-  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", basename(file), "'")
-  # message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", file, "'")
-  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", basename(file))
-  output_path <- paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
-  clean_geojson_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
+  clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  # start_fema <- sf::read_sf(file)
-  # mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', file, 
-  #                            ' -simplify 0.15 visvalingam \\', 
-  #                            ' -dissolve \\', 
-  #                            ' -explode \\', 
-  #                            ' -o ', output_path
-  # )
-  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', file, 
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', geojson_save_path, 
                              ' -dissolve2 FLD_AR_ID \\', 
                              ' -simplify 0.1 visvalingam \\', 
-                             # ' -explode \\',
                              ' -snap \\',
-                             ' -o ', output_path
+                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_geojson_exists) {
     message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
-    message("Writting '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+    message("Writing '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_clean_geojson_path, "'")
+    STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
-  # end_fema <- sf::read_sf(output_path)
-  message()
-  }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Convert cleaned FEMA geojson geometries to geopackages ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_clean_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (file in FEMA_clean_paths) {
-  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", basename(file), "'")
-  output_gpkg_filename <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", basename(file))
-  output_path          <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+  # Convert cleaned GeoJSON to GeoPackage
+  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "'")
-  message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", basename(file), "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+  output_gpkg_filename  <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", output_clean_filename)
+  output_gpkg_path      <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
-  clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_path)
+  message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+  clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_gpkg_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_gpkg_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_gpkg_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", file)
-  # ogr2ogr_command = paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_path, " ", file)
+  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_gpkg_path, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_gpkg_exists) {
-    message("Writting '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_path, "'")
+    message("Writing '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_gpkg_path, "'")
+  }
+  message("Deleting intermediary files\n")
+  for (delete_file in STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE) {
+    if (file.exists(delete_file)) {
+      message("Deleting >>> '", delete_file, "'")
+      file.remove(delete_file)
+    }
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# # ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boudnaries in FEMA geometries  ----
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
 FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-  message("Applying hydrofab::clean_geometry() to:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
+  message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
   fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
   fema <-
     fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
   #  TODO: Snap using geos::geos_snap()
   # fema <-
   #   geos::geos_snap(
@@ -244,8 +194,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
   # TODO: we get this error when trying to use the geometry column after geos snapping
   # TODO: Error = "Error: Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL]."
   # fema %>%
-    # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
+  # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
   # TODO: Snap using sf::st_snap()
   # fema <- sf::st_snap(
   #             fema,
@@ -275,27 +225,6 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
   # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
   # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
-  # mapview::mapview(start_fema$geom, color = "red", col.regions = "red") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(end_fema$geom, color = 'limegreen', col.regions = "limegreen") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(snap_union_sf, color = 'gold', col.regions = "gold") + 
-  # mapview::mapview(final_fema, color = 'white', col.regions = "white") + 
-  # mapview::mapview(fin, color = 'white', col.regions = "white") 
-  # message(" > ", nrow(fema), " POLYGONs")
-  # message("Start time: ", Sys.time())
-  # 
-  # fema_clean <- hydrofab::clean_geometry(
-  #   catchments = fema,
-  #   ID         = "fema_id"
-  #   )
-  # 
-  # fema_clean <-
-  #   fema_clean %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     source = basename(file_path),
-  #     state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
-  #   ) %>%
-  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, areasqkm, geometry)
   fema <- 
     fema %>% 
@@ -306,13 +235,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
     dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
                   # areasqkm, 
-  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
-  # geom_diff <- sf::st_difference(fema[1, ], fema_clean[1, ])
-  # mapview::mapview(fema[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
-  # mapview::mapview(fema_clean[1, ], col.regions = "green") +
-  # mapview::mapview(geom_diff, col.regions = "white")
+  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
     message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
@@ -326,9 +250,9 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# # ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to the a Nextgen VPU ---- 
-# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to a Nextgen VPU ---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Clean FEMA GPKG files
 FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
@@ -338,7 +262,9 @@ NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
   fema_file <- basename(file_path)
   message("Partioning FEMA polygons by VPU: \n > FEMA gpkg: '", fema_file, "'")
   # read in fema polygons
@@ -354,19 +280,21 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
     # read in nextgen flowlines 
     flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
     # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
     fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
     fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
     message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
     if(fema_in_nextgen) {
       # create filepaths
       vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
-      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
+      # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
+      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
       # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
       fema_intersect <-
@@ -377,11 +305,11 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
         dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
       # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
       fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
       fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
         message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
@@ -390,8 +318,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
@@ -401,7 +329,7 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
     "Completed all VPU intersections for: \n > '", fema_file, "'",
-    )
+  )
@@ -409,28 +337,26 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
 # ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
- # for (i in 1:4) {
-  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+  # for (i in 1:4) {
+  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[12]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
- # }
+  # }
-  # vpu_dir <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_06'
   vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  states_dir <- vpu_subdirs[grepl(paste0(vpu_dir, "/states"), vpu_subdirs)]
-  merged_dir <- vpu_subdirs[grepl(paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged"), vpu_subdirs)]
+  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
   # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(states_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  master_name      <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
-  master_gpkg_name <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
-  master_filepath  <- paste0(merged_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath]
   for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
     # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
@@ -443,15 +369,17 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
     ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
                                     " ", gpkg_file
-                                    )
+    )
-    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '/states' directory...")
+  has_fema_state_gpkgs <- length(fema_state_gpkgs) > 0
+  if(DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS && has_fema_state_gpkgs) {
+    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '", vpu_dir, "' directory...")
     # message("- Deleting individual gpkgs from 'states' directory:\n > '", states_dir, "'")
     remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
@@ -472,198 +400,105 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-MERGED_DIRS <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, "/merged")
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-  # i = 8
-  vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+  vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
-  message("Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
+  message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
-  merged_dir <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged")
-  fema_vpu_file <- list.files(merged_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackage will end up
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
-  has_fema_vpu_file <- ifelse(length(fema_vpu_file) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
-  # has_fema_vpu_file
-  # message()
-  # fema_vpu_file
-# }
-  if(!has_fema_vpu_file) { 
+  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
+  if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
     message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
-  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(fema_vpu_file), "'")
-  fema_vpu_file <- fema_vpu_file[!grepl("_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)]
-  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(fema_vpu_file)
-  # fema_vpu <-
-  #   fema_vpu %>%
-  #   dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
-  #   dplyr::summarise()  %>%
-  #   dplyr::ungroup()
-   mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
-  fema_vpu2 <- 
+  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
+  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
+  fema_vpu <- 
     fema_vpu %>% 
-    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 20) %>%
+    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
     # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
     add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
     dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
       geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
     ) %>% 
     dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
     dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
+  geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
+  for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
+    message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
+  }
+  message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
+  fema_vpu <- 
+    fema_vpu %>%
+    dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
+    sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+    # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
     rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
     rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
       fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
     ) %>% 
     dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
-  fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
-  fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
-  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-    mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-      # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  # message("Removing holes before dissolve...")
-  fema_vpu <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu)
-  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white') 
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
-  all(sf::st_is_valid(fema_vpu))
-  rmapshaper::ms_innerlines(fema_vpu)
-  # message("Making valid geometries...")
-  # fema_vpu <- sf::st_make_valid(fema_vpu) 
-  # fema_vpu <- 
-  #   fema_vpu %>% 
-  #   sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON")
-  message("Dissolving...")
-  # 1421 = old number of polygons
-  fema_vpu2 <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(
-                            input   = fema_vpu,
-                            field   = "source",
-                            sys     = TRUE,
-                            sys_mem = 16
-                            )
-  message("Exploding...")
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
-  fema_vpu2 <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(
-                            input   = fema_vpu2,     
-                            sys     = TRUE,
-                            sys_mem = 16
-                            )
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
-  message("Removing holes after explosion...")
-  fema_vpu2 <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema_vpu2)
-  fema_vpu2 <- 
-    fema_vpu2 %>% 
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::summarise(
-      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    )
+  # end_geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  # message("Geometry counts after all processing steps: ")
+  # for (g in seq_along(end_geom_type_counts)) {
+  #   message(" > ", names(end_geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", end_geom_type_counts[g])
+  # }
-  mapview::mapview(fema_vpu[1:100, ], color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-    mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:00, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white') 
+  # fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
+  # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
-  # mapview::npts(fema_vpu2)
-  sf::st_is_valid(fema_vpu2) %>% all()
+  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+  #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  #   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  # # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  fema_vpu2 %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-    sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
-    unique()
-  sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu2) %>% unique()
-  # slice_subset = 1:50
-  # fema_exp_noholes[slice_subset, ]
-  # mapview::mapview(  fema_vpu[1:100, ], col.regions = "dodgerblue")+ 
-  # mapview::mapview(  fema_exp[slice_subset, ], col.regions = "red") +
-  #   mapview::mapview(  fema_exp_noholes[slice_subset, ], col.regions = "green")
-  # fema_vpu <- rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(fema_vpu,
-  #                                    field = "source",
-  #                                    sys = TRUE,
-  #                                    sys_mem = 16
-  # # )
-  # fema_vpu  <- rmapshaper::ms_explode(fema_vpu,     
-  #                                     sys = TRUE,
-  #                                     sys_mem = 16)
   fema_vpu <-
     fema_vpu %>%
     # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
-      state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
+      # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
       vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
       fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
-      ) %>%
+    ) %>%
     dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, state, geom = geometry)
+    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
+                  # state, 
+                  geom = geometry)
-    union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
-    message("> Writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
+    message("> Overwritting '", basename(master_filepath), "' with final clean version...")
+    # union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
+    # message("> writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
-      union_file_path
-      )
+      master_filepath
+      # union_file_path
+    )
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Generate bounding box gpkg for each FEMA FGB ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for (key in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
-  local_fema_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
-  gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".fgb", "_bb.gpkg", key)
-  bb_save_path    <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, "/", gpkg_filename)
-  message("S3 Key: '", key, "'")
-  message("Local FEMA file:\n > '", local_fema_path, "'")
-  message("Local output FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
-  # fema <- sf::read_sf(local_fema_path)
-  fema_bb <- 
-    local_fema_path %>% 
-    sf::read_sf() %>% 
-    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_fgb      = key,
-      fema_fgb_path = local_fema_path,
-      state         = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid.fgb", "", key)
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_fgb, fema_fgb_path, state, geometry = x) %>% 
-    sf::st_transform(5070)
-  message("Saving FEMA bounding box file:\n > '", bb_save_path, "'")
-  sf::write_sf(fema_bb, bb_save_path)
-  message()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2141946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# Script should be run AFTER download_fema100.R as the FEMA 100 year flood plain data needs to first be downloaded from S3
+# This file will take a directory of FEMA 100 year FGB files (FEMA_FGB_PATH) the below processes to generate a cleaned, simple set of geopackages 
+# Processing steps:
+# - Convert FGBs to GEOJSON (via ogr2ogr)
+# - Simplifies
+# - Dissolves
+# - Explodes
+# - Convert cleaned GEOJSON to cleaned GPKGs (via ogr2ogr)
+# - Apply hydrofab::clean_geometry()
+# - Partition FEMA 100 geometries by VPU      # TODO still
+# - Get FEMA bounding box geometries (maybe)
+# load config variables
+# TODO: Steps that converts FGB to geojson and then geojson to gpkg can be put into a single loop
+# TODO: Delete old files as needed
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
+# ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
+#          and overwrite existing previously processed files
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# create directory for FEMA geomteries partioned by VPU
+if (!dir.exists(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)) {
+  message(paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "'"))
+  dir.create(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)
+  # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
+  # message(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
+  # state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
+  # merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
+  if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
+    message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
+    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
+    dir.create(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
+  }
+  # if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
+  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
+  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
+  #   dir.create(state_dir)
+  # }
+  # if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
+  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
+  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
+  #   dir.create(merged_dir)
+  # }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get paths to downloaded FEMA 100 FGBs ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FEMA_FILENAMES        <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
+for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  # Convert FGB to GeoJSON
+  local_fema_path   <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
+  geojson_filename  <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
+  geojson_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
+  message("FEMA filename: '", file, "'")
+  message("Converting \n > '", file, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
+  geojson_exists  <- file.exists(geojson_save_path)
+  message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
+    system(ogr2ogr_command)
+    message("Writing '", geojson_filename, "' to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
+  }
+  # Clean GeoJSON
+  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", geojson_filename, "'")
+  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", geojson_filename)
+  output_clean_geojson_path     <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
+  clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
+  message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', geojson_save_path, 
+                             ' -dissolve2 FLD_AR_ID \\', 
+                             ' -simplify 0.1 visvalingam \\', 
+                             ' -snap \\',
+                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
+                             )
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_geojson_exists) {
+    message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
+    system(mapshaper_command)
+    message("Writing '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_clean_geojson_path, "'")
+    STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
+  }
+  # Convert cleaned GeoJSON to GeoPackage
+  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "'")
+  output_gpkg_filename  <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", output_clean_filename)
+  output_gpkg_path      <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
+  message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
+  clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_gpkg_path)
+  message(" >>> '", output_gpkg_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_gpkg_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_gpkg_path, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_gpkg_exists) {
+    system(ogr2ogr_command)
+    message("Writing '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_gpkg_path, "'")
+  }
+  message("Deleting intermediary files\n")
+  for (delete_file in STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE) {
+    if (file.exists(delete_file)) {
+      message("Deleting >>> '", delete_file, "'")
+      file.remove(delete_file)
+    }
+  }
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+  message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+  fema <-
+    fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)
+  #  TODO: Snap using geos::geos_snap()
+  # fema <-
+  #   geos::geos_snap(
+  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
+  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
+  #     tolerance = 1
+  #     ) %>%
+  #   geos::geos_make_valid()  %>%
+  #   sf::st_as_sf()
+  # TODO: we get this error when trying to use the geometry column after geos snapping
+  # TODO: Error = "Error: Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL]."
+  # fema %>%
+  # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
+  # TODO: Snap using sf::st_snap()
+  # fema <- sf::st_snap(
+  #             fema,
+  #             fema,
+  #             tolerance = 2
+  #             )
+  fema <-
+    fema %>% 
+    # fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+    dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
+  # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
+  fema <- 
+    fema %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      source = basename(file_path),
+      state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
+                  # areasqkm, 
+                  geometry)
+  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
+    message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
+    sf::write_sf(
+      # fema_clean,
+      fema,
+      file_path
+    )
+  }
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to a Nextgen VPU ---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Clean FEMA GPKG files
+FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
+NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
+  fema_file <- basename(file_path)
+  message("Partioning FEMA polygons by VPU: \n > FEMA gpkg: '", fema_file, "'")
+  # read in fema polygons
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+  for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
+    nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
+    vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
+    message("VPU: ", vpu)   
+    message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
+    message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
+    # read in nextgen flowlines 
+    flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+    # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
+    fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
+    fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
+    message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
+    if(fema_in_nextgen) {
+      # create filepaths
+      vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
+      # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
+      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
+      # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
+      fema_intersect <-
+        fema_intersect %>%
+        dplyr::mutate(
+          vpu = vpu
+        ) %>%
+        dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
+      # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
+      fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
+      fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
+        message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
+        sf::write_sf(
+          fema_intersect,
+          fema_vpu_path
+        )
+      }
+    }
+    message()
+  }
+  message(
+    "--------------------------------------------------------------\n", 
+    "Completed all VPU intersections for: \n > '", fema_file, "'",
+    "\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+  )
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+  # for (i in 1:4) {
+  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[12]
+  message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
+  # }
+  vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath]
+  for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
+    # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
+    #         basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+    #         "'")
+    message(" > '", 
+            basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+            "'")
+    ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
+                                    master_filepath, 
+                                    " ", gpkg_file
+    )
+      system(ogr2ogr_merge_command)
+    }
+  }
+  has_fema_state_gpkgs <- length(fema_state_gpkgs) > 0
+  if(DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS && has_fema_state_gpkgs) {
+    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '", vpu_dir, "' directory...")
+    # message("- Deleting individual gpkgs from 'states' directory:\n > '", states_dir, "'")
+    remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
+    for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
+      message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
+      system(remove_cmd)
+    }
+  }
+  # message()
+  message("Merge complete!")
+  message("Merged '", basename(vpu_dir), "' FEMA output geopackage:\n --> '", master_filepath, "'")
+  message()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+  vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+  VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
+  message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
+  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackage will end up
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
+  if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
+    message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
+    message()
+    next
+  }
+  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
+  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
+  fema_vpu <- 
+    fema_vpu %>% 
+    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
+    # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
+  geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
+  for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
+    message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
+  }
+  message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
+  fema_vpu <- 
+    fema_vpu %>%
+    dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
+    sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+    # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  # end_geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  # message("Geometry counts after all processing steps: ")
+  # for (g in seq_along(end_geom_type_counts)) {
+  #   message(" > ", names(end_geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", end_geom_type_counts[g])
+  # }
+  # fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
+  # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
+  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+  #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  #   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  # # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  fema_vpu <-
+    fema_vpu %>%
+    # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
+      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+      fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
+                  # state, 
+                  geom = geometry)
+    message("> Overwritting '", basename(master_filepath), "' with final clean version...")
+    # union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
+    # message("> writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
+    sf::write_sf(
+      fema_vpu,
+      master_filepath
+      # union_file_path
+    )
+  }
+  message()

From e7e8023b7dca56665bb17a17285bd978e9fdf31b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:55:06 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 44/64] cleaned up and deleted old scripts, finalized FEMA
 polygon simplification, dissolve, explode process

 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R | 1080 ---------------------
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R       |  201 +++-
 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R      |  504 ----------
 3 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 1632 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
 delete mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a5ac6f3..0000000
--- a/runners/cs_runner/add_fema_to_transects.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1080 +0,0 @@
-# generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<vpu>.gpkg for each vpu
-# transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3d/transects/")
-# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
-net_source <- "hydrofabric3d"
-# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by vpu
-path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-  x    = nextgen_files,
-  y    = transects_files,
-  base = base_dir
-# # install.packages("devtools")
-# loop over each vpu and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to s3 bucket
-# for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  i = 8
-  # nextgen file and full path
-  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  vpu <- path_df$vpu[i]
-  transect_path
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
-  # message("creating vpu ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
-  fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
-  # fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
-  vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  # vpu_fema_file1 <- vpu_fema_files[grepl("_union.gpkg", vpu_fema_files)]
-  # vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, ".gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  vpu_fema_file
-  # fema polygons and transect lines
-  fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
-  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-  # read in nextgen flowlines data
-  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  # 
-  # system.time({
-  #  extended_transects <- get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(transects, fema, flines, 3000)
-  # })
-  # 
-  # sf::write_sf(extended_transects, '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_fema_extended_trans.gpkg')
-  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
-  # ----- Generate plots of extensions ----
-  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
-  extended_transects <- sf::read_sf('/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_fema_extended_trans.gpkg') %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-  # ids_of_interest = c("wb-1002167", "wb-1002166", "wb-1002165", "wb-1002164")
-  # ids_of_interest = c( "wb-1002166", "wb-1002165")
-  # ids_of_interest = c("wb-1014540", "wb-1014541", "wb-1014542", "wb-1014570", "wb-1014574",
-  #   "wb-1014575", "wb-1014572" ,"wb-1014573" ,"wb-1014571", 
-  #   "wb-1014568", "wb-1014569", "wb-1014567", "wb-1014543")
-  # ids_of_interest = c( "wb-1014542")
-  any_extended <- 
-    extended_transects %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(
-      (left_is_extended & right_is_extended) | (left_is_extended & !right_is_extended) | (!left_is_extended & right_is_extended)
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      extend_status = dplyr::case_when(
-        (left_is_extended & right_is_extended)  ~ "both",
-        (left_is_extended & !right_is_extended) ~ "left_only",
-        (!left_is_extended & right_is_extended) ~ "right_only",
-        TRUE ~ "no_extension"
-      )
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      extend_distance = left_distance + right_distance
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::relocate(extend_status, extend_distance) %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1002550") 
-    # dplyr::slice(1:1500)
-  fema_subset_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema, any_extended)
-  fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_subset_intersects) > 0, ]
-  fema_polygons
-  og_trans <- 
-    transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% any_extended$tmp_id | hy_id %in% any_extended$hy_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      extend_status = "original"
-    ) 
-  Flowlines <-
-    flines %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(id %in% unique(any_extended$hy_id))
-  FEMA = fema_polygons
-  Extended = sf::st_buffer(any_extended, 10)
-  Original = sf::st_buffer(og_trans, 10)
-  mapview::mapview(FEMA, col.regions = "dodgerblue") + 
-    mapview::mapview(Flowlines, color = "darkblue") + 
-    mapview::mapview(Extended, col.regions = "green") +
-    mapview::mapview(Original, col.regions = "red") 
-    # mapview::mapview(Extended, color = "green") +
-    # mapview::mapview(Original, color = "red") 
-  extend_subset <- 
-    any_extended %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% ids_of_interest)
-    # dplyr::group_by(extend_status) %>%
-    # dplyr::arrange(-extend_distance, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
-    # dplyr::slice(
-    #   which.min(extend_distance),
-    #   which.max(extend_distance)
-    # )
-    # dplyr::slice(1)
-  extend_subset <-
-    any_extended %>%
-    dplyr::group_by(extend_status) %>%
-    dplyr::arrange(-extend_distance, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
-    # dplyr::slice(
-    #   which.min(extend_distance),
-    #   which.max(extend_distance)
-    # )
-    dplyr::slice(2000:2020)
-  extend_subset
-  fline_subset <-
-    flines %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(id %in% unique(extend_subset$hy_id))
-  plot_data <- 
-    dplyr::bind_rows(
-    transects %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% extend_subset$tmp_id) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        extend_status = "original"
-      ),
-    dplyr::filter(extend_subset, 
-                  extend_status != "no_extension")
-  ) %>% 
-  dplyr::relocate(extend_status, extend_distance) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      extend_status = dplyr::case_when(
-        extend_status != "original" ~ "extended",
-        TRUE ~ extend_status
-      )
-    ) 
-  fema_subset_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema, fline_subset)
-  fema_polygons <- fema[lengths(fema_subset_intersects) > 0, ]
-  fema_polygons
-  flines[lengths(sf::st_intersects(flines, fema_polygons)) > 0, ] %>% 
-    dplyr::pull(id) %>% 
-    unique()
-  fema_polygons
-  sf::st_crop(fema_polygons, fline_subset)
-  ggplot2::ggplot() +
-    ggplot2::geom_sf(data =   sf::st_crop(fema_polygons, fline_subset), fill = "grey") +
-    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = fline_subset, color = "black", lwd = 1) +
-    # ggplot2::geom_sf(data = plot_data, ggplot2::aes(color = extend_status))
-   ggplot2::geom_sf(data = dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "extended"),
-                    color = "green") + 
-   ggplot2::geom_sf(data = dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "original"), 
-                    color = "red")
-  mapview::mapview(fema_polygons, col.regions = "dodgerblue") + 
-  mapview::mapview(fline_subset, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-    mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "extended"), color = "green") +
-    mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(plot_data, extend_status == "original"), color = "red") 
-  transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% extend_subset$tmp_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      extend_status = "original"
-    )
-  extend_subset
-  ggplot2::ggplot() +
-    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = fline_subset, color = "black", lwd = 5) +
-    ggplot2::geom_sf(data = extend_subset, ggplot2::aes(color = extend_status))
-  mapview::mapview(fline_subset, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-   mapview::mapview(extend_subset, color = "green") 
-  both_extended <-
-    extended_transects %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-  left_only_extended <- 
-    extended_transects %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(left_is_extended, !right_is_extended) 
-  right_only_extended <- 
-    extended_transects %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(!left_is_extended, right_is_extended)
-  unique(both_extended$hy_id)
-  extended_transects %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(
-      # tmp_id %in% unique(left_only_extended$tmp_id),
-      tmp_id %in% unique(right_only_extended$tmp_id) || 
-      tmp_id %in% unique(both_extended$tmp_id)
-      )
-  unique(extended_transects$hy_id)
-  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
-  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 
-  # ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---  
-  # library(nngeo)
-  # fema %>% 
-  #   dplyr::group_by(fema_id) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     n = dplyr::n()
-  #   ) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::arrange(-n) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::relocate(n)
-  # fema_sub <-   
-  #   fema %>% 
-  #   dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726))
-  # # fema %>% 
-  #   # dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1726)) %>%
-  #   mapview::mapview(fema_sub[1, ], col.regions = "red") +
-  #       mapview::mapview(sf::st_buffer(fema_sub[2, ], 500), col.regions = "green")
-  # fema_no_holes <- nngeo::st_remove_holes(fema)
-  # fema_no_holes_union <- sf::st_union(fema_no_holes)
-  # touching_list = sf::st_touches(fema_no_holes)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_no_holes)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_no_holes_union)
-  # fema_no_holes %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(new_fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::group_by(new_fema_id)
-  # fema_no_holes_union
-  # fema$fema_id %>% unique() %>% length()
-  # # union then explode FEMA polygons 
-  # fema <- 
-  #   fema %>%
-  #   sf::st_union()
-  # # reassign IDs and change geometry column name
-  # fema <- 
-  #   fema %>% 
-  #   sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x)
-  # sf::st_union() %>% 
-  #   rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
-  #   sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x)
-  # Given 2 geos_geometry point geometries, create a line between the 2 points
-  # start: geos_geoemtry, point
-  # end: geos_geoemtry, point
-  # Returns geos_geometry linestring
-  make_line_from_start_and_end_pts <- function(start, end, line_crs) {
-        Y_start <- geos::geos_y(start)
-        X_start <- geos::geos_x(start)
-        Y_end   <- geos::geos_y(end)
-        X_end   <- geos::geos_x(end)
-        # make the new transect line from the start and points 
-        geos_ls <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
-                                                 y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
-                                                 crs = line_crs)
-        return(geos_ls)                                              
-  }
-  #' Check if an updated transect line is valid relative to the other transects and flowlines in the network
-  #' The 'transect_to_check' should be 'used' (i.e. function returns TRUE) if 
-  #' the 'transect_to_check' does NOT interesect any other transects ('transect_lines') AND it only intersects a single flowline ONCE.
-  #' If the 'transect_to_check' intersects ANY other transects OR intersects a flowline more
-  #' than once (OR more than one flowline in the network) then the function returns FALSE.
-  #' @param transect_to_check geos_geometry, linestring
-  #' @param transect_lines geos_geometry, linestring
-  #' @param flowlines geos_geometry, linestring
-  #'
-  #' @return TRUE if the extension should be used, FALSE if it shouldn't be used
-  #' @importFrom geos geos_intersection geos_type
-  is_valid_transect_line <- function(transect_to_check, transect_lines, flowlines) {
-    # ###   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##  
-    # extension_line <- left_extended_trans
-    # transect_lines <- transect_geoms
-    # flowlines <- flines_geos
-    # ###   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##   ##  
-    # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
-    # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
-    # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
-    # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
-    # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect a single flowline in the network only ONCE
-    intersects_with_flowlines <- geos::geos_intersection(
-      transect_to_check,
-      flowlines
-    )
-    intersects_flowline_only_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(intersects_with_flowlines) == "point") == 1 && 
-      sum(geos::geos_type(intersects_with_flowlines) == "multipoint") == 0 
-    # check that the extended transect line does NOT intersect other transect lines (other than SELF)
-    intersects_other_transects <- sum(geos::geos_intersects(transect_to_check, transect_lines)) > 1
-    # TRUE == Only one flowline is intersected a single time AND no other transect lines are intersected
-    use_transect <- intersects_flowline_only_once  && !intersects_other_transects
-    return(use_transect)
-  }
-  # Give a set of transecct linestrings and poylgons and get the minimum distance to extend each transect line (from both directions, to try and reach the edge of a "polygons")
-  # internal function for extending transect lines out to FEMA 100 year flood plain polygons
-  # transect_lines, set of Sf linestrigns to extend (only if the transect lines are ENTIRELLY within a polygons)
-  # polygons, set of sf polygons that transect lines should be exteneded 
-  # max_extension_distance numeric, maximum distance (meters) to extend a transect line in either direction to try and intersect one of the "polygons"
-  get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons <- function(transect_lines,   polygons,  flines, max_extension_distance) {
-    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
-    # transect_lines <- transects
-    # polygons <- fema
-    # # # flines <- flines
-    # # max_extension_distance <- 3000
-  # max_extension_distance = 3500
-    # ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###    ###
-    # keep 10% of the original points for speed
-    polygons <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(polygons, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.10)
-    # mapview::npts(fema)
-    # mapview::npts(polygons)
-    # transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-     # polygons
-    transects_geos  <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects)
-    polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)     
-    # geos::geos_union( polygons_geos, polygons_geos) %>% length()
-    # polygons_geos %>% length()
-    # polygons
-    # polygons_geos  
-    transects_polygons_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(transects_geos, polygons_geos) 
-    polygons_transects_matrix <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, transects_geos) 
-    # subset the transects and polygons to only those with intersections
-    intersect_transects  <- transects[lengths(transects_polygons_matrix) != 0, ]
-    intersect_polygons   <- polygons_geos[lengths(polygons_transects_matrix) != 0]
-    # Convert our intersecting polygons to LINESTRINGS b/c we DON'T NEED polygons to calculate extension distances from our transect lines
-    # This can be done with just linestrings (not sure if this is actually more performent but I'm pretty sure it is....)
-    intersect_lines <- 
-      intersect_polygons %>% 
-      # geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
-      sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-      # sf::st_union() %>% 
-      # rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
-      # sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
-      # dplyr::mutate(fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
-      # dplyr::select(fema_id, geom = x) %>% 
-      sf::st_cast("MULTILINESTRING") %>% 
-      geos::as_geos_geometry() %>% 
-      geos::geos_simplify_preserve_topology(25)
-    # mapview::npts(sf::st_as_sf(intersect_lines))
- #    intersect_polygons %>% 
- #      geos::geos_make_valid() %>% 
- #      geos::geos_is_valid() %>% all()
- # is.null(intersect_lines$geometry )
-    # use half of the shortest transect line as the segmentation length for all transects (ensures all transects will have a midpoint...?)
-    # TODO: Double check this logic.
-    min_segmentation <- min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
-    # which.min(intersect_transects$cs_lengthm %/% 2)
-    # make each transect line have way more segments so we can take a left and right half of each transect line
-    segmented_trans <- sf::st_segmentize(intersect_transects, min_segmentation)
-    # mapview::mapview(left_trans, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-      # mapview::mapview(intersect_transects, color = "red") +
-      #   mapview::mapview(intersect_transects[42, ], color = "yellow") +
-      # mapview::mapview(right_trans, color = "dodgerblue") +
-      # mapview::mapview(left_trans, color = "green")
-    # Seperate the transect lines into LEFT and RIGHT halves
-    # We do this so we can check if a side of a transect is ENTIRELY WITHIN a polygon. 
-    # If the half is entirely within a polygon, 
-    left_trans <- 
-      segmented_trans %>% 
-      lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0, 0.50) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        partition         = "left",
-        partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-      ) %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-    # Find the distances from the right side of transect lines 
-    right_trans <- 
-      segmented_trans %>% 
-      lwgeom::st_linesubstring(0.50, 1) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        partition         = "right",
-        partition_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-      ) %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>%
-      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm, geom)
-    # convert the transect geometries to geos types
-    # get the fema polygon indices for the transect halves that are completely within a fema polygon
-    # add the fema polygons index as a column to the transect dataframes
-    left_trans_geos     <- geos::as_geos_geometry(left_trans)
-    right_trans_geos    <- geos::as_geos_geometry(right_trans)
-    left_within_matrix  <- geos::geos_within_matrix(left_trans_geos, intersect_polygons)
-    right_within_matrix <- geos::geos_within_matrix(right_trans_geos, intersect_polygons)
-    left_within_vect    <- lapply(left_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
-    right_within_vect   <- lapply(right_within_matrix, function(i) { if(length(i) > 0) { c(i) } else { c(NA) } })
-    # add the fema polygon indexes as columns
-    left_trans$left_fema_index    <- left_within_vect
-    right_trans$right_fema_index  <- right_within_vect
-    # add boolean columns whether the transect is fully within the FEMA polygons
-    left_trans <- 
-      left_trans %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        left_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
-          ! ~ TRUE,
-          TRUE                    ~ FALSE
-        )
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
-                    left_fema_index, left_is_within_fema, 
-                    geom
-      )
-    right_trans <- 
-      right_trans %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        right_is_within_fema = dplyr::case_when(
-          ! ~ TRUE,
-          TRUE               ~ FALSE
-        )
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::select(tmp_id, hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure,  
-                    cs_lengthm, is_extended, partition, partition_lengthm,
-                    right_fema_index, right_is_within_fema, 
-                    geom
-      ) 
-    # max_extension_distance = 3000
-    # which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    # 
-    # left_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
-    # right_trans[which(left_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839"), ]$cs_lengthm
-    # 
-    # which(right_trans$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    left_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
-      geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos,
-      ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id,
-      lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines,
-      lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index,
-      direction              = "head",
-      max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-    )
-    right_distances <- calc_extension_distances(
-      geos_geoms             = right_trans_geos,
-      ids                    = right_trans$tmp_id,
-      lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines,
-      lines_to_cut_indices   = right_trans$right_fema_index,
-      direction              = "tail",
-      max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-    )  
-    left_trans$left_distance    <- left_distances
-    right_trans$right_distance  <- right_distances
-    # extensions_by_id %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    # 
-    # distance to extend LEFT and/or RIGHT for each hy_id/cs_id
-    extensions_by_id <- dplyr::left_join(
-                          sf::st_drop_geometry(
-                            dplyr::select(left_trans, 
-                                          hy_id, cs_id, left_distance)
-                            ),
-                          sf::st_drop_geometry(
-                            dplyr::select(right_trans, 
-                                        hy_id, cs_id, 
-                                        right_distance)
-                            ),
-                          by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-                          )
-    #  ######### ######## ######## ######## ####### 
-    # # TODO: This is temporary !!!!!!
-    # fema_index_df <- dplyr::left_join(
-    #   sf::st_drop_geometry(
-    #     dplyr::select(left_trans, 
-    #                   hy_id, cs_id, left_distance, left_fema_index)
-    #   ),
-    #   sf::st_drop_geometry(
-    #     dplyr::select(right_trans, 
-    #                   hy_id, cs_id, 
-    #                   right_distance, right_fema_index)
-    #   ),
-    #   by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-    # )
-    ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
-    # foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-    #   fema_id = fema_uids
-    # )
-    # 
-    # polygons_to_merge <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-    #   fema_id = fema_uids
-    # ) %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(fema_id %in% c(1563, 1566, 1567, 590))
-    # merged_polygon <- 
-    #   polygons_to_merge %>% 
-    #   sf::st_union()
-    # merged_polygon %>% 
-    #   rmapshaper::ms_explode()
-    # mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    #   mapview::mapview(polygons_to_merge, col.regions = "yellow") +
-    #   mapview::mapview(merged_polygon, col.regions = "green") +
-    #   mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
-    #   mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
-    # polygons %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(fema_id )
-    ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
-    # TODO: Add left/right extension distancces to transect data
-    # TODO: this can ultimately just be the "transects" variable, dont need to make new "transects_with_distances" variable
-    transects <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::left_join(
-                extensions_by_id,
-                by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-            ) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        left_distance = dplyr::case_when(
- ~ 0,
-          TRUE                 ~ left_distance
-        ),
-        right_distance = dplyr::case_when(
- ~ 0,
-          TRUE                  ~ right_distance
-        )
-        # left_distance = dplyr::case_when(
-        #   left_distance == 0 ~ NA,
-        #   TRUE               ~ left_distance
-        # ),
-        # right_distance = dplyr::case_when(
-        #   right_distance == 0 ~ NA,
-        #   TRUE                ~ right_distance
-        # )
-      ) %>% 
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-    # transects_with_distances %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-    # # transects
-    # flines %>% 
-    #   dplyr::arrange(-tot_drainage_areasqkm) 
-    # flines %>% 
-    #   dplyr::arrange(-hydroseq) %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(hydroseq == min(hydroseq) | hydroseq == max(hydroseq)) %>%
-    #   # dplyr::filter(hydroseq == max(hydroseq)) %>% 
-    #   mapview::mapview()
-    # # extensions_by_id
-    # transects_with_distances %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(extensions_by_id)$tmp_id)
-#     ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
-#     left_extended_flag[1:20]
-#     right_extended_flag[1:20]
-#     both_extended_flag[1:20]
-#     range_vect <- 1:500
-#     fema_uids <- unique(c(unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$left_fema_index),     unlist(fema_index_df[range_vect, ]$right_fema_index)))
-#     fema_uids <- fema_uids[!]
-# fema_uids
-#     foi <- sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[fema_uids]) %>% dplyr::mutate(
-#       fema_id = fema_uids
-#     )
-#     # ooi <- sf::st_as_sf()
-#     # toi <- sf::st_as_sf(new_transects[1:20])
-#      toi <- sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms[range_vect])
-#     toi
-#     og_trans <- transects_with_distances[range_vect, ]
-#     mapview::mapview(foi, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-#       mapview::mapview(toi, color = "red") +
-#       mapview::mapview(og_trans, color = "green")
-    ######## ######## ### ##### ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## 
-    fline_id_array       <- flines$id
-    # Convert the net object into a geos_geometry
-    flines_geos          <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flines)
-    transect_hy_id_array <- transects$hy_id
-    transect_cs_id_array <- transects$cs_id
-    transect_geoms       <- geos::as_geos_geometry(transects$geom)
-    left_distances       <- transects$left_distance
-    right_distances      <- transects$right_distance
-    # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-    new_transects <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(geos::geos_empty(), length(transect_hy_id_array)))
-    left_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
-    right_extended_flag  <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
-    both_extended_flag   <- rep(FALSE, length(transect_hy_id_array))
-    updated_left_distances    <- rep(0, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
-    updated_right_distances   <- rep(0, length(transect_hy_id_array))   
-    # new_transects <- geos::geos_empty()
-    # # measures  <- vctrs::vec_c()
-    # transects_with_distances[1:20, ]
-    # transects[1:20, ]
-    # number of geometries that will be iterated over, keeping this variable to reference in message block  
-    total <- length(transect_hy_id_array)
-    # output a message every ~10% intervals
-    message_interval <- total %/% 20
-    number_of_skips = 0
-    for (i in seq_along(transect_hy_id_array)) {
-      # message("i: ", i)
-      # i = 13
-      # if(i > 2000) {
-      #   message("-----> STOP BECAUSE at i", i)
-      #   break
-      # }
-      # i = 1
-      # Check if the iteration is a multiple of 100
-      if (i %% message_interval == 0) {
-        # get the percent complete
-        percent_done <- round(i/total, 2) * 100
-        # Print the message every "message_interval"
-        # if(verbose) { 
-          message(i, " > ", percent_done, "% ") 
-          message("Number of skips: ", number_of_skips)
-          # }
-        # message("Iteration ", i, " / ", length(extended_trans), 
-        #         " - (", percent_done, "%) ")
-      }
-      # which(transects_with_distances$hy_id == "wb-1003839")
-      # i = 9587
-      # get the current transect, hy_id, cs_id, flowline, and extension distances
-      current_trans <- transect_geoms[i]
-      current_hy_id <- transect_hy_id_array[i]
-      current_cs_id <- transect_cs_id_array[i]
-      current_fline <- flines_geos[fline_id_array == current_hy_id]
-      left_distance_to_extend <- left_distances[i]
-      right_distance_to_extend <- right_distances[i]
-      no_extension_required <- (left_distance_to_extend == 0 && right_distance_to_extend == 0)
-      # no_extension_required <- &&
-      # message("Transect tmp_id: ", curr_tmp_id, " - (", i, ")")
-      if(no_extension_required) {
-        # message("Skipping -left/right extension are both 0")
-        number_of_skips = number_of_skips + 1
-        next
-      }
-      # message("Extending transect line left and right")
-      # extend the lines
-      left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
-                                                              left_distance_to_extend, "head")
-      right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
-                                                              right_distance_to_extend, "tail")
-      # initial check to make sure the extended versions of the transects are valid
-      use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-      use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-      # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      used_half_of_left  <- FALSE
-      used_half_of_right <- FALSE
-      # TODO: Probably should precompute this division BEFORE the loop...
-      half_left_distance   <- ifelse(left_distance_to_extend > 0, left_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
-      half_right_distance  <- ifelse(right_distance_to_extend > 0, right_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
-      # if we CAN'T use the original LEFT extension distance, 
-      # we try HALF the distance (or some distane less than we extended by in the first place)
-      if (!use_left_extension) {
-        # half_left_distance   <- ifelse(left_distance_to_extend > 0, left_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
-        left_extended_trans  <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
-                                                                half_left_distance, "head")
-        use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-        used_half_of_left <- ifelse(use_left_extension, TRUE,  FALSE)
-      }
-      # if we CAN'T use the original RIGHT extension distance, 
-      # we try HALF the distance (or some distance less than we extended by in the first place)
-      if (!use_right_extension) {
-        # half_right_distance  <- ifelse(right_distance_to_extend > 0, right_distance_to_extend %/% 2, 0)
-        right_extended_trans <- hydrofabric3D::geos_extend_line(current_trans, 
-                                                                half_right_distance, "tail")
-        use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-        used_half_of_right  <- ifelse(use_right_extension, TRUE,  FALSE)
-        # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") + 
-        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
-        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green") +
-        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans2), color = "dodgerblue") + 
-        #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans2), color = "dodgerblue") 
-      }
-      use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # # message("Checking left and right intersections with flowline...")
-      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # # TODO: UNCOMMENT BELOW ---> this was my original method 
-      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # # Check that the extended transect lines only intersect the current flowline once
-      # left_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-      #   left_extended_trans,
-      #   # current_fline
-      #   flines_geos
-      # )
-      # 
-      # right_intersects_fline <- geos::geos_intersection(
-      #   right_extended_trans,
-      #   # current_fline
-      #   flines_geos
-      # )
-      # 
-      # 
-      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(flines_geos[which(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point")])) +
-      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
-      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") + 
-      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green")
-      # 
-      # # Define conditions to decide which version of the transect to use
-      # 
-      # # 1. Use transect with extension in BOTH directions
-      # # 2. Use transect with LEFT extension only
-      # # 3. Use transect with RIGHT extension only
-      # 
-      # # left_intersects_fline_once  <- geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point"
-      # # right_intersects_fline_once <- geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point"
-      # left_intersects_fline_once  <- sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 && 
-      #                                sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      # 
-      # right_intersects_fline_once <- sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1 &&
-      #                                sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      # 
-      # # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
-      # # sum(geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) == "point") == 1
-      # # sum(geos::geos_type(left_intersects_fline) == "multipoint") == 0 
-      # 
-      # 
-      # 
-      # # # TODO: Consider doing the opppsite of these conditions (i.e. "left_intersects_other_transects" = TRUE) 
-      # # left_does_not_intersect_other_transects  <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
-      # # right_does_not_intersect_other_transects <- !any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
-      # # 
-      # # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && left_does_not_intersect_other_transects
-      # # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && right_does_not_intersect_other_transects
-      # # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # 
-      # 
-      # # TODO: This is the opposite phrasing of these conditions, i think this is clearer to read
-      # left_intersects_other_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))
-      # right_intersects_other_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms[-i]))  
-      # 
-      # # # make sure the extended transects don't hit any of the newly extended transects
-      # # # NOTE: I think this could be just done with a single transect list that starts with the original transects and if an update happens then we replace that transect
-      # # left_intersects_new_transects  <- any(geos::geos_intersects(left_extended_trans, new_transects))
-      # # right_intersects_new_transects <- any(geos::geos_intersects(right_extended_trans, new_transects))
-      # 
-      # # make TRUE/FALSE flags stating which transect should we use
-      # # - BOTH extensions
-      # # - LEFT ONLY extensions
-      # # - RIGHT only extensions
-      # use_left_extension  <- left_intersects_fline_once && !left_intersects_other_transects
-      # use_right_extension <- right_intersects_fline_once && !right_intersects_other_transects
-      # use_both_extensions <- use_left_extension && use_right_extension
-      # 
-      # new_use_left_extension  <- is_valid_transect_line(left_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-      # new_use_right_extension <- is_valid_transect_line(right_extended_trans, transect_geoms, flines_geos)
-      # new_use_both_extensions <- new_use_left_extension && new_use_right_extension
-      # 
-      # message("--------------------------------------------")
-      # message("Left intersects FLINE ONCE: ", left_intersects_fline_once)
-      # message("Right intersects FLINE ONCE: ", right_intersects_fline_once)
-      # message()
-      # message("Left intersects OTHER TRANSECTS: ", left_intersects_other_transects)
-      # message("Right intersects OTHER TRANSECTS: ", right_intersects_other_transects)
-      # message()
-      # message("Use LEFT extension intersects: ", use_left_extension)
-      # message("Use RIGHT extension intersects: ", use_right_extension)
-      # message("Use BOTH extension intersects: ", use_both_extensions)
-      # message()
-      # message("--------------------------------------------")
-      # message()
-      # # merged_trans <- geos::geos_union(left_extended_trans, right_extended_trans)
-      # # sf::st_union(sf::st_cast(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), "LINESTRING"))
-      # # mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(merged_trans), color = "green") +
-      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_start), col.region = "red") +
-      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_end), col.region = "red") + 
-      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_start), col.region = "dodgerblue") +
-      # #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_end), col.region = "dodgerblue")
-      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # # TODO: UNCOMMENT ABOVE ---> this was my original method 
-      # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      # 
-      # if(use_both_extensions) {
-      # Get the start and end of both extended tranects
-      left_start  <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
-      left_end    <- geos::geos_point_end(left_extended_trans)
-      right_start <- geos::geos_point_start(right_extended_trans)
-      right_end   <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
-      # }
-      # Extend in BOTH directions
-      if(use_both_extensions) {
-        # message("Extend direction: BOTH")
-        start  <- left_start
-        end    <- right_end
-      # extend ONLY the left side
-      } else if(use_left_extension && !use_right_extension) {
-         # message("Extend direction: LEFT")       
-        start  <- left_start
-        end    <- left_end
-      # Extend ONLY the right side
-      } else if(!use_left_extension && use_right_extension) {
-         # message("Extend direction: RIGHT")       
-        start  <- right_start
-        end    <- right_end
-      # DO NOT extend either direction
-      } else {
-        # message("No extension")   
-        # TODO: Really dont need to do anything 
-        # TODO: in this scenario because we just use the original transect line
-        start  <- left_end
-        end    <- right_start
-      }
-      # trans_needs_extension <- use_left_extension || use_right_extension
-      # if(trans_needs_extension) {
-        line_crs      <- wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
-        updated_trans <- make_line_from_start_and_end_pts(start, end, line_crs)
-      #   touched_flines <- flines[geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) != "linestring", ]
-      #   mapview::mapview(touched_flines, color = "dodgerblue") + 
-      #   mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(current_trans), color = "red") +
-      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "green") +
-      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "green") +
-      #     mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(updated_trans), color = "yellow")
-      # nrow(flines)
-      # touched_flines <- flines[geos::geos_type(right_intersects_fline) != "linestring", ]
-      # flines[lengths(right_intersects_fline) == 0, ]
-      # length(right_intersects_fline)
-        # }
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        if(use_left_extension) {
-          left_extended_flag[i]  <- TRUE
-        }
-        if(use_right_extension) {
-          right_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
-        }
-        if(use_both_extensions) {
-          both_extended_flag[i] <- TRUE
-        }
-        if(used_half_of_left) {
-          updated_left_distances[i]  <- half_left_distance 
-        }
-        if(used_half_of_right) {
-          updated_right_distances[i] <- half_right_distance 
-        }
-        # new_transects[i] <- updated_trans
-        transect_geoms[i] <- updated_trans
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        # start %>% class()
-    }      
-    # transects2 <- transects 
-      # dplyr::mutate(
-      #   new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-      # ) %>% 
-      # dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
-    # Update the "transects_to_extend" with new geos geometries ("geos_list")
-    sf::st_geometry(transects) <- sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(transect_geoms))
-    transects <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geom))
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, new_cs_lengthm)
-    # transects2 %>% 
-    #   dplyr::filter(
-    #     new_cs_lengthm > cs_lengthm
-    #   )
-    # 
-    transects$left_is_extended  <- left_extended_flag
-    transects$right_is_extended <- right_extended_flag
-    return(transects)
-  }    
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-#     # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
-#       # make the new transect line from the start and points 
-#       final_line <- geos::geos_make_linestring(x = c(X_start, X_end),
-#                                                y = c(Y_start, Y_end), 
-#                                                crs = wk::wk_crs(current_trans)
-#                                                )
-#       geos::geos_make_collection(start, type_id = "LINESTRING")
-#       left_start <- geos::geos_point_start(left_extended_trans)
-#       right_end  <- geos::geos_point_end(right_extended_trans)
-#       fline_intersects
-#       geos::geos_type(fline_intersects) == "point"
-#       geos::geos_intersects(current_trans, )
-#       # if(
-#       #   geos::geos_type(fline_intersects)
-#       #   
-#       #   
-#       # )
-#       mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(trans), color = "green") +
-#        mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(left_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
-#         mapview::mapview(sf::st_as_sf(right_extended_trans), color = "red")     +
-#         mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(intersect_polygons[[curr_fema_index]]), col.regions = "dodgerblue")  +  
-#       mapview::mapview(      sf::st_as_sf(final_line), color = "yellow")   
-#     }
-#     left_trans$left_extension_distance
-#     length(right_distances)
-#     # Calculate the minimum distance a line would need to extend to reach the boundary of the polygon/line that the input geometries are entirely within 
-    calc_extension_distances <- function(geos_geoms, ids, lines_to_cut, lines_to_cut_indices, direction = "head", max_extension_distance = 2500) {
-      #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
-      # geos_geoms   <- left_trans_geos
-      # geos_geoms             = left_trans_geos
-      # ids                    = left_trans$tmp_id
-      # lines_to_cut           = intersect_lines
-      # lines_to_cut_indices   = left_trans$left_fema_index
-      # direction              = "head"
-      # max_extension_distance = max_extension_distance
-      #
-      #####   #####   #####   #####   #####
-      if (!direction %in% c("head", "tail")) {
-          stop("Invalid 'direction' value, must be one of 'head' or 'tail'")
-      }
-      # preallocate vector that stores the extension. distances
-      extension_dists <- vctrs::vec_c(rep(0, length(ids)))
-      # extension_dists <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(trans_data))
-      for (i in seq_along(ids)) {
-        # i = 118
-        curr_id           <- ids[i]
-        is_within_polygon <- any(![[i]]))
-        polygon_index     <- lines_to_cut_indices[[i]]
-        # any(is_within_polygon)
-        message("Transect: '", curr_id, "' - (", i, ")")
-        if (is_within_polygon) {
-          message("- Side of transect intersects with FEMA")
-          message("\t > FEMA index: ", polygon_index)
-          curr_geom  <- geos_geoms[[i]]
-          index_vect <- sort(unlist(polygon_index))
-           distance_to_extend <- hydrofabric3D:::geos_bs_distance(
-            distances    = 1:max_extension_distance,
-            line         = curr_geom,
-            geoms_to_cut = lines_to_cut[index_vect],
-            direction    = direction
-          )
-          extension_dists[i] <- distance_to_extend
-        }
-      }
-      return(extension_dists)
-    }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
index 1e1cba5..ee08e25 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ library(geos)
+# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
 # TODO: Steps that converts FGB to geojson and then geojson to gpkg can be put into a single loop
 # TODO: Delete old files as needed
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ library(nngeo)
 # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
@@ -337,8 +340,6 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
 # ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   # for (i in 1:4) {
   # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[12]
@@ -399,8 +400,16 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+#   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+#   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
+#   message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
+# }
-for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
@@ -411,6 +420,9 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
   master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  updated_gpkg_name  <- gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name)
+  updated_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", updated_gpkg_name)
   message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
   if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
@@ -423,21 +435,12 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
   # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
-  fema_vpu <- 
-    fema_vpu %>% 
-    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
-    # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::summarise(
-      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
+  # fema_vpu %>% mapview::npts()
+  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_is_valid() %>% all()
+  # fema_vpu %>% 
+  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+  #   sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
+  #   unique()
   geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
   message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
@@ -445,20 +448,122 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
     message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
-  message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
-  fema_vpu <- 
-    fema_vpu %>%
-    dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
-    sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-    # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+  #       mapview::mapview(fema_union, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  # fema_vpu %>% 
+  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
+  #   sf::st_is_valid() %>% 
+  #   all()
+  tryCatch({
+    fema_vpu <- 
+      fema_vpu %>% 
+      nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+      sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+      # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
+      add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+      dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+      rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+      rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+      nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(      
+        vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+        fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        vpu, fema_id,
+        # state, 
+        geom = geometry
+      )
+  }, error = function(e) {
+    message(VPU, " threw into the following error \n ", e)
+    message(" > Cleaning ", VPU, " using a backup cleaning strategy...")
+    fema_vpu <- 
+      fema_vpu %>% 
+      sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(      
+        vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+        fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        vpu, fema_id,
+        # state, 
+        geom
+      )
+    })
+    # fema_vpu2 <- 
+    #   fema_vpu %>% 
+    #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+    #   # sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    #   # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
+    #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::summarise(
+    #     geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    #   ) %>%
+    #   rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200)
+  # fema_vpu <- 
+  #   fema_vpu %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(      
+  #     vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+  #     fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(
+  #       vpu, fema_id,
+  #       # state, 
+  #       geom = geometry
+  #       )
+  # fema_vpu <- 
+  #   fema_vpu %>% 
+  #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
+  #   # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+  #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+  #   dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::summarise(
+  #     geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
+  #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
+  # 
+  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
+  # fema_vpu %>% mapview::npts()
+  # 
+  # geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  # 
+  # message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
+  # for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
+  #   message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
+  # }
+  # 
+  # message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
+  # fema_vpu <- 
+  #   fema_vpu %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
+  #   sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
+  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+  #   # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+  #   rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+  #   rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
+  #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
   # end_geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
   # message("Geometry counts after all processing steps: ")
@@ -468,24 +573,23 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
   # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
   #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
   #   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
   # # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  fema_vpu <-
-    fema_vpu %>%
-    # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
-      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-      fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
-                  # state, 
-                  geom = geometry)
+  # fema_vpu <-
+  #   fema_vpu %>%
+  #   # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
+  #     vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+  #     fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
+  #   ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
+  #                 # state, 
+  #                 geom = geometry)
@@ -496,9 +600,10 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-      master_filepath
+      updated_filepath
+      # master_filepath
       # union_file_path
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R b/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 2141946..0000000
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema2.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-# Script should be run AFTER download_fema100.R as the FEMA 100 year flood plain data needs to first be downloaded from S3
-# This file will take a directory of FEMA 100 year FGB files (FEMA_FGB_PATH) the below processes to generate a cleaned, simple set of geopackages 
-# Processing steps:
-# - Convert FGBs to GEOJSON (via ogr2ogr)
-# - Simplifies
-# - Dissolves
-# - Explodes
-# - Convert cleaned GEOJSON to cleaned GPKGs (via ogr2ogr)
-# - Apply hydrofab::clean_geometry()
-# - Partition FEMA 100 geometries by VPU      # TODO still
-# - Get FEMA bounding box geometries (maybe)
-# load config variables
-# TODO: Steps that converts FGB to geojson and then geojson to gpkg can be put into a single loop
-# TODO: Delete old files as needed
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
-# ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
-#          and overwrite existing previously processed files
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
-# create directory for FEMA geomteries partioned by VPU
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)
-  # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
-  # message(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
-  # state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
-  # merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
-  if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
-    message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
-    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
-    dir.create(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
-  }
-  # if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
-  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
-  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
-  #   dir.create(state_dir)
-  # }
-  # if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
-  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
-  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
-  #   dir.create(merged_dir)
-  # }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Get paths to downloaded FEMA 100 FGBs ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-FEMA_FILENAMES        <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
-  # Convert FGB to GeoJSON
-  local_fema_path   <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
-  geojson_filename  <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
-  geojson_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
-  message("FEMA filename: '", file, "'")
-  message("Converting \n > '", file, "' to geojson '", geojson_filename, "'")
-  geojson_exists  <- file.exists(geojson_save_path)
-  message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
-  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
-  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
-    system(ogr2ogr_command)
-    message("Writing '", geojson_filename, "' to: \n > '", geojson_save_path, "'")
-  }
-  # Clean GeoJSON
-  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", geojson_filename, "'")
-  output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", geojson_filename)
-  output_clean_geojson_path     <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
-  clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
-  message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
-  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', geojson_save_path, 
-                             ' -dissolve2 FLD_AR_ID \\', 
-                             ' -simplify 0.1 visvalingam \\', 
-                             ' -snap \\',
-                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
-                             )
-  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_geojson_exists) {
-    message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
-    system(mapshaper_command)
-    message("Writing '", output_clean_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_clean_geojson_path, "'")
-    STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
-  }
-  # Convert cleaned GeoJSON to GeoPackage
-  message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "'")
-  output_gpkg_filename  <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", output_clean_filename)
-  output_gpkg_path      <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
-  message("Converting GEOJSON file to GPKG:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "' > '", output_gpkg_filename, "'")
-  clean_gpkg_exists <- file.exists(output_gpkg_path)
-  message(" >>> '", output_gpkg_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_gpkg_exists)
-  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", output_gpkg_path, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
-  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_gpkg_exists) {
-    system(ogr2ogr_command)
-    message("Writing '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_gpkg_path, "'")
-  }
-  message("Deleting intermediary files\n")
-  for (delete_file in STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE) {
-    if (file.exists(delete_file)) {
-      message("Deleting >>> '", delete_file, "'")
-      file.remove(delete_file)
-    }
-  }
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-  message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
-  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
-  fema <-
-    fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
-    sf::st_transform(5070)
-  #  TODO: Snap using geos::geos_snap()
-  # fema <-
-  #   geos::geos_snap(
-  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
-  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
-  #     tolerance = 1
-  #     ) %>%
-  #   geos::geos_make_valid()  %>%
-  #   sf::st_as_sf()
-  # TODO: we get this error when trying to use the geometry column after geos snapping
-  # TODO: Error = "Error: Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL]."
-  # fema %>%
-  # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
-  # TODO: Snap using sf::st_snap()
-  # fema <- sf::st_snap(
-  #             fema,
-  #             fema,
-  #             tolerance = 2
-  #             )
-  fema <-
-    fema %>% 
-    # fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
-    dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::summarise(
-      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
-  # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
-  # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
-  fema <- 
-    fema %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      source = basename(file_path),
-      state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
-                  # areasqkm, 
-                  geometry)
-  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
-    message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
-    sf::write_sf(
-      # fema_clean,
-      fema,
-      file_path
-    )
-  }
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to a Nextgen VPU ---- 
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Clean FEMA GPKG files
-FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
-  fema_file <- basename(file_path)
-  message("Partioning FEMA polygons by VPU: \n > FEMA gpkg: '", fema_file, "'")
-  # read in fema polygons
-  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
-  for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
-    nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
-    vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
-    message("VPU: ", vpu)   
-    message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
-    message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
-    # read in nextgen flowlines 
-    flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-    # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
-    fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
-    fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
-    message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
-    if(fema_in_nextgen) {
-      # create filepaths
-      vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
-      # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
-      vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
-      # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
-      fema_intersect <-
-        fema_intersect %>%
-        dplyr::mutate(
-          vpu = vpu
-        ) %>%
-        dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
-      # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
-      fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
-      fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
-        message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
-        sf::write_sf(
-          fema_intersect,
-          fema_vpu_path
-        )
-      }
-    }
-    message()
-  }
-  message(
-    "--------------------------------------------------------------\n", 
-    "Completed all VPU intersections for: \n > '", fema_file, "'",
-    "\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n"
-  )
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
-  # for (i in 1:4) {
-  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[12]
-  message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
-  # }
-  vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
-  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
-  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
-  # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath]
-  for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
-    # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
-    #         basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
-    #         "'")
-    message(" > '", 
-            basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
-            "'")
-    ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
-                                    master_filepath, 
-                                    " ", gpkg_file
-    )
-      system(ogr2ogr_merge_command)
-    }
-  }
-  has_fema_state_gpkgs <- length(fema_state_gpkgs) > 0
-  if(DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS && has_fema_state_gpkgs) {
-    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '", vpu_dir, "' directory...")
-    # message("- Deleting individual gpkgs from 'states' directory:\n > '", states_dir, "'")
-    remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
-    for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
-      message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
-      system(remove_cmd)
-    }
-  }
-  # message()
-  message("Merge complete!")
-  message("Merged '", basename(vpu_dir), "' FEMA output geopackage:\n --> '", master_filepath, "'")
-  message()
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-  vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
-  VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
-  message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
-  # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackage will end up
-  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
-  master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
-  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
-  if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
-    message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
-    message()
-    next
-  }
-  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
-  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
-  fema_vpu <- 
-    fema_vpu %>% 
-    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
-    # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::summarise(
-      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
-  geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
-  message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
-  for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
-    message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
-  }
-  message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
-  fema_vpu <- 
-    fema_vpu %>%
-    dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
-    sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-    # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-    nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
-  # end_geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
-  # message("Geometry counts after all processing steps: ")
-  # for (g in seq_along(end_geom_type_counts)) {
-  #   message(" > ", names(end_geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", end_geom_type_counts[g])
-  # }
-  # fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
-  # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
-  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-  #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  #   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  # # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  fema_vpu <-
-    fema_vpu %>%
-    # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
-      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-      fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-    dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
-                  # state, 
-                  geom = geometry)
-    message("> Overwritting '", basename(master_filepath), "' with final clean version...")
-    # union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
-    # message("> writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
-    sf::write_sf(
-      fema_vpu,
-      master_filepath
-      # union_file_path
-    )
-  }
-  message()

