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ming M20 Microprocessors



Author: Wei, Zhang; Fang, Wang

Copyright (c) 1978 ming, Inc. All right reserved.

Memory Map

0x000 - 0x0FF -> 256 Byte RAM 0x200 - 0xFFF -> 512 Byte ROM


Register OpCode Type
acc 0 Accumulator
r0 1 General purpose
r1 2 General purpose
r2 3 General purpose
r3 4 General purpose
r4 5 General purpose
r5 6 General purpose
r6 7 General purpose
ctrl - M80 Status and Control


The M80 provides two types of ports.

Port OpCode Type
p0 8 analog
p1 9 analog
p2 A analog
p3 B analog
p4 C analog / digital
p5 D analog / digital
p6 E analog / digital
p7 F analog / digital

Instructions & OpCodes


Code Assembly Meaning
0000 NOP NOP
0xxx JMP label Sets the program counter to xxx Start(0x200)
00FF RET Return from Subroutine
10xy MOV x(R/P) y(R/P) Copies a value of a register to target register
2xxy MOV x(V) y(R/P) Copies a integer to target register
F0xx Label / Subroutine Marker for subroutine. xx = Size of Subroutine

Arithmetic Operations

Code Assembly Meaning
300x ADD x(R/P) Adds value of register to acc register
31xx ADD x(V) Adds integer to acc register
320x SUB x(R/P) Substracts value of register from acc register
33xx SUB x(V) Substracts integer from acc register
3400 INC Increments acc by 1
3500 DEC Decrements acc by 1
360x MUL x(R/P) Multiplies value of register with acc register
37xx MUL x(V) Multiplies integer with acc register
380x DIV x(R/P) Divides value of register with acc register
39xx DIV x(V) Divides integer with acc register
3A0x AND x(R/P) Bitwise AND value of register to acc register
3Bxx AND x(V) Bitwise AND integer to acc register
3C0x OR x(R/P) Bitwise OR value of register to acc register
3Dxx OR x(V) Bitwise OR integer to acc register
3E0x XOR x(R/P) Bitwise XOR value of register to acc register
3Fxx XOR x(V) Bitwise XOR integer to acc register

Bit Manipulation

Bit addressing: Starting from the least significant bit (LSB) with index 0 to most significatin bit (MSB) value 7.

Binary (Dec 149) 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Bit weight 2^n 2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
Position Label MSB - - - - - - LSB
Code Assembly Meaning
400x STB x(V) Set Bit position x on acc
410x GTB x(V) Get Bit position x on acc
480x CLB x(V) Get Bit position x on acc
420x SHL x(V) Shift left acc by x bits
430x SHR x(V) Shift right acc by x bits
440x RTL x(V) Rotate left acc by x bits
450x RTR x(V) Rotate right acc by x bits
4600 GCN Load ctrl to acc
4700 SCN Save acc to ctrl

Compare Operations

Code Assembly Meaning
500x CMP x(R/P) if (x == acc) next line ? else: skip next line
51xx CMP x(V) if (x == acc) next line ? else: skip next line
520x CNE x(R/P) if (x != acc) next line ? else: skip next line
53xx CNE x(V) if (x != acc) next line ? else: skip next line
540x CGT x(R/P) if (x < acc) next line ? else: skip next line
55xx CGT x(V) if (x < acc) next line ? else: skip next line
560x CLT x(R/P) if (x > acc) next line ? else: skip next line
57xx CLT x(V) if (x > acc) next line ? else: skip next line
580x CGE x(R/P) if (x <= acc) next line ? else: skip next line
59xx CGE x(V) if (x <= acc) next line ? else: skip next line
5A0x CLE x(R/P) if (x >= acc) next line ? else: skip next line
5Bxx CLE x(V) if (x >= acc) next line ? else: skip next line

Error Codes

If a command is not found, the tokenizer will return the following pseudo op codes:

Pseudo OpCode Meaning
0x8000 Illegal instruction found
0x8001 Illegal address found
0x8002 Memory access violation