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NativeScript Theme V1 to V2 Migration Guide

The new NativeScript Theme v2 introduces some breaking changes and this guide is here to help you with the transition process.

There are several key points that are different in NativeScript Theme v2, so we are going to cover them here one by one.

  1. Loading Theme v2 now requires import of two files instead of just one. learn more
  2. Theme v2 includes compat styling support that uses old Theme v1 classes for styling learn more
  3. Still only one file to import if you create a custom skin. learn more
  4. Load all Theme v2 variables and mixins with just one file. learn more
  5. Theme v2 mostly uses Element selectors for styling instead of classes. learn more
  6. Theme v2 styling is meant to have lowest possible specificity, but not in dark mode. learn more
  7. There are still classes, but they are using a modified BEM syntax. learn more
  8. There are several helper functions that you can use to style both light & dark modes. learn more
  9. There is a lightweight API to change between light/dark modes. learn more
  10. Almost all internal variables are export as custom CSS variables learn more

Import Two Files Instead of One

Theme v2 functionality is divided in two files - core styling and skin. Core styling is necessary for things like initial layout and sizing of NativeScript components, while the skin defines the applied colors. The skin also exports all internal variables as CSS custom variables on the app root view and all modal dialogs (respectively .ns-root and .ns-modal classes). In addition, there are no separate ios/android files, as there are very few differences between the styling of the two platforms; Theme v2 also supports iOS/Android light/dark modes out of the box.

In Theme v1, you loaded the (or scss) depending on the platform, like this:

@import "~nativescript-theme-core/css/";


@import "~nativescript-theme-core/css/";

to load the core or blue skins in Android. In Theme v2, you should change these imports to:

@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/core.css";
@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/default.css";

for the core skin (now called default) or

@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/core.css";
@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/blue.css";

for the blue skin. In addition, as you can see, the theme package is now scoped to @nativescript organization as are the core modules.

To load SCSS in Theme v2, the imports are now a bit different:

@import "~@nativescript/theme/core";
@import "~@nativescript/theme/blue";

As you may notice - the files are now in the root of the Theme package as opposed to Theme v1, where they were in an scss folder.

Compat Styling

If you prefer to use the old styling mechanism with classes, you can import .compat core theme and skin in order to do so.

@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/core.compat.css";
@import "~@nativescript/theme/css/blue.compat.css";

or alternatively in SCSS

@import "~@nativescript/theme/core.compat";
@import "~@nativescript/theme/blue.compat";

Create a Custom Skin with One Import

As Theme v1 before it, Theme v2 also allows customization through SCSS variables. However, due to changing its internals to use maps, you can change the variables only before the rest of the Theme is loaded.

Note: When creating a custom skin you don't need to import any other file than ~@nativescript/theme/index and it should be imported after you make changes to the variables!

// Colors
$accent: #369;

// This color was named $ab-background in Theme v1
$complementary: fuchsia;

// Core styles
@import '~@nativescript/theme/index';

The code above is enough to create a custom skin with blue accent and pink ActionBar.

Here is a list of all variables that can be changed.