From 5b449f782b726e27accc1d4fbd1e7c183fb8f504 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:59:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 45/64] moved variables for running partition_fema_by_vpu.R and
 renamed process_fema.R to parition_fema_by_vpu, added fema download and
 processing to 04_driver script

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R              |  2 +-
 runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R                 |  6 +++
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R               | 10 +++++
 ...process_fema.R => partition_fema_by_vpu.R} | 43 ++-----------------
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
 rename runners/cs_runner/{preprocess_fema.R => partition_fema_by_vpu.R} (94%)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index e8d0476..f88d216 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_union.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_output.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
   # # model attributes file and full path
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
index af8e1ca..a19a7c4 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # downloads nextgen datasets 
+# download FEMA100 year FGBs
+# simplify, dissolve, FEMA polygons and partition FEMA polygons by VPU 
 # generate and upload transects datasets 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 47483c9..492611f 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@ FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_", VPU_IDS)
 #                           )
 #                         )
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
+# ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
+#          and overwrite existing previously processed files
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
+DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS  <- TRUE # remove intermediary files from the main output folder
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
similarity index 94%
rename from runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
rename to runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index ee08e25..48447d8 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/preprocess_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ library(nngeo)
 # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
@@ -498,32 +497,7 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-    # fema_vpu2 <- 
-    #   fema_vpu %>% 
-    #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-    #   # sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-    #   # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
-    #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    #   dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    #   dplyr::summarise(
-    #     geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    #   ) %>%
-    #   rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-    #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200)
-  # fema_vpu <- 
-  #   fema_vpu %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(      
-  #     vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-  #     fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-  #   ) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(
-  #       vpu, fema_id,
-  #       # state, 
-  #       geom = geometry
-  #       )
   # fema_vpu <- 
@@ -539,17 +513,11 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
   #   dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
   #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
-  # 
-  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
-  # fema_vpu %>% mapview::npts()
-  # 
   # geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
-  # 
   # message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
   # for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
   #   message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
   # }
-  # 
   # message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
   # fema_vpu <- 
   #   fema_vpu %>%
@@ -575,9 +543,6 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
   #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  #   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2_subset, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  # # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2[1:100, ], color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
   # fema_vpu <-
   #   fema_vpu %>%
   #   # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
@@ -587,9 +552,7 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   #     fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
   #   ) %>%
   #   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-  #   dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, 
-  #                 # state, 
-  #                 geom = geometry)
+  #   dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, geom = geometry)

From c81675c73a2225c7ca9e63848a176ff0a1dfebe6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:56:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 46/64] small cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R | 99 +++++------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index 48447d8..03f224f 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -341,7 +341,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
 for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   # for (i in 1:4) {
-  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[12]
+  # i = 1
+  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[i]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
   # }
@@ -352,25 +353,31 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
   master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  # if the file already exists, remove it so we dont OVER append data to the "master file"
+  if (file.exists(master_filepath)) {
+    file.remove(master_filepath)
+  }
   # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  fema_state_gpkgs        <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  master_output_filepath  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name))
   # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath]
+  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath & fema_state_gpkgs != master_output_filepath]
   for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
-    # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '", 
-    #         basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+    # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '",
+    #         basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath),
     #         "'")
-    message(" > '", 
-            basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath), 
+    message(" > '",
+            basename(gpkg_file), " > ", basename(master_filepath),
-    ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",   
-                                    master_filepath, 
+    ogr2ogr_merge_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f 'gpkg' -append -nln ", master_name, " ",
+                                    master_filepath,
                                     " ", gpkg_file
@@ -399,15 +406,8 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-#   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
-#   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
-#   message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
-# }
-for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
   #   sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
   #   unique()
   geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
   message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
@@ -461,10 +462,10 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
     fema_vpu <- 
       fema_vpu %>% 
       nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-      sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+      # sf::st_make_valid() %>%
       # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
       add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-      dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+      dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>%
       rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
       rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
       dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
@@ -497,62 +498,6 @@ for (i in 5:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
-  # fema_vpu <- 
-  #   fema_vpu %>% 
-  #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>%
-  #   # dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
-  #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-  #   dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::summarise(
-  #     geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-  #   ) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(-group_id) %>%
-  #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects)
-  # geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
-  # message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
-  # for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
-  #   message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
-  # }
-  # message("Keeping only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometries...")
-  # fema_vpu <- 
-  #   fema_vpu %>%
-  #   dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geometry) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>%
-  #   sf::st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON") %>%
-  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-  #   # dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-  #   rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-  #   rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>%
-  #   nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-  #   ) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
-  # end_geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
-  # message("Geometry counts after all processing steps: ")
-  # for (g in seq_along(end_geom_type_counts)) {
-  #   message(" > ", names(end_geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", end_geom_type_counts[g])
-  # }
-  # fema_vpu2 %>% mapview::npts()
-  # fema_vpu2_subset <- fema_vpu2[lengths(sf::st_intersects(fema_vpu2, fema_vpu[1:100, ]))  > 1, ]
-  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-  #       mapview::mapview(fema_vpu2, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
-  # fema_vpu <-
-  #   fema_vpu %>%
-  #   # dplyr::group_by(source) %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     # state    = tolower(gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)),
-  #     vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-  #     fema_id  = 1:dplyr::n()
-  #   ) %>%
-  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-  #   dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, geom = geometry)

From 64f5b156bbd4b11d55a3629554ae514d81692297 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 12:15:06 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 47/64] small cleanups and set fema simplification to 1% but to
 keep all shapes

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 144 +++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index f88d216..de1bd90 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
 for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-   # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -34,17 +34,12 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   vpu <- path_df$vpu[i]
   # Get FEMA by VPU directory and files for current VPU 
-  fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
+  fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))])
   # fema_vpu_dir <- paste0(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(paste0("VPU_", vpu), basename(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))], "/merged")
   vpu_fema_files <- list.files(fema_vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  vpu_fema_file <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_output.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
+  vpu_fema_file  <- vpu_fema_files[grepl(paste0(vpu, "_output.gpkg"), vpu_fema_files)]
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
   message("Creating VPU ", vpu, " transects:", 
           "\n - flowpaths: '",
           nextgen_file, "'",
@@ -57,29 +52,12 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  # # model attributes
-  # model_attrs <- arrow::read_parquet(model_attr_path)
-  # # join flowlines with model atttributes
-  # flines <- dplyr::left_join(
-  #   flines,
-  #   dplyr::select(
-  #     model_attrs,
-  #     id, eTW
-  #   ), by = "id")
   # calculate bankfull width
   flines <-
     flines %>%
       bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
     ) %>%
-    # dplyr::mutate( bf_width = 11 * eTW) %>%
-    # dplyr::mutate( # if there are any NAs, use exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)) equation to calculate bf_width
-    #   bf_width = dplyr::case_when(
-    # ~ exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm)),
-    #     TRUE            ~ bf_width
-    #   )) %>%
       hy_id = id,
@@ -131,6 +109,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       cs_source = net_source
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   # --- Extend transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplains
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -140,29 +119,15 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # mapview::npts(fema)
   message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
   # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
-  # keep 10% of the original points for speed
-  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.01)
-  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # keep 1% of the original points for speed
+  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
   # mapview::npts(fema)
-  # # TODO: the flines argument needs the "hy_id" column to be named "id" 
-  # # TODO: probably should fix this in hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons()
-  # flines <- 
-  #   flines %>% 
-  #   dplyr::rename(id = hy_id)
   message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
-  # # TODO: hacky, need to fix the extend-trancterts to polygons function to not need these columns
-  # transects <- 
-  #   transects %>% 
-  #   dplyr::rename(geom = geometry) %>%
-  #   dplyr::mutate(
-  #     is_extended = FALSE
-  #   )
   transects <- 
     transects  %>%
@@ -193,8 +158,8 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   transects  <- dplyr::select(transects, -tmp_id)
   transects  <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects)
-  # transects <- 
-    transects3 %>%  
+  transects <-
+    transects %>%  
     # dplyr::select(-cs_lengthm) %>% 
     # dplyr::mutate(is_fema_extended = left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
@@ -213,93 +178,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # 
-  # transects <- sf::read_sf(out_path)
-  # 
-  # # flines <-
-  # #   flines %>%
-  # #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% transects$hy_id)
-  # #   dplyr::slice(1:1000)
-  # 
-  # flines <-
-  #   flines %>%
-  #   dplyr::slice(seq(1, nrow(flines), 10))
-  # # 
-  # transects <-
-  #   transects %>%
-  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines$hy_id)
-  # # 
-  # 
-  # # TODO: the flines argument needs the "hy_id" column to be named "id" 
-  # # TODO: probably should fix this in hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons()
-  # flines <- 
-  #   flines %>% 
-  #   dplyr::rename(id = hy_id)
-  # 
-  # 
-  #  # fema_keep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01)
-  # 
-  # mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "red") + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema_keep, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "green") 
-  #   # mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(fema_nokeep, fema_id %in% 1:10), col.regions = "dodgerblue")
-  # transects
-  # 
-  # # system.time({
-  # # profvis::profvis({
-  #   
-  # # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
-  # # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
-  # # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::get_transect_extension_distances_to_polygons(
-  # #                                                 transect_lines         = transects, 
-  # #                                                 polygons               = fema, 
-  # #                                                 flines                 = flines, 
-  # #                                                 max_extension_distance = 3000 
-  # #                                                 )
-  # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
-  #   transect_lines         = transects, 
-  #   polygons               = fema, 
-  #   flowlines              = flines, 
-  #   max_extension_distance = 3000 
-  # )
-  # # })
-  # # })
-  # 
-  # # mapview::mapview(transects2, color = "green") + 
-  # # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "red") + 
-  # #    mapview::mapview(fema_keep, col.regions = "dodgerblue")
-  # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # 
-  # transects2 <- dplyr::select(transects2, -tmp_id)
-  # transects2 <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transects2)
-  # 
-  # extended_ids <- 
-  #   transects2 %>% 
-  #   dplyr::filter(left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::pull(hy_id) %>% 
-  #   unique()
-  # 
-  # start_trans <- dplyr::filter(transects, hy_id %in% extended_ids[1:150])
-  #   end_trans <- dplyr::filter(transects2, hy_id %in% extended_ids[1:150])
-  # mapview::mapview(start_trans, color = "red")  + 
-  #   mapview::mapview(end_trans, color = "green")
-  # transects <- 
-  #   transects %>%  
-  #   dplyr::select(-cs_lengthm) %>% 
-  #   # dplyr::mutate(is_fema_extended = left_is_extended | right_is_extended) %>% 
-  #   dplyr::select(
-  #     hy_id, 
-  #     cs_id, 
-  #     # cs_lengthm,
-  #     cs_lengthm = new_cs_lengthm, 
-  #     cs_source,
-  #     cs_measure,
-  #     # is_extended,
-  #     # is_fema_extended,
-  #     geometry = geom
-  #   )
   message("Saving transects to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # save transects with only columns to be uploaded to S3 (lynker-spatial/01_transects/transects_<VPU num>.gpkg)

From 16cd482c8dc7260e0c0d837d6ccaad42a6467e65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 12:16:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 48/64] removed extra 00_fema.R file

 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R | 143 ------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 143 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f55be..0000000
--- a/runners/cs_runner/00_fema.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
-# transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
-# paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-nextgen_files   <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-FEMA_files      <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-FEMA_BB_files   <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-transects_files <- transects_files[!grepl("updated", transects_files)]
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
-# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
-path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-  x    = nextgen_files,
-  y    = transects_files,
-  base = base_dir
-us_states <- 
-  USAboundaries::us_states() %>% 
-  sf::st_transform(5070)
-# loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-# for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  i = 8
-  # nextgen file and full path
-  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
-  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
-  transect_path
-  # # model attributes file and full path
-  # model_attr_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  # model_attr_path <- paste0(model_attr_dir, model_attr_file)
-  message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], "\n - transects: ", transect_file, "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'")
-  # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
-  # read in nextgen data
-  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  flines_bb <- 
-    flines %>% 
-    sf::st_bbox() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
-    sf::st_as_sf()
-  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
-  # find the states intersecting with the given VPU flowlines
-  intersecting_states <- 
-    sf::st_intersection(us_states, flines_bb) %>% 
-    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-    .$name %>% 
-    gsub(" ", "-", .)
-  # get the matching FEMA floodplain FGB file names
-  matching_fema_files <- unlist(lapply(intersecting_states, function(state_name) {
-    FEMA_files[grepl(state_name, FEMA_files)]
-    }))
-  # full paths
-  files_of_interest <-  paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", matching_fema_files)
-  # Iterate over each FEMA file and determine optimal widths for cross sections.....
-  # for (file in rev(files_of_interest)) {
-  file = "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA100/Tennessee-100yr-flood_valid.fgb" 
-    fema_fgb <- 
-      file %>% 
-      sf::read_sf() %>% 
-      sf::st_transform(5070)
-    fema_bb <- 
-      fema_fgb %>% 
-      sf::st_bbox() %>% 
-      sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
-      sf::st_as_sf()
-    # fline_subset <- 
-    # flines %>% 
-    # sf::st_intersection(fema_fgb)
-    fline_fema_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(flines, fema_fgb)
-    fema_fline_intersects <- sf::st_intersects(fema_fgb, flines)
-    fema_subset$FLD_AR_ID %>% unique() %>% length()
-    fema_subset <- 
-      fema_fgb[unlist(fema_fline_intersects), ]  %>% 
-      rmapshaper::ms_simplify()
-    fema_subset$FLD_AR_ID %>% unique() %>% length()
-    fema_subset <- fema_subset %>% 
-      rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(field = "FLD_AR_ID")
-    fema_subset %>% mapview::npts()
-    unlist(flines_with_fema)[1]
-    fema_fgb 
-    flines_with_fema      <- flines[lengths(fline_fema_intersects) > 0,]
-    # flines %>% 
-    #   sf::st_filter(
-    #     fema_fgb, 
-    #     .predicate = st_touches
-    #   )
-    fema_subset %>% 
-      dplyr::filter()
-    fema_subset %>% mapview::npts()
-    transects_subset <- 
-      transects %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines_with_fema$id)
-    flines %>% sf::st_crs()
-    mapview::mapview(flines) + fema_bb
-    # mapview::mapview(fema_fgb, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-    mapview::mapview(fema_subset, col.regions = "dodgerblue") +
-      mapview::mapview(transects_subset, color = "red") +
-      mapview::mapview(flines_with_fema, color = "green") 
-    message("file: ", file)
-  # }
\ No newline at end of file

From 72b3e888a9a33a4e3217fe1de506fe636a321e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:06:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 49/64] updated final step for processing fema polygons to use
 mapshaper instead of sf dissolve methods

 runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R | 259 +++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 184 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index 03f224f..5a2d35b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -402,12 +402,14 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   message("Merged '", basename(vpu_dir), "' FEMA output geopackage:\n --> '", master_filepath, "'")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
+# ----Apply simplify, dissolve, explode on the MERGED polygons  ---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T))]
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+  # i = 8
   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
@@ -419,10 +421,14 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
   master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  master_geojson_name       <- paste0(master_name, ".geojson")
+  master_geojson_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_geojson_name)
   updated_gpkg_name  <- gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name)
   updated_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", updated_gpkg_name)
-  message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
+  message("VPU Merged FEMA filename: '", master_gpkg_name, "'")
+  message("> Simplifying, dissolve, exploding VPU aggregated FEMA polygons... '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
   if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
     message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
@@ -430,88 +436,191 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+  message("Converting \n > '", basename(master_filepath), "' to geojson '", master_geojson_name, "'")
-  fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
+  geojson_exists  <- file.exists(master_geojson_filepath)
-  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
-  # fema_vpu %>% mapview::npts()
-  # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_is_valid() %>% all()
-  # fema_vpu %>% 
-  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-  #   sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
-  #   unique()
+  # message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
+  # message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+  gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
-  message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
-  for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
-    message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
+    system(gpkg_to_geojson_cmd)
+    message("Writing '", master_geojson_name, "' to: \n > '", master_geojson_filepath, "'")
+    STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, master_geojson_filepath)
-  # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
-  #       mapview::mapview(fema_union, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+  # Clean GeoJSON
+  message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", master_geojson_name, "'")
+  output_clean_filename      <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", master_geojson_name)
+  output_clean_geojson_path  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", output_clean_filename)
-  # fema_vpu %>% 
-  #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-  #   dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
-  #   sf::st_is_valid() %>% 
-  #   all()
+  clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
+  message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
+  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  tryCatch({
-    fema_vpu <- 
-      fema_vpu %>% 
-      nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-      # sf::st_make_valid() %>%
-      # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
-      add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-      dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>%
-      rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-      rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-      nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(      
-        vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-        fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::select(
-        vpu, fema_id,
-        # state, 
-        geom = geometry
-      )
-  }, error = function(e) {
-    message(VPU, " threw into the following error \n ", e)
-    message(" > Cleaning ", VPU, " using a backup cleaning strategy...")
-    fema_vpu <- 
-      fema_vpu %>% 
-      sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-      dplyr::mutate(      
-        vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
-        fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-      ) %>% 
-      dplyr::select(
-        vpu, fema_id,
-        # state, 
-        geom
-      )
-    })
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', master_geojson_filepath, 
+                             ' -dissolve2 \\', 
+                             ' -simplify 0.5 visvalingam \\', 
+                             ' -snap \\',
+                             ' -explode \\',
+                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
+  )
-    message("> Overwritting '", basename(master_filepath), "' with final clean version...")
-    # union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
-    # message("> writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
+  system(mapshaper_command)
+  # message("Writing '", master_geojson_name, "' to: \n > '", master_geojson_filepath, "'")
+  STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
+  output_clean_gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".geojson", ".gpkg", master_geojson_name)
+  output_clean_gpkg_path       <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", output_clean_gpkg_filename)
+  # fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
+  geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  updated_gpkg_exists  <- file.exists(updated_filepath)
+  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !updated_gpkg_exists) {
+    system(geojson_to_gpkg_cmd)
+    message("Writing '", updated_gpkg_name, "' to: \n > '", updated_filepath, "'")
-    sf::write_sf(
-      fema_vpu,
-      updated_filepath
-      # master_filepath
-      # union_file_path
+  }
+  fema <- 
+    sf::read_sf(updated_filepath) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys=TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      fema_id, 
+      geom
+  sf::write_sf(
+    fema, 
+    updated_filepath
+  )
+  message("Deleting intermediary files\n")
+  for (delete_file in STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE) {
+    if (file.exists(delete_file)) {
+      message("Deleting >>> '", delete_file, "'")
+      file.remove(delete_file)
+    }
-  message()
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+#   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+#   VPU        <- basename(vpu_dir)
+#   message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
+#   # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackage will end up
+#   master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+#   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
+#   master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+#   updated_gpkg_name  <- gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name)
+#   updated_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", updated_gpkg_name)
+#   message("> Re-unioning and re-exploding geometries in '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
+#   if(!file.exists(master_filepath)) { 
+#     message("No FEMA geometries in '", VPU, "'")
+#     message()
+#     next
+#   }
+#   fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
+#   # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_geometry_type() %>% unique()
+#   # fema_vpu %>% mapview::npts()
+#   # fema_vpu %>% sf::st_is_valid() %>% all()
+#   # fema_vpu %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_geometry_type() %>% 
+#   #   unique()
+#   geom_type_counts <- table(sf::st_geometry_type(fema_vpu))
+#   message("Geometry counts before casting all geometries to MULTIPOLYGON:")
+#   for (g in seq_along(geom_type_counts)) {
+#     message(" > ", names(geom_type_counts[g]), ": ", geom_type_counts[g])
+#   }
+#   # mapview::mapview(fema_vpu, color = 'red', col.regions = 'white') +
+#   #       mapview::mapview(fema_union, color = 'green', col.regions = 'white')
+#   # fema_vpu %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_is_valid() %>% 
+#   #   all()
+#   tryCatch({
+#     fema_vpu <- 
+#       fema_vpu %>% 
+#       nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+#       # sf::st_make_valid() %>%
+#       # dplyr::filter(sf::st_geometry_type(geom) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% 
+#       add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+#       dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>%
+#       rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+#       rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+#       dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#       nngeo::st_remove_holes(max_area = 200) %>% 
+#       dplyr::mutate(      
+#         vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+#         fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+#       ) %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(
+#         vpu, fema_id,
+#         # state, 
+#         geom = geometry
+#       )
+#   }, error = function(e) {
+#     message(VPU, " threw into the following error \n ", e)
+#     message(" > Cleaning ", VPU, " using a backup cleaning strategy...")
+#     fema_vpu <- 
+#       fema_vpu %>% 
+#       sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+#       dplyr::mutate(      
+#         vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+#         fema_id  = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+#       ) %>% 
+#       dplyr::select(
+#         vpu, fema_id,
+#         # state, 
+#         geom
+#       )
+#     })
+#     message("> Overwritting '", basename(master_filepath), "' with final clean version...")
+#     # union_file_path <- gsub(".gpkg", "_union.gpkg", fema_vpu_file)
+#     # message("> writting '", basename(union_file_path), "' (unioned and exploded version)")
+#     sf::write_sf(
+#       fema_vpu,
+#       updated_filepath
+#       # master_filepath
+#       # union_file_path
+#     )
+#   }
+#   message()
+# }

From 8477da02f8524138f0a839c2abcfc89ca0c3055b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:58:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 50/64] changes to fema processing steps, using mapshaper clean
 arg and removed excess dissolve

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R          |  6 ++-
 runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R | 62 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 7b38b23..31467ae 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-for(i in 2:nrow(path_df)) {
+for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
@@ -114,10 +115,11 @@ for(i in 2:nrow(path_df)) {
   # --- Extend transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplains
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   message("Reading in FEMA polygons...") 
   # fema polygons and transect lines
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  mapview::npts(fema)
   message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
   # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index 5a2d35b..13ea3ba 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ library(nngeo)
 # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
@@ -406,7 +407,11 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # ----Apply simplify, dissolve, explode on the MERGED polygons  ---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T))]
+# # NOTE: remove past runs for testing...
+# for (i in list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T))]) {
+#   file.remove(i)
+# }
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # i = 8
@@ -442,8 +447,10 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
   # message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
+  gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:5070 ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
+  # gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f GEOJSON -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:5070 ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
+  # gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
+  # file.remove(master_geojson_filepath)
   if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
@@ -452,6 +459,9 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
     STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, master_geojson_filepath)
+  # master_gj <- sf::read_sf(master_geojson_filepath)
+  # master_gpkg <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
   # Clean GeoJSON
   message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", master_geojson_name, "'")
   output_clean_filename      <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", master_geojson_name)
@@ -460,12 +470,19 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ', master_geojson_filepath, 
-                             ' -dissolve2 \\', 
-                             ' -simplify 0.5 visvalingam \\', 
+  # file.remove(output_clean_geojson_path)
+  mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ',
+                             master_geojson_filepath, 
+                             # ' -clean \\', 
+                             # ' -explode \\',
+                             # ' -dissolve2 \\',
+                             ' -simplify 0.3 visvalingam \\', 
                              ' -snap \\',
                              ' -explode \\',
+                             ' -clean \\',
+                             # ' -proj EPSG:5070 \\',
                              ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
@@ -477,30 +494,49 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   output_clean_gpkg_path       <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", output_clean_gpkg_filename)
   # fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
-  geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  # geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f GPKG ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:5070  ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  # geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
   updated_gpkg_exists  <- file.exists(updated_filepath)
+  # updated_gpkg_exists
+  # file.remove(updated_filepath)
   if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !updated_gpkg_exists) {
     message("Writing '", updated_gpkg_name, "' to: \n > '", updated_filepath, "'")
+  # sf::st_layers(updated_filepath)
-  fema <- 
-    sf::read_sf(updated_filepath) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys=TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  fema  <- 
+    sf::read_sf(updated_filepath) %>%
+    # sf::read_sf(output_clean_geojson_path) %>%
+    # rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys=TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
       vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
       fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
     ) %>% 
+      vpu,
+  # fema %>% 
+  #   rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.5, keep_shapes = T) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(fema_id) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(pts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::arrange(-pts) 
+  file.remove(updated_filepath)
-    updated_filepath
+    updated_filepath, 
+    append = FALSE
   message("Deleting intermediary files\n")

From 550c85c66b07ab99b69f7c3d2fa2b4d3127b1b37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:42:41 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 51/64] testing out new fema simplification amounts...

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 31467ae..3bf707a 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
+for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 2
+  # i = 4
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_transects.gpkg")
   out_path <- paste0(transects_dir, out_file)
   # add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
   transects <- 
     transects %>%
@@ -119,15 +118,51 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # fema polygons and transect lines
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
-  mapview::npts(fema)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  # mapview::npts(fema)
   message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
+  message(" - Number of points BEFORE simplifying: ", mapview::npts(fema))
+  message(" - Number of geoms BEFORE simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
   # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
   # keep 1% of the original points for speed
-  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.02, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  message(" - Number of points AFTER simplifying: ", mapview::npts(fema))
+  message(" - Number of geoms AFTER simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+  # fema_keep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, explode = TRUE, keep = 0.05, snap = F, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # fema_nokeep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.05, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+   # mapview::npts(fema, by_feature = F)
+ #  mapview::npts(fema_keep, by_feature = F)
+ #  mapview::npts(fema_keep, by_feature = T)
+ # 
+ #  mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = F)
+ #  mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = T)
+ # 
+ # fema_keep <- 
+ #    fema_keep %>% 
+ #    dplyr::mutate(nid = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::group_by(nid) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::mutate(npts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::arrange(-npts)
+ #  
+ #  fema_nokeep <- 
+ #    fema_nokeep %>% 
+ #    dplyr::mutate(nid = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::group_by(nid) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::mutate(npts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
+ #    dplyr::arrange(-npts)
   # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
+  # mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = T)
+  # fema <-
+  #   fema %>% 
+  #   sf::st_make_valid()
+  # fema %>% sf::st_is_valid() %>% all()
   message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
   transects <- 
@@ -140,6 +175,13 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       by = "hy_id" 
+  # sf::write_sf(transects2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_transects_02.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_flines_02.gpkg")
+  # fema <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_02/fema_vpu_02_output.gpkg")
+  # transects3 <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_transects_02.gpkg")
+  # flines2 <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_flines_02.gpkg")
   # system.time({
   # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 

From b99bbd9deead721cba025f76ed5f91fa6b08a04c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:12:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 52/64] small cleanups

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 62 +++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 3bf707a..804e2dc 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
-for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 2
-  # i = 4
+for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
@@ -49,6 +48,10 @@ for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
   # message("Creating VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file, "'\n - model attributes: '", model_attr_file, "'")
+  # sf::write_sf(
+  #   dplyr::slice(dplyr::filter(flines, order == 2), 2), 
+  #   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/example_flowline.gpkg"
+  #   )
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
@@ -118,51 +121,15 @@ for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
   # fema polygons and transect lines
   fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
-  # mapview::npts(fema)
   message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
-  message(" - Number of points BEFORE simplifying: ", mapview::npts(fema))
   message(" - Number of geoms BEFORE simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
   # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
   # keep 1% of the original points for speed
-  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.02, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
-  message(" - Number of points AFTER simplifying: ", mapview::npts(fema))
   message(" - Number of geoms AFTER simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
-  # fema_keep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, explode = TRUE, keep = 0.05, snap = F, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
-  # fema_nokeep <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.05, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
-   # mapview::npts(fema, by_feature = F)
- #  mapview::npts(fema_keep, by_feature = F)
- #  mapview::npts(fema_keep, by_feature = T)
- # 
- #  mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = F)
- #  mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = T)
- # 
- # fema_keep <- 
- #    fema_keep %>% 
- #    dplyr::mutate(nid = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
- #    dplyr::group_by(nid) %>% 
- #    dplyr::mutate(npts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
- #    dplyr::arrange(-npts)
- #  
- #  fema_nokeep <- 
- #    fema_nokeep %>% 
- #    dplyr::mutate(nid = 1:dplyr::n()) %>% 
- #    dplyr::group_by(nid) %>% 
- #    dplyr::mutate(npts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
- #    dplyr::arrange(-npts)
-  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = F, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
-  # mapview::npts(fema_nokeep, by_feature = T)
-  # fema <-
-  #   fema %>% 
-  #   sf::st_make_valid()
-  # fema %>% sf::st_is_valid() %>% all()
   message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
   transects <- 
@@ -175,15 +142,6 @@ for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
       by = "hy_id" 
-  # sf::write_sf(transects2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_transects_02.gpkg")
-  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_flines_02.gpkg")
-  # fema <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/FEMA_BY_VPU/VPU_02/fema_vpu_02_output.gpkg")
-  # transects3 <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_transects_02.gpkg")
-  # flines2 <- sf::read_sf("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_flines_02.gpkg")
-  # system.time({
   # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
   # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
   transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
@@ -191,12 +149,10 @@ for(i in 4:nrow(path_df)) {
     polygons               = fema, 
     flowlines              = flines, 
     crosswalk_id           = "hy_id",
-    intersect_group_id     = "mainstem", 
+    grouping_id     = "mainstem", 
     max_extension_distance = 3000 
-  # })
   message("FEMA extensions complete! - ( ", Sys.time(), " )")
   transects  <- dplyr::select(transects, -tmp_id)

From 92fad96457d04d56d2fa0d760bc14ea023ad3679 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 09:04:47 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 53/64] huge overall of variable declarations and path variable
 creations for cs_runners/, split download_nextgen.R into seperate scripts for
 downloading nextgen, ref_features, and ML outputs, moved util functions to a
 utils.R script, updated 04_driver.R script, still more cleanups needed

