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249 lines (184 loc) · 6.87 KB

Bridge CLI

Status Stability

A command-line interface for interacting with the Omni Bridge protocol, enabling seamless cross-chain token transfers and management.


This CLI is in beta and approaching production readiness. While core functionality is stable, some features may still change. We recommend thorough testing before using in production environments.


  • 🌉 Cross-chain token transfers and management
  • 🌐 Network support for both Mainnet and Testnet
  • ⚡ Fast and efficient command-line operations
  • 🔧 Flexible configuration via CLI, environment variables, or config files


Download binary

Visit releases page to download a binary for your platform

Manual compilation

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd bridge-sdk-rs

# Build the CLI
cargo build --release

# The binary will be available at


The CLI can be configured in multiple ways (in order of precedence):

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. Environment variables (preferred way)
  3. Configuration file
  4. Default values

Setting up env file


# mainnet

# testnet
# TOKEN_LOCKER_ID=omni-locker.testnet


# you can provide solana's keypair as base58 string
# or by providing an absolute path to the file where keypair is stored
# SOLANA_KEYPAIR=/Users/.../solana-wallet.json

Configuration File

You can create a configuration file with your preferred settings. The CLI will look for it in the default location or you can specify it using the --config flag.

Default file

You can manually modify bridge-cli/src/ file

Quick Start

Example 1: Deploy an ERC20 Token to NEAR

This example shows how to deploy an existing ERC20 token from Ethereum to NEAR:

# 1. Log token metadata on Ethereum
bridge-cli testnet log-metadata --token eth:0x123...789

# 2. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed, then deploy token on Near
bridge-cli testnet deploy-token --source-chain Eth --chain Near --tx-hash 0x123...456

Example 2: Transfer token from Ethereum to NEAR

This example demonstrates a complete flow of transferring token from Ethereum to NEAR:

# 1. Initialize the transfer on Ethereum
bridge-cli testnet evm-init-transfer \
    --chain eth \
    --token 0x123...789 \
    --amount 1000000 \
    --recipient near:alice.near \
    --fee 0 \
    --native-fee 10000 \
    --message ""

# 2. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed, then finalize on NEAR
bridge-cli testnet near-fin-transfer-with-evm-proof \
    --chain eth \
    --tx-hash 0xabc...def \
    --storage-deposit-actions usdc.near:alice.near:0.1

Example 3: Transfer token from NEAR to Solana

This example shows how to transfer tokens from NEAR to Solana:

# 1. Initialize the transfer on NEAR
bridge-cli testnet near-init-transfer \
    --token wrap.testnet \
    --amount 5000000000000000000 \
    --recipient sol:123...789

# 2. Sign the transfer on NEAR
bridge-cli testnet near-sign-transfer \
    --origin-chain-id 1 \
    --origin-nonce 42 \
    --fee 0 \
    --native-fee 10000000000000000

# 3. Finalize the transfer on Solana
bridge-cli testnet solana-finalize-transfer \
    --tx-hash 8xPxz... \
    --sender-id alice.near \
    --solana-token So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112


  • You have to wait for around 20 minutes for transaction confirmation after calling any method on EVM chain. Otherwise, you'll get ERR_INVALID_BLOCK_HASH meaning that light client or wormhole is not yet synced with the block that transaction was included in
  • Replace placeholder values (addresses, amounts, hashes) with actual values
  • Token amounts are specified in their smallest units (e.g., wei for ETH, yoctoNEAR for NEAR)
  • Always test with small amounts on testnet first
  • Ensure you have sufficient funds for gas fees and storage deposits


The Bridge CLI supports various commands organized by network. Here's an overview of the main commands:

Global Network Subcommand

# calling method on testnet
bridge-cli testnet log-metadata ...

# calling method on mainnet
bridge-cli mainnet log-metadata ...

NEAR Operations

# Deposit storage for a token on NEAR

bridge-cli near-storage-deposit \
    --token <TOKEN_ADDRESS> \
    --amount <AMOUNT>

# Initialize a transfer from NEAR
bridge-cli near-init-transfer \
    --token <TOKEN_ADDRESS> \
    --amount <AMOUNT> \
    --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>

# Sign a transfer on NEAR
bridge-cli near-sign-transfer \
    --origin-chain-id <CHAIN_ID> \
    --origin-nonce <NONCE> \
    [--fee-recipient <ACCOUNT_ID>] \
    --fee <FEE_AMOUNT> \
    --native-fee <NATIVE_FEE_AMOUNT>

# Finalize a transfer on NEAR (using EVM proof)
bridge-cli near-fin-transfer-with-evm-proof \
    --chain <SOURCE_CHAIN> \
    --tx-hash <TX_HASH> \
    --storage-deposit-actions <TOKEN1:ACCOUNT1:AMOUNT1,...>

# Finalize a transfer on NEAR (using VAA)
bridge-cli near-fin-transfer-with-vaa \
    --chain <SOURCE_CHAIN> \
    --storage-deposit-actions <TOKEN1:ACCOUNT1:AMOUNT1,...> \
    --vaa <VAA_DATA>

EVM Chain Operations

# Initialize a transfer from EVM chain
bridge-cli evm-init-transfer \
    --chain <EVM_CHAIN> \
    --token <TOKEN_ADDRESS> \
    --amount <AMOUNT> \
    --recipient <NEAR_RECIPIENT> \
    --fee <FEE_AMOUNT> \
    --native-fee <NATIVE_FEE_AMOUNT>

# Finalize a transfer on EVM chain
bridge-cli evm-fin-transfer \
    --chain <EVM_CHAIN> \
    --tx-hash <NEAR_TX_HASH>

Solana Operations

# Initialize Solana bridge
bridge-cli solana-initialize \
    --program-keypair <KEYPAIR>

# Initialize a token transfer from Solana
bridge-cli solana-init-transfer \
    --token <TOKEN_ADDRESS> \
    --amount <AMOUNT> \
    --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>

# Initialize a SOL transfer
bridge-cli solana-init-transfer-sol \
    --amount <AMOUNT> \
    --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>

# Finalize a token transfer on Solana
bridge-cli solana-finalize-transfer \
    --tx-hash <NEAR_TX_HASH> \
    [--sender-id <NEAR_SENDER_ID>] \
    --solana-token <TOKEN_ADDRESS>

# Finalize a SOL transfer
bridge-cli solana-finalize-transfer-sol \
    --tx-hash <NEAR_TX_HASH> \
    [--sender-id <NEAR_SENDER_ID>]

Development Status

This CLI is under active development. Features and commands may be added, modified, or removed. Please report any issues or suggestions on our GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.