SCSS variable Type Default Usage
$compat boolean false Specifies that compat styling should be generated
$font-size length 12 Initial font size in dip
$btn-font-size length $font-size + 2 Button font size
$btn-min-width length 64 Button min-width
$btn-height length 52 Button height
$btn-padding-x length 5 Horizontal button padding
$btn-padding-y length 0 Vertical button padding
$btn-margin-x length 16 Horizontal button margin
$btn-margin-y length 8 Vertical button margin
$border-width length 1 Border width wherever it is used (buttons if $enable-rounded is on, inputs, .hr)
$border-radius length null General Border radius, could be in px, dip, % or rem/em (latter converts to dip), forces $enable-rounded to true
$border-radius-sm length 4 Small border radius, used for .-rounded-sm modifier
$border-radius-lg length 50% Large border radius, used for .-rounded-lg modifier
$disabled-opacity 0 - 1 0.5 Opacity of the disabled components
$background color white Light background
$primary color 85% negative $background Light text color
$secondary color 30% darker $primary Light secondary text color
$background-dark color #303030 Dark background
$primary-dark color 85% negative $background-dark Dark text color
$secondary-dark color 30% darker $primary-dark Dark secondary text color
$accent color #30bcff Light main accent color (depends on {N} skin)
$accent-dark color 10% lighter $accent Dark main accent color (depends on {N} skin)
$complementary color white Light second accent color - used mainly for ActionBar (depends on {N} skin)
$complementary-color color 100% negative $complementary Text color on $complementary background (depends on {N} skin)
$complementary-dark color $complementary Dark second accent color (depends on {N} skin)
$complementary-color-dark color 100% negative $complementary-dark Text color on $complementary-dark background (depends on {N} skin)

In addition, several variables are mapped to the Theme variables in order to support Kendo skins or old Theme vars.

Kendo Default Kendo Bootstrap Kendo Material Theme v1 Theme v2
$accent $accent $primary-palette-name, base hue 500 $accent $accent
$accent $card-cap-bg $secondary-palette-name, base hue 500 $ab-background $complementary
$bg-color $body-bg $background $background
$text-color $body-color $primary $primary
$material-dark-complimentary, base-bg $btn-color $btn-color
$ab-color $complementary-color

So now, you can export a skin from Kendo UI ThemeBuilder, get the contents of variables.scss in the skin zip file (you don't need the big CSS file in there) and easily create a skin by the same single import underneath.

$border-radius: 0.25rem;
$accent: #25c55b;
$secondary: #465372;
$info: #5bc0de;
$success: #5cb85c;
$warning: #f0ad4e;
$error: #d9534f;
$body-bg: #5c7091;
$body-color: #ffffff;
$component-bg: #536182;
$component-color: #ffffff;
$card-cap-bg: #465372;
$card-cap-color: #ffffff;
$series-a: #25c55b;
$series-b: #5bc0de;
$series-c: #0275d8;
$series-d: #f0ad4e;
$series-e: #e67d4a;
$series-f: #d9534f;

@import '~@nativescript/theme/index';

Load Variables and Mixins

In order to load all core Theme variables and mixins, you only need this import:

@import '~@nativescript/theme/scss/variables';

In addition, you can load the Theme variables and mixins for every skin.

@import '~@nativescript/theme/scss/variables/blue';

as opposed to

@import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/light';

in Theme v1.

Also different from Theme v1 is the way you will access variables in SCSS - by using special functions that retrieve the variable from its place in the internal map. There are 3 such function const(), light() and dark(). Const function is used to retrieve general variables, like colors or border-radius, for instance. The other two can be used to retrieve specific light/dark variable. So this code with Theme v1:

.my-label {
    color: $ruby;

should be done like this in Theme v2:

.my-label {
    color: const(ruby);

Alternatively, using skin specific colors in Theme v1:

.my-label {
    background: $background;

should be replaced with:

.my-label {
    background: light(background);

or if you want to support dark mode:

.my-label {
    background-color: light(background);

    @at-root .ns-dark & {
        background-color: dark(background);    

In addition Theme v2 provides a helper mixin to do setting both light and dark colors in one go, like this:

.my-label {
    colorize($background-color: background)

This snippet does the same as the one above it. You can read more about the helper functions and the mixin later in the Helper Functions section.

Element Selectors

Theme v1 was using specific classes that the user had to add on every element in order to get it styled. Theme v2 takes a very different approach - all elements are styled by default using Element selectors (like ActionBar {} or RadListView for instance) and adding classes is not required. This brings us to something you may hit along the way - since all elements are already styled, you may need to override some of their styling. And since NativeScript doesn't support !important, you can do this with a CSS feature called specificity.