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R          |  26 ++--
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R             |  50 +++---
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R          |  27 ++--
 runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R             |  12 +-
 runners/cs_runner/config.R                | 108 ++++++++-----
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R           | 158 ++++++++++++++-----
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R      |   8 +-
 runners/cs_runner/download_ml_outputs.R   |  16 ++
 runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R      | 178 +++++++---------------
 runners/cs_runner/download_ref_features.R |  35 +++++
 runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R |   4 +-
 runners/cs_runner/set_path_variables.R    |  10 ++
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R                 | 149 ++++++++++++++++++
 13 files changed, 521 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/download_ml_outputs.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/download_ref_features.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/set_path_variables.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 804e2dc..2c2ce2f 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
 # # # # load libraries
 # library(hydrofabric3D)
@@ -8,20 +9,17 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # install.packages("devtools")
 # transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-nextgen_files    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-model_attr_files <- list.files(model_attr_dir, full.names = FALSE)
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-net_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+NEXTGEN_FILES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+# model_attr_files <- list.files(MODEL_ATTR_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-                x    = nextgen_files,
-                y    = model_attr_files,
-                base = base_dir
+                x    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
+                y    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
+                base = BASE_DIR
 # loop over each VPU and generate cross sections, then save locally and upload to S3 bucket
@@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
   vpu <- path_df$vpu[i]
@@ -104,13 +102,13 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_transects.gpkg")
-  out_path <- paste0(transects_dir, out_file)
+  out_path <- paste0(TRANSECTS_DIR, out_file)
   # add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
   transects <- 
     transects %>%
-      cs_source = net_source
+      cs_source = CS_SOURCE
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -196,8 +194,8 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
-  copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", transects_prefix, out_file, 
-                   ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
+  copy_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", S3_TRANSECTS_DIR, out_file, 
+                   ifelse(is.null(AWS_PROFILE), "", paste0(" --profile ", AWS_PROFILE))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 4b18b93..d28e43e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -11,33 +11,32 @@ library(hydrofabric3D)
-# cross section bucket prefix
-cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
-# transect bucket prefix
-transects_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/transects/")
+# # cross section bucket prefix
+# S3_CS_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets
-nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+NEXTGEN_FILES <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
-transect_files <- list.files(transects_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+transect_files <- list.files(TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 transect_files <- transect_files[!grepl("updated_", transect_files)]
-# string to fill in "cs_source" column in output datasets
-cs_source <- "hydrofabric3D"
+REF_FEATURES <- list.files(REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # reference features dataframe
 ref_df <- data.frame(
-  vpu      = sapply(strsplit(ref_features, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
-  ref_file = ref_features
+  vpu      = sapply(strsplit(REF_FEATURES, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
+  ref_file = REF_FEATURES
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-  x    = nextgen_files,
+  x    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
   y    = transect_files,
-  base = base_dir
+  base = BASE_DIR
 ) %>% 
@@ -48,21 +47,21 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
   start <- Sys.time()
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
   # model attributes file and full path
   transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
-  transect_path <- paste0(transects_dir, transect_file)
+  transect_path <- paste0(TRANSECTS_DIR, transect_file)
   # model attributes file and full path
   ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
-  ref_path <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+  ref_path <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_file)
   # current VPU being processed
   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
@@ -76,6 +75,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in transects data
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   fixed_pts <-
     fixed_pts %>%
-      Z_source = cs_source
+      Z_source = CS_SOURCE
     ) %>%
     dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
                     class, point_type, 
@@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # command to copy transects geopackage to S3
-  trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", transects_prefix, transect_file, 
-                        ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+  trans_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", updated_path, " ", S3_TRANSECTS_DIR, transect_file, 
+                        ifelse(is.null(AWS_PROFILE), "", paste0(" --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " transects to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
-  out_path <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, out_file)
+  out_path <- paste0(CS_PTS_DIR, out_file)
   message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
@@ -424,12 +424,12 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   arrow::write_parquet(fixed_pts, out_path)
   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
-  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile)))
+  copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", S3_CS_PTS_DIR, out_file,
+                              ifelse(is.null(AWS_PROFILE), "", paste0(" --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)))
   message("Copy VPU ", path_df$vpu[i], " cross sections to S3:\n - S3 copy command:\n'", 
-          paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", cs_pts_prefix, out_file,
-                 ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))), 
+          paste0("aws s3 cp ", out_path, " ", S3_CS_PTS_DIR, out_file,
+                 ifelse(is.null(AWS_PROFILE), "", paste0(" --profile ", AWS_PROFILE))), 
   system(copy_cs_pts_to_s3, intern = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index c607e9f..0321003 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -8,24 +8,25 @@ library(patchwork)
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
 # cross section bucket prefix
-CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/3D/cross-sections/")
-# cs_pts_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+# S3_CS_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
 ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- list.files(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
-nextgen_files <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+NEXTGEN_FILES   <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
-cs_files <- list.files(cs_pts_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+cs_files        <- list.files(CS_PTS_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
 path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
-  x    = nextgen_files,
+  x    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
   y    = cs_files,
-  base = base_dir
+  base = BASE_DIR
 # dplyr::left_join(
 #   ref_df,
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
-  nextgen_path <- paste0(nextgen_dir, nextgen_file)
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
   # model attributes file and full path
   cs_file      <- path_df$y[i]
-  cs_pts_path  <- paste0(cs_pts_dir, cs_file)
+  cs_pts_path  <- paste0(CS_PTS_DIR, cs_file)
   # current VPU being processed
   VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("Augmenting DEM cross sections with ML estimated widths/depths: ", VPU, 
           " cross section points:",
           "'\n - cross section points: '", cs_file, "'", 
-          "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_FILE, "'", 
-          # "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_URI, "'", 
+          "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE, "'", 
+          # "'\n - ML estimated widths/depths: '", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI, "'", 
           "\n - CONUS network file: '", CONUS_NETWORK_URI, "'",
           "\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
           # "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
@@ -326,21 +327,21 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
   out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
-  out_path <- paste0(final_dir, out_file)
+  out_path <- paste0(CS_OUTPUT_DIR, out_file)
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
   # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
   arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, out_path)
-  s3_save_uri <- paste0(CS_ML_PTS_S3_PREFIX, out_file)
+  s3_save_uri <- paste0(S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR, out_file)
   # command to copy cross section points parquet to S3
   copy_cs_pts_to_s3 <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", 
                               " ", 
-                              ifelse(is.null(aws_profile), "", paste0(" --profile ", aws_profile))
+                              ifelse(is.null(AWS_PROFILE), "", paste0(" --profile ", AWS_PROFILE))
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
index a19a7c4..212e1ac 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/04_driver.R
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
 # downloads nextgen datasets 
-# downloads nextgen datasets 
+# downloads datasets
+# - Nextgen data
+# - Reference features (for waterbody filtering)
+# - ML outputs
+# - FEMA 100 year floodplain polygons (FGBs)
-# download FEMA100 year FGBs
 # simplify, dissolve, FEMA polygons and partition FEMA polygons by VPU 
@@ -19,4 +23,4 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R")
 # Apply machine learning topwidths and depths estimates to DEM cross section points
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index 8d22554..a839f61 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -10,69 +10,99 @@ pacman::p_load(
 # load root directory 
-### Cross section point 
+### Cross section point
-### S3 names
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ----- S3 names ------
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# name of S3 bucket
-s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# # AWS S3 bucket URI 
+# S3_BUCKET_URI <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
-# name of bucket with nextgen data
-nextgen_bucket <- "lynker-spatial"
+# # name of bucket with nextgen data
+# S3_BUCKET_NAME <- "lynker-spatial"
-# nextgen bucket folder name
-nextgen_bucket_folder <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
+# # the name of the folder in the S3 bucket with the nextgen data
+# S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
-# nextgen bucket name
-nextgen_prefix  <- paste0(s3_bucket, nextgen_bucket_folder)
+# # full URI to the S3 bucket folder with the nextgen data 
-# reference features S3 bucket prefix
-ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
+# # reference features S3 bucket prefix
+# S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
-# S3 prefix/folder of version run
-version_prefix <- "v20.1"
-# version_prefix <- "v20"
+# # S3 prefix/folder of version run
+# VERSION <- "v20.1"
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
-nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/", nextgen_bucket_folder)
-# nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/pre-release/")
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ----- Local directories ------
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# model attributes directory
-model_attr_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/model_attributes/")
-# cross-section data model data directories
-transects_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/01_transects/")
-cs_pts_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/02_cs_pts/")
+# # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+# # NEXTGEN_DIR <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/pre-release/")
-# final output directory with geopackages per VPU
-final_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/cross_sections/")
+# # model attributes directory
+# MODEL_ATTR_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/model_attributes/")
-# directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
-ref_features_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/00_reference_features/")
+# # cross-section data model data directories
+# TRANSECTS_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/01_transects/")
+# CS_PTS_DIR       <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/02_cs_pts/")
-# make a directory for the ML outputs data
-ML_OUTPUTS_DIR <- paste0(base_dir, "/ml-outputs/")
+# # final output directory with geopackages per VPU
+# CS_OUTPUT_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/cross_sections/")
+# # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+# REF_FEATURES_DIR <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/00_reference_features/")
+# # make a directory for the ML outputs data
+# ML_OUTPUTS_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----- Create local directories ------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # create directories 
-dir.create(transects_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-dir.create(cs_pts_dir,    showWarnings = FALSE)
-dir.create(ref_features_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
-dir.create(paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/"),     showWarnings = FALSE)
-dir.create(final_dir,     showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(TRANSECTS_DIR, showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(CS_PTS_DIR,    showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(REF_FEATURES_DIR,     showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/"),     showWarnings = FALSE)
+dir.create(CS_OUTPUT_DIR,     showWarnings = FALSE)
 dir.create(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR,     showWarnings = FALSE)
-# dir.create(model_attr_dir,  showWarnings = FALSE)
+# create the directory if it does NOT exist
+if(!dir.exists(NEXTGEN_DIR)) {
+  message("Directory does not exist at: \n\t'", NEXTGEN_DIR, "'\nCreating directory at: \n\t'", NEXTGEN_DIR, "'")
+  dir.create(NEXTGEN_DIR)
+# # create the directory if it does NOT exist
+# if(!dir.exists(MODEL_ATTR_DIR)) {
+#   message("Directory does not exist at: \n\t'", MODEL_ATTR_DIR, "'\nCreating directory at: \n\t'", MODEL_ATTR_DIR, "'")
+#   dir.create(MODEL_ATTR_DIR)
+# }
+# dir.create(MODEL_ATTR_DIR,  showWarnings = FALSE)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----- Get the paths / locations of reference_features data ------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', ref_features_prefix , '"
+            S3_BUCKET="', S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI , '"
             # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
@@ -88,8 +118,8 @@ list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
 ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
 # ref features datasets
-ref_features_keys <- paste0(ref_features_prefix, ref_features)
-ref_features_files <- paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", ref_features)
+ref_features_keys  <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, ref_features)
+ref_features_files <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_features)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 492611f..5c4a713 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -1,47 +1,142 @@
-### EDIT base_dir, aws_profile, and DEM_URL ###
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- General paths and constants variables ----
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-base_dir     <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
+# - edit to match your local environment
+# - BASE_DIR: base directory for local file storage
+# - AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile to run CLI commands
+# - VERSION: S3 prefix/folder of version to run / generate hydrofabric data for
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# AWS profile to run CLI commands 
-aws_profile  <- "angus-lynker"
+# Base directory for local file storage
+BASE_DIR           <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
-# name of S3 bucket
-s3_bucket    <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# AWS profile to run CLI commands 
+AWS_PROFILE        <- "angus-lynker"
 # S3 prefix/folder of version run
-version_prefix <- "v20.1"
+VERSION            <- "v20.1"
+# string to fill in "CS_SOURCE" column in output datasets
+CS_SOURCE <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# name of bucket with nextgen data
+S3_BUCKET_NAME     <- "lynker-spatial"
+S3_BUCKET_SUBDIR   <- "hydrofabric"
+# AWS S3 bucket URI 
+S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI <- paste0("s3://", S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/")
+# S3_BUCKET_URI      <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- S3 output directories -----
+# - transects 
+# - cross section points
+# - ML cross section points
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# transect bucket prefix
+S3_TRANSECTS_DIR   <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# cross section bucket prefix
+S3_CS_PTS_DIR      <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# cross section bucket prefix
+S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR   <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- S3 nextgen data paths / directories -----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# the name of the folder in the S3 bucket with the nextgen data
+S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR       <- paste0(VERSION, "/gpkg/")
+# S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
+# full URI to the S3 bucket folder with the nextgen data 
+# reference features S3 bucket prefix
+S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- paste0("s3://", S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/00_reference_features/gpkg/")
+# S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Machine learning data path variables ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE   <- "channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
+# ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR    <- paste0(VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/")
+# ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR  <- "v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/"
+ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI      <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
+ML_OUTPUTS_PATH      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
+# path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
+CONUS_NETWORK_FILE   <- "conus_net.parquet"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Local directory / path variables ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+# NEXTGEN_DIR <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/pre-release/")
+# # model attributes directory
+# MODEL_ATTR_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/model_attributes/")
+# cross-section data model data directories
+TRANSECTS_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/01_transects/")
+CS_PTS_DIR       <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/02_cs_pts/")
+# final output directory with geopackages per VPU
+CS_OUTPUT_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/cross_sections/")
+# directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+REF_FEATURES_DIR      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/00_reference_features/")
+# make a directory for the ML outputs data
+ML_OUTPUTS_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create local directory / path variables (FEMA data) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
-FEMA_S3_BUCKET <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+FEMA_S3_BUCKET         <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+FEMA_S3_DIR            <- paste0(FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX)
 # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
-FEMA_FGB_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100")
-FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_geojson")
-FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_clean")
-FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
-FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA100_bounding_box") # TODO: Probably can be deleted too, not sure yet
+FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100")
+FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_geojson")
+FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_clean")
+FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
+FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_bounding_box") # TODO: Probably can be deleted too, not sure yet
-FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- paste0(base_dir, "/FEMA_BY_VPU")
 VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
 #                         FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_",
 #                         unlist(
-#                           lapply(list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE), function(vpu_file_names) {
+#                           lapply(list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE), function(vpu_file_names) {
 #                             unlist(regmatches(vpu_file_names,  gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", vpu_file_names)))})
 #                           )
 #                         )
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
+# ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logicals----
 # ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
 #          and overwrite existing previously processed files
+# TODO: Describe these variables
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
@@ -53,12 +148,12 @@ DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS  <- TRUE # remove intermediary files from the main output f
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DEM_URL      <- "/vsicurl/"
+DEM_URL        <- "/vsicurl/"
 # scale argument for cross_section_pts() function. 
 # The percentage of the length of the transect line to try and extend a transect to see if viable Z values can be found by extending transect line
 # Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
 # percentage of the length each cross section that should be used as a threshold for classifying a cross section as having relief or not
 # 1% of the cross sections length is the default value we are using 
@@ -72,22 +167,7 @@ COLLECT_META <- TRUE
 # Where should meta data CSVs be saved to? 
 # Local path to save CSVs of cross section meta data during each iteration
 # TODO: Probably delete this 
-META_PATH <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
+META_PATH    <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
 # META_PATH <-  "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Machine learning data path variables ----
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ML_OUTPUTS_FILE   = "channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
-ML_OUTPUTS_PREFIX = "v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/"
-# ML_OUTPUTS_URI    = "s3://lynker-spatial/v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
-ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- paste0(base_dir, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_FILE)
-# path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
-CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME <- "conus_net.parquet"
-CONUS_NETWORK_URI      <- paste0(s3_bucket, version_prefix, "/", CONUS_NETWORK_FILENAME)
-### EDIT ###
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index 0606142..9fa2f8a 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Running this script goes and pulls the desired FEMA100 flood fgb datasets from the lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket then saves them into a directory within "base_dir"
-# base_dir is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired FEMA100 flood fgb datasets from the lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket then saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
 # NOTE: The lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket is private at the moment
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS CLI command to list objects in the S3 bucket and use grep to filter them
-            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" --profile ', aws_profile, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" --profile ', AWS_PROFILE, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
             echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
   local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
   if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
-    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", aws_profile)
+    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)
     message("S3 object:\n > '", FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, "'")
     message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_ml_outputs.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_ml_outputs.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3751cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_ml_outputs.R
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# download_ml_outputs.R
+# This script pulls the ML outputs data from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# load config variables
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get ML outputs data from S3 bucket ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ml_copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI, ' ', paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)))
+message("Copying S3 object:\n", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)
+message("Download '", paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)), "' complete!")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
index dd0b807..9c455ee 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_nextgen.R
@@ -1,43 +1,17 @@
-# Running this script goes and pulls the desired NextGen geopackage datasets from, saves them into a directory within "base_dir"
-# base_dir is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired NextGen geopackage datasets from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
 # load config variables
-# name of S3 bucket
-s3_bucket <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
-# nextgen bucket folder name
-nextgen_bucket_folder <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
-# nextgen bucket name
-nextgen_prefix  <- paste0(s3_bucket, nextgen_bucket_folder)
-# prerelease_prefix     <- "s3://lynker-spatial/pre-release/"
-# # reference features S3 bucket prefix
-# ref_features_prefix <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
-# nextgen model attributes folder in S3 bucket with parquet files
-model_attr_prefix <- paste0(s3_bucket, "v20/3D/model_attributes/")
 # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
-nextgen_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/", nextgen_bucket_folder)
 # create the directory if it does NOT exist
-if(!dir.exists(nextgen_dir)) {
-  message("Directory does not exist at: \n\t'", nextgen_dir, "'\nCreating directory at: \n\t'", nextgen_dir, "'")
+if(!dir.exists(NEXTGEN_DIR)) {
+  message("Directory does not exist at: \n\t'", NEXTGEN_DIR, "'\nCreating directory at: \n\t'", NEXTGEN_DIR, "'")
-  dir.create(nextgen_dir)
-# model attributes directory
-model_attr_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/model_attributes/")
-# create the directory if it does NOT exist
-if(!dir.exists(model_attr_dir)) {
-  message("Directory does not exist at: \n\t'", model_attr_dir, "'\nCreating directory at: \n\t'", model_attr_dir, "'")
-  dir.create(model_attr_dir)
+  dir.create(NEXTGEN_DIR)
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -47,8 +21,8 @@ if(!dir.exists(model_attr_dir)) {
 # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
 command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', nextgen_prefix, '"
-            DESTINATION_DIR=', nextgen_dir, '
+            S3_BUCKET="', S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR_URI, '"
             # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
@@ -66,8 +40,8 @@ bucket_keys <- system(command, intern = TRUE)
 # Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
 for (key in bucket_keys) {
-  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', nextgen_prefix, key, " ", nextgen_dir, key)
-  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(nextgen_prefix, key))
+  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR_URI, key, " ", NEXTGEN_DIR, key)
+  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR_URI, key))
@@ -75,87 +49,51 @@ for (key in bucket_keys) {
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- List/Get nextgen model attributes parquets from S3 bucket ----
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# aws s3 ls s3://lynker-spatial/v20/3D/model_attributes/
-# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
-list_model_attr_cmd <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
-            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', model_attr_prefix, '"
-            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
-            PATTERN="^nextgen_[0-9][0-9][A-Za-z]*\\_model_attributes.parquet$"
-            # AWS CLI command to list objects in the S3 bucket and use grep to filter them
-            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
-            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
-# get a list of the model attributes objects in S3
-model_attr_keys <- system(list_model_attr_cmd, intern = TRUE)
-# Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
-for (key in model_attr_keys) {
-  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', model_attr_prefix, key, ' ', model_attr_dir, key)
-  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(model_attr_prefix, key))
-  system(copy_cmd)
-  message("Download '", paste0(model_attr_prefix, key), "' complete!")
-  message("------------------")
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- List/Get reference features from S3 bucket ----
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
-# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
-list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
-            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', ref_features_prefix , '"
-            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
-            PATTERN="reference_features.gpkg"
-            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
-            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
-# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages geopackages ----
-# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
-ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
-## Download reference features geopackages and save them to a local directory
-# Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
-for (key in ref_features) {
-  # paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/")
-  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ref_features_prefix, key, ' ', paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/"), key)
-  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(ref_features_prefix, key))
-  system(copy_cmd)
-  message("Download '", paste0(ref_features_dir, "gpkg/", key), "' complete!")
-  message("------------------")
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Get ML outputs data from S3 bucket ----
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ml_copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ML_OUTPUTS_URI, ' ', paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_URI)))
-message("Copying S3 object:\n", ML_OUTPUTS_URI)
-message("Download '", paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_URI)), "' complete!")
+# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- List/Get reference features from S3 bucket ----
+# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ## Go get a list of the reference features geopackages from S3 and create a save path using the S3 file names to save reference features to local directory
+# # list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
+# list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+#             # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+#             S3_BUCKET="', S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI , '"
+#             # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+#             PATTERN="reference_features.gpkg"
+#             S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+#             echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# )
+# # ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages geopackages ----
+# # Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+# ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+# ## Download reference features geopackages and save them to a local directory
+# # Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
+# for (key in ref_features) {
+#   # paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/")
+#   copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, key, ' ', paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/"), key)
+#   message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, key))
+#   system(copy_cmd)
+#   message("Download '", paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", key), "' complete!")
+#   message("------------------")
+# }
+# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Get ML outputs data from S3 bucket ----
+# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ml_copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI, ' ', paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)))
+# message("Copying S3 object:\n", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)
+# system(ml_copy_cmd)
+# message("Download '", paste0(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, basename(ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI)), "' complete!")
+# message("------------------")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_ref_features.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_ref_features.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc10e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_ref_features.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# download_ref_features.R
+# This script pulls the reference features geopackage datasets from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# load config variables
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- List/Get reference features from S3 bucket ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to reference_features.gpkg pattern
+list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+            S3_BUCKET="', S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, '"
+            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+            PATTERN="reference_features.gpkg"
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages ----
+# Run the script to get a list of the reference features geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys and copy them to the destination directory
+for (key in ref_features) {
+  copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, key, ' ', paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/"), key)
+  message("Copying S3 object:\n", paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, key))
+  system(copy_cmd)
+  message("Download '", paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", key), "' complete!")
+  message("------------------")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index 13ea3ba..8e413eb 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
 FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(nextgen_dir, full.names = FALSE)
+NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/set_path_variables.R b/runners/cs_runner/set_path_variables.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b590024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/set_path_variables.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Generate the list of file paths for locally stored nextgen datasets:
+# - NEXTGEN_FILES --> (list NEXTGEN_DIR files that were downloaded via download_nextgen.R)
+# load config variables
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+NEXTGEN_FILES   <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index 8bfd145..c4495d7 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -1,3 +1,152 @@
+# Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
+# make sure they are aligned and in the same order
+# x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
+# y is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
+# base is a character vector of the base directory of the files. Defaults to NULL
+# Returns a dataframe with VPU, x, and y columns
+align_files_by_vpu <- function(
+    x, 
+    y, 
+    base = NULL
+) {
+  # Regular expression pattern to match numeric pattern after "nextgen_" and remove everything after the ending period
+  regex_pattern <- "nextgen_(\\d+[A-Za-z]?).*"
+  # path dataframe for X filepaths
+  x_paths <- data.frame(x = x)
+  # path dataframe for Y filepaths
+  y_paths <- data.frame(y = y)
+  # generate VPU IDs based on file path regular expression matching with "regex_pattern" above
+  x_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", x_paths$x)
+  y_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", y_paths$y)
+  # match paths based on VPU column
+  matched_paths <- dplyr::left_join(
+    x_paths,
+    y_paths,
+    by = "vpu"
+  ) 
+  # reorder columns
+  matched_paths <- dplyr::relocate(matched_paths, vpu, x, y)
+  if(!is.null(base)) {
+    matched_paths$base_dir <- base
+  }
+  return(matched_paths)
+# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
+# trans: transects linestring sf object
+# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
+# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
+### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
+wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
+  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
+  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
+  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
+  message("Checking transects against waterbodies (v2) ...")
+  wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos)                    # (NEW METHOD)
+  # wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)])   # (OLD METHOD)
+  # sum(lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0)
+  # length(wb_trans_index)
+  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0, ]                       # (NEW METHOD)
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!wb_trans_index, ]                                  # (OLD METHOD)
+  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  return(
+    list(
+      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+    )
+  )
+  # # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
+  # # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
+  # 
+  # # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  # to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # 
+  # # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  # to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 
+  # # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  # check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  # keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # 
+  # # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  # valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  # valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+  #                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # 
+  # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  # return(
+  #   list(
+  #     "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+  #     "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  #   )
+  # )
 #' Get the polygons that interesect with any of the linestring geometries
 #' This is just a wrapper around geos::geos_intersects_matrix. Takes in sf dataframes, uses geos, then outputs sf dataframes
 #' @param polygons polygon sf object. Default is NULL

From 6c6b7a559a1bbdbda3bb0e4655f3e2b64a530d50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 09:05:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 54/64] removed duplicate S3_TRANSECTS_DIR variable declaration

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 2c2ce2f..01bc78a 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/utils.R")
 # library(sf)
 # install.packages("devtools")
-# transect bucket prefix
-S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 NEXTGEN_FILES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)

From 967f40b1bd7e2991e86a6a3e1fd4667066270160 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 14:25:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 55/64] updated 02_cs_pts.R to use new ID based hydrofabric3D

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R    | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R | 10 +++-
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index d28e43e..f91991b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-################################################     REDO EVERYTHING   #######################################################
 # Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
@@ -11,20 +6,14 @@ library(hydrofabric3D)
-# # cross section bucket prefix
-# S3_CS_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
-# # transect bucket prefix
-# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets
-NEXTGEN_FILES <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+NEXTGEN_FILES  <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets
 transect_files <- list.files(TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 transect_files <- transect_files[!grepl("updated_", transect_files)]
-REF_FEATURES <- list.files(REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+REF_FEATURES   <- list.files(REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 # reference features dataframe
 ref_df <- data.frame(
@@ -46,11 +35,10 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
-  # i = 8
+for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   start <- Sys.time()
+  # i = 8
+  message("Using newest Hydrofabric3D!!!")
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
@@ -64,7 +52,9 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   ref_path <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_file)
   # current VPU being processed
-  VPU = path_df$vpu[i]
+  VPU   <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  start <- Sys.time()
   message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
           " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
@@ -75,7 +65,6 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # read in transects data
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
@@ -96,46 +85,94 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ------ TESTING DATA -------
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  #   flines <-
+  #     flines %>%
+  #     dplyr::slice(1:3500)
+  # 
+  # transects <-
+  #   transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines$id)
+  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts, ")")
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
   # get cross section point elevations
   cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
     cs             = transects,
+    crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
     points_per_cs  = NULL,
     min_pts_per_cs = 10,
     dem            = DEM_URL
+  # })
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # system.time({
   # STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
   cs_pts <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
     dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
     dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF)  
+    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+      crosswalk_id             = "hy_id", 
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+      )  
   # })
   ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_06.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_06.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_06.gpkg")
+  # # 
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id)
+  # profvis::profvis({
   # system.time({
-  # NOTE: new inplace method for improving (rectifying) any invalid cross sections where we dont have banks and relief
-  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::improve_invalid_cs(
+  # # NOTE: new inplace method for improving (rectifying) any invalid cross sections where we dont have banks and relief
+  # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::improve_invalid_cs2(
+  #   cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+  #   net            = dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id),    # original flowline network
+  #   # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+  #   transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+  #   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+  #   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+  #   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+  #   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+  #   pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+  #   fix_ids = FALSE,
+  #   verbose = TRUE
+  # )
+  # system.time({
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
     cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-    net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+    net            = dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id),    # original flowline network
+    # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
     transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+    crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
     points_per_cs  = NULL, 
     min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
     dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
@@ -146,6 +183,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # })
+  # fixed_pts2$is_extended %>% sum()
   ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
   # # TODO: This is taking A LOT time to process as inputs get larger, an improvement should be looked into more
@@ -354,8 +393,9 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
   fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
-                  cs_pts                   = fixed_pts, 
-                  pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+                  cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+                  crosswalk_id              = "hy_id",
+                  pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
   ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index 0321003..834dec1 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  # bankful_cs %>% 
+  #   dplyr::slice(1000:1200) %>% 
+  #   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = "point_type")
   # sanity check that all rows are accounted for after splitting up data
   split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs)
   # split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
@@ -242,7 +246,11 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
       cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs
+  # arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
+  # ml_subset %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(owp_y_inchan, owp_tw_inchan) %>% 
+  #   .$owp_y_inchan
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
   # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates

From 1998c4282c8090a80e2ed7787e21898c2ea52ba5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 14:26:47 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 56/64] added crosswalk_id paramater to classify_points
 function in ml_inject workflow

 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index 834dec1..9b34c03 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
   # reclassify
-  final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(final_cs)
+  final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(final_cs, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   # final_uids <- final_cs %>% hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids()
   # random_uids <- sample(x=final_uids, size=12)

From 3ac563da09a9138fe55f856bf215f269f1ce9ccf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 15:50:51 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 57/64] setup new indepdent file (domain_with_fema.R) for
 generating a fema informed, set of transect lines and cross section points
 given a CONUS network and an AOI for subsetting that network

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        |  75 ++--
 runners/cs_runner/config.R           | 245 ++-----------
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |  69 ++++
 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R | 471 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R       | 510 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R            | 229 ++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 1346 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index f91991b..4713c4b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
 # loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
-for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
+for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   start <- Sys.time()
-  # i = 8
-  message("Using newest Hydrofabric3D!!!")
   # nextgen file and full path
   nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
   nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
@@ -64,13 +64,15 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
+  message("Reading in transects...\n > ", transect_file)
   # read in transects data
   transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  message("Reading in flowlines... \n > ", nextgen_file)
   # read in nextgen data
   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  message("Reading in waterbodies... \n > ", ref_file)
   # read in waterbodies reference features layer
   waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
@@ -119,15 +121,31 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_11_2.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_11_2.gpkg")
+  # cs_pts %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+  #   dplyr::ungroup()
+  # 
+  # cs_pts %>% 
+  #   hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id")
   # system.time({
   # STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
   cs_pts <- 
+  # cs_pts2 <- 
     cs_pts %>% 
-    dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+    # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id") %>% 
       crosswalk_id             = "hy_id", 
       pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
@@ -135,12 +153,11 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   # })
-  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
+  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id  
+  # ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts2)$tmp_id
-  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_06.gpkg")
-  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_06.gpkg")
-  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_06.gpkg")
-  # # 
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -167,20 +184,20 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   # system.time({
-  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
-    cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-    net            = dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id),    # original flowline network
-    # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-    transects      = transects, # original transect lines
-    crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
-    points_per_cs  = NULL, 
-    min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-    dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
-    scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
-    pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
-    fix_ids = FALSE,
-    verbose = TRUE
-  )
+    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+      cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+      net            = dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id),    # original flowline network
+      # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+      crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
+      points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+      fix_ids = FALSE,
+      verbose = TRUE
+    )
   # })
   # fixed_pts2$is_extended %>% sum()
@@ -219,6 +236,7 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts)
+  # point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   # # check the number of cross sections that were extended
   # fixed_pts$is_extended %>% table()
@@ -387,7 +405,8 @@ for (i in 11:nrow(path_df)) {
   ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
   message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
-  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(fixed_pts)
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts)
+  # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index a839f61..5a435b3 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -112,7 +112,27 @@ list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create empty file structure for a "new_domain" ----
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, NEW_DOMAIN_DIRNAME)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create empty file structure for a "domain_with_fema" ----
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIRNAME)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create empty file structure for a "new_conus_domain" ----
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, NEW_CONUS_DOMAIN_DIRNAME)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages ----
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
 ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
@@ -120,228 +140,3 @@ ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
 # ref features datasets
 ref_features_keys  <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, ref_features)
 ref_features_files <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_features)
-# Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
-# make sure they are aligned and in the same order
-# x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
-# y is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
-# base is a character vector of the base directory of the files. Defaults to NULL
-# Returns a dataframe with VPU, x, and y columns
-align_files_by_vpu <- function(
-    x, 
-    y, 
-    base = NULL
-) {
-  # Regular expression pattern to match numeric pattern after "nextgen_" and remove everything after the ending period
-  regex_pattern <- "nextgen_(\\d+[A-Za-z]?).*"
-  # path dataframe for X filepaths
-  x_paths <- data.frame(x = x)
-  # path dataframe for Y filepaths
-  y_paths <- data.frame(y = y)
-  # generate VPU IDs based on file path regular expression matching with "regex_pattern" above
-  x_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", x_paths$x)
-  y_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", y_paths$y)
-  # match paths based on VPU column
-  matched_paths <- dplyr::left_join(
-    x_paths,
-    y_paths,
-    by = "vpu"
-  ) 
-  # reorder columns
-  matched_paths <- dplyr::relocate(matched_paths, vpu, x, y)
-  if(!is.null(base)) {
-    matched_paths$base_dir <- base
-  }
-  return(matched_paths)
-# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
-# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
-# trans: transects linestring sf object
-# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
-# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
-### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
-wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
-  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
-  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
-  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
-  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
-  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
-  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
-  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
-  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
-  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
-  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
-  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
-  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
-  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
-  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
-  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
-  message("Checking transects against waterbodies (v2) ...")
-  wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos)                    # (NEW METHOD)
-  # wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)])   # (OLD METHOD)
-  # sum(lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0)
-  # length(wb_trans_index)
-  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
-  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
-  trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0, ]                       # (NEW METHOD)
-  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!wb_trans_index, ]                                  # (OLD METHOD)
-  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
-  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
-  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
-  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
-  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
-  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
-  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
-  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
-  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
-  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
-  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
-  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-  return(
-    list(
-      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
-      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-    )
-  )
-  # # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
-  # # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
-  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
-  # # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
-  # 
-  # # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
-  # to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
-  # 
-  # # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
-  # # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
-  # to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
-  # 
-  # # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
-  # # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
-  # check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
-  # keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
-  # 
-  # # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
-  # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-  # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-  # # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-  # valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
-  # valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-  #                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-  # 
-  # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-  # return(
-  #   list(
-  #     "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
-  #     "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-  #   )
-  # )
-# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
-# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
-# trans: transects linestring sf object
-# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
-# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
-### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
-wb_intersects_v1 <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
-  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
-  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
-  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
-  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
-  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
-  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
-  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
-  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
-  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
-  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
-  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
-  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
-  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
-  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
-  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
-  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
-  message("Checking transects against waterbodies...")
-  trans_wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(
-    trans_geos_check,  
-    wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)]
-  )
-  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
-  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
-  trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
-  # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
-  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
-  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
-  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
-  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
-  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
-  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
-  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
-  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
-  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
-  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
-  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
-  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
-  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
-  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
-  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
-                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
-  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
-  return(
-    list(
-      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
-      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
-    )
-  )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 5c4a713..dab3c25 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -170,4 +170,73 @@ COLLECT_META <- TRUE
 META_PATH    <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cs_meta/'
 # META_PATH <-  "/local/path/to/save/cross_section_meta_data/"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- (New single domain) Local directory / path variables ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# directory for new domain data 
+NEW_DOMAIN_DIRNAME  <- "new_domain"
+NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_FILE  <- "AllDiffusiveCombined.gpkg"
+# # Local DEM file
+# NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_FILE        <- "hi_dem.tif"
+# Remote DEM file
+NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+NEW_DOMAIN_TRANSECTS_DIRNAME         <- "transects"
+NEW_DOMAIN_CS_PTS_DIRNAME            <- "cs_pts"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- (New single domain) Local directory / path variables ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# directory for new domain data 
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIRNAME  <- "domain_with_fema"
+# Geopackage containing area to subset flowlines to before processing
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_SUBSET_FILE     <- "AllDiffusiveCombined.gpkg"
+# # Local DEM file
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_FILE        <- "hi_dem.tif"
+# Remote DEM file
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIRNAME            <- "cs_pts"
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b425de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# Generate the transects + cs_pts + cross sections layers for a single flowlines domain file and DEM file 
+# # # # load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# install.packages("devtools")
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# paths to NEW DOMAIN datasets 
+# NEW_DOMAIN_FILES    <- list.files(NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# Unique Flowline ID column name
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Read in flowlines
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Subsetting area
+aoi     <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_SUBSET_PATH, layer = "divides")
+aoi     <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(aoi, keep = 0.05)
+id_col <- "id"
+# id_col <- "divide_id"
+# query the conus.gpkg for matching IDs
+ids        <- unique(aoi[[id_col]])
+query_ids  <- paste0(paste0("'", ids, "'"), collapse= ", ")
+gpkg_layers <- sf::st_layers(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH)
+layer       <- gpkg_layers$name[gpkg_layers$name == "flowpaths"]
+wkt <- 
+  aoi %>% 
+  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve() %>% 
+  # rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
+  # sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
+  sf::st_sf() %>%
+  sf::st_geometry() %>%
+  sf::st_as_text()
+# wkt   <- sf::st_as_text(sf::st_geometry(aoi))
+# wkt <-
+#   aoi %>%
+#   # sf::st_bbox() %>%
+#   sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
+#   sf::st_sf() %>%
+#   sf::st_geometry() %>%
+#   sf::st_as_text()
+# length(wkt)
+# read in flowlines based on IDs in AOI
+flines <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpaths",
+                      wkt_filter = wkt
+                      # query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM \"%s\" WHERE %s IN (%s)", layer, id_col, query_ids),
+                      # query = query
+                      )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Split flowlines by VPU
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# VPUs polygons
+VPU_boundaries   <- sf::st_transform(nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries, sf::st_crs(flines))
+# add a VPU ID column to each flowline
+flines <- add_intersects_ids(x = flines, y = VPU_boundaries, id_col = "VPUID")
+# set of unique VPUs
+VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines$VPUID)
+# all possible FEMA dirs
+# flines %>% 
+#   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(VPUID) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count()
+# unique(flines$VPUID)
+# calculate bankfull width
+flines <-
+  flines %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    bf_width = hydrofabric3D::calc_powerlaw_bankful_width(tot_drainage_areasqkm)
+    # bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    VPUID,
+    # hy_id = id,
+    lengthkm,
+    tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+    bf_width,
+    mainstem
+  ) %>% 
+  hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+# save the flowlines subset 
+  flines, 
+# split the flowlines into groups by VPU
+fline_groups <- dplyr::group_split(flines, VPUID)
+# loop through each VPU group of flowlines and save a local copy
+for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
+  flowlines  <- fline_groups[[i]]
+  VPU        <- unique(flowlines$VPUID)
+  # save the flowlines subset 
+  vpu_flowlines_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_DIR, "/", gsub(", ", "_", VPU), "_flowlines.gpkg")
+  sf::write_sf(
+    flowlines, 
+    vpu_flowlines_path
+  )
+for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
+  flowlines  <- fline_groups[[i]]
+  VPU        <-  unique(flowlines$VPUID)
+  message("(", i, "/", length(fline_groups), ")\n", 
+          " > Processing flowlines in VPU group: '", VPU, "'")
+  # unique VPUs for group
+  GROUP_VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flowlines$VPUID)
+  # all FEMA dirs for the current area
+  GROUP_FEMA_FILES <- list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T))]
+  # GROUP_FEMA_FILES <- list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T)
+  # create transect lines
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+    net               = flowlines,                        # flowlines network
+    id                = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
+    cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+    densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+    rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+    fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+    #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE     # TODO: these methods need revision in hydrofabric3D to allow for more flexible processing for data that is NOT COMID based (i.e. hy_id)    
+    # terminal_id       = NULL,
+    # braid_threshold   = NULL,
+    # version           = 2,
+    # braid_method      = "comid",
+    # precision         = 1,
+    add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  )
+# }
+  # add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
+  transects <- 
+    transects %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      cs_source = CS_SOURCE
+    )
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # --- Extend transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplains
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  message("Reading in FEMA polygons...") 
+  # unique(flowlines$VPUID)
+  # fema polygons and transect lines
+  # fema <- sf::read_sf(vpu_fema_file)
+  # read each FEMA geopackage into a list 
+  fema <- lapply(GROUP_FEMA_FILES, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+  fema <- 
+    fema %>% 
+    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) 
+  message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
+  message(" - Number of geoms BEFORE simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+  # TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
+  # keep 1% of the original points for speed
+  fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  message(" - Number of geoms AFTER simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+  message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
+  transects <- 
+    transects  %>%
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(flowlines),
+                    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+                    mainstem
+      ),
+      by = CROSSWALK_ID
+    )
+  # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+  # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+    transect_lines         = transects, 
+    polygons               = fema, 
+    flowlines              = flowlines, 
+    crosswalk_id           = CROSSWALK_ID,
+    grouping_id            = "mainstem", 
+    max_extension_distance = 3000 
+  )
+  # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "green") + 
+   # mapview::mapview(transects2, color = "red")
+  transects <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+      cs_id, 
+      cs_lengthm,
+      cs_source,
+      cs_measure,
+      is_extended,
+      geometry
+    )
+  out_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/",   
+                     paste(GROUP_VPU_IDS, collapse = "_"), "_transects.gpkg" 
+                     )
+  message("Writting transect lines for VPU group: '", VPU, "'",
+          "\n > '", out_path, "'")
+  sf::write_sf(transects, out_path)
+  message("Finished writting transects!")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Bind together transects into single dataset
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+transect_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = T)
+flowline_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = T)
+flowline_paths <- flowline_paths[!basename(flowline_paths) %in% c("flowlines_subset.gpkg", "ls_conus.gpkg")]
+# read each transect geopackages into a list 
+transects <- lapply(transect_paths, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+transects <- 
+  transects %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows()
+paths_df <- data.frame(
+  t = transect_paths,
+  f = flowline_paths
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    vpu = gsub("_transects.gpkg", "", basename(t))
+  )
+for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
+  VPU     <- paths_df$vpu[i]
+  t_path  <- paths_df$t[i]
+  f_path  <- paths_df$f[i]
+  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, " cross section points:", 
+          "\n - flowpaths: '", f_path, "'",
+          "\n - transects: '", t_path, "'"
+  )
+  ################### 
+  message("Reading in transects...\n > ", t_path)
+  # read in transects data
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(t_path)
+  message("Reading in flowlines... \n > ", f_path)
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(f_path)
+  message("Extracting cross section points...")
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
+  # get cross section point elevations
+  cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+    cs             = transects,
+    crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+    points_per_cs  = NULL,
+    min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+    dem            = DEM_URL
+  )
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points  ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # cs_pts2 %>% 
+  #   dplyr::slice(1:200) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id) %>% 
+  #   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(x = "pt_id", color = "point_type")
+  cs_pts <- 
+    # cs_pts2 <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts(CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+      crosswalk_id             = CROSSWALK_ID, 
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+    )  
+  # })
+  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+  # ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts2)$tmp_id
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
+    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+      cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+      net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+      crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+      points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+      fix_ids = FALSE,
+      verbose = TRUE
+    )
+  # })
+  ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  out_transects <- match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts(
+    transect_lines = transects, 
+    fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts, 
+    crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  # out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(
+  #                                                   df            = dplyr::mutate(out_transects, pt_id = 1), 
+  #                                                   crosswalk_id  = "hy_id"
+  #                                                   ) %>% 
+  #                                                   dplyr::select(-pt_id)
+  fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+  out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # classify the cross section points
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+      Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+    ) %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+      cs_id, 
+      pt_id,
+      cs_lengthm,
+      relative_distance,
+      X, Y, Z,
+      class, point_type,
+      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    )
+  # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(
+      dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+      cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+                    class, point_type, 
+                    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+  ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+  message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+  ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+  message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+    crosswalk_id              = CROSSWALK_ID,
+    pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )
+  ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+  if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  }
+  sf::write_sf(
+    out_transects,
+    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_transects.gpkg") 
+  )
+  arrow::write_parquet(
+    fixed_pts,
+    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_cs_pts.gpkg") 
+  )
+# TODO: Save all cross section points + transects into single geopackages (transects.gpkg, cs_pts.gpkg)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aae38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+# Generate the transects + cs_pts + cross sections layers for a single flowlines domain file and DEM file 
+# # # # load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# install.packages("devtools")
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# paths to NEW DOMAIN datasets 
+# NEW_DOMAIN_FILES    <- list.files(NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Read in flowlines
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# read in nextgen data
+flines <- sf::read_sf(NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpaths")
+VPUS           <- sf::st_transform(nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries, sf::st_crs(flines))
+vpu_flines_int <- sf::st_intersects(VPUS, flines)
+vpu_aoi        <- VPUS[lengths(vpu_flines_int) > 0, ]
+# VPU IDs of interest 
+VPU_IDS        <- vpu_aoi$VPUID
+# sf::write_sf(aoi, "all_diffusive_combined_vpus.gpkg")
+# VPUS[lengths(vpu_fl_int) > 0, ] %>% mapview::mapview()
+# nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries
+# flines %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(order >= 3) %>% 
+# # flines %>% 
+#   sf::st_transform(4326) %>% 
+#   mapview::mapview()
+# # ggplot2::ggplot() +
+# #   ggplot2::geom_sf()
+# flines %>% 
+#   sf::st_transform(4326) %>% 
+#   sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+#   sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+#   sf::st_as_sf() %>% 
+#   mapview::mapview()
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Add bankful width estimate
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# calculate bankfull width
+flines <-
+  flines %>%
+  sf::st_transform(26904) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    hy_id = id,
+    lengthkm,
+    tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+    bf_width,
+    mainstem,
+    geometry = geom
+  )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Create transect lines
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create transect lines
+transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+  net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
+  id                = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
+  cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+  densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+  rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+  fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+  #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE     # TODO: these methods need revision in hydrofabric3D to allow for more flexible processing for data that is NOT COMID based (i.e. hy_id)    
+  # terminal_id       = NULL,
+  # braid_threshold   = NULL,
+  # version           = 2,
+  # braid_method      = "comid",
+  # precision         = 1,
+  add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+# add cs_source column and rename cs_widths to cs_lengthm
+transects <- 
+  transects %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    cs_source = CS_SOURCE
+  )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Extract cross section points from DEM 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# dem <- terra::rast(NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_PATH)
+# get cross section point elevations
+cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+  cs             = transects,
+  crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
+  points_per_cs  = NULL,
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+  dem            = NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_PATH
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Classify cross section points
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
+cs_pts <-
+# cs_pts2 <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+  # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+  # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id") %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    crosswalk_id             = "hy_id", 
+    pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )  
+# cs_pts3 <-
+#   cs_pts %>% 
+#   # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+#   # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+#   # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id") %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::classify_points2(
+#     crosswalk_id             = "hy_id", 
+#     pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+#   )  
+# old_plot <- 
+#   cs_pts2 %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = 'point_type', size = 4)+
+#   ggplot2::labs(title = "OLD CLASSES")
+# new_plot <- 
+#   cs_pts3 %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = 'point_type', size = 4) +
+#   ggplot2::labs(title = "NEW CLASSES")
+# library(patchwork)
+# old_plot / new_plot
+# })
+ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id  
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Improve cross section points based on the bank validity & amount of relief in a cross section
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# system.time({
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+  cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+  net            = flines,     # original flowline network
+  transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+  crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
+  points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+  dem            = NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
+  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+  pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+  fix_ids = FALSE,
+  verbose = TRUE
+# })
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+out_transects <- match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts(
+                      transect_lines = transects, 
+                      fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts, 
+                      crosswalk_id   = "hy_id"
+                      )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+# out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(
+#                                                   df            = dplyr::mutate(out_transects, pt_id = 1), 
+#                                                   crosswalk_id  = "hy_id"
+#                                                   ) %>% 
+#                                                   dplyr::select(-pt_id)
+fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# classify the cross section points
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+    Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+  ) %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    hy_id, 
+    cs_id, 
+    pt_id,
+    cs_lengthm,
+    relative_distance,
+    X, Y, Z,
+    class, point_type,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+  )
+# add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+                  class, point_type, 
+                  bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(fixed_pts)
+ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+  cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+  crosswalk_id              = "hy_id",
+  pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  out_transects,
+  paste0(NEW_DOMAIN_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/hi_transects.gpkg"), 
+  fixed_pts,
+  paste0(NEW_DOMAIN_CS_PTS_DIR, "/hi_cs_pts.parquet"), 
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
+point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts)
+# # check the number of cross sections that were extended
+message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
+# extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+extended_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
+# extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+update_transects <-
+  transects %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+# if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
+if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
+  message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
+  update_transects <-
+    update_transects %>%
+    # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
+    hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+      pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+      length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+    )
+  # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+  # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+  # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
+  out_transects <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+    dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transects
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        update_transects,
+        is_extended = TRUE
+      )
+    )  
+} else {
+  out_transects <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+# finalize new transects
+out_transects <- 
+  out_transects %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    point_type_counts,
+    by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    dplyr::ungroup(
+      dplyr::slice( 
+        dplyr::group_by(
+          dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts), 
+                        hy_id, cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief), 
+          hy_id, cs_id),
+        1)
+    ),
+    by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                # sinuosity, 
+                is_extended, 
+                left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
+                bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+                geom
+  )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+renumb <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+unumb <- renumb %>% get_unique_tmp_ids()
+nnumb <- fixed_pts %>% get_unique_tmp_ids()
+all(unumb %in% nnumb)
+all(nnumb %in% unumb)
+# make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
+# the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
+# so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
+# The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
+# the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
+renumbered_ids <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
+  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
+  dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
+  dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
+# Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
+out_transects2 <- dplyr::left_join(
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
+  renumbered_ids,
+  by = "tmp_id"
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, 
+                cs_id = new_cs_id, 
+                cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
+                # sinuosity,
+                is_extended, 
+                left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
+                bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+                geometry = geom
+  )
+# Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
+fixed_pts <- 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
+      renumbered_ids,
+      by = "tmp_id"
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
+renumbered_ids <- 
+  df %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    # hy_id, 
+    dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+    cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
+  dplyr::slice(1) %>%
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id)))) %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    # tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)
+  ) %>%
+  add_tmp_id(x = get(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
+# Join the new cs_ids back with the final output data to replace the old cs_ids
+df <- dplyr::left_join(
+  add_tmp_id(df, x = get(crosswalk_id)),
+  # dplyr::mutate(df,tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)),
+  renumbered_ids,
+  by = "tmp_id"
+) %>%
+  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>%
+  dplyr::rename("cs_id" = "new_cs_id") %>%
+  dplyr::relocate(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id)
+# dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# classify the cross section points
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+    Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+  ) %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
+    cs_lengthm,
+    relative_distance,
+    X, Y, Z,
+    class, point_type,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+  )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index c4495d7..9d27a61 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -1,3 +1,73 @@
+# Create an empty file structure 
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# domain_dirname: character, name of the intended new domain directory, if folder exists, then the required subdirectories are created (if they DO NOT exist)
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── domain_dirname/
+#     ├── flowlines/
+#     ├── dem/
+#     ├── transects/
+#     ├── cross_sections/
+#     └── cs_pts/
+create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  create_if_not_exists <- function(dir_path) {
+    if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) {
+      dir.create(dir_path, recursive = TRUE)
+      message("Created directory: '", dir_path, "'\n")
+    }
+  }
+  # create directories
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(flowlines_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_subset_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cs_pts_dir)
+# get path strings for a domain dir (based of a base dir and domain dirname)
+# NOTE: this does NOT guarentee that these folders exist, 
+# NOTE: it just gets the paths if they were created by create_new_domain_dirs() 
+get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  # named list of file paths
+  return(
+    list(
+      base_dir           = base_dir, 
+      domain_dir         = domain_dir,
+      flowlines_dir      = flowlines_dir,
+      domain_subset_dir  = domain_subset_dir,
+      dem_dir            = dem_dir,
+      transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
+      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir
+    )
+  )
 # Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
 # make sure they are aligned and in the same order
 # x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
@@ -147,6 +217,31 @@ wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
   # )
+add_intersects_ids <- function(x, y, id_col) {
+  # make sure the crs are tjhe same
+  y <- sf::st_transform(y, sf::st_crs(x))
+  # Perform the intersection
+  intersections <- sf::st_intersects(x, y)
+  # add the intersected values to the first dataframe
+  x[[id_col]] <- unlist(lapply(intersections, function(idx) {
+    if (length(idx) > 0) {
+      paste0(unlist(y[[id_col]][idx]), collapse = ", ")
+    } else {
+      NA
+    }
+  }))
+  return(x)
+unnest_ids <- function(ids) {
+  return(
+    unique(unlist(strsplit(unique(ids), ", ")))
+  )
 #' Get the polygons that interesect with any of the linestring geometries
 #' This is just a wrapper around geos::geos_intersects_matrix. Takes in sf dataframes, uses geos, then outputs sf dataframes
 #' @param polygons polygon sf object. Default is NULL
@@ -292,3 +387,137 @@ add_predicate_group_id <- function(polys, predicate) {
+# utility function for getting transects extended and 
+# matching cross section points that went through "get_improved_cs_pts()" and that were extended for improvement
+# returns the extended version of the transects 
+match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id) {
+  # transect_lines = transects
+  # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
+  # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+  fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
+  transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
+  # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
+  point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
+                                                            crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
+  message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
+  # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+  extended_pts <- 
+    fixed_cs_pts %>%
+    dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
+  # extended_pts %>% 
+  #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
+  #   length()
+  # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+  update_transect_lines <- 
+    transect_lines %>%
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+  cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
+  # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
+  if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
+    message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
+    update_transect_lines <- 
+      update_transect_lines %>% 
+      dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
+    update_transect_lines <- 
+      update_transect_lines %>%
+      # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
+      hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+        pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+        length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+      )
+    update_transect_lines <- 
+      update_transect_lines %>%  
+      dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
+    # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+    # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+    # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+    # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+    # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
+    out_transect_lines <-
+      transect_lines %>%
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::bind_rows(
+        dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
+      )
+    # transect_lines %>% 
+    #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
+    #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+    #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+    #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
+    #     dplyr::mutate(
+    #       update_transect_lines,
+    #       is_extended = TRUE
+    #     )
+    #   )  
+  } else {
+    # If no transect_lines were extended
+    out_transect_lines <- 
+      transect_lines %>%
+      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+      # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
+      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+  }
+  # Finalize new transect_lines
+  out_transect_lines <- 
+    out_transect_lines %>%
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      point_type_counts, 
+      by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      dplyr::ungroup(
+        dplyr::slice(
+          dplyr::group_by(
+            dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
+                          dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
+                          cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+            ),
+            dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
+          ),
+          1
+        )
+      ),
+      by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+      cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
+      # sinuosity,
+      is_extended,
+      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+      geometry
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
+    )  
+  return(out_transect_lines)

From f8ff3d499ec5693c66a0f36bb3fb287d5388e658 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 16:23:34 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 58/64] updated new domain runner to use new ML inputs and
 added a loop for replacing DEM points with diffusive DEM points where needed

