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Start, Stop, and monitor distributed parallel sorting (dSort)

For background and in-depth presentation, please see this document.



$ ais dsort --help
   ais dsort - (alias for "job start dsort") start dsort job
   Required parameters:
              - input_bck: source bucket (used as both source and destination if the latter not specified)
              - input_format: (see docs and examples below)
              - output_format: (ditto)
              - output_shard_size: (as the name implies)
   E.g. inline JSON spec:
                $ ais start dsort '{
                  "extension": ".tar",
                  "input_bck": {"name": "dsort-testing"},
                  "input_format": {"template": "shard-{0..9}"},
                  "output_shard_size": "200KB",
                  "description": "pack records into categorized shards",
                  "ekm_file": "http://website.web/static/ekm_file.txt",
                  "ekm_file_sep": " "
   E.g. inline YAML spec:
                $ ais start dsort -f - <<EOM
                  extension: .tar
                      name: dsort-testing
                      template: shard-{0..9}
                  output_format: new-shard-{0000..1000}
                  output_shard_size: 10KB
                  description: shuffle shards from 0 to 9
                      kind: shuffle
   Tip: use '--dry-run' to see the results without making any changes
   Tip: use '--verbose' to print the spec (with all its parameters including applied defaults)
   See also: docs/, docs/cli/, and ais/test/scripts/dsort*


   --file value, -f value  path to JSON or YAML job specification
   --verbose, -v           verbose
   --help, -h              show help


This example simply runs ais/test/scripts/dsort-ex1-spec.json specification. The source and destination buckets - ais://src and ais://dst, respectively - must exist.

Further, the source buckets must have at least 10 shards with names that match input_format (see below).

Notice the -v (--verbose) switch as well.

$ ais start dsort ais://src ais://dst -f ais/test/scripts/dsort-ex1-spec.json --verbose
PROPERTY                         VALUE
algorithm.content_key_type       -
algorithm.decreasing             false
algorithm.extension              -
algorithm.kind                   alphanumeric
algorithm.seed                   -
create_concurrency_max_limit     0
description                      sort shards alphanumerically
dry_run                          false
dsorter_type                     -
extension                        .tar
extract_concurrency_max_limit    0
input_bck                        ais://src
input_format.objnames            -
input_format.template            shard-{0..9}
max_mem_usage                    -
ekm_file                       -
ekm_file_sep                   \t
output_bck                       ais://dst
output_format                    new-shard-{0000..1000}
output_shard_size                10KB

Config override:                 none


Generate Shards

ais archive gen-shards "BUCKET/TEMPLATE.EXT"

Put randomly generated shards into a bucket. The main use case for this command is dSort testing. Further reference for this command can be found here.

Start dSort job

ais start dsort JOB_SPEC or ais start dsort -f <PATH_TO_JOB_SPEC>

Start new dSort job with the provided specification. Specification should be provided by either argument or -f flag - providing both argument and flag will result in error. Upon creation, JOB_ID of the job is returned - it can then be used to abort it or retrieve metrics.

Flag Type Description Default
--file, -f string Path to file containing JSON or YAML job specification. Providing - will result in reading from STDIN ""

The following table describes JSON/YAML keys which can be used in the specification.

Key Type Description Required Default
extension string extension of input and output shards (either .tar, .tgz or .zip) yes
input_format.template string name template for input shard yes
output_format string name template for output shard yes string bucket name where shards objects are stored yes
input_bck.provider string bucket backend provider, see docs no "ais" string bucket name where new output shards will be saved no same as
output_bck.provider string bucket backend provider, see docs no same as input_bck.provider
description string description of dSort job no ""
output_shard_size string size (in bytes) of the output shard, can be in form of raw numbers 10240 or suffixed 10KB yes
algorithm.kind string determines which sorting algorithm dSort job uses, available are: "alphanumeric", "shuffle", "content" no "alphanumeric"
algorithm.decreasing bool determines if the algorithm should sort the records in decreasing or increasing order, used for kind=alphanumeric or kind=content no false
algorithm.seed string seed provided to random generator, used when kind=shuffle no "" - time.Now() is used
algorithm.extension string content of the file with provided extension will be used as sorting key, used when kind=content yes (only when kind=content)
algorithm.content_key_type string content key type; may have one of the following values: "int", "float", or "string"; used exclusively with kind=content sorting yes (only when kind=content)
ekm_file string URL to the file containing external key map (it should contain lines in format: record_key[sep]shard-%d-fmt) yes (only when output_format not provided) ""
ekm_file_sep string separator used for splitting record_key and shard-%d-fmt in the lines in external key map no \t (TAB)
max_mem_usage string limits the amount of total system memory allocated by both dSort and other running processes. Once and if this threshold is crossed, dSort will continue extracting onto local drives. Can be in format 60% or 10GB no same as in /deploy/dev/local/
extract_concurrency_max_limit int limits maximum number of concurrent shards extracted per disk no (calculated based on different factors) ~50
create_concurrency_max_limit int limits maximum number of concurrent shards created per disk no (calculated based on different factors) ~50

There's also the possibility to override some of the values from global distributed_sort config via job specification. All values are optional - if empty, the value from global distributed_sort config will be used. For more information refer to configuration.