CSS Specificity

CSS specificity determines the weight a CSS selector has and if it can override another one. Here is an excellent article on the subject, but TLDR; it boils down to this table:

Selector Type Specificity
Element 1
Class, Pseudo, Attribute 10
ID 100
Inline CSS 1000

Count every type of selector in your rule and what you get is the weight of this selector over the rest. Also keep in mind that with selectors with the same weight, wins the one further down the stylesheet or in one of the next CSS files loaded. For instance here:

Label {
    color: red;

Label {
    color: green;

wins green because specified later, but here:

.ns-root Label {
    color: red;

Label {
    color: green;

wins red, due to higher specificity of 11. For this reason keep in mind, that in Theme v2 dark styling starts with specificity 11 due to its starting .ns-dark class.

Classes Using Modified BEM

The old Theme v1 classes are gone (except in compat mode), but there are new classes in their place that use a namespaced modified BEM methodology. These are left for the cases in which you want a custom component or for instance Label to look like the original ones. For instance the old .action-bar class is now called .nt-action-bar and the old .action-item is now .nt-action-bar__item where nt- is the NativeScript Theme namespace. The only difference from a standard BEM methodology is that instead of coupling modifiers to the blocks, in Theme v2 modifiers are decoupled and start with a dash.

A list of the new blocks follows:

Blocks and Elements Compat (Theme v1) class {N} Elements
.nt-action-bar .action-bar ActionBar
.nt-action-bar__item .action-item ActionItem
.nt-button .btn Button
.nt-label .label Label
.nt-page .page Page
.nt-activity-indicator .activity-indicator ActivityIndicator
.nt-segmented-bar .segmented-bar SegmentedBar
.nt-progress .progress Progress
.nt-slider .slider Slider
.nt-search-bar .search-bar SearchBar
.nt-switch .switch Switch
.nt-tab-view .tab-view TabView
.nt-list-view .list-group ListView, RadListView
.nt-form .form A group of form elements
.nt-input .input-field A block of a TextField with a Label
.nt-drawer .side-drawer RadSideDrawer
.nt-drawer__header .sidedrawer-header RadSideDrawer header area
.nt-drawer__header-image .sidedrawer-header-image RadSideDrawer header image (user thumb)
.nt-drawer__list-item .sidedrawer-list-item RadSideDrawer list item
.nt-drawer__content RadSideDrawer content area
.nt-icon An icon
.nt-bottom-navigation BottomNavigation
.nt-tab-strip TabStrip
.nt-tab-strip__item TabStripItem
.nt-tab-content__item TabContentItem

Here is a list of modifiers and where they work:

Modifiers Compat (Theme v1) class Elements they Work on What it Does
.-primary .btn-primary Buttons Specifies a primary (accent colored) button
.-outline .btn-outline Buttons Specifies an outlined button
.-simple .btn-simple Buttons Specifies a simple (transparent) button
.-active .btn-active Buttons Specifies activated by default button (as if pressed)
.-rounded-sm .btn-rounded-sm Buttons, TextFields Specifies a small border radius for the element (default 4)
.-rounded-lg .btn-rounded-lg / .input-rounded Buttons, TextFields Specifies a large border radius for the element (default 50%)
.-{skin} .btn-{skin} Buttons Specifies a skin accent colored button - like .-ruby, .-forest, etc.
.-border .input-border TextFields Specifies a TextField with border on all sides
.-sides .input-sides TextFields Specifies an .nt-input/.input-field with Label on the left side
.-left .sidedrawer-left RadSideDrawer header Aligns RadSideDrawer header left (default center)
.-thumb .thumb Image in ListView Specifies that the image should be a small thumbnail
.-separator row in ListView Adds a bottom border to a row

Helper Functions

In Theme v2 there are several functions that can help you cope with the changing of dark/light modes for a single skin.

alternate() and scale-alternate()