 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R     |   5 +-
 runners/cs_runner/config.R           | 163 +++++-
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |  43 ++
 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R | 765 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R |   2 +-
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R            |  53 +-
 6 files changed, 989 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index 9b34c03..8c4940b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
                         # tmp_id %in% random_uids) 
   # hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_subset) %>%  hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = "point_type")
-  starting_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts)
-  ending_uids   <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs)
+  starting_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts, x = "hy_id")
+  ending_uids   <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs, x = "hy_id")
   has_same_number_of_uids          <- length(starting_uids) == length(ending_uids)
   all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids <- all(starting_uids %in% ending_uids)
@@ -374,5 +374,6 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index 5a435b3..c70320d 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -112,31 +112,174 @@ list_ref_features <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
             echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages ----
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+# ref features datasets
+ref_features_keys  <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, ref_features)
+ref_features_files <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_features)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create empty file structure for a "new_domain" ----
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, NEW_DOMAIN_DIRNAME)
+create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, NEW_DOMAIN_DIRNAME, with_output = TRUE)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create empty file structure for a "domain_with_fema" ----
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIRNAME)
+create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIRNAME, with_output = TRUE)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Create empty file structure for a "new_conus_domain" ----
+# ---- Get locations of ML parquet files in S3 ---
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-create_new_domain_dirs(BASE_DIR, NEW_CONUS_DOMAIN_DIRNAME)
+  lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DIRS, function(s3_dir) {
+    s3_file <- list_s3_objects(s3_dir, ".parquet$", AWS_PROFILE)
+    paste0(s3_dir, s3_file)
+  })
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download ML parquets for DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
+for (s3_uri in VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_URIS) {
+  # message(s3_uri)
+  # s3_uri <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/vpuid=18/part-0.parquet"
+  # s3_uri <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/vpuid=03W/part-0.parquet"
+  # s3_uri <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/vpuid=21/"
+  is_parquet <- endsWith(s3_uri, ".parquet")
+  vpu_id     <- gsub(".*vpuid=([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", s3_uri)
+  message("Checking S3 bucket for VPU ", vpu_id, " ML data...")
+  if (is_parquet) {
+    s3_file    <- basename(s3_uri)
+    # vpu_id <- gsub(".*vpuid=([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", s3_uri)
+    new_file_name <-     paste0(vpu_id, "_ml.parquet")
+    # new_file_name <- gsub("-", "_", paste0(vpu_id, "_", s3_file))
+    local_save_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIR, "/", new_file_name)
+    if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
+      copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', s3_uri,
+                         " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)
+      message("S3 object:\n > '", s3_uri, "'")
+      message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+      # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
+      system(copy_cmd)
+      message(" > '", new_file_name, "' download complete!")
+      message("----------------------------------")
+    } else {
+      message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+    }
+  } else {
+    message("No S3 bucket ML data for VPU ", vpu_id, "...")
+  }
+# VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIR, full.names = T)
+# ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
+#       vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
+#       arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
+#         dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
+#       }
+#     ) %>% 
+#   dplyr::bind_rows()
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Get a list of reference features geopackages ----
+# ---- Get locations of diffusive domain DEM files in S3 ----
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
-ref_features <- system(list_ref_features, intern = TRUE)
+                                       list_s3_objects(COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_DIR_URI, ".tif$", AWS_PROFILE)
+                                       )
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download diffusive domain DEM files from S3 for DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
+for (s3_uri in COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_URIS) {
+  message(s3_uri)
+  is_tif <- endsWith(s3_uri, ".tif")
+  # vpu_id     <- gsub(".*vpuid=([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", s3_uri)
+  message("Checking S3 bucket for DEM data...")
+  if (is_tif) {
+    s3_file    <- basename(s3_uri)
+    # vpu_id <- gsub(".*vpuid=([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", s3_uri)
+    # new_file_name <-     paste0(vpu_id, "_ml.parquet")
+    # new_file_name <- gsub("-", "_", paste0(vpu_id, "_", s3_file))
+    local_save_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_DIR, "/", s3_file)
+    if (!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
+      copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', s3_uri,
+                         " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)
+      message("S3 object:\n > '", s3_uri, "'")
+      message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+      # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
+      system(copy_cmd)
+      message(" > '", s3_file, "' download complete!")
+      message("----------------------------------")
+    } else {
+      message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+    }
+  } else {
+    message("No S3 bucket DEM data... ")
+  }
-# ref features datasets
-ref_features_keys  <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI, ref_features)
-ref_features_files <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_features)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index dab3c25..7b86b59 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -236,7 +236,50 @@ DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/
 DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIRNAME            <- "cs_pts"
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIRNAME            <- "outputs"
+DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIRNAME                <- "ml"
+ML_AUXILIARY_DATA_S3_URI <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI, "bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data")
+LYNKER_HYDROFABRIC_S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI   <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DATA_DIR               <- "hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/"
+VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DIRS               <- paste0(ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_URI, "vpuid=", nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries$VPUID, "/")
+COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_DIR     <- "coastal_bathy/diffusive_domain/"
+# # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # # ---- Get locations of diffusive domain DEM files in S3 ----
+# # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# #                                        list_s3_objects(COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_DIR_URI, ".tif$", AWS_PROFILE)
+# #                                        )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
index b425de5..51ed175 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
@@ -2,17 +2,10 @@
-# # # # load libraries
+# load libraries
 # library(hydrofabric3D)
 # library(dplyr)
 # library(sf)
-# install.packages("devtools")
-# # transect bucket prefix
-# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
-# paths to NEW DOMAIN datasets 
-# NEW_DOMAIN_FILES    <- list.files(NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
 # Unique Flowline ID column name
@@ -63,6 +56,10 @@ flines <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpaths",
                       # query = query
+# bad_ids <- c("wb-14538", "wb-14686",  "wb-14687")
+# flines <- 
+#   flines %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id %in% bad_ids)
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Split flowlines by VPU
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -73,16 +70,31 @@ VPU_boundaries   <- sf::st_transform(nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries, sf::st_crs(fl
 # add a VPU ID column to each flowline
 flines <- add_intersects_ids(x = flines, y = VPU_boundaries, id_col = "VPUID")
+# TODO: improve this, manual remap some VPUIDs so that there are 
+# TODO: less small subsets of flowlines because a small bit of a different VPU is intersected 
+flines <- 
+  flines %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    VPUID = dplyr::case_when(
+      VPUID == "12"     ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "12, 13" ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "11, 12" ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "01"     ~ "01, 02",
+      TRUE              ~ VPUID
+    )
+  ) 
 # set of unique VPUs
 VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines$VPUID)
 # all possible FEMA dirs
-# flines %>% 
-#   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-#   dplyr::group_by(VPUID) %>% 
-#   dplyr::count()
+flines %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(VPUID) %>%
+  dplyr::count()
 # unique(flines$VPUID)
 # calculate bankfull width
@@ -92,6 +104,7 @@ flines <-
     bf_width = hydrofabric3D::calc_powerlaw_bankful_width(tot_drainage_areasqkm)
     # bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
   ) %>%
+  # hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width("tot_drainage_areasqkm", 50) %>% 
@@ -115,11 +128,12 @@ fline_groups <- dplyr::group_split(flines, VPUID)
 # loop through each VPU group of flowlines and save a local copy
 for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
   flowlines  <- fline_groups[[i]]
   VPU        <- unique(flowlines$VPUID)
   # save the flowlines subset 
-  vpu_flowlines_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_DIR, "/", gsub(", ", "_", VPU), "_flowlines.gpkg")
+  vpu_flowlines_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", gsub(", ", "_", VPU), "_flowlines.gpkg")
@@ -149,7 +163,7 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
     net               = flowlines,                        # flowlines network
     id                = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
     cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
-    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
     densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
@@ -241,7 +255,7 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
-  out_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/",   
+  out_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/",   
                      paste(GROUP_VPU_IDS, collapse = "_"), "_transects.gpkg" 
@@ -253,17 +267,18 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
   message("Finished writting transects!")
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 # --- Bind together transects into single dataset
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+vpu_subset_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, full.names = T)
-transect_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = T)
-flowline_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = T)
-flowline_paths <- flowline_paths[!basename(flowline_paths) %in% c("flowlines_subset.gpkg", "ls_conus.gpkg")]
+transect_paths <- vpu_subset_paths[grepl("_transects.gpkg", vpu_subset_paths)]
+flowline_paths <- vpu_subset_paths[grepl("_flowlines.gpkg", vpu_subset_paths)]
 # read each transect geopackages into a list 
 transects <- lapply(transect_paths, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+# transects[[5]]
 transects <- 
   transects %>% 
@@ -278,7 +293,7 @@ paths_df <- data.frame(
 for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
+  # i = 2
   VPU     <- paths_df$vpu[i]
   t_path  <- paths_df$t[i]
   f_path  <- paths_df$f[i]
@@ -295,13 +310,14 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
   message("Reading in flowlines... \n > ", f_path)
   # read in nextgen data
-  flines <- sf::read_sf(f_path)
+  flowlines <- sf::read_sf(f_path)
   message("Extracting cross section points...")
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # system.time({
   # get cross section point elevations
   cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
     cs             = transects,
@@ -344,8 +360,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
   # system.time({
     fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
       cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
-      net            = flines,    # original flowline network
-      # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      net            = flowlines,    # original flowline network
+      # net            = flowlines,    # original flowline network
       transects      = transects, # original transect lines
       crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
       points_per_cs  = NULL, 
@@ -456,16 +472,715 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
-    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_transects.gpkg") 
+    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_transects.gpkg") 
-    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_cs_pts.gpkg") 
+    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_cs_pts.parquet") 
 # TODO: Save all cross section points + transects into single geopackages (transects.gpkg, cs_pts.gpkg)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Merge all the transects / cs points into single files  
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+vpu_subset_paths <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, full.names = T)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read all transects and save to single gpkg ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+transect_paths <- vpu_subset_paths[grepl("_transects.gpkg", vpu_subset_paths)]
+transects <- lapply(transect_paths, function(gpkg) {sf::read_sf(gpkg) }) %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+  hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+  transects,
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read all CS PTs and save to single parquet ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cs_pts_paths   <- vpu_subset_paths[grepl("_cs_pts.parquet", vpu_subset_paths)]
+cs_pts <- lapply(cs_pts_paths, function(prq) arrow::read_parquet(prq)) %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows()
+CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cs_pts.parquet")
+  cs_pts,
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Inject ML predicted top widths / Dingman's R ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read in ML data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
+  vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
+  arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+    vpu_id,
+    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+    owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+    owp_dingman_r
+                )
+# rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# Keep only distinct ID rows
+ml_outputs <- 
+  ml_outputs %>% 
+  dplyr::distinct(
+    dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+    vpu_id, 
+    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+    owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+    owp_dingman_r
+  )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read in CS PTS data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cs_pts.parquet")
+cs_pts  <- arrow::read_parquet(CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Join CS PTS  with ML data ---
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Joining ML width/depths estimates to cross section points...")
+# ml_outputs %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(-n)
+# join the ML outputs data to the cross section points
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    dplyr::select(ml_outputs, 
+                  dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+                  owp_tw_inchan, 
+                  owp_y_inchan, 
+                  owp_tw_bf, 
+                  owp_y_bf, 
+                  owp_dingman_r
+                  ),
+    by = CROSSWALK_ID
+  ) 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Fixing negative depths/widths estimates ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Replacing any negative width/depth estimates with cross section bottom lengths...")
+cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cross_section_pts = cs_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
+# TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    cs_bottom_lengths, 
+    by = c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")
+    # by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    owp_tw_inchan = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_inchan <= 0 ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_inchan
+    ),
+    owp_tw_bf = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_bf <= 0     ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_bf
+    )
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-bottom_length)
+# extract any cross sections that didn't get matched with a "hf_id" and (or?) no ML data
+# TODO: look at this stuff with Arash (04/09/2024)
+missing_cs <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(
+ | | 
+ | |
+        ) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: Delete this, but time being keeping this to inspect mismatch in between "hy_id" and "hf_id"
+# readr::write_csv(
+#   dplyr::select(missing_cs, -tmp_id), 
+#   paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections_missing_hf_ids.csv")
+# )
+# Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
+# - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
+# - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
+inchannel_cs <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>%  # NOTE: makes sure to remove any of the "missing" cross sections without data
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(valid_banks & has_relief) %>% 
+  # NOTE: temporarily rename the top widths, depths, and dingman's R columns so they 
+  # work nicely with the "hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry()" function which takes a dataframe of cross section points 
+  # with "TW", "DEPTH", and "DINGMAN_R" columns for each cross section
+  dplyr::rename(        
+    TW        = owp_tw_inchan,    
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_inchan,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  )
+bankful_cs   <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) %>% 
+  dplyr::rename(
+    TW        = owp_tw_bf, 
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_bf,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  )
+# sanity check that all rows are accounted for after splitting up data
+split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == (nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs))
+# split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
+if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
+  warning(paste0("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups,", 
+                 "\nsome points were not put in either group.", 
+                 "\nLikely due to 'valid_banks' and/or 'has_relief' columns have either missing ", 
+                 "values or contain values other than TRUE/FALSE")
+  )
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using inchannel widths/depths estimates...")
+# tmp <- 
+#   inchannel_cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:10000)
+# Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+  cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
+  # cross_section_pts = tmp,
+  crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+# arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
+# ml_subset %>%
+#   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
+#   dplyr::select(owp_y_inchan, owp_tw_inchan) %>% 
+#   .$owp_y_inchan
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
+# Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
+bankful_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+  cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
+  # cross_section_pts = dplyr::slice(bankful_cs, 1:10000),
+  crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+# combine the inchannel and bankful cross section points back together, fill out missing values and reclassify the points
+final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+                dplyr::select(
+                  inchannel_cs,
+                  # inchannel_cs2,
+                  # -hf_id, 
+                  -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+                  # -is_dem_point,
+                  -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+                ),
+                dplyr::select(
+                  bankful_cs,
+                  # bankful_cs2,
+                  # -hf_id, 
+                  -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+                  # -is_dem_point,
+                  -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+                ),
+                dplyr::select(
+                  dplyr::mutate(
+                    missing_cs,
+                    is_dem_point = FALSE
+                  ),
+                  # -hf_id, 
+                  # -is_dem_point,
+                  -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), 
+                  -tmp_id
+                )
+              ) %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
+  tidyr::fill(
+    c(cs_lengthm, Z_source)
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    -point_type,
+    -class,
+    -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+    -has_relief, -valid_banks
+  )
+# arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
+# reclassify
+final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = final_cs, 
+                                            crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID,
+                                            pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+                                            )
+starting_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+ending_uids   <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+has_same_number_of_uids          <- length(starting_uids) == length(ending_uids)
+all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids <- all(starting_uids %in% ending_uids)
+all_ending_uids_in_starting_uids <- all(ending_uids %in% starting_uids)
+# throw some warnings if:
+# - the number of uids in the input is different from the output
+# - there are missing hy_id/cs_id
+if (!has_same_number_of_uids) {
+  warning(paste0("The number of unique hy_id/cs_id is different in the ",
+                 "starting cross section points from the final cross section points:",
+                 "\n > Starting number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(starting_uids),
+                 "\n > Ending number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(ending_uids)
+  ))
+if (!all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids) {
+  number_uids_not_in_ending_uids <- length(starting_uids[!starting_uids %in% ending_uids])
+  # starting_uids %in% ending_uids
+  warning(
+    paste0("Missing hy_id/cs_id in output that are in the starting input cross section points: ",
+           "\n > Number of hy_id/cs_id missing: ", number_uids_not_in_ending_uids
+    )
+  )
+  # warning(paste0(number_uids_not_in_ending_uids, " hy_id/cs_id from the input cross section points ",
+  #          "is missing from the output cross section points"))
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Write final cross section points data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross_sections.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH, "'")
+# save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross_sections.parquet)
+  dplyr::select(final_cs, 
+                -is_dem_point
+  ), 
+INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections_is_dem_point.parquet")
+  final_cs,
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Substitue diffusive domain DEMs Z values ---- 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections2.parquet")
+bb_df <- lapply(COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_PATHS, function(path) {
+                      r       <- terra::rast(path)
+                      extent  <- terra::ext(r)
+                      # r <- terra::project(r, "EPSG:5070")
+                      #, "EPSG:5070")
+                      ext_df          <- data.frame(lapply(extent, function(i) {i}))
+                      ext_df$crs      <- terra::crs(r)
+                      ext_df$file     <- basename(path)
+                      ext_df$path     <- path 
+                      return(ext_df)
+              }) %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows()
+# final_cs
+# INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections_is_dem_point.parquet")
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   final_cs,
+# )
+# CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross_sections.parquet")
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# START_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections2.parquet")
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   final_cs,
+# )
+# rm(i, cs, df, pts_subset, has_pts_in_bb, bb, updated_depths)
+for (i in 1:nrow(bb_df)) {
+  # i = 1
+  message(i, " - Checking DEM '", bb_df$file[i], "' for CS PTS...")
+  df <- bb_df[i, ]
+  START_EPSG_CODE <- 5070
+  cs <- arrow::read_parquet(START_PATH)
+  cs <- 
+    cs %>% 
+    # dplyr::slice(1:10000) %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = START_EPSG_CODE)
+  # convert to bounding box CRS 
+  cs <- 
+    cs %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(df$crs[1])
+  # create bounding box shape
+  bb <- sf::st_as_sf(
+          sf::st_as_sfc(
+            sf::st_bbox(
+                c(xmin =   df$xmin, 
+                  xmax =   df$xmax, 
+                  ymax =   df$ymax, 
+                  ymin =   df$ymin
+                  ), 
+                crs = sf::st_crs(df$crs)
+              )
+            )
+          )
+  # get pts that are in the bounding box
+  pts_subset <- sf::st_filter(
+    cs, 
+    bb
+  )  
+  has_pts_in_bb <- nrow(pts_subset) > 0
+  message(nrow(pts_subset), " cs points found within '", df$file, "' DEMs bounding box")
+  if(!has_pts_in_bb) {
+    message("   > No points to update!")
+    next
+  }
+  if(has_pts_in_bb) {
+    message("   > Loading Raster")
+    # load DEM
+    dem <- terra::rast(df$path)   
+    message("   > Extracting new cross section depth values from DEM...")
+    updated_depths <- 
+      pts_subset %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        Z2 = hydrofabric3D:::extract_pt_val(dem, .),
+        Z_source2 = df$file
+        # Z = extract_pt_val(terra::rast(dem), .)
+        ) %>% 
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+        cs_id, pt_id, 
+        # Z,
+        Z2,
+        # Z_source,
+        Z_source2
+        )
+    message("   > Replacing old depth values with new depth values...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      dplyr::left_join(
+        updated_depths,
+        by = c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id", "pt_id")
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        Z = dplyr::case_when(
+          !  ~ Z2,
+          TRUE        ~ Z
+        ),
+        Z_source = dplyr::case_when(
+          !  ~ Z_source2,
+          TRUE               ~ Z_source
+        )
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(-Z2, -Z_source2)
+    message("   > Projecting CS PTs back to starting CRS (", START_EPSG_CODE, ") ...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      sf::st_transform(START_EPSG_CODE) 
+    message("   > Dropping point geometries and preserving X / Y coordinates...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+        Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+      ) %>%
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        # hy_id, 
+        dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+        cs_id, pt_id,
+        cs_lengthm,
+        relative_distance,
+        X, Y, 
+        Z,
+        class, point_type,
+        Z_source,
+        bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks,
+        has_relief 
+        # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+      )
+    message("   > Overwritting original cross section points parquet with updated depth values ...")
+    message("      > '", START_PATH, "'")
+    arrow::write_parquet(cs, START_PATH)
+  }
+  }
+cross_sections <- arrow::read_parquet(START_PATH)
+cross_sections <-
+  cross_sections %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+          -point_type,
+          -class,
+          -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+          -has_relief, -valid_banks
+          )
+# reclassify
+# system.time({
+cross_sections <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = cross_sections, 
+                                           crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID,
+                                           pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+                                           )
+# })
+# final_cross_sections %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id == "wb-1000") %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = "point_type")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Write final cross section points data ----
+# ---- Diffusive Domain DEM + FEMA + ML 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CROSS_SECTIONS_ML_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross_sections.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving Diffusive DEM + FEMA + ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", CROSS_SECTIONS_ML_OUTPUT_PATH, "'")
+# sum($id))
+# sum($cs_id))
+# sum($pt_id))
+# sum($X))
+# save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross_sections.parquet)
+  # dplyr::select(final_cs, 
+  #               -is_dem_point
+  # ), 
+  cross_sections,
+# cross_sections %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(id, Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count(Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(-n)
+# CROSS_SECTIONS_ML_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross_sections.parquet")
+# CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH      <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross_sections.parquet")
+# DEM_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH  <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/dem_cross_sections.parquet")
+# cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH) %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id)
+# dem_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(DEM_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH) %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id)
+# z_ids <- 
+#   cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:4) %>% 
+#   dplyr::pull(hy_id)
+# # subset_ids <- z_ids[1:1]
+# # z_ids <- z_ids[1:2]
+# # for (i in seq_along(z_ids)) {
+# for (i in seq_along(z_ids)) {
+#   message(i) 
+#   # i = 1
+#   subset_id <- z_ids[i]
+#   new_cs <- 
+#     cs %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_id)
+#   old_cs <- 
+#     dem_cs %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_id)
+#   title_str <-  paste0(
+#                 unique(new_cs$Z_source)[1], " vs. ",
+#                 unique(old_cs$Z_source)[1]
+#               )
+#   save_path = paste0(
+#     "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/z_source_plots/",
+#                   gsub(".tif", "", unique(new_cs$Z_source)[1]), 
+#                   "_vs_",
+#                   unique(old_cs$Z_source)[1], "_", i, ".png"
+#                   )
+#   message("making plot at \n > '", save_path, "'")
+#   comp_plot <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+#                   new_cs,
+#                   old_cs
+#                 ) %>% 
+#                   ggplot2::ggplot() + 
+#                   ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = pt_id, 
+#                                                    y = Z,
+#                                                    color = Z_source
+#                   ),
+#                   size = 3,
+#                   alpha = 0.9
+#                   ) + 
+#                   ggplot2::labs(title = title_str) + 
+#                   ggplot2::facet_wrap(hy_id~cs_id) +
+#                   ggplot2::theme_bw() +
+#                   ggplot2::theme(
+#                     plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14),
+#                     legend.text  = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14),
+#                     legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14, face = "bold")
+#                   )
+#   ggplot2::ggsave(plot = comp_plot,
+#                   filename = save_path,
+#                   scale = 1
+#                   )
+#   }
+# dplyr::bind_rows(
+#   cs %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_ids),
+#   dem_cs %>% 
+#     dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_ids) 
+# ) %>% 
+#   ggplot2::ggplot() + 
+#   ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = pt_id, 
+#                                    y = Z,
+#                                    color = Z_source
+#   )) + 
+#   ggplot2::labs(title = "al_nwfl_ncei_1 vs hydrofabric3D") + 
+#   ggplot2::facet_wrap(hy_id~cs_id)
+# cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_ids) %>% 
+#   ggplot2::ggplot() + 
+#   ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = pt_id, 
+#                                    y = Z,
+#                                    color = point_type
+#   )) + 
+#   ggplot2::facet_wrap(hy_id~cs_id)
+# dem_cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% subset_ids) %>% 
+#   ggplot2::ggplot() + 
+#   ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = pt_id, 
+#                                    y = Z,
+#                                    color = point_type
+#                                    )) + 
+#   ggplot2::facet_wrap(hy_id~cs_id)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
index 9fa2f8a..b23b438 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
     message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
     # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
-    # system(copy_cmd)
+    system(copy_cmd)
     message(" > '", key, "' download complete!")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index 9d27a61..e52352b 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #     ├── transects/
 #     ├── cross_sections/
 #     └── cs_pts/
-create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
+create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
   # build paths
   domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
   transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
   cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
   cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  if(with_output) {
+    output_dir       <- paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs")
+  }
   create_if_not_exists <- function(dir_path) {
     if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) {
@@ -36,12 +41,18 @@ create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
+  create_if_not_exists(vpu_subsets_dir)
+  if(with_output) {
+    create_if_not_exists(output_dir)
+  }
 # get path strings for a domain dir (based of a base dir and domain dirname)
 # NOTE: this does NOT guarentee that these folders exist, 
 # NOTE: it just gets the paths if they were created by create_new_domain_dirs() 
-get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
+get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
   # build paths
   domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
@@ -51,6 +62,9 @@ get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
   transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
   cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
   cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  output_dir         <- ifelse(with_output, paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs"), NA)
   # named list of file paths
@@ -62,12 +76,41 @@ get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname) {
       dem_dir            = dem_dir,
       transects_dir      = transects_dir,
       cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
-      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir
+      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir,
+      vpu_subsets_dir    = vpu_subsets_dir,
+      output_dir         = output_dir
+list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
+  profile_option <- if (!is.null(aws_profile)) paste0("--profile ", aws_profile) else ""
+  if (is.null(pattern) || pattern == "") {
+    grep_command <- ""  # no filtering if empty or NULL
+  } else {
+    grep_command <- paste0(" | grep -E \"", pattern, "\"")  # grep if a pattern is given
+  }
+  cmd <- paste0(
+    '#!/bin/bash\n',
+    'S3_BUCKET="', s3_bucket, '"\n',
+    'PATTERN="', pattern, '"\n',
+    'S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" ', profile_option, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")\n',
+    'echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+  )
+  # cmd <- paste0(
+  #   '#!/bin/bash\n',
+  #   'S3_BUCKET="', s3_bucket, '"\n',
+  #   'S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" ', profile_option, ' | awk \'{print $4}\'', grep_command, ')\n',
+  #   'echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+  # )
+  ls_output <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
+  return(ls_output)
 # Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
 # make sure they are aligned and in the same order
 # x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
@@ -392,6 +435,7 @@ add_predicate_group_id <- function(polys, predicate) {
 # matching cross section points that went through "get_improved_cs_pts()" and that were extended for improvement
 # returns the extended version of the transects 
 match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id) {
   # transect_lines = transects
   # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
   # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
@@ -402,7 +446,6 @@ match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, cro
   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
                                                             crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
   # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
   message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
@@ -441,6 +484,8 @@ match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, cro
         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+    update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
     update_transect_lines <- 
       update_transect_lines %>%  
       dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)

From 3b61de2221ae193665d48748cf73bb71ce7863d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 21:38:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 59/64] made a temp bathy.R file that ill delete tomorrow that
 was for running cs point generation from terminal

 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R        |   4 +-
 runners/cs_runner/bathy.R            | 337 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R      |   3 +-
 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R |  86 +++++--
 4 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/bathy.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 4713c4b..264a2ab 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -200,8 +200,10 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   # })
+  # transects %>% 
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(id, cs_id)
   # fixed_pts2$is_extended %>% sum()
   ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
   # # TODO: This is taking A LOT time to process as inputs get larger, an improvement should be looked into more
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/bathy.R b/runners/cs_runner/bathy.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a550f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/bathy.R
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# Generate the transects + cs_pts + cross sections layers for a single flowlines domain file and DEM file 
+# load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# Unique Flowline ID column name
+# ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
+#   vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
+#   arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
+# }
+# ) %>% 
+#   dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(
+#     dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+#     vpu_id,
+#     owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+#     owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+#     owp_dingman_r
+#                 )
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+# names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+# ml_outputs <- 
+# ml_outputs %>%
+# dplyr::distinct(
+#   dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+#   vpu_id,
+#   owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
+#   owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+#   owp_dingman_r
+# )
+# rm(ml_outputs, ml)
+ml_outputs <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpath-attributes-ml")
+ml_outputs <- 
+  ml_outputs %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+    vpuid,
+    owp_y_bf = YCC, 
+    owp_y_inchan = Y,
+    owp_tw_bf = TopWdthCC, 
+    owp_tw_inchan = TopWdth,
+    owp_dingman_r = dingman_r
+  )
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+ml_outputs <-
+  ml_outputs %>%
+  dplyr::distinct(
+    dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+    vpu_id,
+    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
+    owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+    owp_dingman_r
+  )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read in CS PTS data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cs_pts.parquet")
+cs_pts  <- arrow::read_parquet(CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Join CS PTS  with ML data ---
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Joining ML width/depths estimates to cross section points...")
+# ml_outputs %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(-n)
+# join the ML outputs data to the cross section points
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    dplyr::select(ml_outputs, 
+                  dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+                  owp_tw_inchan, 
+                  owp_y_inchan, 
+                  owp_tw_bf, 
+                  owp_y_bf, 
+                  owp_dingman_r
+    ),
+    by = CROSSWALK_ID
+  ) 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Fixing negative depths/widths estimates ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Replacing any negative width/depth estimates with cross section bottom lengths...")
+cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cross_section_pts = cs_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
+# TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    cs_bottom_lengths, 
+    by = c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")
+    # by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    owp_tw_inchan = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_inchan <= 0 ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_inchan
+    ),
+    owp_tw_bf = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_bf <= 0     ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_bf
+    )
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-bottom_length)
+# extract any cross sections that didn't get matched with a "hf_id" and (or?) no ML data
+# TODO: look at this stuff with Arash (04/09/2024)
+missing_cs <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(
+ | | 
+ | |
+  ) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: Delete this, but time being keeping this to inspect mismatch in between "hy_id" and "hf_id"
+# readr::write_csv(
+#   dplyr::select(missing_cs, -tmp_id), 
+#   paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections_missing_hf_ids.csv")
+# )
+# Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
+# - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
+# - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
+inchannel_cs <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>%  # NOTE: makes sure to remove any of the "missing" cross sections without data
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(valid_banks & has_relief) %>% 
+  # NOTE: temporarily rename the top widths, depths, and dingman's R columns so they 
+  # work nicely with the "hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry()" function which takes a dataframe of cross section points 
+  # with "TW", "DEPTH", and "DINGMAN_R" columns for each cross section
+  dplyr::rename(        
+    TW        = owp_tw_inchan,    
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_inchan,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  ) 
+  # dplyr::slice(1:1000)
+bankful_cs   <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) %>% 
+  dplyr::rename(
+    TW        = owp_tw_bf, 
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_bf,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  ) 
+  # dplyr::slice(1:1000)
+# # Replace any topwidth values that are GREATER than the actual cross section length (meters)
+# bankful_cs2 <- hydrofabric3D:::fix_oversized_topwidths(
+#   cross_section_pts = bankful_cs2,
+#   crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID
+# )
+# bankful_cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(TW >= cs_lengthm) %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(TW)
+# sanity check that all rows are accounted for after splitting up data
+split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == (nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs))
+# split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
+if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
+  warning(paste0("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups,", 
+                 "\nsome points were not put in either group.", 
+                 "\nLikely due to 'valid_banks' and/or 'has_relief' columns have either missing ", 
+                 "values or contain values other than TRUE/FALSE")
+  )
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using inchannel widths/depths estimates...")
+# tmp <- 
+#   inchannel_cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:10000)
+# system.time({
+  # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+  inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+    cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
+    # cross_section_pts = tmp,
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+# })
+  gc()
+# arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
+# ml_subset %>%
+#   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
+#   dplyr::select(owp_y_inchan, owp_tw_inchan) %>% 
+#   .$owp_y_inchan
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
+# system.time({
+  # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
+  bankful_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+    cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
+    # cross_section_pts = dplyr::slice(bankful_cs, 1:10000),
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+# })
+# combine the inchannel and bankful cross section points back together, fill out missing values and reclassify the points
+final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+  dplyr::select(
+    inchannel_cs,
+    # inchannel_cs2,
+    # -hf_id, 
+    -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+    # -is_dem_point,
+    -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+  ),
+  dplyr::select(
+    bankful_cs,
+    # bankful_cs2,
+    # -hf_id, 
+    -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+    # -is_dem_point,
+    -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+  ),
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      missing_cs,
+      is_dem_point = FALSE
+    ),
+    # -hf_id, 
+    # -is_dem_point,
+    -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), 
+    -tmp_id
+  )
+) %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
+  tidyr::fill(
+    c(cs_lengthm, Z_source)
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    -point_type,
+    -class,
+    -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+    -has_relief, -valid_banks
+  )
+# arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
+# reclassify
+final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = final_cs, 
+                                           crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID,
+                                           pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+starting_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+ending_uids   <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+has_same_number_of_uids          <- length(starting_uids) == length(ending_uids)
+all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids <- all(starting_uids %in% ending_uids)
+all_ending_uids_in_starting_uids <- all(ending_uids %in% starting_uids)
+# throw some warnings if:
+# - the number of uids in the input is different from the output
+# - there are missing hy_id/cs_id
+if (!has_same_number_of_uids) {
+  warning(paste0("The number of unique hy_id/cs_id is different in the ",
+                 "starting cross section points from the final cross section points:",
+                 "\n > Starting number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(starting_uids),
+                 "\n > Ending number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(ending_uids)
+  ))
+if (!all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids) {
+  number_uids_not_in_ending_uids <- length(starting_uids[!starting_uids %in% ending_uids])
+  # starting_uids %in% ending_uids
+  warning(
+    paste0("Missing hy_id/cs_id in output that are in the starting input cross section points: ",
+           "\n > Number of hy_id/cs_id missing: ", number_uids_not_in_ending_uids
+    )
+  )
+  # warning(paste0(number_uids_not_in_ending_uids, " hy_id/cs_id from the input cross section points ",
+  #          "is missing from the output cross section points"))
+tmp_path <-   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/final_cs.parquet")
+message("saving file", tmp_path)
+  final_cs,
+  tmp_path
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 7b86b59..d95e534 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -248,8 +248,7 @@ DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR        <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIR, "/", DOM
 ML_AUXILIARY_DATA_S3_URI <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI, "bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data")
 LYNKER_HYDROFABRIC_S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI   <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
 ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DATA_DIR               <- "hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/"
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
index 51ed175..ec13e6e 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
@@ -533,32 +533,63 @@ VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIR, full.names = T)
-ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
-  vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
-  arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
-) %>% 
-  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+# ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
+#   vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
+#   arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
+# }
+# ) %>% 
+#   dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(
+#     dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+#     vpu_id,
+#     owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+#     owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+#     owp_dingman_r
+#                 )
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+# names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+# ml_outputs <- 
+  # ml_outputs %>%
+  # dplyr::distinct(
+  #   dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+  #   vpu_id,
+  #   owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
+  #   owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+  #   owp_dingman_r
+  # )
+# rm(ml_outputs, ml)
+ml_outputs <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpath-attributes-ml")
+ml_outputs <- 
+  ml_outputs %>% 
-    vpu_id,
-    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
-    owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
-    owp_dingman_r
+    vpuid,
+    owp_y_bf = YCC, 
+    owp_y_inchan = Y,
+    owp_tw_bf = TopWdthCC, 
+    owp_tw_inchan = TopWdth,
+    owp_dingman_r = dingman_r
-# rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
-# TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
 names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
-# Keep only distinct ID rows
-ml_outputs <- 
-  ml_outputs %>% 
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+ml_outputs <-
+  ml_outputs %>%
-    vpu_id, 
-    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+    vpu_id,
+    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
     owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
@@ -699,6 +730,8 @@ inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
 # arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
 # ml_subset %>%
 #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
@@ -803,6 +836,19 @@ if (!all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids) {
+# tmp_path <-   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/final_cs2.parquet")
+# message("saving file", tmp_path)
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(tmp_path)
+# # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross_sections.parquet)
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   dplyr::select(final_cs, 
+#                 -is_dem_point
+#   ), 
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/final_cs2.parquet")
+# )
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Write final cross section points data ----
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From 7c8ad1026901fbfe2eae4c2d7bbe792a1b9b7a8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 10:16:24 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 60/64] removed excess code from new_domain.R cs runner file

 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R |   2 +-
 runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R  | 219 +-------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index d95e534..1a834a4 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIRNAME    <- "cross_sections"
 DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIRNAME            <- "outputs"
 DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIRNAME                <- "ml"
+# aws s3 cp s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt /Users/anguswatters/Desktop/3DEP/3DEP.vrt
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
index 5aae38e..4d2f223 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
@@ -290,221 +290,4 @@ arrow::write_parquet(
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transects dataset
-point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(fixed_pts)
-# # check the number of cross sections that were extended
-message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transects...")
-# extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
-extended_pts <-
-  fixed_pts %>% 
-  dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>% 
-  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id()
-# extract transects that have a "hy_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
-update_transects <-
-  transects %>% 
-  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-  dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-# if any transects were extended, update the transects dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transects geopackages
-if (nrow(update_transects) > 0) {
-  message("Updating ", nrow(update_transects), " transects")
-  update_transects <-
-    update_transects %>%
-    # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line: 
-    hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
-      pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
-      length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-    )
-  # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
-  # remove old transects that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transects that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
-  # and then replace with old transects with the "update_transects" 
-  out_transects <- 
-    transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
-    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
-    dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transects
-      dplyr::mutate(
-        update_transects,
-        is_extended = TRUE
-      )
-    )  
-} else {
-  out_transects <- 
-    transects %>% 
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)) %>% 
-    dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-# finalize new transects
-out_transects <- 
-  out_transects %>% 
-  dplyr::left_join(
-    point_type_counts,
-    by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-  ) %>% 
-  dplyr::left_join(
-    dplyr::ungroup(
-      dplyr::slice( 
-        dplyr::group_by(
-          dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts), 
-                        hy_id, cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief), 
-          hy_id, cs_id),
-        1)
-    ),
-    by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
-  ) %>% 
-  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-                # sinuosity, 
-                is_extended, 
-                left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
-                bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
-                geom
-  )
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-renumb <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
-unumb <- renumb %>% get_unique_tmp_ids()
-nnumb <- fixed_pts %>% get_unique_tmp_ids()
-all(unumb %in% nnumb)
-all(nnumb %in% unumb)
-# make a dataframe that has a new_cs_id column that has 
-# the cs_id renumbered to fill in any missing IDs,
-# so each hy_id has cs_ids that go from 1 - number of cross sections on hy_id
-# The dataframe below will be used to join the "new_cs_id" with 
-# the original "cs_ids" in the final cross section POINTS and UPDATED TRANSECTS output datasets
-renumbered_ids <-
-  fixed_pts %>% 
-  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-  # dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% c("wb-2402800", "wb-2398282", "wb-2400351")) %>%
-  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure) %>% 
-  dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
-  dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
-  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id() %>% 
-  dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>% 
-  dplyr::mutate(
-    new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-  ) %>% 
-  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-  dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
-# Renumber the transects to have correct CS IDs
-out_transects2 <- dplyr::left_join(
-  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(out_transects),
-  renumbered_ids,
-  by = "tmp_id"
-) %>% 
-  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-  dplyr::select(hy_id, cs_source, 
-                cs_id = new_cs_id, 
-                cs_measure, cs_lengthm, 
-                # sinuosity,
-                is_extended, 
-                left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count, 
-                bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
-                geometry = geom
-  )
-# Renumber the cross sections points to have correct CS IDs
-fixed_pts <- 
-  dplyr::left_join(
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts),
-      renumbered_ids,
-      by = "tmp_id"
-  ) %>% 
-  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>% 
-  dplyr::rename(cs_id = new_cs_id)
-renumbered_ids <- 
-  df %>%
-  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
-  dplyr::select(
-    # hy_id, 
-    dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
-    cs_id, pt_id, cs_measure
-  ) %>%
-  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
-  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
-  dplyr::slice(1) %>%
-  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id)))) %>% 
-  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id) %>%
-  dplyr::mutate(
-    new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
-    # tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)
-  ) %>%
-  add_tmp_id(x = get(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
-  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
-  dplyr::select(new_cs_id, tmp_id)
-# Join the new cs_ids back with the final output data to replace the old cs_ids
-df <- dplyr::left_join(
-  add_tmp_id(df, x = get(crosswalk_id)),
-  # dplyr::mutate(df,tmp_id = paste0(hy_id, "_", cs_id)),
-  renumbered_ids,
-  by = "tmp_id"
-) %>%
-  dplyr::select(-cs_id, -tmp_id) %>%
-  dplyr::rename("cs_id" = "new_cs_id") %>%
-  dplyr::relocate(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id)
-# dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# classify the cross section points
-fixed_pts <-
-  fixed_pts %>% 
-  dplyr::mutate(
-    X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
-    Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
-  ) %>%
-  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
-  dplyr::select(
-    hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
-    cs_lengthm,
-    relative_distance,
-    X, Y, Z,
-    class, point_type,
-    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
-  )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file

From 3441b885ff7e9a3fa01ca21d528bb5765ada4e8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:54:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 61/64] updated inject ml script to use new version of

 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index 8c4940b..ec777ae 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ml_output <- arrow::read_parquet(ML_OUTPUTS_PATH)
 # then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
 # Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
 for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
   start <- round(Sys.time())
   # nextgen file and full path
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Replacing any negative width/depth estimates with cross section bottom lengths...")
-  cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cs_pts)
+  cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cross_section_pts = cs_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   # TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
   # TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
@@ -241,23 +241,31 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using inchannel widths/depths estimates...")
-  # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
-  inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
-      cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs
-    )
+  # system.time({
+    # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+    inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+        cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
+        crosswalk_id = "hy_id"
+      )
+  # })
   # arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
   # ml_subset %>%
   #   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
   #   dplyr::select(owp_y_inchan, owp_tw_inchan) %>% 
   #   .$owp_y_inchan
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
+  # system.time({
   # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
   bankful_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
-    cross_section_pts = bankful_cs
+    cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
+    crosswalk_id = "hy_id"
+  # })
   # combine the inchannel and bankful cross section points back together, fill out missing values and reclassify the points
   final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
@@ -287,9 +295,12 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
+  # system.time({
   # reclassify
-  final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(final_cs, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = final_cs, 
+                                             crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  # })
   # final_uids <- final_cs %>% hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids()
   # random_uids <- sample(x=final_uids, size=12)
   # cs_subset <-  dplyr::filter(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(final_cs), 

From 22cabf362dffec94d2a948ebf02ad61bcb759219 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 14:54:50 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 62/64] slowly moving all cs runner files and code over to a
 new folder for cleanliness, going to delete old folder eventually when done
 moving stuff over/making changes

 runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R              |   25 +-
 runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R                 |   10 +-
 runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R              |    4 +-
 runners/cs_runner/config.R                    |    6 +-
 runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R               |   51 +-
 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R          |  363 ++-
 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema2.R         | 2245 +++++++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R          |  123 -
 runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R                |    2 +-
 runners/cs_runner/test_cs_pts.R               |  256 ++
 runners/cs_runner/test_fix_cs_pts.R           |  278 ++
 runners/cs_runner/utils.R                     | 2315 +++++++++++++--
 runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R           |  396 +++
 runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R               |   26 +
 runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_nextgen.R   |   28 +
 .../cs_runner2/download_conus_ref_features.R  |   31 +
 runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R    |   32 +
 runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R         |  123 +
 .../partition_fema_by_vpu.R                   |  384 ++-
 runners/cs_runner2/utils.R                    | 2562 +++++++++++++++++
 20 files changed, 8764 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema2.R
 delete mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/test_cs_pts.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner/test_fix_cs_pts.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_nextgen.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_ref_features.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R
 rename runners/{cs_runner => cs_runner2}/partition_fema_by_vpu.R (69%)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/utils.R