Key Type Description
duplicated_records string what to do when duplicated records are found: "ignore" - ignore and continue, "warn" - notify a user and continue, "abort" - abort dSort operation
missing_shards string what to do when missing shards are detected: "ignore" - ignore and continue, "warn" - notify a user and continue, "abort" - abort dSort operation
ekm_malformed_line string what to do when extraction key map notices a malformed line: "ignore" - ignore and continue, "warn" - notify a user and continue, "abort" - abort dSort operation
ekm_missing_key string what to do when extraction key map have a missing key: "ignore" - ignore and continue, "warn" - notify a user and continue, "abort" - abort dSort operation
dsorter_mem_threshold string minimum free memory threshold which will activate specialized dsorter type which uses memory in creation phase - benchmarks shows that this type of dsorter behaves better than general type


Sort records inside the shards

Command defined below starts (alphanumeric) sorting job with extended metrics for input shards with names shard-0.tar, shard-1.tar, ..., shard-9.tar. Each of the output shards will have at least 10240 bytes (10KB) and will be named new-shard-0000.tar, new-shard-0001.tar, ...

Assuming that dsort_spec.json contains:

    "extension": ".tar",
    "input_bck": {"name": "dsort-testing"},
    "input_format": {
      "template": "shard-{0..9}"
    "output_format": "new-shard-{0000..1000}",
    "output_shard_size": "10KB",
    "description": "sort shards from 0 to 9",
    "algorithm": {
      "kind": "alphanumeric"

You can start dSort job with:

$ ais start dsort -f dsort_spec.json

Shuffle records

Command defined below starts basic shuffle job for input shards with names shard-0.tar, shard-1.tar, ..., shard-9.tar. Each of the output shards will have at least 10240 bytes (10KB) and will be named new-shard-0000.tar, new-shard-0001.tar, ...

$ ais start dsort -f - <<EOM
extension: .tar
    name: dsort-testing
    template: shard-{0..9}
output_format: new-shard-{0000..1000}
output_shard_size: 10KB
description: shuffle shards from 0 to 9
    kind: shuffle

Pack records into shards with different categories - EKM (External Key Map)

One of the key features of the dSort is that user can specify the exact mapping from the record key to the output shard. To use this feature output_format should be empty and ekm_file, as well as ekm_file_sep, must be set. The output shards will be created with provided template format.

Assuming that ekm_file (URL: http://website.web/static/ekm_file.txt) has content:

cat_0.txt shard-cats-%d
cat_1.txt shard-cats-%d
dog_0.txt shard-dogs-%d
dog_1.txt shard-dogs-%d
car_0.txt shard-car-%d
car_1.txt shard-car-%d

or if ekm_file (URL: http://website.web/static/ekm_file.json, notice .json extension) and has content:

  "shard-cats-%d": [
  "shard-dogs-%d": [
  "shard-car-%d": [

or, you can also use regex as the record identifier. The ekm_file can contain regex patterns as keys to match multiple records that fit the regex pattern to provided format.

  "shard-cats-%d": [
  "shard-dogs-%d": [
  "shard-car-%d": [

and content of the input shards looks more or less like this:

- cat_0.txt
- dog_0.txt
- car_0.txt
- cat_1.txt
- dog_1.txt
- car_1.txt

You can run:

$ ais start dsort '{
    "extension": ".tar",
    "input_bck": {"name": "dsort-testing"},
    "input_format": {"template": "shard-{0..9}"},
    "output_shard_size": "200KB",
    "description": "pack records into categorized shards",
    "ekm_file": "http://website.web/static/ekm_file.txt",
    "ekm_file_sep": " "

After the run, the output shards will look more or less like this (the number of records in given shard depends on provided output_shard_size):

- cat_1.txt
- cat_2.txt
- cat_3.txt
- cat_4.txt
- dog_1.txt
- dog_2.txt

EKM also supports template syntax to express output shard names. For example, if ekm_file has content:

  "shard-{0..100..3}-cats": [
  "shard-@00001-gap-@100-dogs": [ 
  "shard-%06d-cars": [

After running dsort, the output would be look like this:

- cat_0.txt
- cat_1.txt
- cat_2.txt
- cat_3.txt
- cat_4.txt
- cat_5.txt
- dog_0.txt
- dog_1.txt
- dog_2.txt
- dog_3.txt
- car_0.txt
- car_1.txt
- car_2.txt
- car_3.txt

Show dSort jobs and job status

ais show job dsort [JOB_ID]

Retrieve the status of the dSort with provided JOB_ID which is returned upon creation. Lists all dSort jobs if the JOB_ID argument is omitted.