With these two functions you can alter a color, depending on its contrast - it will lighten it, if it is darker or darken it, if it is lighter. The functions use SASS adjust-color() and scale-color() respectively in order to do so and are used like this:

.my-label {
    color: alternate(light(background)); // Default amount is 60% for both lighten/darken

.another-label {
    color: alternate(light(background), 100%); // Set lighten/darken amount

.third-label {
    color: alternate(light(background), 100%, 50%); // Set lighten/darken amounts separately

contrasted() and scale-contrasted()

With these two additional functions, one can alter a color, depending on the contrast of another color - again with adjust-color() and scale-color() respectively. Use like this:

.my-label {
    color: contrasted(dark(accent), dark(background)); // Default amount is 60% for both lighten/darken

.another-label {
    color: contrasted(dark(accent), dark(background), 100%); // Set lighten/darken amount

.third-label {
    color: scale-contrasted(dark(accent), dark(background), 100%, 50%); // Set lighten/darken amounts separately

Usage in colorize()

All 4 of these functions can be used in combination with the aforementioned colorize() mixin to affect both light and dark theme modes. This is done by specifying the function in the beginning of the property name. For instance, if we want to specify lighter accent color for dark backgrounds and darker color for light backgrounds, in addition to setting the background color to light one and dark one depending on the mode, you can do it in one go like this:

.my-label {
    @include colorize(
        $contrasted-color: accent background 20% 30%, // Call contrasted() function for the color property for light/dark
        $background-color: background                 // Just set the background-color to light/dark

Please note that you shouldn't use commas between the values here. Also, make sure you combine multiple color sets like this, as in this way the mixin can group them in a single rule instead of several.

Mode Change API

Check out this section in the README for more information.

Custom CSS Variables

The Theme now exports all its internal variables to custom CSS ones in the .ns-root and .ns-modal classes. This is also done for Kendo based skins. You can use them to inherit your styles from the Theme, if using CSS. A list of the supported custom CSS variables follows:

Simple Colors Constants Light Colors Dark Colors
--color-black --const-font-size --light-primary --dark-primary
--color-white --const-background-alt-10 --light-background --dark-background
--color-grey --const-btn-color-secondary --light-accent --dark-accent
--color-grey-light --const-btn-color-disabled --light-complementary-color --dark-complementary-color
--color-charcoal --const-btn-font-size --light-complementary --dark-complementary
--color-transparent --const-btn-min-width --light-background-alt-5 --dark-background-alt-5
--color-aqua --const-btn-height --light-background-alt-10 --dark-background-alt-10
--color-blue --const-btn-padding-x --light-background-alt-20 --dark-background-alt-20
--color-brown --const-btn-padding-y --light-secondary --dark-secondary
--color-forest --const-btn-margin-x --light-disabled --dark-disabled
--color-grey-dark --const-btn-margin-y --light-text-color --dark-text-color
--color-purple --const-btn-radius --light-headings-color --dark-headings-color
--color-lemon --const-headings-margin-bottom --light-tab-text-color --dark-tab-text-color
--color-lime --const-headings-font-weight --light-accent-dark --dark-accent-dark
--color-orange --const-border-width --light-accent-light --dark-accent-light
--color-ruby --const-border-radius --light-accent-transparent --dark-accent-transparent
--color-sky --const-border-radius-sm --light-primary-accent --dark-primary-accent
--color-error --const-border-radius-lg --light-background-accent --dark-background-accent
--const-disabled-opacity --light-background-dark-accent --dark-background-dark-accent
--const-icon-font-size --light-item-active-color --dark-item-active-color
--const-icon-font-size-lg --light-item-active-background --dark-item-active-background
--light-btn-color --dark-btn-color
--light-item-active-icon-color --dark-item-active-icon-color
--light-btn-color-inverse --dark-btn-color-inverse
--light-btn-color-secondary --dark-btn-color-secondary

Use them like this:

.my-accented-class {
    color: var(--light-accent);