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
index 01bc78a..ee609aa 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/01_transects.R
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/utils.R")
 # install.packages("devtools")
 # # transect bucket prefix
-# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
 NEXTGEN_FILES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # calculate bankfull width
   flines <-
     flines %>%
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
-    ) %>%
+    hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width(
+      total_drainage_area_sqkm_col = "tot_drainage_areasqkm", 
+      min_bf_width = 50
+      ) %>% 
       hy_id = id,
@@ -68,6 +69,17 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
       geometry = geom
+    # dplyr::mutate(
+    #   bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
+    # ) %>%
+    # dplyr::select(
+    #   hy_id = id,
+    #   lengthkm,
+    #   tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+    #   bf_width,
+    #   mainstem,
+    #   geometry = geom
+    # )
   # flines$bf_width <- ifelse($bf_width),  exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(flines$tot_drainage_areasqkm)), flines$bf_width)
@@ -76,8 +88,9 @@ for(i in 1:nrow(path_df)) {
   # create transect lines
   transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
     net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
-    id                = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
-    cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    crosswalk_id      = "hy_id",                       # Unique feature ID
+    cs_widths         = flines$bf_width,     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
index 264a2ab..1614e10 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/02_cs_pts.R
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
     crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
     points_per_cs  = NULL,
     min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-    dem            = DEM_URL
+    dem            = DEM_PATH
   # })
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   #   transects      = transects, # original transect lines
   #   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
   #   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-  #   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+  #   dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
   #   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
   #   pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
   #   fix_ids = FALSE,
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
       crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
       points_per_cs  = NULL, 
       min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+      dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
       scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
       pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
       fix_ids = FALSE,
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   #   transects      = transects, # original transect lines
   #   points_per_cs  = NULL, 
   #   min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-  #   dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+  #   dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
   #   scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
   #   pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
   #   fix_ids = FALSE,
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
   ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
   message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
-  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts)
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
   ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
index ec777ae..f29efc7 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/03_inject_ml.R
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
 # cross section bucket prefix
-S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
-# S3_CS_PTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+# S3_CS_PTS_DIR <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, "v20/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
 ML_OUTPUTS_PATH <- list.files(ML_OUTPUTS_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config.R b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
index c70320d..b70ef37 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config.R
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ sf::sf_use_s2(FALSE)
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # # AWS S3 bucket URI 
-# S3_BUCKET_URI <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # # name of bucket with nextgen data
-# S3_BUCKET_NAME <- "lynker-spatial"
+# LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME <- "lynker-spatial"
 # # the name of the folder in the S3 bucket with the nextgen data
 # S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
 # # full URI to the S3 bucket folder with the nextgen data 
 # # reference features S3 bucket prefix
 # S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
index 1a834a4..bee5b45 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- General paths and constants variables ----
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 # - AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile to run CLI commands
 # - VERSION: S3 prefix/folder of version to run / generate hydrofabric data for
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Base directory for local file storage
 BASE_DIR           <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
@@ -18,16 +17,16 @@ AWS_PROFILE        <- "angus-lynker"
 VERSION            <- "v20.1"
 # string to fill in "CS_SOURCE" column in output datasets
-CS_SOURCE <- "hydrofabric3D"
+CS_SOURCE          <- "hydrofabric3D"
 # name of bucket with nextgen data
-S3_BUCKET_NAME     <- "lynker-spatial"
-S3_BUCKET_SUBDIR   <- "hydrofabric"
+LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME     <- "lynker-spatial"
+LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_PREFIX   <- "hydrofabric"
 # AWS S3 bucket URI 
-S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI <- paste0("s3://", S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/")
-# S3_BUCKET_URI      <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
+# LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI      <- "s3://lynker-spatial/"
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- S3 output directories -----
@@ -37,13 +36,13 @@ S3_BUCKET_URI      <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI, S3_BUCKET_SUBDIR, "/")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # transect bucket prefix
-S3_TRANSECTS_DIR   <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+S3_TRANSECTS_DIR   <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # cross section bucket prefix
-S3_CS_PTS_DIR      <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+S3_CS_PTS_DIR      <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
 # cross section bucket prefix
-S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR   <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR   <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- S3 nextgen data paths / directories -----
@@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR       <- paste0(VERSION, "/gpkg/")
 # S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
 # full URI to the S3 bucket folder with the nextgen data 
 # reference features S3 bucket prefix
-S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- paste0("s3://", S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/00_reference_features/gpkg/")
+S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/00_reference_features/gpkg/")
 # S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -69,16 +68,18 @@ ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE   <- "channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
 # ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR    <- paste0(VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/")
 # ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR  <- "v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/"
-ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI      <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
 ML_OUTPUTS_PATH      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
 # path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
 CONUS_NETWORK_FILE   <- "conus_net.parquet"
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Local directory / path variables ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -104,14 +105,18 @@ REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/")
 # make a directory for the ML outputs data
 ML_OUTPUTS_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/")
+DEM_DIR      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/dem")
+DEM_VRT_DIR  <- paste0(DEM_DIR, "/vrt")
+DEM_TIF_DIR  <- paste0(DEM_DIR, "/tif")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Create local directory / path variables (FEMA data) ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
 FEMA_S3_BUCKET         <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
-FEMA_S3_DIR            <- paste0(FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX)
 # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
 FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100")
@@ -132,6 +137,10 @@ FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS  <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_", VPU_IDS)
 #                           )
 #                         )
+CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/cs-extension-polygons")
+CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH      <- file.path(CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR, 'conus_fema.gpkg')
+# paste0(BASE_DIR/ 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logicals----
 # ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS  <- TRUE # remove intermediary files from the main output f
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-DEM_URL        <- "/vsicurl/"
+DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
 # scale argument for cross_section_pts() function. 
 # The percentage of the length of the transect line to try and extend a transect to see if viable Z values can be found by extending transect line
@@ -247,8 +256,8 @@ DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR             <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIR, "/", DOM
-ML_AUXILIARY_DATA_S3_URI <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI, "bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data")
+ML_AUXILIARY_DATA_S3_URI <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_BASE_S3_URI, "bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data")
 LYNKER_HYDROFABRIC_S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI   <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
 ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DATA_DIR               <- "hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/"
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
index ec13e6e..f673ffb 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema.R
@@ -83,9 +83,13 @@ flines <-
       TRUE              ~ VPUID
+# rm(flines2)
+# unnest_ids(flines2$VPUID2)
 # set of unique VPUs
 VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines$VPUID)
+# VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines2$VPUID2)
 # all possible FEMA dirs
@@ -98,13 +102,9 @@ flines %>%
 # unique(flines$VPUID)
 # calculate bankfull width
-flines <-
-  flines %>%
-  dplyr::mutate(
-    bf_width = hydrofabric3D::calc_powerlaw_bankful_width(tot_drainage_areasqkm)
-    # bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
-  ) %>%
-  # hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width("tot_drainage_areasqkm", 50) %>% 
+flines <- 
+  flines %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width("tot_drainage_areasqkm", 50) %>% 
@@ -116,8 +116,309 @@ flines <-
   ) %>% 
+transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+  net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
+  crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
+  cs_widths         = flines$bf_width,
+  # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+  densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+  rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+  fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+  #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE     # TODO: these methods need revision in hydrofabric3D to allow for more flexible processing for data that is NOT COMID based (i.e. hy_id)    
+  # terminal_id       = NULL,
+  # braid_threshold   = NULL,
+  # version           = 2,
+  # braid_method      = "comid",
+  # precision         = 1,
+  add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  transects,
+  "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.gpkg"
+`# flines <-
+#   flines %>%
+#   dplyr::mutate(
+#     bf_width = hydrofabric3D::calc_powerlaw_bankful_width(tot_drainage_areasqkm)
+#     # bf_width = exp(0.700    + 0.365* log(tot_drainage_areasqkm))
+#   ) %>%
+#   # hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width("tot_drainage_areasqkm", 50) %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(
+#     dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+#     VPUID,
+#     # hy_id = id,
+#     lengthkm,
+#     tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+#     bf_width,
+#     mainstem
+#   ) %>% 
+#   hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+transects <- 
+  transects %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    flines %>% 
+      dplyr::select(id, VPUID, tot_drainage_areasqkm) %>% 
+      sf::st_drop_geometry(),
+    by = "id"
+  )
+# read each FEMA geopackage into a list 
+fema <- lapply(GROUP_FEMA_FILES, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+transects$VPUID %>% unique()
+GROUP_VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(transects$VPUID)
+# all FEMA dirs for the current area
+GROUP_FEMA_FILES <- list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T))]
+fema <- lapply(GROUP_FEMA_FILES, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+fema <- 
+  fema %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+  ) 
+message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
+message(" - Number of geoms BEFORE simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+# TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
+# keep 1% of the original points for speed
+fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+# fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+message(" - Number of geoms AFTER simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
+transects <- 
+  transects  %>%
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(flines),
+                  dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+                  mainstem
+    ),
+    by = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+# TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+# TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+ext_transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+  transect_lines         = transects, 
+  polygons               = fema, 
+  flowlines              = flines, 
+  crosswalk_id           = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  grouping_id            = "mainstem", 
+  max_extension_distance = 3000 
+  ext_transects,
+  "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_ext.gpkg"
+ext_transects <- 
+  ext_transects %>% 
+  dplyr::select(id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, cs_measure, ds_distance, lengthm, sinuosity, geometry)
+# get cross section point elevations
+cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+  cs             = ext_transects,
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  points_per_cs  = NULL,
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+  dem            = DEM_PATH
+  cs_pts,
+  "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_cs_pts.gpkg"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points  ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cs_pts2 %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:200) %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(x = "pt_id", color = "point_type")
+cs_pts <- 
+  # cs_pts2 <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts(CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    crosswalk_id             = CROSSWALK_ID, 
+    pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )  
+# })
+ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+# ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts2)$tmp_id
+# sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+# sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# system.time({
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+  cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+  net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+  # net            = flowlines,    # original flowline network
+  transects      = ext_transects, # original transect lines
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+  dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
+  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+  pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+  fix_ids = FALSE,
+  verbose = TRUE
+# })
+ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ext_transects <- 
+  ext_transects %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(cs_source = CS_SOURCE)
+out_transects <- match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts(
+  transect_lines = ext_transects, 
+  fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts, 
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  extension_pct  = EXTENSION_PCT
+  out_transects,
+  "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved.gpkg"
+trans_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(out_transects, "id")
+ext_trans_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(ext_transects, "id")
+fixed_pts_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts, "id")
+all(trans_uids %in% ext_trans_uids)
+all(ext_trans_uids %in% trans_uids)
+all(trans_uids %in% fixed_pts_uids)
+all(fixed_pts_uids %in% trans_uids)
+all(ext_trans_uids %in% fixed_pts_uids)
+all(fixed_pts_uids %in% ext_trans_uids)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+# out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(
+#                                                   df            = dplyr::mutate(out_transects, pt_id = 1), 
+#                                                   crosswalk_id  = "hy_id"
+#                                                   ) %>% 
+#                                                   dplyr::select(-pt_id)
+fixed_pts2      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+out_transects2  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+  out_transects2,
+  "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved2.gpkg"
+# classify the cross section points
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+    Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+  ) %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    cs_id, 
+    pt_id,
+    cs_lengthm,
+    relative_distance,
+    X, Y, Z,
+    class, point_type,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+  )
+# add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::relocate(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+    class, point_type, 
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+  cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+  crosswalk_id              = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  out_transects,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_transects.gpkg") 
+  fixed_pts,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_cs_pts.parquet") 
 # save the flowlines subset 
@@ -142,7 +443,8 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
 for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
+  # i = 3
   flowlines  <- fline_groups[[i]]
   VPU        <-  unique(flowlines$VPUID)
@@ -158,11 +460,14 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
   # GROUP_FEMA_FILES <- list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T)
+  # ((flowlines$bf_width) / 11)[1] * 11
   # create transect lines
   transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
     net               = flowlines,                        # flowlines network
-    id                = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
-    cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
+    cs_widths         = flowlines$bf_width,
+    # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
     smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
@@ -229,7 +534,7 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
   # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
   # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
-  transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+  ext_transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
     transect_lines         = transects, 
     polygons               = fema, 
     flowlines              = flowlines, 
@@ -241,8 +546,10 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
   # mapview::mapview(transects, color = "green") + 
    # mapview::mapview(transects2, color = "red")
-  transects <- 
-    transects %>% 
+  # transects <- 
+  #   transects %>% 
+  ext_transects <- 
+    ext_transects %>% 
     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
     dplyr::mutate(is_extended = FALSE) %>%
@@ -259,10 +566,28 @@ for (i in seq_along(fline_groups)) {
                      paste(GROUP_VPU_IDS, collapse = "_"), "_transects.gpkg" 
+  # ext_transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(id == "wb-2414904") %>%
+  #   .$geometry %>% 
+  #   mapview::mapview()
+  # ext_transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::slice(90000:100000) %>% 
+  #   .$geometry %>% 
+  #   mapview::mapview()
+  # wb-2414904
+  # length_data <- 
+  #   ext_transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     line_len = as.numeric(sf::st_length(geometry))
+  #   )
   message("Writting transect lines for VPU group: '", VPU, "'",
           "\n > '", out_path, "'")
-  sf::write_sf(transects, out_path)
+  sf::write_sf(ext_transects, out_path)
   message("Finished writting transects!")
@@ -293,6 +618,7 @@ paths_df <- data.frame(
 for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
+  # i =3
   # i = 2
   VPU     <- paths_df$vpu[i]
   t_path  <- paths_df$t[i]
@@ -324,7 +650,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
     crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
     points_per_cs  = NULL,
     min_pts_per_cs = 10,
-    dem            = DEM_URL
+    dem            = DEM_PATH
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -366,7 +692,7 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
       crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
       points_per_cs  = NULL, 
       min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
-      dem            = DEM_URL, # DEM to extract points from
+      dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
       scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
       pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
       fix_ids = FALSE,
@@ -383,7 +709,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
   out_transects <- match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts(
     transect_lines = transects, 
     fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts, 
-    crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+    crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+    extension_pct = EXTENSION_PCT
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -400,6 +727,8 @@ for (i in 1:nrow(paths_df)) {
   fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
   out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+  # out_transects %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(id == "wb-2425607") %>% .$geometry %>% plot()
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # ---- STEP 4: Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema2.R b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d574e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/domain_with_fema2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,2245 @@
+# Generate the transects + cs_pts + cross sections layers for a single flowlines domain file and DEM file 
+# load libraries
+# library(hydrofabric3D)
+# library(dplyr)
+# library(sf)
+# Unique Flowline ID column name
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Read in flowlines
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Subsetting area
+aoi     <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_SUBSET_PATH, layer = "divides")
+aoi     <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(aoi, keep = 0.05)
+id_col <- "id"
+# id_col <- "divide_id"
+# query the conus.gpkg for matching IDs
+ids        <- unique(aoi[[id_col]])
+query_ids  <- paste0(paste0("'", ids, "'"), collapse= ", ")
+gpkg_layers <- sf::st_layers(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH)
+layer       <- gpkg_layers$name[gpkg_layers$name == "flowpaths"]
+wkt <- 
+  aoi %>% 
+  rmapshaper::ms_dissolve() %>% 
+  # rmapshaper::ms_explode() %>% 
+  # sf::st_as_sfc() %>%
+  sf::st_sf() %>%
+  sf::st_geometry() %>%
+  sf::st_as_text()
+# read in flowlines based on IDs in AOI
+flines <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpaths",
+                      wkt_filter = wkt
+                      # query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM \"%s\" WHERE %s IN (%s)", layer, id_col, query_ids),
+                      # query = query
+                      )
+# flines <- 
+#   flines %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:1000)
+# bad_ids <- c("wb-14538", "wb-14686",  "wb-14687")
+# flines <- 
+#   flines %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id %in% bad_ids)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --- Split flowlines by VPU
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# VPUs polygons
+VPU_boundaries   <- sf::st_transform(nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries, sf::st_crs(flines))
+# add a VPU ID column to each flowline
+flines <- add_intersects_ids(x = flines, y = VPU_boundaries, id_col = "VPUID")
+# TODO: improve this, manual remap some VPUIDs so that there are 
+# TODO: less small subsets of flowlines because a small bit of a different VPU is intersected 
+flines <- 
+  flines %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    VPUID = dplyr::case_when(
+      VPUID == "12"     ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "12, 13" ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "11, 12" ~ "11, 12, 13",
+      VPUID == "01"     ~ "01, 02",
+      TRUE              ~ VPUID
+    )
+  ) 
+# rm(flines2)
+# unnest_ids(flines2$VPUID2)
+# set of unique VPUs
+VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines$VPUID)
+# VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(flines2$VPUID2)
+# all possible FEMA dirs
+flines %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(VPUID) %>%
+  dplyr::count()
+flines %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(order) %>%
+  dplyr::count()
+# unique(flines$VPUID)
+# calculate bankfull width
+flines <- 
+  flines %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width("tot_drainage_areasqkm", 50) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    VPUID,
+    # hy_id = id,
+    lengthkm,
+    tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+    bf_width,
+    order,
+    mainstem
+  ) %>% 
+  hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+  flines,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_DIR, "/flowlines_subset.gpkg")
+transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+  net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
+  crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID,                     # Unique feature ID
+  cs_widths         = flines$bf_width,
+  # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width * 11),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  # cs_widths         = pmax(50, flowlines$bf_width),     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  num               = 10,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+  smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+  densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+  rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+  fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+  #### Arguments used for when fix_braids = TRUE     # TODO: these methods need revision in hydrofabric3D to allow for more flexible processing for data that is NOT COMID based (i.e. hy_id)    
+  # terminal_id       = NULL,
+  # braid_threshold   = NULL,
+  # version           = 2,
+  # braid_method      = "comid",
+  # precision         = 1,
+  add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+transects <- 
+  transects %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(cs_source = CS_SOURCE) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(id,
+                cs_source,
+                cs_id,
+                cs_measure,
+                ds_distance,
+                cs_lengthm,
+                sinuosity,
+                geometry
+  )
+# paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/pre_extension_transects.gpkg")
+  transects,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/pre-extension-transects.gpkg")
+# [1] "wb-2416492" "wb-2414869" "wb-2415765" "wb-2416657" "wb-2415479" "wb-2420307" "wb-2425952" "wb-2421269" "wb-2425750"
+# [10] "wb-2422028" "wb-2419212" "wb-2426092" "wb-2414971" "wb-2416120" "wb-2414960" "wb-2433259" "wb-14381"   "wb-18022"  
+# [19] "wb-15173"   "wb-15160"   "wb-571"     "wb-2413739" "wb-508015"  "wb-507770"  "wb-2424752" "wb-2424545" "wb-2422849"
+# [28] "wb-2417939" "wb-2425090" "wb-2422212" "wb-2422714" "wb-2419650" "wb-2419650" "wb-2416492" "wb-2414869" "wb-2415765"
+# [37] "wb-2416657" "wb-2415479" "wb-2420307" "wb-2419694" "wb-2419694" "wb-2419974" "wb-2419974" "wb-2420065" "wb-2420065"
+# [46] "wb-2425952" "wb-2420678" "wb-2420678" "wb-2421269" "wb-2419695" "wb-2419695" "wb-2425750" "wb-2422028" "wb-2419212"
+# [55] "wb-2426091" "wb-2414971" "wb-2407999" "wb-2407999" "wb-2426131" "wb-2426131" "wb-2416120" "wb-2433525" "wb-2433525"
+# [64] "wb-2433259" "wb-14381"   "wb-14576"   "wb-14576"   "wb-18022"   "wb-15173"   "wb-15160"   "wb-11097"   "wb-11097"  
+# [73] "wb-14804"   "wb-14804"   "wb-571"     "wb-2408123" "wb-2408123" "wb-2413739" "wb-508015"  "wb-507770"  "wb-2424752"
+# [82] "wb-2435791" "wb-2435791" "wb-2435798" "wb-2435798" "wb-2435779" "wb-2435779" "wb-2435781" "wb-2435781" "wb-2424545"
+# [91] "wb-2422849" "wb-2417939" "wb-2425090" "wb-2422212" "wb-2422714"
+# transects <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/pre-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# out_transects
+# out_transects2
+transects <- 
+  transects %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    flines %>% 
+      dplyr::select(id, VPUID, mainstem, tot_drainage_areasqkm) %>% 
+      sf::st_drop_geometry(),
+    by = "id"
+  )
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   transects,
+#   paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans.gpkg")
+# )
+GROUP_VPU_IDS <- unnest_ids(transects$VPUID)
+# all FEMA dirs for the current area
+GROUP_FEMA_FILES <- list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(GROUP_FEMA_DIRS, full.names = T))]
+# read each FEMA geopackage into a list 
+fema <- lapply(GROUP_FEMA_FILES, function(gpkg) sf::read_sf(gpkg))
+# transects$VPUID %>% unique()
+fema <- 
+  fema %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    fema_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+  ) 
+message("Simplifying FEMA polygons...")
+message(" - Number of geoms BEFORE simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+# TODO: this should be a function argument OR removed, shouldn't probably forcibly and silently simplify the input polygons without user knowing..
+# keep 1% of the original points for speed
+fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+# fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   fema,
+#   paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_fema.gpkg")
+# )
+message(" - Number of geoms AFTER simplifying: ", nrow(fema))
+message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
+# transects <- 
+#   transects  %>%
+#   dplyr::left_join(
+#     dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(flines),
+#                   dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+#                   mainstem
+#     ),
+#     by = CROSSWALK_ID
+#   )
+# test_ids <- c("wb-2416492", "wb-2414869", "wb-2415765" , "wb-2416657" , "wb-2415479",
+#               "wb-2420307" , "wb-2425952" , "wb-2421269" , "wb-2425750",
+#               "wb-14804",   "wb-14804",   "wb-571",     "wb-2408123", "wb-2408123"
+#               )
+# test_trans <- 
+#   transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id %in% test_ids)
+# test_flines <- 
+#   flines %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id %in% test_ids)
+# test_fema
+# test_trans$VPUID
+# TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+# TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+# transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+ext_transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+  transect_lines         = transects,
+  polygons               = fema,
+  flowlines              = flines,
+  # transect_lines         = test_trans, 
+  # polygons               = fema, 
+  # flowlines              = test_flines,
+  crosswalk_id           = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  grouping_id            = "mainstem", 
+  max_extension_distance = 3000 
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   flines,
+#   paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_flines.gpkg")
+# )
+# flines <- sf::read_sf( paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_flines.gpkg"))
+# transects <- sf::read_sf(paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans.gpkg"))
+# fema <- sf::read_sf( paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_fema.gpkg"))
+# transect_lines <- transects
+# polygons <- fema
+# flowlines <- flines
+# bad_id   <- "wb-10813"
+# mainstem <- "1977479"
+# crosswalk_id           = "id"
+# grouping_id            = "mainstem"
+# max_extension_distance = 3000 
+# hydrofabric3D:::rm_self_intersections(ext_transects)
+# transects <- 
+#   transects %>% 
+ext_transects <-
+  ext_transects %>%
+  dplyr::mutate(cs_source = CS_SOURCE) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(id,
+                cs_source,
+                cs_id,
+                cs_measure,
+                ds_distance,
+                cs_lengthm,
+                sinuosity,
+                geometry
+                )
+# ext_transects <-
+#   ext_transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(id, cs_id, cs_lengthm, cs_measure, ds_distance, sinuosity, 
+#                 # tot_drainage_areasqkm, 
+#                 geometry)
+  # transects,
+  ext_transects,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/post-extension-transects.gpkg")
+# get cross section point elevations
+cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+  # cs             = transects,
+  cs             = ext_transects,
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  points_per_cs  = NULL,
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+  dem            = DEM_PATH
+# mapview::mapview(cs_pts) + test_trans
+  cs_pts,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/raw-cs-pts.gpkg")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points  ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cs_pts2 %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:200) %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(x = "pt_id", color = "point_type")
+cs_pts <- 
+  # cs_pts2 <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts(CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    crosswalk_id             = CROSSWALK_ID, 
+    pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )  
+# cs_pts %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(150:250) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts("id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+# })
+ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+# ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts2)$tmp_id
+# sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+# sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- STEP 3: Try to rectify any no relief and invalid banks cross sections ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+  cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+  net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+  # net = test_flines,
+  # net            = flowlines,    # original flowline network
+  # transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+  transects      = ext_transects, # original transect lines
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+  min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+  dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
+  scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+  pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+  fix_ids = FALSE,
+  verbose = TRUE
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   test_flines,
+#   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_flines.gpkg"
+# )
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   test_trans,
+#   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_start_trans.gpkg"
+# )
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   ext_transects,
+#   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ext_trans.gpkg"
+# )
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   cs_pts,
+#   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_cs_pts.gpkg"
+# )
+# mapview::mapview(fixed_pts) +
+#   mapview::mapview(ext_transects, color = "green") +
+#   mapview::mapview(out_transects, color = "red")
+fixed_pts$Z %>% is.null() %>% any()
+fixed_pts$Z %>% %>% any()
+ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id  
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Update transects with extended transects (if exists) ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ext_transects <- 
+#   ext_transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::mutate(cs_source = CS_SOURCE)
+# end_pts <- 
+#   fixed_pts %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id == "wb-2435034", cs_id == 1) %>% 
+#   # hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts("id")
+#   dplyr::slice(
+#     which.min(pt_id),
+#     which.max(pt_id)
+#   )
+# mapview::mapview(end_pts) + tt
+# tt <- 
+#   ext_transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id == "wb-2435034", cs_id == 1)
+# hydrofabric3D:::match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts()
+out_transects <- hydrofabric3D:::match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts(
+  # transect_lines = transects, 
+  transect_lines = ext_transects,
+  fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts, 
+  crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+  # extension_pct  = EXTENSION_PCT
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   out_transects,
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg")
+#   # "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved.gpkg"
+# )
+# fixed_pts2      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# out_transects2  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+fixed_pts <- 
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+# fixed_pts2 <- 
+  # fixed_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+  dplyr::arrange(cs_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  dplyr::group_by(id, cs_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::arrange(pt_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup()
+out_transects <- 
+  out_transects %>% 
+# out_transects2 <- 
+#   out_transects %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+  dplyr::arrange(cs_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    -left_bank_count,
+    -right_bank_count, 
+    -channel_count,
+    -bottom_count,
+    -bottom,
+    -left_bank,
+    -right_bank,
+    -valid_banks,
+    -has_relief,
+    -is_extended
+  ) 
+  out_transects,
+  # out_transects2,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg")
+  # "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved.gpkg"
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   fixed_pts2,
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/fixed_cs_pts.gpkg")
+# )
+# transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(cs_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+#   dplyr::ungroup()
+# out_transects2 %>% 
+#   # dplyr::filter(id %in% c("wb-2435034", "wb-2435045")) %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(cs_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+#   dplyr::ungroup()
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   out_transects2,
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg")
+#   # "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved.gpkg"
+# )
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   fixed_pts2,
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/fixed_cs_pts.gpkg")
+# )
+# trans_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(out_transects, "id")
+# ext_trans_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(ext_transects, "id")
+# fixed_pts_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts, "id")
+# all(trans_uids %in% ext_trans_uids)
+# all(ext_trans_uids %in% trans_uids)
+# all(trans_uids %in% fixed_pts_uids)
+# all(fixed_pts_uids %in% trans_uids)
+# all(ext_trans_uids %in% fixed_pts_uids)
+# all(fixed_pts_uids %in% ext_trans_uids)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Re enumerate the transects & cross section points "cs_id" ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fixed_pts      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+# out_transects  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(
+#                                                   df            = dplyr::mutate(out_transects, pt_id = 1), 
+#                                                   crosswalk_id  = "hy_id"
+#                                                   ) %>% 
+#                                                   dplyr::select(-pt_id)
+# length(out_transects_uids)
+# length(fixed_pts_uids)
+# out_transects_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(out_transects, "id")
+# fixed_pts_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts, "id")
+# length(out_transects_uids) == length(fixed_pts_uids) & all(out_transects_uids %in% fixed_pts_uids) & all(fixed_pts_uids %in% out_transects_uids)
+# fixed_pts2      <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# out_transects2  <- hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids(df = out_transects, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# out_transects2_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(out_transects2, "id")
+# fixed_pts2_uids <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(fixed_pts2, "id")
+# length(out_transects2_uids) == length(fixed_pts2_uids) & all(out_transects2_uids %in% fixed_pts2_uids) & all(fixed_pts2_uids %in% out_transects2_uids)
+  # paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/extended_transects.gpkg")
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   out_transects2,
+#   # "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp_trans_improved2.gpkg"
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/final_transects.gpkg")
+# )
+# object.size(out_transects2)
+# classify the cross section points
+fixed_pts <-
+  fixed_pts %>% 
+# fixed_pts2 <-
+  # fixed_pts2 %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+    Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+  ) %>%
+  sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    cs_id, 
+    pt_id,
+    cs_lengthm,
+    relative_distance,
+    X, Y, Z,
+    class, point_type,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::relocate(
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source,
+    class, point_type,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+  )
+# # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+# fixed_pts2 <-
+#   fixed_pts2 %>%
+#   dplyr::mutate(
+#     Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+#   ) %>%
+#   dplyr::relocate(
+#     dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+#     cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source
+#     # class, point_type, 
+#     # bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+#     )
+ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+  cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+  crosswalk_id              = CROSSWALK_ID,
+  pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)$tmp_id
+if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+  message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+} else {
+  message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+# sf::write_sf(
+#   out_transects,
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIR, "/", VPU, "_transects.gpkg") 
+# )
+  fixed_pts,
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")
+# paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Inject ML predicted top widths / Dingman's R ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read in ML data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ml_outputs <- lapply(VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_PATHS, function(prq) {
+#   vpu_id     <- gsub(".*ml/([a-zA-Z0-9]+).*", "\\1", prq)
+#   arrow::read_parquet(prq) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(vpu_id = vpu_id) 
+# }
+# ) %>% 
+#   dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(
+#     dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+#     vpu_id,
+#     owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan, 
+#     owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+#     owp_dingman_r
+#                 )
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+# names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+# ml_outputs <- 
+# ml_outputs %>%
+# dplyr::distinct(
+#   dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+#   vpu_id,
+#   owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
+#   owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+#   owp_dingman_r
+# )
+# rm(ml_outputs, ml)
+ml_outputs <- sf::read_sf(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_PATH, layer = "flowpath-attributes-ml")
+ml_outputs <- 
+  ml_outputs %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(ML_CROSSWALK_ID),
+    vpuid,
+    owp_y_bf = YCC, 
+    owp_y_inchan = Y,
+    owp_tw_bf = TopWdthCC, 
+    owp_tw_inchan = TopWdth,
+    owp_dingman_r = dingman_r
+  )
+# # rename ML_CROSSWALK_ID (unique ID) to match the CROSSWALK_ID in CS PTS
+# # TODO: This assumes the IDs do correspond with eachother... (built from same flowlines network)
+names(ml_outputs)[names(ml_outputs) == ML_CROSSWALK_ID] = CROSSWALK_ID
+# # Keep only distinct ID rows
+ml_outputs <-
+  ml_outputs %>%
+  dplyr::distinct(
+    dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID)),
+    vpu_id,
+    owp_y_bf, owp_y_inchan,
+    owp_tw_bf, owp_tw_inchan,
+    owp_dingman_r
+  )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Read in CS PTS data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cs_pts.parquet")
+CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")
+cs_pts  <- arrow::read_parquet(CS_PTS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Join CS PTS  with ML data ---
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Joining ML width/depths estimates to cross section points...")
+# ml_outputs %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count(id) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(-n)
+# join the ML outputs data to the cross section points
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    dplyr::select(ml_outputs, 
+                  dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+                  owp_tw_inchan, 
+                  owp_y_inchan, 
+                  owp_tw_bf, 
+                  owp_y_bf, 
+                  owp_dingman_r
+    ),
+    by = CROSSWALK_ID
+  ) 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Fixing negative depths/widths estimates ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Replacing any negative width/depth estimates with cross section bottom lengths...")
+cs_bottom_lengths <- hydrofabric3D::get_cs_bottom_length(cross_section_pts = cs_pts, crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: for now we replace any negative TW values with the length of the bottom of the cross section
+# TODO: This method + the negative model output values both need to be looked into (04/05/2024)
+cs_pts <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    cs_bottom_lengths, 
+    by = c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")
+    # by = c("hy_id", "cs_id")
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::mutate(
+    owp_tw_inchan = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_inchan <= 0 ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_inchan
+    ),
+    owp_tw_bf = dplyr::case_when(
+      owp_tw_bf <= 0     ~ bottom_length,
+      TRUE               ~ owp_tw_bf
+    )
+  ) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-bottom_length)
+# extract any cross sections that didn't get matched with a "hf_id" and (or?) no ML data
+# TODO: look at this stuff with Arash (04/09/2024)
+missing_cs <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(
+ | | 
+ | |
+  ) %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+# TODO: Delete this, but time being keeping this to inspect mismatch in between "hy_id" and "hf_id"
+# readr::write_csv(
+#   dplyr::select(missing_cs, -tmp_id), 
+#   paste0(META_PATH, "nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections_missing_hf_ids.csv")
+# )
+# Split the cross sections into 2 groups:
+# - "Inchannel cs" group are points with BOTH valid banks AND relief --> These get the INCHANNEL TW and Y values from the ML model
+# - "Bankful cs" group are points WITHOUT valid banks OR any relief  --> These get the BANKFUL TW and Y values from the ML model
+inchannel_cs <-
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>%  # NOTE: makes sure to remove any of the "missing" cross sections without data
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(valid_banks & has_relief) %>% 
+  # NOTE: temporarily rename the top widths, depths, and dingman's R columns so they 
+  # work nicely with the "hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry()" function which takes a dataframe of cross section points 
+  # with "TW", "DEPTH", and "DINGMAN_R" columns for each cross section
+  dplyr::rename(        
+    TW        = owp_tw_inchan,    
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_inchan,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  )
+bankful_cs   <- 
+  cs_pts %>% 
+  hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = CROSSWALK_ID) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(missing_cs$tmp_id)) %>% 
+  dplyr::select(-tmp_id) %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(!valid_banks | !has_relief) %>% 
+  dplyr::rename(
+    TW        = owp_tw_bf, 
+    DEPTH     = owp_y_bf,
+    DINGMAN_R = owp_dingman_r
+  )
+# sanity check that all rows are accounted for after splitting up data
+split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == (nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs) + nrow(missing_cs))
+# split_kept_all_rows <- nrow(cs_pts) == nrow(bankful_cs) + nrow(inchannel_cs)
+if (!split_kept_all_rows) {
+  warning(paste0("When splitting cross section points into 'bankful' and 'inchannel' groups,", 
+                 "\nsome points were not put in either group.", 
+                 "\nLikely due to 'valid_banks' and/or 'has_relief' columns have either missing ", 
+                 "values or contain values other than TRUE/FALSE")
+  )
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using inchannel widths/depths estimates...")
+# tmp <- 
+#   inchannel_cs %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:10000)
+  # Add bathymetry using "inchannel" estimates
+  inchannel_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+    cross_section_pts = inchannel_cs,
+    # cross_section_pts = tmp,
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+# arrow::write_parquet(inchannel_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_ml_cs_pts_06.parquet")
+# ml_subset %>%
+#   dplyr::filter(hy_id == "wb-1005207") %>%
+#   dplyr::select(owp_y_inchan, owp_tw_inchan) %>% 
+#   .$owp_y_inchan
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Adding cross section bathymetry using bankful widths/depths estimates...")
+  # Add bathymetry using "bankful" estimates
+  bankful_cs <- hydrofabric3D::add_cs_bathymetry(
+    cross_section_pts = bankful_cs,
+    # cross_section_pts = dplyr::slice(bankful_cs, 1:10000),
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID
+  )
+# combine the inchannel and bankful cross section points back together, fill out missing values and reclassify the points
+final_cs <- dplyr::bind_rows(
+              dplyr::select(
+                inchannel_cs,
+                # inchannel_cs2,
+                # -hf_id, 
+                -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+                # -is_dem_point,
+                -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+              ),
+              dplyr::select(
+                bankful_cs,
+                # bankful_cs2,
+                # -hf_id, 
+                -TW, -DEPTH, -DINGMAN_R, 
+                # -is_dem_point,
+                -dplyr::starts_with("owp")
+              ),
+              dplyr::select(
+                dplyr::mutate(
+                  missing_cs,
+                  is_dem_point = FALSE
+                ),
+                # -hf_id, 
+                # -is_dem_point,
+                -dplyr::starts_with("owp"), 
+                -tmp_id
+              )
+            ) %>%
+  dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+  # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>%
+  tidyr::fill(
+    c(cs_lengthm, Z_source)
+  ) %>%
+  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  dplyr::select(
+    -point_type,
+    -class,
+    -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+    -has_relief, -valid_banks
+  )
+# arrow::write_parquet(final_cs, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tmp.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Reclassifying cross section point types...")
+# reclassify
+final_cs <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = final_cs, 
+                                           crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID,
+                                           pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+starting_uids  <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(cs_pts, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+ending_uids    <- hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(final_cs, x = CROSSWALK_ID)
+has_same_number_of_uids           <- length(starting_uids) == length(ending_uids)
+all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids  <- all(starting_uids %in% ending_uids)
+all_ending_uids_in_starting_uids  <- all(ending_uids %in% starting_uids)
+# throw some warnings if:
+# - the number of uids in the input is different from the output
+# - there are missing hy_id/cs_id
+if (!has_same_number_of_uids) {
+  warning(paste0("The number of unique hy_id/cs_id is different in the ",
+                 "starting cross section points from the final cross section points:",
+                 "\n > Starting number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(starting_uids),
+                 "\n > Ending number of unique hy_id/cs_id: ", length(ending_uids)
+  ))
+if (!all_starting_uids_in_ending_uids) {
+  number_uids_not_in_ending_uids <- length(starting_uids[!starting_uids %in% ending_uids])
+  # starting_uids %in% ending_uids
+  warning(
+    paste0("Missing hy_id/cs_id in output that are in the starting input cross section points: ",
+           "\n > Number of hy_id/cs_id missing: ", number_uids_not_in_ending_uids
+    )
+  )
+  # warning(paste0(number_uids_not_in_ending_uids, " hy_id/cs_id from the input cross section points ",
+  #          "is missing from the output cross section points"))
+# tmp_path <-   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/final_cs2.parquet")
+# message("saving file", tmp_path)
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(tmp_path)
+# # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross-sections.parquet)
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   dplyr::select(final_cs,
+#                 -is_dem_point
+#   ),
+#   paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/final_cs2.parquet")
+# )
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Write final cross section points data ----
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross-sections.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH, "'")
+# save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross-sections.parquet)
+  dplyr::select(final_cs, 
+                -is_dem_point
+  ), 
+INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR, "/cross-sections-is-dem-point.parquet")
+  final_cs,
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Substitue diffusive domain DEMs Z values ---- 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections2.parquet")
+bb_df <- lapply(COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_PATHS, function(path) {
+  r       <- terra::rast(path)
+  extent  <- terra::ext(r)
+  # r <- terra::project(r, "EPSG:5070")
+  #, "EPSG:5070")
+  ext_df          <- data.frame(lapply(extent, function(i) {i}))
+  ext_df$crs      <- terra::crs(r)
+  ext_df$file     <- basename(path)
+  ext_df$path     <- path 
+  return(ext_df)
+}) %>% 
+  dplyr::bind_rows()
+# final_cs
+# INTERNAL_CROSS_SECTIONS_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross-sections-is-dem-point.parquet")
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   final_cs,
+# )
+# CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross-sections.parquet")
+# final_cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CROSS_SECTIONS_OUTPUT_PATH)
+# START_PATH <- paste0("/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/cross_sections2.parquet")
+# arrow::write_parquet(
+#   final_cs,
+# )
+# rm(i, count, cs, df, tmp, aoi, new_tmp, pts_subset, dem, has_pts_in_bb, bb, updated_depths)
+START_PATH    <-  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR,  "/cross-sections.parquet")
+UPDATED_PATH  <-  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR,  "/coastal-bathy_cross-sections.parquet")
+count <- 0
+for (i in 1:nrow(bb_df)) {
+  # i = 1
+  is_first_iter <- count == 0
+  count         <- count + 1
+  CURR_PATH     <- ifelse(is_first_iter, START_PATH, UPDATED_PATH)
+  message(i, " - Checking DEM '", bb_df$file[i], "' for CS PTS...")
+  df <- bb_df[i, ]
+  START_EPSG_CODE <- 5070
+  cs <- arrow::read_parquet(CURR_PATH)
+  cs <- 
+    cs %>% 
+    # dplyr::slice(1:10000) %>% 
+    sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("X", "Y"), crs = START_EPSG_CODE)
+  # convert to bounding box CRS 
+  cs <- 
+    cs %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(df$crs[1])
+  # create bounding box shape
+  bb <- sf::st_as_sf(
+    sf::st_as_sfc(
+      sf::st_bbox(
+        c(xmin =   df$xmin, 
+          xmax =   df$xmax, 
+          ymax =   df$ymax, 
+          ymin =   df$ymin
+        ), 
+        crs = sf::st_crs(df$crs)
+      )
+    )
+  )
+  # get pts that are in the bounding box
+  pts_subset <- sf::st_filter(
+    cs, 
+    bb
+  )  
+  has_pts_in_bb <- nrow(pts_subset) > 0
+  message(nrow(pts_subset), " cs points found within '", df$file, "' DEMs bounding box")
+  if(!has_pts_in_bb) {
+    message("   > No points to update!")
+    message("   > Overwritting original cross section points parquet with updated depth values ...")
+    message("      > '", UPDATED_PATH, "'")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      sf::st_transform(START_EPSG_CODE) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+        Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+      ) %>%
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        # hy_id, 
+        dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+        cs_id, pt_id,
+        cs_lengthm,
+        relative_distance,
+        X, Y, 
+        Z,
+        class, point_type,
+        Z_source,
+        bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks,
+        has_relief 
+      )
+    arrow::write_parquet(cs, UPDATED_PATH)
+    next
+  }
+  if(has_pts_in_bb) {
+    message("   > Loading Raster")
+    # load DEM
+    dem <- terra::rast(df$path)   
+    message("   > Extracting new cross section depth values from DEM...")
+    updated_depths <- 
+      pts_subset %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        Z2 = hydrofabric3D:::extract_pt_val(dem, .),
+        Z_source2 = df$file
+        # Z = extract_pt_val(terra::rast(dem), .)
+      ) %>% 
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+        cs_id, pt_id, 
+        # Z,
+        Z2,
+        # Z_source,
+        Z_source2
+      )
+    message("   > Replacing old depth values with new depth values...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      dplyr::left_join(
+        updated_depths,
+        by = c(CROSSWALK_ID, "cs_id", "pt_id")
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        Z = dplyr::case_when(
+          !  ~ Z2,
+          TRUE        ~ Z
+        ),
+        Z_source = dplyr::case_when(
+          !  ~ Z_source2,
+          TRUE               ~ Z_source
+        )
+      ) %>% 
+      dplyr::select(-Z2, -Z_source2)
+    message("   > Projecting CS PTs back to starting CRS (", START_EPSG_CODE, ") ...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      sf::st_transform(START_EPSG_CODE) 
+    message("   > Dropping point geometries and preserving X / Y coordinates...")
+    cs <- 
+      cs %>% 
+      dplyr::mutate(
+        X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+        Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+      ) %>%
+      sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        # hy_id, 
+        dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+        cs_id, pt_id,
+        cs_lengthm,
+        relative_distance,
+        X, Y, 
+        Z,
+        class, point_type,
+        Z_source,
+        bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks,
+        has_relief 
+        # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+      )
+    # cs %>% 
+    #   dplyr::slice(1:27) %>% 
+    #   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(crosswalk_id = "id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+    # hydrofabric3D::classify_points(crosswalk_id = "id")
+    # hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(crosswalk_id = "id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+    # cs <- 
+    #   cs %>% 
+    #   # dplyr::slice(1:27) %>% 
+    #   dplyr::select(-class, -point_type, 
+    #                 -valid_banks, -has_relief, 
+    #                 -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank
+    #                 ) %>% 
+    #   hydrofabric3D::classify_points(crosswalk_id = "id") %>% 
+    #   dplyr::select(
+    #     # hy_id, 
+    #     dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    #     cs_id, pt_id,
+    #     Z,
+    #     relative_distance,
+    #     cs_lengthm,
+    #     class,
+    #     point_type,
+    #     X, Y, 
+    #     Z_source,
+    #     bottom, left_bank, right_bank, 
+    #     valid_banks, has_relief 
+    #     # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    #   )
+      # hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(crosswalk_id = "id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+    # tmp <- final_cs %>% dplyr::filter(id == "wb-507785", cs_id == 4)
+    # new_tmp <- cs %>% dplyr::filter(id == "wb-507785", cs_id == 4)
+    # hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(tmp, crosswalk_id = "id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+    # hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(new_tmp, crosswalk_id = "id", color = "point_type", size = 4)
+    message("   > Overwritting original cross section points parquet with updated depth values ...")
+    message("      > '", UPDATED_PATH, "'")
+    arrow::write_parquet(cs, UPDATED_PATH)
+  }
+cross_sections <- arrow::read_parquet(UPDATED_PATH)
+# cross_sections %>% 
+#   dplyr::select(Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(Z_source) %>% 
+#   dplyr::count()
+cross_sections <-
+  cross_sections %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    -point_type,
+    -class,
+    -bottom, -left_bank, -right_bank,
+    -has_relief, -valid_banks
+  )
+# reclassify
+# system.time({
+cross_sections <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(cs_pts = cross_sections, 
+                                                 crosswalk_id = CROSSWALK_ID,
+                                                 pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+cross_sections <- 
+  cross_sections %>% 
+  dplyr::select(
+    # hy_id, 
+    dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID),
+    cs_id, pt_id,
+    Z,
+    relative_distance,
+    cs_lengthm,
+    class,
+    point_type,
+    X, Y, 
+    Z_source,
+    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, 
+    valid_banks, has_relief 
+    # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    )
+# })
+# START_PATH    <-  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR,  "/cross-sections.parquet")
+# UPDATED_PATH  <-  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR,  "/coastal-bathy_cross-sections.parquet")
+  cross_sections, 
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR,  "/coastal-bathy_cross-sections.parquet")
+  )
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Move final datasets to outputs/ ----
+# -------------------------------------------------
+select_cs_pts <- function(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  if(is.null(crosswalk_id)) {
+    # crosswalk_id  <- 'hydrofabric_id'
+    stop("Please provide a valid 'crosswalk_id' which uniquely identifies each cross section in 'cs_pts'")
+  }
+  cs_pts <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+    dplyr::any_of(c(
+                    crosswalk_id,
+                    "cs_id",
+                    "pt_id",
+                    "relative_distance",
+                    "cs_lengthm",
+                    "X", 
+                    "Y",
+                    "Z",
+                    "Z_source",
+                    "class", 
+                    "point_type",
+                    "valid_banks",
+                    "has_relief"
+                  )
+                  )
+    )
+  return(cs_pts)
+select_transects <- function(transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  if(is.null(crosswalk_id)) {
+    # crosswalk_id  <- 'hydrofabric_id'
+    stop("Please provide a valid 'crosswalk_id' which uniquely identifies the flowline associated with each transect in 'transects'")
+  }
+  transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+  transects <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::any_of(c(
+        crosswalk_id,
+        "cs_source",
+        "cs_id",
+        "cs_measure",
+        "cs_lengthm",
+        "geometry"
+      )
+      )
+    )
+  return(transects)
+# arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")) %>% 
+#   select_cs_pts("id")
+# DEM based cross section points parquet
+# - FEMA extended
+# - CS based extensions
+  arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")) %>% 
+    select_cs_pts("id"),
+  # arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIR, "/final-cs-pts.parquet")),
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/dem_cross-sections.parquet")
+# DEM based transect geometry gpkg 
+# - FEMA extended
+# - CS based extensions
+  sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg")) %>% 
+    select_transects("id"),
+    # dplyr::rename(geometry = geom),
+    paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg")
+# DEM + ML cross section points parquet 
+# - FEMA extended
+# - CS based extensions
+# - ML based Z value updates
+  arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR, "/cross-sections.parquet")) %>% 
+    select_cs_pts("id"),
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/ml_cross-sections.parquet")
+# DEM + COASTAL BATHY cross section points parquet 
+# - FEMA extended
+# - CS based extensions
+# - ML based Z value updates
+# - Coastal bathy DEM Z value updates (where applicable)
+  arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIR, "/coastal-bathy_cross-sections.parquet")) %>% 
+    select_cs_pts("id"),
+  paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/coastal-bathy_cross-sections.parquet")
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Data validation ----
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg")
+# new_trans_path <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg")
+# sf::st_layers(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# sf::st_layers(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg"))
+# og_transects  <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# new_transects <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg"))
+output_files <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, full.names = T)
+# rm(transects, dropped_trans, cs_pts, flowlines, lengths_check, transect_lengths, rel_dist_check, wrong_lengths, mismatches, duplicate_ids, cs_pt_lengths, cs_pts_ids)
+tmp_ids_list <- lapply(output_files, function(i) {
+    is_gpkg    <- endsWith(i, ".gpkg")
+    is_parquet <- endsWith(i, ".parquet")
+    if(is_gpkg) {
+      x <- 
+        i %>% 
+        sf::read_sf() %>% 
+        hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(x = "id")
+      return(x)
+    }
+    if(is_parquet) {
+      x <- 
+        i %>% 
+        arrow::read_parquet() %>% 
+        hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(x = "id")
+      return(x)
+    }
+  return(NULL)
+  })
+# tmp_ids_list[[1]] %in% tmp_ids_list[[2]]
+res <- list()
+idxs <- seq_along(tmp_ids_list)
+for (i in seq_along(tmp_ids_list)) {
+  # idxs <- seq_along(tmp_ids_list)
+  # i = 1
+  curr <- tmp_ids_list[[i]]
+  other_idxs <- idxs[idxs != i]
+  in_all_others <- lapply(tmp_ids_list[other_idxs], function(k) { 
+      all(k %in% curr) & all(curr %in% k) 
+    }) %>% 
+    unlist() %>% 
+    all()
+  res[[i]] <- in_all_others
+all_ids_are_matching <- 
+  res %>% 
+  unlist() %>% 
+  all()
+# validate_transects(transects, "id")
+if (!all_ids_are_matching) {
+  warning("Not all id/cs_id are included in all transects / cross section point datasets")
+} else {
+  message("All id / cs_id are correctly within all transects / cross section points datasets") 
+trans_path   <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg")
+transects    <- sf::read_sf(trans_path) %>% 
+                dplyr::rename(geometry = geom)
+is_validated_transects           <- validate_transects(transects, "id")
+is_flowline_validated_transects  <- validate_transects_against_flowlines(transects, flines, "id")
+if (!(is_validated_transects && is_flowline_validated_transects)) {
+  stop(trans_path, "  transects failed validity check:",
+       "\n > is_validated_transects: ", is_validated_transects,
+       "\n > is_flowline_validated_transects: ", is_flowline_validated_transects
+  )
+} else {
+  message("Transects look good to go!")
+output_files <- list.files(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, full.names = T)
+cs_pts_files <- output_files[grepl(".parquet", output_files)]
+for (i in seq_along(cs_pts_files)) {
+  path <- cs_pts_files[i]
+  message(i, " - Checking cross section points validity for > '",   basename(path), "'")
+  cs_pts <-arrow::read_parquet(path)
+  is_validated_cs_pts              <- validate_cs_pts(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = "id")
+  is_transect_validated_cs_pts     <- validate_cs_pts_against_transects(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = "id")
+  is_valid <- is_validated_cs_pts & is_transect_validated_cs_pts
+  if(!is_valid) {
+    stop(path, " cs_pts failed validity check:",
+         "\n > is_validated_cs_pts: ", is_validated_cs_pts,
+         "\n > is_transect_validated_cs_pts: ", is_transect_validated_cs_pts
+         )
+  } else {
+    message("'",   basename(path), "' is valid and is good to go!")
+  }
+  # message("'",   basename(path), "' is validated")
+  }
+# og_trans <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/pre-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# post_trans <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/post-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# dplyr::filter(transects, id == "wb-10813") %>% 
+#   sf::st_buffer(2500) 
+# bb <- 
+#   dplyr::filter(transects, id == "wb-10813") %>% 
+#   sf::st_buffer(5000) %>% 
+#   sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+#   sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+#   sf::st_sf()
+#   sf::st_filter(transects, bb) 
+#   sf::st_filter(transects, bb) 
+#   sf::st_filter(transects, bb) 
+#   mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(flines, id == "wb-10813")) +
+#   mapview::mapview(    sf::st_filter(transects, bb) , color  = "green") + 
+#   mapview::mapview(  sf::st_filter(og_trans, bb) , color = "red") + 
+#     mapview::mapview(  sf::st_filter(post_trans, bb) , color = "gold")
+# transects %>% 
+#   sf::st_filter(
+#     bb
+#   ) %>% mapview::mapview()
+# mapview::mapview() + mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(flines, id == "wb-10813")) +
+#   mapview::mapview(  dplyr::filter(transects, id == "wb-10813"), color  = "green") + 
+#   mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(og_trans, id == "wb-10813"), color = "red")
+# dplyr::filter(og_trans, id == "wb-10813")
+# dplyr::filter(post_trans, id == "wb-10813")
+# dplyr::filter(transects, id == "wb-10813")
+# mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(flines, id == "wb-10813")) +
+# mapview::mapview(  dplyr::filter(transects, id == "wb-10813"), color  = "green") + 
+# mapview::mapview(dplyr::filter(og_trans, id == "wb-10813"), color = "red")
+# transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::group_by(id)  %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(cs_id == max(cs_id)) %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(cs_id)
+# # cs_pts_files <- 
+# cs_pts <-arrow::read_parquet(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/dem_cross-sections.parquet"))
+# is_validated_transects           <- validate_transects(transects, "id")
+# is_flowline_validated_transects  <- validate_transects_against_flowlines(transects, flines, "id")
+# is_validated_cs_pts              <- validate_cs_pts(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = "id")
+# is_transect_validated_cs_pts     <- validate_cs_pts_against_transects(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = "id")
+# sf::st_layers(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg"))_
+validate_transects_self_intersections <- function(transects) {
+  return(
+    nrow(transects) == nrow(hydrofabric3D:::rm_self_intersections(transects))
+  )
+validate_transects_cs_id_enumeration <- function(transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # reenumerate the cs_ids for each transect based on cs_measure sorting, and make sure all cross sections are correctly numbered
+  mismatches <-
+    transects %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id)))) %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(cs_measure, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(cs_id != new_cs_id)
+  # FALSE if there are any transects with different cs_ids to the newly created cs_id 
+  # Otherwise TRUE
+  has_valid_cs_ids <- !(nrow(mismatches) > 0)
+  return(
+    has_valid_cs_ids
+  )
+validate_transects_cs_length <- function(transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # re calculate transect geometry length and compare to cs_lengthm column
+  wrong_lengths <-
+    transects %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      new_cs_length = as.numeric(sf::st_length(.)) 
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(cs_lengthm != new_cs_length)
+  # FALSE if there are any transects with different cs_lengthm than the freshly calculated new_cs_length
+  has_correct_lengths <- !(nrow(wrong_lengths) > 0)
+  return(
+    has_correct_lengths
+  )
+validate_transects_unique_ids <- function(transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  duplicate_ids <- 
+    transects %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(tmp_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(tmp_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::count() %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(n > 1)
+  # FALSE if there are ANY rows in the duplicate_ids dataframe above 
+  # (i.e. a count of greater than 1 for any tmp_id (<crosswalk_id>_cs_id))
+  has_unique_ids <- !(nrow(duplicate_ids) > 0)
+  return(
+    has_unique_ids
+  )
+validate_transects_cs_measure <- function(transects) {
+  min_cs_measure <-
+    transects %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(cs_measure) %>% 
+    min()
+  max_cs_measure <-
+    transects %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(cs_measure) %>% 
+    max()
+  # cs_measure should always be:
+  # greater than or equal to 0 AND 
+  # less than or equal to 100 as its a percentage along a flowline
+  has_valid_cs_measure <- min_cs_measure >= 0 & max_cs_measure <= 100
+  return(
+    has_valid_cs_measure
+  )
+validate_transects_has_complete_geometries <- function(transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  has_empty_geoms <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    sf::st_is_empty() %>% 
+    any()
+  return(
+    !has_empty_geoms
+  )
+validate_transects_has_crs <- function(transects) {
+  missing_crs <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    sf::st_crs() %>% 
+  return(
+    !missing_crs
+  )
+validate_transects <- function(transects, 
+                               crosswalk_id = NULL
+                               ) {
+  # # standardize geometry name
+  # transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+  REQUIRED_COLS <- c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id", "cs_source", "cs_measure", "cs_lengthm", "geometry")
+  # validate dataframe has all correct columns  
+  has_all_valid_cols         <- hydrofabric3D:::validate_df(
+                                          x = transects, 
+                                          cols = REQUIRED_COLS,
+                                          obj_name = "transects"
+                                          )  
+  # Validate every flowline (id) has a cs_id of 1:number of transects
+  has_valid_cs_ids           <- validate_transects_cs_id_enumeration(transects, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # Validate there are no self intersections
+  has_no_self_intersections  <- validate_transects_self_intersections(transects)
+  # validate the cs_lengthm column equals the actual transect geometry length
+  has_correct_lengths        <- validate_transects_cs_length(transects, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # validate no duplicate id / cs_id combos
+  has_unique_ids             <- validate_transects_unique_ids(transects, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # validate cs measure is never greater than 100 (i think)
+  has_valid_cs_measure       <- validate_transects_cs_measure(transects)
+  # make sure transects have no empty geometries 
+  has_complete_geoemetries   <- validate_transects_has_complete_geometries(transects)
+  # make sure transects have a CRS
+  has_crs                    <- validate_transects_has_crs(transects)
+  # if everything is TRUE, return true, otherwise return FALSE (or throw an error...?)
+  is_validated_transects <- all(
+                              c(
+                                has_all_valid_cols,
+                                has_valid_cs_ids,
+                                has_no_self_intersections,
+                                has_correct_lengths,
+                                has_unique_ids,
+                                has_valid_cs_measure,
+                                has_complete_geoemetries,
+                                has_crs
+                              )
+                            )
+  return(is_validated_transects)
+# all ids in transects are in flowlines
+validate_transects_ids_in_flowlines <- function(transects, flowlines, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # flowlines <- flines
+  transect_ids <- 
+    transects %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
+    unique()
+  flowline_ids <-
+    flowlines %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id)) %>% 
+    unique()
+  all_transect_ids_in_flowline_ids <- all(transect_ids %in% flowline_ids)
+  return(
+    all_transect_ids_in_flowline_ids
+  )
+# make sure no transect crosses more than a single flowline, a single time
+validate_transects_flowline_intersections <- function(transects, flowlines) {
+  # flowlines <- flines
+  return (
+    nrow(transects) == nrow(hydrofabric3D:::rm_multiflowline_intersections(transects, flowlines)) 
+    )
+# validate 2 SF objects have the same CRS
+validate_same_crs <- function(x, y) {
+  return (
+    sf::st_crs(x) == sf::st_crs(y)
+  )
+validate_transects_against_flowlines <- function(transects, 
+                                                 flowlines,  
+                                                 crosswalk_id = NULL
+                                                ) {
+  # # standardize geometry name
+  # transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+  REQUIRED_COLS <- c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id", "cs_source", "cs_measure", "cs_lengthm", "geometry")
+  # validate dataframe has all correct columns  
+  has_all_valid_cols         <- hydrofabric3D:::validate_df(
+                                                x = transects, 
+                                                cols = REQUIRED_COLS,
+                                                obj_name = "transects"
+                                              )  
+  # all ids in transects are in flowlines
+  all_transect_ids_in_flowline_ids  <- validate_transects_ids_in_flowlines(transects, flowlines, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # transects only intersects a single flowline, a single time
+  has_valid_flowline_intersects     <- validate_transects_flowline_intersections(transects, flowlines)
+  # transects and flowlines have the same CRS
+  has_same_crs                      <- validate_same_crs(transects, flowlines)
+  # if everything is TRUE, return true, otherwise return FALSE (or throw an error...?)
+  is_flowline_validated_transects <- all(
+                                        c(
+                                          has_all_valid_cols,
+                                          all_transect_ids_in_flowline_ids,
+                                          has_valid_flowline_intersects,
+                                          has_same_crs
+                                        )
+                                      )
+  return(is_flowline_validated_transects)
+# validate_transects_against_cs_pts <- function(
+#                                           transects, 
+#                                           cs_pts,  
+#                                           crosswalk_id = NULL
+#                                           ) {
+#   # # standardize geometry name
+#   # transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+#   REQUIRED_COLS <- c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id", "cs_source", "cs_measure", "cs_lengthm", "geometry")
+#   # validate dataframe has all correct columns  
+#   has_all_valid_cols         <- hydrofabric3D:::validate_df(
+#     x = transects, 
+#     cols = REQUIRED_COLS,
+#     obj_name = "transects"
+#   )  
+# }
+validate_cs_pts_cs_id_enumeration <- function(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # reenumerate the cs_ids for each transect based on cs_measure sorting, and make sure all cross sections are correctly numbered
+  mismatches <-
+    cs_pts %>%
+    # dplyr::slice(1:150) %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id)))) %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(cs_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(cs_id != new_cs_id)
+  # FALSE if there are any transects with different cs_ids to the newly created cs_id 
+  # Otherwise TRUE
+  has_valid_cs_ids <- !(nrow(mismatches) > 0)
+  return(
+    has_valid_cs_ids
+  )
+validate_cs_pts_pt_id_enumeration <- function(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # reenumerate the pt_ids to make sure the pt_ids are valid values of 1:number of points in cross section
+  mismatches <-
+    cs_pts %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id, pt_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(pt_id, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      new_pt_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::filter(pt_id != new_pt_id)
+  # FALSE if there are any cs_pts with  pt_ids different from the newly created new_pt_id 
+  # Otherwise TRUE
+  has_valid_pt_ids <- !(nrow(mismatches) > 0)
+  return(
+    has_valid_pt_ids
+  )
+validate_cs_pts_relative_distance <- function(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # make sure relative distance is greater than or equal to 0
+  min_relative_distance <-
+    cs_pts %>%
+    # dplyr::slice(1:50) %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::pull(relative_distance) %>% 
+    min()
+  # reenumerate the pt_ids to make sure the pt_ids are valid values of 1:number of points in cross section
+  rel_dist_check <-
+    cs_pts %>%
+    # dplyr::slice(1:50) %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id, pt_id, relative_distance, cs_lengthm) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      cs_lengthm = max(cs_lengthm),
+      # min_rel_dist = min(relative_distance),
+      max_rel_dist = max(relative_distance)
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+        # TODO: as long as the lengths are within 1 meter, thats equal
+        is_valid_relative_dist = abs(cs_lengthm - max_rel_dist) <= 1
+        # approx_equal_lengths = all.equal(cs_lengthm, cs_pts_lengthm, tolerance = 0.01)
+      ) 
+    # dplyr::filter(max_rel_dist > cs_lengthm)
+  # relative distance is always greater than or equal to 0 and less than the cross sections length
+  has_valid_relative_dist_min        <- min_relative_distance >= 0
+  has_valid_relative_dist_maximums   <- all(rel_dist_check$is_valid_relative_dist)
+  return(
+    has_valid_relative_dist_min && has_valid_relative_dist_maximums
+  )
+validate_cs_pts_point_types <- function(cs_pts) {
+  # make sure only "left_bank", "right_bank", "channel", and "bottom" values exist in cs_pts point_type column
+  valid_point_types  <- c("left_bank", "right_bank", "channel", "bottom")
+  # unique point types in cs_pts
+  unique_point_types <- unique(cs_pts$point_type)
+  has_only_valid_point_types <- all(unique_point_types %in% valid_point_types)
+  return(
+    has_only_valid_point_types
+  )
+validate_cs_pts <- function(
+    cs_pts,  
+    crosswalk_id = NULL
+) {
+  # # standardize geometry name
+  # transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+  REQUIRED_COLS <- c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id", "pt_id", 
+                     "relative_distance", "cs_lengthm", "X", "Y", "Z", "Z_source",
+                     "class", "point_type", "valid_banks", "has_relief"
+  )
+  # validate dataframe has all correct columns  
+  has_all_valid_cols         <- hydrofabric3D:::validate_df(
+    x = cs_pts, 
+    cols = REQUIRED_COLS,
+    obj_name = "cs_pts"
+  )  
+  # make sure valid cs_ids
+  has_valid_cs_pts_cs_ids       <- validate_cs_pts_cs_id_enumeration(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # make sure valid pt_ids
+  has_valid_cs_pts_pt_ids       <- validate_cs_pts_pt_id_enumeration(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # check cs_pts have only valid relative_distance values
+  has_valid_relative_distances  <- validate_cs_pts_relative_distance(cs_pts, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  has_valid_point_types         <- validate_cs_pts_point_types(cs_pts)
+  # if everything is TRUE, return true, otherwise return FALSE (or throw an error...?)
+  is_validated_cs_pts <- all(
+    c(
+      has_all_valid_cols,
+      has_valid_cs_pts_cs_ids,
+      has_valid_cs_pts_pt_ids,
+      has_valid_relative_distances,
+      has_valid_point_types
+    )
+  )
+  return(is_validated_cs_pts)
+# validate all cs_pts id/cs_ids are in the transects
+validate_cs_pt_ids_in_transects <- function(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  # flowlines <- flines
+  cs_pts_ids <-
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(x = crosswalk_id)
+  transect_ids <-
+    transects %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids(x = crosswalk_id)
+  all_cs_pts_ids_in_transects <- all(cs_pts_ids %in% transect_ids)
+  all_transect_ids_in_cs_pts  <- all(transect_ids %in% cs_pts_ids)
+  same_number_of_ids          <- length(cs_pts_ids) == length(transect_ids)  
+  is_valid_cs_pts_ids <- all(
+    c(
+      all_cs_pts_ids_in_transects,
+      all_transect_ids_in_cs_pts,
+      same_number_of_ids
+    )
+  )
+  return(
+    is_valid_cs_pts_ids
+  )
+validate_cs_pts_length_against_transects <- function(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = NULL) {
+  cs_pt_lengths <-
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id, cs_lengthm) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::rename(
+      cs_pts_lengthm = cs_lengthm
+    )
+  transect_lengths <-
+    transects %>% 
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), cs_id, cs_lengthm) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup()
+  lengths_check <- 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      transect_lengths,
+      cs_pt_lengths,
+      by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      # TODO: as long as the lengths are within 1 meter, thats equal
+      approx_equal_lengths = abs(cs_lengthm - cs_pts_lengthm) <= 1
+      # approx_equal_lengths = all.equal(cs_lengthm, cs_pts_lengthm, tolerance = 0.01)
+    ) 
+  all_lengths_are_equal <- all(lengths_check$approx_equal_lengths)
+  return(
+    all_lengths_are_equal
+  )
+validate_cs_pts_against_transects <- function(
+    cs_pts,  
+    transects, 
+    crosswalk_id = NULL
+) {
+  # # standardize geometry name
+  # transects <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(transects, "geometry")
+  # make sure all id/cs_id combos are in both transects and cs_pts
+  has_valid_cs_pts_ids  <- validate_cs_pt_ids_in_transects(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # make sure cs_lengthm matches from transects to cs_pts
+  has_matching_lengths  <- validate_cs_pts_length_against_transects(cs_pts, transects, crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+  # if everything is TRUE, return true, otherwise return FALSE (or throw an error...?)
+  is_transect_validated_cs_pts <- all(
+    c(
+      has_valid_cs_pts_ids,
+      has_matching_lengths
+    )
+  )
+  return(is_transect_validated_cs_pts)
+# og_transects   <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIR, "/cs-point-extension-transects.gpkg"))
+# new_transects  <- sf::read_sf(paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/transects.gpkg"))
+# new_transects %>% 
+#   dplyr::arrange(cs_lengthm) %>% 
+#   dplyr::slice(1:1000) %>% 
+#   mapview::mapview()
+# hydrofabric3D:::rm_self_intersections(new_transects)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+og_trans <- sf::read_sf( "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/domain_with_fema/transects/pre_extension_transects.gpkg")
+transects <-  sf::read_sf(output_files[[4]])
+transects2 <- hydrofabric3D:::rm_self_intersections(transects)
+old_ids <- transects %>% hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids("id")
+new_ids <- transects2 %>% hydrofabric3D::get_unique_tmp_ids("id")
+diff_tmp_ids <- old_ids[!old_ids %in% new_ids]
+strsplit(diff_ids, "_")
+diff_ids <- lapply(diff_tmp_ids, function(i) {
+  strsplit(i, "_")[[1]][1]
+}) %>% unlist()
+diff_trans <- 
+  transects %>% 
+  # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "id") %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(id %in% diff_ids)
+  # sf::st_buffer(50) %>% 
+  # sf::st_bbox() %>% 
+  # sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
+  # sf::st_sf()
+og_diff_trans <- 
+  og_trans %>% 
+  # hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "id") %>% 
+  dplyr::filter(id %in% diff_ids)
+mapview::mapview(diff_trans, color = "green") +
+  mapview::mapview(og_diff_trans, color = "red")
+old_trans <- transects[lengths(sf::st_intersects(transects, diff_bb)) > 0, ]
+# final_cross_sections %>% 
+#   dplyr::filter(id == "wb-1000") %>% 
+#   dplyr::rename(hy_id = id) %>% 
+#   hydrofabric3D::plot_cs_pts(color = "point_type")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Write final cross section points data ----
+# ---- Diffusive Domain DEM + FEMA + ML 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CROSS_SECTIONS_ML_OUTPUT_PATH <- paste0(DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIR, "/cross-sections.parquet")
+message(round(Sys.time()), " - Saving Diffusive DEM + FEMA + ML augmented cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", CROSS_SECTIONS_ML_OUTPUT_PATH, "'")
+# transects <- 
+# sum($id))
+# sum($cs_id))
+# sum($pt_id))
+# sum($X))
+# save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (domain/outputs/cross-sections.parquet)
+  # dplyr::select(final_cs, 
+  #               -is_dem_point
+  # ), 
+  cross_sections,
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
deleted file mode 100644
index b23b438..0000000
--- a/runners/cs_runner/download_fema100.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Running this script goes and pulls the desired FEMA100 flood fgb datasets from the lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket then saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
-# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
-# NOTE: The lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket is private at the moment
-# load config variables
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Create FEMA100/ directory and bounding box dir (if it does NOT exist) ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0("FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_FGB_PATH)
-# create geojsons directory (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)
-# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)
-# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
-# create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, "'"))
-# create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)
-# create exploded geojsons directory (if not exists)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)
-# create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Get list of FEMA FGB files in S3 bucket ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
-fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
-            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
-            S3_BUCKET="', FEMA_S3_DIR, '" 
-            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
-            PATTERN=".fgb$"
-            # AWS CLI command to list objects in the S3 bucket and use grep to filter them
-            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" --profile ', AWS_PROFILE, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
-            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Get the S3 buckets object keys for FEMA 100 FGB files ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
-FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
-# create bucket object URIs
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Download FEMA 100 year FGB files from S3 ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
-for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
-  local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
-  if(!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
-    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)
-    message("S3 object:\n > '", FEMA_S3_BUCKET, FEMA_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX, key, "'")
-    message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
-    # message("Copy command:\n > '", copy_cmd, "'")
-    system(copy_cmd)
-    message(" > '", key, "' download complete!")
-    message("----------------------------------")
-  } else {
-    message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
-  }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
index 4d2f223..9dda641 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/new_domain.R
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ source("runners/cs_runner/utils.R")
 # install.packages("devtools")
 # # transect bucket prefix
-# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(S3_BUCKET_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
 # paths to NEW DOMAIN datasets 
 # NEW_DOMAIN_FILES    <- list.files(NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/test_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/test_cs_pts.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7031bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/test_cs_pts.R
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# # load libraries
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+NEXTGEN_FILES  <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+transect_files <- list.files(TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+transect_files <- transect_files[!grepl("updated_", transect_files)]
+REF_FEATURES   <- list.files(REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+# reference features dataframe
+ref_df <- data.frame(
+  vpu      = sapply(strsplit(REF_FEATURES, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
+  ref_file = REF_FEATURES
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
+  y    = transect_files,
+  base = BASE_DIR
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    ref_df,
+    by = "vpu"
+  )
+# loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
+# then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
+# Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
+# output_path <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/test_out/")
+for (i in 20:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
+  start <- Sys.time()
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  transect_path <- paste0(TRANSECTS_DIR, transect_file)
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
+  ref_path <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+  # current VPU being processed
+  VPU   <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  start <- Sys.time()
+  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
+          " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+          "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
+          "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
+          "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
+  )
+  ################### 
+  message("Reading in transects...\n > ", transect_file)
+  # read in transects data
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  message("Reading in flowlines... \n > ", nextgen_file)
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  message("Reading in waterbodies... \n > ", ref_file)
+  # read in waterbodies reference features layer
+  waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
+  # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+  feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+  # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
+  flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
+  transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
+  rm(waterbodies)
+  gc()
+  start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ------ TESTING DATA -------
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  #   flines <-
+  #     flines %>%
+  #     dplyr::slice(1:3500)
+  # 
+  # transects <-
+  #   transects %>%
+  #   dplyr::filter(hy_id %in% flines$id)
+  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  message("Extracting cross section points (", start_cs_pts, ")")
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 1: Extract cs points from DEM ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
+  # tmp <- transects[1:10,]
+  # 
+  # get cross section point elevations
+  cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts(
+    cs             = transects,
+    crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
+    points_per_cs  = NULL,
+    min_pts_per_cs = 10,
+    dem            = DEM_PATH
+  )
+  # })
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(flines, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_flines_11_2.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(transects, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_transects_11_2.gpkg")
+  # cs_pts %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+  #   dplyr::ungroup()
+  # 
+  # cs_pts %>% 
+  #   hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id")
+  # system.time({
+  # STEP 2: Remove any cross section that has ANY missing (NA) Z values, and classify the points 
+  cs_pts <- 
+    # cs_pts2 <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    # dplyr::group_by(hy_id, cs_id) %>% 
+    # dplyr::filter(!any( %>% 
+    # dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::drop_incomplete_cs_pts("hy_id") %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+      crosswalk_id             = "hy_id", 
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+    )  
+  # })
+  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id  
+  # ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts2)$tmp_id
+  # output_path <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/test_out/")
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # classify the cross section points
+  # fixed_pts <-
+  cs_pts <- 
+    cs_pts %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D:::pts_to_XY() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
+      cs_lengthm,
+      relative_distance,
+      X, Y, Z,
+      class, point_type,
+      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+                    class, point_type, 
+                    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+  ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+  cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = cs_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+  cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    cs_pts                    = cs_pts, 
+    crosswalk_id              = "hy_id",
+    pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )
+  ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id
+  # if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+  #   message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+  # } else {
+  #   message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+  # }
+  # 
+  if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  }
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts2)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts4)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
+  ############################################################################## 
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
+  out_file <- paste0("nextgen_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
+  out_path <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/test_out/", out_file)
+  message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
+  # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
+  arrow::write_parquet(cs_pts, out_path)
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
+  end <- Sys.time()
+  message("Finished cross section point generation for VPU ", VPU)
+  message("- Completed at: ", end)
+  message("==========================")
+  rm(cs_pts)
+  gc()
+  gc()
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/test_fix_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner/test_fix_cs_pts.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbfaae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/test_fix_cs_pts.R
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# Generate the flowlines layer for the final cross_sections_<VPU>.gpkg for each VPU
+# # load libraries
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+NEXTGEN_FILES  <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+# paths to nextgen datasets
+transect_files <- list.files(TRANSECTS_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+transect_files <- transect_files[!grepl("updated_", transect_files)]
+REF_FEATURES   <- list.files(REF_FEATURES_GPKG_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+START_CS_PTS_DIR <-  '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/test_out'
+start_cs_pts_paths     <- list.files(START_CS_PTS_DIR, full.names = T)
+END_CS_PTS_DIR <-  '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial/test_fix_out'
+# reference features dataframe
+ref_df <- data.frame(
+  vpu      = sapply(strsplit(REF_FEATURES, "_", fixed = TRUE), function(i) { i[1] }), 
+  ref_file = REF_FEATURES
+# ensure the files are in the same order and matched up by VPU
+path_df <- align_files_by_vpu(
+  x    = NEXTGEN_FILES,
+  y    = transect_files,
+  base = BASE_DIR
+) %>% 
+  dplyr::left_join(
+    ref_df,
+    by = "vpu"
+  )
+path_df$cs_pts_path <- start_cs_pts_paths
+# path_df
+# loop over the nextgen and transect datasets (by VPU) and extract point elevations across points on each transect line,
+# then classify the points, and create a parquet file with hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, X, Y, Z data.
+# Save parquet locally and upload to specified S3 bucket
+# output_path <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/test_out/")
+for (i in 15:nrow(path_df)) {
+  # i = 8
+  start <- Sys.time()
+  start_cs_pts_path <- path_df$cs_pts_path[i]
+  # nextgen file and full path
+  nextgen_file <- path_df$x[i]
+  nextgen_path <- paste0(NEXTGEN_DIR, nextgen_file)
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  transect_file <- path_df$y[i]
+  transect_path <- paste0(TRANSECTS_DIR, transect_file)
+  # model attributes file and full path
+  ref_file <- path_df$ref_file[i]
+  ref_path <- paste0(REF_FEATURES_DIR, "gpkg/", ref_file)
+  # current VPU being processed
+  VPU   <- path_df$vpu[i]
+  start <- Sys.time()
+  message("Creating VPU ", VPU, 
+          " cross section points:\n - flowpaths: '", nextgen_file,
+          "'\n - start cs pts: '", basename(start_cs_pts_path), "'", 
+          "'\n - transects: '", transect_file, "'", 
+          "\n - waterbodies: '", ref_file, "'",
+          "'\n - start time: '", start, "'"
+  )
+  ################### 
+  message("Reading in starting CS points...\n > ", basename(start_cs_pts_path))
+  cs_pts <- arrow::read_parquet(start_cs_pts_path)
+  message("Reading in transects...\n > ", transect_file)
+  # read in transects data
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(transect_path)
+  message("Reading in flowlines... \n > ", nextgen_file)
+  # read in nextgen data
+  flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  message("Reading in waterbodies... \n > ", ref_file)
+  # read in waterbodies reference features layer
+  waterbodies <- sf::read_sf(ref_path, layer = "waterbodies")
+  # Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+  feature_subsets <- wb_intersects(flines, transects, waterbodies)
+  # replace flowlines and transects objects with updated versions in "updated_features"
+  flines    <- flines[feature_subsets$valid_flowlines, ]
+  transects <- transects[feature_subsets$valid_transects, ]
+  rm(waterbodies)
+  gc()
+  start_cs_pts <- Sys.time()
+  flines <- dplyr::rename(flines, hy_id = id)
+  # test_ids <- 
+  #   flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::slice(1:100) %>% 
+  #   .$hy_id %>% 
+  #   unique()
+  # flines <-
+  #   flines %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(
+  #     hy_id %in% test_ids
+  #   )
+  # transects <-
+  #   transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(
+  #     hy_id %in% test_ids
+  #   )
+  # cs_pts <-
+  #   cs_pts %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(
+  #     hy_id %in% test_ids
+  #   )
+  ids_original_cs_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(cs_pts)$tmp_id 
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # ------ TESTING DATA -------
+  # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # system.time({
+    fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::get_improved_cs_pts(
+      cs_pts         = cs_pts,    # cross section points generated from hydrofabric3D::cross_section_pts()
+      net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      # net            = flines,    # original flowline network
+      transects      = transects, # original transect lines
+      crosswalk_id   = "hy_id",
+      points_per_cs  = NULL, 
+      min_pts_per_cs = 10, # number of points per cross sections
+      dem            = DEM_PATH, # DEM to extract points from
+      scale          = EXTENSION_PCT, # How far to extend transects if the points need to be rechecked
+      pct_of_length_for_relief = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF, # percent of cross sections length to be needed in relief calculation to consider cross section to "have relief"
+      fix_ids = FALSE,
+      verbose = TRUE
+    )
+  # })
+  # fixed_pts 
+  # fixed_pts %>%
+  #   # cs_pts %>% 
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
+  #   # dplyr::left_join(
+  #   #   stream_order,
+  #   #   by = "hy_id"
+  #   # ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of("hy_id"), cs_id, 
+  #                 # vpu, order,
+  #                 valid_banks, has_relief) %>%
+  #   dplyr::group_by(
+  #     dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("hy_id", "cs_id")))
+  #   ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::slice(1) %>%
+  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+  #   # dplyr::group_by(
+  #   #   dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("vpu", "order")))
+  #   # ) %>%
+  #   dplyr::count(valid_banks, has_relief)
+  # transects %>% 
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(id, cs_id)
+  # fixed_pts2$is_extended %>% sum()
+  ids_after_fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # classify the cross section points
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>% 
+    # dplyr::mutate(
+    #   X = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+    #   Y = sf::st_coordinates(.)[,2]
+    # ) %>%
+    sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(
+      hy_id, cs_id, pt_id,
+      cs_lengthm,
+      relative_distance,
+      X, Y, Z,
+      class, point_type,
+      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief # newly added columns (03/06/2024)
+    )
+  # # Drop point geometries, leaving just X, Y, Z values
+  # fixed_pts <- sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_pts)
+  # add Z_source column for source of elevation data
+  fixed_pts <-
+    fixed_pts %>%
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      Z_source = CS_SOURCE
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::relocate(hy_id, cs_id, pt_id, cs_lengthm, relative_distance, X, Y, Z, Z_source, 
+                    class, point_type, 
+                    bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief)
+  ids_before_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Aligning banks and smoothing bottoms...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  # fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::align_banks_and_bottoms(cs_pts = fixed_pts, crosswalk_id = "hy_id")
+  ids_after_align <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  message("Reclassifying cross section points...")
+  fixed_pts <- hydrofabric3D::classify_points(
+    cs_pts                    = fixed_pts, 
+    crosswalk_id              = "hy_id",
+    pct_of_length_for_relief  = PCT_LENGTH_OF_CROSS_SECTION_FOR_RELIEF
+  )
+  ids_after_reclassify <- hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id
+  if(all(ids_original_cs_pts %in% ids_after_fixed_pts)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction were found in the FIXED points")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids in ORIGINAL DEM point extraction compared to the FIXED points")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_before_align %in% ids_after_align)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after bank alignment and bottom smoothing")
+  }
+  if(all(ids_after_align %in% ids_after_reclassify)) {
+    message("All hy_id/cs_ids are kept in tact after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  } else {
+    message(" >>> Missing hy_id/cs_ids after RECLASSIFICATION")
+  }
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts2)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
+  # all(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts4)$tmp_id %in% hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts)$tmp_id)
+  ############################################################################## 
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Upload the cross section points parquet to S3 ----
+  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # # name of file and path to save transects gpkg too
+  out_file <- paste0("nextgen_fixed_", path_df$vpu[i], "_cross_sections.parquet")
+  out_path <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/test_fix_out/", out_file)
+  message("Saving cross section points to:\n - filepath: '", out_path, "'")
+  # save cross section points as a parquet to out_path (lynker-spatial/02_cs_pts/cs_pts_<VPU num>.parquet)
+  arrow::write_parquet(fixed_pts, out_path)
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts2, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11.gpkg")
+  # sf::write_sf(cs_pts, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/test_improve_cs_pts_classified_11_2.gpkg")
+  end <- Sys.time()
+  message("Finished cross section point generation for VPU ", VPU)
+  message("- Completed at: ", end)
+  message("==========================")
+  rm(cs_pts, fixed_pts)
+  gc()
+  gc()
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index e52352b..ef43e18 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -1,47 +1,160 @@
 # Create an empty file structure 
 # base_dir: character, top level directory path
-# domain_dirname: character, name of the intended new domain directory, if folder exists, then the required subdirectories are created (if they DO NOT exist)
 # Directory tree:
 # base_dir/
-#   └── domain_dirname/
-#     ├── flowlines/
+#   └── lynker-spatial/
+#     ├── hydrofabric/
 #     ├── dem/
-#     ├── transects/
-#     ├── cross_sections/
-#     └── cs_pts/
-create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+#         ├── vrt/
+#         ├── tif/
+#     ├── cs-extension-polygons/
+create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
   # build paths
-  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
-  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
-  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
-  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
-  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
-  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
-  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
-  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  hydrofabric_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/hydrofabric")
-  if(with_output) {
-    output_dir       <- paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs")
+  # DEM dirs
+  dem_dir                    <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
+  dem_vrt_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "vrt")
+  dem_tif_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "tif")
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  cs_extension_polygons_dir     <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
+  # FEMA data 
+  fema_dir                      <- file.path(base_dir, "fema")
+  fema_fgb_dir     <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-fgb")
+  fema_geojson_dir <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-geojson")
+  fema_clean_dir   <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-clean")
+  fema_gpkg_dir    <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-gpkg")