$ ais show job dsort --help

   ais show job - Show running and/or finished jobs
     - 'show job tco-cysbohAGL'              - show a given (multi-object copy/transform) job identified by its unique ID;
     - 'show job copy-listrange'             - show all running multi-object copies;
     - 'show job copy-objects'               - same as above (using display name);
     - 'show job copy-objects --all'         - show both running and already finished (or stopped) multi-object copies;
     - 'show job list'                       - show all running list-objects jobs;
     - 'show job ls'                         - same as above;
     - 'show job ls --refresh 10'            - same as above with periodic _refreshing_ every 10 seconds;
     - 'show job ls --refresh 10 --count 4'  - same as above but only for the first four 10-seconds intervals;
     - 'show job prefetch-listrange'         - show all running prefetch jobs;
     - 'show job prefetch'                   - same as above;
     - 'show job prefetch --refresh 1m'      - show all running prefetch jobs at 1 minute intervals (until Ctrl-C);
     - 'show job --all'                      - show absolutely all jobs, running and already finished
   press <TAB-TAB> to select, '--help' for more options.

   ais show job [NAME] [JOB_ID] [NODE_ID] [BUCKET] [command options]

   --all             Include all jobs: running, finished, and aborted
   --count value     Used together with '--refresh' to limit the number of generated reports, e.g.:
                      '--refresh 10 --count 5' - run 5 times with 10s interval (default: 0)
   --date-time       Override the default hh:mm:ss (hours, minutes, seconds) time format - include calendar date as well
   --json, -j        JSON input/output
   --log value       Filename to log metrics (statistics)
   --no-headers, -H  Display tables without headers
   --progress        Show progress bar(s) and progress of execution in real time
   --refresh value   Time interval for continuous monitoring; can be also used to update progress bar (at a given interval);
                     valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
   --regex value     Regular expression to select jobs by name, kind, or description, e.g.: --regex "ec|mirror|elect"
   --units value     Show statistics and/or parse command-line specified sizes using one of the following units of measurement:
                     iec - IEC format, e.g.: KiB, MiB, GiB (default)
                     si  - SI (metric) format, e.g.: KB, MB, GB
                     raw - do not convert to (or from) human-readable format
   --verbose, -v     Show extended statistics
   --help, -h        Show help


Show dSort jobs with description matching provided regex

Shows all dSort jobs with descriptions starting with sort prefix.

$ ais show job dsort --regex "^sort (.*)"
nro_Y5h9n	 Finished	 03-16 11:39:07	 03-16 11:39:07 	 sort shards from 0 to 9
Key_Y5h9n	 Finished	 03-16 11:39:23	 03-16 11:39:23 	 sort shards from 10 to 19
enq9Y5Aqn	 Finished	 03-16 11:39:34	 03-16 11:39:34 	 sort shards from 20 to 29

Save metrics to log file

Save newly fetched metrics of the dSort job with ID 5JjIuGemR to /tmp/dsort_run.txt file every 500 milliseconds

$ ais show job dsort 5JjIuGemR --refresh 500ms --log "/tmp/dsort_run.txt"
Dsort job has finished successfully in 21.948806ms:
  Longest extraction:	1.49907ms
  Longest sorting:	8.288299ms
  Longest creation:	4.553µs

Show only json metrics

$ ais show job dsort 5JjIuGemR --json
  "825090t8089": {
    "local_extraction": {
      "started_time": "2020-05-28T09:53:42.466267891-04:00",
      "end_time": "2020-05-28T09:53:42.50773835-04:00",

Show only json metrics filtered by daemon id

$ ais show job dsort 5JjIuGemR 766516t8087 --json
  "766516t8087": {
    "local_extraction": {
      "started_time": "2020-05-28T09:53:42.466267891-04:00",
      "end_time": "2020-05-28T09:53:42.50773835-04:00",

Using jq to filter out the json formatted metric output

Show running status of meta sorting phase for all targets.

$ ais show job dsort 5JjIuGemR --json | jq .[].meta_sorting.running

Show created shards in each target along with the target ids.

$ ais show job dsort 5JjIuGemR --json | jq 'to_entries[] | [.key, .value.shard_creation.created_count]'

Stop dSort job

ais stop dsort JOB_ID

Stop the dSort job with given JOB_ID.

Remove dSort job

ais job rm dsort JOB_ID

Remove the finished dSort job with given JOB_ID from the job list.

Wait for dSort job

ais wait dsort JOB_ID

or, same:

ais wait JOB_ID

Wait for the dSort job with given JOB_ID to finish.


$ ais wait --help

   ais wait - (alias for "job wait") wait for a specific batch job to complete (press <TAB-TAB> to select, '--help' for more options)

   ais wait [NAME] [JOB_ID] [NODE_ID] [BUCKET] [command options]

   --progress       Show progress bar(s) and progress of execution in real time
   --refresh value  Time interval for continuous monitoring; can be also used to update progress bar (at a given interval);
                    valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
   --timeout value  Maximum time to wait for a job to finish; if omitted: wait forever or until Ctrl-C;
                    valid time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s (default), m, h
   --help, -h       Show help