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Nandaka edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the PixivUtil2 wiki!

Useful Tips

  1. Handling username changes

    whinette already created a script to handle this (, Refer to Issue #169).

  2. Running in Windows Environment

    There are 2 Option available: a. Download the executable version from the releases page. b. Run from source code:

    1. Download and install latest Python 2.7 from
    2. Download the source code and extract it on some folder (e.g. c:\pixivutil)
    3. Download the required library:
      1. Open cmd window and navigate to where you install the python, and go to the script folder (e.g. C:\Python27\Scripts)
      2. run: pip install -r c:\pixivutil\requirements.txt
    4. Run the by double clicking it or from cmd using python.exe c:\pixivutil\
  3. Running in Linux Environment

    I'm developing the script in Windows environment, so I'm not sure if there is something broken for linux. By right it should be working as long the required libraries are installed (Refer to Issue #176).

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