+  # BY VPU folders 
+  VPU_IDS               <- get_vpu_ids()
+  fema_by_vpu_dir       <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-by-vpu")
+  fema_by_vpu_subdirs   <- paste0(fema_by_vpu_dir, "/vpu-", VPU_IDS)
+  # create base directories
+  create_if_not_exists(base_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(hydrofabric_dir)
+  # DEM dirs
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_vrt_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_tif_dir)
+  # extension polygons
+  create_if_not_exists(cs_extension_polygons_dir)
+  # Create FEMA folders
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_fgb_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_geojson_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_clean_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_gpkg_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_by_vpu_dir)
+  for (path in fema_by_vpu_subdirs) {
+    create_if_not_exists(path)
-  create_if_not_exists <- function(dir_path) {
-    if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) {
-      dir.create(dir_path, recursive = TRUE)
-      message("Created directory: '", dir_path, "'\n")
-    }
+get_vpu_ids <- function() {
+  VPU_IDS              <- c('01', '02', '03N', '03S', '03W', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', 
+                            '10L', '10U', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '20', '21')
+  # VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+  return(VPU_IDS)
+# # Base directory for local file storage
+# BASE_DIR    <- '/Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial'
+# base_dir <- BASE_DIR
+# # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
+# FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_fgb")
+# FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_geojson")
+# FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_clean")
+# FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_gpkg")
+# FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "FEMA_BY_VPU")
+# VPU_IDS              <- c('01', '02', '03N', '03S', '03W', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', 
+#                           '10L', '10U', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '20', '21')
+# # VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+# paste0("'", sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID, "'", collapse = ", ")
+# Create an empty file structure for a new version within a specified base_dir
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── lynker-spatial/
+#     ├── hydrofabric/
+    #     ├── version_number/
+    #         ├── network/
+    #         ├── transects/
+    #         ├── cross-sections/
+          #         ├── dem/
+          #         ├── dem-ml/
+          #         ├── dem-coastal-bathy/
+          #         ├── dem-points/
+create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # version = "v3.0"
+  # base_dir <- BASE_DIR
+  # build paths
+  hydrofabric_dir   <- paste0(base_dir, "/hydrofabric")
+  version_base_dir  <- paste0(hydrofabric_dir, "/", version)
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  ml_dir                     <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/ml")
+  # reference features 
+  ref_features_dir           <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/reference-features")
+  # conus network gpkg
+  network_dir                <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/network")
+  # transects
+  transects_dir              <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  # cross sections dirs
+  cross_sections_dir                 <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/cross-sections")
+  cross_sections_dem_dir             <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem")
+  cross_sections_ml_dir              <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-ml")
+  cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-coastal-bathy")
+  cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-points")
+  if(with_output) {
+    output_dir       <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/outputs")
-  # create directories
-  create_if_not_exists(domain_dir)
-  create_if_not_exists(flowlines_dir)
-  create_if_not_exists(domain_subset_dir)
-  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  # create version BASE dir
+  create_if_not_exists(version_base_dir)
+  # CONUS dir
+  create_if_not_exists(network_dir)
+  # ML data
+  create_if_not_exists(ml_dir)
+  # reference features data
+  create_if_not_exists(ref_features_dir)
+  # transects
+  # CS pts
-  create_if_not_exists(cs_pts_dir)
-  create_if_not_exists(vpu_subsets_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_ml_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dem_pts_dir)
   if(with_output) {
@@ -49,39 +162,101 @@ create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE
-# get path strings for a domain dir (based of a base dir and domain dirname)
-# NOTE: this does NOT guarentee that these folders exist, 
-# NOTE: it just gets the paths if they were created by create_new_domain_dirs() 
-get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+create_if_not_exists <- function(dir_path) {
+  if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) {
+    dir.create(dir_path, recursive = TRUE)
+    message("Created directory: '", dir_path, "'\n")
+  }
+# get a list of top level directories for main directory
+get_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir) {
+  # base_dir = BASE_DIR
+  # version = "v3.0"
-  # build paths
-  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
-  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
-  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
-  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
-  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
-  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
-  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
-  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
-  output_dir         <- ifelse(with_output, paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs"), NA)
+  hydrofabric_dir  <- file.path(base_dir, "hydrofabric")
+  dem_dir          <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
+  dem_vrt_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "vrt")
+  dem_tif_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "tif")
+  cs_extension_polygons_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
+  # FEMA data 
+  fema_dir         <- file.path(base_dir, "fema")
+  fema_fgb_dir     <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-fgb")
+  fema_geojson_dir <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-geojson")
+  fema_clean_dir   <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-clean")
+  fema_gpkg_dir    <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-gpkg")
+  # BY VPU folders 
+  VPU_IDS               <- get_vpu_ids()
+  fema_by_vpu_dir       <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-by-vpu")
+  fema_by_vpu_subdirs   <- paste0(fema_by_vpu_dir, "/vpu-", VPU_IDS)
+  return(
+      list(
+      hydrofabric_dir = hydrofabric_dir,
+      dem_dir = dem_dir,
+      dem_vrt_dir = dem_vrt_dir, 
+      dem_tif_dir = dem_tif_dir,
+      cs_extension_polygons_dir = cs_extension_polygons_dir,
+      fema_dir = fema_dir,
+      fema_fgb_dir = fema_fgb_dir,
+      fema_geojson_dir = fema_geojson_dir,
+      fema_clean_dir = fema_clean_dir,
+      fema_gpkg_dir = fema_gpkg_dir,
+      fema_by_vpu_dir = fema_by_vpu_dir,
+      fema_by_vpu_subdirs = fema_by_vpu_subdirs
+    )
+  )
+# get list of a specific directories in a version directory
+get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
+  # base_dir = BASE_DIR
+  # version = "v3.0"
+  hydrofabric_dir   <- file.path(base_dir, "hydrofabric")
+  version_base_dir  <- file.path(hydrofabric_dir, version)
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  ml_dir                     <- file.path(version_base_dir, "ml")
+  # reference features 
+  ref_features_dir           <- file.path(version_base_dir, "reference-features")
+  # conus network gpkg
+  network_dir                <- file.path(version_base_dir, "network")
+  # transects
+  transects_dir              <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  # cross sections dirs
+  cross_sections_dir                 <- file.path(version_base_dir, "cross-sections")
+  cross_sections_dem_dir             <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem")
+  cross_sections_ml_dir              <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-ml")
+  cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-coastal-bathy")
+  cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-points")
-  # named list of file paths
-      base_dir           = base_dir, 
-      domain_dir         = domain_dir,
-      flowlines_dir      = flowlines_dir,
-      domain_subset_dir  = domain_subset_dir,
-      dem_dir            = dem_dir,
+      hydrofabric_dir    = hydrofabric_dir,
+      version_base_dir   = version_base_dir,
+      ref_features_dir   = ref_features_dir, 
+      network_dir        = network_dir,
+      ml_dir = ml_dir,
       transects_dir      = transects_dir,
       cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
-      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir,
-      vpu_subsets_dir    = vpu_subsets_dir,
-      output_dir         = output_dir
+      cross_sections_dem_dir     = cross_sections_dem_dir,
+      cross_sections_dem_pts_dir = cross_sections_dem_pts_dir,
+      cross_sections_ml_dir      = cross_sections_ml_dir,
+      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir
 list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
@@ -111,6 +286,49 @@ list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
+download_tiles <- function(tile_paths, output_dir) {
+  # output_dir <- DEM_TIF_DIR
+  # tile_paths
+  # error_tiles <- 
+  tif_save_paths       <- paste0(output_dir, "/", basename(tile_paths))
+  error_tiles <- data.frame(
+    tile   = basename(tile_paths),
+    status = TRUE
+  )
+  for (i in seq_along(tile_paths)) {
+    # i = 1
+    tile_path         <- tile_paths[i]
+    tif_save_path     <- tif_save_paths[i]
+    message("[", i, "]", 
+            "\n > Tile: ", basename(tile_path),
+            "\n > Output path: ", tif_save_path
+    )
+    download_tif_cmd    <- paste0("curl -o ", tif_save_path, " ", tile_path)
+    tryCatch({
+      tif_download_output <- system(download_tif_cmd, intern = TRUE)
+      message("   > Succesfully downloaded tile: ", basename(tile_path))
+    }, error = function(e) {
+      message("Error downloading tile: ", basename(tile_path))
+      message("ERROW below: \n  ", e)
+      error_tiles[error_tiles$tile == basename(tile_path), ] <- FALSE
+    })
+  }
+  return(error_tiles)
 # Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
 # make sure they are aligned and in the same order
 # x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
@@ -430,139 +648,1872 @@ add_predicate_group_id <- function(polys, predicate) {
+# TODO: DElete these NEW DOMAIN functions...
+# Create an empty file structure 
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# domain_dirname: character, name of the intended new domain directory, if folder exists, then the required subdirectories are created (if they DO NOT exist)
-# utility function for getting transects extended and 
-# matching cross section points that went through "get_improved_cs_pts()" and that were extended for improvement
-# returns the extended version of the transects 
-match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id) {
-  # transect_lines = transects
-  # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
-  # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
-  fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
-  transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
-  # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
-  point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
-                                                            crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
-  # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
-  message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
-  # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
-  extended_pts <- 
-    fixed_cs_pts %>%
-    dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
-  # extended_pts %>% 
-  #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
-  #   length()
-  # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
-  update_transect_lines <- 
-    transect_lines %>%
-    hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
-    dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
-  cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
-  # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
-  if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
-    message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
-    update_transect_lines <- 
-      update_transect_lines %>% 
-      dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
-    update_transect_lines <- 
-      update_transect_lines %>%
-      # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
-      hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
-        pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
-        length_col = "cs_lengthm"
-      )
-    update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
-    update_transect_lines <- 
-      update_transect_lines %>%  
-      dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
-    # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
-    # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
-    # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
-    # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
-    # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
-    out_transect_lines <-
-      transect_lines %>%
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
-      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-      dplyr::bind_rows(
-        dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
-      )
-    # transect_lines %>% 
-    #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
-    #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
-    #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
-    #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
-    #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
-    #     dplyr::mutate(
-    #       update_transect_lines,
-    #       is_extended = TRUE
-    #     )
-    #   )  
-  } else {
-    # If no transect_lines were extended
-    out_transect_lines <- 
-      transect_lines %>%
-      hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
-      dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
-      # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
-      dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── domain_dirname/
+#     ├── flowlines/
+#     ├── dem/
+#     ├── transects/
+#     ├── cross_sections/
+#     └── cs_pts/
+create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  if(with_output) {
+    output_dir       <- paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs")
-  # Finalize new transect_lines
-  out_transect_lines <- 
-    out_transect_lines %>%
-    dplyr::left_join(
-      point_type_counts, 
-      by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::left_join(
-      dplyr::ungroup(
-        dplyr::slice(
-          dplyr::group_by(
-            dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
-                          dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
-                          cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
-            ),
-            dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
-          ),
-          1
-        )
-      ),
-      by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(
-      dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
-      cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
-      # sinuosity,
-      is_extended,
-      left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
-      bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
-      geometry
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
-    )  
+  # create directories
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(flowlines_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_subset_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cs_pts_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(vpu_subsets_dir)
+  if(with_output) {
+    create_if_not_exists(output_dir)
+  }
-  return(out_transect_lines)
+# get path strings for a domain dir (based of a base dir and domain dirname)
+# NOTE: this does NOT guarentee that these folders exist, 
+# NOTE: it just gets the paths if they were created by create_new_domain_dirs() 
+get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  output_dir         <- ifelse(with_output, paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs"), NA)
+  # named list of file paths
+  return(
+    list(
+      base_dir           = base_dir, 
+      domain_dir         = domain_dir,
+      flowlines_dir      = flowlines_dir,
+      domain_subset_dir  = domain_subset_dir,
+      dem_dir            = dem_dir,
+      transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
+      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir,
+      vpu_subsets_dir    = vpu_subsets_dir,
+      output_dir         = output_dir
+    )
+  )
+download_3dep_vrt <- function(base_dir) {
+  ## Cmd+A/Cmd+C from:
+  ### paste w/ `datapasta::vector_paste_vertical()`
+  ### Some manual cleaning of header and footer mess...
+  ### Reason? Un-scrapable page, and no index.gpkg...
+  t <- c(
+    "0              n06e162/",
+    "0              n06e163/",
+    "0              n07e134/",
+    "0              n07e151/",
+    "0              n07e152/",
+    "0              n07e158/",
+    "0              n08e134/",
+    "0              n08e151/",
+    "0              n08e152/",
+    "0              n08e158/",
+    "0              n09e134/",
+    "0              n10e138/",
+    "0              n14e144/",
+    "0              n15e145/",
+    "0              n16e145/",
+    "0              n18w065/",
+    "0              n18w066/",
+    "0              n18w067/",
+    "0              n18w068/",
+    "0              n19w065/",
+    "0              n19w066/",
+    "0              n19w067/",
+    "0              n19w068/",
+    "0              n19w156/",
+    "0              n20w155/",
+    "0              n20w156/",
+    "0              n20w157/",
+    "0              n21w156/",
+    "0              n21w157/",
+    "0              n21w158/",
+    "0              n22w157/",
+    "0              n22w158/",
+    "0              n22w159/",
+    "0              n22w160/",
+    "0              n22w161/",
+    "0              n23w160/",
+    "0              n23w161/",
+    "0              n25w081/",
+    "0              n25w082/",
+    "0              n25w083/",
+    "0              n26w081/",
+    "0              n26w082/",
+    "0              n26w098/",
+    "0              n26w099/",
+    "0              n27w081/",
+    "0              n27w082/",
+    "0              n27w083/",
+    "0              n27w098/",
+    "0              n27w099/",
+    "0              n27w100/",
+    "0              n28w081/",
+    "0              n28w082/",
+    "0              n28w083/",
+    "0              n28w097/",
+    "0              n28w098/",
+    "0              n28w099/",
+    "0              n28w100/",
+    "0              n28w101/",
+    "0              n29w081/",
+    "0              n29w082/",
+    "0              n29w083/",
+    "0              n29w090/",
+    "0              n29w096/",
+    "0              n29w097/",
+    "0              n29w098/",
+    "0              n29w099/",
+    "0              n29w100/",
+    "0              n29w101/",
+    "0              n29w104/",
+    "0              n30w081/",
+    "0              n30w082/",
+    "0              n30w083/",
+    "0              n30w084/",
+    "0              n30w085/",
+    "0              n30w086/",
+    "0              n30w089/",
+    "0              n30w090/",
+    "0              n30w091/",
+    "0              n30w092/",
+    "0              n30w093/",
+    "0              n30w094/",
+    "0              n30w095/",
+    "0              n30w096/",
+    "0              n30w097/",
+    "0              n30w098/",
+    "0              n30w099/",
+    "0              n30w100/",
+    "0              n30w101/",
+    "0              n30w102/",
+    "0              n30w103/",
+    "0              n30w104/",
+    "0              n30w105/",
+    "0              n31w082/",
+    "0              n31w083/",
+    "0              n31w084/",
+    "0              n31w085/",
+    "0              n31w086/",
+    "0              n31w087/",
+    "0              n31w088/",
+    "0              n31w089/",
+    "0              n31w090/",
+    "0              n31w091/",
+    "0              n31w092/",
+    "0              n31w093/",
+    "0              n31w094/",
+    "0              n31w095/",
+    "0              n31w096/",
+    "0              n31w097/",
+    "0              n31w098/",
+    "0              n31w099/",
+    "0              n31w100/",
+    "0              n31w101/",
+    "0              n31w102/",
+    "0              n31w103/",
+    "0              n31w104/",
+    "0              n31w105/",
+    "0              n31w106/",
+    "0              n31w107/",
+    "0              n32w081/",
+    "0              n32w082/",
+    "0              n32w083/",
+    "0              n32w084/",
+    "0              n32w085/",
+    "0              n32w086/",
+    "0              n32w087/",
+    "0              n32w088/",
+    "0              n32w089/",
+    "0              n32w090/",
+    "0              n32w091/",
+    "0              n32w092/",
+    "0              n32w093/",
+    "0              n32w094/",
+    "0              n32w095/",
+    "0              n32w096/",
+    "0              n32w097/",
+    "0              n32w098/",
+    "0              n32w099/",
+    "0              n32w100/",
+    "0              n32w101/",
+    "0              n32w102/",
+    "0              n32w103/",
+    "0              n32w104/",
+    "0              n32w105/",
+    "0              n32w106/",
+    "0              n32w107/",
+    "0              n32w108/",
+    "0              n32w109/",
+    "0              n32w110/",
+    "0              n32w111/",
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+    "0              n70w165/",
+    "0              n71w143/",
+    "0              n71w144/",
+    "0              n71w145/",
+    "0              n71w146/",
+    "0              n71w147/",
+    "0              n71w148/",
+    "0              n71w149/",
+    "0              n71w150/",
+    "0              n71w151/",
+    "0              n71w152/",
+    "0              n71w153/",
+    "0              n71w154/",
+    "0              n71w155/",
+    "0              n71w156/",
+    "0              n71w157/",
+    "0              n71w158/",
+    "0              n71w159/",
+    "0              n71w160/",
+    "0              n71w161/",
+    "0              n71w162/",
+    "0              n71w163/",
+    "0              n71w164/",
+    "0              n72w155/",
+    "0              n72w156/",
+    "0              n72w157/",
+    "0              n72w158/",
+    "0              s14w170/",
+    "0              s14w171/"
+  )
+  # sub out HTML copy pattern with vsi URL
+  t2 <- gsub("0              ",
+             "/vsicurl/",
+             t)
+  # add file paths following NED scheme
+  t3 <- paste0(t2,
+               "USGS_13_",
+               basename(t2),
+               ".tif")
+  # Write table to data-raw
+  write.table(t3,
+              paste0(base_dir, "/ned_list_USGS_13.txt"),
+              row.names = FALSE,
+              col.names = FALSE,
+              quote = FALSE)
+# dem_base_dir <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/transects_paper/data/dem"
+# download_3dep_vrt(dem_base_dir)
+# # Create meta data object of three NED resoruces
+# ned <- data.frame(rbind(
+#   # c(id        = "USGS_1",
+#   #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#   #   varname   = "30m elevation",
+#   #   long_name = "30m (1 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+#   #   units     = "m"),
+#   # 
+#   # c(id        = "USGS_2",
+#   #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#   #   varname   = "60m elevation",
+#   #   long_name = "60m (2 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset Alaska",
+#   #   units     = "m"),
+#   c(id        = "USGS_13",
+#     URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#     varname   = "10m elevation",
+#     long_name = "10m (1/3th arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+#     units     = "m")
+# ))
+# # Loop over the three resolutions
+# for (i in 1:length(ned)) {
+#   i = 1
+#   # Define output text file path
+#   txt_file  <- paste0(dem_base_dir, "/ned_list_", ned$id[i], "_2.txt")
+#   # Define output VRT path
+#   vrt_file <- paste0(paste0(dem_base_dir, "/ned_", ned$id[i], ".vrt"))
+#   # If VRT does NOT exist, build VRT
+#   if (!file.exists(vrt_file)) {
+#     # read the corresponding index.gpkg
+#     files <- sf::read_sf(ned$domain_url[i])
+#     DEM_UR
+#     DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+#     # Build full HTTPS paths to "./current/"
+#     files <- c(file.path(ned$URL[i], "TIFF/current", gsub("[.]/", "", files$location)))
+#     files <- "/vsicurl/"
+#     # write list of files to text file
+#     write.table(files, txt_file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
+#     # build VRT from text file input using GDAL system call ...
+#     system(paste("gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list", txt_file, vrt_file))
+#   }
+#   logger::log_info("Finished ", ned$id[i], "...")
+# }
+# match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id, extension_pct = 0.5 ) {
+#   # transect_lines = transects
+#   # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
+#   # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+#   fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
+#   transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
+#   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
+#   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
+#                                                             crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+#   # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
+#   message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
+#   # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+#   extended_pts <- 
+#     fixed_cs_pts %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
+#   # extended_pts %>% 
+#   #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
+#   #   length()
+#   # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+#   update_transect_lines <- 
+#     transect_lines %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
+#   # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
+#   if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
+#     message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
+#     # update_transect_lines <- 
+#     #   update_transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
+#     # 
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%
+#       # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
+#       hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+#         crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id,
+#         pct        = extension_pct,
+#         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+#       )
+#     update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
+#     # update_transect_lines <- 
+#     #   update_transect_lines %>%  
+#     #   dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
+#     # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+#     # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+#     # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
+#     out_transect_lines <-
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
+#       )
+#     # transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
+#     #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#     #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+#     #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+#     #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
+#     #     dplyr::mutate(
+#     #       update_transect_lines,
+#     #       is_extended = TRUE
+#     #     )
+#     #   )  
+#   } else {
+#     # If no transect_lines were extended
+#     out_transect_lines <- 
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   }
+#   # Finalize new transect_lines
+#   out_transect_lines <- 
+#     out_transect_lines %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       point_type_counts, 
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       dplyr::ungroup(
+#         dplyr::slice(
+#           dplyr::group_by(
+#             dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
+#                           dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
+#                           cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+#             ),
+#             dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
+#           ),
+#           1
+#         )
+#       ),
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(
+#       dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+#       cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
+#       # sinuosity,
+#       is_extended,
+#       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#       bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+#       geometry
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
+#     )  
+#   return(out_transect_lines)
+# }
+# utility function for getting transects extended and 
+# matching cross section points that went through "get_improved_cs_pts()" and that were extended for improvement
+# returns the extended version of the transects 
+# match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id) {
+#   # transect_lines = transects
+#   # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
+#   # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+#   fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
+#   transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
+#   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
+#   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
+#                                                             crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+#   # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
+#   message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
+#   # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+#   extended_pts <- 
+#     fixed_cs_pts %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
+#   # extended_pts %>% 
+#   #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
+#   #   length()
+#   # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+#   update_transect_lines <- 
+#     transect_lines %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
+#   # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
+#   if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
+#     message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>% 
+#       dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%
+#       # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
+#       hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+#         pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+#         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+#       )
+#     update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%  
+#       dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
+#     # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+#     # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+#     # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
+#     out_transect_lines <-
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
+#       )
+#     # transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
+#     #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#     #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+#     #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+#     #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
+#     #     dplyr::mutate(
+#     #       update_transect_lines,
+#     #       is_extended = TRUE
+#     #     )
+#     #   )  
+#   } else {
+#     # If no transect_lines were extended
+#     out_transect_lines <- 
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   }
+#   # Finalize new transect_lines
+#   out_transect_lines <- 
+#     out_transect_lines %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       point_type_counts, 
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       dplyr::ungroup(
+#         dplyr::slice(
+#           dplyr::group_by(
+#             dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
+#                           dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
+#                           cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+#             ),
+#             dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
+#           ),
+#           1
+#         )
+#       ),
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(
+#       dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+#       cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
+#       # sinuosity,
+#       is_extended,
+#       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#       bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+#       geometry
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
+#     )  
+#   return(out_transect_lines)
+# }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79792c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# load utils 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- General paths and constants variables ----
+# - edit to match your local environment
+# - BASE_DIR: base directory for local file storage
+# - AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile to run CLI commands
+# - VERSION: S3 prefix/folder of version to run / generate hydrofabric data for
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Base directory for local file storage
+BASE_DIR    <- '/Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial'
+# BASE_DIR           <- '/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/lynker-spatial'
+BASE_DIRS_LIST   <- get_base_dir_paths(BASE_DIR)
+# AWS profile to run CLI commands 
+AWS_PROFILE        <- "angus-lynker"
+# S3 prefix/folder of version run
+VERSION            <- "v3.0"
+CONUS_VERSION      <- "v2.2"
+VERSION_DIRS_LIST            <- get_version_base_dir_paths(BASE_DIR, VERSION)
+# string to fill in "CS_SOURCE" column in output datasets
+CS_SOURCE          <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- S3 BUCKET NAMES ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# name of bucket with nextgen data
+LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME   <- "lynker-spatial"
+LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_PREFIX     <- "hydrofabric"
+# AWS S3 bucket URI 
+# name of bucket with nextgen data
+LYNKER_HF_S3_BUCKET_NAME        <- "lynker-hydrofabric"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- VPU IDs  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+VPU_IDS              <- c('01', '02', '03N', '03S', '03W', 
+                          '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', 
+                          '10L', '10U', '11', '12', '13', '14', 
+                          '15', '16', '17', '18', '20', '21')
+# VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- CONUS NEXTGEN  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CONUS_NEXTGEN_S3_URI    <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/", LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_PREFIX, "/", CONUS_VERSION, "/conus/conus_nextgen.gpkg")
+CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH <- file.path(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$network_dir, "conus_nextgen.gpkg")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CONUS_REF_FEATURES_S3_URI    <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/", LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_PREFIX, "/", CONUS_VERSION, "/conus/conus_reference.gpkg")
+CONUS_REF_FEATURES_GPKG_PATH <- file.path(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$ref_features_dir, "conus_reference.gpkg")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- CONUS ML DATA  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CONUS_ML_S3_URI          <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/", LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_PREFIX, "/", CONUS_VERSION, "/conus/bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data.parquet")
+CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH    <- file.path(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$ml_dir, "ml_auxiliary_data.parquet")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----  FEMA 100 year flood plain data  ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_URI           <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_HF_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/", LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_PREFIX, "/")
+FEMA_FGB_PATH       = BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_fgb_dir
+FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH   = BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_geojson_dir
+FEMA_CLEAN_PATH     = BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_clean_dir
+FEMA_GPKG_PATH      = BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_gpkg_dir
+FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH    = BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_dir
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- CONUS CS extension polygons ----
+# Data derived from FEMA 100 year flood plain data, puts all FEMA VPU datasets into a 
+# single geopackage for CONUS
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR  <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$cs_extension_polygons_dir
+CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR, 'conus_fema.gpkg')
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- CONUS CS extension polygons ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+DEM_DIR        <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_dir
+DEM_VRT_DIR    <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_vrt_dir
+DEM_TIF_DIR    <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_tif_dir
+DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# scale argument for cross_section_pts() function. 
+# The percentage of the length of the transect line to try and extend a transect to see if viable Z values can be found by extending transect line
+# Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
+# percentage of the length each cross section that should be used as a threshold for classifying a cross section as having relief or not
+# 1% of the cross sections length is the default value we are using 
+# (i.e. a 100m long cross section needs a minimum of 1 meter (1%) of relief in its cross section points to be classified as "having relief")
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Create local directory / path variables (FEMA data) ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_PREFIX        <- "FEMA100"
+# LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_URI           <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_HF_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/", LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_PREFIX, "/")
+# # location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
+# FEMA_S3_BUCKET         <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+# # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
+# FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_fgb")
+# FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_geojson")
+# FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_clean")
+# FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_gpkg")
+# FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "FEMA_BY_VPU")
+# VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+# CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR  <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/cs-extension-polygons")
+# CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR, 'conus_fema.gpkg')
+# DEM_DIR      <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_dir
+# DEM_VRT_DIR  <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_vrt_dir
+# DEM_TIF_DIR  <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_tif_dir
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # DEM URL
+# DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# # scale argument for cross_section_pts() function. 
+# # The percentage of the length of the transect line to try and extend a transect to see if viable Z values can be found by extending transect line
+# # Default setting is 50% of the original transect lines length (0.5)
+# EXTENSION_PCT  <- 0.5
+# # percentage of the length each cross section that should be used as a threshold for classifying a cross section as having relief or not
+# # 1% of the cross sections length is the default value we are using 
+# # (i.e. a 100m long cross section needs a minimum of 1 meter (1%) of relief in its cross section points to be classified as "having relief")
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- S3 output directories -----
+# # - transects 
+# # - cross section points
+# # - ML cross section points
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # transect bucket prefix
+# S3_TRANSECTS_DIR   <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/transects/")
+# # cross section bucket prefix
+# S3_CS_PTS_DIR      <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/dem-cross-sections/")
+# # cross section bucket prefix
+# S3_CS_ML_PTS_DIR   <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/cross-sections/")
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- S3 nextgen data paths / directories -----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # the name of the folder in the S3 bucket with the nextgen data
+# S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR       <- paste0(VERSION, "/gpkg/")
+# # S3_BUCKET_NEXTGEN_DIR <- "v20.1/gpkg/"
+# # full URI to the S3 bucket folder with the nextgen data 
+# # reference features S3 bucket prefix
+# S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- paste0("s3://", LYNKER_SPATIAL_S3_BUCKET_NAME, "/00_reference_features/gpkg/")
+# # S3_BUCKET_REF_FEATURES_URI  <- "s3://lynker-spatial/00_reference_features/gpkg/"
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Machine learning data path variables ----
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE   <- "channel_ml_outputs.parquet"
+# # ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR    <- paste0(VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/")
+# # ML_OUTPUTS_S3_DIR  <- "v20.1/3D/ml-outputs/"
+# ML_OUTPUTS_S3_URI      <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_HF_S3_URI, VERSION, "/3D/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
+# ML_OUTPUTS_PATH      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/", ML_OUTPUTS_S3_FILE)
+# # path to the remote CONUS net parquet file
+# CONUS_NETWORK_FILE   <- "conus_net.parquet"
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Local directory / path variables ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+# # NEXTGEN_DIR <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/pre-release/")
+# # # model attributes directory
+# # MODEL_ATTR_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/model_attributes/")
+# # cross-section data model data directories
+# TRANSECTS_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/01_transects/")
+# CS_PTS_DIR       <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/02_cs_pts/")
+# # final output directory with geopackages per VPU
+# CS_OUTPUT_DIR    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/cross_sections/")
+# # directory to copy nextgen bucket data too
+# REF_FEATURES_DIR      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/00_reference_features/")
+# # make a directory for the ML outputs data
+# ML_OUTPUTS_DIR   <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/ml-outputs/")
+# DEM_DIR      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/dem")
+# DEM_VRT_DIR  <- paste0(DEM_DIR, "/vrt")
+# DEM_TIF_DIR  <- paste0(DEM_DIR, "/tif")
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- Create local directory / path variables (FEMA data) ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # location of FEMA 100 year flood plain FGB files
+# FEMA_S3_BUCKET         <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+# # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
+# FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100")
+# FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_geojson")
+# FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_clean")
+# FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_gpkg")
+# FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH    <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA100_bounding_box") # TODO: Probably can be deleted too, not sure yet
+# FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- paste0(BASE_DIR, "/FEMA_BY_VPU")
+# VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+# # FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS <- paste0(
+# #                         FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/VPU_",
+# #                         unlist(
+# #                           lapply(list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE), function(vpu_file_names) {
+# #                             unlist(regmatches(vpu_file_names,  gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", vpu_file_names)))})
+# #                           )
+# #                         )
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logicals----
+# # ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
+# #          and overwrite existing previously processed files
+# # TODO: Describe these variables
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # Default is TRUE (i.e. a fresh processing run is done from start to finish)
+# DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS  <- TRUE # remove intermediary files from the main output folder
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- (New single domain) Local directory / path variables ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # directory for new domain data 
+# NEW_DOMAIN_DIRNAME  <- "new_domain"
+# NEW_DOMAIN_FLOWLINES_FILE  <- "AllDiffusiveCombined.gpkg"
+# # # Local DEM file
+# # NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_FILE        <- "hi_dem.tif"
+# # Remote DEM file
+# NEW_DOMAIN_DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# NEW_DOMAIN_TRANSECTS_DIRNAME         <- "transects"
+# NEW_DOMAIN_CS_PTS_DIRNAME            <- "cs_pts"
+# NEW_DOMAIN_CROSS_SECTIONS_DIRNAME    <- "cross_sections"
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # ---- (New single domain) Local directory / path variables ----
+# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # directory for new domain data 
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DIRNAME  <- "domain_with_fema"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_SUBSET_DIRNAME  <- "domain_subset"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_FLOWLINES_FILE  <- "ls_conus.gpkg"
+# # Geopackage containing area to subset flowlines to before processing
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_SUBSET_FILE     <- "AllDiffusiveCombined.gpkg"
+# # # Local DEM file
+# # DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_FILE        <- "hi_dem.tif"
+# # Remote DEM file
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_TRANSECTS_DIRNAME         <- "transects"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_CS_PTS_DIRNAME            <- "cs_pts"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_OUTPUT_DIRNAME            <- "outputs"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_VPU_SUBSETS_DIRNAME       <- "vpu-subsets"
+# DOMAIN_WITH_FEMA_ML_DIRNAME                <- "ml"
+# # aws s3 cp s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt /Users/anguswatters/Desktop/3DEP/3DEP.vrt
+# ML_AUXILIARY_DATA_S3_URI <- paste0(LYNKER_SPATIAL_BASE_S3_URI, "bathymetry/ml_auxiliary_data")
+# LYNKER_HYDROFABRIC_S3_BUCKET_BASE_URI   <- "s3://lynker-hydrofabric/"
+# ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DATA_DIR               <- "hydrofabric/nextgen/bathymetry/multisource_river_attributes/"
+# VPU_ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_DIRS               <- paste0(ML_BATHYMETRY_S3_URI, "vpuid=", nhdplusTools::vpu_boundaries$VPUID, "/")
+# COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_DIR     <- "coastal_bathy/diffusive_domain/"
+# # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # # # ---- Get locations of diffusive domain DEM files in S3 ----
+# # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # 
+# # #                                        list_s3_objects(COASTAL_BATHY_DEM_S3_DIR_URI, ".tif$", AWS_PROFILE)
+# # #                                        )
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R b/runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b0b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# load required packages
+  archive,
+  hydrofabric,
+  hydrofabric3D,
+  dplyr,
+  sf
+# # install.packages("devtools")
+# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
+# load root directory 
+# create empty base directories 
+create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs(base_dir = BASE_DIR)
+# create a new version directory
+create_new_version_dirs(base_dir = BASE_DIR, 
+                        version = VERSION, 
+                        with_output = TRUE)
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_nextgen.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_nextgen.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80de910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_nextgen.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired NextGen geopackage datasets from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# load config variables
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download conus_nextgen.gpkg 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', CONUS_NEXTGEN_S3_URI, " ", CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH)
+message("Copying S3 object:\n", CONUS_NEXTGEN_S3_URI)
+if (!file.exists(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH)) {
+  tryCatch({
+      system(copy_cmd)
+      message("Download '", basename(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH), "' complete!")
+      message("------------------")
+  }, error = function(e) {
+      message("Error downloading conus_nextgen.gpkg")
+      message(e)
+      stop()
+  })
+} else {
+  message("conus_nextgen.gpkg file already exists at\n > '", CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH, "'")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_ref_features.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_ref_features.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f6a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_conus_ref_features.R
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired CONUS NextGen geopackage dataset from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/cs_runner/base_variables.R
+# load config variables
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download conus_reference.gpkg 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', CONUS_REF_FEATURES_S3_URI, " ", CONUS_REF_FEATURES_GPKG_PATH)
+message("Copying S3 object:\n", CONUS_REF_FEATURES_S3_URI)
+if (!file.exists(CONUS_REF_FEATURES_GPKG_PATH)) {
+  tryCatch({
+    system(copy_cmd)
+    message("Download '", basename(CONUS_REF_FEATURES_GPKG_PATH), "' complete!")
+    message("------------------")
+  }, error = function(e) {
+    message("Error downloading conus_nextgen.gpkg")
+    message(e)
+    stop()
+  })
+} else {
+  message("conus_nextgen.gpkg file already exists at\n > '", CONUS_REF_FEATURES_GPKG_PATH, "'")
+# }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd77bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# get the main config variables / paths 
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+base_dirs   <- get_base_dir_paths(BASE_DIR)
+DEM_VRT_DIR <- base_dirs$dem_vrt_dir
+DEM_TIF_DIR <- base_dirs$dem_tif_dir
+# "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
+# Parse the VRT file
+vrt_file <- list.files(DEM_VRT_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+vrt_tiles <- terra::vrt_tiles(vrt_file)
+# tile_path <- vrt_tiles[500]
+tile_paths <- gsub("/vsicurl/", "",  vrt_tiles)
+# TODO: use AWS S3 sync command like below
+s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_TIF_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request --only-show-errors")
+# "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
+# TODO: Old method curl request each file individually.... super slow
+# error_tiles <- download_tiles(tile_paths, DEM_TIF_DIR)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b7e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired FEMA100 flood fgb datasets from the lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket then saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# NOTE: The lynker-hydrofabric S3 bucket is private at the moment
+# load config variables
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Create FEMA100/ directory and bounding box dir (if it does NOT exist) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0("FEMA100/ directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_FGB_PATH)
+# }
+# # create geojsons directory (if not exists) 
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH)
+# }
+# # create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries (if not exists) 
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_CLEAN_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_CLEAN_PATH)
+# }
+# # create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# }
+# # create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_SIMPLIFIED_PATH)
+# }
+# # create simplified geojsons directory (if not exists)
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_DISSOLVED_PATH)
+# }
+# # create exploded geojsons directory (if not exists)
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_EXPLODED_PATH)
+# }
+# # create FEMA GPKG Bounding Boxes directory (if not exists)
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_BB_PATH)
+# }
+# if (!dir.exists(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)) {
+#   message(paste0(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH, "'"))
+#   dir.create(FEMA_FGB_BB_PATH)
+# }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get list of FEMA FGB files in S3 bucket ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# list objects in S3 bucket, and regular expression match to nextgen_.gpkg pattern
+fema_list_command <- paste0('#!/bin/bash
+            # AWS S3 Bucket and Directory information
+            S3_BUCKET="', LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_URI, '" 
+            # Regular expression pattern to match object keys
+            PATTERN=".fgb$"
+            # AWS CLI command to list objects in the S3 bucket and use grep to filter them
+            S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" --profile ', AWS_PROFILE, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")
+            echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Get the S3 buckets object keys for FEMA 100 FGB files ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Run the script to get a list of the nextgen geopackages that matched the regular expression above
+FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS <- system(fema_list_command, intern = TRUE)
+# create bucket object URIs
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download FEMA 100 year FGB files from S3 ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse the selected S3 objects keys from the FEMA100 bucket directory copy them to the local destination directory if the file does NOT exist yet
+for (key in FEMA_BUCKET_KEYS) {
+  local_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", key)
+  if (!file.exists(local_save_path)) {
+    copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_URI, key, " ", local_save_path, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE)
+    message("S3 object:\n > '", LYNKER_HF_FEMA_S3_URI, key, "'")
+    message("Downloading S3 object to:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+    system(copy_cmd)
+    message(" > '", key, "' download complete!")
+    message("----------------------------------")
+  } else {
+    message("File already exists at:\n > '", local_save_path, "'")
+  }
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
similarity index 69%
rename from runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
rename to runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
index 8e413eb..2292588 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
 # - Get FEMA bounding box geometries (maybe)
 # load config variables
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config.R")
@@ -38,46 +39,6 @@ OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES  <- TRUE
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ---- Create directories (if they do NOT exist) ----
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# create directory for cleaned FEMA geometries as geopackages (if not exists) 
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
-# create directory for FEMA geomteries partioned by VPU
-if (!dir.exists(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)) {
-  message(paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, " directory does not exist...\nCreating directory:\n > '", FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "'"))
-  dir.create(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH)
-  # create directory for FEMA geomteries by VPU
-  # message(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
-  # state_dir  = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/states/")
-  # merged_dir = paste0(VPU_SUBFOLDER, "/merged/")
-  if (!dir.exists(VPU_SUBFOLDER)) {
-    message("Creating FEMA VPU subfolder...")
-    message(paste0("'/", basename(VPU_SUBFOLDER), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", VPU_SUBFOLDER, "'"))
-    dir.create(VPU_SUBFOLDER)
-  }
-  # if (!dir.exists(state_dir)) { 
-  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU states subfolder...")
-  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(state_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", state_dir, "'"))
-  #   dir.create(state_dir)
-  # }
-  # if (!dir.exists(merged_dir)) { 
-  #   message("Creating FEMA VPU merged subfolder...")
-  #   message(paste0("'/", basename(merged_dir), "' directory does not exist...\n  Creating directory:\n > '", merged_dir, "'"))
-  #   dir.create(merged_dir)
-  # }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Get paths to downloaded FEMA 100 FGBs ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -86,10 +47,14 @@ FEMA_FILENAMES        <- list.files(FEMA_FGB_PATH, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  # message(file)
-  # Convert FGB to GeoJSON
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Step 1: Convert FGB to GeoJSON 
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   local_fema_path   <- paste0(FEMA_FGB_PATH, "/", file)
   geojson_filename  <- gsub(".fgb", ".geojson", file)
   geojson_save_path <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", geojson_filename)
@@ -102,6 +67,7 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
   message(" >>> '", geojson_filename, "' already exists? ", geojson_exists)
   message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  # Step 1.1 Run FGDB to GeoJSON conversion
   ogr2ogr_command <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", geojson_save_path, " ", local_fema_path)
   if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
@@ -111,7 +77,10 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
-  # Clean GeoJSON
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- # Step 2: Clean GeoJSON
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", geojson_filename, "'")
   output_clean_filename <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", geojson_filename)
   output_clean_geojson_path     <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_clean_filename)
@@ -124,10 +93,9 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
                              ' -dissolve2 FLD_AR_ID \\', 
                              ' -simplify 0.1 visvalingam \\', 
                              ' -snap \\',
-                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path
-  )
+                             ' -o ', output_clean_geojson_path)
+  # Step 2.1 Run simplify, dissolve, explode on cleaned GeoJSON
   if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !clean_geojson_exists) {
     message("Running mapshaper 'simplify', 'dissolve', and 'explode' via CLI...")
@@ -136,9 +104,11 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
     STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
-  # Convert cleaned GeoJSON to GeoPackage
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ----  # Step 3: Convert cleaned GeoJSON to GeoPackage
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   message("Fema 100 year flood plain:\n > '", output_clean_filename, "'")
   output_gpkg_filename  <- gsub("_clean.geojson", "_clean.gpkg", output_clean_filename)
   output_gpkg_path      <- paste0(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, "/", output_gpkg_filename)
@@ -155,6 +125,32 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
     message("Writing '", output_gpkg_filename, "' to: \n > '", output_gpkg_path, "'")
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Step 4: Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(output_gpkg_path), "'")
+  fema <- sf::read_sf(output_gpkg_path)
+  fema <- resolve_internal_fema_boundaries(fema, output_gpkg_path)  
+  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
+    message("Writting '", basename(output_gpkg_path), "' to: \n > '", output_gpkg_path, "'")
+    sf::write_sf(
+      fema,
+      # fema_clean,
+      output_gpkg_path
+    )
+  }
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Step 5: Delete intermediary files 
+  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   message("Deleting intermediary files\n")
   for (delete_file in STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE) {
     if (file.exists(delete_file)) {
@@ -163,7 +159,9 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
+  rm(fema)
@@ -171,87 +169,71 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+source sh/ "mros-webapp-tfstate-bucket" 645515465214 "angus-lynker" us-west-1 "false"
+source sh/ "mros-webapp-tfstate-bucket" 645515465214 "angus-lynker" us-west-1 "false"
-# paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
-FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
-for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
-  message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
-  fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
-  fema <-
-    fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
-    sf::st_transform(5070)
-  #  TODO: Snap using geos::geos_snap()
-  # fema <-
-  #   geos::geos_snap(
-  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
-  #     geos::as_geos_geometry(fema),
-  #     tolerance = 1
-  #     ) %>%
-  #   geos::geos_make_valid()  %>%
-  #   sf::st_as_sf()
-  # TODO: we get this error when trying to use the geometry column after geos snapping
-  # TODO: Error = "Error: Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL]."
-  # fema %>%
-  # sf::st_cast("POLYGON")
-  # TODO: Snap using sf::st_snap()
-  # fema <- sf::st_snap(
-  #             fema,
-  #             fema,
-  #             tolerance = 2
-  #             )
-  fema <-
-    fema %>% 
-    # fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
-    dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
-    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
-    dplyr::summarise(
-      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
-    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
-    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
-    ) %>% 
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+# # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
+# FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
+# for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
+#   message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
-  # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
-  # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
+#   fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+#   fema <- resolve_internal_fema_boundaries(fema) 
-  fema <- 
-    fema %>% 
-    dplyr::mutate(
-      source = basename(file_path),
-      state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
-    ) %>%
-    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
-                  # areasqkm, 
-                  geometry)
+#   # fema <-
+#   #   fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_transform(5070)
-  message("End time: ", Sys.time())
+#   # fema <-
+#   #   fema %>% 
+#   #   # fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+#   #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+#   #   sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::summarise(
+#   #     geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+#   #   ) %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
+#   #   add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+#   #   rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+#   #   rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::mutate(
+#   #     fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+#   #   ) %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+#   # # mapview::mapview(fema, color = 'cyan', col.regions = "cyan") + 
+#   # # mapview::mapview(end_fema, color = 'red', col.regions = "white") 
+#   # fema <- 
+#   #   fema %>% 
+#   #   dplyr::mutate(
+#   #     source = basename(file_path),
+#   #     state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+#   #   ) %>%
+#   #   dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, 
+#   #                 # areasqkm, 
+#   #                 geometry)
+#   message("End time: ", Sys.time())
-    message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
-    sf::write_sf(
-      # fema_clean,
-      fema,
-      file_path
-    )
-  }
-  message()
+#     message("Writting '", basename(file_path), "' to: \n > '", file_path, "'")
+#     sf::write_sf(
+#       # fema_clean,
+#       fema,
+#       file_path
+#     )
+#   }
+#   message()
+# }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Partion parts of each FEMA GPKGs to a Nextgen VPU ---- 
@@ -261,11 +243,33 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_gpkg_paths) {
 FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
 # paths to nextgen datasets and model attribute parquet files
-NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
+# layer_info = sf::st_layers(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH)
+# layer_info[layer_info$name == "flowpaths", "fields"]
+# layer_inf
+# flines = sf::read_sf(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH, layer = "flowpaths")
+# flines %>% names()
+# (flines$vpuid  %>% unique()) %in% VPU_IDS
+# VPU_IDS %in% (flines$vpuid  %>% unique())
+# query the unique VPU_IDS from the flowlines layer from sf::read_sf(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH, layer = "flowpaths")
+            CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH  %>% 
+            sf::read_sf(query = "SELECT DISTINCT vpuid FROM flowpaths") %>%
+            dplyr::pull()
+# NEXTGEN_FILENAMES    <- list.files(NEXTGEN_DIR, full.names = FALSE)
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
+  # file_path = FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS[25]
   fema_file <- basename(file_path)
   message("Partioning FEMA polygons by VPU: \n > FEMA gpkg: '", fema_file, "'")
@@ -273,16 +277,23 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
   # read in fema polygons
   fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
-  for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
-    nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
-    vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
+  for (vpu in CONUS_VPU_IDS) {
+    # vpu = CONUS_VPU_IDS[12]
+    # nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
+    # vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
     message("VPU: ", vpu)   
-    message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
-    message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
+    # message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
+    message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with CONUS flowpaths in VPU '", vpu, "'")
     # read in nextgen flowlines 
-    flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+    flines <- 
+            CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH  %>% 
+            sf::read_sf(query = paste0("SELECT * FROM flowpaths WHERE vpuid = '", vpu, "'"))
+    # flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
     # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
     fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
@@ -294,7 +305,7 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
     if(fema_in_nextgen) {
       # create filepaths
-      vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
+      vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("vpu-", vpu)
       # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
       vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
@@ -325,7 +336,60 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
-  }
+  } 
+  # for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
+  #   nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
+  #   vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
+  #   message("VPU: ", vpu)   
+  #   message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
+  #   message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
+  #   # read in nextgen flowlines 
+  #   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
+  #   # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
+  #   fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
+  #   fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
+  #   message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
+  #   if(fema_in_nextgen) {
+  #     # create filepaths
+  #     vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
+  #     # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
+  #     vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
+  #     # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
+  #     fema_intersect <-
+  #       fema_intersect %>%
+  #       dplyr::mutate(
+  #         vpu = vpu
+  #       ) %>%
+  #       dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
+  #     # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
+  #     fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
+  #     fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
+  #     if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES) {
+  #       message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
+  #       sf::write_sf(
+  #         fema_intersect,
+  #         fema_vpu_path
+  #       )
+  #     }
+  #   }
+  #   message()
+  # }
@@ -548,6 +612,54 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Store all FEMA layers in a single conus_fema.gpkg 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+fema_vpu_layers <- list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
+combine_gpkg_files(fema_vpu_layers, '/Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/cs-extension-polygons/conus_fema.gpkg')
+combine_gpkg_files <- function(gpkg_paths, output_gpkg) {
+  layer_counter <- list()
+  for (gpkg_path in gpkg_paths) {
+    base_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(gpkg_path))
+    # base_name <- gsub("_output.gpkg", "", basename(gpkg_path))
+    if (base_name %in% names(layer_counter)) {
+      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- layer_counter[[base_name]] + 1
+      layer_name <- paste0(base_name, "_", layer_counter[[base_name]])
+    } else {
+      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- 1
+      layer_name <- base_name
+    }
+    tryCatch({
+      sf_layer <- st_read(gpkg_path, quiet = TRUE)
+      sf::st_write(sf_layer, 
+               dsn = output_gpkg, 
+               layer = layer_name, 
+               append = TRUE,
+               quiet = TRUE)
+      message("Successfully added '", basename(gpkg_path), "' as layer: '", layer_name, "' to\n > '", output_gpkg, "'")
+    }, error = function(e) {
+      warning("Error processing: ",  basename(gpkg_path))
+      warning(e)
+    })
+  }
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6feff0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
@@ -0,0 +1,2562 @@
+# Create an empty file structure 
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── lynker-spatial/
+#     ├── hydrofabric/
+#     ├── dem/
+#         ├── vrt/
+#         ├── tif/
+#     ├── cs-extension-polygons/
+create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
+  # build paths
+  hydrofabric_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/hydrofabric")
+  # DEM dirs
+  dem_dir                    <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
+  dem_vrt_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "vrt")
+  dem_tif_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "tif")
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  cs_extension_polygons_dir     <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
+  # FEMA data 
+  fema_dir                      <- file.path(base_dir, "fema")
+  fema_fgb_dir     <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-fgb")
+  fema_geojson_dir <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-geojson")
+  fema_clean_dir   <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-clean")
+  fema_gpkg_dir    <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-gpkg")
+  # BY VPU folders 
+  VPU_IDS               <- get_vpu_ids()
+  fema_by_vpu_dir       <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-by-vpu")
+  fema_by_vpu_subdirs   <- paste0(fema_by_vpu_dir, "/vpu-", VPU_IDS)
+  # create base directories
+  create_if_not_exists(base_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(hydrofabric_dir)
+  # DEM dirs
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_vrt_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_tif_dir)
+  # extension polygons
+  create_if_not_exists(cs_extension_polygons_dir)
+  # Create FEMA folders
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_fgb_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_geojson_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_clean_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_gpkg_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(fema_by_vpu_dir)
+  for (path in fema_by_vpu_subdirs) {
+    create_if_not_exists(path)
+  }
+get_vpu_ids <- function() {
+  VPU_IDS              <- c('01', '02', '03N', '03S', '03W', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', 
+                            '10L', '10U', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '20', '21')
+  # VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+  return(VPU_IDS)
+# # Base directory for local file storage
+# BASE_DIR    <- '/Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial'
+# base_dir <- BASE_DIR
+# # FEMA100 year flood map FGB save location (temporary, will be deleted after processing)
+# FEMA_FGB_PATH        <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_fgb")
+# FEMA_GEOJSON_PATH    <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_geojson")
+# FEMA_CLEAN_PATH      <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_clean")
+# FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "fema_gpkg")
+# FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH     <- file.path(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_dir, "FEMA_BY_VPU")
+# VPU_IDS              <- c('01', '02', '03N', '03S', '03W', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', 
+#                           '10L', '10U', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '20', '21')
+# # VPU_IDS              <- sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID
+# paste0("'", sf::st_drop_geometry(nhdplusTools::get_boundaries())$VPUID, "'", collapse = ", ")
+# Create an empty file structure for a new version within a specified base_dir
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── lynker-spatial/
+#     ├── hydrofabric/
+    #     ├── version_number/
+    #         ├── network/
+    #         ├── transects/
+    #         ├── cross-sections/
+          #         ├── dem/
+          #         ├── dem-ml/
+          #         ├── dem-coastal-bathy/
+          #         ├── dem-points/
+create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # version = "v3.0"
+  # base_dir <- BASE_DIR
+  # build paths
+  hydrofabric_dir   <- paste0(base_dir, "/hydrofabric")
+  version_base_dir  <- paste0(hydrofabric_dir, "/", version)
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  ml_dir                     <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/ml")
+  # reference features 
+  ref_features_dir           <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/reference-features")
+  # conus network gpkg
+  network_dir                <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/network")
+  # transects
+  transects_dir              <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  # cross sections dirs
+  cross_sections_dir                 <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/cross-sections")
+  cross_sections_dem_dir             <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem")
+  cross_sections_ml_dir              <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-ml")
+  cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-coastal-bathy")
+  cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-points")
+  if(with_output) {
+    output_dir       <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/outputs")
+  }
+  # create version BASE dir
+  create_if_not_exists(version_base_dir)
+  # CONUS dir
+  create_if_not_exists(network_dir)
+  # ML data
+  create_if_not_exists(ml_dir)
+  # reference features data
+  create_if_not_exists(ref_features_dir)
+  # transects
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_dir)
+  # CS pts
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_ml_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dem_pts_dir)
+  if(with_output) {
+    create_if_not_exists(output_dir)
+  }
+create_if_not_exists <- function(dir_path) {
+  if (!dir.exists(dir_path)) {
+    dir.create(dir_path, recursive = TRUE)
+    message("Created directory: '", dir_path, "'\n")
+  }
+# get a list of top level directories for main directory
+get_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir) {
+  # base_dir = BASE_DIR
+  # version = "v3.0"
+  hydrofabric_dir  <- file.path(base_dir, "hydrofabric")
+  dem_dir          <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
+  dem_vrt_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "vrt")
+  dem_tif_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "tif")
+  cs_extension_polygons_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
+  # FEMA data 
+  fema_dir         <- file.path(base_dir, "fema")
+  fema_fgb_dir     <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-fgb")
+  fema_geojson_dir <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-geojson")
+  fema_clean_dir   <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-clean")
+  fema_gpkg_dir    <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-gpkg")
+  # BY VPU folders 
+  VPU_IDS               <- get_vpu_ids()
+  fema_by_vpu_dir       <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-by-vpu")
+  fema_by_vpu_subdirs   <- paste0(fema_by_vpu_dir, "/vpu-", VPU_IDS)
+  return(
+      list(
+      hydrofabric_dir = hydrofabric_dir,
+      dem_dir = dem_dir,
+      dem_vrt_dir = dem_vrt_dir, 
+      dem_tif_dir = dem_tif_dir,
+      cs_extension_polygons_dir = cs_extension_polygons_dir,
+      fema_dir = fema_dir,
+      fema_fgb_dir = fema_fgb_dir,
+      fema_geojson_dir = fema_geojson_dir,
+      fema_clean_dir = fema_clean_dir,
+      fema_gpkg_dir = fema_gpkg_dir,
+      fema_by_vpu_dir = fema_by_vpu_dir,
+      fema_by_vpu_subdirs = fema_by_vpu_subdirs
+    )
+  )
+# get list of a specific directories in a version directory
+get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
+  # base_dir = BASE_DIR
+  # version = "v3.0"
+  hydrofabric_dir   <- file.path(base_dir, "hydrofabric")
+  version_base_dir  <- file.path(hydrofabric_dir, version)
+  # polygons for transect extensions
+  ml_dir                     <- file.path(version_base_dir, "ml")
+  # reference features 
+  ref_features_dir           <- file.path(version_base_dir, "reference-features")
+  # conus network gpkg
+  network_dir                <- file.path(version_base_dir, "network")
+  # transects
+  transects_dir              <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  # cross sections dirs
+  cross_sections_dir                 <- file.path(version_base_dir, "cross-sections")
+  cross_sections_dem_dir             <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem")
+  cross_sections_ml_dir              <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-ml")
+  cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-coastal-bathy")
+  cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-points")
+  return(
+    list(
+      hydrofabric_dir    = hydrofabric_dir,
+      version_base_dir   = version_base_dir,
+      ref_features_dir   = ref_features_dir, 
+      network_dir        = network_dir,
+      ml_dir = ml_dir,
+      transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
+      cross_sections_dem_dir     = cross_sections_dem_dir,
+      cross_sections_dem_pts_dir = cross_sections_dem_pts_dir,
+      cross_sections_ml_dir      = cross_sections_ml_dir,
+      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir
+    )
+  )
+list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
+  profile_option <- if (!is.null(aws_profile)) paste0("--profile ", aws_profile) else ""
+  if (is.null(pattern) || pattern == "") {
+    grep_command <- ""  # no filtering if empty or NULL
+  } else {
+    grep_command <- paste0(" | grep -E \"", pattern, "\"")  # grep if a pattern is given
+  }
+  cmd <- paste0(
+    '#!/bin/bash\n',
+    'S3_BUCKET="', s3_bucket, '"\n',
+    'PATTERN="', pattern, '"\n',
+    'S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" ', profile_option, ' | awk \'{print $4}\' | grep -E "$PATTERN")\n',
+    'echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+  )
+  # cmd <- paste0(
+  #   '#!/bin/bash\n',
+  #   'S3_BUCKET="', s3_bucket, '"\n',
+  #   'S3_OBJECTS=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET" ', profile_option, ' | awk \'{print $4}\'', grep_command, ')\n',
+  #   'echo "$S3_OBJECTS"'
+  # )
+  ls_output <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
+  return(ls_output)
+download_tiles <- function(tile_paths, output_dir) {
+  # output_dir <- DEM_TIF_DIR
+  # tile_paths
+  # error_tiles <- 
+  tif_save_paths       <- paste0(output_dir, "/", basename(tile_paths))
+  error_tiles <- data.frame(
+    tile   = basename(tile_paths),
+    status = TRUE
+  )
+  for (i in seq_along(tile_paths)) {
+    # i = 1
+    tile_path         <- tile_paths[i]
+    tif_save_path     <- tif_save_paths[i]
+    message("[", i, "]", 
+            "\n > Tile: ", basename(tile_path),
+            "\n > Output path: ", tif_save_path
+    )
+    download_tif_cmd    <- paste0("curl -o ", tif_save_path, " ", tile_path)
+    tryCatch({
+      tif_download_output <- system(download_tif_cmd, intern = TRUE)
+      message("   > Succesfully downloaded tile: ", basename(tile_path))
+    }, error = function(e) {
+      message("Error downloading tile: ", basename(tile_path))
+      message("ERROW below: \n  ", e)
+      error_tiles[error_tiles$tile == basename(tile_path), ] <- FALSE
+    })
+  }
+  return(error_tiles)
+# Given 2 character vectors of filenames both including VPU strings after a "nextgen_" string, match them together to
+# make sure they are aligned and in the same order
+# x is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
+# y is a character vector of file paths with a VPU ID preceeded by a "nextgen_" string 
+# base is a character vector of the base directory of the files. Defaults to NULL
+# Returns a dataframe with VPU, x, and y columns
+align_files_by_vpu <- function(
+    x, 
+    y, 
+    base = NULL
+) {
+  # Regular expression pattern to match numeric pattern after "nextgen_" and remove everything after the ending period
+  regex_pattern <- "nextgen_(\\d+[A-Za-z]?).*"
+  # path dataframe for X filepaths
+  x_paths <- data.frame(x = x)
+  # path dataframe for Y filepaths
+  y_paths <- data.frame(y = y)
+  # generate VPU IDs based on file path regular expression matching with "regex_pattern" above
+  x_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", x_paths$x)
+  y_paths$vpu <- gsub(regex_pattern, "\\1", y_paths$y)
+  # match paths based on VPU column
+  matched_paths <- dplyr::left_join(
+    x_paths,
+    y_paths,
+    by = "vpu"
+  ) 
+  # reorder columns
+  matched_paths <- dplyr::relocate(matched_paths, vpu, x, y)
+  if(!is.null(base)) {
+    matched_paths$base_dir <- base
+  }
+  return(matched_paths)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# FEMA processing functions: 
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+resolve_internal_fema_boundaries <- function(fema, source_file = "") {
+#   message("Resolving internal boundaries, islands, and topology issues:\n > '", basename(file_path), "'")
+#   fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
+  fema <-
+    fema[!sf::st_is_empty(fema), ] %>% 
+    sf::st_transform(5070)
+  fema <-
+    fema %>% 
+    dplyr::select(geometry = geom) %>%
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    sf::st_make_valid() %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::summarise(
+      geometry = sf::st_combine(sf::st_union(geometry))
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-group_id) %>% 
+    add_predicate_group_id(sf::st_intersects) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_dissolve(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, geometry)
+  fema <- 
+    fema %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      source = basename(source_file),
+      state  = gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", source)
+    ) %>%
+    dplyr::select(fema_id, source, state, geometry)
+  return(fema)
+add_predicate_group_id <- function(polys, predicate) {
+  # ----------------------------------------- 
+  # predicate = sf::st_touches
+  # polys <- sf_df
+  # ----------------------------------------- 
+  relations <- predicate(polys)
+  relations <- lapply(seq_along(relations), function(i) { as.character(sort(unique(c(relations[i][[1]], i)))) })
+  group_ids_map <- fastmap::fastmap()
+  ids_to_groups <- fastmap::fastmap()
+  group_id <- 0
+  for (i in seq_along(relations)) {
+    predicate_ids <- relations[i][[1]]
+    # message("(", i, ") - ", predicate_ids)
+    # message("Start Group ID: ", group_id)
+    id_group_check <- ids_to_groups$has(predicate_ids)
+    if(any(id_group_check)) {
+      known_groups  <- ids_to_groups$mget(predicate_ids)
+      known_group   <- known_groups[unname(sapply(known_groups , function(kg) {
+        !is.null(kg)
+      }))][[1]]
+      # message("IDs part of past group ID > '", known_group, "'")
+      past_group_ids     <- group_ids_map$get(known_group)[[1]]
+      updated_group_ids  <- as.character(
+        sort(as.numeric(unique(c(past_group_ids, predicate_ids))))
+      )
+      group_ids_map$set(known_group, list(updated_group_ids))
+      new_ids <- predicate_ids[!predicate_ids %in% past_group_ids]
+      # message("Adding ", new_ids, " to seen set...")
+      # add any newly added IDs to the seen map
+      for (seen_id in new_ids) {
+        # message(seen_id)
+        ids_to_groups$set(as.character(seen_id), as.character(group_id))
+      }
+    } else {
+      # get a new group ID number
+      group_id <- group_id + 1    
+      # message("IDs form NEW group > '", group_id, "'")
+      # create a new key in the map with the predicate IDs list as the value
+      group_ids_map$set(as.character(group_id), list(predicate_ids))
+      # message("Adding ", predicate_ids, " to seen set...")
+      # add each predicate ID to the map storing the seen indexes and their respecitve group IDs 
+      for (seen_id in predicate_ids) {
+        # message(seen_id)
+        ids_to_groups$set(as.character(seen_id), as.character(group_id))
+      }
+    }
+    # message("End group ID: ", group_id, "\n") 
+  }
+  group_ids   <- group_ids_map$as_list() 
+  grouping_df <- lapply(seq_along(group_ids), function(i) {
+    # i = 2
+    grouping  <- group_ids[i] 
+    group_id  <- names(grouping)
+    indices   <- grouping[[1]][[1]]
+    data.frame(
+      index      = as.numeric(indices),
+      group_id   = rep(group_id, length(indices))   
+    )
+  }) %>% 
+    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(i) 
+  # count up the number of IDs for each group, well use this to determine which group 
+  # to put any indices that had MULTIPLE groups they were apart of (use the group with the most other members)
+  group_id_counts <- 
+    grouping_df %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(group_id) %>% 
+    dplyr::count() %>% 
+    # dplyr::arrange(-n) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup()
+  # select the IDs with the most other members
+  grouping_df <- 
+    grouping_df %>% 
+    dplyr::left_join(
+      group_id_counts, 
+      by = 'group_id'
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(index) %>% 
+    dplyr::slice_max(n, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
+    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+    dplyr::select(-n) %>% 
+    dplyr::arrange(-index) 
+  polys$group_id <- grouping_df$group_id
+  return(polys)
+# Update flowlines and transects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect with reference_features waterbodies
+# flowlines: flowlines linestring sf object
+# trans: transects linestring sf object
+# waterbodies: waterbodies polygon sf object
+# Returns a list of length 2 with logical vectors that subsets the "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects to remove flowlines and transects that intersect waterbodies
+### Returns a list of length 2 with updated "flowlines" and "transects" sf objects
+wb_intersects <- function(flowlines, trans, waterbodies) {
+  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########  ########
+  flowlines_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(flowlines)
+  wbs_geos <- geos::as_geos_geometry(waterbodies)
+  # temporary ID for transects that is the "hy_id", underscore, "cs_id", used for subsetting in future steps
+  trans$tmp_id <- paste0(trans$hy_id, "_", trans$cs_id)
+  message("Checking flowlines against waterbodies...")
+  # create an index between flowlines and waterbodies 
+  wb_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(flowlines_geos, wbs_geos)
+  # remove any flowlines that cross more than 1 waterbody
+  to_keep  <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) == 0, ]
+  to_check <- flowlines[lengths(wb_index) != 0, ]
+  # subset transects to the hy_ids in "to_check" set of flowlines
+  trans_check <- trans[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id), ]
+  # trans_check <- trans_geos[trans$hy_id %in% unique(to_check$id)]
+  # check where the transects linestrings intersect with the waterbodies
+  trans_geos_check <- geos::as_geos_geometry(trans_check)
+  message("Checking transects against waterbodies (v2) ...")
+  wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_matrix(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos)                    # (NEW METHOD)
+  # wb_trans_index <- geos::geos_intersects_any(trans_geos_check, wbs_geos[unlist(wb_index)])   # (OLD METHOD)
+  # sum(lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0)
+  # length(wb_trans_index)
+  # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(wb_trans_index) == 0, ]                       # (NEW METHOD)
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!wb_trans_index, ]                                  # (OLD METHOD)
+  # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+                                                     !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  return(
+    list(
+      "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+      "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+    )
+  )
+  # # within the transects lines that are on a flowline that crosses a waterbody, 
+  # # check if any of these transects line DO NOT CROSS A WATERBODY AT ALL
+  # trans_keep <- trans_check[!trans_wb_index, ]
+  # # trans_keep <- trans_check[lengths(trans_wb_index2) == 0, ]
+  # 
+  # # preserve any flowlines that CROSS A WATERBODY BUT ALSO HAVE A TRANSECT LINE that does NOT cross any waterbodies
+  # to_check <- to_check[to_check$id %in% unique(trans_keep$hy_id), ]
+  # 
+  # # update flowlines to keep with flowlines that intersect a waterbody BUT STILL,
+  # # have transects that are NOT in the waterbody
+  # to_keep <- dplyr::bind_rows(to_keep, to_check)
+  # 
+  # # 'tmp_ids' of transects that are being checked and also the transects within trans_check 
+  # # that were determined to be valid (are being kept)
+  # check_ids <- unique(trans_check$tmp_id)
+  # keep_ids <- unique(trans_keep$tmp_id)
+  # 
+  # # logical vectors of which flowlines/transects to keep (KEEP == TRUE)
+  # # - Remove any transects that are on flowlines that cross a waterbody AND the transect crosses the waterbody too.
+  # # - Keep original transects that are not on flowlines that intersect waterbodies AND 
+  # # also the transects that do NOT intersect waterbodies but are on a flowline that DOES intersect a waterbody
+  # valid_flowlines <- flowlines$id %in% to_keep$id
+  # valid_transects <- trans$tmp_id %in% dplyr::filter(trans,
+  #                                                    !tmp_id %in% check_ids[!check_ids %in% keep_ids])$tmp_id
+  # 
+  # # return alist of updated flowlines and transects 
+  # return(
+  #   list(
+  #     "valid_flowlines" =  valid_flowlines,
+  #     "valid_transects" =  valid_transects
+  #   )
+  # )
+add_intersects_ids <- function(x, y, id_col) {
+  # make sure the crs are tjhe same
+  y <- sf::st_transform(y, sf::st_crs(x))
+  # Perform the intersection
+  intersections <- sf::st_intersects(x, y)
+  # add the intersected values to the first dataframe
+  x[[id_col]] <- unlist(lapply(intersections, function(idx) {
+    if (length(idx) > 0) {
+      paste0(unlist(y[[id_col]][idx]), collapse = ", ")
+    } else {
+      NA
+    }
+  }))
+  return(x)
+unnest_ids <- function(ids) {
+  return(
+    unique(unlist(strsplit(unique(ids), ", ")))
+  )
+#' Get the polygons that interesect with any of the linestring geometries
+#' This is just a wrapper around geos::geos_intersects_matrix. Takes in sf dataframes, uses geos, then outputs sf dataframes
+#' @param polygons polygon sf object. Default is NULL
+#' @param lines linestring sf object. Default is NULL.
+#' @return sf dataframe of polygons that intersect with the linestrings
+polygons_with_line_intersects <- function(polygons = NULL, lines = NULL) {
+  if (is.null(polygons)) {
+    stop("NULL 'polygons' argument, provide an sf dataframe of POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON geometries")
+  }
+  if (is.null(lines)) {
+    stop("NULL 'lines' argument, provide an sf dataframe of LINESTRING or MULTILINESTRING geometries")
+  }
+  # Convert the SF geometries to geos geometries
+  polygons_geos   <- geos::as_geos_geometry(polygons)
+  lines_geos      <- geos::as_geos_geometry(lines)
+  # create an index between the polygons and linestrings
+  lines_index <-  geos::geos_intersects_matrix(polygons_geos, lines_geos)
+  # get the polygons that have atleast 1 intersection with the 'lines'
+  polygons_with_lines <- polygons[lengths(lines_index) != 0, ]
+  return(polygons_with_lines)
+# TODO: DElete these NEW DOMAIN functions...
+# Create an empty file structure 
+# base_dir: character, top level directory path
+# domain_dirname: character, name of the intended new domain directory, if folder exists, then the required subdirectories are created (if they DO NOT exist)
+# Directory tree:
+# base_dir/
+#   └── domain_dirname/
+#     ├── flowlines/
+#     ├── dem/
+#     ├── transects/
+#     ├── cross_sections/
+#     └── cs_pts/
+create_new_domain_dirs <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  if(with_output) {
+    output_dir       <- paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs")
+  }
+  # create directories
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(flowlines_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(domain_subset_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(dem_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(cs_pts_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(vpu_subsets_dir)
+  if(with_output) {
+    create_if_not_exists(output_dir)
+  }
+# get path strings for a domain dir (based of a base dir and domain dirname)
+# NOTE: this does NOT guarentee that these folders exist, 
+# NOTE: it just gets the paths if they were created by create_new_domain_dirs() 
+get_new_domain_paths <- function(base_dir, domain_dirname, with_output = FALSE) {
+  # build paths
+  domain_dir         <- paste0(base_dir, "/", domain_dirname)
+  flowlines_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/flowlines")
+  domain_subset_dir  <- paste0(domain_dir, "/domain_subset")
+  dem_dir            <- paste0(domain_dir, "/dem")
+  transects_dir      <- paste0(domain_dir, "/transects")
+  cross_sections_dir <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cross_sections")
+  cs_pts_dir         <- paste0(domain_dir, "/cs_pts")
+  vpu_subsets_dir    <- paste0(domain_dir, "/vpu-subsets")
+  output_dir         <- ifelse(with_output, paste0(domain_dir, "/outputs"), NA)
+  # named list of file paths
+  return(
+    list(
+      base_dir           = base_dir, 
+      domain_dir         = domain_dir,
+      flowlines_dir      = flowlines_dir,
+      domain_subset_dir  = domain_subset_dir,
+      dem_dir            = dem_dir,
+      transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
+      cs_pts_dir         = cs_pts_dir,
+      vpu_subsets_dir    = vpu_subsets_dir,
+      output_dir         = output_dir
+    )
+  )
+download_3dep_vrt <- function(base_dir) {
+  ## Cmd+A/Cmd+C from:
+  ### paste w/ `datapasta::vector_paste_vertical()`
+  ### Some manual cleaning of header and footer mess...
+  ### Reason? Un-scrapable page, and no index.gpkg...
+  t <- c(
+    "0              n06e162/",
+    "0              n06e163/",
+    "0              n07e134/",
+    "0              n07e151/",
+    "0              n07e152/",
+    "0              n07e158/",
+    "0              n08e134/",
+    "0              n08e151/",
+    "0              n08e152/",
+    "0              n08e158/",
+    "0              n09e134/",
+    "0              n10e138/",
+    "0              n14e144/",
+    "0              n15e145/",
+    "0              n16e145/",
+    "0              n18w065/",
+    "0              n18w066/",
+    "0              n18w067/",
+    "0              n18w068/",
+    "0              n19w065/",
+    "0              n19w066/",
+    "0              n19w067/",
+    "0              n19w068/",
+    "0              n19w156/",
+    "0              n20w155/",
+    "0              n20w156/",
+    "0              n20w157/",
+    "0              n21w156/",
+    "0              n21w157/",
+    "0              n21w158/",
+    "0              n22w157/",
+    "0              n22w158/",
+    "0              n22w159/",
+    "0              n22w160/",
+    "0              n22w161/",
+    "0              n23w160/",
+    "0              n23w161/",
+    "0              n25w081/",
+    "0              n25w082/",
+    "0              n25w083/",
+    "0              n26w081/",
+    "0              n26w082/",
+    "0              n26w098/",
+    "0              n26w099/",
+    "0              n27w081/",
+    "0              n27w082/",
+    "0              n27w083/",
+    "0              n27w098/",
+    "0              n27w099/",
+    "0              n27w100/",
+    "0              n28w081/",
+    "0              n28w082/",
+    "0              n28w083/",
+    "0              n28w097/",
+    "0              n28w098/",
+    "0              n28w099/",
+    "0              n28w100/",
+    "0              n28w101/",
+    "0              n29w081/",
+    "0              n29w082/",
+    "0              n29w083/",
+    "0              n29w090/",
+    "0              n29w096/",
+    "0              n29w097/",
+    "0              n29w098/",
+    "0              n29w099/",
+    "0              n29w100/",
+    "0              n29w101/",
+    "0              n29w104/",
+    "0              n30w081/",
+    "0              n30w082/",
+    "0              n30w083/",
+    "0              n30w084/",
+    "0              n30w085/",
+    "0              n30w086/",
+    "0              n30w089/",
+    "0              n30w090/",
+    "0              n30w091/",
+    "0              n30w092/",
+    "0              n30w093/",
+    "0              n30w094/",
+    "0              n30w095/",
+    "0              n30w096/",
+    "0              n30w097/",
+    "0              n30w098/",
+    "0              n30w099/",
+    "0              n30w100/",
+    "0              n30w101/",
+    "0              n30w102/",
+    "0              n30w103/",
+    "0              n30w104/",
+    "0              n30w105/",
+    "0              n31w082/",
+    "0              n31w083/",
+    "0              n31w084/",
+    "0              n31w085/",
+    "0              n31w086/",
+    "0              n31w087/",
+    "0              n31w088/",
+    "0              n31w089/",
+    "0              n31w090/",
+    "0              n31w091/",
+    "0              n31w092/",
+    "0              n31w093/",
+    "0              n31w094/",
+    "0              n31w095/",
+    "0              n31w096/",
+    "0              n31w097/",
+    "0              n31w098/",
+    "0              n31w099/",
+    "0              n31w100/",
+    "0              n31w101/",
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+    "0              n69w155/",
+    "0              n69w156/",
+    "0              n69w157/",
+    "0              n69w158/",
+    "0              n69w159/",
+    "0              n69w160/",
+    "0              n69w161/",
+    "0              n69w162/",
+    "0              n69w163/",
+    "0              n69w164/",
+    "0              n69w165/",
+    "0              n69w166/",
+    "0              n69w167/",
+    "0              n70w141/",
+    "0              n70w142/",
+    "0              n70w143/",
+    "0              n70w144/",
+    "0              n70w145/",
+    "0              n70w146/",
+    "0              n70w147/",
+    "0              n70w148/",
+    "0              n70w149/",
+    "0              n70w150/",
+    "0              n70w151/",
+    "0              n70w152/",
+    "0              n70w153/",
+    "0              n70w154/",
+    "0              n70w155/",
+    "0              n70w156/",
+    "0              n70w157/",
+    "0              n70w158/",
+    "0              n70w159/",
+    "0              n70w160/",
+    "0              n70w161/",
+    "0              n70w162/",
+    "0              n70w163/",
+    "0              n70w164/",
+    "0              n70w165/",
+    "0              n71w143/",
+    "0              n71w144/",
+    "0              n71w145/",
+    "0              n71w146/",
+    "0              n71w147/",
+    "0              n71w148/",
+    "0              n71w149/",
+    "0              n71w150/",
+    "0              n71w151/",
+    "0              n71w152/",
+    "0              n71w153/",
+    "0              n71w154/",
+    "0              n71w155/",
+    "0              n71w156/",
+    "0              n71w157/",
+    "0              n71w158/",
+    "0              n71w159/",
+    "0              n71w160/",
+    "0              n71w161/",
+    "0              n71w162/",
+    "0              n71w163/",
+    "0              n71w164/",
+    "0              n72w155/",
+    "0              n72w156/",
+    "0              n72w157/",
+    "0              n72w158/",
+    "0              s14w170/",
+    "0              s14w171/"
+  )
+  # sub out HTML copy pattern with vsi URL
+  t2 <- gsub("0              ",
+             "/vsicurl/",
+             t)
+  # add file paths following NED scheme
+  t3 <- paste0(t2,
+               "USGS_13_",
+               basename(t2),
+               ".tif")
+  # Write table to data-raw
+  write.table(t3,
+              paste0(base_dir, "/ned_list_USGS_13.txt"),
+              row.names = FALSE,
+              col.names = FALSE,
+              quote = FALSE)
+# dem_base_dir <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/transects_paper/data/dem"
+# download_3dep_vrt(dem_base_dir)
+# # Create meta data object of three NED resoruces
+# ned <- data.frame(rbind(
+#   # c(id        = "USGS_1",
+#   #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#   #   varname   = "30m elevation",
+#   #   long_name = "30m (1 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+#   #   units     = "m"),
+#   # 
+#   # c(id        = "USGS_2",
+#   #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#   #   varname   = "60m elevation",
+#   #   long_name = "60m (2 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset Alaska",
+#   #   units     = "m"),
+#   c(id        = "USGS_13",
+#     URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+#     varname   = "10m elevation",
+#     long_name = "10m (1/3th arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+#     units     = "m")
+# ))
+# # Loop over the three resolutions
+# for (i in 1:length(ned)) {
+#   i = 1
+#   # Define output text file path
+#   txt_file  <- paste0(dem_base_dir, "/ned_list_", ned$id[i], "_2.txt")
+#   # Define output VRT path
+#   vrt_file <- paste0(paste0(dem_base_dir, "/ned_", ned$id[i], ".vrt"))
+#   # If VRT does NOT exist, build VRT
+#   if (!file.exists(vrt_file)) {
+#     # read the corresponding index.gpkg
+#     files <- sf::read_sf(ned$domain_url[i])
+#     DEM_UR
+#     DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+#     # Build full HTTPS paths to "./current/"
+#     files <- c(file.path(ned$URL[i], "TIFF/current", gsub("[.]/", "", files$location)))
+#     files <- "/vsicurl/"
+#     # write list of files to text file
+#     write.table(files, txt_file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
+#     # build VRT from text file input using GDAL system call ...
+#     system(paste("gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list", txt_file, vrt_file))
+#   }
+#   logger::log_info("Finished ", ned$id[i], "...")
+# }
+# match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id, extension_pct = 0.5 ) {
+#   # transect_lines = transects
+#   # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
+#   # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+#   fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
+#   transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
+#   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
+#   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
+#                                                             crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+#   # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
+#   message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
+#   # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+#   extended_pts <- 
+#     fixed_cs_pts %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
+#   # extended_pts %>% 
+#   #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
+#   #   length()
+#   # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+#   update_transect_lines <- 
+#     transect_lines %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
+#   # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
+#   if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
+#     message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
+#     # update_transect_lines <- 
+#     #   update_transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
+#     # 
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%
+#       # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
+#       hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+#         crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id,
+#         pct        = extension_pct,
+#         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+#       )
+#     update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
+#     # update_transect_lines <- 
+#     #   update_transect_lines %>%  
+#     #   dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
+#     # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+#     # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+#     # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
+#     out_transect_lines <-
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
+#       )
+#     # transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
+#     #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#     #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+#     #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+#     #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
+#     #     dplyr::mutate(
+#     #       update_transect_lines,
+#     #       is_extended = TRUE
+#     #     )
+#     #   )  
+#   } else {
+#     # If no transect_lines were extended
+#     out_transect_lines <- 
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   }
+#   # Finalize new transect_lines
+#   out_transect_lines <- 
+#     out_transect_lines %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       point_type_counts, 
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       dplyr::ungroup(
+#         dplyr::slice(
+#           dplyr::group_by(
+#             dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
+#                           dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
+#                           cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+#             ),
+#             dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
+#           ),
+#           1
+#         )
+#       ),
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(
+#       dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+#       cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
+#       # sinuosity,
+#       is_extended,
+#       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#       bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+#       geometry
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
+#     )  
+#   return(out_transect_lines)
+# }
+# utility function for getting transects extended and 
+# matching cross section points that went through "get_improved_cs_pts()" and that were extended for improvement
+# returns the extended version of the transects 
+# match_transects_to_extended_cs_pts <- function(transect_lines, fixed_cs_pts, crosswalk_id) {
+#   # transect_lines = transects
+#   # fixed_cs_pts   = fixed_pts
+#   # crosswalk_id   = CROSSWALK_ID
+#   fixed_cs_pts <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(fixed_cs_pts, "geometry")
+#   transect_lines    <- nhdplusTools::rename_geometry(transect_lines, "geometry")
+#   # get the counts of each point type to add this data to the transect_lines dataset
+#   point_type_counts <- hydrofabric3D::get_point_type_counts(classified_pts = fixed_cs_pts, 
+#                                                             crosswalk_id = crosswalk_id)
+#   # Check the number of cross sections that were extended
+#   message("Subsetting cross section points generated after extending transect_lines...")
+#   # extract cross section points that have an "is_extended" value of TRUE
+#   extended_pts <- 
+#     fixed_cs_pts %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(is_extended) %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id)
+#   # extended_pts %>% 
+#   #   get_unique_tmp_ids() %>% 
+#   #   length()
+#   # extract transect_lines that have a "crosswalk_id" in the "extended_pts" dataset
+#   update_transect_lines <- 
+#     transect_lines %>%
+#     hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#     dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = crosswalk_id)$tmp_id)
+#   # If any transect_lines were extended, update the transect_lines dataset, and overwrite local and S3 transect_lines geopackages
+#   if (nrow(update_transect_lines) > 0) {
+#     message("Updating ", nrow(update_transect_lines), " transect_lines")
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>% 
+#       dplyr::rename(hy_id := !!sym(crosswalk_id)) 
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%
+#       # apply extend_by_percent function to each transect line:
+#       hydrofabric3D:::extend_by_percent(
+#         pct        = EXTENSION_PCT,
+#         length_col = "cs_lengthm"
+#       )
+#     update_transect_lines <- hydroloom::rename_geometry(update_transect_lines, "geometry")
+#     update_transect_lines <- 
+#       update_transect_lines %>%  
+#       dplyr::rename(!!sym(crosswalk_id) := hy_id)
+#     # cs_pt_uids    <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # transect_uids <- unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(transect_lines, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)
+#     # Filter down to ONLY points that were finalized and rectified from rectify_cs_pts()
+#     # Remove old transect_lines that have "tmp_id" in "extended_pts" (transect_lines that were unchanged and are "good_to_go")
+#     # and then replace with old transect_lines with the "update_transect_lines"
+#     out_transect_lines <-
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::bind_rows(
+#         dplyr::mutate(update_transect_lines, is_extended = TRUE)
+#       )
+#     # transect_lines %>% 
+#     #   hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = "hy_id") %>%
+#     #   # dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>%
+#     #   dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_pts, x = "hy_id")$tmp_id)) %>% # Subset down to the remaining tmp_ids in the fixed points
+#     #   dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id)) %>% # remove the tmp_ids that we are going add back in with the extended versions of those tmp_ids
+#     #   dplyr::bind_rows( # bring in the new updated extended transect_lines
+#     #     dplyr::mutate(
+#     #       update_transect_lines,
+#     #       is_extended = TRUE
+#     #     )
+#     #   )  
+#   } else {
+#     # If no transect_lines were extended
+#     out_transect_lines <- 
+#       transect_lines %>%
+#       hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(x = crosswalk_id) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% cs_pt_uids) %>% 
+#       # dplyr::filter(tmp_id %in% unique(hydrofabric3D::add_tmp_id(fixed_cs_pts, x = get(crosswalk_id))$tmp_id)) %>%
+#       dplyr::filter(!tmp_id %in% unique(extended_pts$tmp_id))
+#   }
+#   # Finalize new transect_lines
+#   out_transect_lines <- 
+#     out_transect_lines %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       point_type_counts, 
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::left_join(
+#       dplyr::ungroup(
+#         dplyr::slice(
+#           dplyr::group_by(
+#             dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(fixed_cs_pts),
+#                           dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id), 
+#                           cs_id, bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief
+#             ),
+#             dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")))
+#           ),
+#           1
+#         )
+#       ),
+#       by = c(crosswalk_id, "cs_id")
+#     ) %>%
+#     dplyr::select(
+#       dplyr::any_of(crosswalk_id),
+#       cs_source, cs_id, cs_measure, cs_lengthm,
+#       # sinuosity,
+#       is_extended,
+#       left_bank_count, right_bank_count, channel_count, bottom_count,
+#       bottom, left_bank, right_bank, valid_banks, has_relief,
+#       geometry
+#     ) %>% 
+#     dplyr::mutate(
+#       is_extended = ifelse(, FALSE, is_extended)
+#     )  
+#   return(out_transect_lines)
+# }

From 8c094982a9c7ae193fefa956111a778cc4617768 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 14:42:57 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 63/64] building new cs_runner format in cs_runner2 to replace
 first version of cs_runner

 runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R                |  26 ++
 runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R             |   0
 .../cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R  |   0
 .../cs_runner2/03_extract_initial_cs_pts.R    |   0
 .../04_extend_transects_by_cs_attributes.R    |   0
 runners/cs_runner2/05_extract_output_cs_pts.R |   0
 runners/cs_runner2/06_inject_ml_bathymetry.R  |   0
 runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R           |  36 ++-
 runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R    | 145 ++++++++--
 .../{download_fema100.R => download_fema.R}   |   0
 runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R      |   0
 runners/cs_runner2/finalize_outputs.R         |   0
 ...partition_fema_by_vpu.R => process_fema.R} | 264 ++++++++----------
 runners/cs_runner2/utils.R                    |  58 +++-
 14 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/03_extract_initial_cs_pts.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/04_extend_transects_by_cs_attributes.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/05_extract_output_cs_pts.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/06_inject_ml_bathymetry.R
 rename runners/cs_runner2/{download_fema100.R => download_fema.R} (100%)
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R
 create mode 100644 runners/cs_runner2/finalize_outputs.R
 rename runners/cs_runner2/{partition_fema_by_vpu.R => process_fema.R} (79%)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R b/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb98b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+### Run this file to have all runner scripts run in order
+# downloads nextgen datasets 
+# downloads datasets
+# - Nextgen data
+# - Reference features (for waterbody filtering)
+# - ML outputs
+# - FEMA 100 year floodplain polygons (FGBs)
+# generate and upload transects datasets 
+# generate and upload cross sections points datasets 
+# Apply machine learning topwidths and depths estimates to DEM cross section points
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/03_extract_initial_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner2/03_extract_initial_cs_pts.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/04_extend_transects_by_cs_attributes.R b/runners/cs_runner2/04_extend_transects_by_cs_attributes.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/05_extract_output_cs_pts.R b/runners/cs_runner2/05_extract_output_cs_pts.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/06_inject_ml_bathymetry.R b/runners/cs_runner2/06_inject_ml_bathymetry.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
index 79792c2..c716e29 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
@@ -99,13 +99,45 @@ CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH       <- file.path(CS_EXTENSION_POLYGONS_DIR, 'conus_fema.g
 # ---- CONUS CS extension polygons ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Meta data object of National Elevation Datasets (NED)
+NED_META <- data.frame(rbind(
+  # c(id        = "USGS_1",
+  #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+  #   varname   = "30m elevation",
+  #   long_name = "30m (1 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+  #   units     = "m",
+  #   s3_uri    = "s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/",
+  #   vrt_name  = "USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt"
+  # )
+  # 
+  # # c(id        = "USGS_2",
+  # #   URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+  # #   varname   = "60m elevation",
+  # #   long_name = "60m (2 arcsec) National Elevation Dataset Alaska",
+  # #   units     = "m",
+  # #   s3_uri    = "s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/2/TIFF/",
+  # #   vrt_name  = "USGS_Seamless_DEM_2.vrt"
+  # #   ),
+  c(id        = "USGS_13",
+    URL       = "/vsicurl/",
+    varname   = "10m elevation",
+    long_name = "10m (1/3th arcsec) National Elevation Dataset",
+    units     = "m",
+    s3_uri    = "s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/13/TIFF/",
+    vrt_name  = "USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt"
+    )
+  )
 DEM_DIR        <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_dir
 DEM_VRT_DIR    <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_vrt_dir
-DEM_TIF_DIR    <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_tif_dir
+# DEM_TIF_DIR    <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_tif_dir
 DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# # /vsicurl/
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Cross section point extraction constant variables ----
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
index edd77bb..fc18f2c 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_dem_from_vrt.R
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
@@ -8,25 +6,138 @@ library(dplyr)
-base_dirs   <- get_base_dir_paths(BASE_DIR)
+# specify where VRT should go
+DEM_VRT_DIR <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$dem_vrt_dir
+# # DEM_TIF_DIR <- base_dirs$dem_tif_dir
+# DEM_PATH        <- "/vsicurl/"
+# # /vsicurl/
+# message("Syncing 3DEP elevation VRTs...")
+# s3_cp_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 cp ", "s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/13/TIFF/USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt", " ", "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt", " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request")
+# s3_cp_cmd
+# system(s3_cp_cmd)
+# "s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/13/TIFF/USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt"
+# VRT_file <- "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt"
+# vrt_tiles <- terra::vrt_tiles(VRT_file)
+# dem <- terra::rast(vrt_tiles[999])
+# dem
+# terra::writeRaster(dem, "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/tile1_USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.tif", overwrite = T)
+# length(vrt_tiles)
+# s3://lynker-nypa-inputs/ryan_test/
-DEM_VRT_DIR <- base_dirs$dem_vrt_dir
-DEM_TIF_DIR <- base_dirs$dem_tif_dir
+for (i in seq_along(nrow(NED_META))) {
+  i = 1
+  ned_uri         <- NED_META$s3_uri[i]  
+  ned_current_uri <- paste0(ned_uri, "current/")
+  ned_current_uri
+  output_dir <- file.path(DEM_VRT_DIR,  NED_META$id[i])
+  output_dir
+  current_output_dir <- file.path(DEM_VRT_DIR,  NED_META$id[i], "current")
+  # create specific VRT directory if it doesnt already exist
+  create_if_not_exists(output_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(current_output_dir)
+  message("[", i, "] - ", "Syncing\n '", ned_current_uri, "' > '", current_output_dir, "'")
+  s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync ", ned_current_uri, " ", current_output_dir, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request")
+  # s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_VRT_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request")
+  tryCatch({
+    # system(s3_sync_cmd)
+  }, error = function(e) {
+    message("Error syncing ", ned_uri, " to local directory...")
+    message(e)
+  })
-# "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
+# vrt_file <- file.path(DEM_VRT_DIR, "USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt")
+# # TODO: use AWS S3 sync command like below
+# s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_VRT_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request")
+# # s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_VRT_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request --only-show-errors")
+# system(s3_sync_cmd)
-# Parse the VRT file
-vrt_file <- list.files(DEM_VRT_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# ------------------------------------
+# ---- Build VRTs ----
+# ------------------------------------
-vrt_tiles <- terra::vrt_tiles(vrt_file)
+message("Building 3DEP elevation '.vrt' files...")
-# tile_path <- vrt_tiles[500]
-tile_paths <- gsub("/vsicurl/", "",  vrt_tiles)
+for (i in seq_along(nrow(NED_META))) {
+  i = 1
+  NED_META$id[i]
+  output_dir <- file.path(DEM_VRT_DIR,  NED_META$id[i])
+  # output_dir 
+  # Define output text file path
+  txt_file  <- file.path(output_dir, paste0("ned_list_", NED_META$id[i], ".txt"))
+  # Define output VRT path
+  vrt_file  <- file.path(output_dir, paste0("ned_", NED_META$id[i], ".vrt"))
+  # vrt_file <- paste0(paste0("data-raw/ned_", NED_META$id[i], ".vrt"))
+  # If VRT does NOT exist, build VRT
+  if (!file.exists(vrt_file)) {
+    # txt_file
+    current_dir <- file.path(output_dir, "current")
+    # all the current/ directories that have the TIFs
+    tile_dirs   <- list.files(current_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+    # list.files(tile_dirs[1:2],  full.names = T)
+    # index_gpkg <- sf::read_sf(list.files(tile_dirs[999], full.names = T, pattern = ".gpkg"))
+    # get list of all the .tif files in the "current/" dir
+    tif_paths   <- list.files(tile_dirs,  pattern = ".tif", full.names = T)
+    # write list of files to text file
+    write.table(tif_paths, txt_file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
+    # build VRT from text file input using GDAL system call ...
+    system(paste("gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list", txt_file, vrt_file))
+  }
-# TODO: use AWS S3 sync command like below
-s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_TIF_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request --only-show-errors")
-# "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
-# TODO: Old method curl request each file individually.... super slow
-# error_tiles <- download_tiles(tile_paths, DEM_TIF_DIR)
\ No newline at end of file
+# file.path(DEM_TIF_DIR, "USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt")
+# length(list.files(file.path(DEM_TIF_DIR, "current"), full.names = T))
+# vrt_tiles <- terra::vrt_tiles(file.path(DEM_TIF_DIR, "USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt"))
+# vrt_tiles[1]
+# # "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
+# # Parse the VRT file
+# vrt_file <- list.files(DEM_VRT_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# vrt_file <- list.files(DEM_VRT_DIR, full.names = TRUE)
+# file.path(DEM_TIF_DIR, "USGS_Seamless_DEM_1.vrt")
+# vrt_tiles <- terra::vrt_tiles(vrt_file)
+# # tile_path <- vrt_tiles[500]
+# tile_paths <- gsub("/vsicurl/", "",  vrt_tiles)
+# # TODO: use AWS S3 sync command like below
+# s3_sync_cmd <- paste0("aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ ", DEM_VRT_DIR, " --profile ", AWS_PROFILE, " --no-sign-request --only-show-errors")
+# # aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors
+# # "aws s3 sync s3://prd-tnm/StagedProducts/Elevation/1/TIFF/ /Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/dem/tif/ --no-sign-request --only-show-errors"
+# # TODO: Old method curl request each file individually.... super slow
+# # error_tiles <- download_tiles(tile_paths, DEM_TIF_DIR)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_fema.R
similarity index 100%
rename from runners/cs_runner2/download_fema100.R
rename to runners/cs_runner2/download_fema.R
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/finalize_outputs.R b/runners/cs_runner2/finalize_outputs.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R b/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
similarity index 79%
rename from runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
rename to runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
index 2292588..522d427 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/partition_fema_by_vpu.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
@@ -169,10 +169,6 @@ for (file in FEMA_FILENAMES) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Apply final dissolve/snap and removal of internal boundaries in FEMA geometries  ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-source sh/ "mros-webapp-tfstate-bucket" 645515465214 "angus-lynker" us-west-1 "false"
-source sh/ "mros-webapp-tfstate-bucket" 645515465214 "angus-lynker" us-west-1 "false"
 # # paths to FEMA 100 year flood plain files
 # FEMA_gpkg_paths      <- list.files(FEMA_GPKG_PATH, full.names = TRUE)
@@ -267,8 +263,8 @@ CONUS_VPU_IDS <-
 for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
-  # file_path = FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS[25]
+   # i = 35
+  # file_path = FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS[i]
   fema_file <- basename(file_path)
@@ -278,8 +274,8 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
   fema <- sf::read_sf(file_path)
   for (vpu in CONUS_VPU_IDS) {
-    # vpu = CONUS_VPU_IDS[12]
+    # j = 8 
+    # vpu = CONUS_VPU_IDS[j]
     # nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
     # vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
@@ -320,8 +316,10 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
       # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
+      # BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs
       fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
-      fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
+      fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/subsets/", fema_vpu_filename)
@@ -337,60 +335,6 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
-  # for (nextgen_path in NEXTGEN_FILE_PATHS) {
-  #   nextgen_basename <- basename(nextgen_path)
-  #   vpu              <- unlist(regmatches(nextgen_basename, gregexpr("\\d+[A-Za-z]*", nextgen_basename)))
-  #   message("VPU: ", vpu)   
-  #   message("- nextgen gpkg:\n > '", nextgen_path, "'")   
-  #   message(" > Checking if '", fema_file, "' intersects with '", nextgen_basename, "'")
-  #   # read in nextgen flowlines 
-  #   flines <- sf::read_sf(nextgen_path, layer = "flowpaths")
-  #   # get the FEMA polygons that intersect with the nextgen flowlines
-  #   fema_intersect <- polygons_with_line_intersects(fema, flines)
-  #   fema_in_nextgen <-  nrow(fema_intersect) != 0
-  #   message("FEMA intersects with nextgen flowlines? ", fema_in_nextgen)
-  #   if(fema_in_nextgen) {
-  #     # create filepaths
-  #     vpu_subfolder      <- paste0("VPU_", vpu)
-  #     # vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder, "/states")
-  #     vpu_subfolder_path <- paste0(FEMA_BY_VPU_PATH, "/", vpu_subfolder)
-  #     # vpu_subfolder_path <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[grepl(vpu_subfolder, FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)]
-  #     fema_intersect <-
-  #       fema_intersect %>%
-  #       dplyr::mutate(
-  #         vpu = vpu
-  #       ) %>%
-  #       dplyr::select(vpu, fema_id, source, state, geom)
-  #     # state <- gsub("-100yr-flood_valid_clean.gpkg", "", fema_file)
-  #     fema_vpu_filename <- gsub(".gpkg", paste0("_", vpu, ".gpkg"), fema_file)
-  #     fema_vpu_path     <- paste0(vpu_subfolder_path, "/", fema_vpu_filename)
-  #     if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES) {
-  #       message("Writting '", basename(fema_vpu_filename), "' to: \n > '", fema_vpu_path, "'")
-  #       sf::write_sf(
-  #         fema_intersect,
-  #         fema_vpu_path
-  #       )
-  #     }
-  #   }
-  #   message()
-  # }
@@ -400,23 +344,50 @@ for (file_path in FEMA_CLEAN_GPKG_PATHS) {
+# for (i in seq_along(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs)) {
+#   vpu_subdir <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs[i]
+#   message(i, " - ", vpu_subdir)
+#   files_to_move = list.files(vpu_subdir, pattern = ".gpkg", full.names = T)
+#   for (file in files_to_move) {
+#     new_path <- paste0(vpu_subdir, "/subsets/",     basename(file))
+#     message(" > ", file, "\n > ", new_path, "\n")
+#     fs::file_move(
+#       file, 
+#       new_path
+#     )
+#   }
+# }
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- Loop through each VPU subfolder and merge all of the Geopackages into one---- 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs
+# BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs
+# for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
-for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
+for (i in seq_along(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs)) {
   # for (i in 1:4) {
-  # i = 1
-  # vpu_dir = FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS2[i]
+  # i = 8
+  vpu_dir <-  BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs[i]
+  # vpu_dir <-  FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
+  vpu_subset_dir <- BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs[i]
   message("Merging files in '", basename(vpu_dir), "' directory...")
-  # }
+  vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_subset_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  vpu_subdirs    <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # message(paste0("\n > ", basename(vpu_subdirs), collapse = ""))
   # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackge will end up
-  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema-", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged/", master_gpkg_name)
   # if the file already exists, remove it so we dont OVER append data to the "master file"
   if (file.exists(master_filepath)) {
@@ -424,11 +395,11 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
   # fema state geopackages partioned for the specific VPU
-  fema_state_gpkgs        <- list.files(vpu_dir, full.names = TRUE)
-  master_output_filepath  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name))
-  # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
-  fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath & fema_state_gpkgs != master_output_filepath]
+  fema_state_gpkgs        <- list.files(vpu_subset_dir, full.names = TRUE)
+  # master_output_filepath  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name))
+  # 
+  # # make sure to ignore the master file if it already exists
+  # fema_state_gpkgs <- fema_state_gpkgs[fema_state_gpkgs != master_filepath & fema_state_gpkgs != master_output_filepath]
   for(gpkg_file in fema_state_gpkgs) {
     # message(" - Appending '", basename(gpkg_file), "' to master FEMA VPU gpkg:\n  >  '",
@@ -443,29 +414,29 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
                                     " ", gpkg_file
-    }
+    # }
-  has_fema_state_gpkgs <- length(fema_state_gpkgs) > 0
-  if(DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS && has_fema_state_gpkgs) {
-    message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '", vpu_dir, "' directory...")
-    # message("- Deleting individual gpkgs from 'states' directory:\n > '", states_dir, "'")
-    remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
-    for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
-      message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
-      system(remove_cmd)
-    }
-  }
+  # has_fema_state_gpkgs <- length(fema_state_gpkgs) > 0
+  # 
+  # if(DELETE_STAGING_GPKGS && has_fema_state_gpkgs) {
+  #   message(" - Deleting individual gpkgs from '", vpu_dir, "' directory...")
+  #   remove_gpkg_cmds <- paste0("rm ", fema_state_gpkgs)
+  #   
+  #   for (remove_cmd in remove_gpkg_cmds) {
+  #     message("  >  '", remove_cmd, "'")
+  #     system(remove_cmd)
+  #   }
+  # }
   # message()
   message("Merge complete!")
   message("Merged '", basename(vpu_dir), "' FEMA output geopackage:\n --> '", master_filepath, "'")
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ----Apply simplify, dissolve, explode on the MERGED polygons  ---- 
@@ -475,9 +446,13 @@ for (vpu_dir in FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS) {
 # for (i in list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T))]) {
 #   file.remove(i)
 # }
+# seq_along(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_subdirs)
+# rm(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, i, VPU, vpu_dir)
 for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # i = 8
   vpu_dir    <- FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS[i]
@@ -486,15 +461,23 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   message(i, " - Attempting to union FEMA polygons for '", VPU, "'...")
   # path to the merged directory where the final merged geopackage will end up
-  master_name       <- paste0("fema_", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
+  master_name       <- paste0("fema-", gsub("VPU", "vpu", basename(vpu_dir)))
   master_gpkg_name  <- paste0(master_name, ".gpkg")
-  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_gpkg_name)
+  master_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged/", master_gpkg_name)
   master_geojson_name       <- paste0(master_name, ".geojson")
-  master_geojson_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", master_geojson_name)
+  master_geojson_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged/", master_geojson_name)
+  # updated_gpkg_name  <- gsub(".gpkg", "-output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name)
+  updated_gpkg_name  <- master_gpkg_name
+  updated_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/output/", master_gpkg_name)
+  updated_gpkg_exists  <- file.exists(updated_filepath)
-  updated_gpkg_name  <- gsub(".gpkg", "_output.gpkg", master_gpkg_name)
-  updated_filepath   <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", updated_gpkg_name)
+  # remove output file if it already exists
+  if (updated_gpkg_exists) {
+    file.remove(updated_filepath)
+  }
   message("VPU Merged FEMA filename: '", master_gpkg_name, "'")
   message("> Simplifying, dissolve, exploding VPU aggregated FEMA polygons... '", basename(master_filepath), "'")
@@ -516,12 +499,12 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # gpkg_to_geojson_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", master_geojson_filepath, " ", master_filepath)
   # file.remove(master_geojson_filepath)
-  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
-    system(gpkg_to_geojson_cmd)
-    message("Writing '", master_geojson_name, "' to: \n > '", master_geojson_filepath, "'")
-    STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, master_geojson_filepath)
-  }
+  # if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !geojson_exists) {
+  system(gpkg_to_geojson_cmd)
+  message("Writing '", master_geojson_name, "' to: \n > '", master_geojson_filepath, "'")
+  STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, master_geojson_filepath)
+  # }
   # master_gj <- sf::read_sf(master_geojson_filepath)
   # master_gpkg <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
@@ -529,13 +512,15 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # Clean GeoJSON
   message("Simplify, dissolve, explode > '", master_geojson_name, "'")
   output_clean_filename      <- gsub(".geojson", "_clean.geojson", master_geojson_name)
-  output_clean_geojson_path  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", output_clean_filename)
+  output_clean_geojson_path  <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged/", output_clean_filename)
   clean_geojson_exists  <- file.exists(output_clean_geojson_path)
   message(" >>> '", output_clean_filename, "' already exists? ", clean_geojson_exists)
-  message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
+  # message(" >>> Overwrite? ", OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES)
-  # file.remove(output_clean_geojson_path)
+  if (clean_geojson_exists) {
+    file.remove(output_clean_geojson_path)
+  }
   mapshaper_command = paste0('node  --max-old-space-size=16000 /opt/homebrew/bin/mapshaper ',
@@ -554,33 +539,36 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   # message("Writing '", master_geojson_name, "' to: \n > '", master_geojson_filepath, "'")
   STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE <- c(STAGING_FILES_TO_DELETE, output_clean_geojson_path)
-  output_clean_gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".geojson", ".gpkg", master_geojson_name)
-  output_clean_gpkg_path       <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/", output_clean_gpkg_filename)
+  # output_clean_gpkg_filename   <- gsub(".geojson", ".gpkg", master_geojson_name)
+  # output_clean_gpkg_path       <- paste0(vpu_dir, "/merged/", output_clean_gpkg_filename)
   # fema_vpu <- sf::read_sf(master_filepath)
   # geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -f GPKG ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
-  geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:5070  ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
+  geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr -nlt MULTIPOLYGON -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:5070  ", 
+                                updated_filepath, " ", 
+                                output_clean_geojson_path)
   # geojson_to_gpkg_cmd <- paste0("ogr2ogr ", updated_filepath, " ", output_clean_geojson_path)
-  updated_gpkg_exists  <- file.exists(updated_filepath)
-  # updated_gpkg_exists
-  # file.remove(updated_filepath)
+  # updated_gpkg_exists  <- file.exists(updated_filepath)
+  # if (updated_gpkg_exists) {
+  #   file.remove(updated_filepath)
+  # }
-  if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !updated_gpkg_exists) {
-    system(geojson_to_gpkg_cmd)
-    message("Writing '", updated_gpkg_name, "' to: \n > '", updated_filepath, "'")
-  }
+  # if (OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES || !updated_gpkg_exists) {
+  system(geojson_to_gpkg_cmd)
+  message("Writing '", updated_gpkg_name, "' to: \n > '", updated_filepath, "'")
+  # }
   # sf::st_layers(updated_filepath)
   # mapview::npts(fema)
   fema  <- 
     sf::read_sf(updated_filepath) %>%
     # sf::read_sf(output_clean_geojson_path) %>%
     # rmapshaper::ms_explode(sys=TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
-      vpu      = gsub("VPU_", "", VPU),
+      vpu      = gsub("vpu-", "", VPU),
       fema_id = as.character(1:dplyr::n())
     ) %>% 
@@ -595,6 +583,7 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
   #   dplyr::mutate(pts = mapview::npts(geom)) %>% 
   #   dplyr::arrange(-pts) 
+  # remove before writting updated version
@@ -618,47 +607,14 @@ for (i in 1:length(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS)) {
 # ---- Store all FEMA layers in a single conus_fema.gpkg 
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-fema_vpu_layers <- list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
-combine_gpkg_files(fema_vpu_layers, '/Volumes/T7SSD/lynker-spatial/cs-extension-polygons/conus_fema.gpkg')
+all_fema_vpu_layers <- list.files(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_output_dirs, full.names = TRUE)
-combine_gpkg_files <- function(gpkg_paths, output_gpkg) {
-  layer_counter <- list()
-  for (gpkg_path in gpkg_paths) {
-    base_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(gpkg_path))
-    # base_name <- gsub("_output.gpkg", "", basename(gpkg_path))
-    if (base_name %in% names(layer_counter)) {
-      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- layer_counter[[base_name]] + 1
-      layer_name <- paste0(base_name, "_", layer_counter[[base_name]])
-    } else {
-      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- 1
-      layer_name <- base_name
-    }
-    tryCatch({
-      sf_layer <- st_read(gpkg_path, quiet = TRUE)
-      sf::st_write(sf_layer, 
-               dsn = output_gpkg, 
-               layer = layer_name, 
-               append = TRUE,
-               quiet = TRUE)
-      message("Successfully added '", basename(gpkg_path), "' as layer: '", layer_name, "' to\n > '", output_gpkg, "'")
-    }, error = function(e) {
-      warning("Error processing: ",  basename(gpkg_path))
-      warning(e)
-    })
-  }
+# fema_vpu_layers <- list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS, full.names = T)[grepl("_output.gpkg", list.files(FEMA_VPU_SUBFOLDERS))]
+combine_gpkg_files(all_fema_vpu_layers, CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
index 6feff0b..cb624ae 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #         ├── tif/
 #     ├── cs-extension-polygons/
 create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
+  # base_dir <- BASE_DIR
   # build paths
   hydrofabric_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "/hydrofabric")
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
   # DEM dirs
   dem_dir                    <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
   dem_vrt_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "vrt")
-  dem_tif_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "tif")
+  # dem_tif_dir                <- file.path(dem_dir, "tif")
   # polygons for transect extensions
   cs_extension_polygons_dir     <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
   # DEM dirs
-  create_if_not_exists(dem_tif_dir)
+  # create_if_not_exists(dem_tif_dir)
   # extension polygons
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ create_local_hydrofabric_base_dirs <- function(base_dir) {
   for (path in fema_by_vpu_subdirs) {
+    create_if_not_exists(file.path(path, "subsets"))
+    create_if_not_exists(file.path(path, "merged"))
+    create_if_not_exists(file.path(path, "output"))
@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ get_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir) {
   dem_dir          <- file.path(base_dir, "dem")
   dem_vrt_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "vrt")
-  dem_tif_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "tif")
+  # dem_tif_dir      <- file.path(base_dir, "dem", "tif")
   cs_extension_polygons_dir <- file.path(base_dir, "cs-extension-polygons")
@@ -196,12 +199,16 @@ get_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir) {
   fema_by_vpu_dir       <- file.path(fema_dir, "fema-by-vpu")
   fema_by_vpu_subdirs   <- paste0(fema_by_vpu_dir, "/vpu-", VPU_IDS)
+  fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs <- file.path(fema_by_vpu_subdirs, "subsets")
+  fema_by_vpu_merged_dirs  <- file.path(fema_by_vpu_subdirs, "merged")
+  fema_by_vpu_output_dirs  <- file.path(fema_by_vpu_subdirs, "output")
       hydrofabric_dir = hydrofabric_dir,
       dem_dir = dem_dir,
       dem_vrt_dir = dem_vrt_dir, 
-      dem_tif_dir = dem_tif_dir,
+      # dem_tif_dir = dem_tif_dir,
       cs_extension_polygons_dir = cs_extension_polygons_dir,
       fema_dir = fema_dir,
       fema_fgb_dir = fema_fgb_dir,
@@ -209,7 +216,10 @@ get_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir) {
       fema_clean_dir = fema_clean_dir,
       fema_gpkg_dir = fema_gpkg_dir,
       fema_by_vpu_dir = fema_by_vpu_dir,
-      fema_by_vpu_subdirs = fema_by_vpu_subdirs
+      fema_by_vpu_subdirs = fema_by_vpu_subdirs,
+      fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs = fema_by_vpu_subsets_dirs,
+      fema_by_vpu_merged_dirs = fema_by_vpu_merged_dirs,
+      fema_by_vpu_output_dirs = fema_by_vpu_output_dirs
@@ -259,6 +269,42 @@ get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
+combine_gpkg_files <- function(gpkg_paths, output_gpkg) {
+  layer_counter <- list()
+  for (gpkg_path in gpkg_paths) {
+    base_name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(gpkg_path))
+    # base_name <- gsub("_output.gpkg", "", basename(gpkg_path))
+    if (base_name %in% names(layer_counter)) {
+      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- layer_counter[[base_name]] + 1
+      layer_name <- paste0(base_name, "_", layer_counter[[base_name]])
+    } else {
+      layer_counter[[base_name]] <- 1
+      layer_name <- base_name
+    }
+    tryCatch({
+      sf_layer <- st_read(gpkg_path, quiet = TRUE)
+      sf::st_write(sf_layer, 
+                   dsn = output_gpkg, 
+                   layer = layer_name, 
+                   append = TRUE,
+                   quiet = TRUE)
+      message("Successfully added '", basename(gpkg_path), "' as layer: '", layer_name, "' to\n > '", output_gpkg, "'")
+    }, error = function(e) {
+      warning("Error processing: ",  basename(gpkg_path))
+      warning(e)
+    })
+  }
 list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
   profile_option <- if (!is.null(aws_profile)) paste0("--profile ", aws_profile) else ""

From 83bb22c12b89ce60d17827ab26298094635db2f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: anguswg-ucsb <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:27:33 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 64/64] finished 01_transects script and adding extensions
 script and more util function helpers for managing filepaths/names

 runners/cs_runner/utils.R                     |  38 +++-
 runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R                |   5 +-
 runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R             | 190 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R  | 118 +++++++++++
 runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R           |   7 +
 runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R      |  28 +++
 runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R             |  17 +-
 runners/cs_runner2/utils.R                    |  94 ++++++++-
 8 files changed, 474 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
index ef43e18..47423c1 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner/utils.R
@@ -121,7 +121,11 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   network_dir                <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/network")
   # transects
-  transects_dir              <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  transects_dir                  <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  transects_base_dir             <- paste0(transects_dir, "/base")
+  transects_fema_extended_dir    <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-fema")
+  transects_cs_extended_dir      <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-cs-attributes")
+  transects_output_dir           <- paste0(transects_dir, "/output")
   # cross sections dirs
   cross_sections_dir                 <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/cross-sections")
@@ -129,7 +133,9 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   cross_sections_ml_dir              <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-ml")
   cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-coastal-bathy")
   cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-points")
+  cross_sections_output_dir          <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/output")
   if(with_output) {
     output_dir       <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/outputs")
@@ -148,13 +154,19 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   # transects
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_base_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_fema_extended_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_cs_extended_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_output_dir)
   # CS pts
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_output_dir)
   if(with_output) {
@@ -233,28 +245,44 @@ get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
   network_dir                <- file.path(version_base_dir, "network")
   # transects
-  transects_dir              <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  transects_dir                  <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  transects_base_dir             <- paste0(transects_dir, "/base")
+  transects_fema_extended_dir    <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-fema")
+  transects_cs_extended_dir      <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-cs-attributes")
+  transects_output_dir           <- paste0(transects_dir, "/output")
   # cross sections dirs
   cross_sections_dir                 <- file.path(version_base_dir, "cross-sections")
   cross_sections_dem_dir             <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem")
   cross_sections_ml_dir              <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-ml")
   cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-coastal-bathy")
   cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-points")
+  cross_sections_output_dir          <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/output")
       hydrofabric_dir    = hydrofabric_dir,
       version_base_dir   = version_base_dir,
       ref_features_dir   = ref_features_dir, 
       network_dir        = network_dir,
       ml_dir = ml_dir,
       transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      transects_base_dir = transects_base_dir,
+      transects_fema_extended_dir = transects_fema_extended_dir,
+      transects_cs_extended_dir = transects_cs_extended_dir,
+      transects_output_dir = transects_output_dir,
       cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
       cross_sections_dem_dir     = cross_sections_dem_dir,
       cross_sections_dem_pts_dir = cross_sections_dem_pts_dir,
       cross_sections_ml_dir      = cross_sections_ml_dir,
-      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir
+      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir,
+      cross_sections_output_dir = cross_sections_output_dir
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R b/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
index cb98b6e..9c6eaed 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/00_driver.R
@@ -6,15 +6,16 @@ source("runners/cs_runner2/config_env.R")
 # downloads datasets
 # - Nextgen data
 # - Reference features (for waterbody filtering)
-# - ML outputs
 # - FEMA 100 year floodplain polygons (FGBs)
+#   - Process state level FEMA polygons to CONUS 
+# - ML outputs
 # generate and upload transects datasets 
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R b/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R
index e69de29..e11f46c 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/01_transects.R
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# source("runners/cs_runner2/utils.R")
+VPU_IDS <- get_vpu_ids()
+for (i in seq_along(VPU_IDS)) {
+# for (i in 21:length(VPU_IDS)) {
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Setup variables / paths ----
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  vpu                       <- VPU_IDS[i]
+  CROSSWALK_ID              <- "id"
+  transect_filenames        <- get_transect_filenames(vpu, sep = "-")
+  base_output_path          <- paste0(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$transects_base_dir, "/", transect_filenames$transects_base_path)
+  base_transect_file_exists <- file.exists(base_output_path)
+  do_process_transects      <- !base_transect_file_exists || REGENERATE_TRANSECTS
+  # do_not_reprocess_transects <- base_transect_file_exists && !REGENERATE_TRANSECTS
+  if (do_process_transects) {
+    message("Creating VPU ", vpu, " transects:", 
+            "\n - flowpaths: '",
+            basename(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH), "'"
+    )
+  } else {
+    message(
+      "VPU ", vpu, " transects file already exists at:\n - '", base_output_path, "'", 
+      "\n\n   >>> NOTE: To regenerate transects:\n\t\t- Set REGENERATE_TRANSECTS = TRUE in 'base_variables.R' \n\t\tOR\n\t\t- delete the '", 
+      basename(base_output_path), "' file"
+    )
+    next
+  }
+  # if we are going to create new transects and the transect file already exists, delete it as to not cause confusion or accidently append to an old dataset
+  if (do_process_transects && base_transect_file_exists) {
+    message("Deleting old transect file:\n > '", base_output_path, "'")
+    file.remove(base_output_path)
+  }
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Load flowpaths for VPU from conus_nextgen.gpkg ----
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # read in nextgen flowlines 
+  flines <- 
+    sf::read_sf(query = paste0("SELECT * FROM flowpaths WHERE vpuid = '", vpu, "'"))
+  has_no_flowlines <- nrow(flines) == 0 
+  if (has_no_flowlines) {
+      message("Skipping VPU ", vpu, " as no flowlines were found in '", basename(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH), "'..." )
+      next
+    }
+  # Add an estimate bankful width based on Total downsteam drainage area (sqkm, Power law equation) 
+  flines <-
+    flines %>% 
+    hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry") %>% 
+    hydrofabric3D::add_powerlaw_bankful_width(
+      total_drainage_area_sqkm_col = "tot_drainage_areasqkm", 
+      min_bf_width = 50
+    ) %>% 
+    dplyr::group_by(order) %>% 
+      dplyr::slice(1:10) %>% 
+      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+      dplyr::select(
+        id,
+        lengthkm,
+        tot_drainage_areasqkm,
+        bf_width,
+        mainstem,
+        geometry
+      ) 
+    # dplyr::group_by(order)
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Generate transects ---- 
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # flines$geometry %>% sf::st_is_empty() %>% any()
+  # sf::write_sf(
+  #   flines,
+  #   "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/wrong_cs_ids_flines_error.gpkg"
+  #   # "/Users/anguswatters/Desktop/empty_geom_flines_error.gpkg"
+  # )
+  # create transect lines
+  transects <- hydrofabric3D::cut_cross_sections(
+    net               = flines,                        # flowlines network
+    crosswalk_id      = CROSSWALK_ID,                       # Unique feature ID
+    cs_widths         = flines$bf_width,     # cross section width of each "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # cs_widths = 15,
+    num               = 3,                            # number of cross sections per "id" linestring ("hy_id")
+    # smooth            = FALSE,                          # smooth lines
+    # densify           = NULL,  
+    smooth            = TRUE,                          # smooth lines
+    densify           = 3,                             # densify linestring points
+    rm_self_intersect = TRUE,                          # remove self intersecting transects
+    fix_braids        = FALSE,                         # whether to fix braided flowlines or not
+    add               = TRUE                           # whether to add back the original data
+  )  
+  # dplyr::mutate(
+    # cs_source = CS_SOURCE
+  # )
+  # transects$cs_lengthm 
+  # transects$geometry %>% sf::st_length()
+  # transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     new_cs_lengthm = as.numeric(sf::st_length(.))
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(!dplyr::near(new_cs_lengthm, cs_lengthm, tol =   2))
+  # .Machine$double.eps^1
+  # crosswalk_id <- "id"
+  # # reenumerate the cs_ids for each transect based on cs_measure sorting, and make sure all cross sections are correctly numbered
+  # mismatches <-
+  #   transects %>%
+  #   sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c(crosswalk_id)))) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::arrange(cs_measure, .by_group = TRUE) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::mutate(
+  #     new_cs_id = 1:dplyr::n()
+  #   ) %>% 
+  #   dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(cs_id != new_cs_id)
+  # mismatches
+  # transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(id %in% c("wb-1023360", "wb-1023363"))
+  # 
+  # transects %>% 
+  #   dplyr::filter(id %in% c("wb-1023360", "wb-1023363")) %>% 
+  #   mapview::mapview()
+  # 
+  # # FALSE if there are any transects with different cs_ids to the newly created cs_id 
+  # # Otherwise TRUE
+  # has_valid_cs_ids <- !(nrow(mismatches) > 0)
+  # 
+  # # t2 <- transects %>% hydrofabric3D:::renumber_cs_ids("id")
+  # # hydrofabric3D::validate_transects(t2, "id")
+  # transects 
+  is_valid_transects                    <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects(transects, "id")
+  is_valid_transects_against_flowlines  <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects_against_flowlines(transects, flines, "id")
+  # is_valid_transects                    <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects(transects[c(1, 3, 55), ], "id")
+  # is_valid_transects_against_flowlines  <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects_against_flowlines(transects, flines[c(-1), ], "id")
+  # is_valid_transects_against_flowlines
+  # hydrofabric3D:::rm_multiflowline_intersections(transects, flines[c(-1), ])
+  # select relevent columns
+  transects <-
+    transects %>% 
+    dplyr::mutate(
+      cs_source = CS_SOURCE
+    ) %>% 
+    # hydrofabric3D:::select_transects(CROSSWALK_ID)
+    dplyr::select(
+      dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID), 
+      cs_id, 
+      cs_lengthm,
+      # cs_lengthm = new_cs_lengthm, 
+      cs_measure,
+      sinuosity,
+      cs_source,
+      geometry
+    )
+  if (is_valid_transects && is_valid_transects_against_flowlines) {
+    message("Saving transects to:\n - filepath: '", base_output_path, "'")
+      sf::write_sf(
+        transects,
+        base_output_path
+      )
+  }
+  message(" --- VPU ", vpu, " transects generation complete! --- ")
+  message()
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R
index e69de29..106dc44 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/02_extend_transects_by_fema.R
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# source("runners/cs_runner2/utils.R")
+VPU_IDS <- get_vpu_ids()
+for (i in seq_along(VPU_IDS)) {
+  # for (i in 21:length(VPU_IDS)) {
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ---- Setup variables / paths ----
+  # --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # i = 8
+  vpu                       <- VPU_IDS[i]
+  CROSSWALK_ID              <- "id"
+  # cs_filesnames <- get_cross_section_filenames(vpu, sep = "-")
+  transect_filenames           <- get_transect_filenames(vpu, sep = "-")
+  # TODO: Add a catch for not allowing this all to run if the base_transects do NOT exist 
+  base_transects_path          <- paste0(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$transects_base_dir, "/", transect_filenames$transects_base_path)
+  fema_transects_output_path   <- paste0(VERSION_DIRS_LIST$transects_fema_extended_dir, "/", transect_filenames$transects_fema_extended_path)
+  base_transect_file_exists    <- file.exists(base_transects_path)
+  fema_transects_file_exists   <- file.exists(fema_transects_output_path)
+  do_process_transects      <- !fema_transects_file_exists || REGENERATE_TRANSECTS
+  if (do_process_transects) {
+    message("Creating VPU ", vpu, " transects:", 
+            "\n - flowpaths: '",
+            basename(CONUS_NEXTGEN_GPKG_PATH), "'",
+            "\n - base transects: '",
+            basename(base_transects_path), "'"
+    )
+  } else {
+    message(
+      "VPU ", vpu, " transects file already exists at:\n - '", fema_transects_output_path, "'", 
+      "\n\n   >>> NOTE: To regenerate transects:\n\t\t- Set REGENERATE_TRANSECTS = TRUE in 'base_variables.R' \n\t\tOR\n\t\t- delete the '", 
+      basename(fema_transects_output_path), "' file"
+    )
+    next
+  }
+  if (do_process_transects && fema_transects_file_exists) {
+    message("Deleting old fema extended transect file:\n > '", fema_transects_output_path, "'")
+    file.remove(fema_transects_output_path)
+  }
+  # read in nextgen flowlines 
+  flines <- 
+    sf::read_sf(query = paste0("SELECT * FROM flowpaths WHERE vpuid = '", vpu, "'")) %>% 
+    hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+  # transects
+  transects <- sf::read_sf(base_transects_path) %>% 
+    hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+  # FEMA polygons
+  fema <- 
+    sf::read_sf(layer = get_fema_conus_layer_name(vpu)) %>% 
+    rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.01, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16) %>% 
+    hydroloom::rename_geometry("geometry")
+  # fema <- rmapshaper::ms_simplify(fema, keep_shapes = T, keep = 0.1, sys = TRUE, sys_mem = 16)
+  # # add mainstem to  
+  # transects <- 
+  #   transects  %>%
+  #   dplyr::left_join(
+  #       flines %>% 
+  #         sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% 
+  #         dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(CROSSWALK_ID), mainstem),
+  #     by = CROSSWALK_ID 
+  #   )
+  message("Extending transects out to FEMA 100yr floodplain polygon boundaries - (", Sys.time(), ")")
+  # TODO: make sure this 3000m extension distance is appropriate across VPUs 
+  # TODO: also got to make sure that this will be feasible on memory on the larger VPUs...
+  extended_transects <- hydrofabric3D::extend_transects_to_polygons(
+    transect_lines         = transects, 
+    polygons               = fema, 
+    flowlines              = flines, 
+    crosswalk_id           = CROSSWALK_ID,
+    grouping_id            = CROSSWALK_ID, 
+    # grouping_id            = "mainstem", 
+    max_extension_distance = 3000,
+    reindex_cs_ids = TRUE
+  )
+  is_valid_transects <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects(extended_transects, "id")
+  is_valid_transects_against_flowlines <- hydrofabric3D::validate_transects_against_flowlines(extended_transects, flines, "id")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
index c716e29..7588bb9 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/base_variables.R
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ VERSION_DIRS_LIST            <- get_version_base_dir_paths(BASE_DIR, VERSION)
 # string to fill in "CS_SOURCE" column in output datasets
 CS_SOURCE          <- "hydrofabric3D"
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Processing flags (cache data) ----
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cache transects by setting REGENERATE_TRANSECTS to FALSE
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- S3 BUCKET NAMES ----
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R b/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R
index e69de29..4d14634 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/download_ml_outputs.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Running this script goes and pulls the desired NextGen geopackage datasets from, saves them into a directory within "BASE_DIR"
+# BASE_DIR is defined within runners/workflow/root_dir.R
+# load config variables
+# source("runners/cs_runner/config_vars.R")
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---- Download conus_nextgen.gpkg 
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+copy_cmd <- paste0('aws s3 cp ', CONUS_ML_S3_URI, " ", CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH)
+message("Copying S3 object:\n", CONUS_ML_S3_URI)
+if (!file.exists(CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH)) {
+  tryCatch({
+    system(copy_cmd)
+    message("Download '", basename(CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH), "' complete!")
+    message("------------------")
+  }, error = function(e) {
+    message("Error downloading conus_nextgen.gpkg")
+    message(e)
+    stop()
+  })
+} else {
+  message("'", basename(CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH), "' file already exists at\n > '", CONUS_ML_PARQUET_PATH, "'")
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R b/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
index 522d427..50b2106 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/process_fema.R
@@ -23,11 +23,9 @@ library(geos)
-# devtools::install_github("anguswg-ucsb/hydrofabric3D")
-# TODO: Steps that converts FGB to geojson and then geojson to gpkg can be put into a single loop
-# TODO: Delete old files as needed
+# ONLY runs if the main CONUS FEMA gpkg hasnt been created yet
+if (!file.exists(CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH)) {
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # ---- OVERWRITE_FEMA_FILES constant logical ----
 # ---- > if TRUE, processing steps will be run again 
@@ -616,6 +614,15 @@ all_fema_vpu_layers <- list.files(BASE_DIRS_LIST$fema_by_vpu_output_dirs, full.n
 combine_gpkg_files(all_fema_vpu_layers, CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+} else {
+  message("'", basename(CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH), "'already exists at \n> ", CONUS_FEMA_GPKG_PATH)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # # ---- Union each VPU geopackage (either on state or just touching predicate) ---- 
 # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
index cb624ae..5413d5c 100644
--- a/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
+++ b/runners/cs_runner2/utils.R
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ get_vpu_ids <- function() {
 # base_dir/
 #   └── lynker-spatial/
 #     ├── hydrofabric/
-    #     ├── version_number/
-    #         ├── network/
-    #         ├── transects/
-    #         ├── cross-sections/
-          #         ├── dem/
-          #         ├── dem-ml/
-          #         ├── dem-coastal-bathy/
-          #         ├── dem-points/
+#     ├── version_number/
+#         ├── network/
+#         ├── transects/
+#         ├── cross-sections/
+#         ├── dem/
+#         ├── dem-ml/
+#         ├── dem-coastal-bathy/
+#         ├── dem-points/
 create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   # version = "v3.0"
   # base_dir <- BASE_DIR
@@ -124,7 +124,11 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   network_dir                <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/network")
   # transects
-  transects_dir              <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  transects_dir                  <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/transects")
+  transects_base_dir             <- paste0(transects_dir, "/base")
+  transects_fema_extended_dir    <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-fema")
+  transects_cs_extended_dir      <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-cs-attributes")
+  transects_output_dir           <- paste0(transects_dir, "/output")
   # cross sections dirs
   cross_sections_dir                 <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/cross-sections")
@@ -132,6 +136,8 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   cross_sections_ml_dir              <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-ml")
   cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-coastal-bathy")
   cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/dem-points")
+  cross_sections_output_dir          <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/output")
   if(with_output) {
     output_dir       <- paste0(version_base_dir, "/outputs")
@@ -151,6 +157,10 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
   # transects
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_base_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_fema_extended_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_cs_extended_dir)
+  create_if_not_exists(transects_output_dir)
   # CS pts
@@ -158,6 +168,8 @@ create_new_version_dirs <- function(base_dir, version, with_output = FALSE) {
+  create_if_not_exists(cross_sections_output_dir)
   if(with_output) {
@@ -243,7 +255,11 @@ get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
   network_dir                <- file.path(version_base_dir, "network")
   # transects
-  transects_dir              <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  transects_dir                  <- file.path(version_base_dir, "transects")
+  transects_base_dir             <- paste0(transects_dir, "/base")
+  transects_fema_extended_dir    <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-fema")
+  transects_cs_extended_dir      <- paste0(transects_dir, "/extended-by-cs-attributes")
+  transects_output_dir           <- paste0(transects_dir, "/output")
   # cross sections dirs
   cross_sections_dir                 <- file.path(version_base_dir, "cross-sections")
@@ -251,24 +267,37 @@ get_version_base_dir_paths <- function(base_dir, version) {
   cross_sections_ml_dir              <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-ml")
   cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir   <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-coastal-bathy")
   cross_sections_dem_pts_dir         <- file.path(cross_sections_dir, "dem-points")
+  cross_sections_output_dir          <- paste0(cross_sections_dir, "/output")
       hydrofabric_dir    = hydrofabric_dir,
       version_base_dir   = version_base_dir,
       ref_features_dir   = ref_features_dir, 
       network_dir        = network_dir,
       ml_dir = ml_dir,
       transects_dir      = transects_dir,
+      transects_base_dir = transects_base_dir,
+      transects_fema_extended_dir = transects_fema_extended_dir,
+      transects_cs_extended_dir = transects_cs_extended_dir,
+      transects_output_dir = transects_output_dir,
       cross_sections_dir = cross_sections_dir,
       cross_sections_dem_dir     = cross_sections_dem_dir,
       cross_sections_dem_pts_dir = cross_sections_dem_pts_dir,
       cross_sections_ml_dir      = cross_sections_ml_dir,
-      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir
+      cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir = cross_sections_coastal_bathy_dir,
+      cross_sections_output_dir = cross_sections_output_dir
 combine_gpkg_files <- function(gpkg_paths, output_gpkg) {
   layer_counter <- list()
@@ -305,6 +334,49 @@ combine_gpkg_files <- function(gpkg_paths, output_gpkg) {
+get_transect_filenames <- function(vpu, sep = "-", ext = ".gpkg") {
+  # ext <- ".gpkg" 
+  # sep = "_"
+  transects_base_path          <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "transects", "base"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  transects_fema_extended_path <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "transects", "extended", "by", "fema"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  transects_cs_extended_path   <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "transects", "extended", "by", "cs", "attributes"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  transects_output_path        <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "transects"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  return(
+    list(
+      transects_base_path = transects_base_path,
+      transects_fema_extended_path = transects_fema_extended_path,
+      transects_cs_extended_path = transects_cs_extended_path,
+      transects_output_path = transects_output_path
+    )
+  )
+get_cross_section_filenames <- function(vpu, sep = "-", ext = ".parquet") {
+  # ext <- ".parquet" 
+  # sep = "_"
+  cs_pts_base_path           <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "cross", "sections", "base"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  cs_pts_fema_extended_path  <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "cross", "sections", "extended", "by", "fema"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  cs_pts_cs_extended_path    <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "cross", "sections", "extended", "by", "cs", "attributes"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  cs_pts_output_path         <- paste0(paste0(c(vpu, "cross", "sections"), collapse = sep) , ext)
+  return(
+    list(
+      cs_pts_base_path = cs_pts_base_path,
+      cs_pts_fema_extended_path = cs_pts_fema_extended_path,
+      cs_pts_cs_extended_path = cs_pts_cs_extended_path,
+      cs_pts_output_path = cs_pts_output_path
+    )
+  )
+# derive the FEMA VPU layer name from the conus_fema.gpkg
+get_fema_conus_layer_name <- function(vpu) {
+  return(paste0("fema-vpu-", vpu))
 list_s3_objects <- function(s3_bucket, pattern = NULL, aws_profile = NULL) {
   profile_option <- if (!is.null(aws_profile)) paste0("--profile ", aws_profile) else ""